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Last active January 30, 2024 16:20
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Three ways to make a PDF from HTML in Python (preferred is weasyprint or phantomjs)
def render_pdf_weasyprint(html):
from weasyprint import HTML
pdf = HTML(string=html.encode('utf-8'))
return pdf.write_pdf()
def render_pdf_xhtml2pdf(html):
"""mimerender helper to render a PDF from HTML using xhtml2pdf.
from xhtml2pdf import pisa
from cStringIO import StringIO
pdf = StringIO()
pisa.CreatePDF(StringIO(html.encode('utf-8')), pdf)
resp = pdf.getvalue()
return resp
def render_pdf_phantomjs(html):
"""mimerender helper to render a PDF from HTML using phantomjs."""
# The 'makepdf.js' PhantomJS program takes HTML via stdin and returns PDF binary via stdout
# Another approach would be to have PhantomJS do a localhost read of the URL, rather than passing html around.
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
import os
p = Popen(['phantomjs', '%s/pdf.js' % os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
return p.communicate(input=html.encode('utf-8'))[0]
// PhantomJS: generate PDF to stdout from HTML in stdin.
// Example: echo "<b>test</b>" | phantomjs makepdf.js > test.pdf && open test.pdf
var page = require('webpage').create(),
fs = require('fs');
page.viewportSize = { width: 600, height: 600 };
page.paperSize = { format: 'Letter', orientation: 'portrait', margin: '1cm' };
page.content ='/dev/stdin');
window.setTimeout(function() {
page.render('/dev/stdout', { format: 'pdf' });
}, 1);
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gokulk16 commented May 28, 2018

Any benchmarks of these three methods?. Would be great if you have any performance stats like time taken to print a complex 100-page pdf, memory used, etc

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if you are on Windows, weasyprint is hard to get going

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Oh man, xhtml2pdf can't even render an image without dividing the page into "frames". Don't recommend. Likely best to allow the browser to render it ... and find a way to save to pdf.

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Can i use any of them to include highcharts (which is in scripts tag) in my pdf and actually make the pdf in background without opening it in any browser.

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Thank for your quick reply @philfreo.
Export module allows only one charts image or pdf at a time...but i have many charts which need to be included in the same pdf...that is why i was thinking of using a converter like xhtml2pdf which would load my html page and convert it..but turns out that ot doesnt load the javascript the html template

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I would use a headless browser. Of these options, phantomjs, but I would look into more modern headless browser options since this gist is a few years old.

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