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Last active January 4, 2016 06:49
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  • Save peteburtis/8584874 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save peteburtis/8584874 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is an AppleScript that works with FileBase 0.8 (free beta from to download a subset of photos. It remembers which photos it's downloaded before using FileBase's tagging feature, so it's suitable to run frequently (perhaps daily) via a calendar event, cron job, or some other mechanism.
-- An AppleScript to download a subset of photos
-- into a folder on your local computer.
-- By default, it downloads everything to '~/Pictures/ADN Photos'
-- It remembers which photos have been downloaded and
-- which have not (via FileBase's tagging feature),
-- making it suitable to run every day via a calendar
-- event or cron job or equivalent.
-- REQUIRES FileBase 0.8 or later.
-- (Available as a free beta at
-- Download this script, already compiled into a
-- Mac .app here:
-- IMPORTANT: This script may pause for 30 seconds at
-- a time or more as FileBase waits for's
-- rate limit to reset. Especially during the last phase
-- where tags are added to downloaded photos.
-- Customizable parameters: ----------------
-- The name of a folder within users Pictures folder that will be created to download the photos to.
set destinationFolderName to "ADN Photos"
-- The Type parameters for the photos we're interested in downloading.
-- Defaults to Sprinter Photos, Ohai Photos, and Favd photos.
-- Open FileBase and do a Get Info on a photo to see its type if you'd like to customize.
set allPhotoTypes to {"com.alwaysallthetime.sprinter", "", "com.yourhead.favd.image"}
-- This is the tag that the script sets on a photo once it's downloaded
-- to ensure it isn't downloaded again.
set downloadedTag to "AppleScript Downloaded"
-- The first part of this script deals with getting or creating
-- a folder to download the photos into.
-- It defaults to downloading photos to '~/Pictures/ADN Photos',
-- creating the 'ADN Photos' folder if it doesn't exist.
tell application "Finder"
-- An existing folder to create our destination folder within.
-- "~/Pictures/"
set containerFolder to folder "Pictures" of (path to home folder)
-- Get a reference to the destination folder, or create if it doesn't exist
-- "~/Pictures/ADN Photos"
set destination to (make new folder at containerFolder with properties {name:destinationFolderName}) as alias
on error
set destination to folder destinationFolderName of containerFolder as alias
end try
end tell
-- Now that the folder is found or created and we have an alias of it, here's
-- where the meat of the script begins.
-- We get all the photos of the proper type in our storage, iterate through list
-- list keeping only photos that haven't been tagged 'Script Downloaded',
-- download just those new photos, and then add the 'Script Downloaded' tag
-- to them so we don't download them again.
with timeout of 1200 seconds
-- Give ourselves 20 minutes (1200 seconds) to do everything
-- (Downloading all these photos can take a while)
tell application "FileBase"
wait for load -- Waits until FileBase has completely downloaded the list of files available from
-- Create a list called allPhotos, iterate over over our list of types to fill it.
set allPhotos to {}
repeat with photoType in allPhotoTypes
set selectedPhotos to (adnFiles where adn type is photoType)
set allPhotos to allPhotos & selectedPhotos
end repeat
-- Create a new list called undownloadedPhotos. Iterate over all
-- photos, checking whether or not each one has the 'Script Downloaded'
-- tag set. If the tag isn't set, we haven't downloaded this photo before, so add
-- it to the undownloaded list.
set undownloadedPhotos to {}
repeat with photo in allPhotos
if tags of photo does not contain downloadedTag then
set end of undownloadedPhotos to photo
end if
end repeat
-- Have FileBase download the photos to our destination folder
download undownloadedPhotos to destination
-- Finally, add the 'Script Downloaded' tag to each photo we've just downloaded
-- so it won't be downloaded again on future runs of this script.
repeat with photo in undownloadedPhotos
add tag downloadedTag to photo
end repeat
end tell
end timeout
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