These are just notes ive made on my exact installation process here are some basic details
Device - Asus Nexus 7 (2013 WIFI)
Codename - Flo
Pre-Installed Android - 6.0.0 (Marshmallow)
Installing Os : Resurection OS 5.8.5 - Flo Final Security Patched Dec 17
Comes Rooted : Yes (With Magisk) REMOVING Magisk Uninstaller
Installing Root : SuperSu v2.82-201705271822
Installing Gapps : Gapps - Platform (ARM) Android (7.1.0) Variant (Pico)
Installing Nethunter : Kali-Rolling from 2017.3 - nethunter-floRR-nougat-kalifs-full-v0.5-rc
Installing Kernel : ElementalX - N7-6.15
Added the device to the devices config as follows
# Nexus 7 (2013) for ResurrectionOs/LineageOs
author = "JasonDemitri"
version = "0.5"
devicenames = flo
block = /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot
Having not yet made the kernel no entry was made for this at the time being Next installed the nethunter repo and built the installer using the following command
python --device floRR --nougat --forcedown --nokernel --rootfs full --release v0.5-rc
This then produced
- Download Nexus Factory Image from
- Make sure you have adb and fastboot installed. Instructions for linux ( and for windows (
- Restore devices by unziping the folder putting the device into fastboot mode and then running the installer a. adb reboot bootloader b. fastboot devices (Should show your device) c. ./flash-all.bat or ./
- Once the installer is complete activate the developer menu 'Activate USB debugging'
- Download relevant version of TWRP from
- Reboot the device into fastboot
adb reboot bootloader
- Confirm in fastboot mode
fastboot devices
- Flash recovery with twrp
fastboot flash recovery twrp-xxxx.img
(Replacing xxx with the actual file name) - Reboot the device straight to the recovery. On boot android tries to rewrite the bootloader twrp will fix this if booted into before android once installed. Installation of Twrp will then hold.
- Reboot the device into android and make sure everything is woking properly before proceeding.
- Boot the device into recovery mode (TWRP)
- Copy all of the following onto a FAT formated USB a. ResurectionOs b. Magisk Uninstaller c. SuperSu d. Gapps e. ElementalX Kernel
- Using the install button, Select storage - USB_OTG
- Install ResurectionOs (Wipe Delvik/Cache Reboot straight to recovery)
- Run Magisk Uninstaller (Wipe Delvik/Cache Reboot straight to recovery)
- Install Gaps
- Wipe Delvik/Cache
- REBOOT and complete the OS installation
- Install and login to any apps that wont run under ROOT i.e snapchat
- After completing setup reboot to recovery
- Once again from the installer menu and the otg-storage flash the superSu zip file
- (Wipe Delvik/Cache) Reboot the device to OS. Bootcycle may restart a couple of times, this is normal do not interupt
- Once boot is complete open the superSu app and make sure everything is working ok and that the binaries are present
- Reboot into the recovery
- From the install menu start the elementalX flasher. This is an aroma installer steps are the following a. Accept the agreement b. CPU Settings - Each Core freq (No), ElementalX CPU Optimization (Yes), thermal throttling (default) c. Max CPU freq (Stock) d. Auto undervolting (Stock) e. Max GPU freq (Stock), GPU governer (On Demand) f. i/o schedular (CFQ - Stock), Buffer Size (Stock) g. Sweep2Wake (On) h. All Gestures (On), Other Options (Short Sweep Only) i. Enable Sweep2Sleep, Clear Both disable buttons j. Enable fastcharge, USB/OTG k. Run the installer
- Once installed wipe the cache and delvik and reboot to Os to confirm install
The following step had the TWRP method available but I prefer pushing my own nethunter builds via adb and sideloading
- Re Setup USB debugging and developer mode
- In console
adb reboot recovery
- In TWRP select Advanced and then ADB Sideload
- Select Wipe Cache and Dalvik
- In the console
adb sideload
- Wait untill installation is complete (Can take upto 25 mins)
- Reboot Enjoy