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Last active July 7, 2022 08:58
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Reset WSL to environment
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# saner programming env: these switches turn some bugs into errors
set -o errexit -o pipefail -o noclobber -o nounset
# shellcheck disable=SC2043
for cmd in sudo hwclock sysctl tee grep awk tr powershell.exe; do
if ! command -v "${cmd}" &>/dev/null; then
echo "${cmd} could not be found"
exit 1
echo "This requires root!!!"
echo "Resetting time to system clock"
sudo hwclock -s
echo "Makeing sure sysctl settings are applied"
sudo sysctl -f --system --quiet > /dev/null
echo "Fixing DNS problems in WLS by adding external DNS in /etc/resolv.conf"
# Filter out vEthernet, because it has a lower metric than the actual connection
DEVICEALIAS=$(powershell.exe 'Get-NetIPInterface -ConnectionState Connected|Sort-Object -Property InterfaceMetric|Where-Object -Property InterfaceAlias -NotLike "vEthernet*"|Select-Object -Unique InterfaceAlias -First 1 -ExpandProperty InterfaceAlias')
DNSRESOLVER=$(powershell.exe "Get-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias ${DEVICEALIAS}" | grep IPv4 | awk '{print $4}' | tr -d '{},' )
echo "nameserver $DNSRESOLVER" |sudo tee -a /etc/resolv.conf
echo "Resetting sudo"
sudo -K
echo "Good to go ... have fun"
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