April 14, 2014 18:21
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ejecta color hash generator
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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#include <stdio.h> | |
#include <stdbool.h> | |
#include <stdlib.h> | |
#include <ctype.h> | |
#include <string.h> | |
typedef union { | |
unsigned int hex; | |
struct { | |
unsigned char r, g, b, a; | |
} rgba; | |
unsigned char components[4]; | |
} EJColorRGBA; | |
typedef struct { | |
EJColorRGBA color; | |
char *name; | |
size_t length; | |
} CSSColor; | |
static CSSColor ColorNames[] = { | |
{{0xff000000}, "invaid"}, | |
{{0xfffff8f0}, "aliceblue"}, | |
{{0xffd7ebfa}, "antiquewhite"}, | |
{{0xffffff00}, "aqua"}, | |
{{0xffd4ff7f}, "aquamarine"}, | |
{{0xfffffff0}, "azure"}, | |
{{0xffdcf5f5}, "beige"}, | |
{{0xffc4e4ff}, "bisque"}, | |
{{0xff000000}, "black"}, | |
{{0xffcdebff}, "blanchedalmond"}, | |
{{0xffff0000}, "blue"}, | |
{{0xffe22b8a}, "blueviolet"}, | |
{{0xff2a2aa5}, "brown"}, | |
{{0xff87b8de}, "burlywood"}, | |
{{0xffa09e5f}, "cadetblue"}, | |
{{0xff00ff7f}, "chartreuse"}, | |
{{0xff1e69d2}, "chocolate"}, | |
{{0xff507fff}, "coral"}, | |
{{0xffed9564}, "cornflowerblue"}, | |
{{0xffdcf8ff}, "cornsilk"}, | |
{{0xff3c14dc}, "crimson"}, | |
{{0xffffff00}, "cyan"}, | |
{{0xff8b0000}, "darkblue"}, | |
{{0xff8b8b00}, "darkcyan"}, | |
{{0xff0b86b8}, "darkgoldenrod"}, | |
{{0xffa9a9a9}, "darkgray"}, | |
{{0xffa9a9a9}, "darkgrey"}, | |
{{0xff006400}, "darkgreen"}, | |
{{0xff6bb7bd}, "darkkhaki"}, | |
{{0xff8b008b}, "darkmagenta"}, | |
{{0xff2f6b55}, "darkolivegreen"}, | |
{{0xff008cff}, "darkorange"}, | |
{{0xffcc3299}, "darkorchid"}, | |
{{0xff00008b}, "darkred"}, | |
{{0xff7a96e9}, "darksalmon"}, | |
{{0xff8fbc8f}, "darkseagreen"}, | |
{{0xff8b3d48}, "darkslateblue"}, | |
{{0xff4f4f2f}, "darkslategray"}, | |
{{0xff4f4f2f}, "darkslategrey"}, | |
{{0xffd1ce00}, "darkturquoise"}, | |
{{0xffd30094}, "darkviolet"}, | |
{{0xff9314ff}, "deeppink"}, | |
{{0xffffbf00}, "deepskyblue"}, | |
{{0xff696969}, "dimgray"}, | |
{{0xff696969}, "dimgrey"}, | |
{{0xffff901e}, "dodgerblue"}, | |
{{0xff2222b2}, "firebrick"}, | |
{{0xfff0faff}, "floralwhite"}, | |
{{0xff228b22}, "forestgreen"}, | |
{{0xffff00ff}, "fuchsia"}, | |
{{0xffdcdcdc}, "gainsboro"}, | |
{{0xfffff8f8}, "ghostwhite"}, | |
{{0xff00d7ff}, "gold"}, | |
{{0xff20a5da}, "goldenrod"}, | |
{{0xff808080}, "gray"}, | |
{{0xff808080}, "grey"}, | |
{{0xff008000}, "green"}, | |
{{0xff2fffad}, "greenyellow"}, | |
{{0xfff0fff0}, "honeydew"}, | |
{{0xffb469ff}, "hotpink"}, | |
{{0xff5c5ccd}, "indianred"}, | |
{{0xff82004b}, "indigo"}, | |
{{0xfff0ffff}, "ivory"}, | |
{{0xff8ce6f0}, "khaki"}, | |
{{0xfffae6e6}, "lavender"}, | |
{{0xfff5f0ff}, "lavenderblush"}, | |
{{0xff00fc7c}, "lawngreen"}, | |
{{0xffcdfaff}, "lemonchiffon"}, | |
{{0xffe6d8ad}, "lightblue"}, | |
{{0xff8080f0}, "lightcoral"}, | |
{{0xffffffe0}, "lightcyan"}, | |
{{0xffd2fafa}, "lightgoldenrodyellow"}, | |
{{0xffd3d3d3}, "lightgray"}, | |
{{0xffd3d3d3}, "lightgrey"}, | |
{{0xff90ee90}, "lightgreen"}, | |
{{0xffc1b6ff}, "lightpink"}, | |
{{0xff7aa0ff}, "lightsalmon"}, | |
{{0xffaab220}, "lightseagreen"}, | |
{{0xffface87}, "lightskyblue"}, | |
{{0xff998877}, "lightslategray"}, | |
{{0xff998877}, "lightslategrey"}, | |
{{0xffdec4b0}, "lightsteelblue"}, | |
{{0xffe0ffff}, "lightyellow"}, | |
{{0xff00ff00}, "lime"}, | |
{{0xff32cd32}, "limegreen"}, | |
{{0xffe6f0fa}, "linen"}, | |
{{0xffff00ff}, "magenta"}, | |
{{0xff000080}, "maroon"}, | |
{{0xffaacd66}, "mediumaquamarine"}, | |
{{0xffcd0000}, "mediumblue"}, | |
{{0xffd355ba}, "mediumorchid"}, | |
{{0xffd87093}, "mediumpurple"}, | |
{{0xff71b33c}, "mediumseagreen"}, | |
{{0xffee687b}, "mediumslateblue"}, | |
{{0xff9afa00}, "mediumspringgreen"}, | |
{{0xffccd148}, "mediumturquoise"}, | |
{{0xff8515c7}, "mediumvioletred"}, | |
{{0xff701919}, "midnightblue"}, | |
{{0xfffafff5}, "mintcream"}, | |
{{0xffe1e4ff}, "mistyrose"}, | |
{{0xffb5e4ff}, "moccasin"}, | |
{{0xffaddeff}, "navajowhite"}, | |
{{0xff800000}, "navy"}, | |
{{0xffe6f5fd}, "oldlace"}, | |
{{0xff008080}, "olive"}, | |
{{0xff238e6b}, "olivedrab"}, | |
{{0xff00a5ff}, "orange"}, | |
{{0xff0045ff}, "orangered"}, | |
{{0xffd670da}, "orchid"}, | |
{{0xffaae8ee}, "palegoldenrod"}, | |
{{0xff98fb98}, "palegreen"}, | |
{{0xffeeeeaf}, "paleturquoise"}, | |
{{0xff9370d8}, "palevioletred"}, | |
{{0xffd5efff}, "papayawhip"}, | |
{{0xffb9daff}, "peachpuff"}, | |
{{0xff3f85cd}, "peru"}, | |
{{0xffcbc0ff}, "pink"}, | |
{{0xffdda0dd}, "plum"}, | |
{{0xffe6e0b0}, "powderblue"}, | |
{{0xff800080}, "purple"}, | |
{{0xff0000ff}, "red"}, | |
{{0xff8f8fbc}, "rosybrown"}, | |
{{0xffe16941}, "royalblue"}, | |
{{0xff13458b}, "saddlebrown"}, | |
{{0xff7280fa}, "salmon"}, | |
{{0xff60a4f4}, "sandybrown"}, | |
{{0xff578b2e}, "seagreen"}, | |
{{0xffeef5ff}, "seashell"}, | |
{{0xff2d52a0}, "sienna"}, | |
{{0xffc0c0c0}, "silver"}, | |
{{0xffebce87}, "skyblue"}, | |
{{0xffcd5a6a}, "slateblue"}, | |
{{0xff908070}, "slategray"}, | |
{{0xff908070}, "slategrey"}, | |
{{0xfffafaff}, "snow"}, | |
{{0xff7fff00}, "springgreen"}, | |
{{0xffb48246}, "steelblue"}, | |
{{0xff8cb4d2}, "tan"}, | |
{{0xff808000}, "teal"}, | |
{{0xffd8bfd8}, "thistle"}, | |
{{0xff4763ff}, "tomato"}, | |
{{0xffd0e040}, "turquoise"}, | |
{{0xffee82ee}, "violet"}, | |
{{0xffb3def5}, "wheat"}, | |
{{0xffffffff}, "white"}, | |
{{0xfff5f5f5}, "whitesmoke"}, | |
{{0xff00ffff}, "yellow"}, | |
{{0xff32cd9a}, "yellowgreen"}, | |
{{0x00000000}, "transparent"} | |
}; | |
const int numColors = sizeof(ColorNames)/sizeof(CSSColor); | |
#define HASH_TABLE_SIZE 1000 | |
bool collisions[HASH_TABLE_SIZE]; | |
static inline unsigned int ColorHashForString( const char *s, size_t length, int a, int b, int hashSize ) { | |
unsigned int h = 0; | |
for( size_t i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { | |
h = (h << a) ^ h ^ (s[i] * b); | |
} | |
return (h % hashSize); | |
}; | |
void printHash(int a, int b, int hashSize) { | |
unsigned char *ColorHashesToColorNames = malloc(hashSize); | |
memset(ColorHashesToColorNames, 0, hashSize); | |
for( int i = 0; i < numColors; i++ ) { | |
int hash = ColorHashForString(ColorNames[i].name, ColorNames[i].length, a, b, hashSize); | |
ColorHashesToColorNames[hash] = i; | |
} | |
printf("Found: a:%d b:%d, size:%d\n", a, b, hashSize); | |
printf( | |
"static inline unsigned int ColorHashForString( const JSChar *s, size_t length ) {\n" | |
" unsigned int h = 0;\n" | |
" for( size_t i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {\n" | |
" h = (h << %d) ^ h ^ (tolower(s[i]) * %d);\n" | |
" }\n" | |
" return (h %% %d);\n" | |
"};\n\n", | |
a, b, hashSize | |
); | |
printf("static const unsigned char ColorHashesToColorNames[%d] = {\n", hashSize); | |
for( int i = 0; i < hashSize; i++ ) { | |
printf("%d,", ColorHashesToColorNames[i]); | |
if( i % 50 == 50) { | |
printf("\n"); | |
} | |
} | |
printf("};\n\n"); | |
free(ColorHashesToColorNames); | |
} | |
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { | |
// Initialize string lengths | |
for( int i = 0; i < numColors; i++ ) { | |
ColorNames[i].length = strlen(ColorNames[i].name); | |
} | |
int smallestHash = HASH_TABLE_SIZE; | |
while( true ) { | |
int b = (rand()*rand())^(rand()*rand()); | |
int hashSize; | |
for( int a = 1; a < 31; a++ ) { | |
for( hashSize = numColors; hashSize < smallestHash; hashSize++ ) { | |
memset(collisions, 0, hashSize); | |
bool hadCollision = false; | |
for( int i = 0; i < numColors; i++ ) { | |
int hash = ColorHashForString(ColorNames[i].name, ColorNames[i].length, a, b, hashSize); | |
if( collisions[hash] ) { | |
hadCollision = true; | |
break; | |
} | |
collisions[hash] = true; | |
} | |
if( !hadCollision ) { | |
// No collision? Print the hash function and hash table | |
printHash(a, b, hashSize); | |
smallestHash = hashSize; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return 0; | |
} |
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