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Created October 1, 2021 21:53
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ZIO from scratch / Part1
import MyZIO.{Test, ZIO}
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
* Following this talk
object MyZIO {
sealed trait ZIO[A] { self =>
def run(callback: A => Unit): Unit
def zip[B](right: ZIO[B]): ZIO[(A, B)] = ZIO.Zip(self, right)
def map[B](f: A => B): ZIO[B] = ZIO.ZMap(self, f)
def flatMap[B](f: A => ZIO[B]): ZIO[B] = ZIO.FlatMap(self, f)
def fork: ZIO[ZIO.Fiber[A]] = ZIO.Fork(self)
object ZIO {
case class Succeed[A](a: A) extends ZIO[A] {
override def run(callback: A => Unit): Unit = callback(a)
case class Zip[A, B](left: ZIO[A], right: ZIO[B]) extends ZIO[(A, B)] {
override def run(callback: ((A, B)) => Unit): Unit = { a => { b =>
callback((a, b))
case class ZMap[A, B](zio: ZIO[A], f: A => B) extends ZIO[B] {
def run(callback: B => Unit): Unit = { a =>
case class Effect[A](a: () => A) extends ZIO[A] {
override def run(callback: A => Unit): Unit =
case class FlatMap[A, B](za: ZIO[A], f: A => ZIO[B]) extends ZIO[B] {
override def run(callback: B => Unit): Unit = { a =>
f(a).run { b =>
case class Fork[A](z: ZIO[A]) extends ZIO[Fiber[A]] {
val f: Fiber[A] = Fiber(z)
override def run(callback: Fiber[A] => Unit): Unit = callback(f)
case class Fiber[A](z: ZIO[A]) {
var result: Option[A] = None
var callbacks: List[A => Unit] = List()
def start(): Unit = { () => { a =>
result = Some(a)
callbacks.foreach(cb => cb(a))
def join: ZIO[A] = ZIO.async { cb =>
result match {
case Some(value) => cb(value)
case None => callbacks = cb :: callbacks
def succeed[A](a: A): ZIO[A] = ZIO.Succeed(a)
def effect[A](a: => A): ZIO[A] = ZIO.Effect(() => a)
def async[A](register: (A => Unit) => Unit): ZIO[A] = ZIO.Async(register)
case class Async[A](register: (A => Unit) => Unit) extends ZIO[A] {
override def run(callback: A => Unit): Unit = register(callback)
trait ZIOApp {
def run(args: Array[String]): ZIO[Unit]
final def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = run(args).run(_ => ())
trait Test {
def assert[A](description: String, expectation: A)(zio: ZIO[A]): Unit = { { a =>
if (a == expectation)
println(s"$description - OK")
println(s"$description - KO | expected: $expectation, got: $a")
object Suite extends App with Test {
assert("succeeds returns the given value", 5)(ZIO.succeed(5))
assert("zip makes a pair of left and right", (true, "this is great"))(ZIO.succeed(true).zip(ZIO.succeed("this is great")))
assert("map transforms output", "HELLO WORLD")(ZIO.succeed("hello world").map(_.toUpperCase))
assert("effect actually prints, but only once", ())({ZIO.effect(println("I am printing!!!")); ZIO.effect(println("I am printing!!!"))})
assert("flatmap runs effects in sequence", 50)(for {
x <- ZIO.succeed(5)
_ <- ZIO.effect(println(s"this is x: $x"))
y <- ZIO.succeed(10)
_ <- ZIO.effect(println(s"this is y: $y"))
} yield x * y )
assert("asynnc retunrs the value of the async action", 77)(ZIO.async( cb =>
Future {
}.onComplete {
case Success(x) => cb(x)
case Failure(e) => println(s"Failure, ${e.getMessage}")
assert("runs 2 long computations in parallel", 7999992) {
def expensiveComputation = ZIO.effect{
println("Long computation - Starting")
val result = List.fill(999999)(4).sum
println("Long computation - Done")
for {
fiber1 <- expensiveComputation.fork
fiber2 <- expensiveComputation.fork
_ <- ZIO.effect(println("forked both..."))
r1 <- fiber1.join
r2 <- fiber2.join
} yield r1 + r2
// Thread.sleep(3000)
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