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Created September 11, 2013 00:54
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XViewPatterns #-}
module Derivation
import Control.Monad.Error
-- import AbstractTree
-- Stump definition of Expr
data Expr = Variable String Int | Type | Kind deriving (Eq)
data DerivationRule =
| StartRule
| WeakeningRule
| ApplicationRule
| AbstractionRule
| ConversionRule
| SpecificRule
-- Derivation name assumptions gamma a T
data Derivation = Derivation DerivationRule [Derivation] [Expr] Expr Expr
-- Get conclusion of a derivation.
conc (Derivation _ _ gamma expr typ) = (gamma, expr, typ)
typeOrKind = (`elem` [Type, Kind])
wellformed :: Derivation -> Either Derivation ()
wellformed (Derivation AxiomRule [] [] Type Kind) = return ()
wellformed (Derivation StartRule
[ d@(conc -> (gamma, typeA, s)) ]
((== typeA:gamma) -> True)
(Variable _ 0)
((== typeA) -> True)) = wellformed d
wellformed (Derivation WeakeningRule
[ d1@(conc -> (gamma, typeA, typeB)),
d2@(conc -> (((== gamma) -> True), typeC, (typeOrKind -> True))) ]
((== typeC:gamma) -> True)
((== typeA) -> True)
((== typeB) -> True)) = do wellformed d1
wellformed d2
-- This is the old version of the above rule.
all_eq :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool
all_eq [] = True
all_eq (x:xs) = all ((==) x) xs
wellformed (Derivation WeakeningRule
[ d1@(Derivation _ _ gamma typeA typeB)
, d2@(Derivation _ _ gamma' typeC' s)]
(typeC:gamma'') typeA' typeB')
| all_eq [gamma, gamma', gamma''] &&
all_eq [typeA, typeA'] &&
all_eq [typeB, typeB'] &&
all_eq [typeC, typeC'] &&
s `elem` [Type, Kind] = do
wellformed d1
wellformed d2
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