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Created September 25, 2022 05:25
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Ellipse module from Akasha audio application
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# E1101: Module 'x' has no 'y' member
# pylint: disable=E1101
Ellipses module
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import scipy as sc
from cmath import rect
from akasha.curves.curve import Curve
from akasha.curves.ellipse_fit import (
from akasha.math import as_complex
from akasha.math.geometry import is_orthogonal, midpoint, rotate_towards
from akasha.math.geometry.affine_transform import AffineTransform
from akasha.math import pi2
from akasha.utils.python import class_name
__all__ = ['Ellipse']
def ellipse_axes_normalised(a, b, angle=0):
if float(a) < 0:
a = -a
angle += np.pi
if float(b) < 0:
b = -b
return a, b, angle % pi2
class Ellipse(Curve):
Ellipse curve
Parameters are normalised so that:
- Parameter `a` always determines the direction
(given by the `angle` parameter)
- Both `a` and `b` are >= 0
- Parameter `b` can be greater than `a`, so use Ellipse#major
if you need the major axis length
def __init__(self, a, b, angle=0, origin=0):
# Note! If thinking of making a always the semi-major axis,
# the angle needs to be rotated plus or minus 90 degrees or so.
# It is not as easy as it sounds, and care needs to be taken
# to make it correct!
(a, b, angle) = ellipse_axes_normalised(a, b, angle)
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.angle = angle % pi2
self.origin = origin
def major(self):
a, b = np.abs(self.a), np.abs(self.b)
return a if a > b else b
def minor(self):
a, b = np.abs(self.a), np.abs(self.b)
return b if a > b else a
def __repr__(self):
return (
f'{class_name(self)}({self.a}, {self.b}, '
+ f'{self.angle}, {self.origin})'
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.a, self.b, self.angle, self.origin))
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
hash(self) == hash(other)
return NotImplemented
def parametric(self, points):
General parametric form of ellipse curve
cos = self.a * np.cos(points)
sin = self.b * np.sin(points)
cos_angle = np.cos(self.angle)
sin_angle = np.sin(self.angle)
x = self.origin.real + cos * cos_angle - sin * sin_angle
y = self.origin.imag + cos * sin_angle + sin * cos_angle
return as_complex(np.array([np.asanyarray(x), np.asanyarray(y)]))
def at(self, tau):
"""Polar form of ellipse relative to center, translated
and rotated to origin and angle.
thetas = np.asanyarray(tau) * pi2
b_cos = self.b * np.cos(thetas)
a_sin = self.a * np.sin(thetas)
radius = self.a * self.b / np.sqrt(b_cos ** 2 + a_sin ** 2)
angles = thetas + self.angle
signal = radius * np.exp(angles * 1j) + self.origin
return signal
def curvature(self, tau):
"""Curvature of an ellipse. formula 59
t = np.asanyarray(tau) * pi2 + self.angle
b_cos = self.b ** 2 * np.cos(t) ** 2
a_sin = self.a ** 2 * np.sin(t) ** 2
return (self.a * self.b) / (b_cos + a_sin) ** (3 / 2)
def roc(self, tau):
"""Radius of curvature."""
return 1.0 / self.curvature(tau)
def arc_length(self, tau):
"""Arc length of the ellipse.
Formula (4) from:
# TODO is substracting self.angle necessary?
rad = np.fmod(np.asarray(tau) * pi2 - self.angle, np.pi)
return self.a * sc.special.ellipeinc(rad, self.eccentricity ** 2)
def circumference(self):
return 4.0 * self.arc_length(0.25)
def eccentricity(self):
"""Eccentricity of the ellipse:
return np.sqrt(1.0 - (self.minor / self.major) ** 2)
def from_rhombus(cls, para):
a, b, c, d = para
para_origin = para - midpoint(a, c)
k, m = np.abs(para_origin)[:2]
return cls(m, k, np.angle(para_origin)[3], midpoint(a, c))
def from_parallelogram(cls, para):
dia = np.array([1, 1j, -1, -1j])
sq = np.array([1 + 1j, -1 + 1j, -1 - 1j, 1 - 1j])
center = midpoint(para[0], para[2])
para_at_origin = para - center
tr = AffineTransform()
tr.estimate(dia, para_at_origin)
u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(
tr.params[:2, :2], full_matrices=False, compute_uv=True
a, b = s[:2]
uv = np.eye(3)
uv[:2, :2] = u * np.diag(s) * v
uv = AffineTransform(uv)
return cls(
# np.angle(uv(dia[0])),
# np.angle(tr.inverse(dia))[0],
# pi2 / 4 + tr.rotation + np.tan(tr.shear),
def from_conjugate_diameters(cls, para):
"""Find the major and minor axes of an ellipse from a parallelogram
determining the conjugate diameters.
Uses Rytz's construction for algorithm:
para = np.asarray(para, dtype=np.complex128)
c = midpoint(para[0], para[2])
para = para - c
u, v = para[:2]
if is_orthogonal(u, v):
return cls(np.abs(u), np.abs(v), np.angle(u), c)
# Step 1
ur = rotate_towards(u, v, 0.25)
s = midpoint(ur, v)
# Step 2
r = rect(np.abs(s), np.angle(ur - s)) + s
m = rect(np.abs(s), np.angle(v - s)) + s
a = np.abs(v - r)
b = np.abs(v - m)
# graph(np.concatenate([
# closed(para + c),
# np.array([u, c, v, ur, 0, s, r, c, m]),
#, 1, 500)) * np.abs(s) + s
# ]), lines=True)
return cls(a, b, np.angle(m), c)
def fit_points(cls, points, method='halir'):
"""Make an ellipse by fitting a set of points using
algorithm from Fitzgibbon.
if method == 'halir':
fit_method = ellipse_fit_fitzgibbon
elif method == 'fitzgibbon':
fit_method = ellipse_fit_halir
raise NotImplementedError(f"Method '{method}' not implemented.")
return cls.from_general_coefficients(*fit_method(points))
def general_coefficients(self):
"""The general form coefficients on an ellipse.
# Helpers
sin_theta = np.sin(self.angle)
cos_theta = np.cos(self.angle)
sin_theta_sq = sin_theta ** 2.0
cos_theta_sq = cos_theta ** 2.0
a_sq = self.a ** 2.0
b_sq = self.b ** 2.0
x = self.origin.real
y = self.origin.imag
# The general coefficient equations
a = a_sq * sin_theta_sq + b_sq * cos_theta_sq
b = 2 * (b_sq - a_sq) * sin_theta * cos_theta
c = a_sq * cos_theta_sq + b_sq * sin_theta_sq
d = -2.0 * a * x - b * y
e = -b * x - 2.0 * c * y
f = a * x ** 2.0 + b * x * y + c * y ** 2.0 - a_sq * b_sq
return np.array([a, b, c, d, e, f])
def from_general_coefficients(cls, a, b, c, d, e, f):
See formulas at the end of section:
# TODO Check for degenerate cases described here:
den = b ** 2 - 4.0 * a * c
acb_pythagorean = np.sqrt(((a - c) ** 2) + b ** 2)
ab_common = a * (e ** 2) + c * (d ** 2) - b * d * e + den * f
a = -np.sqrt(2.0 * ab_common * (a + c + acb_pythagorean)) / den
b = -np.sqrt(2.0 * ab_common * (a + c - acb_pythagorean)) / den
# Make sure a is the major axis
if float(a) < float(b):
[a, b] = [b, a]
x = (2.0 * c * d - b * e) / den
y = (2.0 * a * e - b * d) / den
origin = x + 1j * y
if float(b) == 0:
theta = 0 if a <= c else pi2 / 4.0
theta = np.arctan((c - a - acb_pythagorean) / b)
return cls(a, b, theta, origin)
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