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Last active January 3, 2025 15:35
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Qwixx Score Sheet implemented in Typst
#let red = red.desaturate(70%);
#let yellow = yellow.desaturate(70%);
#let blue = blue.desaturate(70%);
#let green = green.desaturate(70%);
#let gray = gray.lighten(20%);
#let black = black.lighten(10%);
#let lightgray = gray.lighten(70%);
#show table.cell: it => {
if it.x > 0 and it.y == 5 {
set text(size: 8pt, weight: 600)
} else if it.x > 0 and it.y == 6 {
set text(size: 10pt, weight: 600)
} else {
#let ScoreSheet() = {
columns: (3fr, 2fr, 2fr, 2fr, 2fr, 2fr, 2fr, 2fr, 2fr, 2fr, 2fr, 2fr, 2fr),
rows: (2fr, 2fr, 2fr, 2fr, 2fr, 1fr, 1.4fr, 4fr),
stroke: 0.06em + black,
fill: (x, y) => {
if x == 0 {
if y == 0 { red.saturate(30%) }
if y == 1 { yellow.saturate(30%) }
if y == 2 { blue.saturate(30%) }
if y == 3 { green.saturate(30%) }
} else {
if y == 0 { red }
if y == 1 { yellow }
if y == 2 { blue }
if y == 3 { green }
[RÖD ],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12],[~],
[GUL ],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12],[~],
[BLÅ ],[12],[11],[10],[9],[8],[7],[6],[5],[4],[3],[2],[~],
table.cell(colspan: 9)[~],
table.cell(colspan: 4, inset: 0em)[
columns: (1fr, 1fr, 1fr, 1fr),
rows: (1.8fr,2fr),
stroke: 0.06em + black,
table.cell(colspan: 4, fill: gray)[BOM -5],
table.cell(fill: lightgray)[~],
table.cell(fill: lightgray)[~],
table.cell(fill: lightgray)[~],
table.cell(fill: lightgray)[~],
table.cell(colspan: 13, inset: (top: 1em, left: 0em, right: 0em, bottom: 0em))[
columns: (1fr, 1fr, 1fr, 1fr, 1fr, 1fr),
rows: (1fr, 1.5fr),
stroke: 0.06em + black,
table.cell(fill: red.saturate(30%))[RÖD],
table.cell(fill: yellow.saturate(30%))[GUL],
table.cell(fill: blue.saturate(30%))[BLÅ],
table.cell(fill: green.saturate(30%))[GRÖN],
table.cell(fill: gray)[BOM],
table.cell(fill: white)[SUMMA],
table.cell(fill: red)[~],
table.cell(fill: yellow, align: left + horizon, inset: 0em)[+],
table.cell(fill: blue, align: left + horizon, inset: 0em)[+],
table.cell(fill: green, align: left + horizon, inset: 0em)[+],
table.cell(fill: lightgray, align: left + horizon, inset: 0em)[-],
table.cell(fill: white, align: left + horizon, inset: 0em)[=],
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
#import "Qwixx.typ"
#set page(
paper: "a4",
margin: (x: 8mm, y: 8mm),
#set text(
font: "Inter",
weight: 600,
size: 7.2pt,
#set table(
align: center + horizon,
stroke: none,
columns: 2,
gutter: 4em,
rows: 1fr,
Qwixx.ScoreSheet(), Qwixx.ScoreSheet(),
Qwixx.ScoreSheet(), Qwixx.ScoreSheet(),
Qwixx.ScoreSheet(), Qwixx.ScoreSheet(),
Qwixx.ScoreSheet(), Qwixx.ScoreSheet(),
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
#import "Qwixx.typ"
#set page(
paper: "a7",
flipped: true,
margin: (x: 3mm, y: 3mm),
#set text(
font: "Inter",
weight: 600,
size: 7.2pt,
#set table(
align: center + horizon,
stroke: none,
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