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Created May 6, 2019 15:33
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Exporting posts from a Ghost SQLite database to Pollen
#lang racket
(require racket/dict)
(require db)
(define ghost (sqlite3-connect #:database "ghost/content/data/ghost.db"))
(define posts-result
(query ghost "select published_at, slug, title, markdown from posts where status='published'"))
(define posts (rows->dict posts-result #:key "slug" #:value '#("published_at" "title" "markdown")))
(define ensure-directory (lambda (path)
(unless (directory-exists? path)
(make-directory path))
(string->path path)
(define output (ensure-directory "import"))
(lambda (slug post)
(let ([output-file (build-path output (string-append slug ".html.pmd"))])
(delete-file output-file)
(display-to-file (format "#lang pollen\n\n◊headline{~a}\n\n~a" (vector-ref post 1) (vector-ref post 2)) output-file)
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