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__author__ = 'yeuchimse'
import struct
FileMode = ['rb', 'wb', 'ab', 'r+b', 'w+b', 'a+b']
Registers = ['eax', 'ebx', 'ecx', 'edx', 'esi', 'edi', 'esp', 'ebp']
# region ...
def format_code(v):
return '[0x%04x]' % v
def format_reg(v):
return Registers[v]
def format_code_reg(v):
return '[%s]' % format_reg(v)
def format_value(v):
return '0x%04x' % v
def uint16(n):
return n & 0xFFFF
# endregion
# region xtea
def up(s):
sa = []
for i in xrange(0, len(s), 4):
sa.append(struct.unpack('>I', s[i:i + 4])[0])
return sa
def p(sa):
s = ''
for n in sa:
s += struct.pack('>I', n)
return s
def xtea_block(c, k):
v0, v1 = up(c)
key = up(k)
delta = 0x9E3779B9
sum = (delta * 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF
for i in xrange(32):
v1 -= (((v0 << 4) ^ (v0 >> 5)) + v0) ^ (sum + key[(sum >> 11) & 3])
v1 &= 0xFFFFFFFF
sum -= delta
sum &= 0xFFFFFFFF
v0 -= (((v1 << 4) ^ (v1 >> 5)) + v1) ^ (sum + key[sum & 3])
v0 &= 0xFFFFFFFF
return p([v0, v1])
# endregion
# region functions
def execute_function_2_params(vm, func):
print vm.two_params(),
a, b = vm.code[vm.eip], vm.code[vm.eip + 1]
type = a >> 6
if type:
if type == 1:
param1 = vm.read_word(a & 0x3F)
elif type == 2:
param1 = vm.read_word(vm.regs[a & 0x3F])
param1 = vm.regs[a & 0x3F]
type = b >> 6
if type:
if type == 1:
param2 = vm.read_word(b & 0x3F)
elif type == 2:
param2 = vm.read_word(vm.regs[b & 0x3F])
elif type == 3:
param2 = b & 0x3F
param2 = vm.regs[b & 0x3F]
result = func(param1, param2)
type = a >> 6
if type:
if type == 1:
vm.write_word(a & 0x3F, result)
elif type == 2:
vm.write_word(vm.regs[a & 0x3F], result)
vm.regs[a & 0x3F] = result
vm.eip += 2
def execute_function_1_param(vm, func):
print vm.two_params(),
a = vm.code[vm.eip]
type = a >> 6
if type:
if type == 1:
param = vm.read_word([a & 0x3F])
result = func(param)
vm.write_word(a & 0x3F, result)
elif type == 2:
param = vm.read_word([vm.regs[a & 0x3F]])
result = func(param)
vm.write_word(vm.regs[a & 0x3F], result)
param = vm.regs[a & 0x3F]
result = func(param)
vm.regs[a & 0x3F] = result
if result == 0:
vm.zero_flag = 1
vm.zero_flag = 0
vm.eip += 1
def add(vm):
print 'add',
execute_function_2_params(vm, lambda a, b: a + b)
def sub(vm):
print 'sub',
execute_function_2_params(vm, lambda a, b: a - b)
def inc(vm):
print 'inc',
execute_function_1_param(vm, lambda a: a + 1)
def dec(vm):
print 'dec',
execute_function_1_param(vm, lambda a: a - 1)
def and_(vm):
print 'and',
execute_function_2_params(vm, lambda a, b: a & b)
def or_(vm):
print 'or',
return execute_function_2_params(vm, lambda a, b: a | b)
def xor(vm):
print 'xor',
return execute_function_2_params(vm, lambda a, b: a ^ b)
def not_(vm):
print 'not',
execute_function_1_param(vm, lambda a: ~a)
def shl(vm):
print 'shl',
return execute_function_2_params(vm, lambda a, b: a << b)
def shr(vm):
print 'shr',
return execute_function_2_params(vm, lambda a, b: a >> b)
def rol(vm):
print 'rol',
execute_function_2_params(vm, lambda a, b: a << b | a >> (16 - b))
def ror(vm):
print 'ror',
execute_function_2_params(vm, lambda a, b: a >> b | a << (16 - b))
def ror8(vm):
print 'ror8',
execute_function_1_param(vm, lambda a: a >> 8 | a << 8)
def mov(vm):
print 'mov',
execute_function_2_params(vm, lambda a, b: b)
def xtea(vm):
print 'call xtea'
num_of_block = vm.code[vm.eip]
addr = vm.eip + 2
key = vm.read_bytes(vm.regs[2], 16)
for i in xrange(num_of_block):
cipher = vm.read_bytes(addr, 8)
plain = xtea_block(cipher, key)
vm.write_bytes(addr, plain)
addr += 8
vm.eip += 2
def cmp(vm):
print 'cmp', vm.two_params(),
a, b = vm.code[vm.eip], vm.code[vm.eip + 1]
type = a >> 6
if type:
if type == 1:
param1 = vm.read_word(a & 0x3F)
elif type == 2:
param1 = vm.read_word(vm.regs[a & 0x3F])
param1 = vm.regs[a & 0x3F]
type = b >> 6
if type:
if type == 1:
param2 = vm.read_word(b & 0x3F)
elif type == 2:
param2 = vm.read_word(vm.regs[b & 0x3F])
elif type == 3:
param2 = b & 0x3F
param2 = vm.regs[b & 0x3F]
if param1 - param2 == 0:
vm.zero_flag = 1
vm.zero_flag = 0
vm.eip += 2
def mul(vm):
print 'mul',
a = vm.code[vm.eip]
type = a >> 6
if type:
if type == 1:
param1 = vm.read_word(a & 0x3F)
elif type == 2:
param1 = vm.read_word(vm.regs[a & 0x3F])
param1 = vm.regs[a & 0x3F]
result = vm.regs[0] * param1
vm.regs[0] = result & 0xFFFF
vm.regs[3] = (result & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16
vm.eip += 1
def div(vm):
print 'div',
a = vm.code[vm.eip]
type = a >> 6
if type:
if type == 1:
param = vm.read_word(a & 0x3F)
elif type == 2:
param = vm.read_word(vm.regs[a & 0x3F])
param = vm.regs[a & 0x3F]
n = vm.regs[0] | (vm.regs[3] << 16)
vm.regs[0] = n / param
vm.regs[3] = n % param
if vm.regs[0] == 0:
vm.zero_flag = 1
vm.zero_flag = 0
vm.eip += 1
def xchg(vm):
print 'xchg', vm.two_params()
a, b = vm.code[vm.eip], vm.code[vm.eip + 1]
type2 = b >> 6
if type2:
if type2 == 1:
param2 = vm.read_word(b & 0x3F)
elif type2 == 2:
param2 = vm.read_word(vm.regs[b & 0x3F])
param2 = vm.regs[b & 0x3F]
# write dst to src
type = a >> 6
if type:
if type == 1:
param1 = vm.read_word(a & 0x3F)
vm.write_word(a & 0x3F, param2)
elif type == 2:
param1 = vm.read_word(vm.regs[a & 0x3F])
vm.write_word(vm.regs[a & 0x3F], param2)
param1 = vm.regs[a & 0x3F]
vm.regs[a & 0x3F] = param2
# write src to dst
if type2:
if type2 == 1:
vm.write_word(b & 0x3F, param1)
elif type2 == 2:
vm.write_word(vm.regs[b & 0x3F], param1)
vm.regs[b & 0x3F] = param1
vm.eip += 2
def call(vm):
print 'call',
target = vm.read_word(vm.eip)
vm.esp -= 1
vm.eip += 2
vm.stack[vm.esp] = vm.eip
vm.eip += target
print format_value(uint16(vm.eip + 1))
def call_absolute(vm):
print 'call',
a = vm.code[vm.eip]
type = a >> 6
if type:
if type == 1:
param = vm.read_word(a & 0x3F)
raise 'Error'
param = vm.regs[a & 0x3F]
vm.esp -= 1
vm.stack[vm.esp] = vm.eip + 1
vm.eip = param
print format_value(uint16(vm.eip + 1))
def ret(vm):
print 'ret',
vm.eip = vm.stack[vm.esp]
vm.esp += 1
def jump(vm):
print 'jmp',
vm.eip += vm.read_word(vm.eip) + 2
print format_value(uint16(vm.eip + 1))
def jump_if_zero(vm):
print 'jz',
if vm.zero_flag:
vm.eip = vm.eip + 2 + vm.read_word(vm.eip)
vm.eip += 2
print format_value(uint16(vm.eip + 1))
def jump_if_not_zero(vm):
print 'jnz',
if not vm.zero_flag:
vm.eip = vm.eip + 2 + vm.read_word(vm.eip)
vm.eip += 2
print format_value(uint16(vm.eip + 1))
def jump_if_error(vm):
print 'js',
if vm.error_flag:
vm.eip = vm.eip + 2 + vm.read_word(vm.eip)
vm.eip += 2
print format_value(uint16(vm.eip + 1))
def jump_if_not_error(vm):
print 'jns',
if not vm.error_flag:
vm.eip = vm.eip + 2 + vm.read_word(vm.eip)
vm.eip = vm.eip + 2
print format_value(uint16(vm.eip + 1))
def loop(vm):
print 'loop',
vm.regs[2] -= 1
if vm.regs[2]:
vm.eip = vm.eip + 2 + vm.read_word(vm.eip)
vm.eip = vm.eip + 2
print format_value(uint16(vm.eip + 1))
def read_from(vm):
print 'mov %s, %s' % (format_reg(0), format_code_reg(4))
print ' inc %s' % (format_reg(4)),
vm.regs[0] = vm.code[vm.regs[4]]
if vm.flags & 0b1000000 == 0:
vm.regs[4] += 1
vm.regs[4] -= 1
def write_to(vm):
print 'mov %s, %s' % (format_code_reg(5), format_reg(0))
print ' inc %s' % (format_reg(5)),
vm.code[vm.regs[5]] = vm.regs[0]
if vm.flags & 0b1000000:
vm.regs[5] -= 1
vm.regs[5] += 1
def push(vm):
print 'push', vm.one_params(),
a = vm.code[vm.eip]
type = a >> 6
if type:
if type == 1:
param = vm.read_word(a & 0x3F)
elif type == 2:
param = vm.read_word(vm.regs[a & 0x3F])
param = vm.regs[a & 0x3F]
vm.esp -= 1
vm.stack[vm.esp] = param
vm.eip += 1
def pop(vm):
print 'pop', vm.one_params(),
value = vm.stack[vm.esp]
vm.esp += 1
a = vm.code[vm.eip]
type = a >> 6
if type:
if type == 1:
vm.write_word(a & 0x3F, value)
elif type == 2:
vm.write_word(vm.regs[a & 0x3F], value)
vm.regs[a & 0x3F] = value
vm.eip += 1
def open_file(vm):
filename = vm.read_str(vm.regs[3])
filemode = FileMode[vm.regs[2]]
print 'open(%r, %r)' % (filename, filemode),
vm.files[0] = open(filename, filemode)
vm.error_flag = 0
vm.error_flag = 1
def close_file(vm):
print 'close',
vm.error_flag = 0
def read_char(vm):
print 'fgetc',
vm.flags &= 0b11111110
vm.regs[0] = ord(vm.files[0].read(1))
def print_char(vm):
print 'print %r' % chr(vm.regs[2] & 0xFF),
vm.stdout += chr(vm.regs[2] & 0xFF)
def finish():
print 'finish'
def clear_flags_6(vm):
vm.flags &= 0b10111111
def set_flags_6(vm):
vm.flags |= 0b01000000
def null(vm):
print 'nop',
def exit(vm):
print 'exit',
vm.finish = 1
def process_first_block(vm):
print 'call process_first_block'
a = vm.code[vm.eip]
print ' div %s, 0x%x' % (format_reg(a % 0x3F), 11)
v = vm.regs[a % 0x3F]
vm.regs[0] = v / 11
vm.regs[3] = v % 11
if v:
vm.zero_flag = 0
vm.zero_flag = 1
vm.eip += 1
def process_second_block(vm):
print 'call process_second_block'
a = vm.code[vm.eip]
print ' div %s, 0x%x' % (format_reg(a % 0x3F), 9)
v = vm.regs[a % 0x3F]
vm.regs[0] = v / 9
vm.regs[3] = v % 9
if v:
vm.zero_flag = 0
vm.zero_flag = 1
vm.eip += 1
# endregion
# region VM
class VM(object):
def __init__(self):
self.regs = [0] * 8
self.esp = 256
self.flags = 0
self.eip = 0
self.files = [None] * 20
self.error_code = 0
self.functions = [None] * 43
self.instrutions = {}
self.finish = 0
self.stdout = ''
self.code = open('code.hex', 'rb').read().decode('hex')
self.code = map(ord, self.code)
self.code_word = []
for i in xrange(0, len(self.code), 2):
a, b = self.code[i], self.code[i + 1]
self.code_word.append(a | (b << 16))
self.stack = [0] * 256
self.code_size = 980
self.buf_size = 2004
self.functions[0] = add
self.functions[1] = sub
self.functions[2] = cmp
self.functions[3] = mul
self.functions[4] = div
self.functions[5] = inc
self.functions[6] = dec
self.functions[7] = and_
self.functions[8] = or_
self.functions[9] = xor
self.functions[10] = not_
self.functions[11] = mov
self.functions[12] = xchg
self.functions[13] = ror8
self.functions[14] = shl
self.functions[15] = shr
self.functions[16] = rol
self.functions[17] = ror
self.functions[18] = loop
self.functions[19] = read_from
self.functions[20] = write_to
self.functions[21] = push
self.functions[22] = pop
self.functions[23] = xtea
self.functions[24] = call
self.functions[25] = call_absolute
self.functions[26] = ret
self.functions[27] = jump
self.functions[28] = jump_if_zero
self.functions[29] = jump_if_not_zero
self.functions[30] = jump_if_error
self.functions[31] = jump_if_not_error
self.functions[32] = open_file
self.functions[33] = close_file
self.functions[34] = read_char
self.functions[35] = print_char
self.functions[36] = exit
self.functions[37] = exit
self.functions[38] = clear_flags_6
self.functions[39] = set_flags_6
self.functions[40] = null
self.functions[41] = process_first_block
self.functions[42] = process_second_block
def read_word(self, i):
return self.code[i] | (self.code[i + 1] << 8)
def write_word(self, i, value):
self.code[i] = value & 0xFF
self.code[i + 1] = (value & 0xFF00) >> 8
def read_str(self, i):
return ''.join(map(chr, self.code[i:])).split('\x00')[0]
def read_bytes(self, i, n):
return ''.join(map(chr, self.code[i:]))[:n]
def write_bytes(self, i, s):
s = map(ord, s)
for j in xrange(len(s)):
self.code[i + j] = s[j]
def two_params(self):
param1, param2 = self.code[vm.eip], self.code[vm.eip + 1]
type1 = param1 >> 6
if type1:
if type1 == 1:
src = format_code(param1 & 0x3F)
elif type1 == 2:
src = format_code_reg(param1 & 0x3F)
src = format_reg(param1 & 0x3F)
type2 = param2 >> 6
if type2:
if type2 == 1:
dst = format_code(param2 & 0x3F)
elif type2 == 2:
dst = format_code_reg(param2 & 0x3F)
elif type2 == 3:
dst = format_value(param2 & 0x3F)
dst = format_reg(param2 & 0x3F)
return '%s, %s' % (src, dst)
return '%s' % src
def one_params(self):
param1 = self.code[vm.eip]
type1 = param1 >> 6
if type1:
if type1 == 1:
src = format_code(param1 & 0x3F)
elif type1 == 2:
src = format_code_reg(param1 & 0x3F)
src = format_reg(param1 & 0x3F)
return '%s' % src
def registers(self):
return 'eax: 0x%04x | ebx: 0x%04x | ecx: 0x%04x | edx: 0x%04x \n' \
' esi: 0x%04x | edi: 0x%04x | esp: 0x%04x | ebp: 0x%04x' % tuple(
def error_flag(self):
return self.flags & 1
def error_flag(self, v):
if v:
self.flags |= 1
self.flags &= 0b11111110
def zero_flag(self):
return (self.flags & 0b1000) >> 3
def zero_flag(self, v):
if v:
self.flags |= 0b1000
self.flags &= 0b11110111
def esp(self):
return self.regs[6]
def esp(self, v):
self.regs[6] = v
def run(self):
while self.eip < self.code_size:
print ''
function_index = self.code[self.eip]
if function_index > 43:
self.eip += 1
if self.eip not in self.instrutions:
self.instrutions[self.eip] = True
print 'regs : ', self.registers()
print 'stack: ', map(hex, vm.stack[-5:][::-1])
print 'flag : %s (zero flag: %d | error_flag: %d)' % (bin(vm.flags), vm.zero_flag, vm.error_flag)
print '0x%04x ' % self.eip,
print ''
self.eip = uint16(self.eip)
self.regs = map(uint16, self.regs)
if vm.finish:
print vm.stdout
# endregion
vm = VM()
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