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Created August 31, 2017 07:18
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Notify deveo without a plugin ... handy when the official plugin doesn't work with Pipelines
In your pipeline you can do:
// Notify deveo of build result
deveo = load 'jenkins-deveo-notify.groovy'
deveo.sendCompletedEvent(params.deveo_url, params.deveo_project, params.deveo_repo, params.deveo_name_string, params.deveo_company_key, params.deveo_account_key)
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
def sendCompletedEvent(url, project, repository, name, COMPANY_KEY, ACCOUNT_KEY) {
// url - Deveo url (example:
// project - Project name (note common name)
// repository - Repository name
// name - name of build show in notification
// COMPANY_KEY - company key from Deveo
// ACCOUNT_KEY - account key from Deveo
def GIT_COMMIT = sh (
script: 'git log --pretty=format:"%H" -1',
returnStdout: true
def payload = JsonOutput.toJson([
target: "build",
operation: "completed",
project: project,
repository: repository,
name: name,
commits: [GIT_COMMIT],
resources: [RUN_DISPLAY_URL]
def auth = '''-H \"Authorization: deveo company_key=\'''' + COMPANY_KEY + '''\',account_key=\'''' + ACCOUNT_KEY + ''''\'\" '''
def accept = "-H \"Accept: application/vnd.deveo.v1\""
def contype = "-H \"Content-Type: application/json\""
def content = "-d \'${payload}\'"
sh "curl -s -X POST ${auth} ${accept} ${contype} ${content} ${url}/api/events"
def sendFailedEvent(url, project, repository, name, COMPANY_KEY, ACCOUNT_KEY) {
// url - Deveo url (example:
// project - Project name (note common name)
// repository - Repository name
// name - name of build show in notification
// COMPANY_KEY - company key from Deveo
// ACCOUNT_KEY - account key from Deveo
def GIT_COMMIT = sh (
script: 'git log --pretty=format:"%H" -1',
returnStdout: true
def payload = JsonOutput.toJson([
target: "build",
operation: "failed",
project: project,
repository: repository,
name: name,
commits: [GIT_COMMIT],
resources: [RUN_DISPLAY_URL]
def auth = "-H \"Authorization: deveo company_key='${COMPANY_KEY}',account_key='${ACCOUNT_KEY}'\""
def accept = "-H \"Accept: application/vnd.deveo.v1\""
def contype = "-H \"Content-Type: application/json\""
def content = "-d \'${payload}\'"
sh "curl -s -X POST ${auth} ${accept} ${contype} ${content} ${url}/api/events"
return this;
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