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Created October 10, 2014 20:24
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import json
from django.http import QueryDict
class JSONMiddleware(object):
Process application/json requests data from GET and POST requests.
def process_request(self, request):
if 'application/json' in request.META['CONTENT_TYPE']:
# load the json data
data = json.loads(request.body)
# for consistency sake, we want to return
# a Django QueryDict and not a plain Dict.
# The primary difference is that the QueryDict stores
# every value in a list and is, by default, immutable.
# The primary issue is making sure that list values are
# properly inserted into the QueryDict. If we simply
# do a q_data.update(data), any list values will be wrapped
# in another list. By iterating through the list and updating
# for each value, we get the expected result of a single list.
q_data = QueryDict('', mutable=True)
for key, value in data.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, list):
# need to iterate through the list and upate
# so that the list does not get wrapped in an
# additional list.
for x in value:
q_data.update({key: x})
q_data.update({key: value})
if request.method == 'GET':
request.GET = q_data
if request.method == 'POST':
request.POST = q_data
return None
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