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Last active August 11, 2021 13:38
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I've been a long time observer and recent user of vitess, and planetscale's recent launch of db-as-a-service encouraged me to put down the following three requests/ ideas.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
PS: I was hoping to reachout with a pr, turns out it'll take a tad longer.
**request 1**
refactor mysql protocol** out, and into a standalone library.
**why?** interesting possibilities now open up as a consequences of above,
- this creates a path for engineers to add support for other databases, most notably pgsql (personal project, which got me started)
- this allows a hypothetical scenario, to run hybrid rdbms infra with mysql + pgsql under vitess.
- this allows a hypothetical scenario, to do hot-db-migrations
- this allows real use-cases, which use mysql or pgsql wire-protocol libraries
- ex. a network sniffer, which could re-construct a req-response pairs from the wire traffic. (personal project)
- to auto-generate db tests.
**request 2**
add support for graphql as a first-class protocol at vitess.
**why?** vitess already supports mysql wire protocol,
- supporting graphql out of the box, would help application developers.
- position vitess a credible choice in the JamStack world.
- position vitess a credible choice in the low-code / no-code world.
**request 3**
add support for auto-tuning, for queries.
**why?** because it's hard for a non-expert. and if it's automatable, then it should be automated.
- because vitess is the perfect middle-layer to run, tune models and apply optimisations
- if there's a rise of citizen-developers with no-code tools, then's there's also a rise of citizen data-analysts.
- recent papers, [](
- recent conferences, [](
- recent startup by cmu prof andy pavlo, [](
- recent oracle announcement on mysql autopilot, [](
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