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Created August 19, 2011 08:19
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Finding all paths between 2 nodes in a directed and undirected graph using Gremlin
(o o)
gremlin> g = TinkerGraphFactory.createTinkerGraph()
==>tinkergraph[vertices:6 edges:6]
gremlin> A = '1'; B = '5'; N = 3
gremlin> g.v(A).out.loop(1){it.loops<=N && !( in [A,B])}.has('id',B).path
==>[v[1], v[4], v[5]]
gremlin> g.v(A).both.loop(1){it.loops<=N && !( in [A,B])}.has('id',B).path
==>[v[1], v[4], v[5]]
==>[v[1], v[3], v[4], v[5]]
gremlin> A = '5'; B = '1'; N = 3
gremlin> g.v(A).out.loop(1){it.loops<=N && !( in [A,B])}.has('id',B).path
gremlin> g.v(A).both.loop(1){it.loops<=N && !( in [A,B])}.has('id',B).path
==>[v[5], v[4], v[1]]
==>[v[5], v[4], v[3], v[1]]
gremlin> A = '1'; B = '6'; N = 3
gremlin> g.v(A).out.loop(1){it.loops<=N && !( in [A,B])}.has('id',B).path
gremlin> g.v(A).both.loop(1){it.loops<=N && !( in [A,B])}.has('id',B).path
==>[v[1], v[3], v[6]]
==>[v[1], v[4], v[3], v[6]]
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Thanks so much for providing this solution, which I found in another post linked to this page. In that post, you say:
If [[id:B]] is too cryptic, replace it with .filter{}

I tried to replace it, since I don't understand exactly what [[id:B]] is doing, but the filter does not seem to return any paths and it runs nearly forever. Could you elaborate on this?


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Never mind my previous comment about the filter not working correctly. It does now that I translated correctly.

Thanks again for the extremely helpful posting.

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You're welcome. Happy to see how stigmergy(*) is helpful.



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[[id:B]] syntax is not supported anymore. Updated to .filter{}.

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Replace .paths with .path
Replace .filter{} by .has('id',B)

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