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Created December 14, 2013 01:59
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HandyUtilities, .Net C# Xsv data processing library

This is CSV, TSV and any character separated value data processing library.

Reading XSV data

Can read from TextReader. And accesses by indexer.

public void ReadCsvTest_indexer()
    string data = "No,ClassOfShip,Name,TaxIncludedPrice,Price,Maker" + Environment.NewLine
        + "110,BattleShip,比叡 Hiei,2625,\"2,500\",H" + Environment.NewLine
        + "119,AerialBattleship,伊勢 Ise,3360,\"3,200\",H" + Environment.NewLine
        + "216,AircraftCarrier,瑞鳳 Zuihou,2100,\"2,000\",H" + Environment.NewLine
        + "320,LightCruiser ,名取 Natori,1365,\"1,300\",T" + Environment.NewLine
        + "334,HeavyCruiser ,那智 Nachi,1890,\"1,800\",H" + Environment.NewLine
        + "429,Destroyer,桜 Sakura,630,600,T";

    var expected = new[]{ 
        new { No = 110, ClassOfShip = "BattleShip", Name = "比叡 Hiei", TaxIncludedPrice = 2625, Price = 2500, Maker = Maker.},
        new { No = 119, ClassOfShip = "AerialBattleship", Name = "伊勢 Ise", TaxIncludedPrice = 3360, Price = 3200, Maker = Maker.},
        new { No = 216, ClassOfShip = "AircraftCarrier", Name = "瑞鳳 Zuihou", TaxIncludedPrice = 2100, Price = 2000, Maker = Maker.},
        new { No = 320, ClassOfShip = "LightCruiser", Name = "名取 Natori", TaxIncludedPrice = 1365, Price = 1300, Maker = Maker.},
        new { No = 334, ClassOfShip = "HeavyCruiser", Name = "那智 那智", TaxIncludedPrice = 1890, Price = 1800, Maker = Maker.},
        new { No = 429, ClassOfShip = "Destroyer", Name = "桜 Sakura", TaxIncludedPrice = 630, Price = 600, Maker = Maker.}

    var target = new XsvData(new[] { "," });
    using (var reader = new System.IO.StringReader(data))
        target.Read(reader, headerExists: true);

	//Enumerates row data, and accesses by indexer.
    foreach (XsvDataRow x in target.Rows.Zip(expected, (a, b) => new { row = a, exp = b }))
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.No, x.row["No"].AsInt32());
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.ClassOfShip, x.row["ClassOfShip"].AsString());
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.Name, x.row["Name"].AsString());
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.TaxIncludedPrice, x.row["TaxIncludedPrice"].AsInt32());
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.Price, x.row["Price"].AsInt32());
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.Maker, x.row["Maker"].AsEnum<Maker>());

XsvField structure has many type conversion methods.

public class XsvDataRow : IDictionary<string, XsvField>
	public XsvField this[string key] {get; set;}
	//Set values to specific-type fields from source data of XsvField.
	protected virtual void AttachFields();
	//Update source data of XsvField.
	protected virtual void UpdateFields();

public struct XsvField
	public int AsInt32();
    public int AsInt32(int defaultValue);
    public int? AsNullableInt32();
    public int AsInt32(IFormatProvider formatProvider);
    public int AsInt32(NumberStyles numberStyles);
    public int AsInt32(NumberStyles numberStyles, IFormatProvider formatProvider);
    public int? AsNullableInt32(NumberStyles numberStyles);
    public int? AsNullableInt32(NumberStyles numberStyles, IFormatProvider formatProvider);
    public int AsInt32(NumberStyles numberStyles, int defaultValue);
    public int AsInt32(NumberStyles numberStyles, IFormatProvider formatProvider, int defaultValue);

    //AsInt64(), AsDouble(), AsDecimal(), AsDateTime(), AsEnum() ...and more.

Mapping of fields

Inherit XsvDataRow class

Inherit XsvDataRow class and override methods, AttachFields() and UpdateFields().

class ShipModelDataRow : XsvDataRow
    public int No { set; get; }
    public string ClassOfShip { set; get; }
    public string Name { set; get; }
    public int TaxIncludedPrice { set; get; }
    public int Price { set; get; }
    public Maker Maker{ set; get; }

    public ShipModelDataRow()
        : base()
    { }

	//Set values to specific-type fields from source data of XsvField.
    protected override void AttachFields()
        this.No = this["No"].AsInt32(defaultValue:0 );
        this.ClassOfShip = this["ClassOfShip"].AsString( defaultValue:"Unknown" );
        this.Name = this["Name"].AsString( defaultValue:"Unnamed" );
		var priceFormat = (NumberFormatInfo)CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.Clone();
        priceFormat.CurrencySymbol = "";
		this.TaxIncludedPrice = this["TaxIncludedPrice"].AsInt32( NumberStyles.Currency, priceFormat, defaultValue:-1 );
		numFormat.CurrencySymbol = "yen";
		this.Price = this["Price"].AsInt32( NumberStyles.Currency, priceFormat, defaultValue:-1 );
		this.Maker= this["Maker].AsEnum<Maker>( defaultValue:Maker.UNKNOWN );

	//Update source data of XsvField.
    protected override void UpdateFields()
		this["No"] = new XsvData(this.No);
        this["ClassOfShip"] = new XsvData(this.ClassOfShip);
        this["Name"] = new XsvData(this.Name);
        this["TaxIncludedPrice"] = new XsvData(this.TaxIncludedPrice,"0¥");
        this["Price"] = new XsvData(this.Price,"0,000 yen");
        this["Maker] = new XsvData(this.Maker);

enum Maker

public void ReadCsvTest_inhelitedXsvDataRow()
	string data = "No,ClassOfShip,Name,TaxIncludedPrice,Price,Maker" + Environment.NewLine
        + "110,BattleShip,比叡 Hiei,2625¥,\"2,500 yen\",H" + Environment.NewLine
        + "119,AerialBattleship,伊勢 Ise,3360¥,\"3,200 yen\",H" + Environment.NewLine
        + "216,AircraftCarrier,瑞鳳 Zuihou,2100¥,\"2,000 yen\",H" + Environment.NewLine
        + "320,LightCruiser ,名取 Natori,1365¥,\"1,300 yen\",T" + Environment.NewLine
        + "334,HeavyCruiser ,那智 Nachi,1890¥,\"1,800 yen\",H" + Environment.NewLine
        + "xxx,,,xxx,xxx,xxx";

    var expected = new[]{ 
        new { No = 110, ClassOfShip = "BattleShip", Name = "比叡 Hiei", TaxIncludedPrice = 2625, Price = 2500, Maker = Maker.},
        new { No = 119, ClassOfShip = "AerialBattleship", Name = "伊勢 Ise", TaxIncludedPrice = 3360, Price = 3200, Maker = Maker.},
        new { No = 216, ClassOfShip = "AircraftCarrier", Name = "瑞鳳 Zuihou", TaxIncludedPrice = 2100, Price = 2000, Maker = Maker.},
        new { No = 320, ClassOfShip = "LightCruiser", Name = "名取 Natori", TaxIncludedPrice = 1365, Price = 1300, Maker = Maker.},
        new { No = 334, ClassOfShip = "HeavyCruiser", Name = "那智 那智", TaxIncludedPrice = 1890, Price = 1800, Maker = Maker.},
        new { No = 0, ClassOfShip = "Unknown", Name = "Unnamed", TaxIncludedPrice = -1, Price = -1, Maker= Maker.UNKNOWN }
    var target = new XsvData<ShipModelDataRow>(new[] { "," });
    using (var reader = new System.IO.StringReader(data))
        target.Read(reader, true);

    foreach (var x in target.Rows.Zip(expected, (a, b) => new { row = a, exp = b }))
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.No, x.row.No);
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.ClassOfShip, x.row.ClassOfShip);
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.Name, x.row.Name);
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.TaxIncludedPrice, x.row.TaxIncludedPrice);
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.Price, x.row.Price);
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.Maker x.row.Maker;

Using TypedXsvData class


Supports auto-binding. Bind to public properties of any class. Sets the value of "default(T)", if fails convert a field.

class ShipModel
    public int No { set; get; }
    public string ClassOfSip { set; get; }
    public string Name { set; get; }
    public int TaxIncludedPrice { set; get; }
    public int Price { set; get; }
    public Maker Maker { set; get; }

public void ReadXsvTest_autoBinding()
    var data =
          "No,ClassOfShip,Name,TaxIncludedPrice,Price,Maker" + Environment.NewLine
        + "103,BattleShip,山城 Yamashiro,1785,\"1,700\",A" + Environment.NewLine
        + "215,AircraftCarrier,信濃 Shinano,2940,\"2,800\",T" + Environment.NewLine
        + "442,Destroyer,陽炎 Kagero,1050,\"1,000\",A" + Environment.NewLine;

    var expected = new[]{ 
        new { No = 103, ClassOfShip = "BattleShip", Name = "山城 Yamashiro", TaxIncludedPrice = 1785, Price = 1700, Maker= Maker.},
        new { No = 215, ClassOfShip = "AircraftCarrier", Name = "信濃 Shinano", TaxIncludedPrice = 2940, Price = 2800, Maker= Maker.},
        new { No = 442, ClassOfShip = "Destroyer", Name = "陽炎 Kagero", TaxIncludedPrice = 1050, Price = 1000, Maker= Maker.}

    var target = new TypedXsvData<ShipModel>(new[] { "," }, isAutoBinding: true);
    using (var reader = new System.IO.StringReader(data))
        target.Read(reader, true);

    foreach (var x in target.Rows.Zip(expected, (a, b) => new { row = a, exp = b }))
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.No, x.row.Fields.No);
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.ClassOfShip, x.row.Fields.ClassOfShip);
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.Name, x.row.Fields.Name);
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.TaxIncludedPrice, x.row.Fields.TaxIncludedPrice);
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.Price, x.row.Fields.Price);
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.Maker x.row.Fields.Maker);

Customize of a field-mapping using EventHandler

class ShipModelB:ShipModel
    public double TaxIncludedPrice_KY { set; get; }

public void ReadXsvTest_eventHandler()
    var data =
          "No,ClassOfShip,Name,TaxIncludedPrice,Price,Maker" + Environment.NewLine
        + "103,BattleShip,山城 Yamashiro,1.785K¥,\"1,700¥\",A" + Environment.NewLine
        + "215,AircraftCarrier,信濃 Shinano,2.940K¥,\"2,800¥\",T" + Environment.NewLine
        + "442,Destroyer,陽炎 Kagero,1.050K¥,\"1,000¥\",A" + Environment.NewLine;

    var expected = new[]{ 
        new { No = 103, ClassOfShip = "BattleShip", Name = "山城 Yamashiro", TaxIncludedPrice_KY = 1.785, Price = 1700, Maker= Maker.},
        new { No = 215, ClassOfShip = "AircraftCarrier", Name = "信濃 Shinano", TaxIncludedPrice_KY = 2.940, Price = 2800, Maker= Maker.},
        new { No = 442, ClassOfShip = "Destroyer", Name = "陽炎 Kagero", TaxIncludedPrice_KY = 1.050, Price = 1000, Maker= Maker.}

    var target = new TypedXsvData<ShipModelC>(new[] { "," }, isAutoBinding: true);
    target.Attached += (o, e) =>
        var numFormat = (NumberFormatInfo)CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.Clone();
        numFormat.CurrencySymbol = "";
        e.Fields.Price = e.Row["Price"].AsInt32(NumberStyles.Currency, numFormat);

        numFormat.CurrencySymbol = "K¥";
        e.Fields.TaxIncludedPrice_KY = e.Row["TaxIncludedPrice"].AsDouble(NumberStyles.Currency, numFormat);

    target.Updated += (o, e) =>
        e.Row["TaxIncludedPrice"] = new XsvField(e.Fields.TaxIncludedPrice_KY, "0.000K¥");
        e.Row["Price"] = new XsvField(e.Fields.Price, "0,000¥");

    using (var reader = new System.IO.StringReader(data))
        target.Read(reader, true);

    foreach (var x in target.Rows.Zip(expected, (a, b) => new { row = a, exp = b }))
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.No, x.row.Fields.No);
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.ClassOfShip, x.row.Fields.ClassOfShip);
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.Name, x.row.Fields.Name);
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.TaxIncludedPrice_KY, x.row.Fields.TaxIncludedPrice_KY);
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.Price, x.row.Fields.Price);
        Assert.AreEqual(x.exp.Maker x.row.Fields.Maker);

    var sb = new StringBuilder();
    using (var writer = new StringWriter(sb))
        target.Write(writer, headerExists: true, updateFields: true, delimiter: ",");
        Assert.AreEqual(data, sb.ToString());
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