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Created July 30, 2011 13:26
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Visual time for xmobar
# This Python file uses the following encoding: utf-8
import time, sys
from datetime import date
# see time.struct_time in docs
marker = "<fc=#009900>.</fc>"
marker_active = "<fc=#009900>¤</fc>"
fill_char = "¤"
empty_char = " "
containers = ["[", "]"]
title_suffix = ": "
sep = " "
def load_calendar(start, end):
# working on day of year ints
# should probably load this from an external calendar somewhere
calendar = [date(2011,8,7), date(2011,8,20), ]
calendar = [d.timetuple()[7] for d in calendar]
# checks if calendar dates are in scope and remaps to offsets from startdate
return map(lambda t:t-start, filter(lambda t: t>=start and t<= end, calendar))
def progressbar(title, cur_val, min_val, max_val, num_elements, markers = []):
# make a nice ascii progressbar, still some floor/ceil messing about to fix
cur_val = min(max_val, max(cur_val, min_val)) - min_val
markers = map(lambda m: int(num_elements * (float(m)-min_val)/(max_val - min_val)), markers)
pos = num_elements*float(cur_val)/max_val
buf = "%s%s%s" % (title, title_suffix, containers[0])
for x in xrange(num_elements):
if pos < x:
if x not in markers:
buf += empty_char
buf += marker
if x not in markers:
buf += fill_char
buf += marker_active
return buf + containers[1] + sep
buf = ""
# rolling 60 day window of events ("do i need to remember something this day?")
buf += progressbar(title = "+60d",
cur_val = 0,
min_val = 0,
max_val = 60,
num_elements = 60,
# todo: fix year wrap
markers = load_calendar(start = time.localtime()[7], end = time.localtime()[7]+60))
buf += progressbar(title = "day",
cur_val = time.localtime()[3],
min_val = 0,
max_val = 24,
num_elements = 24,
markers = [6,12,18])
# workday
buf += progressbar(title = "wd",
cur_val = time.localtime()[3],
min_val = 8,
max_val = 17,
num_elements = 9,
markers = [11,])
# workweek
buf += progressbar(title = "ww",
cur_val = time.localtime()[6],
min_val = 0,
max_val = 4,
num_elements = 5)
print buf.strip()
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