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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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# It's nice to be able to browse NuGet files if necessary
cinst NugetPackageExplorer
# If we're doing web development, we need a few browsers
cinst GoogleChrome
cinst Firefox
cinst Opera
if (Test-PendingReboot) { Invoke-Reboot }
# Don't quite know why this is important, but I'll install silverlight and java runtime anyways
cinst Silverlight
cinst javaruntime
cinst jdk8
cinst flashplayerplugin
cinst AdobeAIR
if (Test-PendingReboot) { Invoke-Reboot }
# Other software
cinst wudt
cinst WindowsLiveWriter
cinst vlc
cinst iTunes
cinst isorecorder
cinst SketchUpPro.install
cinst HxD
cinst Kindle
cinst imageresizerapp
cinst CloudBerryExplorer.AzureStorage
cinst CloudBerryExplorer.GoogleStorage
cinst CloudBerryExplorer.AmazonS3
cinst imgburn
cinst CutePDF
cinst pidgin
cinst teamviewer
cinst keepass.install
cinst dropbox
cinst handbrake.install
cinst mousewithoutborders
cinst logparser
cinst logparser.lizardgui
cinst googledrive
cinst sysinternals
cinst 7zip.install
cinst adobereader
cinst virtualbox
cinst windirstat
cinst VirtualCloneDrive
cinst WinPcap
cinst wireshark
cinst nmap
cinst truecrypt
cinst f.lux
cinst picasa
cinst googleearth
cinst MarkdownPad2
if (Test-PendingReboot) { Invoke-Reboot }
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