- Hydrogen: allows to send any code selection to a kernel and visualize the results in-text, plus watches and more
- hydrogen-launcher: launch terminal or iPython
Some of this may be superseeded by native git integration:
- git-blame: find who wrote that cryptic code
- git-diff-details: I think this does char-level diff
- git-plus: basic git operations
- git-time-machine: travel in the commit dimension
- split-diff: view diffs side-by-side
- tree-view-git-status:
Make Atom a python editor
- autocomplete-python: autocomplete
- docblock-python: docstring generator
- linter-pycodestyle: check you code style
- linter-pydocstyle: check your documentation
- linter-pyflakes: check your code (alternative linter-pylint)
- python-black: fix your coding style (or check out python-yapf)
- python-debugger: enough said
- python-indent: indent as you type
- python-jedi: more completion
- python-tools: Goto definition, show usages, refactor/rename and more for python files
- language-liquid: highlighting for html
- language-markdown: highlighting for markdown
- language-restructuredtext
- linter-markdown: of course there's a linter
- markdown-preview-plus: preview with latex math
- markdown-table-editor: make tables a breeze
- markdown-toc-auto: insert and autoupdate TOCs
- markdown-writer: if you forget the markup
- pandoc: the format converter
- rst-preview-pandoc: because we need to deal with rst as well
- atom-notes: journaling or note taking in your editor (with markdown, latex etc)
- autosave-onchange: data loss be gone; persistence is the default.
- file-watcher: check for file changes caused by other processes
- jekyll: blogging
- magic-reflow: better than built-in autoflow
- open-in-browser
- pdf-view: view pdfs
- pipe: pipe selection through external program
- pretty-json: because we have to go through lots of it
- project-plus: better project management
- rename-tabs: because renaming files is part of refactoring
- select-rectangle: when you need to pick a column; amazing with markdown tables where it selects columns
- sort-lines: various sortin option
- unity-ui: light theme without being blinding (supposed to be OS X friendly, not sure why)
- xml-formatter: xml had json envy, so I installed this one too