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Created July 1, 2021 08:56
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Mokhov is (at least) skew monoidal product, see
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --type-in-type #-}
module Mokhov where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Prod
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
record Mokhov (F : Set → Set) (G : Set → Set) (A : Set) : Set where
constructor mokhov
X : Set
Y : Set
h : X → A ⊎ (Y → A)
fx : F X
gy : G Y
F G H : Set → Set
A B C D : Set
record RawFunctor (F : Set → Set) : Set where
constructor mkFunctor
fmap : ∀ {A B} → (A → B) → F A → F B
id : ∀ {A : Set} → A → A
id X = X
either : (A → C) → (B → C) → A ⊎ B → C
either f g (inl x) = f x
either f g (inr y) = g y
bimap : (A → C) → (B → D) → A ⊎ B → C ⊎ D
bimap f g (inl x) = inl (f x)
bimap f g (inr y) = inr (g y)
η : G A → Mokhov id G A
η ga = mokhov Unit _ (λ _ → inr id) tt ga
ε : RawFunctor F → Mokhov F id A → F A
ε (mkFunctor F₂) (mokhov _ _ h fx y) = F₂ (λ x → either id (λ z → z y) (h x)) fx
γ : Mokhov F (Mokhov G H) A → Mokhov (Mokhov F G) H A
γ (mokhov X Y i fx (mokhov U V j gu hv)) =
mokhov _ V id
(mokhov X U (either (inl ∘ inl) (λ ya → inr (bimap ya (ya ∘_) ∘ j)) ∘ i) fx gu) hv
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