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import {
} from 'ember-qunit';
import { run } from '@ember/runloop';
import _ from 'lodash';
import atAGlanceMetrics from '../../mock-data/market-survey/at-a-glance-metrics';
import dataProviderData from '../../mock-data/market-survey/data-provider';
import trendMetrics from '../../mock-data/market-survey/trend-metrics';
import volumeMetrics from '../../mock-data/market-survey/volume-metrics';
import datesArray from '../../mock-data/market-survey/dates-array';
moduleFor('controller:market-survey', 'Unit | Controller | market survey', {
beforeEach() {
let self = this;
// Attaching the subject to 'this' prevents a global variable
self.controller = this.subject();
self.mockDate = Ember.Object.create({
month: 4,
year: 2017
self.controller.mockMetricsData = dataProviderData;
var filter = function () {
var mockMetricsData = self.controller.mockMetricsData;
return {
map: function () {
return mockMetricsData;
let model = Ember.Object.create({
last: {
value: {
useDateRange: 'Month',
metrics: {
filter: filter,
map: function () {
return self.controller.mockMetricsData;
segment: dataProviderData.model.last.value.segment,
segments: dataProviderData.model.last.value.segments
self.controller.set('model', model);
self.controller.set('metrics', atAGlanceMetrics);
self.controller.set('atAGlanceMetrics', atAGlanceMetrics);
self.controller.set('selectedDate', self.mockDate);
self.controller.set('date', self.mockDate);
// Mock function that is called in last step of changeUseDateRange
self.controller.set('changeUseDateRange', function(arg) {
return `changed to ${arg}`;
test('it exists', function (assert) {
/************** ROOT LEVEL METHOD TESTS *****************/
test('getMetrics(period, metricType, date) method', function (assert) {
let self = this;
let mockData = self.controller.mockMetricsData;
let metricType = 'Unit',
period = 'month',
date = Ember.Object.create({
month: 4,
year: 2017
// Kick off the 'getMetrics' method with mock data
let returnedData = self.controller.getMetrics(period, metricType, date);
self.controller.set('atAGlanceMetrics', returnedData);
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.incomePerAvailableSquareFoot, mockData.incomePerAvailableSquareFoot, 'incomePerAvailableSquareFoot matches');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.incomePerAvailableUnit, mockData.incomePerAvailableUnit, 'incomePerAvailableUnit matches');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.isLastYear, mockData.isLastYear, 'isLastYear matches');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.isPercentChange, mockData.isPercentChange, 'isPercentChange matches');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.month, mockData.month, 'month matches');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.moveIns, mockData.moveIns, 'moveIns matches');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.moveOuts, mockData.moveOuts, 'moveOuts matches');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.period, mockData.period, 'period matches');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.rentalRate, mockData.rentalRate, 'rentalRate matches');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.segment, mockData.segment, 'segment matches');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.squareFootOccupancy, mockData.squareFootOccupancy, 'squareFootOccupancy matches');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.squareFootRate, mockData.squareFootRate, 'squareFootRate matches');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.unitOccupancy, mockData.unitOccupancy, 'unitOccupancy matches');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.year, mockData.year, 'year matches');
assert.strictEqual(_.isFunction(returnedData.callbackReturned), true, 'returned a callback function');
test('mapMetrics(metrics)', function (assert) {
run(() => {
// Kick off the mapMetrics method passing in mock data
let self = this;
let returnedData = self.controller.mapMetrics(atAGlanceMetrics);
assert.strictEqual(Ember.isPresent(returnedData.lastYear), true, 'returned data contains "lastYear"');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.thisYear, undefined, 'returned data contains "thisYear" with an undefined value');
assert.strictEqual(Ember.isPresent(returnedData.percentChange), true, 'returned data contains "percentChange"');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.lastYear.available, "532", 'lastYear available matches');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.percentChange.available, "1%", '% change available matches');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.percentChange.values.available, 1, '% change values available matches');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.percentChange.values.moveIns, 2, 'values available moveIns matches');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.percentChange.values.moveOuts, 3, 'values available moveOuts matches');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.percentChange.values.occupancy, 4, 'values available occupancy matches');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.percentChange.values.rate, 5, 'values available rate matches');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.percentChange.values.rented, 6, 'values available rented matches');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.percentChange.values.yield, 7, 'values available yield matches');
test('getTableMetrics(self, date)', function (assert) {
run(() => {
// Kick off the mapMetrics method passing in mock data
let self = this;
let returnedData = self.controller.getTableMetrics(self.controller, self.mockDate);
assert.strictEqual(Ember.isPresent(typeof(, true, 'the method returns a date object');
assert.strictEqual(Ember.isPresent(Ember.isArray(returnedData.metricGroups)), true, 'the method returns a metricGroups array');
assert.strictEqual(Ember.isPresent(Ember.isArray(returnedData.metricGroups)), true, 'the method returns a date object');
assert.strictEqual(, 4, 'the month returned is correct');
assert.strictEqual(, 2017, 'the year returned is correct');
assert.strictEqual(returnedData.metricGroups.length, 4, 'the metricGroups array returns the proper number of records.');
test('changeUseDateRange(useDateRange)', function (assert) {
run(() => {
// This method calls itself in the final line.
// The method is mocked in the beforeEach hook.
// If the mocked method returns, we know that the initial call happened too.
let changeTrue = this.controller.changeUseDateRange(true);
let changeFalse = this.controller.changeUseDateRange(false);
assert.strictEqual(changeTrue, 'changed to true', 'the method fired and returned true');
assert.strictEqual(changeFalse, 'changed to false', 'the method fired and returned false');
/************** COMPUTED TESTS *****************/
test('dates(model.last.value)', function (assert) {
run(() => {
let self = this;
let controller = self.controller;
var filter = function () {
return {
map: function () {
return dataProviderData;
// Mock changes in model
let model = Ember.Object.create({
last: {
value: {
useDateRange: 'Month',
metrics: {
filter: filter,
// Mocking the callback 'map' method that will fire when the dates computed is called
map: function () {
return datesArray;
segment: "market:Houston, TX",
segments: controller.get('model.last.value.segments')
run(() => {
// Set the controller to the new model to see if computed changed
controller.set('model', model);
// Call the computed property
let dates = controller.get('dates');
assert.strictEqual(Ember.isArray(dates), true, 'computed returns a mock array');
assert.strictEqual(dates.length, 18, 'the mock array is 18 items long');
test('periods(model.last.value.useDateRange)', function (assert) {
run(() => {
let self = this;
let controller = self.controller;
var filter = function () {
return {
map: function () {
return dataProviderData;
// Mock changes in model
let model = Ember.Object.create({
last: {
value: {
metrics: {
filter: filter,
// Mocking the callback 'map' method that will fire when the dates computed is called
map: function () {
return datesArray;
segment: "market:Houston, TX",
segments: controller.get('model.last.value.segments')
run(() => {
// Set the controller to the new model to see if computed changed
model.last.value.useDateRange = false;
controller.set('model', model);
// Call the computed property
let periodsFalse = controller.get('periods');
assert.strictEqual(Ember.isArray(periodsFalse), true, 'returns an array');
assert.strictEqual(periodsFalse.length, 2, 'the array length is 2');
assert.strictEqual(periodsFalse[0], "Month", 'the first item is Month');
assert.strictEqual(periodsFalse[1], "YTD", 'the second item is YTD');
// Change the property listened to
controller.set('model.last.value.useDateRange', 'Month');
controller.set('model', model);
// Call the computed property
let periodsTrue = controller.get('periods');
assert.strictEqual(Ember.isArray(periodsTrue), true, 'returns an array');
assert.strictEqual(periodsTrue.length, 4, 'the array length is 4');
assert.strictEqual(periodsTrue[0], "Month", 'the first item is Month');
assert.strictEqual(periodsTrue[1], "YTD", 'the second item is YTD');
assert.strictEqual(periodsTrue[2], "R3", 'the third item is R3');
assert.strictEqual(periodsTrue[3], "R12", 'the fourth item is R12');
test('dataProviderMetrics', function (assert) {
run(() => {
let self = this;
let controller = self.controller;
var filter = function () {
var mockMetricsData = self.controller.mockMetricsData;
return {
map: function () {
return mockMetricsData;
// Mock changes in model
let model = Ember.Object.create({
last: {
value: {
useDateRange: 'Month',
metrics: {
filter: filter,
map: function () {
return self.controller.mockMetricsData;
segment: "market:Dallas, TX",
segments: controller.get('model.last.value.segments')
run(() => {
// Set the controller to the new model to see if computed changed
controller.set('model', model);
// Call the computed property
let metrics = controller.get('dataProviderMetrics');
assert.strictEqual(metrics.segment, 'Dallas, TX', 'computed property matches new model changes');
test('paidUserMetrics(model, period, metricType)', function (assert) {
run(() => {
let self = this;
let controller = self.controller;
var filter = function () {
var mockMetricsData = this.controller.mockMetricsData;
return {
map: function () {
return mockMetricsData;
// Mock changes in model
let model = Ember.Object.create({
last: {
value: {
useDateRange: 'Month',
metrics: {
filter: filter,
map: function () {
return self.controller.mockMetricsData;
segment: "market:Houston, TX",
segments: controller.get('model.last.value.segments')
run(() => {
// Set the controller to the new model to see if computed changed
// Originally the segment is 'Dallas', after the model change, the segment should be 'Houston'
controller.set('model', model);
controller.set('dates', datesArray);
// Call the computed property to see if the segment changed
let paidUserMetrics = controller.get('paidUserMetrics');
assert.strictEqual(Ember.isArray(paidUserMetrics), true, 'returns an array of data');
assert.strictEqual(paidUserMetrics.length, 18, 'the array has 18 items');
_.forEach(paidUserMetrics, function(metric, index) {
assert.strictEqual(metric.segment, 'Houston, TX', `metric ${index} has the correct segment name`);
test('atAGlanceMetrics(model, period, metricType, selectedDate)', function (assert) {
run(() => {
let self = this;
let controller = self.controller;
let filter = function () {
var mockMetricsData = this.controller.mockMetricsData;
return {
map: function () {
return mockMetricsData;
// Mock changes in model
let model = Ember.Object.create({
last: {
value: {
useDateRange: 'Month',
metrics: {
filter: filter,
map: function () {
return self.controller.mockMetricsData;
segment: "market:Austin, TX",
segments: self.controller.model.last.value.segments
run(() => {
// Set the controller to the new model to see if computed changed
controller.set('model', model);
// Call the computed property
let returnedMetrics = controller.get('atAGlanceMetrics');
assert.strictEqual(typeof(returnedMetrics), 'object', 'the returned metrics data is an object');
assert.strictEqual(Ember.isPresent(returnedMetrics.lastYear), true, 'the returned metrics contains the "lastYear" property');
assert.strictEqual(Ember.isPresent(returnedMetrics.percentChange), true, 'the returned metrics contains the "percentChange" property');
assert.strictEqual(Ember.isPresent(returnedMetrics.thisYear), true, 'the returned metrics contains the "thisYear" property');
assert.strictEqual(returnedMetrics.lastYear.segment, "Market: Austin, TX", 'the segment is correct');
test('trendMetrics(model.last.value.metrics, period, metricType, trendMetric)', function (assert) {
run(() => {
let self = this;
let controller = self.controller;
var filter = function () {
return {
map: function () {
// If "getMetrics" is called, it will use this callback to return trend specific data
return trendMetrics;
var map = function () {
return self.controller.mockMetricsData;
run(() => {
// Change the model properties the computed listens to
// These callbacks will get triggered by the other methods that use the computed property (getMetrics)
controller.set('model.last.value.metrics', {
filter: filter,
map: map
// Call the computed property
let returnedMetrics = controller.get('trendMetrics');
// If the computed fired, it should return the trendMetrics data
assert.strictEqual(Ember.isArray(returnedMetrics), true, 'the returned metrics data is an array');
assert.strictEqual(returnedMetrics.length, 4, 'the array contains the proper number of items');
assert.strictEqual(returnedMetrics[0].type, 'trendMetrics', 'a mock property that returns the "type" of data is correct');
test('volumeMetrics(model.last.value.segment, selectedDate, period)', function (assert) {
run(() => {
let self = this;
let controller = self.controller;
var filter = function () {
return {
map: function () {
return volumeMetrics;
let model = volumeMetrics.model;
model.last.value.metrics.filter = filter;
run(() => {
// Change the model properties the computed listens to
// These callbacks will get triggered by the other methods that use the computed property (getMetrics)
controller.set('model', model);
controller.set('model.last.value.segment', { "segment": "market:Dallas, TX" });
// Call the computed property
let returnedMetrics = controller.get('volumeMetrics');
// If the computed fired, it should return the trendMetrics data
assert.strictEqual(typeof(returnedMetrics), 'object', 'the returned metrics data is an object');
assert.strictEqual(Ember.isPresent(returnedMetrics.lastYear), true, 'the object contains the property "lastYear"');
assert.strictEqual(Ember.isPresent(returnedMetrics.thisYear), true, 'the object contains the property "thisYear"');
assert.strictEqual(Ember.isPresent(returnedMetrics.percentChange), true, 'the object contains the property "percentChange"');
assert.strictEqual(returnedMetrics.thisYear.type, 'volumeMetrics', 'a mock property that returns the "type" of data is correct');
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