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Kelvin to RGB in python
Based on:
Comments resceived:
Original pseudo code:
Set Temperature = Temperature \ 100
Calculate Red:
If Temperature <= 66 Then
Red = 255
Red = Temperature - 60
Red = 329.698727446 * (Red ^ -0.1332047592)
If Red < 0 Then Red = 0
If Red > 255 Then Red = 255
End If
Calculate Green:
If Temperature <= 66 Then
Green = Temperature
Green = 99.4708025861 * Ln(Green) - 161.1195681661
If Green < 0 Then Green = 0
If Green > 255 Then Green = 255
Green = Temperature - 60
Green = 288.1221695283 * (Green ^ -0.0755148492)
If Green < 0 Then Green = 0
If Green > 255 Then Green = 255
End If
Calculate Blue:
If Temperature >= 66 Then
Blue = 255
If Temperature <= 19 Then
Blue = 0
Blue = Temperature - 10
Blue = 138.5177312231 * Ln(Blue) - 305.0447927307
If Blue < 0 Then Blue = 0
If Blue > 255 Then Blue = 255
End If
End If
import math
def convert_K_to_RGB(colour_temperature):
Converts from K to RGB, algorithm courtesy of
#range check
if colour_temperature < 1000:
colour_temperature = 1000
elif colour_temperature > 40000:
colour_temperature = 40000
tmp_internal = colour_temperature / 100.0
# red
if tmp_internal <= 66:
red = 255
tmp_red = 329.698727446 * math.pow(tmp_internal - 60, -0.1332047592)
if tmp_red < 0:
red = 0
elif tmp_red > 255:
red = 255
red = tmp_red
# green
if tmp_internal <=66:
tmp_green = 99.4708025861 * math.log(tmp_internal) - 161.1195681661
if tmp_green < 0:
green = 0
elif tmp_green > 255:
green = 255
green = tmp_green
tmp_green = 288.1221695283 * math.pow(tmp_internal - 60, -0.0755148492)
if tmp_green < 0:
green = 0
elif tmp_green > 255:
green = 255
green = tmp_green
# blue
if tmp_internal >=66:
blue = 255
elif tmp_internal <= 19:
blue = 0
tmp_blue = 138.5177312231 * math.log(tmp_internal - 10) - 305.0447927307
if tmp_blue < 0:
blue = 0
elif tmp_blue > 255:
blue = 255
blue = tmp_blue
return red, green, blue
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Preview requires matplotlib")
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
step_size = 100
for i in range(0, 15000, step_size):
color = list(map(lambda div: div/255.0, convert_K_to_RGB(i))) + [1]
plt.plot((i, i), (0, 1), linewidth=step_size/2.0, linestyle="-", color=color)
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sbremer commented Nov 9, 2016

Awesome, thanks :)

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Thank you so much for this!

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jaknz commented Mar 23, 2022

Oh bother, I found this minutes after I write a conversion myself. Oh well, great practice! Do you happen to have a pointer on linking colour temperature to time of day? I'm wanting to use this for a circadian clock project.

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do you have by any change the reverse function?

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petrklus commented Jun 5, 2023

hi @xalbertoisorna , I had a similar use-case and I've just eye-balled it - used around 5500K or even a little bluer for midday, then progressively going down.

No algorithm I am afraid.

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Guimoute commented Sep 7, 2023

I suggest using numpy for a much shorter code:

import numpy as np

def convert_K_to_RGB(colour_temperature: float) -> np.ndarray:
    Converts from K to RGB, algorithm courtesy of
    # Range check.
    colour_temperature = np.clip(colour_temperature, 1000, 40000)

    tmp_internal = colour_temperature / 100.0

    # Red.
    if tmp_internal <= 66:
        red = 255
        red = 329.698727446 * (tmp_internal - 60)**-0.1332047592

    # Green.
    if tmp_internal <= 66:
        green = 99.4708025861 * np.log(tmp_internal) - 161.1195681661
        green = 288.1221695283 * (tmp_internal - 60)**-0.0755148492

    # Blue.
    if tmp_internal >= 66:
        blue = 255
    elif tmp_internal <= 19:
        blue = 0
        blue = 138.5177312231 * np.log(tmp_internal - 10) - 305.0447927307

    return np.clip((red, green, blue), 0, 255)

I have also changed your main so that we can zoom in infinitely without seeing empty space between the color bars.

if __name__ == "__main__":

    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

    STEP_SIZE = 100
    temperatures = np.arange(0, 15000, STEP_SIZE)
    colors = [convert_K_to_RGB(temperature)/255 for temperature in temperatures]
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.set_xlim(temperatures[0], temperatures[-1])
    ax.set_ylim(0, 1), height=1, width=STEP_SIZE, align="edge", color=colors)

With 10 more minutes of work, we could make the function support polymorphism so that it works on a whole numpy array at once.

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xalbertoisorna commented Mar 8, 2024

If you are interested in the rgb_to_kelvin() I just reversed the values, with a step size of 100K, find it below as a header file to run it in C.

// temperature.h
#include <stdint.h>

#define HEIGHT 150
#define WIDTH  4

const unsigned colorTable[HEIGHT][WIDTH] = {

// function that takes an RGB value, 
// checks the lowest distance to the colorTable and returns the temperature 
unsigned rgb_to_kelvin(unsigned r, unsigned g, unsigned b) {
    unsigned minDist = 0xFFFFFF;
    unsigned minTemp = 0;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++) {
        unsigned rT = colorTable[i][0];
        unsigned gT = colorTable[i][1];
        unsigned bT = colorTable[i][2];
        unsigned dist = (r-rT)*(r-rT) + (g-gT)*(g-gT) + (b-bT)*(b-bT);
        if (dist < minDist) {
            minDist = dist;
            minTemp = colorTable[i][3];
    return minTemp;

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dreamlayers commented Dec 11, 2024

With increasing temperature, output seems like red becoming less saturated, passing through white, and becoming more saturated blue. I expected red turning to orange, yellow, becoming less saturated and turning into white, then becoming more saturated blue. I don't see that yellow part here. It does match so I guess it is correct. But I was expecting something more like the heated metal colour discussed at: The heated metal colour matches colour temperature of light bulbs more closely.

Edit: For using an RGB led to approximate colour temperature, gave better results. Note that there you need to know the wavelength of LEDs to get accurate results.

Edit: Another source is It uses a lookup table and interpolation, and is much faster than Color-Match.

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markusressel commented Dec 24, 2024

@dreamlayers Thx for all the links, especially the redhift one really helped be get this going for my ESPHome project. For anyone interested, see:

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