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Created September 6, 2016 16:20
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visualization_msgs::Marker marker;
marker.header.frame_id = "ortho_body";
marker.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
marker.ns = "my_namespace"; = 0;
marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE;
marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
marker.pose.position.x = carrot_ortho_body_frame(0);
marker.pose.position.y = carrot_ortho_body_frame(1);
marker.pose.position.z = carrot_ortho_body_frame(2);
marker.scale.x = 0.5;
marker.scale.y = 0.5;
marker.scale.z = 0.5;
marker.color.a = 0.5; // Don't forget to set the alpha!
marker.color.r = 0.9;
marker.color.g = 0.4;
marker.color.b = 0.0;
carrot_pub.publish( marker );
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