Before enabling the wikidata role and provisioning set refreshonly = false
in the wikidata-populate-site-tables
in /path/to/mediawiki-vagrant/puppet/modules/role/manifests/wikidata.pp
to ensure that SiteMatrix is up to date.
vagrant enable-role wikidata && vagrant provision
Ensure that Wikidata has appeared in the SiteMatrix (
vagrant provision
doesn't notice schema updates so: vagrant ssh -- foreachwiki update.php --quick
Create a property, e.g. "instance of". Make sure that it has Data type: item.
Create three items, e.g. "Maybeshewill", "band", "awesome band".
Create a new claim on one item using the property and one of the remaining items, e.g. "Maybeshewill" "instance of" "band"
Create a new slow campaign that finds items with this claim, e.g.
// /path/to/mediawiki-vagrant/settings.d/10-WikiGrok.php
$wgWikiGrokSlowCampaigns = array(
'Maybeshewill' => array(
'type' => 'Simple',
'property' => 'P1' /* instance of */,
'ifAll' => array(
'P2' /* instance of */ => 'Q2' /* band */,
'suggestions' => array( 'Q3' /* awesome band */ ),
Link the item with the claim to an article on the default wiki, e.g.
Edit the article.
Observe that mw.config.get('wgWikiGrokCampaigns')
has been populated.