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Forked from dgraziotin/timecapsule-handler
Created May 7, 2018 01:43
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Script to automatically look for Apple TimeCapsule devices and mount/umount them under GNU/Linux. See for info and explanations.
# This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
# the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
# To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
# for more details.
# Version 3, enhanced for Ubuntu 13.X+, Fedora 19+, and similar distros.
# Runs on all GNU/Linux distros (install cifs-utils)
# Author: Daniel Graziotin <dgraziotin AT task3 DOT cc> -
# Purpose: Check if there is a TimeCapsule in your network and mount it
# for use it under Gnu/Linux. Unmount it if it is already mounted.
# The mount point is created and destroyed after use (for prevent
# automatic backup software to backup in the directory if the device
# is not mounted)
# Instructions:
# 1) Install cifs-utils (sudo apt-get install cifs-utils)
# 1) Change the first four variables according to your configuration.
# 2) Run this program at boot when your network is already
# set up. Also, run it on logoff to umount Time Capsule.
TIMECAPSULE_IP="" # e.g. ""
TIMECAPSULE_VOLUME="/Time\ Capsule" # also try "/Data"
TIMECAPSULE_PASSWORD="YOURPASSWORDHERE" # prefix special characters, e.g. \!
MOUNT_POINT=/mnt/timecapsule # no need to create the directory
IS_MOUNTED=`mount 2> /dev/null | grep "$MOUNT_POINT" | cut -d' ' -f3`
if [[ "$IS_MOUNTED" ]] ;then
CHECK_TIMECAPSULE=`smbclient --no-pass -L $TIMECAPSULE_IP 2>&1 > /dev/null | grep -m1 -i apple`
if [[ "$CHECK_TIMECAPSULE" =~ "Apple" ]] ;then
echo "mount.cifs $TIMECAPSULE_PATH $MOUNT_POINT -o pass=$TIMECAPSULE_PASSWORD,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,sec=ntlm" | /bin/bash
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