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@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
<> = {
<> a <>;
<> <>;
<> <>;
<> <> .
} .
<> = {
<> <> <>;
<> "RSA";
<> <>;
<> "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCcwnLEigB7mhhJ2q2o1QJZx84NenD8u7AHyq5gvmA9gpUtNtw0vo1Hbd5S5LC+LrfbQ4Axbx1RJhLQW8mxPTYmi9nHbefFLXonWxMtvVJl7WnFdgga5pS6mT6r+1RnARlBcqE4fixRBgW76VWJdV6SCmIkNCpqntSiSZHahIWXewIDAQAB" .
<> foaf:name "Egon Willighagen" .
} .
<> = {
<> prov:wasAttributedTo <> .
} .
<> = {
<> <> "RSA";
<> "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCcwnLEigB7mhhJ2q2o1QJZx84NenD8u7AHyq5gvmA9gpUtNtw0vo1Hbd5S5LC+LrfbQ4Axbx1RJhLQW8mxPTYmi9nHbefFLXonWxMtvVJl7WnFdgga5pS6mT6r+1RnARlBcqE4fixRBgW76VWJdV6SCmIkNCpqntSiSZHahIWXewIDAQAB";
<> "Dn7bBusdvJJz7gEaBSC4Qzq7yKeuQIgnx7AI2ya0VSACfX91DmCpMQYs+Irop2QrF0NqdZ05SfgPiRidykkH08xjdo94yNgnbglgKAo5SDl3w22KnPwxqQjyxD3Mw3VmxN7Fl0zvnyCJ1e6hLZahi3q3xzWARMjMICQwLVY50ac=";
<> <>;
<> <> .
<> rdfs:label "User: Egon Willighagen";
dc:created "2024-03-02T11:09:10.983Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
dc:creator <>;
dc:license <>;
<> <>;
<> <>;
<> <>;
<> <>;
<> <>,
<> <> .
} .
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