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Created March 24, 2021 22:44
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  • Save pgengler/03b464a76ea7e60d19d4f3fb3d996e07 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pgengler/03b464a76ea7e60d19d4f3fb3d996e07 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ember try:ember '~3.16.0 || ~3.20.0 || ~3.24.0 || >=3.25.0' --skip-cleanup=true
(node:610) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
(node:623) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
added 622 packages, removed 403 packages, changed 131 packages, and audited 2468 packages in 37s
82 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
7 low severity vulnerabilities
To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
npm audit fix --force
Run `npm audit` for details.
=== Scenario: default ==========================================================
- Building
Environment: test
- Building
- building...
(node:694) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
(node:713) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
- cleaning up
cleaning up...
- cleaning up
Built project successfully. Stored in "/tmp/tests-dist-2021214-694-kmmbhk.v8dsc".
ok 1 Chrome 89.0 - [159 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `toggle` action opens and closes the dropdown
ok 2 Chrome 89.0 - [68 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The click event with the right button doesn't open it
ok 3 Chrome 89.0 - [62 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `open` action opens the dropdown
ok 4 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `close` action closes the dropdown
ok 5 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive an onOpen action that is fired just before the component opens
ok 6 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: returning false from the `onOpen` action prevents the dropdown from opening
ok 7 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive an onClose action that is fired when the component closes
ok 8 Chrome 89.0 - [64 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: returning false from the `onClose` action prevents the dropdown from closing
ok 9 Chrome 89.0 - [43 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can be rendered already opened when the `initiallyOpened=true`
ok 10 Chrome 89.0 - [62 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Calling the `open` method while the dropdown is already opened does not call `onOpen` action
ok 11 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Calling the `close` method while the dropdown is already opened does not call `onOpen` action
ok 12 Chrome 89.0 - [70 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `@horizontalPosition="right"`
ok 13 Chrome 89.0 - [77 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `horizontalPosition="center"`
ok 14 Chrome 89.0 - [62 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It prefers right over left when it receives "auto-right"
ok 15 Chrome 89.0 - [66 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `verticalPosition="above"`
ok 16 Chrome 89.0 - [72 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `renderInPlace` property to the yielded content component
ok 17 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds a special class to both trigger and content when `@renderInPlace={{true}}`
ok 18 Chrome 89.0 - [90 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, the content still contains the --above/below classes
ok 19 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds a wrapper element when `@renderInPlace={{true}}`
ok 20 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, it prefers right over left with position "auto-right"
ok 21 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, it applies right class for position "right"
ok 22 Chrome 89.0 - [42 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [ISSUE #127] Having more than one dropdown with `@renderInPlace={{true}}` raises an exception
ok 23 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `disabled` property as part of the public API, and updates is if it changes
ok 24 Chrome 89.0 - [42 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `uniqueId` property as part of the public API
ok 25 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: If the dropdown gets disabled while it's open, it closes automatically
ok 26 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: If the component's `disabled` property changes, the `registerAPI` action is called
ok 27 Chrome 89.0 - [89 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive `@destination="id-of-elmnt"` to customize where `#-in-element` is going to render the content
ok 28 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: By default, the `aria-owns` attribute of the trigger contains the id of the content
ok 29 Chrome 89.0 - [66 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The `reposition` public action returns an object with the changes
ok 30 Chrome 89.0 - [69 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The user can pass a custom `calculatePosition` function to customize how the component is placed on the screen
ok 31 Chrome 89.0 - [62 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The user can use the `renderInPlace` flag option to modify how the position is calculated in the `calculatePosition` function
ok 32 Chrome 89.0 - [40 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It allows to customize the trigger passing `@triggerComponent="my-custom-trigger"`
ok 33 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It allows to customize the content passing `contentComponent="my-custom-content"`
ok 34 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The registerAPI is called with every mutation of the publicAPI object
ok 35 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: removing the dropdown in response to onClose does not error
ok 36 Chrome 89.0 - [118 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Dropdowns can be infinitely nested, clicking in children will not close parents, clicking in parents closes children
ok 37 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [BUGFIX] Dropdowns rendered in place do not register events twice
ok 38 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [BUGFIX] It protects the inline styles from undefined values returned in the `calculatePosition` callback
ok 39 Chrome 89.0 - [64 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It includes the inline styles returned from the `calculatePosition` callback
ok 40 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If the dropdown is open renders the given block in a div with class `ember-basic-dropdown-content`
ok 41 Chrome 89.0 - [43 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If a `@defaultClass` argument is provided to the content, its value is added to the list of classes
ok 42 Chrome 89.0 - [40 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If the dropdown is closed, nothing is rendered
ok 43 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `@renderInPlace={{true}}`, it is rendered right here instead of elsewhere
ok 44 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: It derives the ID of the content from the `uniqueId` property of of the dropdown
ok 45 Chrome 89.0 - [42 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `class="foo123"`, the rendered content will have that class along with the default one
ok 46 Chrome 89.0 - [41 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `dir="rtl"`, the rendered content will have the attribute set
ok 47 Chrome 89.0 - [43 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
ok 48 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Specifying the rootEventType as click will not close a component if it is opened
ok 49 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Specifying the rootEventType as mousedown will close a component if it is opened
ok 50 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking anywhere inside the dropdown content doesn't invoke the close action
ok 51 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking in inside the a dropdown content nested inside another dropdown content doesn't invoke the close action on neither of them if the second is rendered in place
ok 52 Chrome 89.0 - [68 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Tapping anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
ok 53 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Scrolling (touchstart + touchmove + touchend) anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
ok 54 Chrome 89.0 - [71 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Using stylus on touch device will handle scroll/tap to fire close action properly
ok 55 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The user can attach arbitrary events to the content
ok 56 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned immediatly when opened
ok 57 Chrome 89.0 - [42 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is not repositioned if it is closed
ok 58 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component cancels events when preventScroll is true
ok 59 Chrome 89.0 - [40 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the window scrolls
ok 60 Chrome 89.0 - [40 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the window is resized
ok 61 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the orientation changes
ok 62 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned when the content of the dropdown changes
ok 63 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned when the content of the dropdown is changed through ember
ok 64 Chrome 89.0 - [40 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: @shouldReposition can be used to control which mutations should trigger a reposition
ok 65 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: A renderInPlace component is repositioned if the window scrolls
ok 66 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives an `overlay=true` option, there is an overlay covering all the screen
ok 67 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusIn action
ok 68 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusOut action
ok 69 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseEnter action
ok 70 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseLeave action
ok 71 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: It renders the given block in a div with class `ember-basic-dropdown-trigger`, with no wrapper around
ok 72 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If a `@defaultClass` argument is provided to the trigger, its value is added to the list of classes
ok 73 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it doesn't receive any tabindex, defaults to 0
ok 74 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives a tabindex={{false}}, it removes the tabindex
ok 75 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `tabindex="3"`, the tabindex of the element is 3
ok 76 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `title="something"`, if has that title attribute
ok 77 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `id="some-id"`, if has that id
ok 78 Chrome 89.0 - [65 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If the dropdown is disabled, the trigger doesn't have tabindex attribute
ok 79 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it belongs to a disabled dropdown, it gets an `aria-disabled=true` attribute for a11y
ok 80 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If the received dropdown is open, it has an `aria-expanded="true"` attribute, otherwise `"false"`
ok 81 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it has an `aria-owns="foo123"` attribute pointing to the id of the content
ok 82 Chrome 89.0 - [42 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `@htmlTag`, the trigger uses that tag name
ok 83 Chrome 89.0 - [87 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `role="foo123"` it gets that attribute
ok 84 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it does not receive an specific `role`, the default is `button`
ok 85 Chrome 89.0 - [66 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: the user can bind arbitrary events to the trigger
ok 86 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: click events invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown by default
ok 87 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: mousedown events DO NOT invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown by default
ok 88 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: click events DO NOT invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown if `@eventType="mousedown"`
ok 89 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: mousedown events invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown if `eventType="mousedown"
ok 90 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: when `stopPropagation` is true the `click` event does not bubble
ok 91 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: when `stopPropagation` is true and eventType is true, the `click` event does not bubble
ok 92 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ENTER fires the `toggle` action on the dropdown
ok 93 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing SPACE fires the `toggle` action on the dropdown and preventsDefault to avoid scrolling
ok 94 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ESC fires the `close` action on the dropdown
ok 95 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ENTER/SPACE/ESC does nothing if there is a `{{on "keydown"}}` event that calls stopImmediatePropagation
ok 96 Chrome 89.0 - [65 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Tapping invokes the toggle action on the dropdown
ok 97 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Firing a mousemove between a touchstart and a touchend (touch scroll) doesn't fire the toggle action
ok 98 Chrome 89.0 - [76 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Using stylus on touch device will handle scroll/tap to fire toggle action properly
ok 99 Chrome 89.0 - [77 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If its dropdown is disabled it won't respond to mouse, touch or keyboard event
ok 100 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "mousedown"}} callback will execute before the default toggle behavior
ok 101 Chrome 89.0 - [67 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "click"}} callback that calls `stopImmediatePropagation`, will prevent the default behavior
ok 102 Chrome 89.0 - [64 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "mousedown"}} callback that calls `stopImmediatePropagation` will prevent the default behavior
ok 103 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "touchend"}} callback will execute before the default toggle behavior
ok 104 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "touchend"}} callback calling e.stopImmediatePropagation will prevent the default behavior
ok 105 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied `{{on "keydown"}}` action will execute before the default toggle behavior
ok 106 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied `{{on "keydown"}}` action calling `stopImmediatePropagation` will prevent the default behavior
ok 107 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Tapping an SVG inside of the trigger invokes the toggle action on the dropdown
ok 108 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onBlur action
ok 109 Chrome 89.0 - [71 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onClick action
ok 110 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocus action
ok 111 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusIn action
ok 112 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusOut action
ok 113 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onKeyDown action
ok 114 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseDown action
ok 115 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseEnter action
ok 116 Chrome 89.0 - [43 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseLeave action
- ember-cli-memory-leak-detector: capturing and analyzing heap snapshot...
ok 117 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onTouchEnd action
ok 118 Chrome 89.0 - [0 ms] - Unit | Utility | Calculate Position: calculatePosition is defined
ok 119 Chrome 89.0 - [17 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollLineHeight
ok 120 Chrome 89.0 - [2 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getAvailableScroll
ok 121 Chrome 89.0 - [2 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: distributeScroll
ok 122 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_PIXEL
ok 123 Chrome 89.0 - [0 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_LINE
ok 124 Chrome 89.0 - [0 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_PAGE
ok 125 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - ember-qunit: Ember.onerror validation: Ember.onerror is functioning properly
ember-cli-memory-leak-detector: Error: Unable to connect to chrome. Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
Stack Trace and Error Report: /tmp/error.dump.2b61991cc78c9e1996537b362f88f78a.log
# tests 125
# pass 125
# skip 0
# todo 0
# fail 0
# ok
Result: true
(node:803) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
removed 1 package, changed 3 packages, and audited 2467 packages in 26s
82 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
7 low severity vulnerabilities
To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
npm audit fix --force
Run `npm audit` for details.
=== Scenario: ember-beta =======================================================
- Building
Environment: test
- Building
- building...
(node:874) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
- cleaning up
cleaning up...
- cleaning up
Built project successfully. Stored in "/tmp/tests-dist-2021214-874-1qx7vxt.d0yc".
ok 1 Chrome 89.0 - [126 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `toggle` action opens and closes the dropdown
ok 2 Chrome 89.0 - [81 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The click event with the right button doesn't open it
ok 3 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `open` action opens the dropdown
ok 4 Chrome 89.0 - [62 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `close` action closes the dropdown
ok 5 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive an onOpen action that is fired just before the component opens
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `willOpen` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.willOpen}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 6 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: returning false from the `onOpen` action prevents the dropdown from opening
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `willOpen` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.willOpen}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 7 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive an onClose action that is fired when the component closes
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `willClose` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.willClose}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 8 Chrome 89.0 - [63 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: returning false from the `onClose` action prevents the dropdown from closing
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `willClose` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.willClose}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 9 Chrome 89.0 - [41 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can be rendered already opened when the `initiallyOpened=true`
ok 10 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Calling the `open` method while the dropdown is already opened does not call `onOpen` action
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `onOpen` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.onOpen}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 11 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Calling the `close` method while the dropdown is already opened does not call `onOpen` action
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `onClose` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.onClose}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 12 Chrome 89.0 - [65 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `@horizontalPosition="right"`
ok 13 Chrome 89.0 - [71 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `horizontalPosition="center"`
ok 14 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It prefers right over left when it receives "auto-right"
ok 15 Chrome 89.0 - [66 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `verticalPosition="above"`
ok 16 Chrome 89.0 - [64 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `renderInPlace` property to the yielded content component
ok 17 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds a special class to both trigger and content when `@renderInPlace={{true}}`
ok 18 Chrome 89.0 - [85 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, the content still contains the --above/below classes
ok 19 Chrome 89.0 - [64 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds a wrapper element when `@renderInPlace={{true}}`
ok 20 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, it prefers right over left with position "auto-right"
ok 21 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, it applies right class for position "right"
ok 22 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [ISSUE #127] Having more than one dropdown with `@renderInPlace={{true}}` raises an exception
ok 23 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `disabled` property as part of the public API, and updates is if it changes
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `disabled` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.disabled}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 24 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `uniqueId` property as part of the public API
ok 25 Chrome 89.0 - [65 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: If the dropdown gets disabled while it's open, it closes automatically
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `isDisabled` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.isDisabled}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 26 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: If the component's `disabled` property changes, the `registerAPI` action is called
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `isDisabled` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.isDisabled}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `registerAPI` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.registerAPI}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `toggleDisabled` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.toggleDisabled}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `remoteController.disabled` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.remoteController.disabled}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 27 Chrome 89.0 - [85 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive `@destination="id-of-elmnt"` to customize where `#-in-element` is going to render the content
ok 28 Chrome 89.0 - [65 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: By default, the `aria-owns` attribute of the trigger contains the id of the content
ok 29 Chrome 89.0 - [72 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The `reposition` public action returns an object with the changes
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `saveAPI` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.saveAPI}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 30 Chrome 89.0 - [87 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The user can pass a custom `calculatePosition` function to customize how the component is placed on the screen
ok 31 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The user can use the `renderInPlace` flag option to modify how the position is calculated in the `calculatePosition` function
ok 32 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It allows to customize the trigger passing `@triggerComponent="my-custom-trigger"`
ok 33 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It allows to customize the content passing `contentComponent="my-custom-content"`
ok 34 Chrome 89.0 - [62 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The registerAPI is called with every mutation of the publicAPI object
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `disabled` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.disabled}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `registerAPI` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.registerAPI}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 35 Chrome 89.0 - [62 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: removing the dropdown in response to onClose does not error
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `isOpen` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.isOpen}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `onClose` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.onClose}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 36 Chrome 89.0 - [111 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Dropdowns can be infinitely nested, clicking in children will not close parents, clicking in parents closes children
ok 37 Chrome 89.0 - [94 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [BUGFIX] Dropdowns rendered in place do not register events twice
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `onOpen` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.onOpen}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `onFocusOut` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.onFocusOut}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 38 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [BUGFIX] It protects the inline styles from undefined values returned in the `calculatePosition` callback
ok 39 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It includes the inline styles returned from the `calculatePosition` callback
ok 40 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If the dropdown is open renders the given block in a div with class `ember-basic-dropdown-content`
ok 41 Chrome 89.0 - [40 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If a `@defaultClass` argument is provided to the content, its value is added to the list of classes
ok 42 Chrome 89.0 - [42 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If the dropdown is closed, nothing is rendered
ok 43 Chrome 89.0 - [43 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `@renderInPlace={{true}}`, it is rendered right here instead of elsewhere
ok 44 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: It derives the ID of the content from the `uniqueId` property of of the dropdown
ok 45 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `class="foo123"`, the rendered content will have that class along with the default one
ok 46 Chrome 89.0 - [42 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `dir="rtl"`, the rendered content will have the attribute set
ok 47 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
ok 48 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Specifying the rootEventType as click will not close a component if it is opened
ok 49 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Specifying the rootEventType as mousedown will close a component if it is opened
ok 50 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking anywhere inside the dropdown content doesn't invoke the close action
ok 51 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking in inside the a dropdown content nested inside another dropdown content doesn't invoke the close action on neither of them if the second is rendered in place
ok 52 Chrome 89.0 - [77 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Tapping anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
ok 53 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Scrolling (touchstart + touchmove + touchend) anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
ok 54 Chrome 89.0 - [73 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Using stylus on touch device will handle scroll/tap to fire close action properly
ok 55 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The user can attach arbitrary events to the content
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `onMouseEnter` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.onMouseEnter}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `dropdown` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.dropdown}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 56 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned immediatly when opened
ok 57 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is not repositioned if it is closed
ok 58 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component cancels events when preventScroll is true
ok 59 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the window scrolls
ok 60 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the window is resized
ok 61 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the orientation changes
ok 62 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned when the content of the dropdown changes
ok 63 Chrome 89.0 - [62 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned when the content of the dropdown is changed through ember
ok 64 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: @shouldReposition can be used to control which mutations should trigger a reposition
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `shouldReposition` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.shouldReposition}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 65 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: A renderInPlace component is repositioned if the window scrolls
ok 66 Chrome 89.0 - [63 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives an `overlay=true` option, there is an overlay covering all the screen
ok 67 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusIn action
ok 68 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusOut action
ok 69 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseEnter action
ok 70 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseLeave action
ok 71 Chrome 89.0 - [43 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: It renders the given block in a div with class `ember-basic-dropdown-trigger`, with no wrapper around
ok 72 Chrome 89.0 - [42 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If a `@defaultClass` argument is provided to the trigger, its value is added to the list of classes
ok 73 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it doesn't receive any tabindex, defaults to 0
ok 74 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives a tabindex={{false}}, it removes the tabindex
ok 75 Chrome 89.0 - [41 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `tabindex="3"`, the tabindex of the element is 3
ok 76 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `title="something"`, if has that title attribute
ok 77 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `id="some-id"`, if has that id
ok 78 Chrome 89.0 - [41 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If the dropdown is disabled, the trigger doesn't have tabindex attribute
ok 79 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it belongs to a disabled dropdown, it gets an `aria-disabled=true` attribute for a11y
ok 80 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If the received dropdown is open, it has an `aria-expanded="true"` attribute, otherwise `"false"`
ok 81 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it has an `aria-owns="foo123"` attribute pointing to the id of the content
ok 82 Chrome 89.0 - [41 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `@htmlTag`, the trigger uses that tag name
ok 83 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `role="foo123"` it gets that attribute
ok 84 Chrome 89.0 - [41 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it does not receive an specific `role`, the default is `button`
ok 85 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: the user can bind arbitrary events to the trigger
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `onMouseEnter` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.onMouseEnter}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `dropdown` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.dropdown}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 86 Chrome 89.0 - [68 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: click events invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown by default
ok 87 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: mousedown events DO NOT invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown by default
ok 88 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: click events DO NOT invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown if `@eventType="mousedown"`
ok 89 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: mousedown events invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown if `eventType="mousedown"
ok 90 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: when `stopPropagation` is true the `click` event does not bubble
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `handlerInParent` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.handlerInParent}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 91 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: when `stopPropagation` is true and eventType is true, the `click` event does not bubble
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `handlerInParent` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.handlerInParent}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 92 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ENTER fires the `toggle` action on the dropdown
ok 93 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing SPACE fires the `toggle` action on the dropdown and preventsDefault to avoid scrolling
ok 94 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ESC fires the `close` action on the dropdown
ok 95 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ENTER/SPACE/ESC does nothing if there is a `{{on "keydown"}}` event that calls stopImmediatePropagation
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `onKeyDown` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.onKeyDown}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 96 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Tapping invokes the toggle action on the dropdown
ok 97 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Firing a mousemove between a touchstart and a touchend (touch scroll) doesn't fire the toggle action
ok 98 Chrome 89.0 - [73 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Using stylus on touch device will handle scroll/tap to fire toggle action properly
ok 99 Chrome 89.0 - [68 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If its dropdown is disabled it won't respond to mouse, touch or keyboard event
ok 100 Chrome 89.0 - [62 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "mousedown"}} callback will execute before the default toggle behavior
ok 101 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "click"}} callback that calls `stopImmediatePropagation`, will prevent the default behavior
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `onClick` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.onClick}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 102 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "mousedown"}} callback that calls `stopImmediatePropagation` will prevent the default behavior
ok 103 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "touchend"}} callback will execute before the default toggle behavior
ok 104 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "touchend"}} callback calling e.stopImmediatePropagation will prevent the default behavior
ok 105 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied `{{on "keydown"}}` action will execute before the default toggle behavior
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `onKeyDown` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.onKeyDown}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 106 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied `{{on "keydown"}}` action calling `stopImmediatePropagation` will prevent the default behavior
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `onKeyDown` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.onKeyDown}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35110:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35137:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67411:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:67436:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:35243:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 107 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Tapping an SVG inside of the trigger invokes the toggle action on the dropdown
ok 108 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onBlur action
ok 109 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onClick action
ok 110 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocus action
ok 111 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusIn action
ok 112 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusOut action
ok 113 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onKeyDown action
ok 114 Chrome 89.0 - [79 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseDown action
ok 115 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseEnter action
ok 116 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseLeave action
- ember-cli-memory-leak-detector: capturing and analyzing heap snapshot...
ok 117 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onTouchEnd action
ok 118 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | Calculate Position: calculatePosition is defined
ok 119 Chrome 89.0 - [16 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollLineHeight
ok 120 Chrome 89.0 - [2 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getAvailableScroll
ok 121 Chrome 89.0 - [3 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: distributeScroll
ok 122 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_PIXEL
ok 123 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_LINE
ok 124 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_PAGE
ok 125 Chrome 89.0 - [0 ms] - ember-qunit: Ember.onerror validation: Ember.onerror is functioning properly
ember-cli-memory-leak-detector: Error: Unable to connect to chrome. Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
Stack Trace and Error Report: /tmp/error.dump.7bc439bc847412085274c7f21c60478a.log
# tests 125
# pass 125
# skip 0
# todo 0
# fail 0
# ok
Result: true
(node:978) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
changed 3 packages, and audited 2467 packages in 26s
82 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
7 low severity vulnerabilities
To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
npm audit fix --force
Run `npm audit` for details.
=== Scenario: ember-canary =====================================================
- Building
Environment: test
- Building
- building...
(node:1049) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
- cleaning up
cleaning up...
- cleaning up
Built project successfully. Stored in "/tmp/tests-dist-2021214-1049-d2rxtb.pjyf5".
ok 1 Chrome 89.0 - [146 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `toggle` action opens and closes the dropdown
ok 2 Chrome 89.0 - [71 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The click event with the right button doesn't open it
ok 3 Chrome 89.0 - [69 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `open` action opens the dropdown
ok 4 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `close` action closes the dropdown
ok 5 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive an onOpen action that is fired just before the component opens
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `willOpen` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.willOpen}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 6 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: returning false from the `onOpen` action prevents the dropdown from opening
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `willOpen` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.willOpen}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 7 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive an onClose action that is fired when the component closes
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `willClose` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.willClose}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 8 Chrome 89.0 - [63 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: returning false from the `onClose` action prevents the dropdown from closing
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `willClose` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.willClose}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 9 Chrome 89.0 - [41 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can be rendered already opened when the `initiallyOpened=true`
ok 10 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Calling the `open` method while the dropdown is already opened does not call `onOpen` action
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `onOpen` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.onOpen}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 11 Chrome 89.0 - [64 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Calling the `close` method while the dropdown is already opened does not call `onOpen` action
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `onClose` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.onClose}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 12 Chrome 89.0 - [68 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `@horizontalPosition="right"`
ok 13 Chrome 89.0 - [77 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `horizontalPosition="center"`
ok 14 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It prefers right over left when it receives "auto-right"
ok 15 Chrome 89.0 - [72 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `verticalPosition="above"`
ok 16 Chrome 89.0 - [65 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `renderInPlace` property to the yielded content component
ok 17 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds a special class to both trigger and content when `@renderInPlace={{true}}`
ok 18 Chrome 89.0 - [78 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, the content still contains the --above/below classes
ok 19 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds a wrapper element when `@renderInPlace={{true}}`
ok 20 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, it prefers right over left with position "auto-right"
ok 21 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, it applies right class for position "right"
ok 22 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [ISSUE #127] Having more than one dropdown with `@renderInPlace={{true}}` raises an exception
ok 23 Chrome 89.0 - [40 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `disabled` property as part of the public API, and updates is if it changes
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `disabled` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.disabled}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 24 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `uniqueId` property as part of the public API
ok 25 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: If the dropdown gets disabled while it's open, it closes automatically
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `isDisabled` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.isDisabled}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 26 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: If the component's `disabled` property changes, the `registerAPI` action is called
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `isDisabled` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.isDisabled}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `registerAPI` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.registerAPI}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `toggleDisabled` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.toggleDisabled}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `remoteController.disabled` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.remoteController.disabled}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 27 Chrome 89.0 - [72 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive `@destination="id-of-elmnt"` to customize where `#-in-element` is going to render the content
ok 28 Chrome 89.0 - [63 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: By default, the `aria-owns` attribute of the trigger contains the id of the content
ok 29 Chrome 89.0 - [85 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The `reposition` public action returns an object with the changes
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `saveAPI` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.saveAPI}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 30 Chrome 89.0 - [62 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The user can pass a custom `calculatePosition` function to customize how the component is placed on the screen
ok 31 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The user can use the `renderInPlace` flag option to modify how the position is calculated in the `calculatePosition` function
ok 32 Chrome 89.0 - [42 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It allows to customize the trigger passing `@triggerComponent="my-custom-trigger"`
ok 33 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It allows to customize the content passing `contentComponent="my-custom-content"`
ok 34 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The registerAPI is called with every mutation of the publicAPI object
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `disabled` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.disabled}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `registerAPI` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.registerAPI}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 35 Chrome 89.0 - [68 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: removing the dropdown in response to onClose does not error
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `isOpen` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.isOpen}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `onClose` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.onClose}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 36 Chrome 89.0 - [110 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Dropdowns can be infinitely nested, clicking in children will not close parents, clicking in parents closes children
ok 37 Chrome 89.0 - [73 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [BUGFIX] Dropdowns rendered in place do not register events twice
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `onOpen` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.onOpen}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `onFocusOut` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.onFocusOut}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 38 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [BUGFIX] It protects the inline styles from undefined values returned in the `calculatePosition` callback
ok 39 Chrome 89.0 - [76 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It includes the inline styles returned from the `calculatePosition` callback
ok 40 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If the dropdown is open renders the given block in a div with class `ember-basic-dropdown-content`
ok 41 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If a `@defaultClass` argument is provided to the content, its value is added to the list of classes
ok 42 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If the dropdown is closed, nothing is rendered
ok 43 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `@renderInPlace={{true}}`, it is rendered right here instead of elsewhere
ok 44 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: It derives the ID of the content from the `uniqueId` property of of the dropdown
ok 45 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `class="foo123"`, the rendered content will have that class along with the default one
ok 46 Chrome 89.0 - [42 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `dir="rtl"`, the rendered content will have the attribute set
ok 47 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
ok 48 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Specifying the rootEventType as click will not close a component if it is opened
ok 49 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Specifying the rootEventType as mousedown will close a component if it is opened
ok 50 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking anywhere inside the dropdown content doesn't invoke the close action
ok 51 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking in inside the a dropdown content nested inside another dropdown content doesn't invoke the close action on neither of them if the second is rendered in place
ok 52 Chrome 89.0 - [84 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Tapping anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
ok 53 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Scrolling (touchstart + touchmove + touchend) anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
ok 54 Chrome 89.0 - [77 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Using stylus on touch device will handle scroll/tap to fire close action properly
ok 55 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The user can attach arbitrary events to the content
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `onMouseEnter` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.onMouseEnter}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `dropdown` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.dropdown}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 56 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned immediatly when opened
ok 57 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is not repositioned if it is closed
ok 58 Chrome 89.0 - [64 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component cancels events when preventScroll is true
ok 59 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the window scrolls
ok 60 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the window is resized
ok 61 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the orientation changes
ok 62 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned when the content of the dropdown changes
ok 63 Chrome 89.0 - [76 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned when the content of the dropdown is changed through ember
ok 64 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: @shouldReposition can be used to control which mutations should trigger a reposition
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `shouldReposition` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.shouldReposition}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 65 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: A renderInPlace component is repositioned if the window scrolls
ok 66 Chrome 89.0 - [63 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives an `overlay=true` option, there is an overlay covering all the screen
ok 67 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusIn action
ok 68 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusOut action
ok 69 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseEnter action
ok 70 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseLeave action
ok 71 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: It renders the given block in a div with class `ember-basic-dropdown-trigger`, with no wrapper around
ok 72 Chrome 89.0 - [41 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If a `@defaultClass` argument is provided to the trigger, its value is added to the list of classes
ok 73 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it doesn't receive any tabindex, defaults to 0
ok 74 Chrome 89.0 - [43 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives a tabindex={{false}}, it removes the tabindex
ok 75 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `tabindex="3"`, the tabindex of the element is 3
ok 76 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `title="something"`, if has that title attribute
ok 77 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `id="some-id"`, if has that id
ok 78 Chrome 89.0 - [42 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If the dropdown is disabled, the trigger doesn't have tabindex attribute
ok 79 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it belongs to a disabled dropdown, it gets an `aria-disabled=true` attribute for a11y
ok 80 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If the received dropdown is open, it has an `aria-expanded="true"` attribute, otherwise `"false"`
ok 81 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it has an `aria-owns="foo123"` attribute pointing to the id of the content
ok 82 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `@htmlTag`, the trigger uses that tag name
ok 83 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `role="foo123"` it gets that attribute
ok 84 Chrome 89.0 - [43 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it does not receive an specific `role`, the default is `button`
ok 85 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: the user can bind arbitrary events to the trigger
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `onMouseEnter` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.onMouseEnter}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `dropdown` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.dropdown}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 86 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: click events invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown by default
ok 87 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: mousedown events DO NOT invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown by default
ok 88 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: click events DO NOT invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown if `@eventType="mousedown"`
ok 89 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: mousedown events invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown if `eventType="mousedown"
ok 90 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: when `stopPropagation` is true the `click` event does not bubble
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `handlerInParent` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.handlerInParent}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 91 Chrome 89.0 - [64 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: when `stopPropagation` is true and eventType is true, the `click` event does not bubble
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `handlerInParent` property was used in the template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.handlerInParent}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 92 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ENTER fires the `toggle` action on the dropdown
ok 93 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing SPACE fires the `toggle` action on the dropdown and preventsDefault to avoid scrolling
ok 94 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ESC fires the `close` action on the dropdown
ok 95 Chrome 89.0 - [68 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ENTER/SPACE/ESC does nothing if there is a `{{on "keydown"}}` event that calls stopImmediatePropagation
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `onKeyDown` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.onKeyDown}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 96 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Tapping invokes the toggle action on the dropdown
ok 97 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Firing a mousemove between a touchstart and a touchend (touch scroll) doesn't fire the toggle action
ok 98 Chrome 89.0 - [75 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Using stylus on touch device will handle scroll/tap to fire toggle action properly
ok 99 Chrome 89.0 - [67 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If its dropdown is disabled it won't respond to mouse, touch or keyboard event
ok 100 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "mousedown"}} callback will execute before the default toggle behavior
ok 101 Chrome 89.0 - [81 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "click"}} callback that calls `stopImmediatePropagation`, will prevent the default behavior
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `onClick` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.onClick}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 102 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "mousedown"}} callback that calls `stopImmediatePropagation` will prevent the default behavior
ok 103 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "touchend"}} callback will execute before the default toggle behavior
ok 104 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "touchend"}} callback calling e.stopImmediatePropagation will prevent the default behavior
ok 105 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied `{{on "keydown"}}` action will execute before the default toggle behavior
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `onKeyDown` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.onKeyDown}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 106 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied `{{on "keydown"}}` action calling `stopImmediatePropagation` will prevent the default behavior
browser log: |
WARN: DEPRECATION: The `onKeyDown` property path was used in a template for the `(unknown template module)` component without using `this`. This fallback behavior has been deprecated, all properties must be looked up on `this` when used in the template: {{this.onKeyDown}} [deprecation id: this-property-fallback] See for more details.
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36693:21)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36720:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at handleDeprecationWorkflow (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69041:9)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at deprecationCollector (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:69066:5)
at HANDLERS.<computed> (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:36826:9)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/tests.js:9:5
ok 107 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Tapping an SVG inside of the trigger invokes the toggle action on the dropdown
ok 108 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onBlur action
ok 109 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onClick action
ok 110 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocus action
ok 111 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusIn action
ok 112 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusOut action
ok 113 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onKeyDown action
ok 114 Chrome 89.0 - [65 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseDown action
ok 115 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseEnter action
ok 116 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseLeave action
ok 117 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onTouchEnd action
ok 118 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | Calculate Position: calculatePosition is defined
ok 119 Chrome 89.0 - [13 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollLineHeight
ok 120 Chrome 89.0 - [3 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getAvailableScroll
ok 121 Chrome 89.0 - [2 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: distributeScroll
ok 122 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_PIXEL
- ember-cli-memory-leak-detector: capturing and analyzing heap snapshot...
ok 123 Chrome 89.0 - [0 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_LINE
ok 124 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_PAGE
ok 125 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - ember-qunit: Ember.onerror validation: Ember.onerror is functioning properly
ember-cli-memory-leak-detector: Error: Unable to connect to chrome. Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
Stack Trace and Error Report: /tmp/error.dump.4478a3bf2981bab7d870062e2e3d6d15.log
# tests 125
# pass 125
# skip 0
# todo 0
# fail 0
# ok
Result: true
(node:1152) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
added 1 package, changed 3 packages, and audited 2468 packages in 25s
82 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
7 low severity vulnerabilities
To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
npm audit fix --force
Run `npm audit` for details.
=== Scenario: ember-release ====================================================
- Building
Environment: test
- Building
- building...
(node:1223) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
- cleaning up
cleaning up...
- cleaning up
Built project successfully. Stored in "/tmp/tests-dist-2021214-1223-1p94clr.nyba".
ok 1 Chrome 89.0 - [457 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `toggle` action opens and closes the dropdown
ok 2 Chrome 89.0 - [168 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The click event with the right button doesn't open it
ok 3 Chrome 89.0 - [155 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `open` action opens the dropdown
ok 4 Chrome 89.0 - [147 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `close` action closes the dropdown
ok 5 Chrome 89.0 - [166 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive an onOpen action that is fired just before the component opens
ok 6 Chrome 89.0 - [111 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: returning false from the `onOpen` action prevents the dropdown from opening
ok 7 Chrome 89.0 - [183 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive an onClose action that is fired when the component closes
ok 8 Chrome 89.0 - [141 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: returning false from the `onClose` action prevents the dropdown from closing
ok 9 Chrome 89.0 - [94 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can be rendered already opened when the `initiallyOpened=true`
ok 10 Chrome 89.0 - [133 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Calling the `open` method while the dropdown is already opened does not call `onOpen` action
ok 11 Chrome 89.0 - [147 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Calling the `close` method while the dropdown is already opened does not call `onOpen` action
ok 12 Chrome 89.0 - [165 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `@horizontalPosition="right"`
ok 13 Chrome 89.0 - [172 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `horizontalPosition="center"`
ok 14 Chrome 89.0 - [125 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It prefers right over left when it receives "auto-right"
ok 15 Chrome 89.0 - [205 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `verticalPosition="above"`
ok 16 Chrome 89.0 - [221 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `renderInPlace` property to the yielded content component
ok 17 Chrome 89.0 - [122 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds a special class to both trigger and content when `@renderInPlace={{true}}`
ok 18 Chrome 89.0 - [161 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, the content still contains the --above/below classes
ok 19 Chrome 89.0 - [119 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds a wrapper element when `@renderInPlace={{true}}`
ok 20 Chrome 89.0 - [137 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, it prefers right over left with position "auto-right"
ok 21 Chrome 89.0 - [136 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, it applies right class for position "right"
ok 22 Chrome 89.0 - [140 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [ISSUE #127] Having more than one dropdown with `@renderInPlace={{true}}` raises an exception
ok 23 Chrome 89.0 - [111 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `disabled` property as part of the public API, and updates is if it changes
ok 24 Chrome 89.0 - [134 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `uniqueId` property as part of the public API
ok 25 Chrome 89.0 - [243 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: If the dropdown gets disabled while it's open, it closes automatically
ok 26 Chrome 89.0 - [322 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: If the component's `disabled` property changes, the `registerAPI` action is called
ok 27 Chrome 89.0 - [192 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive `@destination="id-of-elmnt"` to customize where `#-in-element` is going to render the content
ok 28 Chrome 89.0 - [136 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: By default, the `aria-owns` attribute of the trigger contains the id of the content
ok 29 Chrome 89.0 - [255 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The `reposition` public action returns an object with the changes
ok 30 Chrome 89.0 - [155 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The user can pass a custom `calculatePosition` function to customize how the component is placed on the screen
ok 31 Chrome 89.0 - [95 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The user can use the `renderInPlace` flag option to modify how the position is calculated in the `calculatePosition` function
ok 32 Chrome 89.0 - [79 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It allows to customize the trigger passing `@triggerComponent="my-custom-trigger"`
ok 33 Chrome 89.0 - [79 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It allows to customize the content passing `contentComponent="my-custom-content"`
ok 34 Chrome 89.0 - [154 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The registerAPI is called with every mutation of the publicAPI object
ok 35 Chrome 89.0 - [132 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: removing the dropdown in response to onClose does not error
ok 36 Chrome 89.0 - [303 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Dropdowns can be infinitely nested, clicking in children will not close parents, clicking in parents closes children
ok 37 Chrome 89.0 - [206 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [BUGFIX] Dropdowns rendered in place do not register events twice
ok 38 Chrome 89.0 - [88 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [BUGFIX] It protects the inline styles from undefined values returned in the `calculatePosition` callback
ok 39 Chrome 89.0 - [140 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It includes the inline styles returned from the `calculatePosition` callback
ok 40 Chrome 89.0 - [117 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If the dropdown is open renders the given block in a div with class `ember-basic-dropdown-content`
ok 41 Chrome 89.0 - [97 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If a `@defaultClass` argument is provided to the content, its value is added to the list of classes
ok 42 Chrome 89.0 - [84 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If the dropdown is closed, nothing is rendered
ok 43 Chrome 89.0 - [114 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `@renderInPlace={{true}}`, it is rendered right here instead of elsewhere
ok 44 Chrome 89.0 - [94 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: It derives the ID of the content from the `uniqueId` property of of the dropdown
ok 45 Chrome 89.0 - [83 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `class="foo123"`, the rendered content will have that class along with the default one
ok 46 Chrome 89.0 - [138 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `dir="rtl"`, the rendered content will have the attribute set
ok 47 Chrome 89.0 - [87 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
ok 48 Chrome 89.0 - [79 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Specifying the rootEventType as click will not close a component if it is opened
ok 49 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Specifying the rootEventType as mousedown will close a component if it is opened
ok 50 Chrome 89.0 - [97 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking anywhere inside the dropdown content doesn't invoke the close action
ok 51 Chrome 89.0 - [117 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking in inside the a dropdown content nested inside another dropdown content doesn't invoke the close action on neither of them if the second is rendered in place
ok 52 Chrome 89.0 - [78 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Tapping anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
ok 53 Chrome 89.0 - [82 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Scrolling (touchstart + touchmove + touchend) anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
ok 54 Chrome 89.0 - [98 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Using stylus on touch device will handle scroll/tap to fire close action properly
ok 55 Chrome 89.0 - [94 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The user can attach arbitrary events to the content
ok 56 Chrome 89.0 - [115 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned immediatly when opened
ok 57 Chrome 89.0 - [72 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is not repositioned if it is closed
ok 58 Chrome 89.0 - [95 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component cancels events when preventScroll is true
ok 59 Chrome 89.0 - [81 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the window scrolls
ok 60 Chrome 89.0 - [64 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the window is resized
ok 61 Chrome 89.0 - [72 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the orientation changes
ok 62 Chrome 89.0 - [151 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned when the content of the dropdown changes
ok 63 Chrome 89.0 - [106 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned when the content of the dropdown is changed through ember
ok 64 Chrome 89.0 - [161 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: @shouldReposition can be used to control which mutations should trigger a reposition
ok 65 Chrome 89.0 - [92 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: A renderInPlace component is repositioned if the window scrolls
ok 66 Chrome 89.0 - [98 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives an `overlay=true` option, there is an overlay covering all the screen
ok 67 Chrome 89.0 - [99 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusIn action
ok 68 Chrome 89.0 - [129 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusOut action
ok 69 Chrome 89.0 - [78 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseEnter action
ok 70 Chrome 89.0 - [114 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseLeave action
ok 71 Chrome 89.0 - [92 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: It renders the given block in a div with class `ember-basic-dropdown-trigger`, with no wrapper around
ok 72 Chrome 89.0 - [116 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If a `@defaultClass` argument is provided to the trigger, its value is added to the list of classes
ok 73 Chrome 89.0 - [81 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it doesn't receive any tabindex, defaults to 0
ok 74 Chrome 89.0 - [91 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives a tabindex={{false}}, it removes the tabindex
ok 75 Chrome 89.0 - [131 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `tabindex="3"`, the tabindex of the element is 3
ok 76 Chrome 89.0 - [116 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `title="something"`, if has that title attribute
ok 77 Chrome 89.0 - [81 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `id="some-id"`, if has that id
ok 78 Chrome 89.0 - [84 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If the dropdown is disabled, the trigger doesn't have tabindex attribute
ok 79 Chrome 89.0 - [79 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it belongs to a disabled dropdown, it gets an `aria-disabled=true` attribute for a11y
ok 80 Chrome 89.0 - [86 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If the received dropdown is open, it has an `aria-expanded="true"` attribute, otherwise `"false"`
ok 81 Chrome 89.0 - [89 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it has an `aria-owns="foo123"` attribute pointing to the id of the content
ok 82 Chrome 89.0 - [108 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `@htmlTag`, the trigger uses that tag name
ok 83 Chrome 89.0 - [106 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `role="foo123"` it gets that attribute
ok 84 Chrome 89.0 - [108 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it does not receive an specific `role`, the default is `button`
ok 85 Chrome 89.0 - [100 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: the user can bind arbitrary events to the trigger
ok 86 Chrome 89.0 - [128 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: click events invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown by default
ok 87 Chrome 89.0 - [104 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: mousedown events DO NOT invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown by default
ok 88 Chrome 89.0 - [76 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: click events DO NOT invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown if `@eventType="mousedown"`
ok 89 Chrome 89.0 - [183 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: mousedown events invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown if `eventType="mousedown"
ok 90 Chrome 89.0 - [96 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: when `stopPropagation` is true the `click` event does not bubble
ok 91 Chrome 89.0 - [119 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: when `stopPropagation` is true and eventType is true, the `click` event does not bubble
ok 92 Chrome 89.0 - [107 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ENTER fires the `toggle` action on the dropdown
ok 93 Chrome 89.0 - [102 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing SPACE fires the `toggle` action on the dropdown and preventsDefault to avoid scrolling
ok 94 Chrome 89.0 - [105 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ESC fires the `close` action on the dropdown
ok 95 Chrome 89.0 - [114 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ENTER/SPACE/ESC does nothing if there is a `{{on "keydown"}}` event that calls stopImmediatePropagation
ok 96 Chrome 89.0 - [96 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Tapping invokes the toggle action on the dropdown
ok 97 Chrome 89.0 - [105 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Firing a mousemove between a touchstart and a touchend (touch scroll) doesn't fire the toggle action
ok 98 Chrome 89.0 - [140 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Using stylus on touch device will handle scroll/tap to fire toggle action properly
ok 99 Chrome 89.0 - [132 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If its dropdown is disabled it won't respond to mouse, touch or keyboard event
ok 100 Chrome 89.0 - [88 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "mousedown"}} callback will execute before the default toggle behavior
ok 101 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "click"}} callback that calls `stopImmediatePropagation`, will prevent the default behavior
ok 102 Chrome 89.0 - [168 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "mousedown"}} callback that calls `stopImmediatePropagation` will prevent the default behavior
ok 103 Chrome 89.0 - [129 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "touchend"}} callback will execute before the default toggle behavior
ok 104 Chrome 89.0 - [81 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "touchend"}} callback calling e.stopImmediatePropagation will prevent the default behavior
ok 105 Chrome 89.0 - [90 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied `{{on "keydown"}}` action will execute before the default toggle behavior
ok 106 Chrome 89.0 - [94 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied `{{on "keydown"}}` action calling `stopImmediatePropagation` will prevent the default behavior
ok 107 Chrome 89.0 - [80 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Tapping an SVG inside of the trigger invokes the toggle action on the dropdown
ok 108 Chrome 89.0 - [97 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onBlur action
ok 109 Chrome 89.0 - [71 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onClick action
ok 110 Chrome 89.0 - [86 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocus action
ok 111 Chrome 89.0 - [67 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusIn action
ok 112 Chrome 89.0 - [71 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusOut action
ok 113 Chrome 89.0 - [66 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onKeyDown action
ok 114 Chrome 89.0 - [98 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseDown action
ok 115 Chrome 89.0 - [65 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseEnter action
ok 116 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseLeave action
ok 117 Chrome 89.0 - [73 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onTouchEnd action
- ember-cli-memory-leak-detector: capturing and analyzing heap snapshot...
ok 118 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | Calculate Position: calculatePosition is defined
ok 119 Chrome 89.0 - [27 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollLineHeight
ok 120 Chrome 89.0 - [3 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getAvailableScroll
ok 121 Chrome 89.0 - [3 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: distributeScroll
ok 122 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_PIXEL
ok 123 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_LINE
ok 124 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_PAGE
ok 125 Chrome 89.0 - [0 ms] - ember-qunit: Ember.onerror validation: Ember.onerror is functioning properly
ember-cli-memory-leak-detector: Error: Unable to connect to chrome. Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
Stack Trace and Error Report: /tmp/error.dump.396198f33837e10f8764d2f8a110cecb.log
# tests 125
# pass 125
# skip 0
# todo 0
# fail 0
# ok
Result: true
(node:1324) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
changed 3 packages, and audited 2468 packages in 27s
82 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
7 low severity vulnerabilities
To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
npm audit fix --force
Run `npm audit` for details.
=== Scenario: ember-3.25.3 =====================================================
- Building
Environment: test
- Building
- building...
(node:1395) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
- cleaning up
cleaning up...
- cleaning up
Built project successfully. Stored in "/tmp/tests-dist-2021214-1395-1fouk1r.2fap".
ok 1 Chrome 89.0 - [128 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `toggle` action opens and closes the dropdown
ok 2 Chrome 89.0 - [70 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The click event with the right button doesn't open it
ok 3 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `open` action opens the dropdown
ok 4 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `close` action closes the dropdown
ok 5 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive an onOpen action that is fired just before the component opens
ok 6 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: returning false from the `onOpen` action prevents the dropdown from opening
ok 7 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive an onClose action that is fired when the component closes
ok 8 Chrome 89.0 - [66 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: returning false from the `onClose` action prevents the dropdown from closing
ok 9 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can be rendered already opened when the `initiallyOpened=true`
ok 10 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Calling the `open` method while the dropdown is already opened does not call `onOpen` action
ok 11 Chrome 89.0 - [68 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Calling the `close` method while the dropdown is already opened does not call `onOpen` action
ok 12 Chrome 89.0 - [72 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `@horizontalPosition="right"`
ok 13 Chrome 89.0 - [77 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `horizontalPosition="center"`
ok 14 Chrome 89.0 - [63 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It prefers right over left when it receives "auto-right"
ok 15 Chrome 89.0 - [73 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `verticalPosition="above"`
ok 16 Chrome 89.0 - [73 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `renderInPlace` property to the yielded content component
ok 17 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds a special class to both trigger and content when `@renderInPlace={{true}}`
ok 18 Chrome 89.0 - [79 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, the content still contains the --above/below classes
ok 19 Chrome 89.0 - [62 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds a wrapper element when `@renderInPlace={{true}}`
ok 20 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, it prefers right over left with position "auto-right"
ok 21 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, it applies right class for position "right"
ok 22 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [ISSUE #127] Having more than one dropdown with `@renderInPlace={{true}}` raises an exception
ok 23 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `disabled` property as part of the public API, and updates is if it changes
ok 24 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `uniqueId` property as part of the public API
ok 25 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: If the dropdown gets disabled while it's open, it closes automatically
ok 26 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: If the component's `disabled` property changes, the `registerAPI` action is called
ok 27 Chrome 89.0 - [94 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive `@destination="id-of-elmnt"` to customize where `#-in-element` is going to render the content
ok 28 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: By default, the `aria-owns` attribute of the trigger contains the id of the content
ok 29 Chrome 89.0 - [63 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The `reposition` public action returns an object with the changes
ok 30 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The user can pass a custom `calculatePosition` function to customize how the component is placed on the screen
ok 31 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The user can use the `renderInPlace` flag option to modify how the position is calculated in the `calculatePosition` function
ok 32 Chrome 89.0 - [40 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It allows to customize the trigger passing `@triggerComponent="my-custom-trigger"`
ok 33 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It allows to customize the content passing `contentComponent="my-custom-content"`
ok 34 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The registerAPI is called with every mutation of the publicAPI object
ok 35 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: removing the dropdown in response to onClose does not error
ok 36 Chrome 89.0 - [107 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Dropdowns can be infinitely nested, clicking in children will not close parents, clicking in parents closes children
ok 37 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [BUGFIX] Dropdowns rendered in place do not register events twice
ok 38 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [BUGFIX] It protects the inline styles from undefined values returned in the `calculatePosition` callback
ok 39 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It includes the inline styles returned from the `calculatePosition` callback
ok 40 Chrome 89.0 - [63 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If the dropdown is open renders the given block in a div with class `ember-basic-dropdown-content`
ok 41 Chrome 89.0 - [43 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If a `@defaultClass` argument is provided to the content, its value is added to the list of classes
ok 42 Chrome 89.0 - [39 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If the dropdown is closed, nothing is rendered
ok 43 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `@renderInPlace={{true}}`, it is rendered right here instead of elsewhere
ok 44 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: It derives the ID of the content from the `uniqueId` property of of the dropdown
ok 45 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `class="foo123"`, the rendered content will have that class along with the default one
ok 46 Chrome 89.0 - [42 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `dir="rtl"`, the rendered content will have the attribute set
ok 47 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
ok 48 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Specifying the rootEventType as click will not close a component if it is opened
ok 49 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Specifying the rootEventType as mousedown will close a component if it is opened
ok 50 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking anywhere inside the dropdown content doesn't invoke the close action
ok 51 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking in inside the a dropdown content nested inside another dropdown content doesn't invoke the close action on neither of them if the second is rendered in place
ok 52 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Tapping anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
ok 53 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Scrolling (touchstart + touchmove + touchend) anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
ok 54 Chrome 89.0 - [71 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Using stylus on touch device will handle scroll/tap to fire close action properly
ok 55 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The user can attach arbitrary events to the content
ok 56 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned immediatly when opened
ok 57 Chrome 89.0 - [42 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is not repositioned if it is closed
ok 58 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component cancels events when preventScroll is true
ok 59 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the window scrolls
ok 60 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the window is resized
ok 61 Chrome 89.0 - [43 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the orientation changes
ok 62 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned when the content of the dropdown changes
ok 63 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned when the content of the dropdown is changed through ember
ok 64 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: @shouldReposition can be used to control which mutations should trigger a reposition
ok 65 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: A renderInPlace component is repositioned if the window scrolls
ok 66 Chrome 89.0 - [43 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives an `overlay=true` option, there is an overlay covering all the screen
ok 67 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusIn action
ok 68 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusOut action
ok 69 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseEnter action
ok 70 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseLeave action
ok 71 Chrome 89.0 - [41 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: It renders the given block in a div with class `ember-basic-dropdown-trigger`, with no wrapper around
ok 72 Chrome 89.0 - [41 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If a `@defaultClass` argument is provided to the trigger, its value is added to the list of classes
ok 73 Chrome 89.0 - [43 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it doesn't receive any tabindex, defaults to 0
ok 74 Chrome 89.0 - [42 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives a tabindex={{false}}, it removes the tabindex
ok 75 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `tabindex="3"`, the tabindex of the element is 3
ok 76 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `title="something"`, if has that title attribute
ok 77 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `id="some-id"`, if has that id
ok 78 Chrome 89.0 - [43 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If the dropdown is disabled, the trigger doesn't have tabindex attribute
ok 79 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it belongs to a disabled dropdown, it gets an `aria-disabled=true` attribute for a11y
ok 80 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If the received dropdown is open, it has an `aria-expanded="true"` attribute, otherwise `"false"`
ok 81 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it has an `aria-owns="foo123"` attribute pointing to the id of the content
ok 82 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `@htmlTag`, the trigger uses that tag name
ok 83 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `role="foo123"` it gets that attribute
ok 84 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it does not receive an specific `role`, the default is `button`
ok 85 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: the user can bind arbitrary events to the trigger
ok 86 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: click events invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown by default
ok 87 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: mousedown events DO NOT invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown by default
ok 88 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: click events DO NOT invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown if `@eventType="mousedown"`
ok 89 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: mousedown events invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown if `eventType="mousedown"
ok 90 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: when `stopPropagation` is true the `click` event does not bubble
ok 91 Chrome 89.0 - [63 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: when `stopPropagation` is true and eventType is true, the `click` event does not bubble
ok 92 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ENTER fires the `toggle` action on the dropdown
ok 93 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing SPACE fires the `toggle` action on the dropdown and preventsDefault to avoid scrolling
ok 94 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ESC fires the `close` action on the dropdown
ok 95 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ENTER/SPACE/ESC does nothing if there is a `{{on "keydown"}}` event that calls stopImmediatePropagation
ok 96 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Tapping invokes the toggle action on the dropdown
ok 97 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Firing a mousemove between a touchstart and a touchend (touch scroll) doesn't fire the toggle action
ok 98 Chrome 89.0 - [67 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Using stylus on touch device will handle scroll/tap to fire toggle action properly
ok 99 Chrome 89.0 - [67 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If its dropdown is disabled it won't respond to mouse, touch or keyboard event
ok 100 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "mousedown"}} callback will execute before the default toggle behavior
ok 101 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "click"}} callback that calls `stopImmediatePropagation`, will prevent the default behavior
ok 102 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "mousedown"}} callback that calls `stopImmediatePropagation` will prevent the default behavior
ok 103 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "touchend"}} callback will execute before the default toggle behavior
ok 104 Chrome 89.0 - [63 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "touchend"}} callback calling e.stopImmediatePropagation will prevent the default behavior
ok 105 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied `{{on "keydown"}}` action will execute before the default toggle behavior
ok 106 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied `{{on "keydown"}}` action calling `stopImmediatePropagation` will prevent the default behavior
ok 107 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Tapping an SVG inside of the trigger invokes the toggle action on the dropdown
ok 108 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onBlur action
ok 109 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onClick action
ok 110 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocus action
ok 111 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusIn action
ok 112 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusOut action
ok 113 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onKeyDown action
ok 114 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseDown action
ok 115 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseEnter action
ok 116 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseLeave action
- ember-cli-memory-leak-detector: capturing and analyzing heap snapshot...
ok 117 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onTouchEnd action
ok 118 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | Calculate Position: calculatePosition is defined
ok 119 Chrome 89.0 - [24 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollLineHeight
ok 120 Chrome 89.0 - [2 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getAvailableScroll
ok 121 Chrome 89.0 - [2 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: distributeScroll
ok 122 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_PIXEL
ok 123 Chrome 89.0 - [0 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_LINE
ok 124 Chrome 89.0 - [0 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_PAGE
ok 125 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - ember-qunit: Ember.onerror validation: Ember.onerror is functioning properly
ember-cli-memory-leak-detector: Error: Unable to connect to chrome. Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
Stack Trace and Error Report: /tmp/error.dump.5e0cbccaed5e1b049759606ed87a5713.log
# tests 125
# pass 125
# skip 0
# todo 0
# fail 0
# ok
Result: true
(node:1491) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
removed 1 package, changed 3 packages, and audited 2467 packages in 28s
82 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
7 low severity vulnerabilities
To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
npm audit fix --force
Run `npm audit` for details.
=== Scenario: ember-3.24.3 =====================================================
- Building
Environment: test
- Building
- building...
(node:1562) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
- cleaning up
cleaning up...
- cleaning up
Built project successfully. Stored in "/tmp/tests-dist-2021214-1562-nh499c.x9axc".
not ok 1 Chrome 89.0 - [97 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `toggle` action opens and closes the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 2 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The click event with the right button doesn't open it
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 3 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `open` action opens the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 4 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `close` action closes the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 5 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive an onOpen action that is fired just before the component opens
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 6 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: returning false from the `onOpen` action prevents the dropdown from opening
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 7 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive an onClose action that is fired when the component closes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 8 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: returning false from the `onClose` action prevents the dropdown from closing
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 9 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can be rendered already opened when the `initiallyOpened=true`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 10 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Calling the `open` method while the dropdown is already opened does not call `onOpen` action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 11 Chrome 89.0 - [64 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Calling the `close` method while the dropdown is already opened does not call `onOpen` action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 12 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `@horizontalPosition="right"`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 13 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `horizontalPosition="center"`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 14 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It prefers right over left when it receives "auto-right"
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 15 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `verticalPosition="above"`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 16 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `renderInPlace` property to the yielded content component
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 17 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds a special class to both trigger and content when `@renderInPlace={{true}}`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 18 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, the content still contains the --above/below classes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 19 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds a wrapper element when `@renderInPlace={{true}}`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 20 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, it prefers right over left with position "auto-right"
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 21 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, it applies right class for position "right"
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 22 Chrome 89.0 - [65 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [ISSUE #127] Having more than one dropdown with `@renderInPlace={{true}}` raises an exception
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 23 Chrome 89.0 - [63 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `disabled` property as part of the public API, and updates is if it changes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 24 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `uniqueId` property as part of the public API
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 25 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: If the dropdown gets disabled while it's open, it closes automatically
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 26 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: If the component's `disabled` property changes, the `registerAPI` action is called
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 27 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive `@destination="id-of-elmnt"` to customize where `#-in-element` is going to render the content
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 28 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: By default, the `aria-owns` attribute of the trigger contains the id of the content
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 29 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The `reposition` public action returns an object with the changes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 30 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The user can pass a custom `calculatePosition` function to customize how the component is placed on the screen
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 31 Chrome 89.0 - [62 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The user can use the `renderInPlace` flag option to modify how the position is calculated in the `calculatePosition` function
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 32 Chrome 89.0 - [66 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It allows to customize the trigger passing `@triggerComponent="my-custom-trigger"`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 33 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It allows to customize the content passing `contentComponent="my-custom-content"`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 34 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The registerAPI is called with every mutation of the publicAPI object
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 35 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: removing the dropdown in response to onClose does not error
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 36 Chrome 89.0 - [70 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Dropdowns can be infinitely nested, clicking in children will not close parents, clicking in parents closes children
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 37 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [BUGFIX] Dropdowns rendered in place do not register events twice
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 38 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [BUGFIX] It protects the inline styles from undefined values returned in the `calculatePosition` callback
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 39 Chrome 89.0 - [62 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It includes the inline styles returned from the `calculatePosition` callback
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 40 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If the dropdown is open renders the given block in a div with class `ember-basic-dropdown-content`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 41 Chrome 89.0 - [75 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If a `@defaultClass` argument is provided to the content, its value is added to the list of classes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 42 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If the dropdown is closed, nothing is rendered
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 43 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `@renderInPlace={{true}}`, it is rendered right here instead of elsewhere
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 44 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: It derives the ID of the content from the `uniqueId` property of of the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 45 Chrome 89.0 - [65 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `class="foo123"`, the rendered content will have that class along with the default one
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 46 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `dir="rtl"`, the rendered content will have the attribute set
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 47 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 48 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Specifying the rootEventType as click will not close a component if it is opened
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 49 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Specifying the rootEventType as mousedown will close a component if it is opened
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 50 Chrome 89.0 - [67 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking anywhere inside the dropdown content doesn't invoke the close action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 51 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking in inside the a dropdown content nested inside another dropdown content doesn't invoke the close action on neither of them if the second is rendered in place
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 52 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Tapping anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 53 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Scrolling (touchstart + touchmove + touchend) anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 54 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Using stylus on touch device will handle scroll/tap to fire close action properly
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 55 Chrome 89.0 - [62 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The user can attach arbitrary events to the content
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 56 Chrome 89.0 - [67 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned immediatly when opened
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 57 Chrome 89.0 - [62 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is not repositioned if it is closed
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 58 Chrome 89.0 - [73 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component cancels events when preventScroll is true
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 59 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the window scrolls
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 60 Chrome 89.0 - [69 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the window is resized
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 61 Chrome 89.0 - [92 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the orientation changes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 62 Chrome 89.0 - [75 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned when the content of the dropdown changes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 63 Chrome 89.0 - [60073 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned when the content of the dropdown is changed through ember
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 64 Chrome 89.0 - [66 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: @shouldReposition can be used to control which mutations should trigger a reposition
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 65 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: A renderInPlace component is repositioned if the window scrolls
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 66 Chrome 89.0 - [79 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives an `overlay=true` option, there is an overlay covering all the screen
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 67 Chrome 89.0 - [64 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusIn action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 68 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusOut action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 69 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseEnter action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 70 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseLeave action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 71 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: It renders the given block in a div with class `ember-basic-dropdown-trigger`, with no wrapper around
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 72 Chrome 89.0 - [70 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If a `@defaultClass` argument is provided to the trigger, its value is added to the list of classes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 73 Chrome 89.0 - [69 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it doesn't receive any tabindex, defaults to 0
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 74 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives a tabindex={{false}}, it removes the tabindex
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 75 Chrome 89.0 - [74 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `tabindex="3"`, the tabindex of the element is 3
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 76 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `title="something"`, if has that title attribute
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 77 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `id="some-id"`, if has that id
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 78 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If the dropdown is disabled, the trigger doesn't have tabindex attribute
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 79 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it belongs to a disabled dropdown, it gets an `aria-disabled=true` attribute for a11y
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 80 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If the received dropdown is open, it has an `aria-expanded="true"` attribute, otherwise `"false"`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 81 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it has an `aria-owns="foo123"` attribute pointing to the id of the content
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 82 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `@htmlTag`, the trigger uses that tag name
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 83 Chrome 89.0 - [63 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `role="foo123"` it gets that attribute
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 84 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it does not receive an specific `role`, the default is `button`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 85 Chrome 89.0 - [67 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: the user can bind arbitrary events to the trigger
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 86 Chrome 89.0 - [67 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: click events invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown by default
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 87 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: mousedown events DO NOT invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown by default
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 88 Chrome 89.0 - [64 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: click events DO NOT invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown if `@eventType="mousedown"`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 89 Chrome 89.0 - [75 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: mousedown events invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown if `eventType="mousedown"
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 90 Chrome 89.0 - [70 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: when `stopPropagation` is true the `click` event does not bubble
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 91 Chrome 89.0 - [65 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: when `stopPropagation` is true and eventType is true, the `click` event does not bubble
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 92 Chrome 89.0 - [66 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ENTER fires the `toggle` action on the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 93 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing SPACE fires the `toggle` action on the dropdown and preventsDefault to avoid scrolling
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 94 Chrome 89.0 - [69 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ESC fires the `close` action on the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 95 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ENTER/SPACE/ESC does nothing if there is a `{{on "keydown"}}` event that calls stopImmediatePropagation
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 96 Chrome 89.0 - [69 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Tapping invokes the toggle action on the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 97 Chrome 89.0 - [65 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Firing a mousemove between a touchstart and a touchend (touch scroll) doesn't fire the toggle action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 98 Chrome 89.0 - [67 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Using stylus on touch device will handle scroll/tap to fire toggle action properly
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 99 Chrome 89.0 - [68 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If its dropdown is disabled it won't respond to mouse, touch or keyboard event
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 100 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "mousedown"}} callback will execute before the default toggle behavior
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 101 Chrome 89.0 - [71 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "click"}} callback that calls `stopImmediatePropagation`, will prevent the default behavior
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 102 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "mousedown"}} callback that calls `stopImmediatePropagation` will prevent the default behavior
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 103 Chrome 89.0 - [67 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "touchend"}} callback will execute before the default toggle behavior
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 104 Chrome 89.0 - [72 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "touchend"}} callback calling e.stopImmediatePropagation will prevent the default behavior
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 105 Chrome 89.0 - [65 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied `{{on "keydown"}}` action will execute before the default toggle behavior
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 106 Chrome 89.0 - [70 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied `{{on "keydown"}}` action calling `stopImmediatePropagation` will prevent the default behavior
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 107 Chrome 89.0 - [65 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Tapping an SVG inside of the trigger invokes the toggle action on the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 108 Chrome 89.0 - [69 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onBlur action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 109 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onClick action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 110 Chrome 89.0 - [68 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocus action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 111 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusIn action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 112 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusOut action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 113 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onKeyDown action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 114 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseDown action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 115 Chrome 89.0 - [76 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseEnter action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 116 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseLeave action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
not ok 117 Chrome 89.0 - [62 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onTouchEnd action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45694:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45199:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46535:28)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51081:52)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49062:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52563:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52519:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52511:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53636:24)
at VM._execute (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53620:23)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
Error occurred:
- While rendering:
Error occurred:
- ember-cli-memory-leak-detector: capturing and analyzing heap snapshot...
ok 118 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | Calculate Position: calculatePosition is defined
ok 119 Chrome 89.0 - [27 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollLineHeight
ok 120 Chrome 89.0 - [3 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getAvailableScroll
ok 121 Chrome 89.0 - [2 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: distributeScroll
ok 122 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_PIXEL
ok 123 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_LINE
ok 124 Chrome 89.0 - [0 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_PAGE
ok 125 Chrome 89.0 - [0 ms] - ember-qunit: Ember.onerror validation: Ember.onerror is functioning properly
ember-cli-memory-leak-detector: Error: Unable to connect to chrome. Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
Stack Trace and Error Report: /tmp/error.dump.75cf0315ffda3c3e38102fa68229133a.log
# tests 125
# pass 8
# skip 0
# todo 0
# fail 117
Testem finished with non-zero exit code. Tests failed.
Result: false
(node:1664) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
changed 3 packages, and audited 2467 packages in 24s
82 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
7 low severity vulnerabilities
To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
npm audit fix --force
Run `npm audit` for details.
=== Scenario: ember-3.20.6 =====================================================
- Building
Environment: test
- Building
- building...
(node:1735) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
- cleaning up
cleaning up...
- cleaning up
Built project successfully. Stored in "/tmp/tests-dist-2021214-1735-esdn22.7cnq".
not ok 1 Chrome 89.0 - [79 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `toggle` action opens and closes the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 2 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The click event with the right button doesn't open it
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 3 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `open` action opens the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 4 Chrome 89.0 - [43 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `close` action closes the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 5 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive an onOpen action that is fired just before the component opens
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 6 Chrome 89.0 - [42 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: returning false from the `onOpen` action prevents the dropdown from opening
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 7 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive an onClose action that is fired when the component closes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 8 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: returning false from the `onClose` action prevents the dropdown from closing
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 9 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can be rendered already opened when the `initiallyOpened=true`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 10 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Calling the `open` method while the dropdown is already opened does not call `onOpen` action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 11 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Calling the `close` method while the dropdown is already opened does not call `onOpen` action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 12 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `@horizontalPosition="right"`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 13 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `horizontalPosition="center"`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 14 Chrome 89.0 - [46 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It prefers right over left when it receives "auto-right"
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 15 Chrome 89.0 - [42 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `verticalPosition="above"`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 16 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `renderInPlace` property to the yielded content component
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 17 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds a special class to both trigger and content when `@renderInPlace={{true}}`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 18 Chrome 89.0 - [41 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, the content still contains the --above/below classes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 19 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds a wrapper element when `@renderInPlace={{true}}`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 20 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, it prefers right over left with position "auto-right"
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 21 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, it applies right class for position "right"
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 22 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [ISSUE #127] Having more than one dropdown with `@renderInPlace={{true}}` raises an exception
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 23 Chrome 89.0 - [67 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `disabled` property as part of the public API, and updates is if it changes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 24 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `uniqueId` property as part of the public API
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 25 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: If the dropdown gets disabled while it's open, it closes automatically
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 26 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: If the component's `disabled` property changes, the `registerAPI` action is called
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 27 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive `@destination="id-of-elmnt"` to customize where `#-in-element` is going to render the content
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 28 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: By default, the `aria-owns` attribute of the trigger contains the id of the content
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 29 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The `reposition` public action returns an object with the changes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 30 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The user can pass a custom `calculatePosition` function to customize how the component is placed on the screen
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 31 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The user can use the `renderInPlace` flag option to modify how the position is calculated in the `calculatePosition` function
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 32 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It allows to customize the trigger passing `@triggerComponent="my-custom-trigger"`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 33 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It allows to customize the content passing `contentComponent="my-custom-content"`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 34 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The registerAPI is called with every mutation of the publicAPI object
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 35 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: removing the dropdown in response to onClose does not error
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 36 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Dropdowns can be infinitely nested, clicking in children will not close parents, clicking in parents closes children
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 37 Chrome 89.0 - [63 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [BUGFIX] Dropdowns rendered in place do not register events twice
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 38 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [BUGFIX] It protects the inline styles from undefined values returned in the `calculatePosition` callback
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 39 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It includes the inline styles returned from the `calculatePosition` callback
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 40 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If the dropdown is open renders the given block in a div with class `ember-basic-dropdown-content`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 41 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If a `@defaultClass` argument is provided to the content, its value is added to the list of classes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 42 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If the dropdown is closed, nothing is rendered
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 43 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `@renderInPlace={{true}}`, it is rendered right here instead of elsewhere
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 44 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: It derives the ID of the content from the `uniqueId` property of of the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 45 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `class="foo123"`, the rendered content will have that class along with the default one
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 46 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `dir="rtl"`, the rendered content will have the attribute set
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 47 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 48 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Specifying the rootEventType as click will not close a component if it is opened
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 49 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Specifying the rootEventType as mousedown will close a component if it is opened
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 50 Chrome 89.0 - [85 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking anywhere inside the dropdown content doesn't invoke the close action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 51 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking in inside the a dropdown content nested inside another dropdown content doesn't invoke the close action on neither of them if the second is rendered in place
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 52 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Tapping anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 53 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Scrolling (touchstart + touchmove + touchend) anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 54 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Using stylus on touch device will handle scroll/tap to fire close action properly
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 55 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The user can attach arbitrary events to the content
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 56 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned immediatly when opened
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 57 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is not repositioned if it is closed
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 58 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component cancels events when preventScroll is true
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 59 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the window scrolls
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 60 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the window is resized
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 61 Chrome 89.0 - [68 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the orientation changes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 62 Chrome 89.0 - [81 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned when the content of the dropdown changes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 63 Chrome 89.0 - [60067 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned when the content of the dropdown is changed through ember
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 64 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: @shouldReposition can be used to control which mutations should trigger a reposition
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 65 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: A renderInPlace component is repositioned if the window scrolls
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 66 Chrome 89.0 - [69 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives an `overlay=true` option, there is an overlay covering all the screen
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 67 Chrome 89.0 - [66 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusIn action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 68 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusOut action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 69 Chrome 89.0 - [65 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseEnter action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 70 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseLeave action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 71 Chrome 89.0 - [69 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: It renders the given block in a div with class `ember-basic-dropdown-trigger`, with no wrapper around
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 72 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If a `@defaultClass` argument is provided to the trigger, its value is added to the list of classes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 73 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it doesn't receive any tabindex, defaults to 0
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 74 Chrome 89.0 - [63 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives a tabindex={{false}}, it removes the tabindex
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 75 Chrome 89.0 - [72 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `tabindex="3"`, the tabindex of the element is 3
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 76 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `title="something"`, if has that title attribute
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 77 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `id="some-id"`, if has that id
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 78 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If the dropdown is disabled, the trigger doesn't have tabindex attribute
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 79 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it belongs to a disabled dropdown, it gets an `aria-disabled=true` attribute for a11y
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 80 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If the received dropdown is open, it has an `aria-expanded="true"` attribute, otherwise `"false"`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 81 Chrome 89.0 - [71 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it has an `aria-owns="foo123"` attribute pointing to the id of the content
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 82 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `@htmlTag`, the trigger uses that tag name
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 83 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `role="foo123"` it gets that attribute
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 84 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it does not receive an specific `role`, the default is `button`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 85 Chrome 89.0 - [65 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: the user can bind arbitrary events to the trigger
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 86 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: click events invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown by default
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 87 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: mousedown events DO NOT invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown by default
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 88 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: click events DO NOT invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown if `@eventType="mousedown"`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 89 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: mousedown events invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown if `eventType="mousedown"
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 90 Chrome 89.0 - [65 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: when `stopPropagation` is true the `click` event does not bubble
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 91 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: when `stopPropagation` is true and eventType is true, the `click` event does not bubble
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 92 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ENTER fires the `toggle` action on the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 93 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing SPACE fires the `toggle` action on the dropdown and preventsDefault to avoid scrolling
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 94 Chrome 89.0 - [63 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ESC fires the `close` action on the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 95 Chrome 89.0 - [63 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ENTER/SPACE/ESC does nothing if there is a `{{on "keydown"}}` event that calls stopImmediatePropagation
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 96 Chrome 89.0 - [71 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Tapping invokes the toggle action on the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 97 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Firing a mousemove between a touchstart and a touchend (touch scroll) doesn't fire the toggle action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 98 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Using stylus on touch device will handle scroll/tap to fire toggle action properly
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 99 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If its dropdown is disabled it won't respond to mouse, touch or keyboard event
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 100 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "mousedown"}} callback will execute before the default toggle behavior
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 101 Chrome 89.0 - [67 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "click"}} callback that calls `stopImmediatePropagation`, will prevent the default behavior
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 102 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "mousedown"}} callback that calls `stopImmediatePropagation` will prevent the default behavior
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 103 Chrome 89.0 - [66 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "touchend"}} callback will execute before the default toggle behavior
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 104 Chrome 89.0 - [65 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "touchend"}} callback calling e.stopImmediatePropagation will prevent the default behavior
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 105 Chrome 89.0 - [77 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied `{{on "keydown"}}` action will execute before the default toggle behavior
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 106 Chrome 89.0 - [78 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied `{{on "keydown"}}` action calling `stopImmediatePropagation` will prevent the default behavior
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 107 Chrome 89.0 - [66 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Tapping an SVG inside of the trigger invokes the toggle action on the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 108 Chrome 89.0 - [70 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onBlur action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 109 Chrome 89.0 - [67 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onClick action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 110 Chrome 89.0 - [62 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocus action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 111 Chrome 89.0 - [77 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusIn action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 112 Chrome 89.0 - [64 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusOut action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 113 Chrome 89.0 - [62 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onKeyDown action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 114 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseDown action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 115 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseEnter action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 116 Chrome 89.0 - [77 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseLeave action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
- ember-cli-memory-leak-detector: capturing and analyzing heap snapshot...
not ok 117 Chrome 89.0 - [62 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onTouchEnd action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at meta (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45926:34)
at compilable (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45431:57)
at TemplateImpl.asLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46669:28)
at OutletComponentManager.getJitStaticLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:6271:50)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51736:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:50131:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53045:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:53001:14)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateOuter (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:52993:14)
at (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:54066:24)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
ok 118 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | Calculate Position: calculatePosition is defined
ok 119 Chrome 89.0 - [33 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollLineHeight
ok 120 Chrome 89.0 - [2 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getAvailableScroll
ok 121 Chrome 89.0 - [2 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: distributeScroll
ok 122 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_PIXEL
ok 123 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_LINE
ok 124 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_PAGE
ok 125 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - ember-qunit: Ember.onerror validation: Ember.onerror is functioning properly
ember-cli-memory-leak-detector: Error: Unable to connect to chrome. Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
Stack Trace and Error Report: /tmp/error.dump.05b9ce4821505d4eff5df255e149d62e.log
# tests 125
# pass 8
# skip 0
# todo 0
# fail 117
Testem finished with non-zero exit code. Tests failed.
Result: false
(node:1839) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
added 12 packages, removed 2 packages, changed 4 packages, and audited 2477 packages in 26s
82 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
7 low severity vulnerabilities
To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
npm audit fix --force
Run `npm audit` for details.
=== Scenario: ember-3.16.10 ====================================================
- Building
Environment: test
- Building
- building...
(node:1910) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental
cleaning up...
- cleaning up
- cleaning up
Built project successfully. Stored in "/tmp/tests-dist-2021214-1910-p264eg.xw98h".
not ok 1 Chrome 89.0 - [103 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `toggle` action opens and closes the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 2 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The click event with the right button doesn't open it
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 3 Chrome 89.0 - [40 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `open` action opens the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 4 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Its `close` action closes the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 5 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive an onOpen action that is fired just before the component opens
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 6 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: returning false from the `onOpen` action prevents the dropdown from opening
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 7 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive an onClose action that is fired when the component closes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 8 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: returning false from the `onClose` action prevents the dropdown from closing
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 9 Chrome 89.0 - [45 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can be rendered already opened when the `initiallyOpened=true`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 10 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Calling the `open` method while the dropdown is already opened does not call `onOpen` action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 11 Chrome 89.0 - [65 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Calling the `close` method while the dropdown is already opened does not call `onOpen` action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 12 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `@horizontalPosition="right"`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 13 Chrome 89.0 - [43 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `horizontalPosition="center"`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 14 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It prefers right over left when it receives "auto-right"
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 15 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds the proper class to trigger and content when it receives `verticalPosition="above"`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 16 Chrome 89.0 - [44 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `renderInPlace` property to the yielded content component
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 17 Chrome 89.0 - [42 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds a special class to both trigger and content when `@renderInPlace={{true}}`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 18 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, the content still contains the --above/below classes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 19 Chrome 89.0 - [50 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It adds a wrapper element when `@renderInPlace={{true}}`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 20 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, it prefers right over left with position "auto-right"
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 21 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: When rendered in-place, it applies right class for position "right"
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 22 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [ISSUE #127] Having more than one dropdown with `@renderInPlace={{true}}` raises an exception
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 23 Chrome 89.0 - [73 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `disabled` property as part of the public API, and updates is if it changes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 24 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It passes the `uniqueId` property as part of the public API
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 25 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: If the dropdown gets disabled while it's open, it closes automatically
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 26 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: If the component's `disabled` property changes, the `registerAPI` action is called
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 27 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It can receive `@destination="id-of-elmnt"` to customize where `#-in-element` is going to render the content
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 28 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: By default, the `aria-owns` attribute of the trigger contains the id of the content
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 29 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The `reposition` public action returns an object with the changes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 30 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The user can pass a custom `calculatePosition` function to customize how the component is placed on the screen
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 31 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The user can use the `renderInPlace` flag option to modify how the position is calculated in the `calculatePosition` function
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 32 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It allows to customize the trigger passing `@triggerComponent="my-custom-trigger"`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 33 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It allows to customize the content passing `contentComponent="my-custom-content"`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 34 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: The registerAPI is called with every mutation of the publicAPI object
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 35 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: removing the dropdown in response to onClose does not error
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 36 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: Dropdowns can be infinitely nested, clicking in children will not close parents, clicking in parents closes children
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 37 Chrome 89.0 - [64 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [BUGFIX] Dropdowns rendered in place do not register events twice
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 38 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: [BUGFIX] It protects the inline styles from undefined values returned in the `calculatePosition` callback
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 39 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown: It includes the inline styles returned from the `calculatePosition` callback
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 40 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If the dropdown is open renders the given block in a div with class `ember-basic-dropdown-content`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 41 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If a `@defaultClass` argument is provided to the content, its value is added to the list of classes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 42 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If the dropdown is closed, nothing is rendered
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 43 Chrome 89.0 - [47 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `@renderInPlace={{true}}`, it is rendered right here instead of elsewhere
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 44 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: It derives the ID of the content from the `uniqueId` property of of the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 45 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `class="foo123"`, the rendered content will have that class along with the default one
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 46 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives `dir="rtl"`, the rendered content will have the attribute set
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 47 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 48 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Specifying the rootEventType as click will not close a component if it is opened
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 49 Chrome 89.0 - [63 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Specifying the rootEventType as mousedown will close a component if it is opened
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 50 Chrome 89.0 - [71 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking anywhere inside the dropdown content doesn't invoke the close action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 51 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Clicking in inside the a dropdown content nested inside another dropdown content doesn't invoke the close action on neither of them if the second is rendered in place
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 52 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Tapping anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 53 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Scrolling (touchstart + touchmove + touchend) anywhere in the app outside the component will invoke the close action on the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 54 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: Using stylus on touch device will handle scroll/tap to fire close action properly
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 55 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The user can attach arbitrary events to the content
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 56 Chrome 89.0 - [52 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned immediatly when opened
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 57 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is not repositioned if it is closed
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 58 Chrome 89.0 - [48 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component cancels events when preventScroll is true
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 59 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the window scrolls
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 60 Chrome 89.0 - [49 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the window is resized
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 61 Chrome 89.0 - [69 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned if the orientation changes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 62 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned when the content of the dropdown changes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 63 Chrome 89.0 - [60071 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: The component is repositioned when the content of the dropdown is changed through ember
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 64 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: @shouldReposition can be used to control which mutations should trigger a reposition
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 65 Chrome 89.0 - [63 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: A renderInPlace component is repositioned if the window scrolls
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 66 Chrome 89.0 - [64 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content: If it receives an `overlay=true` option, there is an overlay covering all the screen
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 67 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusIn action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 68 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusOut action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 69 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseEnter action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 70 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-content > Content event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseLeave action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 71 Chrome 89.0 - [67 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: It renders the given block in a div with class `ember-basic-dropdown-trigger`, with no wrapper around
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 72 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If a `@defaultClass` argument is provided to the trigger, its value is added to the list of classes
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 73 Chrome 89.0 - [66 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it doesn't receive any tabindex, defaults to 0
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 74 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives a tabindex={{false}}, it removes the tabindex
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 75 Chrome 89.0 - [72 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `tabindex="3"`, the tabindex of the element is 3
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 76 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `title="something"`, if has that title attribute
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 77 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `id="some-id"`, if has that id
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 78 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If the dropdown is disabled, the trigger doesn't have tabindex attribute
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 79 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it belongs to a disabled dropdown, it gets an `aria-disabled=true` attribute for a11y
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 80 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If the received dropdown is open, it has an `aria-expanded="true"` attribute, otherwise `"false"`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 81 Chrome 89.0 - [57 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it has an `aria-owns="foo123"` attribute pointing to the id of the content
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 82 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `@htmlTag`, the trigger uses that tag name
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 83 Chrome 89.0 - [65 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it receives `role="foo123"` it gets that attribute
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 84 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If it does not receive an specific `role`, the default is `button`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 85 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: the user can bind arbitrary events to the trigger
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 86 Chrome 89.0 - [67 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: click events invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown by default
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 87 Chrome 89.0 - [62 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: mousedown events DO NOT invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown by default
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 88 Chrome 89.0 - [54 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: click events DO NOT invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown if `@eventType="mousedown"`
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 89 Chrome 89.0 - [51 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: mousedown events invoke the `toggle` action on the dropdown if `eventType="mousedown"
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 90 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: when `stopPropagation` is true the `click` event does not bubble
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 91 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: when `stopPropagation` is true and eventType is true, the `click` event does not bubble
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 92 Chrome 89.0 - [56 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ENTER fires the `toggle` action on the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 93 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing SPACE fires the `toggle` action on the dropdown and preventsDefault to avoid scrolling
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 94 Chrome 89.0 - [66 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ESC fires the `close` action on the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 95 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Pressing ENTER/SPACE/ESC does nothing if there is a `{{on "keydown"}}` event that calls stopImmediatePropagation
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 96 Chrome 89.0 - [97 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Tapping invokes the toggle action on the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 97 Chrome 89.0 - [53 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Firing a mousemove between a touchstart and a touchend (touch scroll) doesn't fire the toggle action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 98 Chrome 89.0 - [55 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Using stylus on touch device will handle scroll/tap to fire toggle action properly
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 99 Chrome 89.0 - [62 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: If its dropdown is disabled it won't respond to mouse, touch or keyboard event
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 100 Chrome 89.0 - [71 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "mousedown"}} callback will execute before the default toggle behavior
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 101 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "click"}} callback that calls `stopImmediatePropagation`, will prevent the default behavior
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 102 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "mousedown"}} callback that calls `stopImmediatePropagation` will prevent the default behavior
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 103 Chrome 89.0 - [66 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "touchend"}} callback will execute before the default toggle behavior
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 104 Chrome 89.0 - [68 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied {{on "touchend"}} callback calling e.stopImmediatePropagation will prevent the default behavior
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 105 Chrome 89.0 - [74 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied `{{on "keydown"}}` action will execute before the default toggle behavior
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 106 Chrome 89.0 - [60 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: A user-supplied `{{on "keydown"}}` action calling `stopImmediatePropagation` will prevent the default behavior
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 107 Chrome 89.0 - [72 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger: Tapping an SVG inside of the trigger invokes the toggle action on the dropdown
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 108 Chrome 89.0 - [66 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onBlur action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 109 Chrome 89.0 - [92 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onClick action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 110 Chrome 89.0 - [66 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocus action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 111 Chrome 89.0 - [61 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusIn action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 112 Chrome 89.0 - [66 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onFocusOut action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 113 Chrome 89.0 - [64 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onKeyDown action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 114 Chrome 89.0 - [58 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseDown action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 115 Chrome 89.0 - [72 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseEnter action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
not ok 116 Chrome 89.0 - [72 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onMouseLeave action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
- ember-cli-memory-leak-detector: capturing and analyzing heap snapshot...
not ok 117 Chrome 89.0 - [59 ms] - Integration | Component | basic-dropdown-trigger > trigger event handlers: It properly handles the onTouchEnd action
actual: >
[object Object]
stack: >
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at new OpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46088:73)
at new LazyOpcodeBuilder (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46850:3)
at LazyCompiler.builderFor (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:46953:14)
at LazyCompiler.add (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:45181:39)
at CompilableProgram.compile (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:44945:44)
at OutletComponentManager.getLayout (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:7776:24)
at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:49974:24)
at AppendOpcodes.evaluate (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:48358:19)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateSyscall (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51580:22)
at LowLevelVM.evaluateInner (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:51526:14)
message: >
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
negative: >
browser log: |
ok 118 Chrome 89.0 - [0 ms] - Unit | Utility | Calculate Position: calculatePosition is defined
ok 119 Chrome 89.0 - [28 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollLineHeight
ok 120 Chrome 89.0 - [3 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getAvailableScroll
ok 121 Chrome 89.0 - [2 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: distributeScroll
ok 122 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_PIXEL
ok 123 Chrome 89.0 - [1 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_LINE
ok 124 Chrome 89.0 - [0 ms] - Unit | Utility | scroll helpers: getScrollDeltas DOM_DELTA_PAGE
ok 125 Chrome 89.0 - [0 ms] - ember-qunit: Ember.onerror validation: Ember.onerror is functioning properly
ember-cli-memory-leak-detector: Error: Unable to connect to chrome. Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
Stack Trace and Error Report: /tmp/error.dump.227a0111daa8162f566ca7b083aeb46f.log
# tests 125
# pass 8
# skip 0
# todo 0
# fail 117
Testem finished with non-zero exit code. Tests failed.
Result: false
------ RESULTS ------
Scenario default: SUCCESS
Command run: ember test
Scenario ember-beta: SUCCESS
Command run: ember test
│ Dependency │ Expected │ Used │ Type │
│ ember-source │… │ 3.26.0-beta.4.beta+958a9b1c │ npm │
Scenario ember-canary: SUCCESS
Command run: ember test
│ Dependency │ Expected │ Used │ Type │
│ ember-source │… │ 3.27.0-alpha.1.canary+d4149… │ npm │
Scenario ember-release: SUCCESS
Command run: ember test
│ Dependency │ Expected │ Used │ Type │
│ ember-source │… │ 3.25.3-release+4626ef8e │ npm │
Scenario ember-3.25.3: SUCCESS
Command run: ember test
│ Dependency │ Expected │ Used │ Type │
│ ember-source │ 3.25.3 │ 3.25.3 │ npm │
Scenario ember-3.24.3: FAIL
Command run: ember test
│ Dependency │ Expected │ Used │ Type │
│ ember-source │ 3.24.3 │ 3.24.3 │ npm │
Scenario ember-3.20.6: FAIL
Command run: ember test
│ Dependency │ Expected │ Used │ Type │
│ ember-source │ 3.20.6 │ 3.20.6 │ npm │
Scenario ember-3.16.10: FAIL
Command run: ember test
│ Dependency │ Expected │ Used │ Type │
│ ember-source │ 3.16.10 │ 3.16.10 │ npm │
3 scenarios failed
5 scenarios succeeded
8 scenarios run
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