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Michał "phoe" Herda phoe

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phoe /
Last active January 9, 2023 01:12
GOOPS-like generic dispatch in CL, a quick sketch

GOOPS has GFs which can have a variable number of arguments while still permitting the programmer to specialize on them. This is a quick draft of a CL version that I've done recently and decided to share for fun and profit.

The main issue here is to avoid the fact that methods which agree on parameter specializers and qualifiers as per CLHS 7.6.3 are gonna get overwritten, and we don't want that. GOOPS-like dispatch must mean a maximum of 0 required arguments in defmethod, which means that we get to specialize on exactly 0 arguments, which means that, trivially, 7.6.3 points 1 and 2 are always going to be true.

Hence, only 7.6.3 point 3 is left for us - and that means qualifiers. I (ab)use those in this example, by using a lax method combination (to still have :before/:after/:around) and passing class names this way. It also means that all method lambda lists are effectively (&rest args) or something similar, since we have no req

phoe / sbcl-private-package.lisp
Created January 26, 2022 13:23
List all SBCL packages, private, and public ones
(defun starts-with (string substring)
(let ((length (length substring)))
(and (<= length (length string))
(string= (subseq string 0 length) substring))))
(defun list-all-sbcl-packages ()
(flet ((sbcl-package-p (package)
(starts-with (package-name package) "SB-")))
(remove-if-not #'sbcl-package-p (list-all-packages))))
phoe /
Last active February 22, 2024 23:50
Forever Stable Branch

Forever Stable Branch

Stable branch, I can see you in the stable branch
See you again, I see you again
In my dreams, in my dreams, in my dreams, in my dreams

Morning light, I remember the morning li-i-i-i-ight
Outside my door (outside my door), I'll see you no more (see you no more)
In my dreams, in my dreams, in my dreams, in my dreams

phoe /
Last active May 5, 2021 11:13
Dear GitHub Trust and Safety Team
phoe /
Last active May 5, 2021 11:13
Dear GitHub Trust and Safety Team
phoe /
Last active August 7, 2024 03:03
Package-local nicknames in Common Lisp - a semishitpost about PLNs

Package-local nicknames in Common Lisp

Warning: this is a rant.

Warning: you have been warned.

Note: actually worthwhile content starts in the second subsection. You are free to skip the first one.

Story time

phoe / arcturus-glossary.json
Last active May 14, 2020 21:05
Arcturus riichi mahjong glossary in JSON format - plus tiles, plus standard and nonstandard yaku and yakumans
"romaji": "Agari",
"kanji": "和がり",
"english": "Win",
"explanation": "Generic call for winning a hand."
"romaji": "Agaripai",
"kanji": "和がり牌",
"english": "Winning tile",
phoe / format-float-junk.lisp
Last active November 21, 2019 11:58
fix for CCL's floating point fuckery - code adapted from SBCL
;; Do not use - a proper fix was committed into my fork at phoe-trash/ccl.
(defconstant single-float-min-e
(- 2 ccl::ieee-single-float-bias ccl::ieee-single-float-digits))
(defconstant double-float-min-e
(- 2 ccl::ieee-double-float-bias ccl::ieee-double-float-digits))
;; TODO: maybe-inline %flonum-to-digits, we don't need the indirection
(declaim (inline %flonum-to-digits))
(defun %flonum-to-digits (char-fun
phoe /
Last active February 7, 2020 13:22
loop return value

So recently a religious debate intense discussion happened on #lisp about whether the following form:

;; Form 1
(loop for i from 1 to 5 finally (return i))

should return 5 or 6 (or, in other words, (1+ 5) - this notation is important as it will be used later).

I argue that it is invalid for it to return 6 and 5 must be returned instead.

phoe / pzmq-router-dealer.lisp
Created May 24, 2019 10:15
ZeroMQ pzmq sample router/dealer in Common Lisp
;; modified from pzmq examples
(defun hwclient (&optional (server-address "tcp://localhost:5555"))
"Translation of updated for ZMQ 3.
Includes some parameters in with-* macros to demonstrate syntax."
(pzmq:with-context (ctx :max-sockets 10)
(pzmq:with-socket (requester ctx) (:dealer :affinity 3 :linger 100)
;; linger is important in case of (keyboard) interrupt;
;; see
(pzmq:connect requester server-address)