This recipe is useful for cooking up chained API calls as a result of a single action.
In the below example, a single action called POST_REPO
is dispatched and it's intention is to create a new repostiory on GitHub then update the README with new data after it is created.
For this to happen there are 4 API calls necessary to the GitHub API:
- POST a new repostiry
- GET the master branch of the new repository
- GET the files on the master branch
- PUT the
's payload contains payload.repo
with information needed for API call 1.
The response from API call 1 is necessary for API call 2.
The response from API call 2 is necessary for API call 3.
The response from API call 3 and payload.file
, which has information needed to update the file, is neccessary for API call 4.
Using Observable.ForkJoin
makes this possible.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Effect, Actions } from '@ngrx/effects';
import { Action } from '@ngrx/store';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import { handleError } from './handleError';
import { GithubService } from '../services/github.service';
import * as githubActions from '../actions/github';
export class GitHubEffects {
postRepo$: Observable<Action> = this.actions$
.map((action: githubActions.PostRepo) => action.payload)
// return the payload and POST the repo
.switchMap((payload: any) => Observable.forkJoin([
// return the repo and the master branch as an array
.switchMap((data: any) => {
const [payload, repo] = data;
return Observable.forkJoin([
// return the payload, the repo, and get the sha for README
.switchMap((data: any) => {
const [payload, repo, branch] = data;
return Observable.forkJoin([
this.githubService.getFiles(, branch)
.map((files: any) => files.tree
.filter(file => file.path === '')
.map(file => file.sha)[0]
// update README with data from payload.file
.switchMap((data: any) => {
const [payload, repo, sha] = data;
payload.file.sha = sha;
return this.githubService.putFile(, payload.file);
private actions$: Actions,
private githubService: GithubService,
) {}
how do you handle the error?