This is a git pre-push hook intended to help developers keep their PHP code base clean by performing a scan with PHP CodeSniffer whenever new code is pushed to the repository. When any coding standards violations are present the push is rejected, allowing the developer to fix the code before making it public.
To increase performance only the changed files are checked when new code is pushed to an existing branch. Whenever a new branch is pushed, a full coding standards check is performed.
If your project enforces the use of a coding standard then this will help with that, but it is easy to circumvent since the pre-push hook can simply be deleted. You might want to implement similar functionality in a pre-receive hook on the server side, or include a coding standards check in your continuous integration pipeline.
Add PHP CodeSniffer and this gist to your composer.json:
"require-dev": {
"squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "~2.3",
"pfrenssen/phpcs-pre-push": "1.0"
"repositories": [
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "pfrenssen/phpcs-pre-push",
"version": "1.0",
"source": {
"url": "",
"type": "git",
"reference": "master"
"scripts": {
"post-install-cmd": "scripts/composer/"
Create a post-install script that will symlink the pre-push inside your git
repository whenever you do a composer install
# Symlink the git pre-push hook to its destination.
if [ ! -h ".git/hooks/pre-push" ] ; then
ln -s "../../vendor/pfrenssen/phpcs-pre-push/pre-push" ".git/hooks/pre-push"
Create a PHP CodeSniffer ruleset containing your custom coding standard:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- See -->
<ruleset name="MyRuleset">
<description>Custom coding standard for my project</description>
<rule ref="PSR2" />
Scan the entire root folder by default. If your application code is
contained in a subfolder such as `lib/` or `src/` you can use that instead.
<!-- Minified files don't have to comply with coding standards. -->
<!-- Exclude files that do not contain PHP, Javascript or CSS code. -->
<!-- Exclude the `vendor` folder. -->
<!-- PHP CodeSniffer command line options -->
<arg name="extensions" value="php,inc,css,js"/>
<arg name="report" value="full"/>
<arg value="p"/>
Now run make the
script executable and run composer update
and you're set! This will download the required packages, and will put the git
pre-push hook in place.
$ chmod u+x scripts/composer/
$ composer update
Command arguments set from phpcs.xml are not passed to the final command. I fixed this issue, please se .