Observability of system is generally composed from these three areas:
Mostly time series data used for measuring of the performance. This applies both for the infrastructure and application.
Not requested
#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
# | |
# Store into the root of mgmt-service-templates directory and simply run. It uses python3.9 specifically to run templating | |
CURR_DIR=$(pwd) | |
OUT_DIR=${CURR_DIR}/tests | |
rm -rf ./tmp |
public class MicronautFactory { | |
private final ApplicationContext context = ApplicationContext.run(); | |
public TaskScheduler getTaskScheduler() { | |
return context.getBean(TaskScheduler.class, Qualifiers.byName(TaskExecutors.SCHEDULED)); | |
} | |
} | |
public class HowToFetchTaskScheduler { |
Q: Shouldn't we name it like Cloud Agnostic Object Storage Interface
The Object Storage is one of the fundamental services provided by the cloud provides. The objects are generally stored in the tree directory structure similary like on the file system. The objects are consumed either by API or in most cases by their unique HTTP URL or by cloud specific internal URI (See Appendix 1).
The initiative addresses a growing need to support the hybrid cloud applications by allowing the developers to transparently access and manipulate the objects from within applications running in various cloud environments.
#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
TOKEN=$2 | |
RUNNER_ID=1000 | |
for i in {0..1000}; do | |
RUNNER_DIR_NAME=runner_$i |
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09" | |
Transform: AWS::SecretsManager-2020-07-23 | |
Description: Deploys an RDS instance | |
Metadata: | |
AWS::CloudFormation::Interface: | |
ParameterGroups: | |
- Label: | |
default: Basic configuration | |
Parameters: | |
- DBName |
19:35:11.839 [default-nioEventLoopGroup-5-14] DEBUG i.m.h.s.netty.RoutingInBoundHandler - Request GET /api/config | |
19:35:11.839 [default-nioEventLoopGroup-5-13] DEBUG i.m.h.s.netty.RoutingInBoundHandler - Request GET /api/profile | |
19:35:11.839 [default-nioEventLoopGroup-5-14] DEBUG io.lettuce.core.RedisChannelHandler - dispatching command AsyncCommand [type=HGETALL, output=MapOutput [output=AsyncCommand [type=HGETALL, output=MapOutput [output={}, error='null'], commandType=io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command], error='null'], commandType=io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command] | |
19:35:11.839 [default-nioEventLoopGroup-5-14] DEBUG i.l.core.protocol.DefaultEndpoint - [channel=0xd612b754, / -> mushop-session/, epid=0x2] write() writeAndFlush command AsyncCommand [type=HGETALL, output=MapOutput [output=[channel=0xd612b754, / -> mushop-session/, epid=0x2], error='null'], commandType=io.lettuce.core.protocol.Command] | |
19:35:11.839 [default-nioEventLoopGroup-5-1 |
DEBUG i.m.h.s.netty.RoutingInBoundHandler - Request POST /api/cart | |
18:46:48.749 [default-nioEventLoopGroup-5-15] INFO api.services.support.CartIdBinder - Binding CartID request Host -> [ mushop-api],User-Agent -> [ Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.101 Safari/537.36],Accept -> [ application/json, text/plain, */*],Accept-Encoding -> [ gzip, deflate, br],Accept-Language -> [ cs,sk;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7],Content-Type -> [ application/json;charset=UTF-8],Cookie -> [ SESSION=MTQwYTMzNjktZDFkMC00MTQyLTgwYmEtNTEyMzM4N2ZmNGIz],Origin -> [],Referer -> [],Sec-Ch-Ua -> [ " Not;A Brand";v="99", "Google Chrome";v="91", "Chromium";v="91"],Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile -> [ ?0],Sec-Fetch-Dest -> [ empty],Sec-Fetch-Mode -> [ cors],Sec-Fetch-Site -> [ same-origin],X-Forwarded-For -> [,],X-Forwarded-Host -> [],X-Forwarded-Port -> [ 443],X-Forwarded-Proto -> [ https],X-Forwarded- |
/app/application: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: no version information available (required by /app/application) | |
__ __ _ _ | |
| \/ (_) ___ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _ _ _| |_ | |
| |\/| | |/ __| '__/ _ \| '_ \ / _` | | | | __| | |
| | | | | (__| | | (_) | | | | (_| | |_| | |_ | |
|_| |_|_|\___|_| \___/|_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|\__| | |
Micronaut (v2.5.4) | |
10:02:13.454 [main] INFO i.m.context.env.DefaultEnvironment - Established active environments: [k8s, cloud, oraclecloud] | |
10:02:13.466 [main] INFO com.oracle.bmc.Services - Registering new service: Services.BasicService(serviceName=DATABASE, serviceEndpointPrefix=database, serviceEndpointTemplate=https://database.{region}.{secondLevelDomain}) |
./mvnw clean package deploy -Dpackaging=docker-native -Ddocker.image.suffix=native --no-transfer-progress -Pgraalvm | |
docker images --digests | grep -v "<none>" | grep carts-native | |
shell: /usr/bin/bash -e {0} | |
env: | |
JAVA: 11 | |
JAVA_HOME: /home/opc/mushop/runner_1/_work/_tool/Java_Adopt_jdk/11.0.11-9/x64 | |
--2021-06-01 10:25:42-- https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/io/takari/maven-wrapper/0.5.6/maven-wrapper-0.5.6.jar | |
Resolving repo.maven.apache.org (repo.maven.apache.org)... | |
Connecting to repo.maven.apache.org (repo.maven.apache.org)||:443... connected. | |
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK |