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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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Code for CMSC702 midterm
#lang racket
;; String -> [Listof String]
;; return all rotations of a string
(define (>>n s)
;; rotate a string to the right
(define (>> s)
(string-append (substring s 1 (string-length s)) (substring s 0 1)))
(let-values ([(ss _)
(for/fold ([acc (list s)] [si s]) ([i (- (string-length s) 1)])
(let ([sj (>> si)])
(values (cons sj acc) sj)))])
(reverse ss)))
;; String -> [Listof String]
;; return the sorted table of rotations for a string
(define (tab s)
(sort (>>n (string-append s "$")) string<=?))
;; String -> String
;; compute the burrow wheeler transformation
(define (bwt s)
(list->string (for/list ([si (tab s)]) (string-ref si (- (string-length si) 1)))))
;; compute LF mapping
(define (LF s)
(let* ([s′ (bwt s)] ; transformed string
[occs ; occurrence of each character in last column
(for/fold ([occs (hash)]) ([c (in-string s′)] [i (in-naturals)])
(hash-update occs c (λ (cs) (set-add cs i)) (λ () (set))))]
[m ; LF mapping
(for*/fold ([m (hash)]) ([c (in-string s′)] [i (in-range 0 (+ (string-length s′) 1))])
(hash-set m (cons c i)
(for/sum ([j (hash-ref occs c)] #:when (> i j)) 1)))])
; readable representation of LF mapping
(for/list ([c (in-hash-keys occs)])
(cons (string c)
(for/list ([i (in-range 0 (+ (string-length s′) 1))])
(hash-ref m (cons c i)))))))
;; String -> (Hashtable String Int)
;; compute C array
(define (C s)
(let* ([first-col (list->string (for/list ([row (tab s)]) (string-ref row 0)))]
[pre-C (for/fold ([acc (hash)]) ([c (in-string first-col)])
(hash-update acc c add1 0))]
[chars (sort (hash-keys pre-C) char<?)])
(for*/fold ([C (hash (string (list-ref chars 0)) 0)])
([i (in-range 1 (length chars))]
[c (in-value (list-ref chars i))]
[d (in-value (list-ref chars (- i 1)))])
(hash-set C (string c) (+ (hash-ref C (string d)) (hash-ref pre-C d))))))
;; answer to question in midterm:
(define S "TTCGAAGCGA")
(tab S) ; all cycles
(bwt S) ; burrow-wheeler transform
(LF S) ; LF table
(C S) ; C array
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