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Created August 18, 2014 19:14
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cubieboard2 bootup
src_smO0 id ie =104
Readytodisabe icache.
Jump to secend Boot.
U-Bot 201109-rc1-00003-ge89b14-dity (Ja 0 2014 - 12:5733) llwinner Technology
[ 0.140version:1.10
[ 0.44]pmus ready
[ 0o
0.257]after set, dcc2 =1400mv
[ 0.261]:d_0
dcc_o2_vol = 3000 0.271]fter set, dcdc2 =100v
ldo3_vol = 2800
ldo4_vol = 2800
power_start = 0
storge_type -1
find power_sply to end
[ 030]DR 1s: 35b23000
iusr_o e:oot_init_gpio)
DV_DP_Initop .2btds.tp4
25]boot_ ]bo_duto_hpd=1
rk 1.]NAND: NAND_UbootInit
NB1 : enter NAND_LogicInit
nand : get id_numb3
1: :1 AI tto reco
sunxi sprite begin
sc = 131072
pa5 = rize = t sie=r nam ache
data part size=2097152
begin erase part data
finish erase part data
part name = bootloader
part start = 32768
psz = siz= env9830eb
Out: serial
Err: serial
fsiz- 0 : 4000000 1000000
system : 5000000 2000000
recovery : 25000000 2000000
UIK : 8d00000 0
base bootcmd=run setargs_nand boot_normal
botcmd sesetargs_nand
key 0
roery ey high 6, low 4
cant find fstbt value
to be run md=run setarg_nnd boot_norml
the user dataicisd
[ 2.32]Hit ny key bt 0r boot or recovery all
2.nxilash read :offset 4000000, 11646412 bytes OK
97 apmnot s.fe94] ir_wau=0
[ .700138 getrmcpp!85]rtc_hwin(416 er: set cleg 19sunxi_rtc_getti 314004mhi modle init
[ 1.319497] ##fb nit:w=192,h=1080,fbmode=3
] si_rtc_gettime(): err, losc_err_flag is 1
[ 1.350888] sunxi-rtc sunxirtc: hctosys: unable to read the hardware clock
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3.53 inm, 40 times!TV status 0
[ .610 8] in:data
CI_A6.5607dont nee 6.582348] init: d_umount: aabk
[ 6618691] init: path = /dev/blockt[6 :IA 6.626351] init: path = /dev/block/cache[ ir_init: ir_wakeupscrptt_err
[.28] ir_init: ir_addr_code script_get_item error.
671g ra used iformation
9165] [sunxi_leds_init] request a 7nit: cannot find '/system/etc/', disabling 'flash_recovery'
[ 3824 android_usb: alreadisabl.0rrt sb'75yc'ninstead
45[4a.8nit_gett s
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