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stuff i'd rather not have attributed to me phracker

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andresperezl / trackers-resolvs.rb
Last active September 5, 2018 02:03 — forked from anonymous/trackers-resolvs.rb
Little script that you feed a list of trackers and will eliminate the duplicates that point to the same IP addresses and try to group the trackers by domain name.
require 'uri'
require 'resolv'
text ="trackers.txt").read.split(/\n|(\r\n)/)
hosts ={ |uri| [URI(uri).host, uri] }.to_h
resolvs = {}
hosts.each do |h, uri|
if /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/.match(h)
resolvs[h] = h
n0ts /
Last active September 16, 2023 12:07
Get latest Oracle JDK package bash shell script for linux/osx/windows
# You must accept the Oracle JDK License Update
# usage: <jdk_version> <platform> <ext>
# jdk_version: 14
# platform: linux or osx or windows
# ext: rpm or dmg or tar.gz or exec
phracker / autodl-irssi
Last active January 13, 2017 18:48
A system init script for autodl-irssi
# AutoDL-Irssi Init Script
# Tested on Debian 7 (Wheezy)
# Instructions:
# - Install / configure irssi + autodl-irssi (duh)
# - Save this script as /etc/init.d/autodl-irssi
# - `chmod +x /etc/init.d/autodl-irssi`
# - `insserv autodl-irssi`
MisterDA /
Last active May 5, 2019 23:25
Obtain arguments and options for a Bash script. Part of Ubuntu's pkg bash-doc.
#! /bin/bash
# functions like getopts but do long-named options parsing
# and support optional arguments
# Version 1.0 1997 by Grigoriy Strokin ([email protected]), Public Domain
# Date created: December 21, 1997
# Date modified: December 21, 1997
creaktive / TerminusBold.dfont
Last active January 6, 2019 13:09
Terminus Powerline for Mac OS X
naholyr /
Created December 13, 2012 09:39
Sample /etc/init.d script

Sample service script for debianoids

Look at LSB init scripts for more information.


Copy to /etc/init.d:

# replace "$YOUR_SERVICE_NAME" with your service's name (whenever it's not enough obvious)
switz /
Created November 16, 2012 04:19
Client side and Server side request wrapper (used with DerbyJS)
# src/api/
API_KEY = 'removed'
API_URL = ''
METHOD = 'pnet.shows.setlists.get'
API_FORMAT = 'json'
Request = require '../lib/request'
jonjaques / bookmarklet.js
Last active May 5, 2024 21:07
jQuery Bookmarklet Template w/ Async Loading
// You create your bookmarklet by instantiating
// a new Bookmarklet function, then pass in the options like so.
// This example checks to see if the var is already defined, and makes
// sure not to overwrite it. This could happen if the user clicks on
// the bookmarklet more than once.
MyBookmarklet = MyBookmarklet || (MyBookmarklet = new Bookmarklet({
// debug: true, // use debug to bust the cache on your resources
css: ['/my/style.css'],
js: [],
Zren / DarkMonokai.qss
Last active December 18, 2023 18:06
Dark Monokai - Quassel Theme (qss)
** ____ _ ___ ___ _ _
** | _ \ | | | \/ | | | (_)
** | | \ |__ _ _ __| | __ | . . | ___ _ __ ___ | | __ __ _ _
** | | | | _` | '__| |/ / | |\/| |/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \| |/ // _` | |
** | |_/ /(_| | | | < | | | | (_) | | | | (_) | <| (_| | |
** |____/\__,_|_| |_|\_\ \_| |_/\___/|_| |_|\___/|_|\_\\__,_|_|
** Quassel Theme