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Last active April 23, 2022 04:51
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uBlock Origin to 11

uBlock Origin to 11

Ads are annoying for readers, poisonous to writers' relationship with their audience and their work, and a fundamentally unsustainable way for publishers to earn revenue. Which like.

My settings are very aggressive in what they block, and can sometimes break legitimate, non-advertising websites. That said, I rarely see that anymore, and it's easy enough to pause uBlock or AdGuard when a newsletter signup or a real content video gets zapped. They both include @beep's terrific Twitter filter, and a whole lot more.

Chrome, Edge, and Firefox

  1. Add the uBlock Origin extension to your favorite web browser.
  2. Click the Raw button for the my-ublock-backup.txt file on this page and save it somewhere safe.
  3. Open uBlock's settings by clicking the extension's icon, then the gears in its popup.
  4. Select Restore from file... and navigate to where you saved my-ublock-backup.txt.
  5. Go and sin no more.


  1. Install the AdGuard Mac app. Launch it and accept its the onboarding screen's defaults.
  2. Grab my AdGuard settings file. It's not plain text, like uBlock's config, but I promise it's safe.
  3. Click the AdGuard icon in your menu bar---it's a shield with a check mark. You should see the AdGuard interface. Click the Gear icon, then Advanced, then Import Settings.... Point it at the config file.
  4. AdGuard will load the settings and restart.
  5. Enable the AdGuard Assistant extension. Open Safari's preferences, then Extensions, and check the right box.
  6. Here endeth the lesson.
"timeStamp": 1644729994336,
"version": "1.41.1b0",
"userSettings": {
"cloudStorageEnabled": true,
"externalLists": "\n\n\n",
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"popupPanelSections": 15,
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"autoUpdatePeriod": 24,
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"uiStyles": "font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, sans-serif",
"updateAssetBypassBrowserCache": true
"whitelist": [
"dynamicFilteringString": "behind-the-scene * * noop\nbehind-the-scene * inline-script noop\nbehind-the-scene * 1p-script noop\nbehind-the-scene * 3p-script noop\nbehind-the-scene * 3p-frame noop\nbehind-the-scene * image noop\nbehind-the-scene * 3p noop",
"urlFilteringString": "",
"hostnameSwitchesString": "no-large-media: behind-the-scene false\nno-csp-reports: * true\nno-strict-blocking: true",
"userFilters": "! 4/23/2020\\n\n! 5/2/2020\n@@||^$\n\n! 2020-08-20\\n\n@@||localhost^$all\n\n! 2020-09-28\ > .nav-flyout.nav-flyout-smile-tt\n\n@@||^$all\n\n@@||*optimize_editor^$all\n\[id^='eob']\n\n! ##*:matches-css(position: fixed):has(video)\n! ||*:matches-css(position: fixed):has(video)\n! ||*:matches-css(position: fixed):has(video)\n! ||*:matches-css(position: fixed):has(video)\n\n! 2021-02-02\\n\n@@||^$all\n\n! 2021-02-18\\n\n! 2021-09-28\\n\n@@||^$all\n\n@@||\n"
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