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Created July 31, 2021 05:55
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import binascii
import sqlite3
import collections
import math
import re
RE_SPLIT = re.compile(r'[^A-Za-z0-9_]+')
def tokenize(s):
# this is super basic and should be replaced with a real tokenizer
return [word[:-2] for word in RE_SPLIT.split(s.lower()) if len(word) > 2]
conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
c = conn.cursor()
create table terms (
search_index_id bigint not null,
term_id bigint not null,
doc_id bigint not null,
tf double not null,
primary key (term_id, doc_id)
create index idx_terms on terms (search_index_id, term_id, tf)
def add_document(cursor, search_index_id, doc_id, tokens):
counter = collections.Counter(tokens)
rows = ((search_index_id, binascii.crc32(bytes(key, 'utf8')), doc_id, math.sqrt(count)) for key, count in counter.items())
cursor.executemany('insert into terms (search_index_id, term_id, doc_id, tf) values (?, ?, ?, ?)', rows)
def search(cursor, search_index_id, tokens, n_candidates = 10000):
# implementation of
token_ids = set([binascii.crc32(bytes(key, 'utf8')) for key in tokens])
# first get idf for each term
cursor.execute('select count(*) from terms where search_index_id=?', (search_index_id,))
num_docs, = cursor.fetchone()
cursor.execute('select term_id, count(*) from terms where term_id in (%s) group by term_id' % (','.join(str(x) for x in token_ids),))
idf = {}
for term_id, doc_freq in cursor.fetchall():
idf[term_id] = 1 + math.log(num_docs / (doc_freq + 1))
# now get the most likely candidate doc_ids
limit = n_candidates * len(token_ids)
cursor.execute('select term_id, tf, doc_id from terms where search_index_id=%d and term_id in (%s) order by tf desc limit %d' % (search_index_id, ','.join(str(x) for x in token_ids), limit))
# score each candidate doc_id using tfidf * coord
results = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
coords = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for term_id, tf, doc_id in cursor.fetchall():
results[doc_id] += tf * idf[term_id]
coords[doc_id] += 1
# calc coord (percent of terms in the query that match the doc)
for doc_id, num_matched in coords.items():
results[doc_id] *= num_matched / len(token_ids)
return sorted(((score, doc_id) for (doc_id, score) in results.items()), reverse=True)
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