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Created August 23, 2013 00:49
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Bet tracking program
#This is a program to calculate payouts for horse racing. The user is prompted
#for the names of the horses, then the names of the bettors, then for any number
#of bets. At the end, it displays the winnings of each bettor.
#It uses parimutuel-style betting, where the odds for each horse are calculated
#by dividing the total amount bet on all the horses by the amount bet on the
#specific horse. The people who have bet on a winning horse divide up all the
#money bet in proportion to the relative amount of their respective bets on the
#winning horse.
#error handling can be improved, currently inputs with extra spaces can cause errors
#Reproducible bug 1:
#call the horses a, b, and c
#call the bettors x, y, and z
#enter a couple valid bets, but don't bet on all the horses yet
#enter a malformed bet with an extra space before the bet amount
#program will say the proper error message
#then it will say that a horse still needs a bet (technically true but not the right response here)
#Reproducible bug 2 (related to 1):
#call the horses a, b, and c
#call the bettors x, y, and z
#enter a few valid bets, making sure to bet on all the horses this time
#enter a malformed bet with an extra space before the bet amount
#program will respond with the correct error message
#then immediately ask for the name of the winning horse.
#I believe these are both due to something I'm doing wrong while breaking out of the first
#while True: loop in main() and possibly with how I split the input in the first
#line of main().
#If you run the program with other malformed bets (i.e. iojwefaoi wafejo ewfjoawf waf 10)
#it will do a similar thing. I'll fix it as soon as I figure out what's going on.
total_bet = 0
horses = {} #dictionaries to store (name, object) labels for easier reference
bettors = {}
class Horse(object):
def __init__(self, name):
global horses
horses[name] = self = name
self.odds = 1
self.bets_applied = 0
def calc_odds(self):
if not self.bets_applied:
return None #nobody will win
self.odds = float(total_bet) / self.bets_applied
class Bettor(object):
def __init__(self, name):
global bettors
bettors[name] = self = name
self.bets = {} #dictionary of (, bet) pairs
self.winnings = 0
def place_bet(self, horse_name, amount):
global total_bet
if horse_name in self.bets:
self.bets[horse_name] += amount
self.bets[horse_name] = amount
total_bet += amount
horses[horse_name].bets_applied += amount
for horse in horses.values():
horse.calc_odds() #all the odds need to be recalculated when total_bet changes
def payout(winner):
for bettor in bettors.values():
if winner in bettor.bets:
bettor.winnings = horses[winner].odds * bettor.bets[winner]
bettor.winnings = 0
print "%s won $%.2f" %(, bettor.winnings)
def get_bets(bettor_names, horse_names):
while True:
bet = raw_input("Enter a bet (bettor horse amount) or enter \"done\" when done: ").strip().split(' ')
if bet[0].lower().strip() == "done":
elif len(bet) != 3:
print "You must enter a bettor's name, followed by a horse, followed by the amount you wish to bet."
return False
(b_name, h_name, bet_amount) = bet
if b_name not in bettor_names:
print "That's not the name of a bettor."
elif h_name not in horse_names:
print "That's not the name of a horse."
elif not bet_amount.isdigit() or bet_amount < 0:
print "Please enter a positive number for the bet."
bet_amount = int(bet_amount)
bettors[b_name].place_bet(h_name, bet_amount)
return True
def check_bets():
for horse in horses.values():
if not horse.bets_applied:
print "%s needs a bet" % (
return False
return True
def main():
horse_names = raw_input("Enter each horse's name, separated by a space: ").strip().split(' ')
for horse_name in horse_names:
bettor_names = raw_input("Enter each bettor's name, separated by a space: ").strip().split(' ')
for bettor_name in bettor_names:
while True:
#something isn't right here. It shouldn't necessarily break out entirely
#get_bets is returning True when it shouldn't.
#get_bets should restart from where it left off if there's an error
if get_bets(bettor_names, horse_names):
if check_bets():
while True:
winner = raw_input("Enter the name of the winning horse: ")
if winner in horses:
print "That's not the name of a horse."
if __name__ == "__main__":
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