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Created August 18, 2015 15:12
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StackOverflow question: Best clock or number generator function for concurrency/scalability on Erlang OTP 18?
-export([bench_all/1, bench/2, bench/3]).
-export([ unique_monotonic_integer/0
, update_counter/0
iters() -> 1000000.
bench_all(N) ->
[ {Tag, bench(F, N)}
|| {Tag, F} <-
[ {unique_monotonic_integer, unique_monotonic_integer()}
, {update_counter, update_counter()}
, {monotonic_time, fun erlang:monotonic_time/0}
, {system_time, fun erlang:system_time/0}
, {os_system_time, fun os:system_time/0}
, {universal_time, fun calendar:universal_time/0}
bench(F, N) ->
bench(F, N, iters()).
bench(F, N, Iters) when
is_function(F, 0),
is_integer(N), N > 0,
is_integer(Iters), Iters > N ->
Loops = Iters div N,
Parent = self(),
G = fun() ->
Pids = [ spawn_link(fun() ->
loop(F, Loops),
Parent ! self()
|| _ <- lists:seq(1, N) ],
[ receive Pid -> ok end || Pid <- Pids ]
L = [ element(1, timer:tc(G)) || _ <- lists:seq(1, 10) ],
[ _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _, B, _ ] = lists:sort(L),
{ A, B }.
loop(_, 0) -> ok;
loop(F, N) -> F(), loop(F, N-1).
unique_monotonic_integer() ->
fun() -> erlang:unique_integer([monotonic]) end.
update_counter() ->
T = ets:new(?MODULE, [public, set]),
ets:insert(T, {counter, 0}),
fun() -> ets:update_counter(T, counter, {2,1}) end.
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