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PhantomJS: hellper for writing scripts waiting full page load (DOMContentLoaded event)
var system = require("system");
var url = system.args[1];
require('./phantom-full-load')(phantom, url, function (page, logs) {
logs.forEach(function (i) {
console.log('> ' + i);
result = page.evaluate(function () {
return $('body *').attr('class');
}, function (error) {
// This example shows how to render pages that perform AJAX calls
// upon page load.
// Instead of waiting a fixed amount of time before doing the render,
// we are keeping track of every resource that is loaded.
// Once all resources are loaded, we wait a small amount of time
// (resourceWait) in case these resources load other resources.
// The page is rendered after a maximum amount of time (maxRenderTime)
// or if no new resources are loaded.
// from
var jquery = './vendor/jquery.min.js';
var maxRenderWait = 30000;
var resourceTimeout = 5000;
module.exports = function (phantom, url, onOk, onError) {
var page = require('webpage').create(), forcedRenderTimeout;
page.viewportSize = {width: 1280, height: 1024};
page.settings.resourceTimeout = resourceTimeout;
var consoleLogs = [];
function onLoad() {
onOk(page, consoleLogs);
page.onConsoleMessage = function (msg) {
page.onCallback = function (data) {
page.onInitialized = function () {
page.injectJs(jquery) || (console.log("Unable to inject jQuery") && phantom.exit());
page.evaluate(function () {
$(function () {
page.evaluate(function () {
var isFunction = function (o) {
return typeof o == 'function';
var bind,
slice = [].slice,
proto = Function.prototype,
featureMap = {
'function-bind': 'bind'
function has(feature) {
var prop = featureMap[feature];
return isFunction(proto[prop]);
// check for missing features
if (!has('function-bind')) {
// adapted from Mozilla Developer Network example at
bind = function bind(obj) {
var args =, 1),
self = this,
nop = function () {
bound = function () {
return self.apply(this instanceof nop ? this : (obj || {}), args.concat(;
nop.prototype = this.prototype || {}; // Firefox cries sometimes if prototype is undefined
bound.prototype = new nop();
return bound;
proto.bind = bind;
phantom.onError = page.onError = function (err) {
};, function (status) {
if (status !== "success") {
onError(new Error('Unable to load url'));
} else {
forcedRenderTimeout = setTimeout(onLoad, maxRenderWait);
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phpdude commented Oct 9, 2015

Output of example script

root # phantomjs example.js
> [0.019]  Real time offset: 0, minDt: 0, final time offset: 0
> [0.02]  dom started

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phpdude commented Oct 9, 2015

Helper can be used as starting point for new PhantomJS scripts.

This helper makes all dirty job:

  1. Wait for full page load
  2. Embed jquery into page
  3. Callback to your function when #1 and #2 are ready!

PR are welcome.

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