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Phillip Oertel phillipoertel

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phillipoertel / updateWeeklyStddevSheet.js
Created February 19, 2025 20:07
Copilot/GPT 4o example
function updateWeeklyStddevSheet() {
const config = getConfig();
var sheet = getSheet('Weekly Stddev');
var weeklySheet = getSheet('Weekly'); // Changed to weekly sheet
var dataRange = weeklySheet.getDataRange(); // Changed to weekly sheet
var data = dataRange.getValues();
var weeklyData = {};
import time
item = {
"images": ["img1", "img2", "img1"]
while True:
print("------ new loop")
# original scraper code:
phillipoertel / replacements.rb
Last active October 9, 2024 16:43
Fixing city names
# 1. define replacements
replacements = {
'germany' => {
# this has the following structure:
# 'correct city name' => ['variant to fix 1', 'variant to fix 2', ...]
# the variants DO NOT repeat the correct city name, neither downcased nor capitalized.
'Berlin' => ['Берлин', 'Berlin, Stadt', 'Berlin / Biesdorf', 'Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg', 'Berlin-Wedding'],
# add a db schema migration to add geocoded_at to listings
add_column :listings, :geocoded_at, :timestamp, default: nil
# add a geocoded? method to the model
class Listing < ApplicationRecord
def geocoded?
read_attribute(:geocoded) || geocoded_at.present?
phillipoertel / run.rb
Last active June 14, 2024 15:09
redis counts
require 'bundler/inline'
gemfile do
source ''
gem 'redis'
gem "hiredis-client"
# gem 'rspec'
require "hiredis-client" # speed optimized redis client
require 'open-uri'
`mkdir files`
URL = ''
html =
files = html.scan(/"\.(.*Jerry.*\.rm(vb)?)">/i)
urls = { |a| URL.gsub('/index_video.html', a.first) }
module Cs
module Hanami
class PathResolver
def call(env)
path = env['REQUEST_URI'].split('?').first # path without query string
return 'root' if path == '/'
phillipoertel /
Last active November 29, 2019 11:09
Perl script to submit Omegametrix' test results to Cerascreen
sub sendFTPs($) {
my $lftpfile = shift;
# apt install liblwp-protocol-https-perl libfile-slurp-perl
use HTTP::Request qw();
use HTTP::Headers qw();
use LWP::UserAgent ();
use File::Slurp qw(read_file);
# Cerascreen hostnames:
created_organizations = {}
MedlineOrganization.find_each do |organization|
# ...
key = new_organization[:organization][:external_id]
if created_organizations[key]
print "x"
created_organizations[key] = zendesk_account.organizations.create(new_organization[:organization])
print "."