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thomasbnt /
Last active January 28, 2025 01:32
Code colors for embed discord.js

Here is an updated list of the colors that are currently implemented with a name. To using colors on discord.js, this is a typedef Colors, Colors.Aqua to get the Aqua color.

Name Int value Hex Code
Default 0 #000000
Aqua 1752220 #1ABC9C
DarkAqua 1146986 #11806A
Green 5763719 #57F287
DarkGreen 2067276 #1F8B4C
iiiGerardoiii / Edge-like scrolling on Firefox
Last active March 31, 2024 03:40
Edge-like scrolling on Firefox
general.smoothScroll.currentVelocityWeighting: 0
general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel.durationMaxMS: 150
general.smoothScroll.stopDecelerationWeighting; 0.82
mousewheel.min_line_scroll_amount: 25
zanders3 / ShipLayout.cs
Created May 11, 2019 21:48
Space Engineers ship layout script
// ShipLayout by zanders3
// This script displays the layout and health status of your ship or station.
// To use run this script and add e.g. 'ShipLayout 0' or 'ShipLayoutHealth' to the CustomData of an LCD.
public Program() {
Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update100;
public delegate Vector3I RotateFunc(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size);
static Vector3I Rot1(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return new Vector3I(size.Y - pos.Y, pos.X, pos.Z); }
phil-flip /
Last active April 25, 2021 18:40
MouseWheelie - This script is designed to be able to use the mouse wheel in Space Engineers without any mods. (or any other Game that relies on Keypresses from 0-9)
# MouseWheelie by Phil
# This script is designed to be able to use the mouse wheel in Space Engineers without any mods on Windows. (of any other Game that relies on Key presses from 0-9)
# This is my first time using Python so sorry if it looks messy. It was designed to be functional.
# Dependencies needed: pynput, pygetwindow
# This solution isn't perfect and it's recommended to rest around in a creative world first, before using in any production.
# Known bugs that cannot be solved with this script/my abilities to python:
# - Scrolling in your ship WILL trigger the actions mapped to the hotbar (thi s only is a problem, when you are using the the script without whitelisting keys)
# - Blocks that have multiple options will select a different block, when scrolled (as the game is slightly faster, then the script can switch)