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Last active July 16, 2024 17:42
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(function () {
// BEGIN :: module scope
'use strict';
/* function type specifc detection helpers */
* Detects whether a passed function type features a truly `writable`
* `prototype` property.
* @param {Function} value
* Assumes a `'function'` type, but does not check for it.
* @returns {boolean}
* Returns whether the passed value features a truly `writable`
* `prototype` property.
function hasWritablePrototype(value) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(value, 'prototype')?.writable === true;
* Reaches for any value's built-in type-signature by making use of ...
* ```
* ```
* ... which helps avoiding possibly
* manipulated `toString` behavior.
* @param {any} value
* The to be processed value.
* @returns {string}
* Returns the value's built-in type-signature
* like e.g. `'[object Date]'`.
function getBuiltInTypeSignature(value) {
* Reaches for a function's true stringified version by making use of ...
* ```
* ```
* ... which helps avoiding possibly
* manipulated `toString` behavior.
* @param {Function} value
* Assumes a `'function'` type, but does not check for it.
* @returns {string}
* Returns a function's true/real stringified implementation.
function getFunctionSignature(value) {
* Reaches for a function's direct/immediate constructor-function.
* @param {Function} value
* Assumes a `'function'` type, but does not check for it.
* @returns {string}
* Returns a function's direct/immediate constructor-function.
function getConstructorFunction(value) {
return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
Object.getPrototypeOf(value), 'constructor'
* Detects any function type, which is ...
* ... the `typeof` operator not only returns the `'function'` string
* for the processed `value`, but the latter also features both of a
* function's call methods `call` and `apply`.
* @param {any} value
* The to be processed value.
* @returns {boolean}
* A boolean value which indicates whether the tested value is a function.
function isFunction(value) {
return (
typeof value === 'function' &&
typeof === 'function' &&
typeof value.apply === 'function'
* Detects whether the passed `value` is any kind of arrow function,
* either async or not.
* @param {any} value
* The to be processed value.
* @returns {boolean}
* A boolean value which indicates whether the tested value is either
* kind of arrow function.
function isArrowFunctionType(value) {
return (
isFunction(value) &&
* Detects whether the passed `value` is any kind of (non generator) async function,
* - either async arrow (expression)
* - or async function expression
* - or async function statement.
* @param {any} value
* The to be processed value.
* @returns {boolean}
* A boolean value which indicates whether the tested value is an async function.
function isAsyncFunction(value) {
return !!value && getBuiltInTypeSignature(value) === '[object AsyncFunction]';
// /**
// * Detects whether the passed `value` is explicitly an
// * `AsyncGeneratorFunction` type.
// *
// * @param {any} value
// * The to be processed value.
// * @returns {boolean}
// * A boolean value which indicates whether the tested
// * value is explicitly an `AsyncGeneratorFunction` type.
// */
// function isAsyncGeneratorFunction(value) {
// return !!value && getBuiltInTypeSignature(value) === '[object AsyncGeneratorFunction]';
// }
// /**
// * Detects whether the passed `value` is explicitly a
// * `GeneratorFunction` type.
// *
// * @param {any} value
// * The to be processed value.
// * @returns {boolean}
// * A boolean value which indicates whether the
// * tested value is explicitly a `GeneratorFunction` type.
// */
// function isGeneratorFunction(value) {
// return !!value && getBuiltInTypeSignature(value) === '[object GeneratorFunction]';
// }
* Detects whether the passed `value` is any kind of generator function,
* either async or not.
* @param {any} value
* The to be processed value.
* @returns {boolean}
* A boolean value which indicates whether the tested value is either
* kind of generator function.
function isGeneratorFunctionType(value) {
const signature = !!value && getBuiltInTypeSignature(value);
return signature && (
signature === '[object GeneratorFunction]' ||
signature === '[object AsyncGeneratorFunction]'
* Detects whether the passed `value` is exclusively the
* only known function type as far back as with/at ES3
* (in addition to all the built-in constructor functions).
* @param {any} value
* The to be processed value.
* @returns {boolean}
* A boolean value which indicates whether the tested value
* is exclusively the only known function type back at ES3.
function isES3Function(value) {
return (
isFunction(value) &&
hasWritablePrototype(value) &&
!isGeneratorFunctionType(value) &&
// - detects any instance of a class that extends `Function`.
!getFunctionSignature(getConstructorFunction(value)).startsWith('class ')
/* memoization specific reflection and configuration helpers */
* Reaches for a function's own name.
* @param {Function} value
* Assumes a `'function'` type, but does not check for it.
* @returns {string}
* Returns a function's own name.
function getOwnName(value) {
return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(value, 'name')?.value ?? '';
* A 'hide source' specific `toString` implementation
* which targets function types.
* - see ... []
* @this {Function}
* The memoize-function that had been
* passed through `asConfiguredMemoization`.
* @returns {string}
* A string value, a modifier-function's stringified version which shows
* the modifier-function's name but hides its implementation/source code.
function hideSource() {
return `function ${ getOwnName(this) }() { [hidden source] }`;
* Assigns the above implemented 'hide source' specific `toString`
* behavior to any passed function type.
* @param {string} name
* The modifier name as it is supposed to be shown by the
* 'hide source' and modifier specific `toString` method,
* even within minified source code environments.
* @param {Function} modifier
* Assumes a modifier `'function'` type, but does not check for it.
* @returns {Function}
* Returns the passed and augmented modifier-function.
function asConfiguredMemoization(name, memoization) {
Reflect.defineProperty(memoization, 'name', {
// - assures the correct fuction name for 'hide source'
// specific function stringification, even within
// minified source code environments.
...Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(memoization, 'name'),
value: name,
Reflect.defineProperty(memoization, 'toString', {
configurable: true, value: hideSource,
return memoization;
* Assumes the passed function type to be a memoizer-function and
* does augment it with memoizer-function specific behavior/traits
* which are ...
* - a changed function `name` property
* with a memoization-specific prefix,
* - an additional `origin` property which
* refers to the original/unmemoized function.
* @param {Function} origin
* The original/unmemoized function's reference.
* @param {Function} memoizer
* The memoizer `'function'` type (assumed, but not checked for).
* @returns {Function}
* Returns the passed and augmented memoizer-function.
function asConfiguredMemoizer(origin, memoizer) {
const nameDescriptor = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(origin, 'name');
Reflect.defineProperty(memoizer, 'name', {
value: `memoized ${ nameDescriptor.value }`,
Reflect.defineProperty(memoizer, 'origin', { value: origin });
// Reflect.defineProperty(memoizer, 'origin', { get: () => origin });
return memoizer;
const memoizerRegistry = new WeakMap;
/* function type validation guard for the `memoize` specific implementation */
function runThrowingFunctionTypeValidationGuard(value) {
if (
!isFunction(value) ||
isAsyncFunction(value) ||
isGeneratorFunctionType(value) ||
(!isArrowFunctionType(value) && !isES3Function(value))
) {
throw new TypeError([
'Memoization is supported exclusively for non async arrow function expressions',
'as well as for either ES3 function statements or ES3 function expressions.',
].join(' '));
/* all memoization specific implementations */
function recallOrMemoize({ proceed, target, registry }, argValue, idx, argsArray) {
// getOrCreateMemo
let memoizationResult;
if (!registry.has(argValue)) {
registry.set(argValue, new Map([ ['link', new Map] ]));
const memoizationNode = registry.get(argValue);
const willHaveResult = (idx === argsArray.length - 1);
if (willHaveResult) {
if (!memoizationNode.has('result')) {
// memoize result.
memoizationNode.set('result', proceed.apply(target, argsArray));
// recall result.
memoizationResult = memoizationNode.get('result');
return {
...(willHaveResult && { result: memoizationResult } || { registry: memoizationNode.get('link') }),
function handleMemoization(target, proceed, ...args) {
let noArgsMemoizationResult;
target = target ?? memoizationTargetSurrogate;
if (!memoizerRegistry.has(proceed)) {
memoizerRegistry.set(proceed, new WeakMap);
const functionSpecificRegistry = memoizerRegistry.get(proceed);
if (!functionSpecificRegistry.has(target)) {
functionSpecificRegistry.set(target, new Map([ ['link', new Map] ]));
const memoizationNode = functionSpecificRegistry.get(target);
const willHaveNoArgsResult = (args.length === 0);
if (willHaveNoArgsResult) {
if (!memoizationNode.has('result')) {
// memoize result.
memoizationNode.set('result', proceed.apply(target, args));
// recall result.
noArgsMemoizationResult = memoizationNode.get('result');
return willHaveNoArgsResult
? noArgsMemoizationResult
: args.reduce(
recallOrMemoize, {
registry: memoizationNode.get('link'),
const memoizationTargetSurrogate = Symbol('invalid or unprovided target');
function memoize(target) {
'use strict';
// see ... []
'hide source';
const proceed = this;
target = target ?? null;
return asConfiguredMemoizer(proceed, function /* memoizer */(...args) {
return handleMemoization((this ?? target), proceed, ...args);
Reflect.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'memoize', {
writable: true, configurable: true, value: asConfiguredMemoization('memoize', memoize),
/* "hide source" specific helpers and a partial polyfill for `Function.prototype.toString` itself */
// - see ... []
const isHideSourceSupport =
.test( test () { 'use strict'; 'hide source'; }))
if (!isHideSourceSupport) {
// - Partially re-implement `Function.prototype.toString` in order to
// hide the implementation details of all newly introduced/defined
// prototypal method-modifiers, in case they have been delegated to
// `Function.prototype.toString`. The re-implemantation itself does
// recognize its own reflection too and mimics the native behavior.
function hideSourceHandler(nativeToString, customHandler, ...args) {
const target = this;
return (
(hideSourceModifier === target && 'function toString() { [native code] }') ||
(memoize === target && String(target)) ||
const hideSourceModifier = Function.prototype.toString.around(hideSourceHandler, Function.prototype);
Reflect.defineProperty(hideSourceModifier, 'name', {
...Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Function.prototype.toString, 'name'),
Reflect.defineProperty(hideSourceModifier, 'toString', {
configurable: true, value: () => 'function toString() { [native code] }',
Reflect.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {
// configurable: true, value: hideSourceModifier,
writable: true, configurable: true, value: hideSourceModifier,
// END :: module scope.
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