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Last active July 17, 2022 23:00
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  • Save pierrejoubert73/15b485eca4e5f94f16f057670d804653 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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An example of using the array_agg() PostgreSQL function.
to_char(pc_games.release_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as release_date
array_to_string(array_agg(avid_fans.firstname || ' ' || avid_fans.surname), ', ', null) as fans
schema_A.pc_games as pc_games
inner join schema_A.avid_fans as avid_fans on ( = avid_fans.fk_pc_game_id)
pc_games.release_date > '2004-12-31'
group by
-- Here we are selecting the particulars of all PC games released since 2016 along with all their fans.
-- Because each PC game likely has more than one fan, we are going to see a lot of repeat data.
-- Each record will contain the details of the PC game along with the name and surname of one fan.
-- If a game has ten fans we are going to see the same game's details ten times folowed by each fan's name & surname.
-- array_agg will place all the fans' names and surnames in a single field separated by commas.
-- So instead of returning:
-- title | release_date | fans --
-- Prince of Persia: The two thrones | 2005-06-15 | Pierre Joubert --
-- Prince of Persia: The two thrones | 2005-06-15 | Daniel France --
-- Prince of Persia: The two thrones | 2005-06-15 | Mariska Etsebeth --
-- The query will return:
-- title | release_date | fans --
-- Prince of Persia: The two thrones | 2005-06-15 | Pierre Joubert, Daniel France, Mariska Etsebeth --
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