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Last active September 16, 2021 14:33
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Create a backup in a .zip file with all collections of a MongoDB Database
#region Variables
<# Set the MongoDB access variables #>
$databaseName = "databaseName"
# $username = ""
# $password = ""
# $authenticationDatabase = ""
$mongoDbHost = "localhost:27017"
# $uri = ""
<# Set the folder's location and name #>
$backupPath = "C:\Path\To\Back\Folder"
$currentDate = get-date -format yyyyMMddHHmm
$directoryName = "$databaseName-$currentDate"
$directoryPath = Join-Path $backupPath $directoryName
<# Zip #>
$zippedFileDestinationPath = "$backupPath\$";
#region Backup Process
$watch = New-Object System.Diagnostics.StopWatch
Write-Host "Backing up the Database: '$databaseName' to local directory: $backupPath."
# Use this command when the database require authorization
<# mongodump -h "$mongoDbHost" `
-d "$databaseName" `
-u "$username" `
-p "$password" `
--authenticationDatabase "$authenticationDatabase" `
-o "$directoryPath"
# Or use this command
# mongodump --uri "$uri" -o "$directoryPath"
# ATTENTION ⚠: Use the absolute path if you haven't added mongo to your System Path
# Ex: C:\mongodb\bin\mongodump.exe -h $mongoDbHost -d $databaseName -o "$directoryPath"
mongodump -h "$mongoDbHost" -d "$databaseName" -o "$directoryPath"
Write-Host "Creating the backup for $databaseName..."
Write-Host "MongoDB backup completed in "$watch.Elapsed.ToString()
# Zip sfolder
Write-Host "Zipping the folder backup folder..."
Compress-Archive -Path "$directoryPath" -DestinationPath $zippedFileDestinationPath
# Delete the backup folter created
Write-Host "Delete backup's folder"
Remove-Item "$directoryPath" -Recurse
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