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Peter W peterwwillis

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peterwwillis / gist:3248bcd37bb9080ef35b5a83f2f324d3
Last active January 23, 2025 00:17
ThinkPad T14s Gen 4 - Linux tweaks

Setting up ThinkPad T14s Gen4 in Ubuntu Linux


I finally settled on a new personal Linux laptop, and it's the Lenovo ThinkPad T14s Gen 4 w/AMD processor, 32GB RAM, and Low-power 500 nits display.

I had mine shipped with Ubuntu, it comes with (I think) Ubuntu 22.04.01 LTS. It's nice because they set up the BIOS to come with Secure Boot enabled for Ubuntu. Everything works out of the box.

peterwwillis /
Created November 8, 2024 04:00
Detect, enable, or disable a HID touchscreen device in Linux (compatible w/Wayland)
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# - script to control touchscreen device in Linux
# Copyright (C) 2024 Peter Willis
# This script is designed to try to detect a Touchscreen device in Linux.
# If it detects one, it allows you to bind or unbind it to the HID Generic
# driver, which should enable or disable the touchscreen.
# Works on Wayland, should work on X11 as well (but untested).
peterwwillis /
Last active March 27, 2024 14:53
Kubernetes debugging tips

Log Files


Control Plane log files

  • /var/log/kube-apiserver.log - API Server, responsible for serving the API
  • /var/log/kube-scheduler.log - Scheduler, responsible for making scheduling decisions
  • /var/log/kube-controller-manager.log - a component that runs most Kubernetes built-in controllers, with the notable exception of scheduling (the kube-scheduler handles scheduling).

Worker Node log files

peterwwillis / .gitconfig
Created January 9, 2024 08:13
Running 1Password Desktop with Docker on Alpine Linux
; NOTE: Replace your name, email, and signing ssh public key here.
name = My Git User Name Here
email = [email protected]
; NOTE: Uncomment this if you want to set a default credential store for Git.
; On Linux, "secretservice" is the libsecret (aka keyring) method.
; credentialStore = secretservice
peterwwillis / CloudBlockStorePrices.csv
Created April 23, 2021 19:35
Comparison of cloud storage vendor prices
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 8 should actually have 13 columns, instead of 1 in line 7.
,Linode,DigitalOcean,UpCloud,OVHCloud,Vultr,IBMCloud,Wasabi,Backblaze,AWS S3,Azure,GoogleCloud,Rackspace
TrafficOutgoing,1TB + 0.01 per GB,1TB + 0.01 per GB,,$11 per 1 TB,1 TB + 0.01 per GB,$90 per 1 TB,included if not exceeding storage amount,$10 per 1 TB,$90 per 1 TB,$87 per 1 TB,$120 per 1 TB,$120 per 1 TB
StoragePricePerMonth,$20 per 1 TB,$20 per 1 TB,,$10 per 1 TB,$20 per 1 TB,$22.7 per 1 TB,$6 per 1 TB,$5 per 1 TB,$21 per 1 TB,$18 per 1 TB,$20 per 1 TB,$100 per 1 TB
peterwwillis / cliv
Last active May 2, 2021 19:01
cliv: Command-LIne wrapper to execute different Versions of binaries in different directories using different environment variables
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# cliv - Execute commands using a specific .env and directory
set -eu
_err () { printf "%s\n" "$0: Error: $*" ; exit 1 ; }
HOME="${HOME:-$(getent passwd $(id -u) | cut -d : -f 6)}"
[ -d "$HOME/.cliv" ] || mkdir -p "$HOME/.cliv"
if [ $# -lt 1 ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] ; then
peterwwillis / gist:4d38a41b2b7bc23816af7d5f653213fa
Last active March 17, 2021 22:01
The difference between configuration formats, configuration languages, data formats, and programming languages

The difference between configuration formats, configuration languages, data formats, and programming languages

There is a lot of confusion out there about what different file formats are and how they are intended to be used. Having used a lot of them over the years, I think I can explain their differences, and when and how to use them.

Data formats

A data format is a file format for encoding data. Typically the format is structured to make it easier for machine interpreting & processing.

peterwwillis / gist:ce2bfaba7fc72e4af44c28135ab3db1e
Last active March 15, 2021 23:05
How to make Hacker News resistent to outages

How to make Hacker News resistant to outages

This is an explanation of how Hacker News could be made resilient against network and infrastructure failures.

Step 1. DNS redundancy

Make sure you use a DNS nameserver provider that has multiple nameservers using multiple cloud hosting providers in multiple regions and zones. For added redundancy, use multiple nameserver providers, replicate your records between them, and make sure each uses different providers/regions.

Point your origin DNS record ( at each of your origins, using CNAMEs or A records. Keep the TTL as low as you can, usually 60 seconds. Since only your CDN should be hitting this host, this shouldn't stress your nameserver. During an outage, one origin can be removed from DNS (if necessary).

peterwwillis /
Last active March 8, 2021 02:24
Let's Encrypt cheat sheet

Install Certbot

Debian 8

Debian 8 (Jessie) End Of Life was June 17, 2018, its LTS support ended on June 30, 2020, and its Extended LTS ends on June 30, 2022. The backports have been moved to "archive", so extra steps are necessary to install backport packages.

echo "deb [check-valid-until=no] jessie-backports main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jessie-backports.list
apt-get -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false update
apt-get -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false -t jessie-backports install -y certbot