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Created March 1, 2017 22:52
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PID C++ implementation
#ifndef _PID_SOURCE_
#define _PID_SOURCE_
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include "pid.h"
using namespace std;
class PIDImpl
PIDImpl( double dt, double max, double min, double Kp, double Kd, double Ki );
double calculate( double setpoint, double pv );
double _dt;
double _max;
double _min;
double _Kp;
double _Kd;
double _Ki;
double _pre_error;
double _integral;
PID::PID( double dt, double max, double min, double Kp, double Kd, double Ki )
pimpl = new PIDImpl(dt,max,min,Kp,Kd,Ki);
double PID::calculate( double setpoint, double pv )
return pimpl->calculate(setpoint,pv);
delete pimpl;
* Implementation
PIDImpl::PIDImpl( double dt, double max, double min, double Kp, double Kd, double Ki ) :
double PIDImpl::calculate( double setpoint, double pv )
// Calculate error
double error = setpoint - pv;
// Proportional term
double Pout = _Kp * error;
// Integral term
_integral += error * _dt;
double Iout = _Ki * _integral;
// Derivative term
double derivative = (error - _pre_error) / _dt;
double Dout = _Kd * derivative;
// Calculate total output
double output = Pout + Iout + Dout;
// Restrict to max/min
if( output > _max )
output = _max;
else if( output < _min )
output = _min;
// Save error to previous error
_pre_error = error;
return output;
#ifndef _PID_H_
#define _PID_H_
class PIDImpl;
class PID
// Kp - proportional gain
// Ki - Integral gain
// Kd - derivative gain
// dt - loop interval time
// max - maximum value of manipulated variable
// min - minimum value of manipulated variable
PID( double dt, double max, double min, double Kp, double Kd, double Ki );
// Returns the manipulated variable given a setpoint and current process value
double calculate( double setpoint, double pv );
PIDImpl *pimpl;
#include "pid.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
PID pid = PID(0.1, 100, -100, 0.1, 0.01, 0.5);
double val = 20;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
double inc = pid.calculate(0, val);
printf("val:% 7.3f inc:% 7.3f\n", val, inc);
val += inc;
return 0;
To compile library:
g++ -c pid.cpp -o pid.o
To compile example code:
g++ pid_example.cpp pid.o -o pid_example
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