New contributors land their first PR in the react, devtools, or documentation repositories every week.
Thank you to all these amazing people that help to jump-start our internationalization effort and push React forward every week. You are incredible. 💕
- Andre Pratama (andreepratama27)
- Andrea Kim (BeomyeonAndrewKim)
- André Luis (DecolipAkira)
- aramvr
- Arthur Denner (arthurdenner)
- Brian Mitchell (BrianMitchL)
- damienxy
- David Dello (hellodeloo)
- emmadal
- Firmansyah Nuralif Rohman (mendoanjoe)
- Jared Palmer (jaredpalmer)
- Jokcy
- Kayla Ngan (kaylangan)
- ks-nireak
- lmj (musclejack)
- Mert Oğuz (mertoguz)
- Oleg (R45H)
- pvieiraguimaraes
- Renan Valentin (renanvalentin)
- Riza Fahmi (rizafahmi)
- Rogatnev Nikita (rogatnev-nikita)
- saidfagan
- Sergey Bulatovich (polling)
- Vadym (necheporenko)
- vladimirschneider
- yueming (Crazydogs)
- Ömer Gülçiçek (omergulcicek)
- 子非 (CoolRice)
- 米老朱 (laozhu)