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Created August 30, 2017 16:11
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Parses a legacy html color
// processColor processes a legacy html color
// The legacy html colors apply only to colors in the bgcolor attribute
// Copyright 2017 Patrick G
// Based on
// Also see
function processColor(color) {
// Remove the hash
color = color.replace("#", "");
// Convert to lowercase
color = color.toLowerCase()
// Replace all non-hex chars with a zero
color = color.replace(/[^A-Fa-f0-9]/g, "0")
if (color.length < 3) {
// Append zeros until length is 3
while (color.length != 3) {
color = color + "0";
} else if (color.length == 3) {
// Prepend a zero before each character
color = "0" + color.split("")[0] + "0" + color.split("")[1] + "0" + color.split("")[2]
} else if (color.length > 3) {
// Append zeros until length is divisible by 3
while (color.length % 3 != 0) {
color = color + "0";
// Split into 3 even chunks (for red, green, blue)
var rgbHex = [];
var chunkSize = color.length / 3;
for (var i = 0; i < color.length; i += chunkSize) {
rgbHex.push(color.substring(i, i + chunkSize));
// For each chunk
for (var i = 0; i < rgbHex.length; i++) {
// Until length is 2
while (rgbHex[i].length != 2) {
if (rgbHex[i].length > 8) {
// If length is greater than 8, remove first char
rgbHex[i] = rgbHex[i].substring(1);
} else {
// If length is less than 8, remove last char
rgbHex[i] = rgbHex[i].substring(0, rgbHex[i].length - 1);
// Add the hash symbol again to make the color
color = "#" + rgbHex.join("");
return color;
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