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Last active August 16, 2022 08:33
Terraform Makefile
.PHONEY: help set-env init update plan plan-destroy show graph apply output taint
@grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
@if [ -z $(ENVIRONMENT) ]; then\
echo "ENVIRONMENT was not set"; exit 10;\
init: set-env
@rm -rf .terraform/*.tf*
@terraform remote config \
-backend=S3 \
-backend-config="region=region" \
-backend-config="bucket=$(ENVIRONMENT)-company-region-terraform-state" \
@terraform remote pull
update: ## Gets a newer version of the state
@terraform get -update=true 1>/dev/null
plan: init update ## Runs a plan to show proposed changes.
@terraform plan -input=false -refresh=true -module-depth=-1 -var-file=../../environments/$(ENVIRONMENT)/$(ENVIRONMENT).tfvars
plan-destroy: init update ## Runs a plan to show what will be destroyed
@terraform plan -input=false -refresh=true -module-depth=-1 -destroy -var-file=../../environments/$(ENVIRONMENT)/$(ENVIRONMENT).tfvars
show: init
@terraform show -module-depth=-1
graph: ## Creates a graph of the resources that Terraform is aware of
@rm -f graph.png
@terraform graph -draw-cycles -module-depth=-1 | dot -Tpng > graph.png
@open graph.png
apply: init update ## DANGER! Runs changes against your environment
@terraform apply -input=true -refresh=true -var-file=../../environments/$(ENVIRONMENT)/$(ENVIRONMENT).tfvars && terraform remote push
output: init update
@if [ -z $(MODULE) ]; then\
terraform output;\
terraform output -module=$(MODULE);\
taint: init update ## Specifically choose a resource to taint
@echo "Tainting involves specifying a module and a resource"
@read -p "Module: " MODULE &&\
read -p "Resource: " RESOURCE &&\
terraform taint -var-file=../../environments/$(ENVIRONMENT)/$(ENVIRONMENT).tfvars -module=$$MODULE $$RESOURCE &&\
terraform remote push
@echo "You will now want to run a plan to see what changes will take place"
destroy: init update ## DANGER! Destroys a set of resources
@terraform destroy -var-file=../../environments/$(ENVIRONMENT)/$(ENVIRONMENT).tfvars && terraform remote push
destroy-target: init update ## Specifically choose a resource to destroy
@echo "Specifically destroy a piece of Terraform data"
@echo "Example: module.rds.aws_route53_record.rds-master"
@read -p "Destroy this: " DATA &&\
terraform destroy -var-file=../../environments/$(ENVIRONMENT)/$(ENVIRONMENT).tfvars -target=$$DATA &&\
terraform remote push
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