1A00,Cholera |
1A01,Intestinal infection due to other Vibrio |
1A02,Intestinal infections due to Shigella |
1A03.0,Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli infection |
1A03.1,Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infection |
1A03.2,Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli infection |
1A03.3,Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli infection |
1A03.Y,Intestinal infections due to other specified Escherichia coli |
1A03.Z,Intestinal infections due to Escherichia coli, unspecified |
1A04,Enterocolitis due to Clostridium difficile |
1A05,Intestinal infections due to Yersinia enterocolitica |
1A06,Gastroenteritis due to Campylobacter |
1A07.0,Typhoid peritonitis |
1A07.Y,Other specified typhoid fever |
1A07.Z,Typhoid fever, unspecified |
1A08,Paratyphoid Fever |
1A09,Infections due to other Salmonella |
1A0Y,Other specified bacterial intestinal infections |
1A0Z,Bacterial intestinal infections, unspecified |
1A10,Foodborne staphylococcal intoxication |
1A11.0,Foodborne intoxication by botulinum toxin |
1A11.1,Other forms of botulism |
1A11.Z,Botulism, unspecified |
1A12,Foodborne Clostridium perfringens intoxication |
1A13,Foodborne Bacillus cereus intoxication |
1A1Y,Other specified bacterial foodborne intoxications |
1A1Z,Bacterial foodborne intoxications, unspecified |
1A20,Enteritis due to Adenovirus |
1A21,Gastroenteritis due to Astrovirus |
1A22,Gastroenteritis due to Rotavirus |
1A23,Enteritis due to Norovirus |
1A24,Intestinal infections due to Cytomegalovirus |
1A2Y,Other specified viral intestinal infections |
1A2Z,Viral intestinal infections, unspecified |
1A30,Infections due to Balantidium coli |
1A31,Giardiasis |
1A32,Cryptosporidiosis |
1A33.0,Cystoisosporiasis of small intestine |
1A33.1,Cystoisosporiasis of colon |
1A33.Y,Other specified cystoisosporiasis |
1A33.Z,Cystoisosporiasis, unspecified |
1A34,Sarcocystosis |
1A35,Blastocystosis |
1A36.00,Acute amoebiasis |
1A36.01,Amoeboma of intestine |
1A36.0Z,Intestinal infections due to Entamoeba, unspecified |
1A36.10,Amoebic liver abscess |
1A36.11,Amoebic lung abscess |
1A36.12,Cutaneous amoebiasis |
1A36.1Y,Amoebiasis of other specified sites |
1A36.Z,Amoebiasis, unspecified |
1A3Y,Other specified protozoal intestinal infections |
1A3Z,Protozoal intestinal infections, unspecified |
1A40.0,Gastroenteritis or colitis without specification of origin |
1A40.Z,Infectious gastroenteritis or colitis without specification of infectious agent |
1A60.0,Early congenital syphilis, symptomatic |
1A60.1,Early congenital syphilis, latent |
1A60.2,Late congenital syphilitic oculopathy |
1A60.3,Late congenital neurosyphilis |
1A60.4,Late congenital syphilis, symptomatic |
1A60.5,Late congenital syphilis, latent |
1A60.Z,Congenital syphilis, unspecified |
1A61.0,Primary genital syphilis |
1A61.1,Primary anal syphilis |
1A61.2,Primary syphilis of other sites |
1A61.3,Secondary syphilis of skin or mucous membranes |
1A61.4,Secondary syphilis of other sites |
1A61.5,Latent early syphilis |
1A61.Y,Other specified early syphilis |
1A61.Z,Early syphilis, unspecified |
1A62.00,Asymptomatic neurosyphilis |
1A62.01,Symptomatic late neurosyphilis |
1A62.0Z,Neurosyphilis, unspecified |
1A62.1,Cardiovascular late syphilis |
1A62.20,Ocular late syphilis |
1A62.21,Late syphilis involving the musculoskeletal system |
1A62.22,Late syphilis of skin or mucous membranes |
1A62.2Y,Symptomatic late syphilis of other specified sites |
1A62.2Z,Symptomatic late syphilis of other sites, unspecified |
1A62.Y,Other specified late syphilis |
1A62.Z,Late syphilis, unspecified |
1A63,Latent syphilis, unspecified as early or late |
1A6Z,Syphilis, unspecified |
1A70.00,Gonorrhoea of penis |
1A70.0Y,Other specified gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract without periurethral or accessory gland abscess |
1A70.0Z,Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract without periurethral or accessory gland abscess, unspecified |
1A70.1,Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract with periurethral or accessory gland abscess |
1A70.Y,Gonococcal infection of other specified genitourinary organ |
1A70.Z,Gonococcal genitourinary infection, unspecified |
1A71,Gonococcal pelviperitonitis |
1A72.0,Gonococcal infection of musculoskeletal system |
1A72.1,Gonococcal infection of rectum |
1A72.2,Gonococcal infection of anus |
1A72.3,Gonococcal pharyngitis |
1A72.4,Gonococcal infection of eye |
1A72.Y,Gonococcal infection of other specified sites |
1A73,Disseminated gonococcal infection |
1A7Z,Gonococcal infection, unspecified |
1A80,Chlamydial lymphogranuloma |
1A81.0,Chlamydial infection of lower genitourinary tract |
1A81.1,Chlamydial infection of internal reproductive organs |
1A81.Y,Non-ulcerative sexually transmitted chlamydial infection of other specified site |
1A81.Z,Non-ulcerative sexually transmitted chlamydial infection of unspecified site |
1A8Y,Other specified sexually transmissible infections due to chlamydia |
1A8Z,Sexually transmissible infections due to chlamydia, unspecified |
1A90,Chancroid |
1A91,Granuloma inguinale |
1A92,Trichomoniasis |
1A93,Sexually transmissible infestations |
1A94.0,Herpes simplex infection of genitalia or urogenital tract |
1A94.1,Herpes simplex infection of perianal skin or rectum |
1A94.Z,Anogenital herpes simplex infection without further specification |
1A95.0,Anal warts |
1A95.1,Genital warts |
1A95.2,Extragenital condylomata acuminata |
1A9Y,Other specified predominantly sexually transmitted infections |
1A9Z,Predominantly sexually transmitted infections, unspecified |
1B10.0,Respiratory tuberculosis, confirmed |
1B10.1,Respiratory tuberculosis, not confirmed |
1B10.Z,Respiratory tuberculosis, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation |
1B11.0,Tuberculous meningitis |
1B11.1,Tuberculous meningoencephalitis |
1B11.2,Meningeal tuberculoma |
1B11.3,Tuberculous granuloma of brain |
1B11.4,Tuberculous granuloma of the meninges |
1B11.Y,Tuberculosis of other specified part of nervous system |
1B11.Z,Tuberculosis of the nervous system, unspecified |
1B12.0,Tuberculosis of heart |
1B12.1,Tuberculosis of eye |
1B12.20,Tuberculosis of inner ear |
1B12.21,Tuberculosis of middle ear |
1B12.2Y,Other specified tuberculosis of ear |
1B12.2Z,Tuberculosis of ear, unspecified |
1B12.3,Tuberculosis of endocrine glands |
1B12.40,Tuberculosis of bones or joints |
1B12.41,Tuberculous myositis |
1B12.4Y,Tuberculosis of other specified part of the musculoskeletal system |
1B12.4Z,Tuberculosis of the musculoskeletal system, unspecified |
1B12.5,Tuberculosis of the genitourinary system |
1B12.6,Tuberculous peripheral lymphadenopathy |
1B12.7,Tuberculosis of the digestive system |
1B12.8,Cutaneous tuberculosis |
1B12.Y,Tuberculosis of other specified organ or site |
1B13.0,Acute miliary tuberculosis of a single specified site |
1B13.1,Acute miliary tuberculosis of multiple sites |
1B13.Y,Other specified miliary tuberculosis |
1B13.Z,Miliary tuberculosis, unspecified |
1B14,Latent tuberculosis |
1B1Y,Other specified tuberculosis |
1B1Z,Tuberculosis, unspecified |
1B20.0,Paucibacillary leprosy |
1B20.1,Multibacillary leprosy |
1B20.20,Type I leprosy reaction |
1B20.21,Type II leprosy reaction |
1B20.3,Complications of leprosy |
1B20.Z,Leprosy, unspecified |
1B21.0,Pulmonary infection due to non-tuberculosis mycobacterium |
1B21.1,Non-tuberculous mycobacterial lymphadenitis |
1B21.20,Mycobacterium ulcerans infection |
1B21.2Y,Cutaneous infection due to other specified non-tuberculous mycobacteria |
1B21.2Z,Cutaneous infection due to unspecified non-tuberculous mycobacteria |
1B21.3,Disseminated non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection |
1B21.4,Gastrointestinal non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection |
1B21.Y,Non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection of other specified site |
1B21.Z,Non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection of unspecified site |
1B2Y,Other specified mycobacterial diseases |
1B2Z,Mycobacterial diseases, unspecified |
1B40.0,Rheumatic arthritis, acute or subacute |
1B40.Y,Other specified acute rheumatic fever without mention of heart involvement |
1B40.Z,Acute rheumatic fever without mention of heart involvement, unspecified |
1B41.0,Acute rheumatic pericarditis |
1B41.10,Rheumatic aortitis |
1B41.1Y,Other specified acute rheumatic endocarditis |
1B41.1Z,Acute rheumatic endocarditis, unspecified |
1B41.2,Acute rheumatic myocarditis |
1B41.Y,Other acute rheumatic heart disease |
1B41.Z,Acute rheumatic heart disease, unspecified |
1B42,Rheumatic chorea |
1B50,Scarlet fever |
1B51,Streptococcal pharyngitis |
1B52.0,Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome |
1B52.1,Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome |
1B53,Meningitis due to Streptococcus |
1B54,Meningitis due to Staphylococcus |
1B5Y,Other specified staphylococcal or streptococcal diseases |
1B5Z,Staphylococcal or streptococcal diseases, unspecified |
1B70.00,Erysipelas of face |
1B70.01,Erysipelas of external ear |
1B70.02,Erysipelas of lower limb |
1B70.0Y,Erysipelas of other specified site |
1B70.1,Streptococcal cellulitis of skin |
1B70.2,Staphylococcal cellulitis of skin |
1B70.3,Ascending bacterial lymphangitis |
1B70.Y,Bacterial cellulitis or lymphangitis due to other specified bacterium |
1B70.Z,Bacterial cellulitis or lymphangitis due to unspecified bacterium |
1B71.0,Streptococcal necrotising fasciitis |
1B71.1,Polymicrobial necrotising fasciitis |
1B71.2,Neonatal necrotising fasciitis |
1B71.Y,Necrotising fasciitis due to other specified bacterial infection |
1B71.Z,Necrotising fasciitis, unspecified |
1B72.0,Bullous impetigo |
1B72.1,Non-bullous impetigo |
1B72.2,Secondary impetiginization of the skin |
1B72.Y,Other specified impetigo |
1B72.Z,Impetigo, unspecified |
1B73.0,Streptococcal ecthyma |
1B73.1,Staphylococcal ecthyma |
1B73.2,Ecthyma gangrenosum |
1B73.Y,Other specified ecthyma |
1B73.Z,Ecthyma, unspecified |
1B74.0,Staphylococcus aureus superficial folliculitis |
1B74.Y,Superficial bacterial folliculitis due to other specified organism |
1B74.Z,Superficial bacterial folliculitis due to unspecified organism |
1B75.0,Furuncle |
1B75.1,Carbuncle |
1B75.2,Furunculosis |
1B75.3,Pyogenic abscess of the skin |
1B75.4,Chronic deep bacterial folliculitis |
1B7Y,Other specified pyogenic bacterial infection of skin and subcutaneous tissue |
1B90.0,Spirillosis |
1B90.1,Streptobacillosis |
1B91,Leptospirosis |
1B92,Glanders |
1B93.0,Bubonic plague |
1B93.1,Cellulocutaneous plague |
1B93.2,Pneumonic plague |
1B93.3,Plague meningitis |
1B93.Y,Other specified plague |
1B93.Z,Plague, unspecified |
1B94.0,Ulceroglandular tularaemia |
1B94.Y,Other specified tularaemia |
1B94.Z,Tularaemia, unspecified |
1B95,Brucellosis |
1B96,Erysipeloid |
1B97,Anthrax |
1B98,Cat-scratch disease |
1B99,Pasteurellosis |
1B9A,Extraintestinal yersiniosis |
1B9Z,Unspecified zoonotic bacterial disease |
1C10.0,Pulmonary actinomycosis |
1C10.1,Abdominal actinomycosis |
1C10.2,Cervicofacial actinomycosis |
1C10.3,Primary cutaneous actinomycosis |
1C10.Y,Other specified forms of actinomycosis |
1C10.Z,Actinomycosis, unspecified |
1C11.00,Oroya fever |
1C11.01,Verruga peruana |
1C11.1,Trench fever |
1C11.Y,Other forms of bartonellosis |
1C12.0,Whooping cough due to Bordetella pertussis |
1C12.1,Whooping cough due to Bordetella parapertussis |
1C12.Y,Other specified whooping cough |
1C12.Z,Whooping cough, unspecified |
1C13,Tetanus |
1C14,Obstetrical tetanus |
1C15,Tetanus neonatorum |
1C16,Gas gangrene |
1C17.00,Postdiphtheritic paralysis of uvula |
1C17.0Y,Other specified pharyngeal or tonsillar diphtheria |
1C17.0Z,Pharyngeal or tonsillar diphtheria, unspecified |
1C17.1,Nasal diphtheria |
1C17.2,Laryngeal diphtheria |
1C17.3,Cutaneous diphtheria |
1C17.Y,Other specified diphtheria |
1C17.Z,Diphtheria, unspecified |
1C18,Brazilian purpuric fever |
1C19.0,Nonpneumonic Legionnaires' disease |
1C1A.0,Cutaneous listeriosis |
1C1A.1,Listerial meningitis or meningoencephalitis |
1C1A.Y,Other specified listeriosis |
1C1A.Z,Listeriosis, unspecified |
1C1B.0,Pulmonary nocardiosis |
1C1B.1,Cutaneous nocardiosis |
1C1B.Y,Other specified forms of nocardiosis |
1C1B.Z,Nocardiosis, unspecified |
1C1C.0,Meningococcal meningitis |
1C1C.1,Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome |
1C1C.20,Acute meningococcaemia |
1C1C.2Y,Other specified meningococcaemia |
1C1C.2Z,Meningococcaemia, unspecified |
1C1C.Y,Other specified meningococcal disease |
1C1C.Z,Meningococcal disease, unspecified |
1C1D.0,Primary yaws |
1C1D.1,Secondary yaws |
1C1D.2,Tertiary yaws |
1C1D.3,Latent yaws |
1C1E.0,Primary lesions of pinta |
1C1E.1,Intermediate lesions of pinta |
1C1E.2,Late lesions of pinta |
1C1E.3,Mixed lesions of pinta |
1C1F,Endemic non-venereal syphilis |
1C1G.0,Early cutaneous Lyme borreliosis |
1C1G.10,Lyme neuroborreliosis |
1C1G.11,Lyme carditis |
1C1G.12,Ophthalmic Lyme borreliosis |
1C1G.13,Lyme arthritis |
1C1G.14,Late cutaneous Lyme borreliosis |
1C1G.1Y,Other specified disseminated Lyme borreliosis |
1C1G.1Z,Disseminated Lyme borreliosis, unspecified |
1C1G.Y,Other specified Lyme borreliosis |
1C1H.0,Other Vincent infections |
1C1H.Y,Other specified necrotising ulcerative gingivitis |
1C1H.Z,Necrotising ulcerative gingivitis, unspecified |
1C1J.0,Tick-borne relapsing fever |
1C1J.1,Louse-borne relapsing fever |
1C20,Chlamydial conjunctivitis |
1C21,Chlamydial peritonitis |
1C22,Infections due to Chlamydia psittaci |
1C23.0,Initial stage of trachoma |
1C23.1,Active stage of trachoma |
1C23.Y,Other specified trachoma |
1C23.Z,Trachoma, unspecified |
1C2Y,Other specified diseases due to chlamydiae |
1C2Z,Other diseases due to chlamydiae, unspecified |
1C30.0,Epidemic louse-borne typhus fever due to Rickettsia prowazekii |
1C30.1,Recrudescent typhus |
1C30.2,Typhus fever due to Rickettsia typhi |
1C30.3,Typhus fever due to Orientia tsutsugamushi |
1C30.Y,Other specified typhus fever |
1C30.Z,Typhus fever, unspecified |
1C31.0,Spotted fever due to Rickettsia rickettsii |
1C31.1,Spotted fever due to Rickettsia conorii |
1C31.2,Spotted fever due to Rickettsia sibirica |
1C31.3,Spotted fever due to Rickettsia australis |
1C31.Y,Other specified spotted fever |
1C31.Z,Spotted fever, unspecified |
1C32,Rickettsialpox |
1C33,Q fever |
1C3Y,Other specified rickettsioses |
1C3Z,Rickettsioses, unspecified |
1C40,Campylobacteriosis |
1C41,Bacterial infection of unspecified site |
1C42,Melioidosis |
1C43,Actinomycetoma |
1C44,Non-pyogenic bacterial infections of the skin |
1C4Y,Other specified bacterial diseases |
1C4Z,Unspecified bacterial disease |
1C60.0,HIV disease clinical stage 1 associated with tuberculosis |
1C60.1,HIV disease clinical stage 2 associated with tuberculosis |
1C60.2,HIV disease clinical stage 3 associated with tuberculosis |
1C60.30,Kaposi sarcoma associated with human immunodeficiency virus disease associated with tuberculosis |
1C60.3Y,Other specified HIV disease clinical stage 4 associated with tuberculosis |
1C60.3Z,HIV disease clinical stage 4 associated with tuberculosis, unspecified |
1C60.Z,Human immunodeficiency virus disease associated with tuberculosis, clinical stage unspecified |
1C61.0,HIV disease clinical stage 1 associated with malaria |
1C61.1,HIV disease clinical stage 2 associated with malaria |
1C61.2,HIV disease clinical stage 3 associated with malaria |
1C61.30,Kaposi sarcoma associated with human immunodeficiency virus disease associated with malaria |
1C61.3Y,Other specified HIV disease clinical stage 4 associated with malaria |
1C61.3Z,HIV disease clinical stage 4 associated with malaria, unspecified |
1C61.Z,Human immunodeficiency virus disease associated with malaria, clinical stage unspecified |
1C62.0,HIV disease clinical stage 1 without mention of tuberculosis or malaria |
1C62.1,HIV disease clinical stage 2 without mention of tuberculosis or malaria |
1C62.2,HIV disease clinical stage 3 without mention of tuberculosis or malaria |
1C62.3,HIV disease clinical stage 4 without mention of tuberculosis or malaria |
1C62.Z,Human immunodeficiency virus disease without mention of associated disease or condition, clinical stage unspecified |
1C80,Viral encephalitis not elsewhere classified |
1C81,Acute poliomyelitis |
1C82,Rabies |
1C83,Western equine encephalitis |
1C84,Eastern equine encephalitis |
1C85,Japanese encephalitis |
1C86,St Louis encephalitis |
1C87,Rocio viral encephalitis |
1C88,Murray Valley encephalitis |
1C89,Far Eastern tick-borne encephalitis |
1C8A,Central European tick-borne encephalitis |
1C8B,California encephalitis |
1C8C,Venezuelan equine encephalitis |
1C8D,La Crosse encephalitis |
1C8E.2,Meningitis due to adenovirus |
1C8E.1,Enteroviral meningitis |
1C8E.Y,Other specified viral meningitis not elsewhere classified |
1C8E.Z,Viral meningitis not elsewhere classified, unspecified |
1C8F,Lymphocytic choriomeningitis |
1C8Y,Other specified viral infections of the central nervous system |
1C8Z,Viral infections of the central nervous system, unspecified |
1D00.0,Bacterial encephalitis |
1D00.1,Fungal encephalitis |
1D00.2,Parasitic or protozoal encephalitis |
1D00.Y,Other specified infectious encephalitis not elsewhere classified |
1D00.Z,Infectious encephalitis not elsewhere classified, unspecified |
1D01.00,Meningitis due to Haemophilus influenzae |
1D01.0Y,Other specified bacterial meningitis |
1D01.0Z,Bacterial meningitis, unspecified |
1D01.10,Meningitis due to Cryptococcus neoformans |
1D01.1Y,Other specified fungal meningitis |
1D01.1Z,Fungal meningitis, unspecified |
1D01.2,Parasitic or protozoal meningitis |
1D01.3,Benign recurrent meningitis |
1D01.Y,Other specified infectious meningitis not elsewhere classified |
1D01.Z,Infectious meningitis not elsewhere classified, unspecified |
1D02.0,Bacterial myelitis |
1D02.1,Viral myelitis |
1D02.2,Fungal myelitis |
1D02.3,Parasitic myelitis |
1D02.Y,Other specified infectious myelitis not elsewhere classified |
1D02.Z,Infectious myelitis not elsewhere classified, unspecified |
1D03.0,Intraspinal intramedullary abscess |
1D03.1,Intraspinal subdural abscess |
1D03.2,Intraspinal extradural abscess |
1D03.30,Deep cerebral hemispheric abscess |
1D03.31,Abscess of the corpus callosum |
1D03.32,Pituitary abscess |
1D03.33,Multiple or widespread intracranial abscess |
1D03.3Y,Other specified intracranial abscess |
1D03.3Z,Intracranial abscess, unspecified |
1D03.4,Intraspinal epidural abscess |
1D03.5,Spinal cord abscess |
1D03.Y,Other specified infectious abscess of the central nervous system |
1D03.Z,Infectious abscess of the central nervous system, unspecified |
1D04.0,Parasitic intracerebral granuloma |
1D04.10,Fungal intracranial granuloma |
1D04.1Y,Other specified intracranial granuloma |
1D04.1Z,Intracranial granuloma, unspecified |
1D04.2,Intraspinal intramedullary granuloma |
1D04.3,Intraspinal subdural granuloma |
1D04.4,Intraspinal extradural granuloma |
1D04.5,Intraspinal epidural granuloma |
1D04.Y,Other specified infectious granulomas of the central nervous system |
1D04.Z,Infectious granulomas of the central nervous system, unspecified |
1D05.0,Epidural infectious cyst |
1D05.1,Subdural infectious cyst |
1D05.Y,Other specified infectious cysts of the central nervous system |
1D05.Z,Infectious cysts of the central nervous system, unspecified |
1D0Y,Other specified non-viral and unspecified infections of the central nervous system |
1D0Z,Non-viral and unspecified infections of the central nervous system, unspecified |
1D20,Dengue without warning signs |
1D21,Dengue with warning signs |
1D22,Severe dengue |
1D2Z,Dengue fever, unspecified |
1D40,Chikungunya virus disease |
1D41,Colorado tick fever |
1D42,O'nyong-nyong fever |
1D43,Oropouche virus disease |
1D44,Rift Valley fever |
1D45,Sandfly fever |
1D46,West Nile virus infection |
1D47,Yellow fever |
1D48,Zika virus disease |
1D49,Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever |
1D4A,Omsk haemorrhagic fever |
1D4B,Kyasanur Forest disease |
1D4C,Alkhurma haemorrhagic fever |
1D4D,Ross River disease |
1D4E,Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome |
1D4Y,Other specified arthropod-borne viral fevers |
1D4Z,Arthropod-borne viral fever, virus unspecified |
1D60.00,Bundibugyo virus disease |
1D60.01,Ebola virus disease |
1D60.02,Sudan virus disease |
1D60.03,Atypical Ebola disease |
1D60.0Y,Other specified Ebola disease |
1D60.0Z,Ebola disease, virus unspecified |
1D60.10,Marburg virus disease |
1D60.11,Atypical Marburg disease |
1D60.1Y,Other specified Marburg disease |
1D60.1Z,Marburg disease, virus unspecified |
1D60.Y,Other specified filovirus disease |
1D60.Z,Filovirus disease, virus unspecified |
1D61.0,Argentinian haemorrhagic fever |
1D61.1,Bolivian haemorrhagic fever |
1D61.2,Lassa fever |
1D61.3,Venezuelan haemorrhagic fever |
1D61.Y,Other specified arenavirus disease |
1D61.Z,Arenavirus disease, unspecified |
1D62.0,Haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome |
1D62.1,Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome |
1D62.2,Atypical hantavirus disease |
1D62.Y,Other specified hantavirus disease |
1D62.Z,Hantavirus disease, unspecified |
1D63,Henipavirus encephalitis |
1D64,Middle East respiratory syndrome |
1D65,Severe acute respiratory syndrome |
1D6Y,Other specified zoonotic viral diseases |
1D6Z,Zoonotic viral disease, virus unspecified |
1D80.0,Mumps without complication |
1D80.1,Orchitis due to mumps virus |
1D80.2,Meningitis due to mumps virus |
1D80.3,Encephalitis due to mumps virus |
1D80.4,Pancreatitis due to mumps virus |
1D80.Y,Other specified mumps |
1D81.0,Mononucleosis due to Epstein-Barr virus |
1D81.1,Mononucleosis due to cytomegalovirus |
1D81.Y,Other specified infectious mononucleosis |
1D81.Z,Infectious mononucleosis, unspecified |
1D82.0,Cytomegaloviral hepatitis |
1D82.1,Cytomegaloviral pancreatitis |
1D82.Y,Other specified cytomegaloviral disease |
1D82.Z,Cytomegaloviral disease, unspecified |
1D83,Epidemic myalgia |
1D84.0,Conjunctivitis due to adenovirus |
1D84.1,Acute epidemic haemorrhagic conjunctivitis |
1D84.Y,Other specified viral conjunctivitis |
1D84.Z,Viral conjunctivitis, unspecified |
1D85.0,Dilated cardiomyopathy secondary to viral myocarditis |
1D85.1,Acute viral carditis |
1D85.2,Chronic viral carditis |
1D85.3,Aseptic myocarditis of newborn |
1D85.4,Coxsackie carditis |
1D85.Y,Other specified viral carditis |
1D85.Z,Viral carditis, unspecified |
1D86,Viral haemorrhagic fever, not elsewhere classified |
1D90,Adenovirus infection of unspecified site |
1D91,Enterovirus infection of unspecified site |
1D92,Coronavirus infection, unspecified site |
1D93,Parvovirus infection of unspecified site |
1D9Y,Other viral infections of unspecified site |
1D9Z,Unspecified viral infection of unspecified site |
1E1Y,Other specified viral diseases |
1E1Z,Unspecified viral disease |
1E30,Influenza due to identified seasonal influenza virus |
1E31,Influenza due to identified zoonotic or pandemic influenza virus |
1E32,Influenza, virus not identified |
1E50.0,Acute hepatitis A |
1E50.1,Acute hepatitis B |
1E50.2,Acute hepatitis C |
1E50.3,Acute hepatitis D |
1E50.4,Acute hepatitis E |
1E50.Y,Other specified acute viral hepatitis |
1E50.Z,Acute viral hepatitis, unspecified |
1E51.00,Chronic hepatitis B with human immunodeficiency virus co-infection |
1E51.0Y,Other specified chronic hepatitis B |
1E51.0Z,Chronic hepatitis B, unspecified |
1E51.1,Chronic hepatitis C |
1E51.2,Chronic hepatitis D |
1E51.3,Chronic hepatitis E |
1E51.Y,Other specified chronic viral hepatitis |
1E51.Z,Chronic viral hepatitis, unspecified |
1E5Z,Viral hepatitis, unspecified |
1E70,Smallpox |
1E71,Monkeypox |
1E72,Cowpox |
1E73,Vaccinia |
1E74,Buffalopox |
1E75,Orf |
1E76,Molluscum contagiosum |
1E7Y,Other specified infections due to poxvirus |
1E7Z,Infections due to poxvirus, unspecified |
1E80.0,Digital or periungual warts |
1E80.1,Plantar warts |
1E80.Y,Other specified common warts |
1E81,Plane warts |
1E82.0,Focal epithelial hyperplasia of oral mucous membranes |
1E83,Wart virus proliferation in immune-deficient states |
1E8Z,Viral warts, not elsewhere classified |
1E90.0,Varicella without complication |
1E90.1,Varicella meningitis |
1E90.2,Varicella encephalitis |
1E90.Y,Varicella with other specified complication |
1E90.Z,Varicella, unspecified |
1E91.0,Zoster without complications |
1E91.1,Ophthalmic zoster |
1E91.2,Disseminated zoster |
1E91.3,Zoster with central nervous system involvement |
1E91.40,Acute trigeminal zoster neuropathy |
1E91.41,Acute herpetic geniculate ganglionitis |
1E91.4Y,Other specified acute neuropathy of cranial nerve due to zoster |
1E91.5,Postherpetic polyneuropathy |
1E91.Y,Zoster with other specified complications |
1E91.Z,Zoster, unspecified |
1F00.00,Herpes simplex infection of skin |
1F00.01,Herpes simplex labialis |
1F00.02,Herpes simplex gingivostomatitis |
1F00.03,Disseminated cutaneous herpes simplex infection complicating other skin diseases |
1F00.0Y,Other specified herpes simplex infection of skin or mucous membrane |
1F00.10,Herpes simplex keratitis |
1F00.11,Herpes simplex infection of eyelid |
1F00.1Y,Other specified herpes simplex infection of the eye |
1F00.1Z,Herpes simplex infection of the eye, unspecified |
1F00.20,Herpes simplex meningitis |
1F00.21,Encephalitis due to herpes simplex virus |
1F00.3,Disseminated herpes simplex infection |
1F00.Y,Other specified herpes simplex infections |
1F00.Z,Herpes simplex infections, unspecified |
1F01,Roseola infantum |
1F02.0,Rubella with neurological complications |
1F02.1,Rubella arthritis |
1F02.2,Rubella without complication |
1F02.Y,Rubella with other specified complication |
1F03.0,Measles without complication |
1F03.1,Measles complicated by encephalitis |
1F03.2,Measles complicated by meningitis |
1F03.Y,Measles with other complications |
1F04,Erythema infectiosum |
1F05.0,Enteroviral vesicular stomatitis |
1F05.1,Enteroviral vesicular pharyngitis |
1F05.2,Enteroviral exanthematous fever |
1F05.3,Foot and mouth disease |
1F05.Y,Other specified picornavirus infections presenting in the skin or mucous membranes |
1F0Y,Other specified viral infections characterised by skin or mucous membrane lesions |
1F0Z,Viral infections characterised by skin or mucous membrane lesions, unspecified |
1F20.00,Invasive aspergillosis of the digestive tract |
1F20.01,Invasive cerebral aspergillosis |
1F20.02,Disseminated aspergillosis |
1F20.0Y,Invasive aspergillosis of other specified site |
1F20.10,Aspergillus otomycosis |
1F20.11,Chronic aspergillosis of the paranasal sinuses |
1F20.12,Chronic pulmonary aspergillosis |
1F20.13,Tonsillar aspergillosis |
1F20.14,Aspergillus bronchitis |
1F20.15,Obstructing aspergillus tracheobronchitis |
1F20.1Y,Other specified non-invasive aspergillosis |
1F20.Z,Aspergillosis, unspecified |
1F21,Basidiobolomycosis |
1F22,Blastomycosis |
1F23.0,Candidosis of lips or oral mucous membranes |
1F23.10,Vulvovaginal candidosis |
1F23.11,Candida balanoposthitis |
1F23.12,Flexural or intertriginous candidosis |
1F23.13,Candidosis of nail or paronychium |
1F23.14,Chronic mucocutaneous candidosis |
1F23.15,Disseminated cutaneous candidosis |
1F23.16,Candida otomycosis |
1F23.1Y,Candidosis of skin or mucous membrane of other specified site |
1F23.1Z,Candidosis of skin or mucous membranes, unspecified |
1F23.2,Candidosis of gastrointestinal tract |
1F23.30,Candida meningitis |
1F23.31,Pulmonary candidosis |
1F23.3Y,Other specified systemic or invasive candidosis |
1F23.3Z,Systemic or invasive candidosis, unspecified |
1F23.Y,Other specified candidosis |
1F23.Z,Candidosis, unspecified |
1F24,Chromoblastomycosis |
1F25.00,Acute pulmonary coccidioidomycosis |
1F25.01,Chronic pulmonary coccidioidomycosis |
1F25.10,Disseminated coccidioidomycosis |
1F25.11,Primary cutaneous coccidioidomycosis |
1F25.12,Coccidioides meningitis |
1F25.1Y,Other specified extrathoracic coccidioidomycosis |
1F25.Z,Coccidioidomycosis, unspecified |
1F26,Conidiobolomycosis |
1F27.0,Pulmonary cryptococcosis |
1F27.1,Cerebral cryptococcosis |
1F27.2,Disseminated cryptococcosis |
1F27.Y,Other specified cryptococcosis |
1F27.Z,Cryptococcosis, unspecified |
1F28.0,Dermatophytosis of scalp |
1F28.1,Dermatophytosis of nail |
1F28.2,Dermatophytosis of foot |
1F28.3,Genitocrural dermatophytosis |
1F28.4,Kerion |
1F28.5,Disseminated dermatophytosis |
1F28.Y,Other specified dermatophytosis |
1F28.Z,Dermatophytosis, unspecified |
1F29,Eumycetoma |
1F2A.0,Pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati |
1F2A.1,Histoplasmosis due to Histoplasma duboisii |
1F2A.Y,Other specified histoplasmosis |
1F2A.Z,Histoplasmosis, unspecified |
1F2B,Lobomycosis |
1F2C,Mucormycosis |
1F2D.0,Pityriasis versicolor |
1F2D.1,Malassezia folliculitis |
1F2D.2,White piedra |
1F2D.3,Black piedra |
1F2D.4,Tinea nigra |
1F2D.5,Onychomycosis due to non-dermatophyte mould |
1F2D.Y,Other specified non-dermatophyte superficial dermatomycoses |
1F2E.0,Pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis |
1F2E.1,Disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis |
1F2E.Y,Other specified paracoccidioidomycosis |
1F2E.Z,Paracoccidioidomycosis, unspecified |
1F2F,Phaeohyphomycosis |
1F2G.0,Pulmonary pneumocystosis |
1F2G.Z,Pneumocystosis, unspecified |
1F2H,Scedosporiosis |
1F2J.0,Lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis |
1F2J.1,Fixed cutaneous sporotrichosis |
1F2J.2,Pulmonary sporotrichosis |
1F2J.3,Disseminated sporotrichosis |
1F2J.Y,Other specified sporotrichosis |
1F2J.Z,Sporotrichosis, unspecified |
1F2K,Talaromycosis |
1F2Z,Mycoses, unspecified |
1F40.0,Plasmodium falciparum malaria with cerebral complications |
1F40.Y,Other severe and complicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria |
1F40.Z,Malaria due to Plasmodium falciparum, unspecified |
1F41.0,Plasmodium vivax malaria with rupture of spleen |
1F41.Y,Malaria due to Plasmodium vivax with other complications |
1F41.Z,Plasmodium vivax malaria without complication |
1F42.0,Plasmodium malariae malaria with nephropathy |
1F42.Y,Malaria due to Plasmodium malariae with other complications |
1F42.Z,Plasmodium malariae malaria without complication |
1F43,Malaria due to Plasmodium ovale |
1F44,Other parasitologically confirmed malaria |
1F45,Malaria without parasitological confirmation |
1F4Z,Malaria, unspecified |
1F50,Acanthamoebiasis |
1F51.00,Meningitis in Gambiense trypanosomiasis |
1F51.0Y,Other specified gambiense trypanosomiasis |
1F51.0Z,Gambiense trypanosomiasis, unspecified |
1F51.10,Meningitis in Rhodesiense trypanosomiasis |
1F51.1Y,Other specified rhodesiense trypanosomiasis |
1F51.1Z,Rhodesiense trypanosomiasis, unspecified |
1F51.Y,Other specified african trypanosomiasis |
1F51.Z,African trypanosomiasis, unspecified |
1F52,Babesiosis |
1F53.0,Acute Chagas disease with heart involvement |
1F53.1,Acute Chagas disease without heart involvement |
1F53.2,Chronic Chagas disease with heart involvement |
1F53.3,Chagas disease with digestive system involvement |
1F53.4,Meningitis in Chagas disease |
1F53.Y,Other specified Chagas disease |
1F53.Z,Chagas disease, unspecified |
1F54.0,Visceral leishmaniasis |
1F54.1,Cutaneous leishmaniasis |
1F54.2,Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis |
1F54.Z,Leishmaniasis, unspecified |
1F55,Naegleriasis |
1F56,Rhinosporidiosis |
1F57.0,Hepatitis due to Toxoplasma gondii |
1F57.1,Meningoencephalitis due to Toxoplasma gondii |
1F57.2,Pulmonary toxoplasmosis due to Toxoplasma gondii |
1F57.3,Eye disease due to Toxoplasma gondii |
1F57.Y,Other specified toxoplasmosis |
1F57.Z,Toxoplasmosis, unspecified |
1F58,Microsporidiosis |
1F5Z,Unspecified protozoal disease |
1F60.0,Eosinophilic meningitis due to Angiostrongylus cantonensis |
1F60.1,Intestinal angiostrongyliasis |
1F60.Y,Other specified angiostrongyliasis |
1F60.Z,Angiostrongyliasis, unspecified |
1F61,Anisakiasis |
1F62,Ascariasis |
1F63.0,Capillariasis of the intestine |
1F63.Y,Other specified capillariasis |
1F63.Z,Capillariasis, unspecified |
1F64,Dracunculiasis |
1F65,Enterobiasis |
1F66.0,Loiasis |
1F66.1,Mansonelliasis |
1F66.2,Filariasis due to Brugia species |
1F66.30,Filariasis due to Wuchereria bancrofti |
1F66.31,Filariasis due to Brugia malayi |
1F66.32,Filariasis due to Brugia timori |
1F66.3Z,Lymphatic filariasis, unspecified |
1F66.4,Subcutaneous dirofilariasis |
1F66.Y,Other specified filariasis |
1F66.Z,Filariasis, unspecified |
1F67,Gnathostomiasis |
1F68.0,Ancylostomiasis |
1F68.1,Necatoriasis |
1F68.2,Cutaneous larva migrans |
1F69,Oesophagostomiasis |
1F6A.0,Onchocerciasis of the eye |
1F6A.1,Onchocerciasis of the skin |
1F6A.Y,Other specified onchocerciasis |
1F6B,Strongyloidiasis |
1F6C,Syngamosis |
1F6D,Toxocariasis |
1F6E,Trichinosis |
1F6F,Trichostrongyliasis |
1F6G,Trichuriasis |
1F6H,Uncinariosis |
1F6Y,Other specified diseases due to nematodes |
1F6Z,Diseases due to nematodes, unspecified |
1F70.00,Meningitis due to Cysticercosis |
1F70.1,Cysticercosis of eye |
1F70.Y,Other specified cysticercosis |
1F70.Z,Cysticercosis, unspecified |
1F71,Diphyllobothriasis |
1F72,Dipylidiasis |
1F73.0,Echinococcus infection of liver |
1F73.1,Echinococcus infection of lung |
1F73.2,Echinococcus infection of bone |
1F73.3,Echinococcus infection of central nervous system |
1F73.Y,Other specified echinococcosis |
1F73.Z,Echinococcosis, unspecified |
1F74,Hymenolepiasis |
1F75,Sparganosis |
1F76.0,Taeniasis due to Taenia solium |
1F76.1,Taeniasis due to Taenia saginata |
1F76.Y,Other specified taeniasis |
1F76.Z,Taeniasis, unspecified |
1F7Y,Other specified diseases due to cestodes |
1F7Z,Diseases due to cestodes, unspecified |
1F80,Clonorchiasis |
1F81,Dicrocoeliasis |
1F82,Fascioliasis |
1F83,Fasciolopsiasis |
1F84,Opisthorchiasis |
1F85,Paragonimiasis |
1F86.0,Schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma haematobium |
1F86.1,Schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma mansoni |
1F86.2,Schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma japonicum |
1F86.3,Other schistosomiases |
1F86.4,Cercarial dermatitis |
1F86.5,Schistosomal pneumonitis |
1F86.Z,Schistosomiasis due to unspecified or unknown Schistosoma species |
1F8Y,Other specified diseases due to trematodes |
1F8Z,Diseases due to trematodes, unspecified |
1F90.0,Mixed intestinal helminthiases |
1F90.1,Intestinal parasitic infestation not otherwise specified |
1F90.2,Intestinal helminthiasis, unspecified |
1F90.Y,Other specified other and unspecified infestation by parasitic worms |
1F90.Z,Other and unspecified infestation by parasitic worms, unspecified |
1F91,Diphyllobothriasis and sparganosis |
1F9Z,Helminthiases, unspecified |
1G00.0,Pediculosis capitis |
1G00.1,Pediculosis corporis |
1G00.Z,Pediculosis of unspecfied site or type |
1G01.0,Ocular myiasis |
1G01.1,Nasopharyngeal myiasis |
1G01.2,Laryngeal myiasis |
1G01.3,Cutaneous myiasis |
1G01.Y,Other specified myiasis |
1G01.Z,Myiasis, unspecified |
1G02,External hirudiniasis |
1G03,Phthiriasis |
1G04.0,Classical scabies |
1G04.1,Crusted scabies |
1G04.Y,Other and unspecified scabies |
1G05,Tungiasis |
1G06,Cimicosis |
1G07.0,Infestation by Demodex |
1G07.Y,Infestation of the skin by other specified parasitic mites |
1G0Y,Infestation by other specified ectoparasite |
1G0Z,Infestation by unknown or unspecified ectoparasite |
1G2Y,Other specified parasitic diseases |
1G2Z,Unspecified parasitic diseases |
1G40,Sepsis without septic shock |
1G41,Sepsis with septic shock |
1G60.0,Mycetoma of unknown or unspecified type |
1G60.1,Pythiosis |
1G60.2,Protothecosis |
1G60.Y,Other specified disorders of infectious origin not elsewhere classified |
1G80,Sequelae of tuberculosis |
1G81,Sequelae of trachoma |
1G82,Sequelae of leprosy |
1G83,Sequelae of poliomyelitis |
1G84,Sequelae of viral encephalitis |
1G85,Sequelae of diphtheria |
1G8Y,Sequelae of other specified infectious diseases |
1H0Z,Infection, unspecified |
2A00.00,Glioblastoma of brain |
2A00.0Y,Other specified gliomas of brain |
2A00.0Z,Gliomas of brain, unspecified |
2A00.10,Medulloblastoma of brain |
2A00.11,Central primitive neuroectodermal tumour |
2A00.1Y,Other specified embryonal tumours of brain |
2A00.1Z,Embryonal tumours of brain, unspecified |
2A00.20,Tumours of the pineal gland or pineal region |
2A00.21,Mixed neuronal-glial tumours |
2A00.22,Choroid plexus papilloma |
2A00.2Y,Other specified tumours of neuroepithelial tissue of brain |
2A00.2Z,Tumours of neuroepithelial tissue of brain, unspecified |
2A00.3,Central neurocytoma of brain |
2A00.4,Astroblastoma of the brain |
2A00.5,Primary neoplasm of brain of unknown or unspecified type |
2A01.00,Primary malignant meningioma |
2A01.0Y,Other specified meningeal tumours |
2A01.0Z,Meningeal tumours, unspecified |
2A01.1,Mesenchymal tumours of meninges |
2A01.2,Primary neoplasm of meninges of unknown or unspecified type |
2A02.00,Glioblastoma of spinal cord, cranial nerves or other parts of central nervous system |
2A02.0Y,Other specified gliomas of spinal cord, cranial nerves or other parts of the central nervous system |
2A02.0Z,Gliomas of spinal cord, cranial nerves or other parts of the central nervous system, unspecified |
2A02.10,Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour |
2A02.11,Paraspinal neuroblastoma |
2A02.12,Malignant neoplasm of the optic nerve |
2A02.1Y,Other specified tumours of cranial or paraspinal nerves |
2A02.1Z,Tumours of cranial or paraspinal nerves, unspecified |
2A02.2,Primary neoplasm of spinal cord or cranial nerves of unknown or unspecified type |
2A02.3,Benign neoplasm of cranial nerves |
2A02.4,Benign neoplasm of spinal cord |
2A0Z,Other and unspecified neoplasms of brain or central nervous system |
2A20.00,Chronic myelogenous leukaemia with blast crisis |
2A20.01,Chronic myelogenous leukaemia, Philadelphia chromosome (Ph1) positive |
2A20.02,Chronic myelogenous leukaemia, t(9:22)(q34; q11) |
2A20.03,Naegeli-type monocytic leukaemia |
2A20.0Y,Other specified chronic myelogenous leukaemia, BCR-ABL1-positive |
2A20.0Z,Chronic myelogenous leukaemia, BCR-ABL1-positive, unspecified |
2A20.1,Chronic neutrophilic leukaemia |
2A20.2,Primary myelofibrosis |
2A20.3,Chronic eosinophilic leukaemia, not elsewhere classified |
2A20.4,Polycythaemia vera |
2A20.5,Non mast cell myeloproliferative neoplasm, unclassifiable |
2A20.Y,Other specified non mast cell myeloproliferative neoplasms |
2A20.Z,Non mast cell myeloproliferative neoplasms, unspecified |
2A21.00,Mast cell leukaemia |
2A21.0Y,Other specified systemic mastocytosis |
2A21.0Z,Systemic mastocytosis, unspecified |
2A21.10,Urticaria pigmentosa |
2A21.1Y,Other specified cutaneous mastocytosis |
2A21.2,Mast cell sarcoma |
2A21.3,Extracutaneous mastocytoma |
2A21.Y,Other specified mastocytosis |
2A21.Z,Mastocytosis, unspecified |
2A22,Other and unspecified myeloproliferative neoplasms |
2A30,Refractory anaemia |
2A31,Refractory neutropenia |
2A32,Refractory thrombocytopenia |
2A33,Refractory anaemia with ring sideroblasts |
2A34,Refractory cytopenia with multi-lineage dysplasia |
2A35,Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts |
2A36,Myelodysplastic syndrome with isolated del(5q) |
2A37,Myelodysplastic syndrome, unclassifiable |
2A38,Refractory cytopenia of childhood |
2A3Y,Other specified myelodysplastic syndromes |
2A3Z,Myelodysplastic syndromes, unspecified |
2A40,Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia |
2A41,Atypical chronic myeloid leukaemia, BCR-ABL1- negative |
2A42.0,Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia in complete remission |
2A42.Y,Other specified juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia |
2A42.Z,Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia, unspecified |
2A43,Refractory anaemia with ring sideroblasts associated with marked thrombocytosis |
2A44,Myeloproliferative and myelodysplastic disease, unclassifiable |
2A4Y,Other specified myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative neoplasms |
2A4Z,Myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative neoplasms, unspecified |
2A50,Myeloid neoplasm associated with PDGFRA rearrangement |
2A51,Myeloid neoplasm associated with PDGFRB rearrangement |
2A52,Myeloid or lymphoid neoplasms with FGFR1 abnormalities |
2A5Z,Myeloid and lymphoid neoplasms with eosinophilia and abnormalities of PDGFRA, PDGFRB or FGFR1, unspecified |
2A60.0,Acute myeloid leukaemia with recurrent genetic abnormalities |
2A60.1,Acute myeloid leukaemia with myelodysplasia-related changes |
2A60.20,Therapy related acute myeloid leukaemia or myelodysplastic syndrome |
2A60.2Y,Other specified therapy-related myeloid neoplasms |
2A60.2Z,Therapy-related myeloid neoplasms, unspecified |
2A60.30,Acute myeloid leukaemia with minimal differentiation |
2A60.31,Acute myeloid leukaemia without maturation |
2A60.32,Acute myeloid leukaemia with maturation |
2A60.33,Acute myelomonocytic leukaemia |
2A60.34,Acute monoblastic or monocytic leukaemia |
2A60.35,Acute erythroid leukaemia |
2A60.36,Acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia |
2A60.37,Acute basophilic leukaemia |
2A60.38,Acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis |
2A60.39,Myeloid sarcoma |
2A60.3Y,Other specified acute myeloid leukaemia, not elsewhere classified by criteria of other types |
2A60.3Z,Acute myeloid leukaemia, unspecified |
2A60.40,Transient abnormal myelopoiesis |
2A60.41,Myeloid leukaemia associated with Down syndrome |
2A60.4Y,Other specified myeloid proliferation associated with Down syndrome |
2A60.4Z,Myeloid proliferation associated with Down syndrome, unspecified |
2A60.5,Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm |
2A60.Y,Other specified acute myeloid leukaemias and related precursor neoplasms |
2A60.Z,Acute myeloid leukaemias and related precursor neoplasms, unspecified |
2A61,Acute leukaemias of ambiguous lineage |
2A70.0,B Lymphoblastic leukaemia or lymphoma, not elsewhere classified |
2A70.1,B lymphoblastic leukaemia or lymphoma with t(9:22) (q34;q11.2); BCR-ABL1 |
2A70.Y,Other B-lymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma with recurrent genetic abnormalities |
2A71,Precursor T-lymphoblastic neoplasms |
2A7Z,Precursor lymphoid neoplasms, unspecified |
2A80.0,Follicular lymphoma grade 1 |
2A80.1,Follicular lymphoma grade 2 |
2A80.2,Follicular lymphoma grade 3 |
2A80.3,Primary cutaneous follicle centre lymphoma |
2A80.4,Paediatric type follicular lymphoma |
2A80.5,Follicular lymphoma in situ |
2A80.6,Follicular lymphoma of small intestine |
2A80.Y,Other specified follicular lymphoma |
2A80.Z,Follicular lymphoma, unspecified |
2A81.0,Primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma |
2A81.1,Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma |
2A81.2,Plasmablastic lymphoma |
2A81.3,Lymphomatoid granulomatosis |
2A81.4,T-cell/histiocyte rich large B-cell lymphoma |
2A81.5,Primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of central nervous system |
2A81.6,Epstein-Barr Virus-positive diffuse large B cell lymphoma of the elderly |
2A81.7,Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma associated with chronic inflammation |
2A81.8,ALK-positive large B-cell lymphoma |
2A81.9,Primary effusion lymphoma |
2A81.A,Primary cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, leg type |
2A81.Y,Other specified diffuse large B-cell lymphomas |
2A81.Z,Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified |
2A82.00,Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia of B-cell type |
2A82.0Y,Other specified chronic lymphocytic leukaemia or small lymphocytic lymphoma |
2A82.0Z,Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia or small lymphocytic lymphoma, unspecified |
2A82.10,B-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia in complete remission |
2A82.1Y,Other specified b-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia |
2A82.1Z,B-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia, unspecified |
2A82.2,Hairy-cell leukaemia |
2A82.3,Splenic B-cell lymphoma or leukaemia, unclassifiable |
2A82.Y,Other specified mature B-cell neoplasm with leukaemic behaviour |
2A82.Z,Mature B-cell neoplasm with leukaemic behaviour, unspecified |
2A83.0,Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance |
2A83.1,Plasma cell myeloma |
2A83.2,Solitary plasmacytoma |
2A83.3,Extraosseous plasmacytoma |
2A83.4,Plasma cell leukaemia |
2A83.50,Heavy chain deposition disease |
2A83.51,Light and heavy chain deposition disease |
2A83.52,Light chain deposition disease |
2A83.Y,Other specified multiple myeloma and plasma cell neoplasms |
2A83.Z,Plasma cell neoplasm, unspecified |
2A84.0,Alpha heavy chain disease |
2A84.1,Gamma heavy chain disease |
2A84.2,Mu heavy chain disease |
2A84.Y,Other specified malignant immunoproliferative diseases |
2A84.Z,Heavy chain diseases, unspecified |
2A85.0,Nodal marginal zone lymphoma |
2A85.1,Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue of stomach |
2A85.2,Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma, primary site skin |
2A85.3,Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma, primary site excluding stomach or skin |
2A85.4,Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma |
2A85.5,Mantle cell lymphoma |
2A85.6,Burkitt lymphoma including Burkitt leukaemia |
2A85.Y,Further specified mature B-cell neoplasms or lymphoma |
2A86.0,Malignant lymphoma of B cell type, not elsewhere classified |
2A86.1,B-cell lymphoma unclassifiable with features intermediate between Burkitt lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma |
2A86.2,B-cell lymphoma unclassifiable with features intermediate between classical Hodgkin lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma |
2A86.Y,Other specified B-cell lymphoma, mixed features |
2A86.Z,B-cell lymphoma, mixed features, unspecified |
2A8Z,Mature B-cell neoplasms, unspecified |
2A90.0,T-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia |
2A90.1,T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukaemia |
2A90.2,Chronic lymphoproliferative disorders of NK-cells |
2A90.3,Aggressive NK cell leukaemia |
2A90.4,Systemic Epstein-Barr Virus-positive T-cell lymphoma of childhood |
2A90.5,Adult T-cell lymphoma or leukaemia, human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1-associated |
2A90.6,Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type |
2A90.7,Enteropathy associated T-cell lymphoma |
2A90.8,Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma |
2A90.9,Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma |
2A90.A,Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-positive |
2A90.B,Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-negative |
2A90.C,Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified |
2B00,Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma |
2B01,Mycosis fungoides |
2B02,Sézary syndrome |
2B03.0,Primary cutaneous CD30 positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma |
2B03.1,Lymphomatoid papulosis |
2B0Y,Other specified primary cutaneous mature T-cell or NK-cell lymphomas and lymphoproliferative disorders |
2B0Z,Primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma of undetermined or unspecified type |
2B2Y,Other specified mature T-cell or NK-cell neoplasms |
2B2Z,Mature T-cell or NK-cell neoplasms, unspecified |
2B30.0,Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma |
2B30.10,Nodular sclerosis classical Hodgkin lymphoma |
2B30.11,Lymphocyte-rich classical Hodgkin lymphoma |
2B30.12,Mixed cellularity classical Hodgkin lymphoma |
2B30.13,Lymphocyte depleted classical Hodgkin lymphoma |
2B30.1Z,Classical Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified |
2B30.Z,Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified |
2B31.0,Juvenile xanthogranuloma |
2B31.1,Histiocytic sarcoma |
2B31.20,Langerhans cell histiocytosis involving the skin |
2B31.2Y,Other specified Langerhans cell histiocytosis |
2B31.3,Langerhans cell sarcoma |
2B31.4,Interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma |
2B31.5,Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma |
2B31.6,Indeterminate dendritic cell tumour |
2B31.7,Fibroblastic reticular cell tumour |
2B31.Y,Other specified histiocytic or dendritic cell neoplasms |
2B31.Z,Histiocytic or dendritic cell neoplasms, unspecified |
2B32.0,Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder, early lesion |
2B32.1,Reactive plasmacytic hyperplasia |
2B32.2,Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder, Infectious mononucleosis-like |
2B32.3,Polymorphic post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder |
2B32.Y,Other specified immunodeficiency-associated lymphoproliferative disorders |
2B32.Z,Immunodeficiency-associated lymphoproliferative disorders, unspecified |
2B33.0,Acute leukaemia, not elsewhere classified |
2B33.1,Myeloid leukaemia |
2B33.2,Chronic myeloid leukaemia, not elsewhere classified |
2B33.3,Lymphoid leukaemia, not elsewhere classified |
2B33.4,Leukaemia, unspecified |
2B33.5,Malignant lymphoma, not elsewhere classified |
2B33.Y,Other malignant haematopoietic neoplasms without further specification |
2B3Z,Neoplasms of haematopoietic or lymphoid tissues, unspecified |
2B50.0,Chondrosarcoma of bone or articular cartilage of limbs |
2B50.1,Chondrosarcoma of bone or articular cartilage of pelvis |
2B50.2,Chondrosarcoma of bone or articular cartilage of ribs. sternum or clavicle |
2B50.Y,Chondrosarcoma of bone and articular cartilage of other specified sites |
2B50.Z,Chondrosarcoma of bone and articular cartilage of unspecified sites |
2B51.0,Osteosarcoma of bone or articular cartilage of jaw |
2B51.1,Osteosarcoma of bone or articular cartilage of limbs |
2B51.2,Osteosarcoma of bone or articular cartilage of pelvis |
2B51.Y,Osteosarcoma of bone and articular cartilage of other specified sites |
2B51.Z,Osteosarcoma of bone and articular cartilage of unspecified sites |
2B52.0,Ewing sarcoma of bone or articular cartilage of limbs |
2B52.1,Ewing sarcoma of bone or articular cartilage of pelvis |
2B52.2,Ewing sarcoma of bone or articular cartilage of ribs |
2B52.3,Ewing sarcoma of soft tissue |
2B52.Y,Ewing sarcoma of bone and articular cartilage of other specified sites |
2B52.Z,Ewing sarcoma of bone and articular cartilage of unspecified sites |
2B53.0,Myxofibrosarcoma, primary site |
2B53.1,Fibroblastic or myofibroblastic tumour of skin |
2B53.Y,Other specified fibroblastic or myofibroblastic tumour, primary site |
2B53.Z,Fibroblastic or myofibroblastic tumour, primary site, unspecified |
2B54.0,Unclassified pleomorphic sarcoma of skin |
2B54.1,Unclassified pleomorphic sarcoma of retroperitoneum or peritoneum |
2B54.Y,Unclassified pleomorphic sarcoma, primary site, other specified site |
2B54.Z,Unclassified pleomorphic sarcoma, primary site, unspecified site |
2B55.0,Rhabdomyosarcoma of the oral cavity or pharynx |
2B55.1,Rhabdomyosarcoma of respiratory or intra-thoracic organs |
2B55.2,Rhabdomyosarcoma of male genital organs |
2B55.Y,Rhabdomyosarcoma, other specified primary site |
2B55.Z,Rhabdomyosarcoma, unspecified primary site |
2B56.0,Angiosarcoma of heart |
2B56.1,Angiosarcoma of skin |
2B56.2,Angiosarcoma of breast |
2B56.3,Angiosarcoma of liver |
2B56.Y,Angiosarcoma, other specified primary site |
2B56.Z,Angiosarcoma, unspecified primary site |
2B57.0,Kaposi sarcoma of lung |
2B57.1,Kaposi sarcoma of skin |
2B57.2,Kaposi sarcoma of gastrointestinal sites |
2B57.Y,Kaposi sarcoma of other specified primary sites |
2B57.Z,Kaposi sarcoma of unspecified primary site |
2B58.0,Leiomyosarcoma of retroperitoneum or peritoneum |
2B58.1,Leiomyosarcoma of uterus |
2B58.2,Leiomyosarcoma of stomach |
2B58.Y,Leiomyosarcoma, other specified primary site |
2B58.Z,Leiomyosarcoma, unspecified primary site |
2B59.0,Liposarcoma of soft tissue of limb |
2B59.1,Liposarcoma of retroperitoneum or peritoneum |
2B59.2,Liposarcoma of male genital organs |
2B59.Y,Liposarcoma, other specified primary site |
2B59.Z,Liposarcoma, unspecified primary site |
2B5A.0,Synovial sarcoma of soft tissues of limb |
2B5A.1,Synovial sarcoma of respiratory or intra-thoracic organs |
2B5A.Y,Synovial sarcoma, other specified primary site |
2B5A.Z,Synovial sarcoma, unspecified primary site |
2B5B.0,Gastrointestinal stromal tumour of stomach |
2B5B.1,Gastrointestinal stromal tumour of small intestine |
2B5B.Y,Gastrointestinal stromal tumour of other gastrointestinal sites |
2B5B.Z,Gastrointestinal stromal tumour of unspecified gastrointestinal sites |
2B5C.0,Endometrial stromal sarcoma of uterus |
2B5C.Y,Endometrial stromal sarcoma, other specified primary site |
2B5C.Z,Endometrial stromal sarcoma, unspecified primary site |
2B5D.0,Malignant mixed epithelial mesenchymal tumour of ovary |
2B5D.1,Malignant mixed epithelial and mesenchymal tumour of corpus uteri |
2B5D.Y,Malignant mixed epithelial mesenchymal tumour, other specified primary site |
2B5D.Z,Malignant mixed epithelial mesenchymal tumour, unspecified primary site |
2B5E,Malignant nerve sheath tumour of peripheral nerves or autonomic nervous system, primary site |
2B5F.0,Sarcoma, not elsewhere classified of uterus |
2B5F.10,Myosarcomas of omentum |
2B5F.1Y,Other specified sarcoma, not elsewhere classified of retroperitoneum or peritoneum |
2B5F.1Z,Sarcoma, not elsewhere classified of retroperitoneum or peritoneum, unspecified |
2B5F.2,Sarcoma, not elsewhere classified of other specified sites |
2B5F.3,Sarcoma, not elsewhere classified, primary site unknown |
2B5G,Myosarcoma of uterus, part not specified |
2B5H,Well differentiated lipomatous tumour, primary site |
2B5J,Malignant miscellaneous tumours of bone or articular cartilage of other or unspecified sites |
2B5K,Unspecified malignant soft tissue tumours or sarcomas of bone or articular cartilage of other or unspecified sites |
2B5Y,Other specified malignant mesenchymal neoplasms |
2B5Z,Malignant mesenchymal neoplasm of unspecified type |
2B60.0,Basal cell carcinoma of lip |
2B60.1,Squamous cell carcinoma of lip |
2B60.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of lip |
2B60.Z,Malignant neoplasms of lip, unspecified |
2B61.0,Squamous cell carcinoma of the base of the tongue |
2B61.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of base of tongue |
2B61.Z,Malignant neoplasms of base of tongue, unspecified |
2B62.0,Squamous cell carcinoma of other or unspecified parts of tongue |
2B62.10,Squamous cell carcinoma of lingual tonsil |
2B62.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of other and unspecified parts of tongue |
2B62.Z,Malignant neoplasms of other or unspecified parts of tongue, unspecified |
2B63.0,Squamous cell carcinoma of gum |
2B63.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasm of gum |
2B63.Z,Malignant neoplasms of gum, unspecified |
2B64.0,Squamous cell carcinoma of floor of mouth |
2B64.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth |
2B64.Z,Malignant neoplasms of floor of mouth, unspecified |
2B65.0,Adenocarcinoma of palate |
2B65.1,Squamous cell carcinoma of palate |
2B65.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasm of palate |
2B65.Z,Malignant neoplasms of palate, unspecified |
2B66.0,Squamous cell carcinoma of other or unspecified parts of mouth |
2B66.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of other and unspecified parts of mouth |
2B66.Z,Malignant neoplasms of other or unspecified parts of mouth, unspecified |
2B67.0,Adenocarcinoma of parotid gland |
2B67.1,Squamous cell carcinoma of parotid gland |
2B67.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of parotid gland |
2B67.Z,Malignant neoplasms of parotid gland, unspecified |
2B68.0,Adenocarcinoma of submandibular or sublingual glands |
2B68.1,Squamous cell carcinoma of submandibular or sublingual glands |
2B68.2,Other specified malignant neoplasms of submandibular or sublingual glands |
2B68.Z,Malignant neoplasms of submandibular or sublingual glands, unspecified |
2B69.0,Squamous cell carcinoma of tonsil |
2B69.1,Other specified malignant neoplasms of tonsil |
2B69.Z,Malignant neoplasms of tonsil, unspecified |
2B6A.0,Squamous cell carcinoma of oropharynx |
2B6A.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of oropharynx |
2B6A.Z,Malignant neoplasms of oropharynx, unspecified |
2B6B.0,Squamous cell carcinoma of nasopharynx |
2B6B.1,Malignant epithelial neoplasms of nasopharynx, unspecified type |
2B6B.20,Squamous cell carcinoma of pharyngeal tonsil |
2B6B.21,Other or unspecified malignant epithelial neoplasm of pharyngeal tonsil |
2B6B.2Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of pharyngeal tonsil |
2B6B.2Z,Malignant neoplasm of pharyngeal tonsil without mention of type |
2B6B.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of nasopharynx |
2B6B.Z,Malignant neoplasms of nasopharynx, unspecified |
2B6C.0,Squamous cell carcinoma of piriform sinus |
2B6C.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of piriform sinus |
2B6C.Z,Malignant neoplasms of piriform sinus, unspecified |
2B6D.0,Squamous cell carcinoma of hypopharynx and variants |
2B6D.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of hypopharynx |
2B6D.Z,Malignant neoplasms of hypopharynx, unspecified |
2B6E.0,Squamous cell carcinoma of other or ill-defined sites in the lip, oral cavity or pharynx |
2B6E.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of other or ill-defined sites in the lip, oral cavity or pharynx |
2B6E.Z,Malignant neoplasms of other or ill-defined sites in the lip, oral cavity or pharynx, unspecified |
2B6Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of lip, oral cavity or pharynx |
2B6Z,Malignant neoplasms of lip, oral cavity or pharynx, unspecified |
2B70.00,Barrett adenocarcinoma |
2B70.0Y,Other specified adenocarcinoma of oesophagus |
2B70.0Z,Adenocarcinoma of oesophagus, unspecified |
2B70.1,Squamous cell carcinoma of oesophagus |
2B70.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of oesophagus |
2B70.Z,Malignant neoplasms of oesophagus, unspecified |
2B71.0,Adenocarcinoma of oesophagogastric junction |
2B71.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasm of oesophagogastric junction |
2B71.Z,Malignant neoplasms of oesophagogastric junction, unspecified |
2B72.0,Adenocarcinoma of stomach |
2B72.1,Malignant neuroendocrine neoplasm of stomach |
2B72.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of stomach |
2B72.Z,Malignant neoplasms of stomach, unspecified |
2B80.00,Adenocarcinoma of duodenum |
2B80.01,Neuroendocrine neoplasm of duodenum |
2B80.0Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of the duodenum |
2B80.0Z,Malignant neoplasms of duodenum, unspecified |
2B80.10,Adenocarcinoma of jejunum or ileum |
2B80.11,Neuroendocrine neoplasms of jejunum or ileum |
2B80.1Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of jejunum or ileum |
2B80.1Z,Malignant neoplasms of jejunum or ileum, unspecified |
2B80.20,Adenocarcinoma of small intestine, site unspecified |
2B80.21,Neuroendocrine neoplasms of small intestine, site unspecified |
2B80.2Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of small intestine, site unspecified |
2B80.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of small intestine |
2B80.Z,Malignant neoplasms of small intestine, unspecified |
2B81.0,Adenocarcinoma of appendix |
2B81.1,Mucinous adenocarcinoma of appendix |
2B81.2,Neuroendocrine neoplasms of appendix |
2B81.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of appendix |
2B81.Z,Malignant neoplasms of appendix, unspecified |
2B90.00,Adenocarcinoma of ascending colon or right flexure of colon |
2B90.0Y,Other specified malignant neoplasm of ascending colon and right flexure of colon |
2B90.0Z,Malignant neoplasm of ascending colon and right flexure of colon, unspecified |
2B90.10,Adenocarcinoma of descending colon or splenic flexure of colon |
2B90.1Y,Other specified malignant neoplasm of descending colon and splenic flexure of colon |
2B90.1Z,Malignant neoplasm of descending colon and splenic flexure of colon, unspecified |
2B90.20,Adenocarcinoma of transverse colon |
2B90.2Y,Other specified malignant neoplasm of transverse colon |
2B90.2Z,Malignant neoplasm of transverse colon, unspecified |
2B90.30,Adenocarcinoma of sigmoid colon |
2B90.3Y,Other specified malignant neoplasm of sigmoid colon |
2B90.3Z,Malignant neoplasm of sigmoid colon, unspecified |
2B90.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of colon |
2B90.Z,Malignant neoplasms of colon, unspecified |
2B91.0,Adenocarcinoma of rectosigmoid junction |
2B91.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of rectosigmoid junction |
2B91.Z,Malignant neoplasms of rectosigmoid junction, unspecified |
2B92.0,Adenocarcinomas of rectum |
2B92.1,Neuroendocrine neoplasms of rectum |
2B92.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of rectum |
2B92.Z,Malignant neoplasms of rectum, unspecified |
2B93.0,Adenocarcinoma of large intestine, site unspecified |
2B93.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of large intestine, site unspecified |
2B93.Z,Malignant neoplasms of large intestine, site and type unspecified |
2B9Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of large intestine |
2B9Z,Malignant neoplasms of large intestine, unspecified |
2C00.0,Adenocarcinoma of anus or anal canal |
2C00.1,Melanoma of anus or anal canal |
2C00.2,Neuroendocrine neoplasm of anus or anal canal |
2C00.3,Squamous cell carcinoma of anus or anal canal |
2C00.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of anus and anal canal |
2C00.Z,Malignant neoplasms of anus or anal canal, unspecified |
2C0Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of intestine |
2C0Z,Malignant neoplasms of intestine, unspecified |
2C10.0,Adenocarcinoma of pancreas |
2C10.1,Neuroendocrine neoplasms of pancreas |
2C10.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of pancreas |
2C10.Z,Malignant neoplasm of pancreas, unspecified |
2C11.0,Adenocarcinoma of other or ill-defined digestive organs |
2C11.1,Mucinous carcinoma of other or ill-defined digestive organs |
2C11.2,Other specified malignant neoplasms of other or ill-defined digestive organs |
2C11.Z,Malignant neoplasms of other or ill-defined digestive organs, unspecified |
2C12.00,Combined hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma |
2C12.01,Hepatoblastoma |
2C12.02,Hepatocellular carcinoma of liver |
2C12.03,Mesothelial carcinoma of liver |
2C12.0Y,Other specified malignant neoplasm of liver |
2C12.10,Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma |
2C12.1Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of intrahepatic bile ducts |
2C12.Z,Malignant neoplasms of liver or intrahepatic bile ducts, unspecified |
2C13.0,Adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder |
2C13.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasm of gallbladder |
2C13.Z,Malignant neoplasms of gallbladder, unspecified |
2C14.0,Adenocarcinoma of proximal biliary tract, cystic duct |
2C14.1,Mucinous cystic neoplasm with associated invasive carcinoma of cystic duct |
2C14.2,Neuroendocrine neoplasms of cystic duct |
2C14.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of biliary tract, cystic duct |
2C14.Z,Malignant neoplasms of proximal biliary tract, cystic duct, unspecified |
2C15.0,Adenocarcinoma of biliary tract, distal bile duct |
2C15.1,Mucinous cystic neoplasm with associated invasive carcinoma of distal bile duct |
2C15.2,Neuroendocrine neoplasms of distal bile duct |
2C15.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of biliary tract, distal bile duct |
2C15.Z,Malignant neoplasms of biliary tract, distal bile duct, unspecified |
2C16.0,Adenocarcinoma of ampulla of Vater |
2C16.1,Neuroendocrine neoplasms of ampulla of Vater |
2C16.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of ampulla of Vater |
2C16.Z,Malignant neoplasms of ampulla of Vater, unspecified |
2C17.0,Adenocarcinoma of other or unspecified parts of biliary tract |
2C17.1,Mucinous cystic neoplasm with associated invasive carcinoma of other or unspecified parts of biliary tract |
2C17.2,Neuroendocrine neoplasms of other or unspecified parts of biliary tract |
2C17.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of overlapping lesion of biliary tract |
2C17.Z,Malignant neoplasms of other or unspecified parts of biliary tract, unspecified |
2C18.0,Hilar cholangiocarcinoma |
2C18.1,Mucinous cystic neoplasm with associated invasive carcinoma of perihilar bile duct |
2C18.2,Neuroendocrine neoplasm of perihilar bile duct |
2C18.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of perihilar bile duct |
2C18.Z,Malignant neoplasms of perihilar bile duct, unspecified |
2C1Z,Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs, unspecified |
2C20.0,Adenocarcinoma of nasal cavity |
2C20.1,Malignant neuroepitheliomatous neoplasm of nasal cavity |
2C20.2,Melanoma of nasal cavity |
2C20.3,Olfactory neuroblastoma |
2C20.4,Squamous cell carcinoma of nasal cavity |
2C20.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasm of nasal cavity |
2C20.Z,Malignant neoplasms of nasal cavity, unspecified |
2C21.0,Adenocarcinoma of middle ear |
2C21.1,Squamous cell carcinoma of middle ear |
2C21.2,Unspecified malignant epithelial neoplasm of middle ear |
2C21.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasm of middle ear |
2C21.Z,Malignant neoplasms of middle ear, unspecified |
2C22.0,Adenocarcinoma of accessory sinuses |
2C22.10,Squamous cell carcinoma of sphenoidal sinus |
2C22.1Y,Squamous cell carcinoma of other specified accessory sinuses |
2C22.2,Malignant epithelial neoplasms of accessory sinuses, unspecified type |
2C22.3,Melanomas of accessory sinuses |
2C22.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of accessory sinuses |
2C22.Z,Malignant neoplasms of accessory sinuses, unspecified |
2C23.10,Squamous cell carcinoma of larynx, glottis |
2C23.1Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of larynx, glottis |
2C23.20,Squamous cell carcinoma of larynx, supraglottis |
2C23.2Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of larynx, supraglottis |
2C23.30,Squamous cell carcinoma of larynx, subglottis |
2C23.31,Adenocarcinoma of larynx, subglottis |
2C23.3Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of larynx, subglottis |
2C23.4,Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilage |
2C23.5,Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of larynx |
2C23.Z,Malignant neoplasms of larynx, unspecified |
2C24.0,Adenocarcinoma of trachea |
2C24.1,Squamous cell carcinoma of trachea |
2C24.2,Malignant epithelial neoplasms of trachea, unspecified type |
2C24.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of trachea |
2C24.Z,Malignant neoplasms of trachea, unspecified |
2C25.0,Adenocarcinoma of bronchus or lung |
2C25.1,Small cell carcinoma of bronchus or lung |
2C25.2,Squamous cell carcinoma of bronchus or lung |
2C25.3,Large cell carcinoma of bronchus or lung |
2C25.4,Carcinoid or other malignant neuroendocrine neoplasms of bronchus or lung |
2C25.5,Unspecified malignant epithelial neoplasm of bronchus or lung |
2C25.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of bronchus or lung |
2C25.Z,Malignant neoplasms of bronchus or lung, unspecified |
2C26.0,Mesothelioma of pleura |
2C26.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of the pleura |
2C26.Z,Malignant neoplasms of the pleura, unspecified |
2C27.0,Carcinoma of thymus |
2C27.1,Carcinoid tumour or other neuroendocrine neoplasms of thymus |
2C27.2,Malignant thymoma |
2C27.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of thymus |
2C27.Z,Malignant neoplasms of thymus, unspecified |
2C28.0,Malignant germ cell neoplasms of heart, mediastinum or non-mesothelioma of pleura |
2C28.1,Other specified malignant neoplasms of heart, mediastinum or non-mesothelioma of pleura |
2C28.Z,Malignant neoplasms of heart, mediastinum or non-mesothelioma of pleura, unspecified |
2C29.0,Squamous cell carcinomas of other and ill-defined sites in the respiratory system and intrathoracic organs |
2C29.1,Other specified malignant neoplasms of other or ill-defined sites in the respiratory system or intrathoracic organs |
2C29.Z,Malignant neoplasms of other or ill-defined sites in the respiratory system or intrathoracic organs, unspecified |
2C2Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of middle ear, respiratory or intrathoracic organs |
2C2Z,Malignant neoplasms of middle ear, respiratory or intrathoracic organs, unspecified |
2C30.0,Superficial spreading melanoma, primary |
2C30.1,Nodular melanoma, primary |
2C30.2,Lentigo maligna melanoma, primary |
2C30.3,Acral lentiginous melanoma, primary |
2C30.Y,Other specified melanoma of skin |
2C30.Z,Melanoma of skin, unspecified |
2C31.0,Verrucous squamous cell carcinoma of skin |
2C31.Z,Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma |
2C32.0,Nodular basal cell carcinoma of skin |
2C32.1,Sclerosing basal cell carcinoma of skin |
2C32.2,Superficial basal cell carcinoma of skin |
2C32.Y,Other specified basal cell carcinoma of skin |
2C32.Z,Basal cell carcinoma of skin, unspecified |
2C33,Adnexal carcinoma of skin |
2C34,Cutaneous neuroendocrine carcinoma |
2C35,Cutaneous sarcoma |
2C36,Malignant neoplasm of eyelid NOS |
2C37,Malignant pilonidal cyst |
2C3Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of skin |
2C3Z,Malignant neoplasm of skin of unknown or unspecified type |
2C40,Malignant neuroepitheliomatous neoplasms of peripheral nerves or autonomic nervous system |
2C41,Malignant perineurioma |
2C4Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system |
2C4Z,Malignant neoplasms of peripheral nerves or autonomic nervous system, unspecified |
2C50.0,Cystic, mucinous or serous carcinoma of retroperitoneum |
2C50.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of retroperitoneum |
2C50.Z,Malignant neoplasms of retroperitoneum, unspecified |
2C51.0,Adenocarcinomas of peritoneum |
2C51.1,Cystic, mucinous or serous carcinoma of peritoneum |
2C51.20,Mesothelioma of mesocolon |
2C51.21,Mesothelioma of mesentery |
2C51.2Y,Other specified mesotheliomas of peritoneum |
2C51.2Z,Mesotheliomas of peritoneum, unspecified |
2C51.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of peritoneum |
2C51.Z,Malignant neoplasms of peritoneum, unspecified |
2C52.0,Cystic, mucinous or serous carcinoma of omentum |
2C52.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of omentum |
2C52.Z,Malignant neoplasms of omentum, unspecified |
2C53.0,Adenocarcinoma overlapping lesion of retroperitoneum, peritoneum or omentum |
2C53.1,Mesothelioma overlapping lesion of retroperitoneum, peritoneum or omentum |
2C53.Y,Other specified overlapping malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum, peritoneum or omentum |
2C53.Z,Overlapping malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum, peritoneum or omentum, unspecified |
2C5Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of retroperitoneum, peritoneum or omentum |
2C5Z,Malignant neoplasms of retroperitoneum, peritoneum or omentum, unspecified |
2C60,Carcinoma of breast, specialised type |
2C61.0,Invasive ductal carcinoma of breast |
2C61.1,Invasive lobular carcinoma of breast |
2C61.2,Invasive pleomorphic lobular carcinoma of breast |
2C61.3,Invasive carcinoma of breast with mixed ductal and lobular features |
2C61.4,Invasive carcinoma of breast, unidentifiable type |
2C62,Inflammatory carcinoma of breast |
2C63,Malignant phyllodes tumour of breast |
2C64,Solid papillary carcinoma of breast with evidence of invasion |
2C65,Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome |
2C6Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of breast |
2C6Z,Malignant neoplasms of breast, unspecified |
2C70.0,Basal cell carcinoma of vulva |
2C70.1,Melanoma of vulva |
2C70.2,Squamous cell carcinoma of vulva |
2C70.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of vulva |
2C70.Z,Malignant neoplasms of vulva, unspecified |
2C71.0,Adenocarcinoma of vagina |
2C71.1,Melanoma of vagina |
2C71.2,Squamous cell carcinoma of vagina |
2C71.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of vagina |
2C71.Z,Malignant neoplasms of vagina, unspecified |
2C72.0,Adenocarcinoma of uterine ligament, parametrium, or uterine adnexa |
2C72.1,Mucinous or serous carcinoma of uterine ligament, parametrium, or uterine adnexa |
2C72.2,Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of female genital organs |
2C72.3,Carcinosarcomas of uterine ligament, parametrium, or uterine adnexa |
2C72.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of uterine ligament, parametrium, and uterine adnexa |
2C72.Z,Malignant neoplasms of uterine ligament, parametrium, or uterine adnexa, unspecified |
2C73.00,Clear cell adenocarcinoma of ovary |
2C73.01,Endometrioid adenocarcinoma of ovary |
2C73.02,Low grade serous adenocarcinoma of ovary |
2C73.03,High grade serous adenocarcinoma of ovary |
2C73.04,Mucinous adenocarcinoma of ovary |
2C73.0Y,Other specified carcinomas of ovary |
2C73.0Z,Carcinomas of ovary, unspecified |
2C73.1,Dysgerminoma of ovary |
2C73.2,Granulosa cell malignant tumour of ovary |
2C73.3,Malignant teratoma of ovary |
2C73.4,Serous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy of ovary |
2C73.5,Endodermal sinus tumour, unspecified site, female |
2C73.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of the ovary |
2C73.Z,Malignant neoplasms of ovary, unspecified |
2C74.0,Adenocarcinoma of fallopian tube |
2C74.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of fallopian tube |
2C74.Z,Malignant neoplasms of fallopian tube, unspecified |
2C75.0,Malignant trophoblastic neoplasms of placenta |
2C75.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of placenta |
2C75.Z,Malignant neoplasms of placenta, unspecified |
2C76.0,Endometrial endometrioid adenocarcinoma |
2C76.1,Endometrial mucinous adenocarcinoma |
2C76.2,Endometrial clear cell adenocarcinoma |
2C76.3,Endometrial serous adenocarcinoma |
2C76.40,Endometrial squamous cell carcinoma |
2C76.41,Endometrial small cell carcinoma |
2C76.42,Endometrial undifferentiated carcinoma |
2C76.43,Carcinosarcoma of uterus |
2C76.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of corpus uteri |
2C76.Z,Malignant neoplasms of corpus uteri, unspecified |
2C77.0,Squamous cell carcinoma of cervix uteri |
2C77.1,Adenocarcinoma of cervix uteri |
2C77.2,Adenosquamous carcinoma of cervix uteri |
2C77.3,Neuroendocrine carcinoma of cervix uteri |
2C77.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of cervix uteri |
2C77.Z,Malignant neoplasms of cervix uteri, unspecified |
2C78,Malignant neoplasms of uterus, part not specified |
2C7Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of female genital organs |
2C7Z,Malignant neoplasms of female genital organs, unspecified |
2C80.0,Choriocarcinoma of testis |
2C80.1,Embryonal carcinoma of testis |
2C80.2,Germ cell tumour of testis |
2C80.3,Intratubular germ cell neoplasia, unclassified |
2C80.4,Malignant teratoma of testis |
2C80.5,Mixed seminoma and non-seminomatous germ cell tumour of testis |
2C80.6,Non-seminomatous mixed germ cell tumour of testis |
2C80.7,Seminoma pure form of testis |
2C80.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of testis |
2C80.Z,Malignant neoplasms of testis, unspecified |
2C81.0,Squamous cell carcinoma of penis |
2C81.1,Melanoma of penis |
2C81.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasm of penis |
2C81.Z,Malignant neoplasms of penis, unspecified |
2C82.0,Adenocarcinoma of prostate |
2C82.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of prostate |
2C82.Z,Malignant neoplasms of prostate, unspecified |
2C83.0,Squamous cell carcinoma of scrotum |
2C83.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of scrotum |
2C83.Z,Malignant neoplasms of scrotum, unspecified |
2C84,Malignant neoplasms of other specified male genital organs |
2C8Z,Malignant neoplasms of male genital organs, unspecified |
2C90.0,Renal cell carcinoma of kidney, except renal pelvis |
2C90.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of kidney, except renal pelvis |
2C90.Z,Malignant neoplasms of kidney, except renal pelvis, unspecified |
2C91.0,Urothelial carcinoma of renal pelvis |
2C91.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of renal pelvis |
2C91.Z,Malignant neoplasms of renal pelvis, unspecified |
2C92.0,Urothelial carcinoma of ureter |
2C92.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of ureter |
2C92.Z,Malignant neoplasms of ureter, unspecified |
2C93.0,Adenocarcinoma of urethra or paraurethral gland |
2C93.1,Squamous cell carcinoma of urethra or paraurethral gland |
2C93.2,Urothelial carcinoma of urethra or paraurethral gland |
2C93.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of urethra and paraurethral gland |
2C93.Z,Malignant neoplasms of urethra or paraurethral gland, unspecified |
2C94.0,Adenocarcinoma of bladder |
2C94.1,Squamous cell carcinoma of bladder |
2C94.2,Urothelial carcinoma of bladder |
2C94.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of bladder |
2C94.Z,Malignant neoplasms of bladder, unspecified |
2C95.0,Adenocarcinoma of overlapping lesion of urinary organs |
2C95.1,Squamous cell carcinomas of overlapping lesion of urinary organs |
2C95.2,Urothelial carcinoma of overlapping lesion of urinary organs |
2C95.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of overlapping lesion of urinary organs |
2C95.Z,Malignant overlapping lesion of urinary organs, unspecified |
2C9Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of urinary tract |
2C9Z,Malignant neoplasms of urinary tract, unspecified |
2D00.0,Melanoma of conjunctiva |
2D00.1,Malignant neoplasm of caruncle |
2D00.2,Squamous cell carcinoma of conjunctiva |
2D00.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasm of conjunctiva |
2D00.Z,Malignant neoplasm of conjunctiva, unspecified |
2D01.0,Melanoma of cornea |
2D01.1,Squamous cell carcinoma of cornea |
2D01.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of cornea |
2D01.Z,Malignant neoplasm of cornea, unspecified |
2D02.0,Adenocarcinoma of retinal pigment epithelium |
2D02.1,Malignant neuroepithelial tumours of retina |
2D02.2,Retinoblastoma |
2D02.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasm of retina |
2D02.Z,Malignant neoplasm of retina, unspecified |
2D03.0,Adenocarcinoma of the lacrimal apparatus |
2D03.1,Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of lacrimal apparatus |
2D03.2,Squamous cell carcinoma of the lacrimal apparatus |
2D03.3,Other specified malignant neoplasms of lacrimal apparatus |
2D03.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasm of lacrimal apparatus |
2D03.Z,Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal apparatus, unspecified |
2D04,Malignant neoplasm of orbit |
2D05,Malignant neoplasm of choroid |
2D06.0,Adenocarcinoma of ciliary epithelium |
2D06.1,Medulloepithelioma, malignant of ciliary body |
2D06.2,Other specified malignant neoplasm of ciliary body |
2D06.3,Malignant neuroepithelial tumours of ciliary body |
2D06.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasm of ciliary body |
2D06.Z,Malignant neoplasm of ciliary body, unspecified |
2D07.0,Adenocarcinoma of iris epithelium |
2D07.1,Malignant neuroepithelial tumours of iris |
2D07.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasm of iris |
2D07.Z,Malignant neoplasm of iris, unspecified |
2D0Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of eye and ocular adnexa |
2D0Z,Malignant neoplasms of eye or ocular adnexa, unspecified |
2D10.0,Follicular carcinoma of thyroid gland |
2D10.1,Papillary carcinoma of thyroid gland |
2D10.2,Poorly differentiated carcinoma of thyroid gland |
2D10.3,Undifferentiated carcinoma of thyroid gland |
2D10.4,Medullary carcinoma of thyroid gland |
2D10.5,Parafollicular cell carcinoma of unspecified site |
2D10.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of thyroid gland |
2D10.Z,Malignant neoplasms of thyroid gland, unspecified |
2D11.0,Adenocarcinoma of adrenal gland |
2D11.1,Malignant phaeochromocytoma of adrenal gland |
2D11.2,Neuroblastoma of adrenal gland |
2D11.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of adrenal gland |
2D11.Z,Malignant neoplasms of adrenal gland, unspecified |
2D12.0,Malignant epithelial neoplasms of other endocrine glands or related structures, unspecified type |
2D12.1,Adenocarcinoma of other endocrine glands or related structures |
2D12.Z,Malignant neoplasms of other endocrine glands or related structures, unspecified |
2D1Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of endocrine glands |
2D1Z,Malignant neoplasms of endocrine glands, unspecified |
2D3Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms, stated or presumed to be primary, of specified sites, except of lymphoid, haematopoietic, central nervous system or related tissues |
2D3Z,Malignant neoplasms, stated or presumed to be primary, of specified sites, except of lymphoid, haematopoietic, central nervous system or related tissues, unspecified |
2D40,Adenocarcinoma of unspecified site |
2D41,Unspecified carcinoma of unspecified site |
2D42,Malignant neoplasms of ill-defined sites |
2D43,Malignant neoplasms of independent, multiple primary sites |
2D4Y,Other specified malignant neoplasms of ill-defined or unspecified primary sites |
2D4Z,Unspecified malignant neoplasms of ill-defined or unspecified sites |
2D50,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in brain |
2D51,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in meninges |
2D52,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in spinal cord, cranial nerves or remaining parts of central nervous system |
2D60.0,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in lymph nodes of head, face or neck |
2D60.1,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in intrathoracic lymph nodes |
2D60.2,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in intra-abdominal lymph nodes |
2D60.3,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in axillary lymph nodes |
2D60.4,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in inguinal lymph nodes |
2D60.5,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in intrapelvic lymph nodes |
2D60.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasm metastasis in lymph node of a single region |
2D60.Z,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in lymph node of a single region, unspecified |
2D61,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in lymph nodes of multiple regions |
2D6Z,Unspecified metastatic malignant neoplasm to unspecified lymph node |
2D70,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in lung |
2D71,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in mediastinum |
2D72,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in pleura |
2D73,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in other specified respiratory organs |
2D7Y,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in other specified thoracic organs |
2D7Z,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in thoracic or respiratory organs, unspecified |
2D80.0,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in liver |
2D80.1,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in intrahepatic bile duct |
2D80.Y,Other specified malignant neoplasm metastasis in liver or intrahepatic bile duct |
2D80.Z,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in liver or intrahepatic bile duct, unspecified |
2D81,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in pancreas |
2D82,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in extrahepatic bile ducts |
2D83,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in ampulla of Vater |
2D84,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in the small intestine |
2D85,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in large intestine |
2D86,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in anus |
2D8Y,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in other specified digestive system organs |
2D8Z,Unspecified malignant neoplasm metastasis in digestive system |
2D90,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in retroperitoneum |
2D91,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in peritoneum |
2D9Y,Other specified malignant neoplasm metastasis in retroperitoneum or peritoneum |
2D9Z,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in retroperitoneum or peritoneum, unspecified |
2E00,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in kidney or renal pelvis |
2E01,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in bladder |
2E02,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in other or unspecified urinary system organs |
2E03,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in bone or bone marrow |
2E04,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in soft tissue |
2E05.0,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in ovary |
2E05.Y,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in other female reproductive system organs |
2E05.Z,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in female reproductive system, unspecified |
2E06,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in male genital organs |
2E07,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in adrenal gland |
2E08,Metastatic malignant neoplasm involving skin |
2E09,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in peripheral nervous system |
2E0Y,Malignant neoplasm metastasis in other specified sites |
2E2Z,Malignant neoplasm metastases, unspecified |
2E60.0,Carcinoma in situ of lip, oral cavity or pharynx |
2E60.1,Carcinoma in situ of oesophagus |
2E60.2,Carcinoma in situ of stomach |
2E61.0,Carcinoma in situ of colon |
2E61.1,Carcinoma in situ of rectum |
2E61.2,Carcinoma in situ of anal canal |
2E61.3,Carcinoma in situ of gallbladder, biliary tract or ampulla of Vater |
2E61.Y,Carcinoma in situ of other specified digestive organs |
2E61.Z,Carcinoma in situ of unspecified digestive organs |
2E62.0,Carcinoma in situ of larynx |
2E62.1,Carcinoma in situ of trachea |
2E62.2,Carcinoma in situ of bronchus or lung |
2E62.Y,Carcinoma in situ of other specified sites of middle ear and respiratory system |
2E62.Z,Carcinoma in situ of unspecified sites of middle ear and respiratory system |
2E63.00,Lentigo maligna |
2E63.0Z,Melanoma in situ of skin, unspecified |
2E63.1,Melanoma in situ of conjunctiva |
2E63.Y,Other specified melanoma in situ neoplasms |
2E63.Z,Melanoma in situ neoplasms, unspecified |
2E64.00,Bowen disease of skin |
2E64.01,Actinic intraepidermal squamous cell carcinoma |
2E64.0Y,Other specified intraepidermal squamous cell carcinoma |
2E64.0Z,Intraepidermal squamous cell carcinoma, unspecified |
2E64.1,Extramammary Paget disease of skin |
2E64.2,Carcinoma in situ of anal margin or perianal skin |
2E64.Y,Other specified carcinoma in situ of skin |
2E64.Z,Carcinoma in situ of skin, unspecified |
2E65.0,Lobular carcinoma in situ of breast |
2E65.1,Lobular carcinoma in situ of breast, pleomorphic subtype |
2E65.2,Ductal carcinoma in situ of breast |
2E65.3,Ductal carcinoma in situ of breast, comedo subtype |
2E65.4,Mixed ductal and lobular carcinoma in situ of breast |
2E65.5,Paget disease of nipple |
2E65.Y,Other specified carcinoma in situ of breast |
2E65.Z,Carcinoma in situ of breast, unspecified |
2E66.0,Cervical Intraepithelial neoplasia grade II |
2E66.1,Cervical Intraepithelial neoplasia grade III |
2E66.Y,Other specified carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri |
2E66.Z,Carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri, unspecified |
2E67.0,Carcinoma in situ of endometrium |
2E67.10,Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia |
2E67.11,Vulvar Paget disease |
2E67.20,Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia grade II |
2E67.21,Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia grade III |
2E67.2Y,Other specified carcinoma in situ of vagina |
2E67.2Z,Carcinoma in situ of vagina, unspecified |
2E67.3,Carcinoma in situ of other or unspecified female genital organs |
2E67.40,Squamous cell carcinoma in situ of skin of penis |
2E67.41,Squamous cell carcinoma in situ of mucocutaneous epithelium of penis |
2E67.5,Carcinoma in situ of prostate |
2E67.6,Carcinoma in situ of other or unspecified male genital organs |
2E68,Carcinoma in situ of bladder |
2E69,Carcinoma in situ of other or unspecified urinary organs |
2E6A.0,Carcinoma in situ of the conjunctiva |
2E6A.1,Carcinoma in situ of the cornea |
2E6A.Y,Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified part of the eye and adnexa |
2E6B,Carcinoma in situ of thyroid and other endocrine glands |
2E6Y,Carcinoma in situ of other specified site |
2E6Z,Carcinoma in situ of unspecified site |
2E80.00,Superficial subcutaneous lipoma |
2E80.01,Deep subfascial lipoma |
2E80.02,Deep internal or visceral lipoma |
2E80.0Y,Other specified lipoma |
2E80.0Z,Lipoma, unspecified |
2E80.1,Lipoblastoma |
2E80.Y,Other specified benign lipomatous neoplasm |
2E80.Z,Benign lipomatous neoplasm, unspecified |
2E81.00,Umbilical cord haemangioma |
2E81.01,Conjunctival haemangioma or haemolymphangioma |
2E81.0Y,Other specified neoplastic haemangioma |
2E81.0Z,Neoplastic haemangioma, unspecified |
2E81.10,Disseminated lymphangiomatosis |
2E81.11,Acquired progressive lymphangioma |
2E81.1Y,Other specified benign lymphatic neoplasms |
2E81.1Z,Benign lymphatic neoplasms, unspecified |
2E81.20,Focal infantile haemangioma |
2E81.21,Multifocal infantile haemangioma |
2E81.2Y,Other specified benign vascular neoplasms of infancy and childhood |
2E81.2Z,Benign vascular neoplasms of infancy and childhood, unspecified |
2E81.Y,Other specified benign vascular neoplasms |
2E81.Z,Benign vascular neoplasms, unspecified |
2E82.0,Benign chondrogenic tumours of bone or articular cartilage of limbs |
2E82.1,Benign chondrogenic tumours of bone or articular cartilage of other specified sites |
2E82.Z,Benign chondrogenic tumours, site unspecified |
2E83.0,Benign osteogenic tumours of bone or articular cartilage of skull or face |
2E83.1,Benign osteogenic tumours of bone or articular cartilage of lower jaw |
2E83.2,Benign osteogenic tumours of bone or articular cartilage of vertebral column |
2E83.3,Benign osteogenic tumours of bone or articular cartilage of ribs, sternum or clavicle |
2E83.4,Benign osteogenic tumours of bone or articular cartilage of pelvic bones, sacrum or coccyx |
2E83.5,Benign osteogenic tumours of bone or articular cartilage of limbs |
2E83.Y,Other specified benign osteogenic tumours |
2E83.Z,Benign osteogenic tumours, unspecified |
2E84.0,Benign fibrogenic or myofibrogenic tumour of skin |
2E84.Y,Benign fibrogenic or myofibrogenic tumour of other specified sites |
2E84.Z,Benign fibrogenic or myofibrogenic tumour, site unknown |
2E85.0,Benign fibrohistiocytic tumour of soft tissues of limbs |
2E85.1,Benign fibrohistiocytic tumour of retroperitoneum or peritoneum |
2E85.2,Benign fibrohistiocytic tumour of skin |
2E85.Y,Benign fibrohistiocytic tumour of other specified sites |
2E85.Z,Benign fibrohistiocytic tumour, site unspecified |
2E86.0,Leiomyoma of uterus |
2E86.1,Leiomyoma of other or unspecified sites |
2E86.2,Rhabdomyoma |
2E86.Y,Other specified benign smooth muscle or skeletal muscle tumour |
2E86.Z,Benign smooth muscle or skeletal muscle tumour, unspecified |
2E87,Benign gastrointestinal stromal tumour |
2E88,Benign endometrial stromal tumour |
2E89.0,Benign tumours of uncertain differentiation, bone or cartilage |
2E89.1,Benign tumours of uncertain differentiation, soft tissue |
2E89.Y,Other specified benign mesenchymal tumours of uncertain differentiation |
2E89.Z,Benign mesenchymal tumours of uncertain differentiation, unspecified |
2E8A,Other mixed or unspecified benign mesenchymal tumours |
2E8Y,Benign neoplasm of mesothelial tissue, other specified organs |
2E8Z,Benign mesenchymal neoplasms, unspecified |
2E90.0,Benign neoplasm of lip |
2E90.1,Benign neoplasm of tongue |
2E90.2,Benign neoplasm of floor of mouth |
2E90.3,Benign neoplasm of other or unspecified parts of mouth |
2E90.4,Benign neoplasm of tonsil |
2E90.5,Benign neoplasm of oropharynx |
2E90.6,Benign neoplasm of nasopharynx |
2E90.7,Benign neoplasm of hypopharynx |
2E90.8,Benign neoplasm of pharynx, unspecified |
2E91.0,Benign neoplasm of parotid gland |
2E91.1,Benign neoplasm of other specified major salivary glands |
2E92.0,Benign neoplasm of oesophagus |
2E92.1,Benign neoplasm of stomach |
2E92.2,Benign neoplasm of duodenum |
2E92.3,Benign neoplasm of other or unspecified parts of small intestine |
2E92.40,Polyposis syndrome |
2E92.4Y,Other specified benign neoplasm of the large intestine |
2E92.4Z,Benign neoplasm of the large intestine, unspecified |
2E92.5,Benign neoplasm of anus or anal canal |
2E92.6,Benign neoplasm of gallbladder, extrahepatic bile ducts or ampulla of Vater |
2E92.7,Benign neoplasm of liver or intrahepatic bile ducts |
2E92.8,Benign neoplasm of pancreas |
2E92.9,Benign neoplasm of endocrine pancreas |
2E92.A,Benign neoplasm of ill-defined sites within the digestive system |
2E92.Y,Benign neoplasm of other specified digestive organs |
2E92.Z,Benign neoplasm of unspecified digestive organs |
2F00.0,Middle ear endocrine tumour |
2F00.1,Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis |
2F00.2,Laryngeal endocrine tumour |
2F00.Y,Other specified benign neoplasm of middle ear or respiratory system |
2F00.Z,Benign neoplasm of middle ear or respiratory system, unspecified |
2F01,Benign neoplasm of intrathoracic organs |
2F0Y,Benign neoplasms of other specified respiratory and intrathoracic organs |
2F0Z,Benign neoplasms of respiratory and intrathoracic organs, unspecified |
2F10,Benign neoplasm of mesothelial tissue |
2F20.00,Multiple benign melanocytic naevi |
2F20.0Y,Other specified common acquired melanocytic naevus |
2F20.1,Atypical melanocytic naevus |
2F20.20,Giant congenital melanocytic naevus |
2F20.2Y,Other specified congenital melanocytic naevus |
2F20.2Z,Congenital melanocytic naevus, unspecified |
2F20.3,Generalized eruptive melanocytic naevi |
2F20.Y,Other specific types of melanocytic naevus |
2F20.Z,Melanocytic naevus, unspecified |
2F21.0,Seborrhoeic keratosis |
2F21.Y,Other specified benign keratinocytic acanthomas |
2F22,Benign neoplasms of epidermal appendages |
2F23.0,Dermatofibroma |
2F23.Y,Other specified benign dermal fibrous or fibrohistiocytic neoplasms |
2F24,Benign cutaneous neoplasms of neural or nerve sheath origin |
2F25,Cherry angioma |
2F26,Lobular capillary haemangioma |
2F2Y,Other specified benign cutaneous neoplasms |
2F2Z,Benign cutaneous neoplasm of unspecified type |
2F30.0,Tubular adenoma of breast |
2F30.1,Lactating adenoma of breast |
2F30.2,Intraductal papilloma of breast |
2F30.3,Benign phyllodes tumour of breast |
2F30.4,Fibromatosis of breast |
2F30.5,Fibroadenoma of breast |
2F30.6,Extensive adenomatosis nipple |
2F30.Y,Other specified benign neoplasm of breast |
2F30.Z,Benign neoplasm of breast, unspecified |
2F31.00,Cervical Intraepithelial neoplasia grade I |
2F31.0Y,Other specified non-mesenchymal benign neoplasm of uterus, cervix uteri |
2F31.0Z,Non-mesenchymal benign neoplasm of uterus, cervix uteri, unspecified |
2F31.1,Non-mesenchymal benign neoplasm of uterus, corpus uteri |
2F31.2,Non-mesenchymal benign neoplasm of uterus, other parts |
2F32.0,Cystic teratoma |
2F32.1,Ovarian fibroma |
2F32.2,Meigs' Syndrome |
2F32.3,Serous ovarian cystadenoma |
2F32.Y,Other specified benign neoplasm of ovary |
2F32.Z,Benign neoplasm of ovary, unspecified |
2F33.0,Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, grade I, usual type, HPV-associated |
2F33.1,Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia grade I |
2F33.Y,Benign neoplasm of other specified female genital organs |
2F33.Z,Benign neoplasm of unspecified female genital organs |
2F34,Benign neoplasm of male genital organs |
2F35,Benign neoplasm of urinary organs |
2F36.0,Benign neoplasm of uvea |
2F36.1,Benign neoplasm of iris |
2F36.2,Benign neoplasm of ciliary body |
2F36.3,Teratoma of orbit |
2F36.4,Cysts of eyelid |
2F36.Y,Other specified benign neoplasm of eye or ocular adnexa |
2F36.Z,Benign neoplasm of eye or ocular adnexa, unspecified |
2F37.0,Non-secreting pituitary adenoma |
2F37.Y,Other specified benign neoplasm of endocrine glands |
2F37.Z,Benign neoplasm of endocrine glands, unspecified |
2F38,Benign neoplasm of other or unspecified sites |
2F3Y,Other specified benign non-mesenchymal neoplasms |
2F3Z,Benign non-mesenchymal neoplasms, unspecified |
2F5Y,Other specified benign neoplasms, except of lymphoid, haematopoietic, central nervous system or related tissues |
2F5Z,Benign neoplasms, except of lymphoid, haematopoietic, central nervous system or related tissues, unspecified |
2F70.0,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of lip, oral cavity or pharynx |
2F70.1,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of stomach |
2F70.2,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of small intestine |
2F70.3,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of colon |
2F70.4,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of rectum |
2F70.5,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of liver, gallbladder or bile ducts |
2F70.Y,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of oral cavity and digestive organs, other specified site |
2F70.Z,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of oral cavity and digestive organs, unspecified site |
2F71.0,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of thymus |
2F71.1,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of larynx |
2F71.2,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of pleura |
2F71.3,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of trachea, bronchus or lung |
2F71.4,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of mediastinum |
2F71.Y,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of middle ear, respiratory and intrathoracic organs, other specified site |
2F71.Z,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of middle ear, respiratory and intrathoracic organs, unspecified site |
2F72.0,Keratoacanthoma |
2F72.1,Spitzoid tumour of uncertain malignant potential |
2F72.2,Melanocytic naevus with severe melanocytic dysplasia |
2F72.Y,Other specified neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of skin |
2F73,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of retroperitoneum |
2F74,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of peritoneum |
2F75,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of breast |
2F76,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of female genital organs |
2F77,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of male genital organs |
2F78,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of urinary organs |
2F79,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of eye or ocular adnexa |
2F7A.0,Multiple polyglandular tumours |
2F7A.Y,Other specified neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of endocrine glands |
2F7A.Z,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of endocrine glands, unspecified |
2F7B,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of bone or articular cartilage |
2F7C,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of connective or other soft tissue |
2F7Y,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of other specified site |
2F7Z,Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour of unspecified site |
2F90.0,Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of colon |
2F90.1,Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of rectum |
2F90.Y,Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of oral cavity and digestive organs, other specified site |
2F90.Z,Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of oral cavity and digestive organs, unspecified site |
2F91.0,Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of larynx |
2F91.1,Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of trachea, bronchus or lung |
2F91.Y,Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of middle ear, respiratory and intrathoracic organs, other specified |
2F92,Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of skin |
2F93,Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of retroperitoneum |
2F94,Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of peritoneum |
2F95,Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of breast |
2F96,Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of female genital organs |
2F97,Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of male genital organs |
2F98,Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of urinary organs |
2F99,Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of eye or ocular adnexa |
2F9A,Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of endocrine glands |
2F9B,Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of bone or articular cartilage |
2F9C,Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of connective or other soft tissue |
2F9Y,Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of other specified site |
2F9Z,Neoplasms of unknown behaviour of unspecified site |
3A00.00,Acute posthaemorrhagic anaemia |
3A00.01,Chronic posthaemorrhagic anaemia |
3A00.0Z,Acquired iron deficiency anaemia due to blood loss, unspecified |
3A00.1,Acquired iron deficiency anaemia due to low intake |
3A00.2,Acquired iron deficiency anaemia due to decreased absorption |
3A00.3,Acquired iron deficiency anaemia due to increased requirement |
3A00.Y,Other specified iron deficiency anaemia |
3A00.Z,Iron deficiency anaemia, unspecified |
3A01.0,Hereditary Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia |
3A01.1,Neonatal vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia |
3A01.2,Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia due to low intake |
3A01.30,Pernicious anaemia |
3A01.3Y,Other specified vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia due to intrinsic factor deficiency |
3A01.4,Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia due to intestinal disease |
3A01.5,Drug-induced vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia |
3A01.Y,Other specified megaloblastic anaemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency |
3A01.Z,Megaloblastic anaemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency, unspecified |
3A02.0,Hereditary folate deficiency anaemia |
3A02.1,Folate deficiency anaemia due to low intake |
3A02.2,Folate deficiency anaemia due to increased requirements |
3A02.3,Folate deficiency anaemia due to decreased intestinal absorption |
3A02.4,Drug-induced folate deficiency anaemia |
3A02.Y,Other specified folate deficiency anaemia |
3A02.Z,Folate deficiency anaemia, unspecified |
3A03.0,Hereditary orotic aciduria |
3A03.1,Protein deficiency anaemia |
3A03.2,Scorbutic anaemia |
3A03.3,Copper deficiency anaemia |
3A03.40,Acquired pyridoxine deficiency anaemia |
3A03.41,Acquired riboflavin deficiency anaemia |
3A03.42,Acquired thiamine deficiency anaemia |
3A03.4Y,Other specified acquired other vitamin B deficiency anaemia |
3A03.5,Acquired vitamin A deficiency anaemia |
3A03.6,Acquired vitamin E deficiency anaemia |
3A03.Y,Other and unspecified nutritional or metabolic anaemia |
3A10.00,Haemolytic anaemia due to glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency |
3A10.0Y,Other specified haemolytic anaemias due to hexose monophosphate shunt or glutathione metabolism anomalies |
3A10.0Z,Haemolytic anaemias due to hexose monophosphate shunt or glutathione metabolism anomalies, unspecified |
3A10.1,Haemolytic anaemia due to adenosine deaminase excess |
3A10.2,Hereditary elliptocytosis |
3A10.3,Familial pseudohyperkalaemia |
3A10.Y,Other specified hereditary haemolytic anaemia |
3A10.Z,Hereditary haemolytic anaemia, unspecified |
3A1Y,Other specified congenital haemolytic anaemia |
3A20.0,Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, warm type |
3A20.1,Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, cold type |
3A20.2,Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, mixed type, cold and warm |
3A20.3,Paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria |
3A20.4,Alloimmune haemolytic anaemia |
3A20.5,Evans syndrome |
3A20.Y,Other specified acquired haemolytic anaemia, immune |
3A21.0,Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria |
3A21.1,Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia |
3A21.2,Haemolytic uraemic syndrome |
3A21.Y,Other specified acquired haemolytic anaemia, non-immune |
3A2Z,Acquired haemolytic anaemia, unspecified |
3A4Z,Haemolytic anaemias, unspecified |
3A50.00,Mild alpha thalassaemia diseases |
3A50.01,Thalassaemic alpha-chain variants |
3A50.02,Haemoglobin H disease (– α/– – included) |
3A50.03,Homozygous or compound heterozygous alpha0 thalassaemia |
3A50.0Y,Other specified alpha thalassaemia |
3A50.0Z,Alpha thalassaemia, unspecified |
3A50.1,Alpha thalassaemia related syndromes |
3A50.2,Beta thalassaemia |
3A50.3,Delta, delta-beta or gamma-delta-beta thalassaemia |
3A50.4,Hereditary persistence of foetal haemoglobin |
3A50.Y,Other specified thalassaemias |
3A50.Z,Thalassaemias, unspecified |
3A51.0,Sickle cell trait |
3A51.1,Sickle cell disease without crisis |
3A51.2,Sickle cell disease with crisis |
3A51.3,Compound heterozygous sickling disorders without crisis |
3A51.4,Compound heterozygous sickling disorders with crisis |
3A51.5,Haemoglobin C disease |
3A51.6,Haemoglobin D disease |
3A51.7,High affinity haemoglobin |
3A51.8,Low affinity haemoglobin |
3A51.9,Haemoglobin O disease |
3A51.A,Haemoglobin E disease |
3A51.B,Haemoglobin C/beta thalassaemia compound heterozygosity |
3A51.Y,Other specified sickle cell disorders or other haemoglobinopathies |
3A51.Z,Sickle cell disorders or other haemoglobinopathies, unspecified |
3A60.0,Congenital non-inherited pure red cell aplasia |
3A60.1,Hereditary pure red cell aplasia |
3A60.Z,Congenital pure red cell aplasia, unspecified |
3A61.0,Acute acquired pure red cell aplasia |
3A61.1,Chronic acquired pure red cell aplasia |
3A61.Y,Other specified acquired pure red cell aplasia |
3A61.Z,Acquired pure red cell aplasia, unspecified |
3A6Z,Pure red cell aplasia, unspecified |
3A70.0,Congenital aplastic anaemia |
3A70.10,Drug-induced aplastic anaemia |
3A70.11,Aplastic anaemia due to other external agents |
3A70.12,Idiopathic aplastic anaemia |
3A70.1Y,Other specified acquired aplastic anaemias |
3A70.1Z,Acquired aplastic anaemias, unspecified |
3A70.Z,Aplastic anaemia, unspecified |
3A71.0,Anaemia in neoplastic disease |
3A71.1,Anaemia in chronic infectious diseases |
3A71.2,Anaemia in chronic kidney disease |
3A71.Y,Other specified anaemia due to chronic disease |
3A71.Z,Anaemia due to chronic disease, unspecified |
3A72.00,Hereditary sideroblastic anaemias |
3A72.01,Hereditary syndromic sideroblastic anaemia |
3A72.0Y,Other specified congenital sideroblastic anaemias |
3A72.0Z,Congenital sideroblastic anaemias, unspecified |
3A72.1,Acquired sideroblastic anaemias |
3A72.Z,Sideroblastic anaemia, unspecified |
3A73,Congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia |
3A80.0,Primary inherited erythrocytosis |
3A80.Y,Other specified congenital polycythaemia |
3A80.Z,Congenital polycythaemia, unspecified |
3A81.0,Polycythaemia due to hypoxia, including high altitude |
3A81.1,Polycythaemia due to over-transfusion or blood doping |
3A81.2,Relative polycythaemia |
3A81.Y,Other specified acquired polycythaemia |
3A81.Z,Acquired polycythaemia, unspecified |
3A8Z,Polycythaemia, unspecified |
3A90,Anaemia of acute disease |
3A91,Congenital methaemoglobinaemia |
3A92,Hereditary methaemoglobinaemia |
3A93,Acquired methaemoglobinaemia |
3A9Y,Other specified anaemias and erythrocyte disorders |
3A9Z,Anaemias or other erythrocyte disorders, unspecified |
3B10.0,Haemophilia A |
3B10.1,Hereditary factor VIII deficiency with anti-factor VIII inhibitor |
3B10.Y,Other specified hereditary factor VIII deficiency |
3B10.Z,Hereditary factor VIII deficiency, unspecified |
3B11.0,Haemophilia B |
3B11.Y,Other specified hereditary factor IX deficiency |
3B11.Z,Hereditary factor IX deficiency, unspecified |
3B12,Von Willebrand disease |
3B13,Haemophilia C |
3B14.0,Hereditary deficiency of factor I |
3B14.1,Hereditary factor X deficiency |
3B14.2,Combined deficiency of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors |
3B14.Z,Other inherited coagulation factor deficiency with bleeding tendency, unspecified |
3B15,Inherited coagulation factor deficiency without bleeding tendency |
3B1Z,Congenital or constitutional haemorrhagic condition, unspecified |
3B20,Disseminated intravascular coagulation |
3B21.0,Haemorrhage due to thrombin inhibitor other than heparin |
3B21.1,Haemorrhage due to factor Xa inhibitor |
3B21.Y,Haemorrhagic disorder due to other specified circulating anticoagulants |
3B21.Z,Haemorrhagic disorder due to unspecified circulating anticoagulants |
3B22,Acquired haemophilia |
3B2Y,Other specified haemorrhagic diseases due to acquired coagulation factor defects |
3B4Z,Coagulation defects, unspecified |
3B50.0,Congenital alpha-2 antiplasmin deficiency |
3B50.1,Congenital plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 deficiency |
3B50.Y,Other specified inherited fibrinolytic defects |
3B50.Z,Inherited fibrinolytic defects, unspecified |
3B51,Acquired fibrinolytic defects |
3B60.0,Hereditary vascular purpura |
3B60.1,Acquired vascular purpura |
3B61.00,Hyperhomocysteinaemia |
3B61.0Y,Other specified hereditary thrombophilia |
3B61.1,Acquired thrombophilia |
3B61.Y,Other specified thrombophilia |
3B61.Z,Thrombophilia, unspecified |
3B62.00,Alpha-granule diseases |
3B62.01,Inherited giant platelet disorder |
3B62.0Y,Other specified inherited qualitative platelet defects |
3B62.0Z,Inherited qualitative platelet defects, unspecified |
3B62.1,Bleeding diathesis due to thromboxane synthesis deficiency |
3B62.2,Isolated thrombocytopenia |
3B62.3,Dense granule disease |
3B62.4,Alpha-delta dense granule deficiency |
3B62.5,Haemophagocytic syndrome associated with infection |
3B62.Y,Other specified qualitative platelet defects |
3B62.Z,Qualitative platelet defects, unspecified |
3B63.0,Congenital thrombocytosis |
3B63.10,Secondary thrombocytosis |
3B63.1Y,Other specified acquired thrombocytosis |
3B63.1Z,Acquired thrombocytosis, unspecified |
3B63.Y,Other specified thrombocytosis |
3B63.Z,Thrombocytosis, unspecified |
3B64.00,Congenital non-inherited thrombocytopenia |
3B64.01,Hereditary thrombocytopenia |
3B64.0Z,Congenital thrombocytopenia, unspecified |
3B64.10,Immune thrombocytopenic purpura |
3B64.11,Secondary thrombocytopenic purpura |
3B64.12,Drug-induced thrombocytopenic purpura |
3B64.13,Alloimmune thrombocytopenia |
3B64.14,Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura |
3B64.1Y,Other specified acquired thrombocytopenia |
3B64.Z,Thrombocytopenia, unspecified |
3B65,Thrombotic microangiopathy, not elsewhere classified |
3B6Y,Other specified coagulation defects, purpura or other haemorrhagic or related conditions |
3B6Z,Coagulation defects, purpura or other haemorrhagic or related conditions, unspecified |
3B80.0,Splenomegaly in storage diseases |
3B81.0,Tumour-like conditions of spleen |
3B81.1,Postsurgical asplenia |
3B81.2,Atrophy of spleen |
3B81.3,Nontraumatic laceration or rupture of spleen |
3B81.4,Splenosis |
3B81.50,Pseudocyst of spleen |
3B81.51,Epithelial cyst of spleen |
3B81.5Y,Other specified splenic cyst |
3B81.5Z,Splenic cyst, unspecified |
3B81.6,Infarction of spleen |
3B81.70,Acute septic splenitis |
3B81.71,Abscess of spleen |
3B81.7Y,Other specified infection of spleen |
3B81.7Z,Infection of spleen, unspecified |
3B81.8,Torsion of spleen |
3B81.9,Fibrosis of spleen |
3B81.A,Perisplenitis |
3B81.B,Hypersplenism |
3B81.C,Chronic congestive splenomegaly |
3B81.Y,Other specified acquired disorders of spleen |
3B8Z,Diseases of spleen, unspecified |
3C0Y,Other specified diseases of the blood or blood-forming organs |
3C0Z,Diseases of the blood or blood-forming organs, unspecified |
4A00.00,Neutrophil immunodeficiency syndrome |
4A00.0Y,Other specified functional neutrophil defects |
4A00.0Z,Functional neutrophil defects, unspecified |
4A00.10,Immunodeficiency with an early component of complement deficiency |
4A00.11,Immunodeficiency with a late component of complement deficiency |
4A00.12,Immunodeficiency with factor B deficiency |
4A00.13,Immunodeficiency with factor D anomaly |
4A00.14,Hereditary angioedema |
4A00.15,Acquired angioedema |
4A00.1Y,Other specified defects in the complement system |
4A00.1Z,Defects in the complement system, unspecified |
4A00.2,Genetic susceptibility to particular pathogens |
4A00.3,Immunodeficiency with natural-killer cell deficiency |
4A00.Y,Other specified primary immunodeficiencies due to disorders of innate immunity |
4A00.Z,Primary immunodeficiencies due to disorders of innate immunity, unspecified |
4A01.00,Hereditary agammaglobulinaemia with profoundly reduced or absent B cells |
4A01.01,Immunodeficiencies with severe reduction in at least two serum immunoglobulin isotypes with normal or low numbers of B cells |
4A01.02,Specific antibody deficiency with normal immunoglobulin concentrations or normal number of B cells |
4A01.03,Transient hypogammaglobulinaemia of infancy |
4A01.04,Immunodeficiencies with isotype or light chain deficiencies with normal number of B cells |
4A01.05,Immunodeficiencies with severe reduction in serum IgG or IgA with normal or elevated IgM and normal numbers of B-cells |
4A01.06,Certain specified immunodeficiencies with predominantly antibody defects |
4A01.0Z,Immunodeficiencies with predominantly antibody defects, unspecified |
4A01.10,Severe combined immunodeficiencies |
4A01.11,Major histocompatibility complex class I deficiency |
4A01.12,Major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency |
4A01.1Y,Other specified combined immunodeficiencies |
4A01.1Z,Combined immunodeficiencies, unspecified |
4A01.20,Immune dysregulation syndromes with hypopigmentation |
4A01.21,Immune dysregulation syndromes presenting primarily with autoimmunity |
4A01.22,Immune dysregulation syndromes presenting primarily with lymphoproliferation |
4A01.23,Primary haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis |
4A01.2Y,Other specified diseases of immune dysregulation |
4A01.2Z,Diseases of immune dysregulation, unspecified |
4A01.30,Immunodeficiency due to defects of the thymus |
4A01.31,DNA repair defects other than combined T-cell or B-cell immunodeficiencies |
4A01.32,Immuno-osseous dysplasia |
4A01.33,Hepatic veno-occlusive disease - immunodeficiency |
4A01.34,Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndromes |
4A01.Z,Primary immunodeficiencies due to disorders of adaptive immunity, unspecified |
4A0Y,Other specified primary immunodeficiencies |
4A0Z,Primary immunodeficiencies, unspecified |
4A20.0,Adult-onset immunodeficiency |
4A20.1,Acquired immunodeficiency due to loss of immunoglobulin |
4A20.Y,Other specified acquired immunodeficiencies |
4A20.Z,Acquired immunodeficiencies, unspecified |
4A40.00,Systemic lupus erythematosus with skin involvement |
4A40.0Y,Other specified systemic lupus erythematosus |
4A40.0Z,Systemic lupus erythematosus, unspecified |
4A40.1,Drug-induced lupus erythematosus |
4A40.Y,Other specified lupus erythematosus |
4A40.Z,Lupus erythematosus, unspecified |
4A41.00,Adult dermatomyositis |
4A41.01,Juvenile dermatomyositis |
4A41.0Z,Dermatomyositis, unspecified |
4A41.10,Juvenile polymyositis |
4A41.11,Paraneoplastic polymyositis |
4A41.1Y,Other specified polymyositis |
4A41.1Z,Polymyositis, unspecified |
4A41.20,Inflammatory inclusion body myositis |
4A41.21,Noninflammatory inclusion body myopathy |
4A41.2Z,Inclusion body myopathy, unspecified |
4A41.Y,Other specified idiopathic inflammatory myopathy |
4A41.Z,Idiopathic inflammatory myopathy, unspecified |
4A42.0,Paediatric onset systemic sclerosis |
4A42.1,Diffuse systemic sclerosis |
4A42.2,Limited systemic sclerosis |
4A42.Z,Systemic sclerosis, unspecified |
4A43.0,IgG4 related disease |
4A43.1,Mikulicz disease |
4A43.20,Primary Sjögren syndrome |
4A43.21,Secondary Sjögren syndrome |
4A43.22,Paediatric onset Sjögren syndrome |
4A43.2Y,Other specified sjögren syndrome |
4A43.3,Mixed connective tissue disease |
4A43.4,Diffuse eosinophilic fasciitis |
4A43.Y,Other specified overlap non-organ specific systemic autoimmune disease |
4A43.Z,Undifferentiated non-organ specific systemic autoimmune disease |
4A44.0,Rhizomelic pseudopolyarthritis |
4A44.1,Aortic arch syndrome |
4A44.2,Giant cell arteritis |
4A44.3,Single organ vasculitis |
4A44.4,Polyarteritis nodosa |
4A44.5,Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome |
4A44.6,Sneddon syndrome |
4A44.7,Primary angiitis of the central nervous system |
4A44.8,Thromboangiitis obliterans |
4A44.90,Cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis |
4A44.91,Hypocomplementaemic urticarial vasculitis |
4A44.92,IgA vasculitis |
4A44.9Y,Other specified immune complex small vessel vasculitis |
4A44.9Z,Immune complex small vessel vasculitis, unspecified |
4A44.A0,Microscopic polyangiitis |
4A44.A1,Granulomatosis with polyangiitis |
4A44.A2,Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis |
4A44.AY,Other specified antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis |
4A44.AZ,Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis, unspecified |
4A44.B0,Cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis |
4A44.BY,Other specified leukocytoclastic vasculitis |
4A44.BZ,Leukocytoclastic vasculitis, unspecified |
4A44.Y,Other specified vasculitis |
4A44.Z,Vasculitis, unspecified |
4A45.0,Primary antiphospholipid syndrome |
4A45.1,Secondary antiphospholipid syndrome |
4A45.2,Antiphospholipid syndrome in pregnancy |
4A45.3,Lupus anticoagulant-hypoprothrombinaemia syndrome |
4A45.Z,Antiphospholipid syndrome, unspecified |
4A4Y,Other specified nonorgan specific systemic autoimmune disorders |
4A4Z,Nonorgan specific systemic autoimmune disorders, unspecified |
4A60.0,Familial Mediterranean fever |
4A60.1,Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes |
4A60.2,Tumour necrosis factor receptor 1 associated periodic syndrome |
4A60.Y,Other specified monogenic autoinflammatory syndromes |
4A60.Z,Autoimflammatory syndrome, unspecified |
4A61,SAPHO syndrome |
4A62,Behçet disease |
4A6Y,Other specified autoinflammatory disorders |
4A6Z,Autoinflammatory disorders, unspecified |
4A80.0,Drug-induced bronchospasm |
4A80.1,Bronchospasm provoked by allergy to food substance |
4A80.Y,Other specified allergic or hypersensitivity disorders involving the respiratory tract |
4A80.Z,Allergic or hypersensitivity disorders involving the respiratory tract, unspecified |
4A81,Allergic or hypersensitivity disorders involving the eye |
4A82,Allergic or hypersensitivity disorders involving skin or mucous membranes |
4A83.0,Food-induced eosinophilic gastroenteritis |
4A83.1,Food-induced eosinophilic oesophagitis |
4A83.Y,Other specified allergic or hypersensitivity disorders involving the gastrointestinal tract |
4A83.Z,Allergic or hypersensitivity disorders involving the gastrointestinal tract, unspecified |
4A84.0,Anaphylaxis due to allergic reaction to food |
4A84.1,Drug-induced anaphylaxis |
4A84.2,Anaphylaxis due to insect venom |
4A84.30,Exercise-induced anaphylaxis |
4A84.31,Cold-induced anaphylaxis |
4A84.3Y,Anaphylaxis provoked by other specified physical factors |
4A84.3Z,Anaphylaxis provoked by unspecified physical factors |
4A84.4,Anaphylaxis due to inhaled allergens |
4A84.5,Anaphylaxis due to contact with allergens |
4A84.6,Anaphylaxis secondary to mast cell disorder |
4A84.Y,Other specified anaphylaxis |
4A84.Z,Anaphylaxis, unspecified |
4A85.00,Drug-induced liver hypersensitivity disease |
4A85.01,Drug-induced kidney hypersensitivity |
4A85.02,Drug-induced cytopenia |
4A85.03,Drug-induced vasculitis |
4A85.04,Multiple drug hypersensitivity syndrome |
4A85.0Y,Drug hypersensitivity of other specified type |
4A85.0Z,Drug hypersensitivity of unspecified type |
4A85.1,Hypersensitivity to herbal and alternative medical therapies |
4A85.20,Food-induced gastrointestinal hypersensitivity |
4A85.21,Food-induced urticaria or angioedema |
4A85.22,Allergic contact dermatitis due to food allergen |
4A85.2Y,Other specified food hypersensitivity |
4A85.2Z,Food hypersensitivity, unspecified |
4A85.30,Systemic allergic reaction due to Hymenoptera venom |
4A85.31,Cutaneous allergic or hypersensitivity reactions to Hymenoptera venom |
4A85.32,Cutaneous allergic or hypersensitivity reactions to arthropods |
4A85.Y,Other specified complex allergic or hypersensitivity conditions |
4A85.Z,Complex allergic or hypersensitivity conditions, unspecified |
4A8Y,Allergic or hypersensitivity conditions of other specified type |
4A8Z,Allergic or hypersensitivity conditions of unspecified type |
4B00.00,Constitutional neutropenia |
4B00.01,Acquired neutropenia |
4B00.0Z,Neutropenia, unspecified |
4B00.10,Constitutional neutrophilia |
4B00.11,Acquired neutrophilia |
4B00.1Z,Neutrophilia, unspecified |
4B00.Y,Other specified disorders of neutrophil number |
4B01.00,Disorders of neutrophil adhesion |
4B01.01,Disorders of neutrophil chemotaxis |
4B01.02,Disorders of neutrophil granule formation or release |
4B01.03,Disorders of neutrophil oxidative metabolism |
4B01.0Y,Other specified constitutional disorders of neutrophil function |
4B01.0Z,Constitutional disorders of neutrophil function, unspecified |
4B01.1,Acquired disorders of neutrophil function |
4B01.Z,Disorders of neutrophil function, unspecified |
4B02.0,Constitutional decrease in eosinophil number |
4B02.1,Acquired decrease in eosinophil number |
4B02.Z,Eosinopenia, unspecified |
4B03.0,Constitutional eosinophilia |
4B03.1,Acquired eosinophilia |
4B03.Z,Eosinophilia, unspecified |
4B04,Disorders with decreased monocyte counts |
4B05,Disorders with increased monocyte counts |
4B06,Acquired lymphopenia |
4B07,Acquired lymphocytosis |
4B0Y,Other specified immune system disorders involving white cell lineages |
4B0Z,Immune system disorders involving white cell lineages, unspecified |
4B20.0,Sarcoidosis of lung |
4B20.1,Sarcoidosis of lymph nodes |
4B20.2,Sarcoidosis of the digestive system |
4B20.3,Neurosarcoidosis |
4B20.4,Ocular sarcoidosis |
4B20.5,Cutaneous sarcoidosis |
4B20.Y,Other specified sarcoidosis |
4B20.Z,Sarcoidosis, unspecified |
4B21,Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia |
4B22,Cryoglobulinaemia |
4B23,Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome |
4B24.0,Acute graft-versus-host disease |
4B24.1,Chronic graft-versus-host disease |
4B24.Y,Other specified graft-versus-host disease |
4B24.Z,Graft-versus-host disease, unspecified |
4B2Y,Other specified disorders involving the immune system |
4B40.0,Persistent hyperplasia of thymus |
4B40.1,Abscess of thymus |
4B40.2,Good syndrome |
4B40.Y,Other specified diseases of thymus |
4B40.Z,Diseases of thymus, unspecified |
4B4Y,Other specified diseases of the immune system |
4B4Z,Diseases of the immune system, unspecified |
5A00.00,Permanent congenital hypothyroidism with diffuse goitre |
5A00.01,Permanent congenital hypothyroidism without goitre |
5A00.02,Pendred syndrome |
5A00.03,Transient congenital hypothyroidism |
5A00.04,Congenital hypothyroidism due to iodine deficiency |
5A00.0Y,Other specified congenital hypothyroidism |
5A00.0Z,Congenital hypothyroidism, unspecified |
5A00.10,Iodine-deficiency-related diffuse goitre |
5A00.11,Iodine-deficiency-related multinodular goitre |
5A00.1Z,Iodine-deficiency-related thyroid disorders or allied conditions, unspecified |
5A00.20,Hypothyroidism due to medicaments or other exogenous substances |
5A00.21,Myxoedema coma |
5A00.22,Subclinical iodine-deficiency hypothyroidism |
5A00.2Y,Other specified acquired hypothyroidism |
5A00.2Z,Acquired hypothyroidism, unspecified |
5A00.Z,Hypothyroidism, unspecified |
5A01.0,Nontoxic diffuse goitre |
5A01.1,Nontoxic single thyroid nodule |
5A01.2,Nontoxic multinodular goitre |
5A01.Z,Nontoxic goitre, unspecified |
5A02.0,Thyrotoxicosis with diffuse goitre |
5A02.1,Thyrotoxicosis with toxic single thyroid nodule |
5A02.2,Thyrotoxicosis with toxic multinodular goitre |
5A02.3,Thyrotoxicosis from ectopic thyroid tissue |
5A02.4,Thyrotoxicosis factitia |
5A02.5,Thyroid crisis |
5A02.6,Secondary hyperthyroidism |
5A02.Y,Other specified thyrotoxicosis |
5A02.Z,Thyrotoxicosis, unspecified |
5A03.0,Acute thyroiditis |
5A03.1,Subacute thyroiditis |
5A03.20,Hashimoto thyroiditis |
5A03.21,Painless thyroiditis |
5A03.2Y,Other specified autoimmune thyroiditis |
5A03.Y,Other specified thyroiditis |
5A03.Z,Thyroiditis, unspecified |
5A04,Hypersecretion of calcitonin |
5A05,Generalised resistance to thyroid hormone |
5A06,Sick-euthyroid syndrome |
5A0Y,Other specified disorders of the thyroid gland or thyroid hormones system |
5A0Z,Disorders of the thyroid gland or thyroid hormones system, unspecified |
5A10,Type 1 diabetes mellitus |
5A11,Type 2 diabetes mellitus |
5A12,Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus |
5A13.0,Diabetes mellitus due to genetic defects of beta cell function |
5A13.1,Diabetes mellitus due to genetic defects in insulin action |
5A13.2,Diabetes mellitus due to diseases of the exocrine pancreas |
5A13.3,Diabetes mellitus due to endocrinopathies |
5A13.4,Diabetes mellitus due to drug or chemical |
5A13.5,Diabetes mellitus due to uncommon forms of immune-mediated diabetes |
5A13.6,Diabetes mellitus due to other genetic syndromes |
5A13.7,Diabetes mellitus due to clinically defined subtypes or syndromes |
5A13.Y,Diabetes mellitus due to other specified cause |
5A14,Diabetes mellitus, type unspecified |
5A20.0,Hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state without coma |
5A20.1,Hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state with coma |
5A20.Z,Diabetic hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state, unspecified |
5A21.0,Hypoglycaemia in the context of diabetes mellitus without coma |
5A21.1,Hypoglycaemia in the context of diabetes mellitus with coma |
5A21.Z,Hypoglycaemia in the context of diabetes, unspecified |
5A22.0,Diabetic ketoacidosis without coma |
5A22.1,Diabetic lactic acidosis |
5A22.2,Diabetic metabolic acidosis |
5A22.3,Diabetic ketoacidosis with coma |
5A22.Y,Other specified diabetic acidosis |
5A22.Z,Diabetic acidosis, unspecified |
5A23,Diabetic coma |
5A24,Uncontrolled or unstable diabetes mellitus |
5A2Y,Other specified acute complications of diabetes mellitus |
5A40.0,Impaired fasting glucose |
5A40.1,Impaired glucose tolerance |
5A40.Y,Other specified intermediate hyperglycaemia |
5A40.Z,Intermediate hyperglycaemia, unspecified |
5A41,Hypoglycaemia without associated diabetes |
5A42,Increased secretion of glucagon |
5A43.0,Drug-induced hypergastrinaemia |
5A43.1,Zollinger-Ellison syndrome |
5A43.Y,Other specified abnormal secretion of gastrin |
5A43.Z,Abnormal secretion of gastrin, unspecified |
5A44,Insulin-resistance syndromes |
5A45,Persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycaemia of infancy |
5A4Y,Other specified disorders of glucose regulation and pancreatic internal secretion |
5A4Z,Disorders of glucose regulation and pancreatic internal secretion, unspecified |
5A50.00,Idiopathic hypoparathyroidism |
5A50.01,Secondary hypoparathyroidism |
5A50.02,Hypoparathyroidism due to destruction of the parathyroid glands |
5A50.03,Autoimmune hypoparathyroidism |
5A50.0Y,Other specified hypoparathyroidism due to impaired parathyroid hormone secretion |
5A50.0Z,Hypoparathyroidism due to impaired parathyroid hormone secretion, unspecified |
5A50.1,Pseudohypoparathyroidism |
5A50.Y,Other specified hypoparathyroidism |
5A50.Z,Hypoparathyroidism, unspecified |
5A51.0,Primary hyperparathyroidism |
5A51.1,Secondary hyperparathyroidism |
5A51.2,Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia |
5A51.Y,Other specified hyperparathyroidism |
5A51.Z,Hyperparathyroidism, unspecified |
5A5Y,Other specified disorders of the parathyroids or parathyroid hormone system |
5A5Z,Disorders of the parathyroids or parathyroid hormone system, unspecified |
5A60.0,Acromegaly or pituitary gigantism |
5A60.1,Hyperprolactinaemia |
5A60.20,Nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis |
5A60.2Y,Other specified syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone |
5A60.2Z,Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone, unspecified |
5A60.3,Central precocious puberty |
5A60.Y,Other specified hyperfunction of pituitary gland |
5A60.Z,Hyperfunction of pituitary gland, unspecified |
5A61.0,Hypopituitarism |
5A61.1,Adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency |
5A61.2,Gonadotropin deficiency |
5A61.3,Growth hormone deficiency |
5A61.40,Acquired central hypothyroidism |
5A61.41,Congenital central hypothyroidism |
5A61.4Y,Other specified thyroid stimulating hormone deficiency |
5A61.4Z,Thyroid stimulating hormone deficiency, unspecified |
5A61.5,Central diabetes insipidus |
5A61.6,Oxytocin deficiency |
5A61.Y,Other specified hypofunction or disorders of pituitary gland |
5A6Z,Disorders of the pituitary hormone system, unspecified |
5A70.0,Pituitary-dependent Cushing disease |
5A70.1,Ectopic ACTH syndrome |
5A70.2,Pseudo-Cushing syndrome |
5A70.3,Nelson syndrome |
5A70.Y,Other specified Cushing syndrome |
5A70.Z,Cushing syndrome, unspecified |
5A71.00,Glucocorticoid resistance |
5A71.01,Congenital adrenal hyperplasia |
5A71.0Y,Other specified 46,XX disorders of sex development induced by androgens of foetal origin |
5A71.0Z,46,XX disorders of sex development induced by androgens of foetal origin, unspecified |
5A71.1,46,XX disorders of sex development induced by androgens of maternal origin |
5A71.Y,Other specified adrenogenital disorders |
5A71.Z,Adrenogenital disorders, unspecified |
5A72.0,Primary hyperaldosteronism |
5A72.1,Secondary hyperaldosteronism |
5A72.Z,Hyperaldosteronism, unspecified |
5A73,Hypoaldosteronism |
5A74.0,Acquired adrenocortical insufficiency |
5A74.1,Adrenal crisis |
5A74.Y,Other specified adrenocortical insufficiency |
5A74.Z,Adrenocortical insufficiency, unspecified |
5A75,Adrenomedullary hyperfunction |
5A76.0,Premature adrenarche |
5A76.Y,Other specified certain specified disorders of adrenal gland |
5A76.Z,Certain specified disorders of adrenal gland, unspecified |
5A7Z,Disorders of the adrenal glands or adrenal hormone system, unspecified |
5A80.0,Clinical hyperandrogenism |
5A80.1,Polycystic ovary syndrome |
5A80.2,Polycystic ovary |
5A80.3,Anovulation |
5A80.4,Oligo-ovulation |
5A80.5,Diminished ovarian reserve |
5A80.Y,Other specified ovarian dysfunction |
5A80.Z,Ovarian dysfunction, unspecified |
5A81.0,Testicular hyperfunction |
5A81.1,Testicular hypofunction |
5A81.Y,Other specified testicular dysfunction or testosterone-related disorders |
5A81.Z,Testicular dysfunction or testosterone-related disorders, unspecified |
5A8Z,Disorders of the gonadal hormone system, unspecified |
5A90,Disorder of puberty due to oestrogen resistance |
5A91,Delayed puberty |
5A92,Peripheral precocious puberty |
5A9Y,Other disorders of puberty |
5A9Z,Disorders of puberty, unspecified |
5B00,Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy |
5B01,Polyglandular hyperfunction |
5B0Y,Other specified polyglandular dysfunction |
5B0Z,Polyglandular dysfunction, unspecified |
5B10,Carcinoid syndrome |
5B11,Short stature, not elsewhere classified |
5B12,Constitutional tall stature |
5B1Y,Other specified endocrine disorders, not elsewhere classified |
5B3Y,Other specified endocrine diseases |
5B3Z,Endocrine diseases, unspecified |
5B50,Underweight in infants, children or adolescents |
5B51,Wasting in infants, children or adolescents |
5B52,Acute malnutrition in infants, children or adolescents |
5B53,Stunting in infants, children or adolescents |
5B54,Underweight in adults |
5B55.0,Vitamin A deficiency with night blindness |
5B55.1,Vitamin A deficiency with conjunctival xerosis |
5B55.2,Vitamin A deficiency with conjunctival xerosis or Bitot's spots |
5B55.3,Vitamin A deficiency with corneal xerosis |
5B55.4,Vitamin A deficiency with corneal ulceration or keratomalacia |
5B55.5,Vitamin A deficiency with xerophthalmic scars of cornea or blindness |
5B55.Y,Vitamin A deficiency with other specified manifestations |
5B55.Z,Vitamin A deficiency, unspecified |
5B56.0,Scurvy |
5B56.Y,Other specified vitamin C deficiency |
5B56.Z,Vitamin C deficiency, unspecified |
5B57.0,Vitamin D deficiency rickets |
5B57.1,Vitamin D deficiency osteomalacia |
5B57.Y,Other specified vitamin D deficiency |
5B57.Z,Vitamin D deficiency, unspecified |
5B58,Vitamin E deficiency |
5B59,Vitamin K deficiency |
5B5A.00,Dry beriberi |
5B5A.01,Wet beriberi |
5B5A.0Z,Beriberi, unspecified |
5B5A.10,Wernicke encephalopathy |
5B5A.11,Korsakoff syndrome |
5B5A.1Y,Other specified Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome |
5B5A.1Z,Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome, unspecified |
5B5A.Y,Other specified vitamin B1 deficiency |
5B5A.Z,Vitamin B1 deficiency, unspecified |
5B5B,Vitamin B2 deficiency |
5B5C.0,Pellagra |
5B5C.Y,Other specified vitamin B3 deficiency |
5B5D,Vitamin B6 deficiency |
5B5E,Folate deficiency |
5B5F,Vitamin B12 deficiency |
5B5G,Biotin deficiency |
5B5H,Pantothenic acid deficiency |
5B5J,Choline deficiency |
5B5K.0,Iron deficiency |
5B5K.10,Tetany due to acute calcium deficiency |
5B5K.1Y,Other specified calcium deficiency |
5B5K.1Z,Calcium deficiency, unspecified |
5B5K.2,Zinc deficiency |
5B5K.3,Iodine deficiency |
5B5K.4,Fluorine deficiency |
5B5K.5,Sodium chloride deficiency |
5B5K.6,Copper deficiency |
5B5K.7,Selenium deficiency |
5B5K.8,Chromium deficiency |
5B5K.9,Manganese deficiency |
5B5K.A,Molybdenum deficiency |
5B5K.B,Vanadium deficiency |
5B5K.Y,Other specified mineral deficiency |
5B5K.Z,Mineral deficiency, unspecified |
5B60,Sequelae of protein-energy malnutrition |
5B61,Sequelae of vitamin A deficiency |
5B62,Sequelae of vitamin C deficiency |
5B63,Sequelae of rickets |
5B6Y,Other specified sequelae of malnutrition and certain specified nutritional deficiencies |
5B6Z,Sequelae of malnutrition and certain specified nutritional deficiencies, unspecified |
5B70,Essential fatty acid deficiency |
5B71,Protein deficiency |
5B7Y,Other specified undernutrition |
5B7Z,Unspecified undernutrition |
5B80.00,Overweight in infants, children or adolescents |
5B80.01,Overweight in adults |
5B80.0Z,Overweight, unspecified |
5B80.1,Localised adiposity |
5B81.00,Obesity in children or adolescents |
5B81.01,Obesity in adults |
5B81.1,Drug-induced obesity |
5B81.Y,Other specified obesity |
5B81.Z,Obesity, unspecified |
5B90.0,Hypervitaminosis A |
5B90.1,Hypercarotenaemia |
5B90.2,Hypervitaminosis D |
5B90.3,Megavitamin-B6 syndrome |
5B90.Y,Other specified vitamin excess |
5B90.Z,Unspecified vitamin excesses |
5B91.0,Hypercalcaemia |
5B91.1,Zinc excess |
5B91.2,Sodium chloride excess |
5B91.3,Fluorine excess |
5B91.4,Aluminium excess |
5B91.5,Manganese excess |
5B91.Y,Other specified mineral excess |
5B91.Z,Unspecified mineral excess |
5B9Y,Other specified nutrient excesses |
5B9Z,Certain specified nutrient excesses, unspecified |
5C1Y,Other specified overweight, obesity or specific nutrient excesses |
5C1Z,Overweight, obesity or specific nutrient excesses, unspecified |
5C3Y,Other specified nutritional disorders |
5C3Z,Nutritional disorders, unspecified |
5C50.00,Classical phenylketonuria |
5C50.01,Nonclassical phenylketonuria |
5C50.02,Embryofetopathy due to maternal phenylketonuria |
5C50.0Y,Other specified phenylketonuria |
5C50.0Z,Phenylketonuria, unspecified |
5C50.10,Alkaptonuria |
5C50.11,Tyrosinaemia type 1 |
5C50.12,Tyrosinaemia type 2 |
5C50.1Y,Other specified disorders of tyrosine metabolism |
5C50.1Z,Disorders of tyrosine metabolism, unspecified |
5C50.20,Histidinaemia |
5C50.21,Urocanic aciduria |
5C50.2Y,Other specified disorders of histidine metabolism |
5C50.2Z,Disorders of histidine metabolism, unspecified |
5C50.3,Disorders of tryptophan metabolism |
5C50.4,Disorders of lysine or hydroxylysine metabolism |
5C50.5,Disorders of the gamma-glutamyl cycle |
5C50.6,Disorders of serine metabolism |
5C50.70,Glycine encephalopathy |
5C50.71,Sarcosinaemia |
5C50.7Y,Other specified disorders of glycine metabolism |
5C50.7Z,Disorders of glycine metabolism, unspecified |
5C50.8,Disorders of proline or hydroxyproline metabolism |
5C50.9,Disorders of ornithine metabolism |
5C50.A0,Argininosuccinic aciduria |
5C50.A1,Carbamoylphosphate synthetase deficiency |
5C50.A2,Argininaemia |
5C50.A3,Citrullinaemia |
5C50.AY,Other specified disorders of urea cycle metabolism |
5C50.AZ,Disorders of urea cycle metabolism, unspecified |
5C50.B,Disorders of methionine cycle or sulfur amino acid metabolism |
5C50.C,Disorders of beta or omega amino acid metabolism |
5C50.D0,Maple-syrup-urine disease |
5C50.DY,Other specified disorders of branched-chain amino acid metabolism |
5C50.DZ,Disorders of branched-chain amino acid metabolism, unspecified |
5C50.E0,Classical organic aciduria |
5C50.E1,Cerebral organic aciduria |
5C50.EY,Other specified organic aciduria |
5C50.EZ,Organic aciduria, unspecified |
5C50.F0,Prolidase deficiency |
5C50.F1,Carnosinaemia |
5C50.F2,Homocarnosinosis |
5C50.FY,Other specified disorders of peptide metabolism |
5C50.FZ,Disorders of peptide metabolism, unspecified |
5C50.G,Trimethylaminuria |
5C50.Y,Other specified inborn errors of amino acid or other organic acid metabolism |
5C50.Z,Inborn errors of amino acid or other organic acid metabolism, unspecified |
5C51.0,Disorders of the pentose phosphate pathway |
5C51.1,Disorders of glycerol metabolism |
5C51.20,Primary hyperoxaluria type 1 |
5C51.2Y,Other specified disorders of glyoxylate metabolism |
5C51.2Z,Disorders of glyoxylate metabolism, unspecified |
5C51.3,Glycogen storage disease |
5C51.40,Galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase deficiency |
5C51.41,Galactokinase deficiency |
5C51.42,Glucose or galactose intolerance of newborn |
5C51.4Y,Other specified disorders of galactose metabolism |
5C51.4Z,Disorders of galactose metabolism, unspecified |
5C51.50,Hereditary fructose intolerance |
5C51.5Y,Other specified disorders of fructose metabolism |
5C51.5Z,Disorders of fructose metabolism, unspecified |
5C51.Y,Other specified inborn errors of carbohydrate metabolism |
5C51.Z,Inborn errors of carbohydrate metabolism, unspecified |
5C52.00,Disorders of carnitine transport or the carnitine cycle |
5C52.01,Disorders of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation |
5C52.02,Disorders of ketone body metabolism |
5C52.03,Sjögren-Larsson syndrome |
5C52.0Y,Other specified inborn errors of fatty acid oxidation or ketone body metabolism |
5C52.0Z,Inborn errors of fatty acid oxidation or ketone body metabolism, unspecified |
5C52.10,Disorders of cholesterol synthesis |
5C52.11,Bile acid synthesis defect with cholestasis |
5C52.1Y,Other specified inborn errors of sterol metabolism |
5C52.1Z,Inborn errors of sterol metabolism, unspecified |
5C52.2,Neutral lipid storage disease |
5C52.Y,Other specified inborn errors of lipid metabolism |
5C52.Z,Inborn errors of lipid metabolism, unspecified |
5C53.00,Pyruvate kinase deficiency |
5C53.01,Lactate dehydrogenase deficiency |
5C53.02,Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency |
5C53.03,Pyruvate carboxylase deficiency |
5C53.0Y,Other specified disorders of pyruvate metabolism |
5C53.0Z,Disorders of pyruvate metabolism, unspecified |
5C53.1,Disorders of the citric acid cycle |
5C53.20,Mitochondrial DNA depletion syndromes |
5C53.21,Multiple mitochondrial DNA deletion syndromes |
5C53.22,Coenzyme Q10 deficiency |
5C53.23,Mitochondrial protein translation defects |
5C53.24,Leigh syndrome |
5C53.25,Isolated ATP synthase deficiency |
5C53.2Y,Other specified disorders of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation |
5C53.2Z,Disorders of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, unspecified |
5C53.30,Mitochondrial substrate carrier disorders |
5C53.31,Mitochondrial protein import disorders |
5C53.3Y,Other specified disorders of mitochondrial membrane transport |
5C53.3Z,Disorders of mitochondrial membrane transport, unspecified |
5C53.4,Disorders of creatine metabolism |
5C53.Y,Other specified inborn errors of energy metabolism |
5C53.Z,Inborn errors of energy metabolism, unspecified |
5C54.0,Disorders of protein N-glycosylation |
5C54.1,Disorders of protein O-glycosylation |
5C54.2,Disorders of multiple glycosylation or other pathways |
5C54.Y,Other specified congenital disorders of glycosylation and protein modification |
5C54.Z,Congenital disorders of glycosylation and protein modification, unspecified |
5C55.00,Xanthinuria |
5C55.01,Lesch-Nyhan syndrome |
5C55.0Y,Other specified disorders of purine metabolism |
5C55.0Z,Disorders of purine metabolism, unspecified |
5C55.1,Disorders of pyrimidine metabolism |
5C55.2,Disorders of nucleotide metabolism |
5C55.Y,Other specified inborn errors of purine, pyrimidine or nucleotide metabolism |
5C55.Z,Inborn errors of purine, pyrimidine or nucleotide metabolism, unspecified |
5C56.00,Gangliosidosis |
5C56.01,Fabry disease |
5C56.02,Metachromatic leukodystrophy |
5C56.0Y,Other specified sphingolipidosis |
5C56.0Z,Sphingolipidosis, unspecified |
5C56.1,Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis |
5C56.20,Mucolipidosis |
5C56.21,Oligosaccharidosis |
5C56.2Y,Other specified glycoproteinosis |
5C56.2Z,Glycoproteinosis, unspecified |
5C56.30,Mucopolysaccharidosis type 1 |
5C56.31,Mucopolysaccharidosis type 2 |
5C56.32,Mucopolysaccharidosis type 4 |
5C56.33,Mucopolysaccharidosis type 6 |
5C56.3Y,Other specified mucopolysaccharidosis |
5C56.3Z,Mucopolysaccharidosis, unspecified |
5C56.4,Disorders of sialic acid metabolism |
5C56.Y,Other specified lysosomal diseases |
5C56.Z,Lysosomal diseases, unspecified |
5C57.0,Disorders of peroxisome biogenesis |
5C57.1,Disorders of peroxisomal alpha-, beta- or omega-oxidation |
5C57.Y,Other specified peroxisomal diseases |
5C57.Z,Peroxisomal diseases, unspecified |
5C58.00,Crigler-Najjar syndrome |
5C58.01,Gilbert syndrome |
5C58.02,Dubin-Johnson syndrome |
5C58.03,Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis |
5C58.04,Benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis |
5C58.0Y,Other specified disorders of bilirubin metabolism or excretion |
5C58.0Z,Disorders of bilirubin metabolism or excretion, unspecified |
5C58.10,Porphyria cutanea tarda |
5C58.11,Liver diseases due to porphyria |
5C58.12,Erythropoietic porphyrias |
5C58.13,Variegate porphyria |
5C58.1Y,Other specified porphyrias |
5C58.1Z,Porphyrias, unspecified |
5C58.Y,Other specified inborn errors of porphyrin or heme metabolism |
5C58.Z,Inborn errors of porphyrin or heme metabolism, unspecified |
5C59.00,Disorders of catecholamine synthesis |
5C59.01,Disorders of pterin metabolism |
5C59.0Y,Other specified disorders of biogenic amine metabolism |
5C59.0Z,Disorders of biogenic amine metabolism, unspecified |
5C59.1,Disorders of gamma aminobutyric acid metabolism |
5C59.2,Disorders of pyridoxine metabolism |
5C59.Y,Other specified inborn errors of neurotransmitter metabolism |
5C59.Z,Inborn errors of neurotransmitter metabolism, unspecified |
5C5A,Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency |
5C5Y,Other specified inborn errors of metabolism |
5C5Z,Inborn errors of metabolism, unspecified |
5C60.0,Oculocerebrorenal syndrome |
5C60.1,Cystinosis |
5C60.2,Cystinuria |
5C60.Y,Other specified disorders of amino acid absorption or transport |
5C60.Z,Disorders of amino acid absorption or transport, unspecified |
5C61.0,Glucose-galactose malabsorption |
5C61.1,Maltase-glucoamylase deficiency |
5C61.2,Congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency |
5C61.3,Alpha, alpha trehalase deficiency |
5C61.40,Fructose malabsorption |
5C61.4Y,Other specified acquired monosaccharide malabsorption |
5C61.4Z,Acquired monosaccharide malabsorption, unspecified |
5C61.5,Disorders of facilitated glucose transport |
5C61.60,Primary lactase deficiency |
5C61.61,Congenital lactase deficiency |
5C61.62,Secondary lactase deficiency |
5C61.6Z,Lactose intolerance, unspecified |
5C61.Y,Other specified disorders of carbohydrate absorption or transport |
5C61.Z,Disorders of carbohydrate absorption or transport, unspecified |
5C62,Disorders of lipid absorption or transport |
5C63.0,Disorders of cobalamin metabolism or transport |
5C63.1,Disorders of folate metabolism or transport |
5C63.20,Hypocalcaemic vitamin D dependent rickets |
5C63.21,Hypocalcaemic vitamin D resistant rickets |
5C63.22,Hypophosphataemic rickets |
5C63.2Y,Other specified disorders of vitamin D metabolism or transport |
5C63.2Z,Disorders of vitamin D metabolism or transport, unspecified |
5C63.Y,Other specified disorders of vitamin or non-protein cofactor absorption or transport |
5C63.Z,Disorders of vitamin or non-protein cofactor absorption or transport, unspecified |
5C64.00,Wilson disease |
5C64.0Y,Other specified disorders of copper metabolism |
5C64.0Z,Disorders of copper metabolism, unspecified |
5C64.10,Iron overload diseases |
5C64.1Y,Other specified disorders of iron metabolism |
5C64.1Z,Disorders of iron metabolism, unspecified |
5C64.20,Acrodermatitis enteropathica |
5C64.21,Zinc deficiency syndromes |
5C64.2Y,Other specified disorders of zinc metabolism |
5C64.2Z,Disorders of zinc metabolism, unspecified |
5C64.3,Disorders of phosphorus metabolism or phosphatases |
5C64.40,Hypermagnesaemia |
5C64.41,Hypomagnesaemia |
5C64.4Z,Disorders of magnesium metabolism, unspecified |
5C64.5,Disorders of calcium metabolism |
5C64.6,Disorders of sodium metabolism |
5C64.7,Disorders of chloride metabolism |
5C64.Y,Disorders of other specified mineral absorption and transport |
5C64.Z,Disorders of mineral absorption or transport, unspecified |
5C6Y,Other specified disorders of metabolite absorption or transport |
5C6Z,Disorders of metabolite absorption or transport, unspecified |
5C70.0,Dehydration |
5C70.1,Hypovolaemia |
5C70.Y,Other specified volume depletion |
5C70.Z,Volume depletion, unspecified |
5C71,Hyperosmolality or hypernatraemia |
5C72,Hypo-osmolality or hyponatraemia |
5C73.0,Acute respiratory acidosis |
5C73.1,Chronic respiratory acidosis |
5C73.2,Anion gap metabolic acidosis |
5C73.Y,Other specified acidosis |
5C73.Z,Acidosis, unspecified |
5C74,Alkalosis |
5C75,Mixed disorder of acid-base balance |
5C76,Hyperkalaemia |
5C77,Hypokalaemia |
5C78,Fluid overload |
5C7Y,Other specified disorders of fluid, electrolyte or acid-base balance |
5C7Z,Disorders of fluid, electrolyte or acid-base balance, unspecified |
5C80.00,Primary hypercholesterolaemia |
5C80.01,Secondary hypercholesterolaemia |
5C80.0Z,Hypercholesterolaemia, unspecified |
5C80.1,Hypertriglyceridaemia |
5C80.2,Mixed hyperlipidaemia |
5C80.3,Hyperalphalipoproteinaemia |
5C80.Y,Other specified hyperlipoproteinaemia |
5C80.Z,Hyperlipoproteinaemia, unspecified |
5C81.0,Hypoalphalipoproteinaemia |
5C81.1,Hypobetalipoproteinaemia |
5C81.Y,Other specified hypolipoproteinaemia |
5C81.Z,Hypolipoproteinaemia, unspecified |
5C8Y,Other specified disorders of lipoprotein metabolism or lipidaemias |
5C8Z,Unspecified disorders of lipoprotein metabolism or lipidaemias |
5C90.0,Liver diseases due to urea cycle defects |
5C90.1,Liver diseases due to disorders of porphyrin or bilirubin metabolism or transport |
5C90.2,Liver diseases due to disorders of amino acid metabolism |
5C90.3,Liver disease due to disorders of lysosomal storage |
5C90.4,Liver diseases due to mitochondrial disorders |
5C90.5,Liver diseases due to disorders of mineral metabolism |
5C90.Y,Other specified metabolic or transporter liver disease |
5C90.Z,Metabolic or transporter liver disease, unspecified |
5D00.0,AL amyloidosis |
5D00.1,AA amyloidosis |
5D00.20,Hereditary ATTR amyloidosis |
5D00.21,Non-neuropathic heredofamilial amyloidosis |
5D00.2Y,Other specified hereditary amyloidosis |
5D00.2Z,Hereditary amyloidosis, unspecified |
5D00.3,Dialysis-associated amyloidosis |
5D00.Y,Other specified amyloidosis |
5D00.Z,Amyloidosis, unspecified |
5D01,Tumour lysis syndrome |
5D0Y,Other specified metabolic disorders |
5D2Z,Metabolic disorders, unspecified |
5D40.00,Hypothyroidism post radioactive iodine ablation |
5D40.0Y,Other specified postirradiation hypothyroidism |
5D40.0Z,Postirradiation hypothyroidism, unspecified |
5D40.Y,Other specified postprocedural hypothyroidism |
5D40.Z,Postprocedural hypothyroidism, unspecified |
5D41,Postprocedural hypoinsulinaemia |
5D42,Postprocedural hypoparathyroidism |
5D43,Postprocedural hypopituitarism |
5D44,Postprocedural ovarian failure |
5D45,Postprocedural testicular hypofunction |
5D46,Postprocedural adrenocortical hypofunction |
6A00.0,Disorder of intellectual development, mild |
6A00.1,Disorder of intellectual development, moderate |
6A00.2,Disorder of intellectual development, severe |
6A00.3,Disorder of intellectual development, profound |
6A00.4,Disorder of intellectual development, provisional |
6A00.Z,Disorders of intellectual development, unspecified |
6A01.0,Developmental speech sound disorder |
6A01.1,Developmental speech fluency disorder |
6A01.20,Developmental language disorder with impairment of receptive and expressive language |
6A01.21,Developmental language disorder with impairment of mainly expressive language |
6A01.22,Developmental language disorder with impairment of mainly pragmatic language |
6A01.23,Developmental language disorder, with other specified language impairment |
6A01.Y,Other specified developmental speech or language disorders |
6A01.Z,Developmental speech or language disorders, unspecified |
6A02.0,Autism spectrum disorder without disorder of intellectual development and with mild or no impairment of functional language |
6A02.1,Autism spectrum disorder with disorder of intellectual development and with mild or no impairment of functional language |
6A02.2,Autism spectrum disorder without disorder of intellectual development and with impaired functional language |
6A02.3,Autism spectrum disorder with disorder of intellectual development and with impaired functional language |
6A02.4,Autism spectrum disorder without disorder of intellectual development and with absence of functional language |
6A02.5,Autism spectrum disorder with disorder of intellectual development and with absence of functional language |
6A02.Y,Other specified autism spectrum disorder |
6A02.Z,Autism spectrum disorder, unspecified |
6A03.0,Developmental learning disorder with impairment in reading |
6A03.1,Developmental learning disorder with impairment in written expression |
6A03.2,Developmental learning disorder with impairment in mathematics |
6A03.3,Developmental learning disorder with other specified impairment of learning |
6A03.Z,Developmental learning disorder, unspecified |
6A04,Developmental motor coordination disorder |
6A05.0,Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, predominantly inattentive presentation |
6A05.1,Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive presentation |
6A05.2,Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, combined presentation |
6A05.Y,Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, other specified presentation |
6A05.Z,Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, presentation unspecified |
6A06.0,Stereotyped movement disorder without self-injury |
6A06.1,Stereotyped movement disorder with self-injury |
6A06.Z,Stereotyped movement disorder, unspecified |
6A0Y,Other specified neurodevelopmental disorders |
6A0Z,Neurodevelopmental disorders, unspecified |
6A20.00,Schizophrenia, first episode, currently symptomatic |
6A20.01,Schizophrenia, first episode, in partial remission |
6A20.02,Schizophrenia, first episode, in full remission |
6A20.0Z,Schizophrenia, first episode, unspecified |
6A20.10,Schizophrenia, multiple episodes, currently symptomatic |
6A20.11,Schizophrenia, multiple episodes, in partial remission |
6A20.12,Schizophrenia, multiple episodes, in full remission |
6A20.1Z,Schizophrenia, multiple episodes, unspecified |
6A20.20,Schizophrenia, continuous, currently symptomatic |
6A20.21,Schizophrenia, continuous, in partial remission |
6A20.22,Schizophrenia, continuous, in full remission |
6A20.2Z,Schizophrenia, continuous, unspecified |
6A20.Y,Other specified schizophrenia |
6A20.Z,Schizophrenia, unspecified |
6A21.00,Schizoaffective disorder, first episode, currently symptomatic |
6A21.01,Schizoaffective disorder, first episode, in partial remission |
6A21.02,Schizoaffective disorder, first episode, in full remission |
6A21.0Z,Schizoaffective disorder, first episode, unspecified |
6A21.10,Schizoaffective disorder, multiple episodes, currently symptomatic |
6A21.11,Schizoaffective disorder, multiple episodes, in partial remission |
6A21.12,Schizoaffective disorder, multiple episodes, in full remission |
6A21.1Z,Schizoaffective disorder, multiple episodes, unspecified |
6A21.20,Schizoaffective disorder, continuous, currently symptomatic |
6A21.21,Schizoaffective disorder, continuous, in partial remission |
6A21.22,Schizoaffective disorder, continuous, in full remission |
6A21.2Z,Schizoaffective disorder, continuous, unspecified |
6A21.Y,Other specified schizoaffective disorder |
6A21.Z,Schizoaffective disorder, unspecified |
6A22,Schizotypal disorder |
6A23.00,Acute and transient psychotic disorder, first episode, currently symptomatic |
6A23.01,Acute and transient psychotic disorder, first episode, in partial remission |
6A23.02,Acute and transient psychotic disorder, first episode, in full remission |
6A23.0Z,Acute and transient psychotic disorder, first episode, unspecified |
6A23.10,Acute and transient psychotic disorder, multiple episodes, currently symptomatic |
6A23.11,Acute and transient psychotic disorder, multiple episodes, in partial remission |
6A23.12,Acute and transient psychotic disorder, multiple episodes, in full remission |
6A23.1Z,Acute and transient psychotic disorder, multiple episodes, unspecified |
6A23.Y,Other specified acute and transient psychotic disorder |
6A23.Z,Acute and transient psychotic disorder, unspecified |
6A24.0,Delusional disorder, currently symptomatic |
6A24.1,Delusional disorder, in partial remission |
6A24.2,Delusional disorder, in full remission |
6A24.Z,Delusional disorder, unspecified |
6A25.0,Positive symptoms in primary psychotic disorders |
6A25.1,Negative symptoms in primary psychotic disorders |
6A25.2,Depressive symptoms in primary psychotic disorders |
6A25.3,Manic symptoms in primary psychotic disorders |
6A25.4,Psychomotor symptoms in primary psychotic disorders |
6A25.5,Cognitive symptoms in primary psychotic disorders |
6A2Y,Other specified schizophrenia or other primary psychotic disorders |
6A2Z,Schizophrenia or other primary psychotic disorders, unspecified |
6A40,Catatonia associated with another mental disorder |
6A41,Catatonia induced by psychoactive substances, including medications |
6A4Z,Catatonia, unspecified |
6A60.0,Bipolar type I disorder, current episode manic, without psychotic symptoms |
6A60.1,Bipolar type I disorder, current episode manic, with psychotic symptoms |
6A60.2,Bipolar type I disorder, current episode hypomanic |
6A60.3,Bipolar type I disorder, current episode depressive, mild |
6A60.4,Bipolar type I disorder, current episode depressive, moderate without psychotic symptoms |
6A60.5,Bipolar type I disorder, current episode depressive, moderate with psychotic symptoms |
6A60.6,Bipolar type I disorder, current episode depressive, severe without psychotic symptoms |
6A60.7,Bipolar type I disorder, current episode depressive, severe with psychotic symptoms |
6A60.8,Bipolar type I disorder, current episode depressive, unspecified severity |
6A60.9,Bipolar type I disorder, current episode mixed, without psychotic symptoms |
6A60.A,Bipolar type I disorder, current episode mixed, with psychotic symptoms |
6A60.B,Bipolar type I disorder, currently in partial remission, most recent episode manic or hypomanic |
6A60.C,Bipolar type I disorder, currently in partial remission, most recent episode depressive |
6A60.D,Bipolar type I disorder, currently in partial remission, most recent episode mixed |
6A60.E,Bipolar type I disorder, currently in partial remission, most recent episode unspecified |
6A60.F,Bipolar type I disorder, currently in full remission |
6A60.Y,Other specified bipolar type I disorder |
6A60.Z,Bipolar type I disorder, unspecified |
6A61.0,Bipolar type II disorder, current episode hypomanic |
6A61.1,Bipolar type II disorder, current episode depressive, mild |
6A61.2,Bipolar type II disorder, current episode depressive, moderate without psychotic symptoms |
6A61.3,Bipolar type II disorder, current episode depressive, moderate with psychotic symptoms |
6A61.4,Bipolar type II disorder, current episode depressive, severe without psychotic symptoms |
6A61.5,Bipolar type II disorder, current episode depressive, severe with psychotic symptoms |
6A61.6,Bipolar type II disorder, current episode depressive, unspecified severity |
6A61.7,Bipolar type II disorder, currently in partial remission, most recent episode hypomanic |
6A61.8,Bipolar type II disorder, currently in partial remission, most recent episode depressive |
6A61.9,Bipolar type II disorder, currently in partial remission, most recent episode unspecified |
6A61.A,Bipolar type II disorder, currently in full remission |
6A61.Y,Other specified bipolar type II disorder |
6A61.Z,Bipolar type II disorder, unspecified |
6A62,Cyclothymic disorder |
6A6Y,Other specified bipolar or related disorders |
6A6Z,Bipolar or related disorders, unspecified |
6A70.0,Single episode depressive disorder, mild |
6A70.1,Single episode depressive disorder, moderate, without psychotic symptoms |
6A70.2,Single episode depressive disorder, moderate, with psychotic symptoms |
6A70.3,Single episode depressive disorder, severe, without psychotic symptoms |
6A70.4,Single episode depressive disorder, severe, with psychotic symptoms |
6A70.5,Single episode depressive disorder, unspecified severity |
6A70.6,Single episode depressive disorder, currently in partial remission |
6A70.7,Single episode depressive disorder, currently in full remission |
6A70.Y,Other specified single episode depressive disorder |
6A70.Z,Single episode depressive disorder, unspecified |
6A71.0,Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode mild |
6A71.1,Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode moderate, without psychotic symptoms |
6A71.2,Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode moderate, with psychotic symptoms |
6A71.3,Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode severe, without psychotic symptoms |
6A71.4,Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode severe, with psychotic symptoms |
6A71.5,Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode, unspecified severity |
6A71.6,Recurrent depressive disorder, currently in partial remission |
6A71.7,Recurrent depressive disorder, currently in full remission |
6A71.Y,Other specified recurrent depressive disorder |
6A71.Z,Recurrent depressive disorder, unspecified |
6A72,Dysthymic disorder |
6A73,Mixed depressive and anxiety disorder |
6A7Y,Other specified depressive disorders |
6A7Z,Depressive disorders, unspecified |
6A80.0,Prominent anxiety symptoms in mood episodes |
6A80.1,Panic attacks in mood episodes |
6A80.2,Current depressive episode persistent |
6A80.3,Current depressive episode with melancholia |
6A80.4,Seasonal pattern of mood episode onset |
6A80.5,Rapid cycling |
6A8Y,Other specified mood disorders |
6A8Z,Mood disorders, unspecified |
6B00,Generalised anxiety disorder |
6B01,Panic disorder |
6B02,Agoraphobia |
6B03,Specific phobia |
6B04,Social anxiety disorder |
6B05,Separation anxiety disorder |
6B06,Selective mutism |
6B0Y,Other specified anxiety or fear-related disorders |
6B0Z,Anxiety or fear-related disorders, unspecified |
6B20.0,Obsessive-compulsive disorder with fair to good insight |
6B20.1,Obsessive-compulsive disorder with poor to absent insight |
6B20.Z,Obsessive-compulsive disorder, unspecified |
6B21.0,Body dysmorphic disorder with fair to good insight |
6B21.1,Body dysmorphic disorder with poor to absent insight |
6B21.Z,Body dysmorphic disorder, unspecified |
6B22.0,Olfactory reference disorder with fair to good insight |
6B22.1,Olfactory reference disorder with poor to absent insight |
6B22.Z,Olfactory reference disorder, unspecified |
6B23.0,Hypochondriasis with fair to good insight |
6B23.1,Hypochondriasis with poor to absent insight |
6B23.Z,Hypochondriasis, unspecified |
6B24.0,Hoarding disorder with fair to good insight |
6B24.1,Hoarding disorder with poor to absent insight |
6B24.Z,Hoarding disorder, unspecified |
6B25.0,Trichotillomania |
6B25.1,Excoriation disorder |
6B25.Y,Other specified body-focused repetitive behaviour disorders |
6B25.Z,Body-focused repetitive behaviour disorders, unspecified |
6B2Y,Other specified obsessive-compulsive or related disorders |
6B2Z,Obsessive-compulsive or related disorders, unspecified |
6B40,Post traumatic stress disorder |
6B41,Complex post traumatic stress disorder |
6B42,Prolonged grief disorder |
6B43,Adjustment disorder |
6B44,Reactive attachment disorder |
6B45,Disinhibited social engagement disorder |
6B4Y,Other specified disorders specifically associated with stress |
6B4Z,Disorders specifically associated with stress, unspecified |
6B60.0,Dissociative neurological symptom disorder, with visual disturbance |
6B60.1,Dissociative neurological symptom disorder, with auditory disturbance |
6B60.2,Dissociative neurological symptom disorder, with vertigo or dizziness |
6B60.3,Dissociative neurological symptom disorder, with other sensory disturbance |
6B60.4,Dissociative neurological symptom disorder, with non-epileptic seizures |
6B60.5,Dissociative neurological symptom disorder, with speech disturbance |
6B60.6,Dissociative neurological symptom disorder, with paresis or weakness |
6B60.7,Dissociative neurological symptom disorder, with gait disturbance |
6B60.80,Dissociative neurological symptom disorder, with chorea |
6B60.81,Dissociative neurological symptom disorder, with myoclonus |
6B60.82,Dissociative neurological symptom disorder, with tremor |
6B60.83,Dissociative neurological symptom disorder, with dystonia |
6B60.84,Dissociative neurological symptom disorder, with facial spasm |
6B60.85,Dissociative neurological symptom disorder, with Parkinsonism |
6B60.8Y,Dissociative neurological symptom disorder, with other specified movement disturbance |
6B60.8Z,Dissociative neurological symptom disorder, with unspecified movement disturbance |
6B60.9,Dissociative neurological symptom disorder, with cognitive symptoms |
6B60.Y,Dissociative neurological symptom disorder, with other specified symptoms |
6B60.Z,Dissociative neurological symptom disorder, with unspecified symptoms |
6B61,Dissociative amnesia |
6B62,Trance disorder |
6B63,Possession trance disorder |
6B64,Dissociative identity disorder |
6B65,Partial dissociative identity disorder |
6B66,Depersonalization-derealization disorder |
6B6Y,Other specified dissociative disorders |
6B6Z,Dissociative disorders, unspecified |
6B80.00,Anorexia Nervosa with significantly low body weight, restricting pattern |
6B80.01,Anorexia Nervosa with significantly low body weight, binge-purge pattern |
6B80.0Z,Anorexia Nervosa with significantly low body weight, unspecified |
6B80.10,Anorexia Nervosa with dangerously low body weight, restricting pattern |
6B80.11,Anorexia Nervosa with dangerously low body weight, binge-purge pattern |
6B80.1Z,Anorexia Nervosa with dangerously low body weight, unspecified |
6B80.2,Anorexia Nervosa in recovery with normal body weight |
6B80.Y,Other specified anorexia Nervosa |
6B80.Z,Anorexia Nervosa, unspecified |
6B81,Bulimia Nervosa |
6B82,Binge eating disorder |
6B83,Avoidant-restrictive food intake disorder |
6B84,Pica |
6B85,Rumination-regurgitation disorder |
6B8Y,Other specified feeding or eating disorders |
6B8Z,Feeding or eating disorders, unspecified |
6C00.0,Nocturnal enuresis |
6C00.1,Diurnal enuresis |
6C00.2,Nocturnal and diurnal enuresis |
6C00.Z,Enuresis, unspecified |
6C01.0,Encopresis with constipation or overflow incontinence |
6C01.1,Encopresis without constipation or overflow incontinence |
6C01.Z,Encopresis, unspecified |
6C0Z,Elimination disorders, unspecified |
6C20.0,Mild bodily distress disorder |
6C20.1,Moderate bodily distress disorder |
6C20.2,Severe bodily distress disorder |
6C20.Z,Bodily distress disorder, unspecified |
6C21,Body integrity dysphoria |
6C2Y,Other specified disorders of bodily distress or bodily experience |
6C2Z,Disorders of bodily distress or bodily experience, unspecified |
6C40.0,Episode of harmful use of alcohol |
6C40.10,Harmful pattern of use of alcohol, episodic |
6C40.11,Harmful pattern of use of alcohol, continuous |
6C40.1Z,Harmful pattern of use of alcohol, unspecified |
6C40.20,Alcohol dependence, current use, continuous |
6C40.21,Alcohol dependence, current use, episodic |
6C40.22,Alcohol dependence, early full remission |
6C40.23,Alcohol dependence, sustained partial remission |
6C40.24,Alcohol dependence, sustained full remission |
6C40.2Z,Alcohol dependence, unspecified |
6C40.3,Alcohol intoxication |
6C40.40,Alcohol withdrawal, uncomplicated |
6C40.41,Alcohol withdrawal with perceptual disturbances |
6C40.42,Alcohol withdrawal with seizures |
6C40.43,Alcohol withdrawal with perceptual disturbances and seizures |
6C40.4Z,Alcohol withdrawal, unspecified |
6C40.5,Alcohol-induced delirium |
6C40.60,Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations |
6C40.61,Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with delusions |
6C40.62,Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with mixed psychotic symptoms |
6C40.6Z,Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified |
6C40.70,Alcohol-induced mood disorder |
6C40.71,Alcohol-induced anxiety disorder |
6C40.Y,Other specified disorders due to use of alcohol |
6C40.Z,Disorders due to use of alcohol, unspecified |
6C41.0,Episode of harmful use of cannabis |
6C41.10,Harmful pattern of use of cannabis, episodic |
6C41.11,Harmful pattern of use of cannabis, continuous |
6C41.1Z,Harmful pattern of use of cannabis, unspecified |
6C41.20,Cannabis dependence, current use |
6C41.21,Cannabis dependence, early full remission |
6C41.22,Cannabis dependence, sustained partial remission |
6C41.23,Cannabis dependence, sustained full remission |
6C41.2Z,Cannabis dependence, unspecified |
6C41.3,Cannabis intoxication |
6C41.4,Cannabis withdrawal |
6C41.5,Cannabis-induced delirium |
6C41.6,Cannabis-induced psychotic disorder |
6C41.70,Cannabis-induced mood disorder |
6C41.71,Cannabis-induced anxiety disorder |
6C41.Y,Other specified disorders due to use of cannabis |
6C41.Z,Disorders due to use of cannabis, unspecified |
6C42.0,Episode of harmful use of synthetic cannabinoids |
6C42.10,Harmful pattern of use of synthetic cannabinoids, episodic |
6C42.11,Harmful pattern of use of synthetic cannabinoids, continuous |
6C42.1Y,Other specified harmful pattern of use of synthetic cannabinoids |
6C42.1Z,Harmful pattern of use of synthetic cannabinoids, unspecified |
6C42.20,Synthetic cannabinoid dependence, current use |
6C42.21,Synthetic cannabinoid dependence, early full remission |
6C42.22,Synthetic cannabinoid dependence, sustained partial remission |
6C42.23,Synthetic cannabinoid dependence, sustained full remission |
6C42.2Y,Other specified synthetic cannabinoid dependence |
6C42.2Z,Synthetic cannabinoid dependence, unspecified |
6C42.3,Synthetic cannabinoid intoxication |
6C42.4,Synthetic cannabinoid withdrawal |
6C42.5,Synthetic cannabinoid-induced delirium |
6C42.6,Synthetic cannabinoid-induced psychotic disorder |
6C42.70,Synthetic cannabinoid-induced mood disorder |
6C42.71,Synthetic cannabinoid-induced anxiety disorder |
6C43.10,Harmful pattern of use of opioids, episodic |
6C43.11,Harmful pattern of use of opioids, continuous |
6C43.1Z,Harmful pattern of use of opioids, unspecified |
6C43.20,Opioid dependence, current use |
6C43.21,Opioid dependence, early full remission |
6C43.22,Opioid dependence, sustained partial remission |
6C43.23,Opioid dependence, sustained full remission |
6C43.2Z,Opioid dependence, unspecified |
6C43.3,Opioid intoxication |
6C43.4,Opioid withdrawal |
6C43.5,Opioid-induced delirium |
6C43.6,Opioid-induced psychotic disorder |
6C43.70,Opioid-induced mood disorder |
6C43.71,Opioid-induced anxiety disorder |
6C43.0,Episode of harmful use of opioids |
6C43.Y,Other specified disorders due to use of opioids |
6C43.Z,Disorders due to use of opioids, unspecified |
6C44.0,Episode of harmful use of sedatives, hypnotics or anxiolytics |
6C44.10,Harmful pattern of use of sedatives, hypnotics or anxiolytics, episodic |
6C44.11,Harmful pattern of use of sedatives, hypnotics or anxiolytics, continuous |
6C44.1Z,Harmful pattern of use of sedatives, hypnotics or anxiolytics, unspecified |
6C44.20,Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, current use |
6C44.21,Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, early full remission |
6C44.22,Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, sustained partial remission |
6C44.23,Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, sustained full remission |
6C44.2Z,Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, unspecified |
6C44.3,Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic intoxication |
6C44.40,Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic withdrawal, uncomplicated |
6C44.41,Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic withdrawal, with perceptual disturbances |
6C44.42,Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic withdrawal, with seizures |
6C44.43,Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic withdrawal, with perceptual disturbances and seizures |
6C44.4Z,Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic withdrawal, unspecified |
6C44.5,Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced delirium |
6C44.6,Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder |
6C44.70,Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced mood disorder |
6C44.71,Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced anxiety disorder |
6C44.Y,Other specified disorders due to use of sedatives, hypnotics or anxiolytics |
6C44.Z,Disorders due to use of sedatives, hypnotics or anxiolytics, unspecified |
6C45.0,Episode of harmful use of cocaine |
6C45.10,Harmful pattern of use of cocaine, episodic |
6C45.11,Harmful pattern of use of cocaine, continuous |
6C45.1Z,Harmful pattern of use of cocaine, unspecified |
6C45.20,Cocaine dependence, current use |
6C45.21,Cocaine dependence, early full remission |
6C45.22,Cocaine dependence, sustained partial remission |
6C45.23,Cocaine dependence, sustained full remission |
6C45.2Z,Cocaine dependence, unspecified |
6C45.3,Cocaine intoxication |
6C45.4,Cocaine withdrawal |
6C45.5,Cocaine-induced delirium |
6C45.60,Cocaine-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations |
6C45.61,Cocaine-induced psychotic disorder with delusions |
6C45.62,Cocaine-induced psychotic disorder with mixed psychotic symptoms |
6C45.6Z,Cocaine-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified |
6C45.70,Cocaine-induced mood disorder |
6C45.71,Cocaine-induced anxiety disorder |
6C45.72,Cocaine-induced obsessive-compulsive or related disorder |
6C45.73,Cocaine-induced impulse control disorder |
6C45.Y,Other specified disorders due to use of cocaine |
6C45.Z,Disorders due to use of cocaine, unspecified |
6C46.0,Episode of harmful use of stimulants including amphetamines, methamphetamine or methcathinone |
6C46.10,Harmful pattern of use of stimulants including amphetamines, methamphetamine or methcathinone, episodic |
6C46.11,Harmful pattern of use of stimulants including amphetamines, methamphetamine or methcathinone, continuous |
6C46.1Z,Harmful pattern of use of stimulants including amphetamines, methamphetamine and methcathinone, unspecified |
6C46.20,Stimulant dependence including amphetamines, methamphetamine or methcathinone, current use |
6C46.21,Stimulant dependence including amphetamines, methamphetamine or methcathinone, early full remission |
6C46.22,Stimulant dependence including amphetamines, methamphetamine or methcathinone, sustained partial remission |
6C46.23,Stimulant dependence including amphetamines, methamphetamine or methcathinone, sustained full remission |
6C46.2Z,Stimulant dependence including amphetamines, methamphetamine or methcathinone, unspecified |
6C46.3,Stimulant intoxication including amphetamines, methamphetamine or methcathinone |
6C46.4,Stimulant withdrawal including amphetamines, methamphetamine or methcathinone |
6C46.5,Stimulant-induced delirium including amphetamines, methamphetamine or methcathinone |
6C46.60,Stimulant-induced psychotic disorder including amphetamines, methamphetamine or methcathinone with hallucinations |
6C46.61,Stimulant-induced psychotic disorder including amphetamines, methamphetamine or methcathinone with delusions |
6C46.62,Stimulant-induced psychotic disorder including amphetamines but excluding caffeine or cocaine with mixed psychotic symptoms |
6C46.6Z,Stimulant-induced psychotic disorder including amphetamines, methamphetamine or methcathinone, unspecified |
6C46.70,Stimulant-induced mood disorder including amphetamines, methamphetamine or methcathinone |
6C46.71,Stimulant-induced anxiety disorder including amphetamines, methamphetamine or methcathinone |
6C46.72,Stimulant-induced obsessive-compulsive or related disorder including amphetamines, methamphetamine or methcathinone |
6C46.73,Stimulant-induced impulse control disorder including amphetamines, methamphetamine or methcathinone |
6C46.Y,Other specified disorders due to use of stimulants including amphetamines, methamphetamine or methcathinone |
6C46.Z,Disorders due to use of stimulants including amphetamines, methamphetamine or methcathinone, unspecified |
6C47.0,Episode of harmful use of synthetic cathinones |
6C47.10,Harmful pattern of use of synthetic cathinones, episodic |
6C47.11,Harmful use of synthetic cathinones, continuous |
6C47.1Y,Other specified harmful pattern of use of synthetic cathinones |
6C47.1Z,Harmful pattern of use of synthetic cathinones, unspecified |
6C47.20,Synthetic cathinone dependence, current use |
6C47.21,Synthetic cathinone dependence, early full remission |
6C47.22,Synthetic cathinone dependence, sustained partial remission |
6C47.23,Synthetic cathinone dependence, sustained full remission |
6C47.2Y,Other specified synthetic cathinone dependence |
6C47.2Z,Synthetic cathinone dependence, unspecified |
6C47.3,Synthetic cathinone intoxication |
6C47.4,Synthetic cathinone withdrawal |
6C47.5,Synthetic cathinone-induced delirium |
6C47.60,Synthetic cathinone-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations |
6C47.61,Synthetic cathinone-induced psychotic disorder with delusions |
6C47.62,Synthetic cathinone-induced psychotic disorder with mixed psychotic symptoms |
6C47.6Z,Synthetic cathinone-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified |
6C47.70,Synthetic cathinone-induced mood disorder |
6C47.71,Synthetic cathinone-induced anxiety disorder |
6C47.72,Synthetic cathinone-induced obsessive-compulsive or related syndrome |
6C47.73,Synthetic cathinone-induced impulse control disorder |
6C47.Y,Other specified disorders due to use of synthetic cathinones |
6C47.Z,Disorders due to use of synthetic cathinones, unspecified |
6C48.0,Episode of harmful use of caffeine |
6C48.10,Harmful pattern of use of caffeine, episodic |
6C48.11,Harmful pattern of use of caffeine, continuous |
6C48.1Z,Harmful pattern of use of caffeine, unspecified |
6C48.2,Caffeine intoxication |
6C48.3,Caffeine withdrawal |
6C48.40,Caffeine-induced anxiety disorder |
6C48.Y,Other specified disorders due to use of caffeine |
6C48.Z,Disorders due to use of caffeine, unspecified |
6C49.0,Episode of harmful use of hallucinogens |
6C49.10,Harmful pattern of use of hallucinogens, episodic |
6C49.11,Harmful pattern of use of hallucinogens, continuous |
6C49.1Z,Harmful pattern of use of hallucinogens, unspecified |
6C49.20,Hallucinogen dependence, current use |
6C49.21,Hallucinogen dependence, early full remission |
6C49.22,Hallucinogen dependence, sustained partial remission |
6C49.23,Hallucinogen dependence, sustained full remission |
6C49.2Z,Hallucinogen dependence, unspecified |
6C49.3,Hallucinogen intoxication |
6C49.4,Hallucinogen-induced delirium |
6C49.5,Hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder |
6C49.60,Hallucinogen-induced mood disorder |
6C49.61,Hallucinogen-induced anxiety disorder |
6C49.Y,Other specified disorders due to use of hallucinogens |
6C49.Z,Disorders due to use of hallucinogens, unspecified |
6C4A.0,Episode of harmful use of nicotine |
6C4A.10,Harmful pattern of use of nicotine, episodic |
6C4A.11,Harmful pattern of use of nicotine, continuous |
6C4A.1Z,Harmful pattern of use of nicotine, unspecified |
6C4A.20,Nicotine dependence, current use |
6C4A.21,Nicotine dependence, early full remission |
6C4A.22,Nicotine dependence, sustained partial remission |
6C4A.23,Nicotine dependence, sustained full remission |
6C4A.2Z,Nicotine dependence, unspecified |
6C4A.3,Nicotine intoxication |
6C4A.4,Nicotine withdrawal |
6C4A.Y,Other specified disorders due to use of nicotine |
6C4A.Z,Disorders due to use of nicotine, unspecified |
6C4B.0,Episode of harmful use of volatile inhalants |
6C4B.10,Harmful pattern of use of volatile inhalants, episodic |
6C4B.11,Harmful pattern of use of volatile inhalants, continuous |
6C4B.1Z,Harmful pattern of use of volatile inhalants, unspecified |
6C4B.20,Volatile inhalant dependence, current use |
6C4B.21,Volatile inhalant dependence, early full remission |
6C4B.22,Volatile inhalant dependence, sustained partial remission |
6C4B.23,Volatile inhalant dependence, sustained full remission |
6C4B.2Z,Volatile inhalant dependence, unspecified |
6C4B.3,Volatile inhalant intoxication |
6C4B.4,Volatile inhalant withdrawal |
6C4B.5,Volatile inhalant-induced delirium |
6C4B.6,Volatile inhalant-induced psychotic disorder |
6C4B.70,Volatile inhalant-induced mood disorder |
6C4B.71,Volatile inhalant-induced anxiety disorder |
6C4B.Y,Other specified disorders due to use of volatile inhalants |
6C4B.Z,Disorders due to use of volatile inhalants, unspecified |
6C4C.0,Episode of harmful use of MDMA or related drugs, including MDA |
6C4C.10,Harmful use of MDMA or related drugs, including MDA, episodic |
6C4C.11,Harmful use of MDMA or related drugs, including MDA, continuous |
6C4C.1Z,Harmful pattern of use of MDMA or related drugs, including MDA, unspecified |
6C4C.20,MDMA or related drug dependence, including MDA, current use |
6C4C.21,MDMA or related drug dependence, including MDA, early full remission |
6C4C.22,MDMA or related drug dependence, including MDA, sustained partial remission |
6C4C.23,MDMA or related drug dependence, including MDA, sustained full remission |
6C4C.2Z,MDMA or related drug dependence, including MDA, unspecified |
6C4C.3,MDMA or related drug intoxication, including MDA |
6C4C.4,MDMA or related drug withdrawal, including MDA |
6C4C.5,MDMA or related drug-induced delirium, including MDA |
6C4C.6,MDMA or related drug-induced psychotic disorder, including MDA |
6C4C.70,MDMA or related drug-induced mood disorder, including MDA |
6C4C.71,MDMA or related drug-induced anxiety disorder |
6C4C.Y,Other specified disorders due to use of MDMA or related drugs, including MDA |
6C4C.Z,Disorders due to use of MDMA or related drugs, including MDA, unspecified |
6C4D.0,Episode of harmful use of dissociative drugs including ketamine or PCP |
6C4D.10,Harmful pattern of use of dissociative drugs including ketamine or PCP, episodic |
6C4D.11,Harmful pattern of use of dissociative drugs including ketamine or PCP, continuous |
6C4D.1Z,Harmful pattern of use of dissociative drugs, including ketamine or PCP, unspecified |
6C4D.20,Dissociative drug dependence including Ketamine or PCP, current use |
6C4D.21,Dissociative drug dependence including Ketamine or PCP, early full remission |
6C4D.22,Dissociative drug dependence including Ketamine or PCP, sustained partial remission |
6C4D.23,Dissociative drug dependence including Ketamine or PCP, sustained full remission |
6C4D.2Z,Dissociative drug dependence including ketamine or PCP, unspecified |
6C4D.3,Dissociative drug intoxication including Ketamine or PCP |
6C4D.4,Dissociative drug-induced delirium including ketamine or PCP |
6C4D.5,Dissociative drug-induced psychotic disorder including Ketamine or PCP |
6C4D.60,Dissociative drug-induced mood disorder including Ketamine or PCP |
6C4D.61,Dissociative drug-induced anxiety disorder including Ketamine or PCP |
6C4D.Y,Other specified disorders due to use of dissociative drugs including ketamine and phencyclidine [PCP] |
6C4D.Z,Disorders due to use of dissociative drugs including ketamine and phencyclidine [PCP], unspecified |
6C4E.0,Episode of harmful use of other specified psychoactive substance |
6C4E.10,Harmful pattern of use of other specified psychoactive substance, episodic |
6C4E.11,Harmful pattern of use of other specified psychoactive substance, continuous |
6C4E.1Z,Harmful pattern of use of other specified psychoactive substance, unspecified |
6C4E.20,Other specified psychoactive substance dependence, current use |
6C4E.21,Other specified psychoactive substance dependence, early full remission |
6C4E.22,Other specified psychoactive substance dependence, sustained partial remission |
6C4E.23,Other specified psychoactive substance dependence, sustained full remission |
6C4E.2Z,Other specified psychoactive substance dependence, unspecified |
6C4E.3,Other specified psychoactive substance intoxication |
6C4E.40,Other specified psychoactive substance withdrawal, uncomplicated |
6C4E.41,Other specified psychoactive substance withdrawal, with perceptual disturbances |
6C4E.42,Other specified psychoactive substance withdrawal, with seizures |
6C4E.43,Other specified psychoactive substance withdrawal, with perceptual disturbances and seizures |
6C4E.4Z,Other specified psychoactive substance withdrawal, unspecified |
6C4E.5,Delirium induced by other specified psychoactive substance including medications |
6C4E.6,Psychotic disorder induced by other specified psychoactive substance |
6C4E.70,Mood disorder induced by other specified psychoactive substance |
6C4E.71,Anxiety disorder induced by other specified psychoactive substance |
6C4E.72,Obsessive-compulsive or related disorder induced by other specified psychoactive substance |
6C4E.73,Impulse control disorder induced by other specified psychoactive substance |
6C4E.Y,Other specified disorders due to use of other specified psychoactive substances, including medications |
6C4E.Z,Disorders due to use of other specified psychoactive substances, including medications, unspecified |
6C4F.0,Episode of harmful use of multiple specified psychoactive substances |
6C4F.10,Harmful pattern of use of multiple specified psychoactive substances, episodic |
6C4F.11,Harmful pattern of use of multiple specified psychoactive substances, continuous |
6C4F.1Z,Harmful pattern of use of multiple specified psychoactive substances, unspecified |
6C4F.20,Multiple specified psychoactive substances dependence, current use |
6C4F.21,Multiple specified psychoactive substances dependence, early full remission |
6C4F.22,Multiple specified psychoactive substances dependence, sustained partial remission |
6C4F.23,Multiple specified psychoactive substances dependence, sustained full remission |
6C4F.2Z,Multiple specified psychoactive substance dependence, unspecified |
6C4F.3,Intoxication due to multiple specified psychoactive substances |
6C4F.40,Multiple specified psychoactive substances withdrawal, uncomplicated |
6C4F.41,Multiple specified psychoactive substances withdrawal, with perceptual disturbances |
6C4F.42,Multiple specified psychoactive substances withdrawal, with seizures |
6C4F.43,Multiple specified psychoactive substances withdrawal, with perceptual disturbances and seizures |
6C4F.4Y,Other specified multiple specified psychoactive substances withdrawal |
6C4F.4Z,Multiple specified psychoactive substances withdrawal, unspecified |
6C4F.5,Delirium induced by multiple specified psychoactive substances including medications |
6C4F.6,Psychotic disorder induced by multiple specified psychoactive substances |
6C4F.70,Mood disorder induced by multiple specified psychoactive substances |
6C4F.71,Anxiety disorder induced by multiple specified psychoactive substances |
6C4F.72,Obsessive-compulsive or related disorder induced by multiple specified psychoactive substances |
6C4F.73,Impulse control syndrome induced by multiple specified psychoactive substances |
6C4F.Y,Other specified disorders due to use of multiple specified psychoactive substances, including medications |
6C4F.Z,Disorders due to use of multiple specified psychoactive substances, including medications, unspecified |
6C4G.0,Episode of harmful use of unknown or unspecified psychoactive substances |
6C4G.10,Harmful pattern of use of unknown or unspecified psychoactive substance, episodic |
6C4G.11,Harmful pattern of use of unknown or unspecified psychoactive substance, continuous |
6C4G.1Z,Harmful pattern of use of unknown or unspecified psychoactive substance, unspecified |
6C4G.20,Unknown or unspecified psychoactive substance dependence, current use |
6C4G.21,Unknown or unspecified psychoactive substance dependence, early full remission |
6C4G.22,Unknown or unspecified psychoactive substance dependence, sustained partial remission |
6C4G.23,Unknown or unspecified psychoactive substance dependence, sustained full remission |
6C4G.2Z,Unknown or unspecified psychoactive substance dependence, substance and state of remission unspecified |
6C4G.3,Intoxication due to unknown or unspecified psychoactive substance |
6C4G.40,Withdrawal due to unknown or unspecified psychoactive substance, uncomplicated |
6C4G.41,Withdrawal due to unknown or unspecified psychoactive substance, with perceptual disturbances |
6C4G.42,Withdrawal due to unknown or unspecified psychoactive substance, with seizures |
6C4G.43,Withdrawal due to unknown or unspecified psychoactive, with perceptual disturbances and seizures |
6C4G.4Z,Withdrawal due to unknown or unspecified psychoactive substance, unspecified |
6C4G.5,Delirium induced by unknown or unspecified psychoactive substance |
6C4G.6,Psychotic disorder induced by unknown or unspecified psychoactive substance |
6C4G.70,Mood disorder induced by unknown or unspecified psychoactive substance |
6C4G.71,Anxiety disorder induced by unknown or unspecified psychoactive substance |
6C4G.72,Obsessive-compulsive or related disorder induced by unknown or unspecified psychoactive substance |
6C4G.73,Impulse control disorder induced by unknown or unspecified psychoactive substance |
6C4G.Y,Other specified disorders due to use of unknown or unspecified psychoactive substances |
6C4G.Z,Disorders due to use of unknown or unspecified psychoactive substances, unspecified |
6C4H.0,Episode of harmful use of non-psychoactive substances |
6C4H.10,Harmful pattern of use of non-psychoactive substances, episodic |
6C4H.11,Harmful pattern of use of non-psychoactive substances, continuous |
6C4H.1Z,Harmful pattern of use of non-psychoactive substances, unspecified |
6C4H.Y,Other specified disorders due to use of non-psychoactive substances |
6C4H.Z,Disorders due to use of non-psychoactive substances, unspecified |
6C4Y,Other specified disorders due to substance use |
6C4Z,Disorders due to substance use, unspecified |
6C50.0,Gambling disorder, predominantly offline |
6C50.1,Gambling disorder, predominantly online |
6C50.Z,Gambling disorder, unspecified |
6C51.0,Gaming disorder, predominantly online |
6C51.1,Gaming disorder, predominantly offline |
6C51.Z,Gaming disorder, unspecified |
6C5Y,Other specified disorders due to addictive behaviours |
6C5Z,Disorders due to addictive behaviours, unspecified |
6C70,Pyromania |
6C71,Kleptomania |
6C72,Compulsive sexual behaviour disorder |
6C73,Intermittent explosive disorder |
6C7Y,Other specified impulse control disorders |
6C7Z,Impulse control disorders, unspecified |
6C90.00,Oppositional defiant disorder with chronic irritability-anger with limited prosocial emotions |
6C90.01,Oppositional defiant disorder with chronic irritability-anger with typical prosocial emotions |
6C90.0Z,Oppositional defiant disorder with chronic irritability-anger, unspecified |
6C90.10,Oppositional defiant disorder without chronic irritability-anger with limited prosocial emotions |
6C90.11,Oppositional defiant disorder without chronic irritability-anger with typical prosocial emotions |
6C90.1Z,Oppositional defiant disorder without chronic irritability-anger, unspecified |
6C90.Z,Oppositional defiant disorder, unspecified |
6C91.00,Conduct-dissocial disorder, childhood onset with limited prosocial emotions |
6C91.01,Conduct-dissocial disorder, childhood onset with typical prosocial emotions |
6C91.0Z,Conduct-dissocial disorder, childhood onset, unspecified |
6C91.10,Conduct-dissocial disorder, adolescent onset with limited prosocial emotions |
6C91.11,Conduct-dissocial disorder, adolescent onset with typical prosocial emotions |
6C91.1Y,Other specified conduct-dissocial disorder, adolescent onset |
6C91.Z,Conduct-dissocial disorder, unspecified |
6C9Y,Other specified disruptive behaviour or dissocial disorders |
6C9Z,Disruptive behaviour or dissocial disorders, unspecified |
6D10.0,Mild personality disorder |
6D10.1,Moderate personality disorder |
6D10.2,Severe personality disorder |
6D10.Z,Personality disorder, severity unspecified |
6D11.0,Negative affectivity in personality disorder or personality difficulty |
6D11.1,Detachment in personality disorder or personality difficulty |
6D11.2,Dissociality in personality disorder or personality difficulty |
6D11.3,Disinhibition in personality disorder or personality difficulty |
6D11.4,Anankastia in personality disorder or personality difficulty |
6D11.5,Borderline pattern |
6D30,Exhibitionistic disorder |
6D31,Voyeuristic disorder |
6D32,Pedophilic disorder |
6D33,Coercive sexual sadism disorder |
6D34,Frotteuristic disorder |
6D35,Other paraphilic disorder involving non-consenting individuals |
6D36,Paraphilic disorder involving solitary behaviour or consenting individuals |
6D3Z,Paraphilic disorders, unspecified |
6D50,Factitious disorder imposed on self |
6D51,Factitious disorder imposed on another |
6D5Z,Factitious disorders, unspecified |
6D70.0,Delirium due to disease classified elsewhere |
6D70.1,Delirium due to psychoactive substances including medications |
6D70.2,Delirium due to multiple etiological factors |
6D70.3,Delirium due to unknown or unspecified aetiological factors |
6D71,Mild neurocognitive disorder |
6D72.0,Amnestic disorder due to diseases classified elsewhere |
6D72.10,Amnestic disorder due to use of alcohol |
6D72.11,Amnestic disorder due to use of sedatives, hypnotics or anxiolytics |
6D72.12,Amnestic disorder due to other specified psychoactive substance including medications |
6D72.13,Amnestic disorder due to use of volatile inhalants |
6D72.2,Amnestic disorder due to unknown or unspecified aetiological factors |
6D72.Y,Other specified amnestic disorder |
6D72.Z,Amnestic disorder, unknown or unspecified cause |
6D80.0,Dementia due to Alzheimer disease with early onset |
6D80.1,Dementia due to Alzheimer disease with late onset |
6D80.2,Alzheimer disease dementia, mixed type, with cerebrovascular disease |
6D80.3,Alzheimer disease dementia, mixed type, with other nonvascular aetiologies |
6D80.Z,Dementia due to Alzheimer disease, onset unknown or unspecified |
6D81,Dementia due to cerebrovascular disease |
6D82,Dementia due to Lewy body disease |
6D83,Frontotemporal dementia |
6D84.0,Dementia due to use of alcohol |
6D84.1,Dementia due to use of sedatives, hypnotics or anxiolytics |
6D84.2,Dementia due to use of volatile inhalants |
6D84.Y,Dementia due to other specified psychoactive substance |
6D85.0,Dementia due to Parkinson disease |
6D85.1,Dementia due to Huntington disease |
6D85.2,Dementia due to exposure to heavy metals and other toxins |
6D85.3,Dementia due to human immunodeficiency virus |
6D85.4,Dementia due to multiple sclerosis |
6D85.5,Dementia due to prion disease |
6D85.6,Dementia due to normal pressure hydrocephalus |
6D85.7,Dementia due to injury to the head |
6D85.8,Dementia due to pellagra |
6D85.9,Dementia due to Down syndrome |
6D85.Y,Dementia due to other specified diseases classified elsewhere |
6D86.0,Psychotic symptoms in dementia |
6D86.1,Mood symptoms in dementia |
6D86.2,Anxiety symptoms in dementia |
6D86.3,Apathy in dementia |
6D86.4,Agitation or aggression in dementia |
6D86.5,Disinhibition in dementia |
6D86.6,Wandering in dementia |
6D86.Y,Other specified behavioural or psychological disturbances in dementia |
6D86.Z,Behavioural or psychological disturbances in dementia, unspecified |
6D8Z,Dementia, unknown or unspecified cause |
6E0Y,Other specified neurocognitive disorders |
6E0Z,Neurocognitive disorders, unspecified |
6E20.0,Postpartum depression NOS |
6E20.Y,Other specified mental or behavioural disorders associated with pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium, without psychotic symptoms |
6E20.Z,Mental or behavioural disorders associated with pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium, without psychotic symptoms, unspecified |
6E21,Mental or behavioural disorders associated with pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium, with psychotic symptoms |
6E2Z,Mental or behavioural disorders associated with pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium, unspecified |
6E40.0,Mental disorder affecting disorders or diseases classified elsewhere |
6E40.1,Psychological symptoms affecting disorders or diseases classified elsewhere |
6E40.2,Personality traits or coping style affecting disorders or diseases classified elsewhere |
6E40.3,Maladaptive health behaviours affecting disorders or diseases classified elsewhere |
6E40.4,Stress-related physiological response affecting disorders or diseases classified elsewhere |
6E40.Y,Other specified psychological or behavioural factors affecting disorders or diseases classified elsewhere |
6E40.Z,Psychological or behavioural factors affecting disorders or diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified |
6E60.0,Secondary speech or language syndrome |
6E60.Y,Other specified secondary neurodevelopmental syndrome |
6E60.Z,Secondary neurodevelopmental syndrome, unspecified |
6E61.0,Secondary psychotic syndrome, with hallucinations |
6E61.1,Secondary psychotic syndrome, with delusions |
6E61.2,Secondary psychotic syndrome, with hallucinations and delusions |
6E61.3,Secondary psychotic syndrome, with unspecified symptoms |
6E62.0,Secondary mood syndrome, with depressive symptoms |
6E62.1,Secondary mood syndrome, with manic symptoms |
6E62.2,Secondary mood syndrome, with mixed symptoms |
6E62.3,Secondary mood syndrome, with unspecified symptoms |
6E63,Secondary anxiety syndrome |
6E64,Secondary obsessive-compulsive or related syndrome |
6E65,Secondary dissociative syndrome |
6E66,Secondary impulse control syndrome |
6E67,Secondary neurocognitive syndrome |
6E68,Secondary personality change |
6E69,Secondary catatonia syndrome |
6E6Y,Other specified secondary mental or behavioural syndrome |
6E6Z,Secondary mental or behavioural syndrome, unspecified |
6E8Y,Other specified mental, behavioural or neurodevelopmental disorders |
6E8Z,Mental, behavioural or neurodevelopmental disorders, unspecified |
7A00,Chronic insomnia |
7A01,Short-term insomnia |
7A0Z,Insomnia disorders, unspecified |
7A20.0,Narcolepsy, Type 1 |
7A20.1,Narcolepsy, Type 2 |
7A20.Z,Narcolepsy, unspecified |
7A21,Idiopathic hypersomnia |
7A22,Kleine-Levin syndrome |
7A23,Hypersomnia due to a medical condition |
7A24,Hypersomnia due to a medication or substance |
7A25,Hypersomnia associated with a mental disorder |
7A26,Insufficient sleep syndrome |
7A2Y,Other specified hypersomnolence disorders |
7A2Z,Hypersomnolence disorders, unspecified |
7A40.0,Primary central sleep apnoea |
7A40.1,Primary central sleep apnoea of infancy |
7A40.2,Primary central sleep apnoea of prematurity |
7A40.3,Central sleep apnoea due to a medical condition with Cheyne-Stokes breathing |
7A40.4,Central sleep apnoea due to a medical condition without Cheyne-Stokes breathing |
7A40.5,Central sleep apnoea due to high-altitude periodic breathing |
7A40.6,Central sleep apnoea due to a medication or substance |
7A40.7,Treatment-emergent central sleep apnoea |
7A40.Y,Other specified central sleep apnoeas |
7A40.Z,Central sleep apnoeas, unspecified |
7A41,Obstructive sleep apnoea |
7A42.0,Obesity hypoventilation syndrome |
7A42.1,Congenital central alveolar sleep-related hypoventilation |
7A42.2,Late onset central hypoventilation with hypothalamic abnormalities |
7A42.3,Idiopathic central alveolar hypoventilation |
7A42.4,Sleep-related hypoventilation due to a medication or substance |
7A42.5,Sleep-related hypoventilation due to medical condition |
7A42.6,Sleep-related hypoxemia due to a medical condition |
7A42.Y,Other specified sleep-related hypoventilation or hypoxemia disorders |
7A42.Z,Sleep-related hypoventilation or hypoxemia disorders, unspecified |
7A4Y,Other specified sleep-related breathing disorders |
7A4Z,Sleep-related breathing disorders, unspecified |
7A60,Delayed sleep-wake phase disorder |
7A61,Advanced sleep-wake phase disorder |
7A62,Irregular sleep-wake rhythm disorder |
7A63,Non-24 hour sleep-wake rhythm disorder |
7A64,Circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder, shift work type |
7A65,Circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder, jet lag type |
7A6Z,Circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders, unspecified |
7A80,Restless legs syndrome |
7A81,Periodic limb movement disorder |
7A82,Sleep-related leg cramps |
7A83,Sleep-related bruxism |
7A84,Sleep-related rhythmic movement disorder |
7A85,Benign sleep myoclonus of infancy |
7A86,Propriospinal myoclonus at sleep onset |
7A87,Sleep-related movement disorder due to a medical conditoin |
7A88,Sleep-related movement disorder due to a medication or substance |
7A8Y,Other specified sleep-related movement disorders |
7A8Z,Sleep-related movement disorders, unspecified |
7B00.0,Confusional arousals |
7B00.1,Sleepwalking disorder |
7B00.2,Sleep terrors |
7B00.3,Sleep-related eating disorder |
7B00.Y,Other specified disorders of arousal from non-REM sleep |
7B00.Z,Disorders of arousal from non-REM sleep, unspecified |
7B01.0,REM sleep behaviour disorder |
7B01.1,Recurrent isolated sleep paralysis |
7B01.2,Nightmare disorder |
7B01.Y,Other specified parasomnias related to REM sleep |
7B01.Z,Parasomnias related to REM sleep, unspecified |
7B02.0,Hypnogogic exploding head syndrome |
7B02.1,Sleep-related hallucinations |
7B02.2,Parasomnia disorder due to a medical condition |
7B02.3,Parasomnia disorder due to a medication or substance |
7B0Y,Other specified parasomnia disorders |
7B0Z,Parasomnia disorders, unspecified |
7B2Y,Other specified sleep-wake disorders |
7B2Z,Sleep-wake disorders, unspecified |
8A00.00,Sporadic Parkinson disease |
8A00.01,Familial Parkinson disease |
8A00.0Y,Other specified Parkinson disease |
8A00.0Z,Parkinson disease, unspecified |
8A00.10,Progressive supranuclear palsy |
8A00.1Y,Other specified atypical parkinsonism |
8A00.1Z,Atypical parkinsonism, unspecified |
8A00.20,Parkinsonism due to heredodegenerative disorders |
8A00.21,Hemiparkinsonism hemiatrophy syndrome |
8A00.22,Infectious or postinfectious parkinsonism |
8A00.23,Vascular parkinsonism |
8A00.24,Drug-induced parkinsonism |
8A00.25,Post traumatic Parkinsonism |
8A00.26,Parkinsonism due to structural lesions |
8A00.2Y,Other specified secondary parkinsonism |
8A00.2Z,Secondary parkinsonism, unspecified |
8A00.3,Functional parkinsonism |
8A00.Y,Other specified parkinsonism |
8A00.Z,Parkinsonism, unspecified |
8A01.0,Benign hereditary chorea |
8A01.10,Huntington disease |
8A01.11,Chorea due to Huntington disease-like conditions |
8A01.12,Chorea due to Dentatorubral pallidoluysian atrophy |
8A01.13,Chorea due to Wilson disease |
8A01.14,Chorea due to infectious or para-infectious causes |
8A01.15,Chorea due to systemic lupus erythematosus |
8A01.16,Drug-induced chorea |
8A01.1Y,Other specified secondary chorea |
8A01.1Z,Secondary chorea, unspecified |
8A01.20,Hemichorea |
8A01.21,Ballism |
8A01.22,Hemiballism |
8A01.2Y,Other specified hemichorea or hemiballismus |
8A01.2Z,Hemichorea or hemiballismus, unspecified |
8A01.Y,Other specified choreiform disorders |
8A01.Z,Choreiform disorders, unspecified |
8A02.00,Benign essential blepharospasm |
8A02.0Y,Other specified primary dystonia |
8A02.0Z,Primary dystonia, unspecified |
8A02.10,Drug-induced dystonia |
8A02.11,Dystonia-plus |
8A02.12,Dystonia associated with heredodegenerative disorders |
8A02.1Y,Other specified secondary dystonia |
8A02.1Z,Secondary dystonia, unspecified |
8A02.2,Paroxysmal dystonia |
8A02.3,Functional dystonia or spasms |
8A02.Y,Other specified dystonic disorders |
8A02.Z,Dystonic disorders, unspecified |
8A03.0,Congenital ataxia |
8A03.10,Friedreich ataxia |
8A03.11,Ataxia due to Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis |
8A03.12,Ataxia due to Refsum disease |
8A03.13,Ataxia due to abetalipoproteinemia |
8A03.14,Hereditary episodic ataxia |
8A03.15,Ataxia due to mitochondrial mutations |
8A03.16,Spinocerebellar ataxia |
8A03.1Y,Other specified hereditary ataxia |
8A03.1Z,Hereditary ataxia, unspecified |
8A03.20,Late onset cerebellar cortical atrophy |
8A03.2Y,Other specified non-hereditary degenerative ataxia |
8A03.2Z,Non-hereditary degenerative ataxia, unspecified |
8A03.30,Ataxia due to alcoholic cerebellar degeneration |
8A03.3Y,Other specified acquired ataxia |
8A03.3Z,Acquired ataxia, unspecified |
8A03.Y,Other specified ataxic disorders |
8A03.Z,Ataxic disorders, unspecified |
8A04.0,Enhanced physiological tremor |
8A04.1,Essential tremor or related tremors |
8A04.2,Rest tremor |
8A04.30,Tremor due to metabolic disorders |
8A04.31,Tremor due to chronic or acute substance use |
8A04.32,Tremor due to drug withdrawal |
8A04.33,Tremor due to certain specified central nervous system diseases |
8A04.3Y,Other specified secondary tremor |
8A04.3Z,Secondary tremor, unspecified |
8A04.4,Functional tremor |
8A04.Y,Other specified disorders associated with tremor |
8A04.Z,Disorders associated with tremor, unspecified |
8A05.00,Tourette syndrome |
8A05.01,Chronic motor tic disorder |
8A05.02,Chronic phonic tic disorder |
8A05.03,Transient motor tics |
8A05.0Y,Other specified primary tics or tic disorders |
8A05.0Z,Primary tics or tic disorders, unspecified |
8A05.10,Infectious or postinfectious tics |
8A05.11,Tics associated with developmental disorders |
8A05.1Y,Other specified secondary tics |
8A05.1Z,Secondary tics, unspecified |
8A05.Y,Other specified tic disorders |
8A05.Z,Tic disorders, unspecified |
8A06.0,Essential myoclonus |
8A06.1,Segmental myoclonus |
8A06.20,Palatal myoclonus |
8A06.21,Chronic hiccups |
8A06.2Y,Other specified focal myoclonus |
8A06.2Z,Focal myoclonus, unspecified |
8A06.Y,Other specified myoclonic disorders |
8A06.Z,Myoclonic disorders, unspecified |
8A07.00,Primary stereotypy |
8A07.01,Secondary stereotypy |
8A07.0Y,Other specified stereotypies |
8A07.0Z,Stereotypies, unspecified |
8A07.1,Akathisia |
8A07.2,Excessive startle reflex |
8A07.Y,Other specified movement disorder |
8A0Y,Other specified movement disorders |
8A0Z,Movement disorders, unspecified |
8A20,Alzheimer disease |
8A21.0,Posterior cortical atrophy |
8A21.Y,Other specified progressive focal atrophies |
8A21.Z,Progressive focal atrophies, unspecified |
8A22,Lewy body disease |
8A23,Frontotemporal lobar degeneration |
8A2Y,Other specified disorders with neurocognitive impairment as a major feature |
8A2Z,Disorders with neurocognitive impairment as a major feature, unspecified |
8A40.0,Relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis |
8A40.1,Primary progressive multiple sclerosis |
8A40.2,Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis |
8A40.Y,Other specified multiple sclerosis |
8A40.Z,Multiple sclerosis, unspecified |
8A41.0,Transverse myelitis |
8A41.1,Neuromyelitis optica myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-positive |
8A41.Y,Other specified isolated demyelinating syndromes of the central nervous system |
8A41.Z,Isolated demyelinating syndromes of the central nervous system, unspecified |
8A42.0,Acute haemorrhagic leukoencephalitis |
8A42.Y,Other specified acute disseminated encephalomyelitis |
8A42.Z,Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, unspecified |
8A43.0,Neuromyelitis optica aquaporin-4 antibody positive |
8A43.1,Neuromyelitis optica aquaporin-4 antibody negative |
8A43.2,Single transverse myelitis aquaporin-4 antibody positive |
8A43.3,Recurrent transverse myelitis aquaporin-4 antibody positive |
8A43.4,Single optic neuritis aquaporin-4 antibody positive |
8A43.5,Recurrent optic neuritis aquaporin-4 antibody positive |
8A43.Y,Other specified neuromyelitis optica |
8A43.Z,Neuromyelitis optica, unspecified |
8A44.0,Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease |
8A44.1,Adrenoleukodystrophy |
8A44.2,Alexander disease |
8A44.3,Certain specified leukodystrophies |
8A44.4,Krabbe disease |
8A44.Z,Leukodystrophies, unspecified |
8A45.00,Human T-cell lymphotropic virus-associated myelopathy |
8A45.01,Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis |
8A45.02,Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy |
8A45.0Y,Other specified white matter disorders due to infections |
8A45.0Z,White matter disorders due to infections, unspecified |
8A45.1,White matter disorders due to toxicity |
8A45.20,White matter disorder due to CADASIL |
8A45.21,Subacute necrotising myelitis |
8A45.2Y,Other specified white matter disorders due to vascular abnormality or ischemia |
8A45.2Z,White matter disorders due to vascular abnormality or ischemia, unspecified |
8A45.30,White matter disorder due to vitamin B12 deficiency |
8A45.31,Central pontine myelinolysis |
8A45.3Y,Other specified white matter disorders due to nutritional deficiency |
8A45.3Z,White matter disorders due to nutritional deficiency, unspecified |
8A45.40,Demyelination due to sarcoidosis |
8A45.41,Demyelination due to systemic lupus erythematosus |
8A45.42,Demyelination due to Sjögren disease |
8A45.43,Demyelination due to Behcet disease |
8A45.44,Demyelination due to systemic vasculitis |
8A45.45,Demyelination due to mitochondrial disease |
8A45.4Z,White matter disorders due to certain specified systemic disease, unspecified |
8A45.Y,Other specified secondary white matter disorders |
8A45.Z,Secondary white matter disorders, unspecified |
8A46,Central demyelination of corpus callosum |
8A4Y,Other specified multiple sclerosis or other white matter disorders |
8A4Z,Multiple sclerosis or other white matter disorders, unspecified |
8A60.00,Epilepsy due to prenatal or perinatal vascular insults |
8A60.01,Epilepsy due to neonatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy |
8A60.0Y,Epilepsy due to other prenatal or perinatal brain insults |
8A60.0Z,Epilepsy due to unspecified prenatal or perinatal brain insults |
8A60.1,Epilepsy due to cerebrovascular disorders |
8A60.2,Epilepsy due to degenerative brain disorders |
8A60.3,Epilepsy due to dementias |
8A60.4,Epilepsy due to central nervous system infections or infestations |
8A60.5,Epilepsy due to injuries to the head |
8A60.6,Epilepsy due to tumours of the nervous system |
8A60.7,Epilepsy with mesial temporal sclerosis |
8A60.8,Epilepsy due to immune disorders |
8A60.9,Epilepsy due to abnormalities of brain development |
8A60.A,Epilepsy due to genetic syndromes with widespread or progressive effects |
8A60.B,Epilepsy due to multiple sclerosis or other demyelinating disorders |
8A60.Y,Epilepsy due to other structural or metabolic condition or disease |
8A60.Z,Epilepsy due to unspecified structural or metabolic condition or disease |
8A61.00,Pyridoxal dependent epilepsy |
8A61.0Y,Other specified genetic epileptic syndromes with neonatal onset |
8A61.0Z,Genetic epileptic syndromes with neonatal onset, unspecified |
8A61.10,Benign familial infantile epilepsy |
8A61.11,Dravet syndrome |
8A61.12,Epilepsy of infancy with migrating focal seizures |
8A61.1Y,Other specified genetic epileptic syndromes with onset in infancy |
8A61.1Z,Genetic epileptic syndromes with onset in infancy, unspecified |
8A61.20,Benign childhood epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes |
8A61.21,Childhood absence epilepsy |
8A61.22,Epilepsy with myoclonic-astatic seizures |
8A61.23,Myoclonic absences or absences with myoclonias |
8A61.2Y,Other specified genetic epileptic syndromes with childhood onset |
8A61.2Z,Genetic epileptic syndromes with childhood onset, unspecified |
8A61.30,Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy |
8A61.31,Juvenile absence epilepsy |
8A61.32,Benign adult familial myoclonus epilepsy |
8A61.3Y,Other specified genetic epileptic syndrome with adolescent or adult onset |
8A61.3Z,Genetic epileptic syndrome with adolescent or adult onset, unspecified |
8A61.40,Reflex epilepsies |
8A61.41,Progressive myoclonic epilepsy |
8A61.4Y,Other specified genetic epileptic syndromes with variable age of onset |
8A61.4Z,Genetic epileptic syndromes with variable age of onset, unspecified |
8A61.Y,Other specified genetic or presumed genetic syndromes primarily expressed as epilepsy |
8A61.Z,Genetic or presumed genetic syndromes primarily expressed as epilepsy, unspecified |
8A62.0,Infantile spasms |
8A62.1,Lennox-Gastaut syndrome |
8A62.2,Acquired epileptic aphasia |
8A62.Y,Other specified epileptic encephalopathies |
8A62.Z,Epileptic encephalopathies, unspecified |
8A63.00,Simple febrile seizures |
8A63.01,Complex febrile seizures |
8A63.0Y,Other specified febrile seizures |
8A63.0Z,Febrile seizures, unspecified |
8A63.Y,Seizure due to other acute cause |
8A63.Z,Seizure due to unspecified acute cause |
8A64,Single seizure due to remote causes |
8A65,Single unprovoked seizure |
8A66.0,Convulsive status epilepticus |
8A66.10,Absence status epilepticus |
8A66.1Y,Other specified non-convulsive status epilepticus |
8A66.1Z,Non-convulsive status epilepticus, unspecified |
8A66.Y,Other specified status epilepticus |
8A66.Z,Status epilepticus, unspecified |
8A67,Acute repetitive seizures |
8A68.0,Focal unaware seizures |
8A68.1,Absence seizures, atypical |
8A68.2,Absence seizures, typical |
8A68.3,Focal aware seizure |
8A68.4,Generalised tonic-clonic seizure |
8A68.5,Generalised myoclonic seizure |
8A68.6,Generalised tonic seizure |
8A68.7,Generalised atonic seizure |
8A68.Y,Other specified type of seizure |
8A68.Z,Type of seizure, unspecified |
8A6Y,Other specified epilepsy or seizures |
8A6Z,Epilepsy or seizures, unspecified |
8A80.0,Migraine without aura |
8A80.10,Hemiplegic migraine |
8A80.1Y,Other specified migraine with aura |
8A80.1Z,Migraine with aura, unspecified |
8A80.2,Chronic migraine |
8A80.30,Status migrainosus |
8A80.3Y,Other specified complications related to migraine |
8A80.4,Cyclic vomiting syndrome |
8A80.Y,Other specified migraine |
8A80.Z,Migraine, unspecified |
8A81.0,Infrequent episodic tension-type headache |
8A81.1,Frequent episodic tension-type headache |
8A81.2,Chronic tension-type headache |
8A81.Y,Other specified tension-type headache |
8A81.Z,Tension-type headache, unspecified |
8A82,Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias |
8A83,Other primary headache disorder |
8A84.0,Acute headache attributed to traumatic injury to the head |
8A84.1,Persistent headache attributed to traumatic injury to the head |
8A84.Y,Other specified secondary headache |
8A84.Z,Secondary headache, unspecified |
8A85,Painful cranial neuropathies or other facial pains |
8A8Y,Other specified headache disorders |
8A8Z,Headache disorders, unspecified |
8B00.0,Deep hemispheric haemorrhage |
8B00.1,Lobar haemorrhage |
8B00.2,Brainstem haemorrhage |
8B00.3,Cerebellar haemorrhage |
8B00.4,Intraventricular haemorrhage without parenchymal haemorrhage |
8B00.5,Haemorrhage of multiple sites |
8B00.Z,Intracerebral haemorrhage, site unspecified |
8B01.0,Aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage |
8B01.1,Non-aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage |
8B01.2,Subarachnoid haemorrhage not known if aneurysmal or non-aneurysmal |
8B02,Nontraumatic subdural haemorrhage |
8B03,Nontraumatic epidural haemorrhage |
8B0Z,Intracranial haemorrhage, unspecified |
8B10.0,Amaurosis fugax |
8B10.Y,Other specified transient ischaemic attack |
8B10.Z,Transient ischaemic attack, unspecified |
8B11.0,Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to extracranial large artery atherosclerosis |
8B11.1,Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to intracranial large artery atherosclerosis |
8B11.20,Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to cardiac embolism |
8B11.21,Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to aortic arch embolism |
8B11.22,Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to paradoxical embolism |
8B11.2Y,Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to other specified embolic occlusion |
8B11.3,Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to small artery occlusion |
8B11.40,Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to global hypoperfusion with watershed infarct |
8B11.41,Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to other non-atherosclerotic arteriopathy |
8B11.42,Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to hypercoagulable state |
8B11.43,Cerebral ischaemic stroke in association with subarachnoid haemorrhage |
8B11.44,Cerebral ischemic stroke from dissection |
8B11.50,Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of extracranial large artery |
8B11.51,Cerebral ischaemic stroke due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of intracranial large artery |
8B11.5Z,Cerebral ischaemic stroke, unspecified |
8B1Y,Other specified cerebral ischaemia |
8B1Z,Cerebral ischaemia, unspecified |
8B20,Stroke not known if ischaemic or haemorrhagic |
8B21.0,Silent cerebral infarct |
8B21.1,Silent cerebral microbleed |
8B21.Y,Other specified cerebrovascular disease with no acute cerebral symptom |
8B21.Z,Cerebrovascular disease with no acute cerebral symptom, unspecified |
8B22.0,Dissection of cerebral arteries |
8B22.1,Cerebral venous thrombosis |
8B22.2,Cerebral vasoconstriction syndromes |
8B22.3,Isolated cerebral amyloid angiopathy |
8B22.40,Arteriovenous malformation of cerebral vessels |
8B22.41,Cerebral cavernous malformation |
8B22.42,Dural arteriovenous fistula |
8B22.43,Carotid cavernous fistula |
8B22.4Y,Other specified intracranial vascular malformation |
8B22.4Z,Intracranial vascular malformation, unspecified |
8B22.5,Cerebral aneurysm, nonruptured |
8B22.6,Familial cerebral saccular aneurysm |
8B22.70,Primary cerebral arteritis |
8B22.7Y,Other specified cerebral arteritis, not elsewhere classified |
8B22.7Z,Cerebral arteritis, not elsewhere classified, unspecified |
8B22.8,Hypertensive encephalopathy |
8B22.9,Migraine-induced stroke |
8B22.A,Subclavian steal syndrome |
8B22.B,Moyamoya syndrome |
8B22.C0,CADASIL - [cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy] syndrome |
8B22.C1,CARASIL - [cerebral autosomal recessive arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy] syndrome |
8B22.CY,Other specified hereditary cerebrovascular diseases |
8B22.CZ,Hereditary cerebrovascular diseases, unspecified |
8B22.Y,Other specified cerebrovascular disease |
8B23,Cerebrovascular abnormalities |
8B24,Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy |
8B25.0,Late effects of cerebral ischemic stroke |
8B25.1,Late effects of intracerebral haemorrhage |
8B25.2,Late effects of subarachnoid haemorrhage |
8B25.3,Late effects of other nontraumatic intracranial haemorrhage |
8B25.4,Late effects of stroke not known if ischaemic or haemorrhagic |
8B25.Y,Late effects of other specified cerebrovascular disease |
8B25.Z,Late effects of cerebrovascular disease, unspecified |
8B26.0,Brainstem stroke syndrome |
8B26.1,Cerebellar stroke syndrome |
8B26.2,Middle cerebral artery syndrome |
8B26.3,Anterior cerebral artery syndrome |
8B26.4,Posterior cerebral artery syndrome |
8B26.50,Pure motor lacunar syndrome |
8B26.51,Pure sensory lacunar syndrome |
8B26.5Y,Other specified lacunar syndromes |
8B26.5Z,Lacunar syndromes, unspecified |
8B26.Y,Other specified vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases |
8B26.Z,Vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases, unspecified |
8B2Z,Cerebrovascular diseases, unspecified |
8B40,Cauda equina syndrome |
8B41,Myelitis |
8B42,Myelopathy |
8B43.0,Acute arterial infarction of the spinal cord |
8B43.1,Acute venous infarction of the spinal cord |
8B43.2,Chronic venous infarction of the spinal cord |
8B43.Y,Other specified non-compressive vascular myelopathies |
8B43.Z,Non-compressive vascular myelopathies, unspecified |
8B44.00,Autosomal dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia |
8B44.01,Autosomal recessive hereditary spastic paraplegia |
8B44.02,X-linked hereditary spastic paraplegia |
8B44.0Y,Other specified hereditary spastic paraplegia |
8B44.0Z,Hereditary spastic paraplegia, unspecified |
8B44.Y,Other specified degenerative myelopathic disorders |
8B44.Z,Degenerative myelopathic disorders, unspecified |
8B4Y,Other specified spinal cord disorders excluding trauma |
8B4Z,Spinal cord disorders excluding trauma, unspecified |
8B60.0,Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
8B60.1,Progressive bulbar palsy |
8B60.2,Progressive pseudobulbar palsy |
8B60.3,Progressive muscular atrophy |
8B60.4,Primary lateral sclerosis |
8B60.5,Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-Plus |
8B60.6,Monomelic amyotrophy |
8B60.7,Madras type motor neuron disease |
8B60.Y,Other specified motor neuron disease |
8B60.Z,Motor neuron disease, unspecified |
8B61.0,Infantile spinal muscular atrophy, Type I |
8B61.1,Late infantile spinal muscular atrophy, Type II |
8B61.2,Juvenile form spinal muscular dystrophy, Type III |
8B61.3,Adult onset spinal muscular atrophy, Type IV |
8B61.4,Localised spinal muscular atrophy |
8B61.Y,Other specified spinal muscular atrophy |
8B61.Z,Spinal muscular atrophy, unspecified |
8B62,Post polio progressive muscular atrophy |
8B6Y,Other specified motor neuron diseases or related disorders |
8B6Z,Motor neuron diseases or related disorders, unspecified |
8B80,Disorders of olfactory nerve |
8B81.0,brainstem lesion |
8B81.Y,Other specified disorders of vestibulocochlear nerve |
8B81.Z,Disorders of vestibulocochlear nerve, unspecified |
8B82.0,Trigeminal neuralgia |
8B82.1,Atypical facial pain |
8B82.Z,Disorders of trigeminal nerve, unspecified |
8B83,Disorders of spinal accessory nerve |
8B84,Disorders of hypoglossal nerve |
8B85,Disorders of multiple cranial nerves |
8B86,Disorders of vagus nerve |
8B87,Disorders of glossopharyngeal nerve |
8B88.0,Bell palsy |
8B88.1,Facial myokymia |
8B88.2,Hemifacial Spasm |
8B88.3,Facial neuritis |
8B88.Y,Other specified disorders of facial nerve |
8B88.Z,Disorders of facial nerve, unspecified |
8B8Y,Other specified disorders of cranial nerves |
8B8Z,Disorders of cranial nerves, unspecified |
8B90,Nerve root and plexus compressions |
8B91.0,Neuralgic shoulder amyotrophy |
8B91.1,Thoracic outlet syndrome due to cervical rib |
8B91.Y,Other specified brachial plexus disorders |
8B91.Z,Brachial plexus disorders, unspecified |
8B92.0,Post radiation lumbosacral plexopathy |
8B92.1,Vasculitic lumbosacral plexopathy |
8B92.2,Diabetic lumbosacral plexopathy |
8B92.3,Lumbosacral radiculoplexopathy |
8B92.Y,Other specified lumbosacral plexus disorders |
8B92.Z,Lumbosacral plexus disorders, unspecified |
8B93.0,Radiculopathy due to compression |
8B93.1,Radiculopathy due to metabolic disorders |
8B93.2,Radiculopathy due to electric shock or lightning |
8B93.3,Radiculopathy due to radiation injury |
8B93.4,Radiculopathy due to nutritional deficiencies |
8B93.5,Radiculopathy due to toxicity |
8B93.6,Radiculopathy due to intervertebral disc disorders |
8B93.7,Radiculopathy due to neoplastic disease |
8B93.8,Radiculopathy due to spondylosis |
8B93.Y,Other specified radiculopathy |
8B93.Z,Radiculopathy, unspecified |
8B94,Diabetic radiculoplexoneuropathy |
8B9Y,Other specified nerve root or plexus disorders |
8B9Z,Nerve root or plexus disorders, unspecified |
8C00,Idiopathic progressive neuropathy |
8C01.0,Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy |
8C01.1,Post vaccinal neuropathy |
8C01.2,Subacute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy |
8C01.3,Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy |
8C01.Y,Other specified inflammatory polyneuropathy |
8C01.Z,Inflammatory polyneuropathy, unspecified |
8C02.0,Drug-induced polyneuropathy |
8C02.1,Post radiation polyneuropathy |
8C02.Y,Other specified toxic neuropathy |
8C02.Z,Toxic neuropathy, unspecified |
8C03.0,Diabetic polyneuropathy |
8C03.1,Polyneuropathy due to infectious diseases |
8C03.2,Polyneuropathy in neoplastic disease |
8C03.3,Polyneuropathy in nutritional deficiency |
8C03.4,Polyneuropathy in systemic connective tissue disorders |
8C03.Y,Other specified secondary polyneuropathy |
8C03.Z,Other secondary polyneuropathy, unspecified |
8C0Y,Other specified polyneuropathy |
8C0Z,Polyneuropathy, unspecified |
8C10.0,Carpal tunnel syndrome |
8C10.1,Lesion of ulnar nerve |
8C10.2,Lesion of radial nerve |
8C10.Y,Other specified mononeuropathies of upper limb |
8C10.Z,Mononeuropathies of upper limb, unspecified |
8C11.00,Sciatic nerve piriformis syndrome |
8C11.0Y,Other specified lesion of sciatic nerve |
8C11.0Z,Lesion of sciatic nerve, unspecified |
8C11.1,Meralgia paraesthetica |
8C11.2,Lesion of femoral nerve |
8C11.3,Lesion of common peroneal nerve |
8C11.4,Lesion of tibial nerve |
8C11.5,Tarsal tunnel syndrome |
8C11.6,Lesion of plantar nerve |
8C11.Y,Other specified mononeuropathies of lower limb |
8C11.Z,Mononeuropathies of lower limb, unspecified |
8C12.0,Intercostal neuropathy |
8C12.1,Mononeuritis multiplex |
8C12.2,Lesion of suprascapular nerve |
8C12.3,Lesion of axillary nerve |
8C12.4,Lesion of long thoracic nerve |
8C12.5,Traumatic neuroma, not otherwise specified |
8C12.Y,Mononeuropathy of other specified nerve |
8C1Z,Mononeuropathy, unspecified |
8C20.0,Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 1 demyelinating |
8C20.1,Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 2 axonal |
8C20.2,Intermediate Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease |
8C20.Y,Other specified hereditary motor or sensory neuropathy |
8C20.Z,Hereditary motor or sensory neuropathy, unspecified |
8C21.0,Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type I |
8C21.1,Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type III |
8C21.2,Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type IV |
8C21.3,Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type V |
8C21.Y,Other specified hereditary sensory or autonomic neuropathy |
8C21.Z,Hereditary sensory or autonomic neuropathy, unspecified |
8C2Y,Other specified hereditary neuropathy |
8C2Z,Hereditary neuropathy, unspecified |
8C4Y,Other specified disorders of nerve root, plexus or peripheral nerves |
8C4Z,Disorders of nerve root, plexus or peripheral nerves, unspecified |
8C60.0,Drug-induced myasthenia gravis |
8C60.Y,Other specified myasthenia gravis |
8C60.Z,Myasthenia gravis, unspecified |
8C61,Congenital myasthenic syndromes |
8C62,Lambert-Eaton syndrome |
8C6Y,Other specified myasthenia gravis and neuromuscular junction disorders |
8C6Z,Unspecified myasthenia gravis or neuromuscular junction disorders |
8C70.0,Becker muscular dystrophy |
8C70.1,Duchenne muscular dystrophy |
8C70.2,Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy |
8C70.3,Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy |
8C70.40,Dominant limb-girdle muscular dystrophy |
8C70.41,Recessive limb-girdle muscular dystrophy |
8C70.4Y,Other specified limb-girdle muscular dystrophy |
8C70.4Z,Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, unspecified |
8C70.5,Scapuloperoneal muscular dystrophy |
8C70.6,Congenital muscular dystrophy |
8C70.Y,Other specified muscular dystrophy |
8C70.Z,Muscular dystrophy, unspecified |
8C71.0,Myotonic dystrophy |
8C71.1,Chondrodystrophic myotonia |
8C71.2,Myotonia congenita |
8C71.3,Drug-induced myotonia |
8C71.4,Neuromyotonia |
8C71.5,Pseudomyotonia |
8C71.Y,Other specified myotonic disorders |
8C71.Z,Myotonic disorders, unspecified |
8C72.00,Nemaline myopathy |
8C72.01,Centronuclear myopathy |
8C72.02,Central core disease |
8C72.0Y,Other specified congenital myopathy with structural abnormalities |
8C72.0Z,Congenital myopathy with structural abnormalities, unspecified |
8C72.1,Congenital myopathy with no structural abnormalities |
8C72.Y,Other specified congenital myopathies |
8C72.Z,Congenital myopathies, unspecified |
8C73.0,Autosomal recessive cardiomyopathy or ophthalmoplegia |
8C73.1,Neuropathy, ataxia, and retinitis pigmentosa |
8C73.Y,Other specified mitochondrial myopathies |
8C73.Z,Mitochondrial myopathies, unspecified |
8C74.0,Paramyotonia congenita |
8C74.10,Hypokalemic periodic paralysis |
8C74.11,Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis |
8C74.1Y,Other specified periodic paralysis |
8C74.1Z,Periodic paralysis, unspecified |
8C74.Y,Other specified periodic paralyses or disorders of muscle membrane excitability |
8C74.Z,Periodic paralyses or disorders of muscle membrane excitability, unspecified |
8C75,Distal myopathies |
8C76,Myofibrillar myopathy |
8C77,Ocular myopathy |
8C78,Malignant hyperthermia or hyperpyrexia |
8C7Y,Other specified primary disorders of muscles |
8C7Z,Primary disorders of muscles, unspecified |
8C80,Drug-induced myopathy |
8C81,Autoimmune myopathy |
8C82,Myopathy in certain specified infectious or parasitic disease |
8C83,Myopathy in certain specified endocrine disease |
8C84,Secondary rhabdomyolysis |
8C8Y,Other specified secondary myopathies |
8C8Z,Secondary myopathies, unspecified |
8D0Y,Other specified diseases of neuromuscular junction or muscle |
8D0Z,Diseases of neuromuscular junction or muscle, unspecified |
8D20.0,Spastic unilateral cerebral palsy |
8D20.10,Spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy |
8D20.11,Spastic diplegic cerebral palsy |
8D20.1Z,Spastic bilateral cerebral palsy, unspecified |
8D20.Y,Other specified spastic cerebral palsy |
8D20.Z,Spastic cerebral palsy, unspecified |
8D21,Dyskinetic cerebral palsy |
8D22,Ataxic cerebral palsy |
8D23,Worster-Drought syndrome |
8D2Y,Other specified cerebral palsy |
8D2Z,Cerebral palsy, unspecified |
8D40.0,Encephalopathy due to nutritional deficiency |
8D40.1,Neuropathy due to nutritional deficiency |
8D40.2,Myopathy due to nutritional deficiency |
8D40.3,Intellectual developmental disorder due to nutritional deficiency |
8D40.Y,Other specified neurological disorders due to nutrient deficiency |
8D40.Z,Neurological disorders due to nutrient deficiency, unspecified |
8D41.0,Peripheral neuropathy due to vitamin B6 hyperalimentation |
8D41.1,Myopathy due to hypercalcaemia |
8D41.2,Pseudotumour Cerebri related to Hypervitaminosis A |
8D41.Y,Other specified neurological disorders due to an excess of micro or macro nutrients |
8D41.Z,Neurological disorders due to an excess of micro or macro nutrients, unspecified |
8D42,Neurological disorders due to overweight or obesity in adults or children |
8D43.00,Encephalopathy due to ammonia |
8D43.0Y,Other specified encephalopathy due to toxicity |
8D43.0Z,Encephalopathy due to toxicity, unspecified |
8D43.1,Cognitive impairment due to toxicity |
8D43.2,Neuropathy due to toxicity |
8D43.3,Myopathy due to toxicity |
8D43.4,Movement disorders due to toxicity |
8D43.5,Cassava poisoning |
8D43.Y,Other specified neurological disorders due to toxicity |
8D43.Z,Neurological disorders due to toxicity, unspecified |
8D44.0,Alcoholic polyneuropathy |
8D44.1,Alcoholic myopathy |
8D44.Y,Other specified alcohol-related neurological disorders |
8D44.Z,Alcohol-related neurological disorders, unspecified |
8D4Y,Other specified nutritional or toxic disorders of the nervous system |
8D4Z,Nutritional or toxic disorders of the nervous system, unspecified |
8D60.0,Brain herniation syndromes |
8D60.1,Cerebral oedema |
8D60.Y,Other specified increased intracranial pressure |
8D60.Z,Increased intracranial pressure, unspecified |
8D61.0,Spontaneous intracranial hypotension |
8D61.1,Secondary intracranial hypotension |
8D61.Y,Other specified intracranial hypotension |
8D61.Z,Intracranial hypotension, unspecified |
8D62,Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhoea |
8D63,Cerebrospinal fluid otorrhoea |
8D64.00,Increased cerebrospinal fluid production |
8D64.01,Congenital agenesis of arachnoid villi |
8D64.02,Post haemorrhagic hydrocephalus |
8D64.03,Post traumatic hydrocephalus |
8D64.04,Normal-pressure hydrocephalus |
8D64.0Y,Other specified communicating hydrocephalus |
8D64.0Z,Communicating hydrocephalus, unspecified |
8D64.10,Hydrocephalus due to structural malformations |
8D64.1Y,Other specified non-communicating hydrocephalus |
8D64.1Z,Non-communicating hydrocephalus, unspecified |
8D64.2,Ex-vacuo hydrocephalus |
8D64.Z,Hydrocephalus, unspecified |
8D65,Cerebrospinal fluid fistula |
8D66.0,Idiopathic Syringomyelia |
8D66.1,Syringomyelia due to certain specified cause |
8D66.2,Syringobulbia |
8D66.Y,Other specified syringomyelia or syringobulbia |
8D66.Z,Syringomyelia or syringobulbia, unspecified |
8D67,Intracranial arachnoid cyst |
8D68,Porencephalic cyst |
8D6Y,Other specified disorders of cerebrospinal fluid pressure or flow |
8D6Z,Disorders of cerebrospinal fluid pressure or flow, unspecified |
8D80,Congenital malformations of the autonomic nervous system |
8D81,Inherited autonomic nervous system disorders |
8D82,Autoimmune disorders involving the autonomic nervous system |
8D83,Autonomic nervous system disorder due to infection |
8D84,Pure autonomic nervous system failure |
8D85,Autonomic nervous system disorder due to substances |
8D86,Autonomic nervous system hyperactivity |
8D87.00,Multiple system atrophy, Cerebellar type |
8D87.01,Multiple system atrophy, Parkinsonism |
8D87.0Y,Other specified multiple system atrophy |
8D87.0Z,Multiple system atrophy, unspecified |
8D87.Y,Other specified autonomic nervous system disorder due to specified neurodegenerative disorder |
8D88.0,Autonomic neuropathy due to sodium channelopathies |
8D88.1,Autonomic neuropathy due to diabetes mellitus |
8D88.2,Immune mediated autonomic neuropathy |
8D88.3,Autonomic disorder due to toxins |
8D88.4,Autonomic neuropathy in endocrine and metabolic diseases |
8D88.Y,Other specified autonomic neuropathies |
8D88.Z,Autonomic neuropathies, unspecified |
8D89.0,Reflex syncope |
8D89.1,Syncope due to autonomic failure |
8D89.2,Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome |
8D89.3,Baroreflex failure |
8D89.Y,Other specified disorders of orthostatic tolerance |
8D89.Z,Disorders of orthostatic tolerance, unspecified |
8D8A.00,Complex regional pain syndrome type I |
8D8A.01,Complex regional pain syndrome type II |
8D8A.0Y,Other specified complex regional pain syndrome |
8D8A.0Z,Complex regional pain syndrome, unspecified |
8D8A.1,Horner syndrome |
8D8A.2,Episodic anisocoria |
8D8A.Y,Other specified focal or segmental autonomic disorders |
8D8A.Z,Focal or segmental autonomic disorders, unspecified |
8D8B,Disorders affecting autonomic synaptic neurotransmission |
8D8C,Autonomic dysreflexia |
8D8Y,Other specified disorders of autonomic nervous system |
8D8Z,Disorders of autonomic nervous system, unspecified |
8E00,Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease |
8E01.0,Iatrogenically acquired Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease |
8E01.1,Kuru |
8E01.2,Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease |
8E01.3,Other acquired Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease |
8E02.0,Genetic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease |
8E02.1,Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome |
8E02.2,Fatal familial insomnia |
8E02.3,Other genetic prion diseases |
8E02.Y,Other specified Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease |
8E02.Z,Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, unspecified |
8E03,Variably protease sensitive prionopathy |
8E0Y,Other specified human prion diseases |
8E0Z,Human prion diseases, unspecified |
8E20,Persistent vegetative state |
8E21,Permanent vegetative state |
8E22.0,Minimally conscious state plus |
8E22.1,Minimally conscious state minus |
8E22.Y,Other specified minimally conscious state |
8E22.Z,Minimally conscious state, unspecified |
8E2Y,Other specified disorders of consciousness |
8E2Z,Disorders of consciousness, unspecified |
8E40.0,Neoplastic meningitis |
8E40.1,Chemical meningitis |
8E40.2,Inflammatory meningitis |
8E40.3,Arachnoiditis |
8E40.Y,Other specified disorders of the meninges excluding infection |
8E40.Z,Disorders of the meninges excluding infection, unspecified |
8E41.0,Pachymeningitis due to infection |
8E41.1,Idiopathic hypertrophic pachymeningitis |
8E41.Y,Other specified pachymeningitis |
8E41.Z,Pachymeningitis, unspecified |
8E42,Superficial siderosis of the nervous system |
8E43.00,Phantom limb syndrome |
8E43.0Y,Other specified neuropathic pain |
8E43.0Z,Neuropathic pain, unspecified |
8E43.Y,Other specified pain disorders |
8E43.Z,Pain disorders, unspecified |
8E44,Post anoxic brain damage |
8E45,Locked-in syndrome |
8E46,Reye syndrome |
8E47,Encephalopathy, not elsewhere classified |
8E48,Encephalitis, not elsewhere classified |
8E49,Postviral fatigue syndrome |
8E4A.0,Paraneoplastic or autoimmune disorders of the central nervous system, brain or spinal cord |
8E4A.1,Paraneoplastic or autoimmune disorders of the peripheral or autonomic nervous system |
8E4A.2,Paraneoplastic or autoimmune neuromuscular transmission disorders |
8E4A.3,Paraneoplastic or autoimmune disorders of the muscle |
8E4A.Y,Other specified paraneoplastic or autoimmune disorders of the nervous system |
8E4Y,Other specified disorders of the nervous system |
8E4Z,Other disorders of the nervous system, unspecified |
8E60,Post ventricular shunting leak |
8E61.0,Brain irradiation |
8E61.1,Spinal cord irradiation |
8E62,Postprocedural meningitis |
8E63,Post pump encephalopathy |
8E64,Multifocal cerebral infarctions |
8E65,Anoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy |
8E66,Intracranial hypotension due to lumbar puncture |
8E7Y,Other specified diseases of the nervous system |
8E7Z,Diseases of the nervous system, unspecified |
9A00.0,Dystopia canthorum |
9A00.1,Telecanthus |
9A00.Y,Other specified congenital malposition of eyelids |
9A00.Z,Congenital malposition of eyelids, unspecified |
9A01.0,Preseptal cellulitis |
9A01.1,Abscess of eyelid |
9A01.20,Hordeolum externum |
9A01.21,Hordeolum internum |
9A01.2Z,Hordeolum, unspecified |
9A01.3,Infectious blepharitis |
9A01.4,Infestation of eyelid |
9A01.Y,Other specified infectious disorders of eyelid |
9A02.00,Chalazion externum |
9A02.01,Chalazion internum |
9A02.0Y,Other specified chalazion |
9A02.0Z,Chalazion, unspecified |
9A02.1,Posterior blepharitis |
9A02.2,Ligneous conjunctivitis |
9A02.3,Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid |
9A02.4,Meibomian Gland Dysfunction |
9A02.Y,Other specified inflammatory disorders of eyelid |
9A03.00,Marcus-Gunn syndrome |
9A03.01,Mechanical ptosis of eyelid |
9A03.02,Myogenic ptosis of eyelid |
9A03.03,Paralytic ptosis of eyelid |
9A03.0Y,Other specified blepharoptosis |
9A03.0Z,Blepharoptosis, unspecified |
9A03.10,Cicatricial entropion of eyelid |
9A03.11,Mechanical entropion of eyelid |
9A03.12,Senile entropion of eyelid |
9A03.13,Spastic entropion of eyelid |
9A03.1Y,Other specified entropion of eyelid |
9A03.1Z,Entropion of eyelid, unspecified |
9A03.20,Cicatricial ectropion of eyelid |
9A03.21,Mechanical ectropion of eyelid |
9A03.22,Senile ectropion of eyelid |
9A03.23,Spastic ectropion of eyelid |
9A03.24,Floppy eyelid syndrome |
9A03.2Y,Other specified ectropion of eyelid |
9A03.2Z,Ectropion of eyelid, unspecified |
9A03.3,Eyelid retraction |
9A03.40,Cicatricial lagophthalmos |
9A03.41,Mechanical lagophthalmos |
9A03.42,Paralytic lagophthalmos |
9A03.4Y,Other specified lagophthalmos |
9A03.4Z,Lagophthalmos, unspecified |
9A03.5,Dermatochalasis of eyelid |
9A03.Y,Other specified acquired malposition of eyelid |
9A03.Z,Acquired malposition of eyelid, unspecified |
9A04.0,Trichiasis without entropion |
9A04.1,Madarosis of eyelid or periocular area |
9A04.Y,Other specified acquired disorders of eyelashes |
9A05.0,Myokymia of eyelid |
9A05.1,Eyelid apraxia |
9A05.Y,Other specified movement disorders of eyelid |
9A05.Z,Movement disorders of eyelid, unspecified |
9A06.0,Involvement of eyelid by dermatosis classified elsewhere |
9A06.1,Vitiligo of eyelid or periocular area |
9A06.2,Symblepharon, acquired |
9A06.3,Traumatic scar of eyelid |
9A06.4,Xanthelasma of eyelid |
9A06.5,Tear Trough Deformity |
9A06.6,Sunken Sulcus Deformity |
9A06.70,Atopic eczema of eyelids |
9A06.71,Seborrhoeic dermatitis of eyelids |
9A06.72,Allergic contact blepharoconjunctivitis |
9A06.7Y,Other specified dermatitis or eczema of eyelids |
9A06.7Z,Dermatitis or eczema of eyelids, type unspecified |
9A06.8,Blepharochalasis |
9A06.Y,Other specified disorders of eyelid |
9A0Y,Other specified disorders of eyelid or peri-ocular area |
9A0Z,Disorders of eyelid or peri-ocular area, unspecified |
9A10.0,Infections of the lacrimal gland |
9A10.1,Orbital inflammatory syndrome |
9A10.2,Benign lymphoepithelial lesion of lacrimal gland |
9A10.3,Hyperlacrimation |
9A10.4,Underproduction of tears |
9A10.Y,Other specified disorders of lacrimal gland |
9A10.Z,Disorders of lacrimal gland, unspecified |
9A11.0,Eversion of lacrimal punctum |
9A11.1,Canaliculitis |
9A11.2,Dacryocystitis |
9A11.3,Conjunctivochalasis |
9A11.4,Punctal stenosis |
9A11.5,Nasolacrimal canalicular stenosis |
9A11.6,Dacryolith |
9A11.7,Nasolacrimal sac stenosis |
9A11.8,Nasolacrimal duct obstruction |
9A11.Y,Other specified disorders of lacrimal drainage system |
9A11.Z,Disorders of lacrimal drainage system, unspecified |
9A1Y,Other specified disorders of lacrimal apparatus |
9A1Z,Disorders of lacrimal apparatus, unspecified |
9A20.00,Outward displacement of eyeball |
9A20.01,Inward displacement of eyeball |
9A20.0Y,Other specified axial displacement of eyeball |
9A20.0Z,Axial displacement of eyeball, unspecified |
9A20.1,Non-Axial displacement of eyeball |
9A20.Y,Other specified displacement of eyeball |
9A20.Z,Displacement of eyeball, unspecified |
9A21.0,Orbital cellulitis |
9A21.1,Orbital subperiosteal abscess |
9A21.2,Orbital abscess |
9A21.3,Periostitis of orbit |
9A21.Y,Other specified orbital infection |
9A21.Z,Orbital infection, unspecified |
9A22.0,Dysthyroid orbitopathy |
9A22.1,Diffuse orbital inflammation |
9A22.2,Granulomatous orbital inflammation |
9A22.Y,Other specified orbital inflammation |
9A22.Z,Orbital inflammation, unspecified |
9A23.0,Congenital orbital cyst |
9A23.1,Acquired orbital cyst |
9A23.Z,Orbital cyst, unspecified |
9A24.0,Contraction of orbit |
9A24.1,Expansion of orbit |
9A24.2,Distortion of orbit |
9A24.3,Enlargement of bony orbit |
9A24.4,Exostosis of orbit |
9A24.Y,Other specified bony deformity of orbit |
9A24.Z,Bony deformity of orbit, unspecified |
9A25.0,Anophthalmic socket |
9A25.1,Microphthalmic socket |
9A25.2,Contracted socket |
9A25.3,Oedema of orbit |
9A25.4,Haemorrhage of orbit |
9A25.5,Atrophy of soft tissue of orbit |
9A25.Y,Other specified soft tissue deformity of orbit |
9A25.Z,Soft tissue deformity of orbit, unspecified |
9A26,Combined bony and soft tissue deformity of orbit |
9A2Y,Other specified disorders of orbit |
9A2Z,Disorders of orbit, unspecified |
9A4Y,Other specified disorders of the ocular adnexa or orbit |
9A4Z,Disorders of the ocular adnexa or orbit, unspecified |
9A60.00,Giant papillary conjunctivitis |
9A60.01,Acute atopic conjunctivitis |
9A60.02,Allergic conjunctivitis |
9A60.0Y,Other specified papillary conjunctivitis |
9A60.0Z,Papillary conjunctivitis, unspecified |
9A60.1,Follicular conjunctivitis |
9A60.2,Cicatrizing conjunctivitis |
9A60.30,Ulceration of conjunctiva |
9A60.31,Abscess of conjunctiva |
9A60.32,Conjunctivitis due to Koch-Weeks bacillus |
9A60.33,Acute epidemic conjunctivitis |
9A60.3Y,Other specified mucopurulent conjunctivitis |
9A60.3Z,Mucopurulent conjunctivitis, unspecified |
9A60.4,Blepharoconjunctivitis |
9A60.5,Vernal keratoconjunctivitis |
9A60.6,Serous conjunctivitis, except viral |
9A60.Y,Other specified conjunctivitis |
9A60.Z,Conjunctivitis, unspecified |
9A61.0,Pingueculae |
9A61.1,Pterygium |
9A61.2,Pseudopterygium of conjunctiva |
9A61.3,Conjunctival scars |
9A61.40,Vascular abnormalities of conjunctiva |
9A61.4Y,Other specified conjunctival vascular disorders |
9A61.4Z,Conjunctival vascular disorders, unspecified |
9A61.5,Conjunctival or subconjunctival haemorrhage |
9A61.6,Conjunctival or subconjunctival degenerations or deposits |
9A61.Z,Certain specified disorders of conjunctiva, unspecified |
9A6Y,Other specified disorders of conjunctiva |
9A6Z,Disorders of conjunctiva, unspecified |
9A70.0,Endothelial corneal dystrophy |
9A70.Y,Other specified hereditary corneal dystrophies |
9A70.Z,Hereditary corneal dystrophies, unspecified |
9A71,Infectious keratitis |
9A72,Traumatic keratitis |
9A73,Exposure keratitis |
9A74,Neurotrophic keratitis |
9A75,Autoimmune keratitis |
9A76,Corneal ulcer |
9A77.0,Contact lens-associated corneal infiltrates |
9A77.1,Adherent leukoma |
9A77.Y,Other specified corneal scars or opacities |
9A77.Z,Corneal scars or opacities, unspecified |
9A78.0,Corneal neovascularization |
9A78.1,Corneal pigmentations or deposits |
9A78.20,Bullous keratopathy |
9A78.21,Secondary corneal oedema |
9A78.2Y,Other specified corneal oedema |
9A78.2Z,Corneal oedema, unspecified |
9A78.3,Changes in corneal membranes |
9A78.4,Corneal degeneration |
9A78.50,Keratoconus |
9A78.51,Corneal staphyloma |
9A78.5Y,Other specified corneal deformities |
9A78.5Z,Corneal deformities, unspecified |
9A78.6,Anaesthesia of cornea |
9A78.7,Hypoesthesia of cornea |
9A78.8,Recurrent erosion of cornea |
9A78.9,Corneal abscess |
9A78.A,Sclerosing keratitis |
9A78.Z,Certain specified disorders of cornea, unspecified |
9A79,Keratoconjunctivitis sicca |
9A7Y,Other specified disorders of the cornea |
9A7Z,Disorders of the cornea, unspecified |
9A80,Hyphaema |
9A81,Parasites in the anterior chamber of the eye |
9A82,Cyst in the anterior chamber of the eye |
9A83,Flat anterior chamber hypotony of eye |
9A8Y,Other specified disorders of the anterior chamber |
9A8Z,Disorders of the anterior chamber, unspecified |
9A90.0,Disorders of chamber angle |
9A90.1,Degeneration of iris |
9A90.2,Iris atrophy |
9A90.Y,Other specified degeneration of iris or ciliary body |
9A90.Z,Degeneration of iris or ciliary body, unspecified |
9A91,Cyst of iris, ciliary body or anterior chamber |
9A92,Persistent pupillary membranes |
9A93,Adhesions or disruptions of iris or ciliary body |
9A94.0,Rubeosis of iris |
9A94.1,Floppy iris syndrome |
9A94.2,Plateau iris syndrome |
9A94.Y,Other disorders of iris and ciliary body |
9A96.0,Anterior uveitis not associated with systemic conditions |
9A96.1,Anterior uveitis associated with systemic conditions |
9A96.2,Infection-associated anterior uveitis |
9A96.3,Primary anterior uveitis |
9A96.4,Hypopyon |
9A96.Y,Other specified anterior uveitis |
9A96.Z,Anterior uveitis, unspecified |
9A9Y,Other specified disorders of the anterior uvea |
9A9Z,Disorders of the anterior uvea, unspecified |
9B00.0,Relative afferent pupillary defects |
9B00.1,Amaurotic pupillary reaction |
9B00.2,Paradoxical pupillary reaction to light or darkness |
9B00.3,Wernicke pupils |
9B00.Y,Other specified disorders of the afferent pupillary system |
9B00.Z,Disorders of the afferent pupillary system, unspecified |
9B01.0,Physiologic anisocoria |
9B01.1,Parasympathoparetic pupils |
9B01.2,Pharmacologic inhibition of the parasympathetic pathway |
9B01.3,Iris sphincter disorders |
9B01.4,Pharmacologic parasympathicotonic pupils |
9B01.5,Pharmacologic sympathoparetic pupils |
9B01.6,Sympathotonic pupils |
9B01.7,Episodic unilateral mydriasis |
9B01.Y,Other specified disorders of the efferent pupillary system |
9B01.Z,Disorders of the efferent pupillary system, unspecified |
9B02.0,Argyll Robertson pupil |
9B02.1,Pregeniculate light-near dissociations |
9B02.2,Mesencephalic light-near dissociations |
9B02.Y,Other specified light-near dissociations |
9B02.Z,Light-near dissociations, unspecified |
9B0Y,Other specified functional disorders of the pupil |
9B0Z,Functional disorders of the pupil, unspecified |
9B10.00,Coronary age-related cataract |
9B10.01,Punctate age-related cataract |
9B10.02,Mature age-related cataract |
9B10.0Y,Other specified age-related cataract |
9B10.0Z,Age-related cataract, unspecified |
9B10.10,Combined forms of infantile and juvenile cataract |
9B10.1Y,Other specified infantile or juvenile cataract |
9B10.1Z,Infantile or juvenile cataract, unspecified |
9B10.20,Traumatic cataract |
9B10.21,Diabetic cataract |
9B10.22,After-cataract |
9B10.23,Subcapsular glaucomatous flecks |
9B10.2Y,Other specified cataracts |
9B10.Z,Cataract, unspecified |
9B11.0,Aphakia |
9B11.1,Dislocation of lens |
9B11.Y,Other disorders of lens |
9B1Z,Disorders of lens, unspecified |
9B3Y,Other specified disorders of the eyeball - anterior segment |
9B3Z,Disorders of the eyeball - anterior segment, unspecified |
9B50,Episcleritis |
9B51,Scleritis |
9B52,Scleral staphyloma |
9B5Y,Other specified disorders of sclera |
9B5Z,Disorders of sclera, unspecified |
9B60,Choroidal degeneration |
9B61,Choroidal dystrophy |
9B62,Chorioretinal scars |
9B63,Choroidal haemorrhage or rupture |
9B64,Choroidal detachment |
9B65.0,Noninfectious posterior choroiditis |
9B65.1,Infectious posterior choroiditis |
9B65.2,Chorioretinal inflammation |
9B65.Z,Choroiditis, unspecified |
9B66.0,Noninfectious intermediate choroiditis |
9B66.1,Infectious intermediate choroiditis |
9B66.Z,Intermediate choroiditis, unspecified |
9B6Y,Other specified disorders of the choroid |
9B6Z,Disorders of the choroid, unspecified |
9B70,Inherited retinal dystrophies |
9B71.00,Nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy |
9B71.01,Proliferative diabetic retinopathy |
9B71.02,Diabetic macular oedema |
9B71.0Z,Diabetic retinopathy, unspecified |
9B71.1,Hypertensive retinopathy |
9B71.2,Radiation retinopathy |
9B71.3,Retinopathy of prematurity |
9B71.40,Melanoma associated retinopathy |
9B71.4Y,Other specified paraneoplastic retinopathy |
9B71.4Z,Paraneoplastic retinopathy, unspecified |
9B71.5,Autoimmune retinopathy |
9B71.Y,Other specified retinopathy |
9B71.Z,Retinopathy, unspecified |
9B72.00,Cytomegaloviral retinitis |
9B72.01,HIV retinitis |
9B72.0Y,Other specified viral retinitis |
9B72.0Z,Viral retinitis, unspecified |
9B72.Y,Other specified inflammatory diseases of the retina |
9B72.Z,Inflammatory diseases of the retina, unspecified |
9B73.0,Retinal detachment with retinal break |
9B73.10,Adult retinoschisis |
9B73.11,Juvenile retinoschisis |
9B73.1Y,Other specified retinoschisis |
9B73.1Z,Retinoschisis, unspecified |
9B73.2,Retinal cysts |
9B73.3,Serous retinal detachment |
9B73.4,Retinal breaks without detachment |
9B73.Y,Other specified retinal detachments or breaks |
9B73.Z,Retinal detachments or breaks, unspecified |
9B74.0,Retinal artery occlusions |
9B74.1,Retinal venous occlusions |
9B74.2,Combined arterial and vein occlusion |
9B74.Y,Other specified retinal vascular occlusions |
9B74.Z,Retinal vascular occlusions, unspecified |
9B75.00,Early age related macular degeneration |
9B75.01,Intermediate age related macular degeneration |
9B75.02,Advanced age related macular degeneration |
9B75.0Y,Other specified age related macular degeneration |
9B75.0Z,Age related macular degeneration, unspecified |
9B75.1,Non-traumatic macular hole |
9B75.2,Central serous chorioretinopathy |
9B75.3,Macular telangiectasia |
9B75.Y,Other specified macular Disorders |
9B75.Z,Macular Disorders, unspecified |
9B76,Degenerative high myopia |
9B77,Eales disease |
9B78.0,Retinal vasculopathy and cerebral leukodystrophy |
9B78.10,Changes in retinal vascular appearance |
9B78.11,Exudative retinopathy |
9B78.12,Retinal vasculitis |
9B78.13,Retinal telangiectasis |
9B78.1Y,Other specified background retinopathy and retinal vascular changes |
9B78.1Z,Background retinopathy and retinal vascular changes, unspecified |
9B78.2,Other proliferative retinopathy |
9B78.30,Reticular pseudodrusen |
9B78.3Y,Other specified degeneration of macula or posterior pole |
9B78.3Z,Degeneration of macula or posterior pole, unspecified |
9B78.4,Peripheral retinal degeneration |
9B78.5,Retinal haemorrhage |
9B78.60,Serous detachment of retinal pigment epithelium |
9B78.61,Haemorrhagic detachment of retinal pigment epithelium |
9B78.6Y,Other specified separation of retinal layers |
9B78.6Z,Separation of retinal layers, unspecified |
9B78.7,Retinal oedema |
9B78.8,Retinal ischaemia |
9B78.9,Retinal atrophy |
9B7Y,Other specified disorders of the retina |
9B7Z,Disorders of the retina, unspecified |
9B80,Inherited vitreoretinal disorders |
9B81,Posterior vitreous detachment |
9B82,Vitreous prolapse |
9B83,Vitreous haemorrhage |
9B84,Vitreous opacities, membranes or strands |
9B8Y,Other specified disorders of the vitreous body |
9B8Z,Disorders of the vitreous body, unspecified |
9C0Y,Other specified disorders of the eyeball - posterior segment |
9C0Z,Disorders of the eyeball - posterior segment, unspecified |
9C20.0,Noninfectious panuveitis |
9C20.1,Infectious panuveitis |
9C20.2,Purulent endophthalmitis |
9C20.Y,Other specified panuveitis |
9C20.Z,Panuveitis, unspecified |
9C21.0,Sympathetic uveitis |
9C21.Y,Other specified endophthalmitis |
9C21.Z,Endophthalmitis, unspecified |
9C22.0,Atrophic Bulbi |
9C22.1,Phthisis Bulbi |
9C22.Y,Other specified eyeball deformity |
9C22.Z,Eyeball deformity, unspecified |
9C2Y,Other specified disorders of the eyeball affecting both anterior and posterior segments |
9C2Z,Disorders of the eyeball affecting both anterior and posterior segments, unspecified |
9C40.0,Infectious optic neuropathy |
9C40.10,Retrobulbar neuritis |
9C40.1Y,Other specified optic neuritis |
9C40.1Z,Optic neuritis, unspecified |
9C40.2,Neuroretinitis |
9C40.3,Perineuritis of optic nerve |
9C40.40,Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy |
9C40.41,Posterior ischemic optic neuropathy |
9C40.4Y,Other specified ischaemic optic neuropathy |
9C40.4Z,Ischaemic optic neuropathy, unspecified |
9C40.5,Compressive optic neuropathy |
9C40.6,Infiltrative optic neuropathy |
9C40.7,Traumatic optic neuropathy |
9C40.8,Hereditary optic neuropathy |
9C40.9,Glaucomatous optic neuropathy |
9C40.A0,Papilloedema |
9C40.A1,Optic disc swelling associated with uveitis |
9C40.AY,Other specified optic disc swelling |
9C40.AZ,Optic disc swelling, unspecified |
9C40.B0,Congenital optic atrophy |
9C40.B1,Acquired optic atrophy |
9C40.BZ,Optic atrophy, unspecified |
9C40.Y,Other specified disorder of the optic nerve |
9C40.Z,Disorder of the optic nerve, unspecified |
9C41,Disorder of optic chiasm |
9C42,Disorder of post chiasmal visual pathways |
9C43,Disorder of visual cortex |
9C44,Disorder of higher visual centres |
9C4Y,Other specified disorders of the visual pathways or centres |
9C4Z,Disorders of the visual pathways or centres, unspecified |
9C60,Glaucoma suspect |
9C61.00,Normal tension glaucoma |
9C61.01,Ocular hypertension |
9C61.0Y,Other specified primary open-angle glaucoma |
9C61.0Z,Primary open-angle glaucoma, unspecified |
9C61.10,Primary angle closure suspect or anatomical narrow angle |
9C61.11,Primary angle-closure |
9C61.12,Primary angle closure glaucoma |
9C61.13,Primary angle closure without pupillary block |
9C61.14,Acute angle closure with pupillary block |
9C61.15,Intermittent angle-closure |
9C61.16,Chronic angle-closure |
9C61.17,Condition after acute angle-closure glaucoma attack |
9C61.1Y,Other specified primary angle closure and angle closure glaucoma |
9C61.1Z,Primary angle closure and angle closure glaucoma, unspecified |
9C61.20,Pseudoexfoliative open-angle glaucoma |
9C61.21,Pigmentary open-angle glaucoma |
9C61.22,Lens-induced secondary open-angle glaucoma |
9C61.23,Glaucoma associated with intraocular haemorrhage |
9C61.24,Glaucoma due to eye inflammation |
9C61.25,Glaucomato-cyclitic crisis |
9C61.26,Secondary open angle glaucoma due to parasitic eye disease |
9C61.27,Glaucoma due to intraocular tumours |
9C61.28,Glaucoma associated with retinal detachment |
9C61.29,Glaucoma due to eye trauma |
9C61.2A,Glaucoma due to drugs |
9C61.2B,Glaucoma caused by increased episcleral venous pressure |
9C61.2C,Secondary glaucoma due to extra-ocular mass |
9C61.2Y,Other specified secondary open angle glaucoma |
9C61.2Z,Secondary open angle glaucoma, unspecified |
9C61.30,Secondary angle closure glaucoma with pupillary block |
9C61.31,Secondary angle closure glaucoma without pupillary block |
9C61.32,Neovascular secondary angle closure glaucoma |
9C61.33,Secondary angle closure glaucoma due to endothelial overgrowth |
9C61.34,Secondary angle closure glaucoma due to epithelial ingrowth |
9C61.35,Ciliary block glaucoma |
9C61.36,Secondary angle closure glaucoma due to other anterior displacement of the lens-iris diaphragm |
9C61.3Y,Other specified secondary angle closure glaucoma |
9C61.3Z,Secondary angle closure glaucoma, unspecified |
9C61.40,Primary congenital glaucoma |
9C61.41,Primary infantile glaucoma |
9C61.42,Secondary childhood glaucoma |
9C61.4Y,Other specified developmental glaucoma |
9C61.4Z,Developmental glaucoma, unspecified |
9C61.Z,Glaucoma, unspecified |
9C6Y,Other specified glaucoma or glaucoma suspect |
9C6Z,Glaucoma or glaucoma suspect, unspecified |
9C80.0,Esotropia |
9C80.1,Exotropia |
9C80.2,Vertical or torsional strabismus |
9C80.30,Intermittent divergent exotropia |
9C80.31,Intermittent convergent esotropia |
9C80.3Y,Other specified intermittent strabismus |
9C80.3Z,Intermittent strabismus, unspecified |
9C80.4,Heterophoria |
9C80.5,Mechanical strabismus |
9C80.Y,Other specified non paralytic strabismus |
9C80.Z,Non paralytic strabismus, unspecified |
9C81.00,External bilateral paralysis of oculomotor nerve |
9C81.0Y,Other specified third nerve palsy |
9C81.0Z,Third nerve palsy, unspecified |
9C81.1,Fourth nerve palsy |
9C81.2,Sixth nerve palsy |
9C81.3,Total external ophthalmoplegia |
9C81.4,Cavernous sinus syndromes |
9C81.Y,Other specified ocular motor nerve palsies |
9C81.Z,Ocular motor nerve palsies, unspecified |
9C82.0,Progressive external ophthalmoplegia |
9C82.1,Muscular dystrophy affecting extraocular muscle |
9C82.2,Congenital cranial dysinnervation syndrome |
9C82.3,Restrictive ophthalmopathy |
9C82.4,Oculomotor apraxia |
9C82.Y,Other specified disorders of extraocular muscles |
9C82.Z,Disorders of extraocular muscles, unspecified |
9C83.00,Horizontal gaze palsy |
9C83.01,Vertical gaze palsy |
9C83.02,Monocular elevator palsy |
9C83.0Y,Other specified palsy of conjugate gaze |
9C83.0Z,Palsy of conjugate gaze, unspecified |
9C83.10,Horizontal conjugate gaze deviation |
9C83.11,Upward gaze deviation |
9C83.12,Downward gaze deviation |
9C83.13,Oculogyric crisis |
9C83.1Y,Other specified spasm of conjugate gaze |
9C83.1Z,Spasm of conjugate gaze, unspecified |
9C83.2,Convergence insufficiency |
9C83.3,Convergence excess |
9C83.4,Spasm of the near reflex |
9C83.5,Internuclear ophthalmoplegia |
9C83.60,Divergence insufficiency |
9C83.61,Divergence paralysis |
9C83.62,Divergence excess |
9C83.63,Synergistic divergence |
9C83.64,Skew deviation |
9C83.65,Ocular tilt reaction |
9C83.66,Alternating skew deviation |
9C83.67,Dissociative vertical divergence |
9C83.6Y,Other specified anomalies of divergence or deviation of eye movement |
9C83.6Z,Anomalies of divergence or deviation of eye movement, unspecified |
9C83.Y,Other specified disorders of binocular movement |
9C83.Z,Disorders of binocular movement, unspecified |
9C84.0,Physiological nystagmus |
9C84.1,Congenital forms of nystagmus |
9C84.20,Down beat nystagmus |
9C84.21,Upbeat nystagmus |
9C84.22,Torsional nystagmus |
9C84.23,Perverted nystagmus |
9C84.2Y,Other specified vestibular nystagmus |
9C84.2Z,Vestibular nystagmus, unspecified |
9C84.3,Seesaw nystagmus |
9C84.4,Gaze-evoked nystagmus |
9C84.50,Visual deprivation nystagmus |
9C84.51,Divergence nystagmus |
9C84.52,Convergence-retraction nystagmus |
9C84.5Y,Other specified nystagmus occurring in visual system disorders |
9C84.5Z,Nystagmus occurring in visual system disorders, unspecified |
9C84.6,Eyelid nystagmus |
9C84.Y,Other specified nystagmus |
9C84.Z,Nystagmus, unspecified |
9C85.00,Disorders of the saccadic pulse |
9C85.01,Disorders of the saccadic step |
9C85.02,Inappropriate saccades |
9C85.0Y,Other specified anomalies of saccadic eye movements |
9C85.0Z,Anomalies of saccadic eye movements, unspecified |
9C85.1,Anomalies of smooth pursuit movements |
9C85.2,Nonorganic eye movement disorders |
9C85.Y,Other specified irregular eye movements |
9C85.Z,Irregular eye movements, unspecified |
9C8Y,Other specified strabismus or ocular motility |
9C8Z,Strabismus or ocular motility, unspecified |
9D00.0,Myopia |
9D00.1,Hypermetropia |
9D00.2,Astigmatism |
9D00.3,Presbyopia |
9D00.4,Anisometropia |
9D00.5,Aniseikonia |
9D00.6,Transient refractive change |
9D00.Y,Other specified disorders of refraction |
9D00.Z,Disorders of refraction, unspecified |
9D01.0,Internal ophthalmoplegia |
9D01.1,Paresis of accommodation |
9D01.2,Spasm of accommodation |
9D01.Y,Other specified disorders of accommodation |
9D01.Z,Disorders of accommodation, unspecified |
9D0Y,Other specified disorders of refraction or accommodation |
9D0Z,Disorders of refraction or accommodation, unspecified |
9D20,Bullous aphakic keratopathy following cataract surgery |
9D21,Cataract lens fragments in eye following cataract surgery |
9D22,Chorioretinal scars after surgery for detachment |
9D23,Conjunctival blebitis after glaucoma surgery |
9D24,Complications with glaucoma drainage devices |
9D25,Glaucoma due to ocular surgery or laser |
9D40,Impairment of visual acuity |
9D41,Impairment of visual field |
9D42.0,Visual field loss, pattern not specified |
9D42.1,Normal Visual Field |
9D42.20,Enlarged blind spot |
9D42.21,Arcuate scotoma |
9D42.22,Nasal step |
9D42.23,Ring scotoma |
9D42.24,Isolated peripheral scotoma |
9D42.2Y,Other specified peripheral field deficit |
9D42.2Z,Peripheral field deficit, unspecified |
9D42.3,Hemianopic or quadrantic loss |
9D42.4,Central scotoma |
9D42.5,Para-central scotoma |
9D42.60,Right hemi-field homonymous hemianopia or quadrant anopia |
9D42.61,Left hemi-field homonymous hemianopia or quadrant anopia |
9D42.6Y,Other specified homonymous hemianopia or quadrant anopia |
9D42.6Z,Homonymous hemianopia or quadrant anopia, unspecified |
9D42.70,Bi-nasal defects heteronymous hemianopia or quadrant anopia |
9D42.71,Bi-temporal defects heteronymous hemianopia or quadrant anopia |
9D42.7Y,Other specified heteronymous hemianopia or quadrant anopia |
9D42.7Z,Heteronymous hemianopia or quadrant anopia, unspecified |
9D42.8,Visual field loss, other specified forms |
9D42.Y,Other specified patterns of visual field impairment |
9D42.Z,Patterns of visual field impairment, unspecified |
9D43,Impairment of contrast vision |
9D44,Impairment of colour vision |
9D45,Impairment of light sensitivity |
9D46,Impairment of binocular functions |
9D50,Visual discomfort |
9D51,Transient visual loss |
9D52,Hemifield losses |
9D53,Entoptic phenomena |
9D54,Visual illusions |
9D55,Nonorganic visual loss |
9D56,Visual release hallucinations |
9D5Y,Other specified subjective visual experiences |
9D5Z,Subjective visual experiences, unspecified |
9D7Y,Other specified impairment of visual functions |
9D7Z,Impairment of visual functions, unspecified |
9D90.0,No vision impairment |
9D90.1,Mild vision impairment |
9D90.2,Moderate vision impairment |
9D90.3,Severe vision impairment |
9D90.4,Blindness, binocular |
9D90.5,Blindness, monocular |
9D90.Y,Other specified vision impairment including blindness |
9D90.Z,Vision impairment including blindness, unspecified |
9D91,Near vision deficits |
9D92,Specific vision dysfunctions |
9D93,Complex vision-related dysfunctions |
9D9Y,Other specified vision impairment |
9D9Z,Vision impairment, unspecified |
9E1Y,Other specified diseases of the visual system |
9E1Z,Diseases of the visual system, unspecified |
AA00,Abscess of external ear |
AA01,Cellulitis of external ear |
AA02,Malignant otitis externa |
AA03,Otomycosis |
AA04,Perichondritis of external ear |
AA0Y,Other specified infectious diseases of external ear |
AA0Z,Infectious diseases of external ear, unspecified |
AA10,Seborrhoeic otitis externa |
AA11,Acute noninfectious otitis externa |
AA12,Chondrodermatitis nodularis |
AA13,Chronic otitis externa |
AA1Y,Other specified noninfectious inflammation of external ear |
AA1Z,Noninfectious inflammation of external ear, unspecified |
AA3Z,Otitis externa, unspecified |
AA40.0,Exostosis of external auditory canal |
AA40.1,Acquired stenosis of external auditory canal |
AA40.2,Cholesteatoma of external auditory canal |
AA40.Y,Other specified acquired deformity of external auditory canal |
AA41.0,Cauliflower ear |
AA41.Y,Other specified acquired deformity of pinna |
AA42,Impacted cerumen |
AA4Y,Other specified noninflammatory disorders of the external ear |
AA4Z,Noninflammatory disorders of the external ear, unspecified |
AA6Z,Diseases of external ear, unspecified |
AA80,Acute serous or mucoid otitis media |
AA81,Acute nonserous nonsuppurative otitis media |
AA82,Chronic serous or mucoid otitis media |
AA83,Noninfected otitis media with effusion |
AA8Z,Nonsuppurative otitis media, unspecified |
AA90,Acute suppurative otitis media |
AA91.0,Chronic tubotympanic suppurative otitis media |
AA91.1,Chronic atticoantral suppurative otitis media |
AA91.2,Other chronic suppurative otitis media |
AA91.Z,Chronic suppurative otitis media, unspecified |
AA9Y,Other specified suppurative otitis media |
AA9Z,Suppurative otitis media, unspecified |
AB00,Acute otitis media |
AB01,Chronic otitis media |
AB0Y,Other specified otitis media |
AB0Z,Otitis media, unspecified |
AB10.0,Diverticulum of Eustachian tube |
AB10.1,Patulous Eustachian tube |
AB10.2,Eustachian salpingitis |
AB10.3,Obstruction of Eustachian tube |
AB10.Y,Other specified disorders of Eustachian tube |
AB10.Z,Disorders of Eustachian tube, unspecified |
AB11.0,Acute mastoiditis |
AB11.1,Chronic mastoiditis |
AB11.2,Petrositis |
AB11.3,Mastoiditis, not elsewhere classified |
AB11.Y,Other specified mastoiditis or related conditions |
AB11.Z,Mastoiditis or related conditions, unspecified |
AB12,Cholesteatoma of middle ear |
AB13.0,Central perforation of tympanic membrane |
AB13.1,Attic perforation of tympanic membrane |
AB13.2,Other marginal perforations of tympanic membrane |
AB13.Y,Other specified perforation of tympanic membrane |
AB13.Z,Perforation of tympanic membrane, unspecified |
AB14,Acute myringitis |
AB15,Chronic myringitis |
AB16,Tympanosclerosis |
AB17,Adhesive middle ear disease |
AB18,Discontinuity or dislocation of ear ossicles |
AB19,Acquired abnormalities of ear ossicles not related to discontinuity or dislocation |
AB1A.0,Aural polyp |
AB1A.Y,Other specified polyp of middle ear |
AB1A.Z,Polyp of middle ear, unspecified |
AB1B,Middle ear cicatrix |
AB1Y,Other specified diseases of middle ear or mastoid |
AB1Z,Diseases of middle ear or mastoid, unspecified |
AB30.0,Vestibular neuritis |
AB30.1,Labyrinthitis |
AB30.Y,Other specified acute vestibular syndrome |
AB30.Z,Acute vestibular syndrome, unspecified |
AB31.0,Meniere disease |
AB31.1,Vestibular migraine |
AB31.2,Benign positional paroxysmal vertigo |
AB31.3,Superior canal dehiscence syndrome |
AB31.4,Disembarkment syndrome |
AB31.5,Autoimmune inner ear disease |
AB31.6,Vestibular paroxysmia |
AB31.7,Vertiginous syndromes |
AB31.Y,Other specified episodic vestibular syndrome |
AB31.Z,Episodic vestibular syndrome, unspecified |
AB32.0,Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness |
AB32.1,Chronic unilateral idiopathic vestibulopathy |
AB32.2,Persistent unilateral vestibulopathy after vestibular neuronitis |
AB32.3,Unilateral vestibulopathy due to schwannoma |
AB32.4,Unilateral vestibulopathy after medical intervention |
AB32.5,Chronic bilateral vestibulopathy |
AB32.Y,Other specified chronic vestibular syndrome |
AB32.Z,Chronic vestibular syndrome, unspecified |
AB33,Otosclerosis |
AB34.0,Idiopathic bilateral vestibulopathy |
AB34.1,Other peripheral vertigo |
AB34.Y,Other specified disorders of vestibular function |
AB34.Z,Disorders of vestibular function, unspecified |
AB35,Labyrinthine fistula |
AB36,Labyrinthine dysfunction |
AB37,Noise effects on inner ear |
AB3Y,Other specified diseases of inner ear |
AB3Z,Diseases of inner ear, unspecified |
AB50.0,Congenital conductive hearing loss |
AB50.1,Congenital sensorineural hearing loss |
AB50.2,Congenital mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss |
AB50.Y,Other specified congenital hearing impairment |
AB50.Z,Congenital hearing impairment, unspecified |
AB51.0,Acquired conductive hearing loss |
AB51.1,Acquired sensorineural hearing loss |
AB51.2,Acquired mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss |
AB51.Y,Other specified acquired hearing impairment |
AB51.Z,Acquired hearing impairment, unspecified |
AB52,Deafness not otherwise specified |
AB53,Ototoxic hearing loss |
AB54,Presbycusis |
AB55,Sudden idiopathic hearing loss |
AB56,Hereditary hearing loss |
AB57,Auditory synaptopathy or neuropathy |
AB5Y,Other specified disorders with hearing impairment |
AB5Z,Disorders with hearing impairment, unspecified |
AB70.0,Otorrhoea |
AB70.1,Otorrhagia |
AB70.2,Otalgia |
AB71,Degenerative or vascular disorders of ear |
AB72.0,Acoustic neuritis |
AB72.Y,Other specified disorders of acoustic nerve |
AB72.Z,Disorders of acoustic nerve, unspecified |
AB73,Atrophy ear |
AB7Y,Other specified disorders of ear, not elsewhere classified |
AB90,Recurrent cholesteatoma of postmastoidectomy cavity |
AB91,Mucosal cyst of postmastoidectomy cavity |
AB92,Granulation of postmastoidectomy cavity |
AB93,Chronic inflammation of postmastoidectomy cavity |
AC0Y,Other specified diseases of the ear or mastoid process |
AC0Z,Diseases of the ear or mastoid process, unspecified |
BA00.0,Combined diastolic and systolic hypertension |
BA00.1,Isolated diastolic hypertension |
BA00.2,Isolated systolic hypertension |
BA00.Y,Other specified essential hypertension |
BA00.Z,Essential hypertension, unspecified |
BA01,Hypertensive heart disease |
BA02,Hypertensive renal disease |
BA03,Hypertensive crisis |
BA04,Secondary hypertension |
BA20,Idiopathic hypotension |
BA21,Orthostatic hypotension |
BA2Y,Other specified hypotension |
BA2Z,Hypotension, unspecified |
BA40.0,Unstable angina |
BA40.1,Stable angina |
BA40.Y,Other specified angina pectoris |
BA40.Z,Angina pectoris, unspecified |
BA41.0,Acute ST elevation myocardial infarction |
BA41.1,Acute non-ST elevation myocardial infarction |
BA41.Z,Acute myocardial infarction, unspecified |
BA42.0,Subsequent myocardial infarction, STEMI |
BA42.1,Subsequent myocardial infarction, NSTEMI |
BA42.Z,Subsequent myocardial infarction, unspecified |
BA43,Coronary thrombosis not resulting in myocardial infarction |
BA4Z,Acute ischaemic heart disease, unspecified |
BA50,Old myocardial infarction |
BA51,Ischaemic cardiomyopathy |
BA5Z,Chronic ischaemic heart disease, unspecified |
BA60.0,Dressler syndrome |
BA60.1,Other pericarditis as current complication following acute myocardial infarction |
BA60.2,Ventricular aneurysm as current complication following acute myocardial infarction |
BA60.3,Ventricular septal defect as current complication following acute myocardial infarction |
BA60.4,Cardiac rupture as current complication following acute myocardial infarction |
BA60.5,Pulmonary embolism as current complication following acute myocardial infarction |
BA60.6,Rupture of papillary muscle or chordae tendineae as current complication following acute myocardial infarction |
BA60.7,Mural thrombus as current complication following acute myocardial infarction |
BA60.8,Arrhythmia as current complication following acute myocardial infarction |
BA60.9,Cardiogenic shock, unrelated to mechanical complications, as current complication following acute myocardial infarction |
BA60.Y,Other specified current complications following acute myocardial infarction |
BA60.Z,Certain current complications following acute myocardial infarction, unspecified |
BA6Z,Ischaemic heart diseases, unspecified |
BA80.0,Coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery |
BA80.1,Coronary atherosclerosis of autologous bypass graft |
BA80.2,Coronary atherosclerosis of non-autologous bypass graft |
BA80.Z,Coronary atherosclerosis, unspecified site |
BA81.0,Coronary artery aneurysm with perforation |
BA81.1,Coronary artery aneurysm with rupture |
BA81.2,Coronary artery aneurysm without mention of perforation or rupture |
BA82,Coronary artery dissection |
BA83,Coronary artery fistula, acquired |
BA84,Chronic total occlusion of coronary artery |
BA85.0,Silent coronary vasospastic disease |
BA85.Y,Other specified coronary vasospastic disease |
BA85.Z,Coronary vasospastic disease, unspecified |
BA86,Coronary microvascular disease |
BA8Y,Other specified diseases of coronary artery |
BA8Z,Diseases of coronary artery, unspecified |
BB00.0,Acute pulmonary thromboembolism |
BB00.1,Chronic pulmonary thromboembolism |
BB00.Z,Pulmonary thromboembolism, unspecified |
BB01.0,Pulmonary arterial hypertension |
BB01.1,Pulmonary hypertension due to left heart disease |
BB01.2,Pulmonary hypertension due to lung disease or hypoxia |
BB01.3,Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension |
BB01.4,Pulmonary hypertension with multifactorial mechanism |
BB01.5,Cor pulmonale |
BB01.Z,Pulmonary hypertension, unspecified |
BB02.0,Arteriovenous fistula of pulmonary vessels |
BB02.10,Aneurysm of pulmonary artery with perforation |
BB02.11,Aneurysm of pulmonary artery with rupture |
BB02.12,Aneurysm of pulmonary artery without mention of perforation or rupture |
BB02.1Y,Other specified aneurysm of pulmonary artery |
BB02.1Z,Aneurysm of pulmonary artery, unspecified |
BB02.2,Rupture of pulmonary vessels |
BB02.30,Postprocedural pulmonary trunk stenosis |
BB02.3Y,Other specified acquired pulmonary arterial tree abnormality |
BB02.3Z,Acquired pulmonary arterial tree abnormality, unspecified |
BB03.0,Acquired pulmonary venous obstruction |
BB03.Y,Other specified acquired pulmonary venous abnormality |
BB03.Z,Acquired pulmonary venous abnormality, unspecified |
BB0Y,Other specified pulmonary heart disease or diseases of pulmonary circulation |
BB0Z,Pulmonary heart disease or diseases of pulmonary circulation, unspecified |
BB20.0,Infectious pericarditis |
BB20.1,Neoplastic pericarditis |
BB20.2,Myopericarditis |
BB20.Y,Other specified acute pericarditis |
BB20.Z,Acute pericarditis, unspecified |
BB21,Chronic rheumatic pericarditis |
BB22,Constrictive pericarditis |
BB23,Cardiac tamponade |
BB24,Haemopericardium |
BB25,Pericardial effusion |
BB2Y,Other specified pericarditis |
BB2Z,Pericarditis, unspecified |
BB40,Acute or subacute infectious endocarditis |
BB41,Myoendocarditis |
BB42,Periendocarditis |
BB4Y,Other specified acute or subacute endocarditis |
BB4Z,Acute or subacute endocarditis, unspecified |
BB60.0,Rheumatic mitral valve stenosis |
BB60.1,Nonrheumatic mitral valve stenosis |
BB60.Z,Mitral valve stenosis, unspecified |
BB61.0,Rheumatic mitral valve insufficiency |
BB61.Y,Other specified mitral valve insufficiency |
BB61.Z,Mitral valve insufficiency, unspecified |
BB62.0,Rheumatic mitral valve prolapse |
BB62.1,Degenerative mitral valve prolapse |
BB62.Y,Other specified nonrheumatic mitral valve prolapse |
BB62.Z,Mitral valve prolapse, unspecified |
BB63.0,Rheumatic mitral stenosis with insufficiency |
BB63.1,Nonrheumatic mitral stenosis with insufficiency |
BB63.Z,Mitral valve stenosis with insufficiency, unspecified |
BB64,Mitral valvar abscess |
BB65,Mitral valve rupture |
BB6Y,Other specified mitral valve disease |
BB6Z,Mitral valve disease, unspecified |
BB70.0,Rheumatic aortic valve stenosis |
BB70.1,Nonrheumatic aortic valve stenosis |
BB70.Z,Aortic valve stenosis, unspecified |
BB71.0,Rheumatic aortic valve insufficiency |
BB71.Y,Other specified nonrheumatic aortic valve insufficiency |
BB71.Z,Aortic valve insufficiency, unspecified |
BB72.0,Rheumatic aortic stenosis with insufficiency |
BB72.1,Nonrheumatic aortic valve stenosis with insufficiency |
BB72.Z,Aortic valve stenosis with insufficiency, unspecified |
BB73,Aortic valvar abscess |
BB74,Aortic valvar prolapse |
BB7Y,Other specified aortic valve disease |
BB7Z,Aortic valve disease, unspecified |
BB80.0,Rheumatic tricuspid valve stenosis |
BB80.Y,Other specified nonrheumatic tricuspid valve stenosis |
BB80.Z,Tricuspid valve stenosis, unspecified |
BB81.0,Rheumatic tricuspid valve insufficiency |
BB81.Y,Other specified nonrheumatic tricuspid valve insufficiency |
BB81.Z,Tricuspid valve insufficiency, unspecified |
BB82.0,Rheumatic tricuspid valve stenosis with insufficiency |
BB82.Y,Other specified nonrheumatic tricuspid valve stenosis with insufficiency |
BB82.Z,Tricuspid valve stenosis with insufficiency, unspecified |
BB83,Tricuspid valvular abscess |
BB84,Tricuspid valve rupture |
BB8Y,Other specified tricuspid valve disease |
BB8Z,Tricuspid valve disease, unspecified |
BB90.0,Rheumatic pulmonary valve stenosis |
BB90.Y,Other specified nonrheumatic pulmonary valve stenosis |
BB90.Z,Pulmonary valve stenosis, unspecified |
BB91.0,Rheumatic pulmonary valve insufficiency |
BB91.Y,Other specified nonrheumatic pulmonary valve insufficiency |
BB91.Z,Pulmonary valve insufficiency, unspecified |
BB92.0,Rheumatic pulmonary valve stenosis with insufficiency |
BB92.1,Nonrheumatic pulmonary valve stenosis with insufficiency |
BB92.Z,Pulmonary valve stenosis with insufficiency, unspecified |
BB93,Pulmonary valvar abscess |
BB9Y,Other specified pulmonary valve disease |
BB9Z,Pulmonary valve disease, unspecified |
BC00,Multiple valve disease |
BC01,Prosthetic valve disease |
BC0Z,Heart valve diseases, unspecified |
BC20.0,Rheumatic diseases of endocardium, valve unspecified |
BC20.1,Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified |
BC20.Y,Other specified chronic rheumatic heart disease |
BC20.Z,Chronic rheumatic heart disease, unspecified |
BC40.0,Acquired interatrial communication |
BC40.Y,Other specified acquired atrial abnormality |
BC40.Z,Acquired atrial abnormality, unspecified |
BC41.0,Acquired interventricular communication |
BC41.Y,Other specified acquired ventricular abnormality |
BC41.Z,Acquired ventricular abnormality, unspecified |
BC42.0,Giant cell myocarditis |
BC42.1,Infectious myocarditis |
BC42.2,Hypersensitivity myocarditis |
BC42.30,Rheumatic cardiomyopathy |
BC42.3Y,Other specified rheumatic myocarditis |
BC42.3Z,Rheumatic myocarditis, unspecified |
BC42.Y,Other specific myocarditis |
BC42.Z,Myocarditis, unspecified |
BC43.00,Familial-genetic dilated cardiomyopathy |
BC43.01,Nonfamilial dilated cardiomyopathy |
BC43.0Z,Dilated cardiomyopathy, unspecified |
BC43.10,Familial-genetic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy |
BC43.11,Non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy |
BC43.12,Obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy |
BC43.1Y,Other specified hypertrophic cardiomyopathy |
BC43.1Z,Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, unspecified |
BC43.20,Nonfamilial restrictive cardiomyopathy |
BC43.2Y,Other specified restrictive cardiomyopathy |
BC43.2Z,Restrictive cardiomyopathy, unspecified |
BC43.3,Endocardial fibroelastosis |
BC43.4,Cardiomyopathy due to drugs or other external agents |
BC43.5,Stress-induced cardiomyopathy |
BC43.6,Arrhythmogenic ventricular cardiomyopathy |
BC43.7,Diabetic cardiomyopathy |
BC43.Y,Other specified cardiomyopathy |
BC43.Z,Cardiomyopathy, unspecified |
BC44,Noncompaction cardiomyopathy |
BC45,Cardiomegaly |
BC46,Intracardiac thrombosis |
BC4Y,Other specified diseases of the myocardium or cardiac chambers |
BC4Z,Diseases of the myocardium or cardiac chambers, unspecified |
BC60,Atrial premature depolarization |
BC61,Junctional premature depolarization |
BC62,Accessory pathway |
BC63.0,Atrioventricular block, first degree |
BC63.10,High-grade second degree atrioventricular block |
BC63.1Y,Other specified atrioventricular block, second degree |
BC63.1Z,Atrioventricular block, second degree, unspecified |
BC63.20,Congenital complete atrioventricular block |
BC63.21,Acquired complete atrioventricular block |
BC63.2Z,Complete atrioventricular block, unspecified |
BC63.3,Right bundle branch block |
BC63.40,Left anterior fascicular block |
BC63.41,Left posterior fascicular block |
BC63.4Z,Left bundle branch block, fascicle unspecified |
BC63.5,Nonspecific intraventricular conduction delay |
BC63.Y,Other specified conduction disorders |
BC63.Z,Conduction disorders, unspecified |
BC64,Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome |
BC65.0,Long QT syndrome |
BC65.1,Brugada syndrome |
BC65.2,Short QT syndrome |
BC65.3,Early repolarisation syndrome |
BC65.4,Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation |
BC65.5,Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia |
BC65.Y,Other specified cardiac arrhythmia associated with genetic disorder |
BC65.Z,Cardiac arrhythmia associated with genetic disorder, unspecified |
BC70,Ventricular premature depolarization |
BC71.00,Right outflow tract ventricular tachycardia |
BC71.01,Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia |
BC71.02,Sustained ventricular tachycardia |
BC71.03,Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia |
BC71.0Y,Other specified ventricular tachycardia |
BC71.0Z,Ventricular tachycardia, unspecified |
BC71.1,Ventricular fibrillation |
BC71.2,Re-entry ventricular arrhythmia |
BC71.Y,Other specified ventricular tachyarrhythmia |
BC71.Z,Ventricular tachyarrhythmia, unspecified |
BC7Y,Other specified ventricular rhythm disturbance |
BC7Z,Ventricular rhythm disturbance, unspecified |
BC80.0,Sinus pause |
BC80.1,Sinus bradycardia |
BC80.20,Sick sinus syndrome |
BC80.21,Sinoatrial block |
BC80.2Y,Other specified sinus node dysfunction |
BC80.2Z,Sinus node dysfunction, unspecified |
BC80.Y,Other specified supraventricular bradyarrhythmia |
BC80.Z,Supraventricular bradyarrhythmia, unspecified |
BC81.0,Ectopic atrial tachycardia |
BC81.1,Junctional ectopic tachycardia |
BC81.20,Cavotricuspid isthmus dependent macroreentry tachycardia |
BC81.21,Non-scar, non-isthmus dependent macro reentrant atrial tachycardia |
BC81.22,Scar mediated macro reentrant atrial tachycardia |
BC81.2Y,Other specified macro reentrant atrial tachycardia |
BC81.2Z,Macro reentrant atrial tachycardia, unspecified |
BC81.30,Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation |
BC81.31,Persistent atrial fibrillation |
BC81.32,Permanent atrial fibrillation |
BC81.33,Preexcited atrial fibrillation |
BC81.3Y,Other specified atrial fibrillation |
BC81.3Z,Atrial fibrillation, unspecified |
BC81.4,Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome |
BC81.5,Sinus node reentrant tachycardia |
BC81.6,Inappropriate sinus tachycardia |
BC81.70,Atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia, orthodromic |
BC81.71,Atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia, antidromic |
BC81.7Y,Other specified atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia |
BC81.7Z,Atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia, unspecified |
BC81.8,Atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia |
BC81.Y,Other specified supraventricular tachyarrhythmia |
BC81.Z,Supraventricular tachyarrhythmia, unspecified |
BC8Y,Other specified supraventricular rhythm disturbance |
BC8Z,Supraventricular rhythm disturbance, unspecified |
BC90,Rhythm disturbance at level of atrioventricular junction |
BC91,Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator battery at end of battery life |
BC9Y,Other specified cardiac arrhythmia |
BC9Z,Cardiac arrhythmia, unspecified |
BD10.0,Biventricular failure |
BD10.Y,Other specified congestive heart failure |
BD10.Z,Congestive heart failure, unspecified |
BD11.0,Left ventricular failure with preserved ejection fraction |
BD11.1,Left ventricular failure with mid range ejection fraction |
BD11.2,Left ventricular failure with reduced ejection fraction |
BD11.Z,Left ventricular failure, unspecified |
BD12,High output syndromes |
BD13,Right ventricular failure |
BD1Y,Other specified heart failure |
BD1Z,Heart failure, unspecified |
BD30.00,Acute thromboembolic upper limb arterial occlusion |
BD30.01,Acute thrombotic upper limb arterial occlusion |
BD30.0Y,Other specified acute upper limb arterial occlusion |
BD30.0Z,Acute upper limb arterial occlusion, unspecified |
BD30.10,Acute thromboembolic aortoiliac occlusion |
BD30.11,Acute thrombotic aortoiliac occlusion |
BD30.1Y,Other specified acute aortoiliac occlusion |
BD30.1Z,Acute aortoiliac occlusion, unspecified |
BD30.20,Acute thromboembolic lower limb arterial occlusion |
BD30.21,Acute thrombotic lower limb arterial occlusion |
BD30.2Y,Other specified acute lower limb arterial occlusion |
BD30.2Z,Acute lower limb arterial occlusion, unspecified |
BD30.Y,Other specified acute arterial occlusion |
BD30.Z,Acute arterial occlusion, unspecified |
BD40.00,Lower limb atherosclerosis with intermittent claudication |
BD40.0Y,Other specified lower limb atherosclerosis |
BD40.0Z,Lower limb atherosclerosis, unspecified |
BD40.1,Atherosclerosis of aorta |
BD40.2,Atherosclerosis of renal artery |
BD40.3,Aortic bifurcation syndrome |
BD40.Y,Other specified atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease |
BD40.Z,Atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease, unspecified |
BD41.0,Arterial fibromuscular dysplasia |
BD41.Y,Other specified non-atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease |
BD41.Z,Non-atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease, unspecified |
BD42.0,Primary Raynaud disease |
BD42.1,Secondary Raynaud phenomenon |
BD42.Z,Raynaud phenomenon, unspecified |
BD4Y,Other specified chronic arterial occlusive disease |
BD4Z,Chronic arterial occlusive disease, unspecified |
BD50.00,Thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch with perforation |
BD50.01,Thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch with rupture |
BD50.02,Thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch without mention of perforation or rupture |
BD50.0Y,Other specified thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch |
BD50.0Z,Thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch, unspecified |
BD50.10,Ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch with perforation |
BD50.11,Ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch with rupture |
BD50.12,Ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch without mention of perforation or rupture |
BD50.1Y,Other specified ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch |
BD50.1Z,Ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch, unspecified |
BD50.20,Descending aorta dissection and distal propagation with perforation |
BD50.21,Descending aorta dissection and distal propagation with rupture |
BD50.22,Descending aorta dissection and distal propagation without mention of perforation or rupture |
BD50.2Y,Other specified descending aorta dissection and distal propagation |
BD50.2Z,Descending aorta dissection and distal propagation, unspecified |
BD50.30,Thoracic aortic aneurysm with perforation |
BD50.31,Thoracic aortic aneurysm with rupture |
BD50.32,Thoracic aortic aneurysm without mention of perforation or rupture |
BD50.3Y,Other specified thoracic aortic aneurysm |
BD50.3Z,Thoracic aortic aneurysm, unspecified |
BD50.40,Abdominal aortic aneurysm with perforation |
BD50.41,Abdominal aortic aneurysm with rupture |
BD50.4Y,Other specified abdominal aortic aneurysm |
BD50.4Z,Abdominal aortic aneurysm, unspecified |
BD50.50,Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm with perforation |
BD50.51,Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm with rupture |
BD50.52,Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm without mention of perforation or rupture |
BD50.5Y,Other specified thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm |
BD50.5Z,Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm, unspecified |
BD50.Z,Aortic aneurysm or dissection, unspecified |
BD51.0,Aneurysm or dissection of carotid artery |
BD51.1,Aneurysm or dissection of vertebral artery |
BD51.2,Aneurysm or dissection of other precerebral arteries |
BD51.3,Aneurysm or dissection of artery of upper extremity |
BD51.4,Aneurysm or dissection of renal artery |
BD51.5,Aneurysm or dissection of iliac artery |
BD51.6,Aneurysm or dissection of artery of lower extremity |
BD51.Y,Aneurysm and dissection of other artery, excluding aorta |
BD51.Z,Aneurysm and dissection of unspecified artery |
BD52.0,Segmental arterial mediolysis |
BD52.1,Arteriovenous fistula, acquired |
BD52.2,Stricture of artery |
BD52.3,Rupture of artery |
BD52.4,Necrosis of artery |
BD52.5,Coeliac artery compression syndrome |
BD52.Y,Other specified disorders of arteries or arterioles |
BD53.0,Arterial cystic medial diseases |
BD53.1,Hypothenar hammer syndrome |
BD53.2,Iliac artery arteriopathy |
BD53.3,Popliteal entrapment syndrome |
BD53.Y,Other specified secondary disorders of arteries and arterioles |
BD53.Z,Secondary disorders of arteries and arterioles, unspecified |
BD54,Diabetic foot ulcer |
BD55,Asymptomatic stenosis of intracranial or extracranial artery |
BD56,Asymptomatic occlusion of intracranial or extracranial artery |
BD57,Cholesterol atheroembolism to skin |
BD5Y,Other specified diseases of arteries or arterioles |
BD5Z,Diseases of arteries or arterioles, unspecified |
BD70.0,Superficial thrombophlebitis of lower limbs |
BD70.1,Superficial thrombophlebitis of upper limbs |
BD70.2,Thrombophlebitis migrans |
BD70.3,Mondor disease |
BD70.Y,Other specified superficial thrombophlebitis |
BD70.Z,Superficial thrombophlebitis, unspecified |
BD71.0,Upper limb deep vein thrombosis |
BD71.1,Vena caval thrombosis |
BD71.2,Renal vein thrombosis |
BD71.3,Iliac vein thrombosis |
BD71.4,Lower limb deep vein thrombosis |
BD71.Y,Other specified deep vein thrombosis |
BD72,Venous thromboembolism |
BD73.0,Acquired inferior caval vein abnormality |
BD73.1,Acquired superior caval vein abnormality |
BD73.20,Obstruction of peripheral vein |
BD73.21,Obstruction of visceral vein |
BD73.2Y,Other specified systemic vein obstruction |
BD73.2Z,Systemic vein obstruction, unspecified |
BD73.3,Acquired coronary sinus abnormality |
BD73.Y,Other specified acquired systemic vein abnormality |
BD73.Z,Acquired systemic vein abnormality, unspecified |
BD74.0,Uncomplicated lower limb venous hypertension |
BD74.10,Varicose veins with great saphenous reflux |
BD74.11,Varicose veins with small saphenous reflux |
BD74.12,Varicose veins with non-truncal reflux |
BD74.1Z,Lower limb varicose veins, not further specified |
BD74.2,Lipodermatosclerosis |
BD74.30,Primary venous leg ulcer |
BD74.31,Recurrent venous leg ulcer |
BD74.32,Healed venous leg ulcer |
BD74.3Z,Venous leg ulcer, unspecified |
BD74.Z,Chronic peripheral venous insufficiency of lower extremities, unspecified |
BD75.0,Sublingual varices |
BD75.1,Scrotal varices |
BD75.2,Vulval varices |
BD75.3,Pelvic varices |
BD75.Y,Venous varicosities of other specified sites |
BD75.Z,Venous varicosities of unspecified site |
BD7Y,Other specified diseases of veins |
BD7Z,Diseases of veins, unspecified |
BD90.0,Acute lymphadenitis |
BD90.1,Nonspecific mesenteric lymphadenitis |
BD90.20,Chronic cervical lymphadenitis |
BD90.21,Chronic axillary lymphadenitis |
BD90.22,Chronic inguinal lymphadenitis |
BD90.2Y,Other specified chronic lymphadenitis |
BD90.2Z,Chronic lymphadenitis, unspecified |
BD90.Y,Other specified lymphadenitis |
BD90.Z,Lymphadenitis, unspecified |
BD91,Lymphangitis |
BD92.0,Intestinal lymphangiectasia |
BD92.1,Cutaneous lymphangiectasia |
BD93.0,Primary lymphoedema |
BD93.10,Lymphoedema due to venous insufficiency |
BD93.11,Lymphoedema due to dependency and immobility |
BD93.12,Lymphoedema due to obesity |
BD93.13,Lymphoedema due to lymphatic filariasis |
BD93.14,Lymphoedema due to podoconiosis |
BD93.15,Lymphoedema due to malignant infiltration |
BD93.1Y,Lymphoedema secondary to other specified cause |
BD93.1Z,Secondary lymphoedema, unspecified |
BD93.Y,Other specified forms of lymphoedema |
BD93.Z,Lymphoedema, unspecified |
BD9Y,Other specified disorders of lymphatic vessels or lymph nodes |
BD9Z,Disorders of lymphatic vessels or lymph nodes, unspecified |
BE10,Postcardiotomy syndrome |
BE11,Other functional disturbances following cardiac surgery |
BE12.0,Postprocedural mitral valve stenosis |
BE12.1,Postprocedural mitral valve insufficiency |
BE12.2,Postprocedural aortic valve stenosis |
BE12.3,Postprocedural aortic valve insufficiency |
BE12.4,Postprocedural tricuspid valve stenosis |
BE12.5,Postprocedural tricuspid valve insufficiency |
BE12.6,Postprocedural pulmonary valve stenosis |
BE12.7,Postprocedural pulmonary valve insufficiency |
BE13,Postprocedural true or false aortic aneurysm |
BE14.0,Stenosis of the neoaortic valve of pulmonary origin |
BE14.1,Insufficiency of the neoaortic valve of pulmonary origin |
BE14.2,Endocarditis of the neoaortic valve of pulmonary origin |
BE14.3,Congenital heart or great vessel related acquired abnormality |
BE14.40,Neopulmonary valve stenosis |
BE14.41,Neopulmonary valve regurgitation |
BE14.42,Endocarditis of neopulmonary valve |
BE14.Y,Other specified postprocedural disorder of circulatory system following repair of congenital anomaly |
BE14.Z,Postprocedural disorder of circulatory system following repair of congenital anomaly, unspecified |
BE15,Postprocedural pulmonary arterial tree complication |
BE16,Postprocedural pulmonary venous complication |
BE17,Postprocedural residual or recurrent interatrial communication |
BE18,Postprocedural ventricular septal defect complication |
BE19,Postprocedural ventricular abnormality |
BE1A,Cardiac transplant associated coronary allograft vasculopathy |
BE1B.0,Postmastectomy lymphoedema syndrome |
BE1B.Y,Lymphoedema due to other surgery |
BE1C,Inferior caval vein obstruction due to foreign body |
BE1D,Superior caval vein obstruction due to foreign body |
BE1E.0,Postprocedural right atrial perforation |
BE1E.1,Right atrial erosion due to implanted device |
BE1E.Y,Other specified postprocedural right atrial complication |
BE1E.Z,Postprocedural right atrial complication, unspecified |
BE1F.0,Postprocedural left atrial perforation |
BE1F.1,Left atrial erosion due to implanted device |
BE1F.Y,Other specified postprocedural left atrial complication |
BE1F.Z,Postprocedural left atrial complication, unspecified |
BE2Y,Other specified diseases of the circulatory system |
BE2Z,Diseases of the circulatory system, unspecified |
CA00,Acute nasopharyngitis |
CA01,Acute sinusitis |
CA02.0,Acute pharyngitis due to other bacteria |
CA02.10,Pharyngitis due to Adenovirus |
CA02.1Y,Other specified acute viral pharyngitis |
CA02.1Z,Acute viral pharyngitis, unspecified |
CA02.Y,Other specified acute pharyngitis |
CA02.Z,Acute pharyngitis, unspecified |
CA03.0,Streptococcal tonsillitis |
CA03.Y,Other specified acute tonsillitis |
CA03.Z,Acute tonsillitis, unspecified |
CA04,Acute laryngopharyngitis |
CA05.0,Acute laryngitis |
CA05.1,Acute tracheitis |
CA05.2,Acute laryngotracheitis |
CA05.Y,Other specified acute laryngitis or tracheitis |
CA05.Z,Acute laryngitis or tracheitis, unspecified |
CA06.0,Acute obstructive laryngitis |
CA06.1,Acute epiglottitis |
CA06.Y,Other specified acute obstructive laryngitis or epiglottitis |
CA06.Z,Acute obstructive laryngitis or epiglottitis, unspecified |
CA07.0,Acute upper respiratory infection, site unspecified |
CA07.1,Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple sites |
CA07.Y,Other specified acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites |
CA07.Z,Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites, unspecified |
CA08.00,Allergic rhinitis due to pollen |
CA08.01,Allergic rhinitis due to other seasonal allergens |
CA08.02,Allergic rhinitis due to house dust mite |
CA08.03,Other allergic rhinitis |
CA08.0Z,Allergic rhinitis, unspecified |
CA08.10,Non-allergic rhinitis with eosinophils |
CA08.1Y,Other specified non-allergic rhinitis |
CA08.1Z,Non-allergic rhinitis, unspecified |
CA08.2,Mixed rhinitis |
CA08.3,Vasomotor rhinitis |
CA08.Y,Mixed allergic and non-allergic rhinitis |
CA08.Z,Rhinitis, unspecified whether allergic or nonallergic |
CA09.0,Chronic rhinitis |
CA09.1,Chronic nasopharyngitis |
CA09.2,Chronic pharyngitis |
CA09.Y,Other specified chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis or pharyngitis |
CA09.Z,Chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis or pharyngitis, unspecified |
CA0A.0,Samter syndrome |
CA0A.Y,Other specified chronic rhinosinusitis |
CA0A.Z,Chronic rhinosinusitis, unspecified |
CA0B,Silent sinus syndrome |
CA0C,Cyst or mucocele of nose or nasal sinus |
CA0D,Deviated nasal septum |
CA0E,Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates |
CA0F.0,Hypertrophy of tonsils |
CA0F.1,Hypertrophy of adenoids |
CA0F.Y,Other specified chronic diseases of tonsils or adenoids |
CA0F.Z,Chronic diseases of tonsils or adenoids, unspecified |
CA0G,Chronic laryngitis or laryngotracheitis |
CA0H.0,Paralysis of vocal cords or larynx |
CA0H.1,Polyp of vocal cord or larynx |
CA0H.2,Nodules of vocal cords |
CA0H.3,Oedema of larynx |
CA0H.4,Laryngeal spasm |
CA0H.5,Stenosis of larynx |
CA0H.Y,Other specified diseases of vocal cords or larynx, not elsewhere classified |
CA0H.Z,Diseases of vocal cords or larynx, not elsewhere classified, unspecified |
CA0J.0,Polypoid sinus degeneration |
CA0J.Y,Other specified nasal polyp |
CA0J.Z,Nasal polyp, unspecified |
CA0K.0,Retropharyngeal or parapharyngeal abscess |
CA0K.1,Peritonsillar abscess |
CA0K.Y,Other specified abscess of upper respiratory tract |
CA0K.Z,Abscess of upper respiratory tract, unspecified |
CA0Y,Other specified upper respiratory tract disorders |
CA0Z,Upper respiratory tract disorders, unspecified |
CA20.0,Acute noninfectious bronchitis |
CA20.10,Simple chronic bronchitis |
CA20.11,Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis |
CA20.12,Mixed simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis |
CA20.13,Protracted bacterial bronchitis |
CA20.1Y,Other specified chronic bronchitis |
CA20.1Z,Chronic bronchitis, unspecified |
CA20.Y,Other specified bronchitis |
CA20.Z,Bronchitis, unspecified |
CA21.0,MacLeod syndrome |
CA21.1,Panlobular emphysema |
CA21.2,Centrilobular emphysema |
CA21.Y,Other specified emphysema |
CA21.Z,Emphysema, unspecified |
CA22.0,Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute exacerbation, unspecified |
CA22.1,Certain specified chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
CA22.Z,Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, unspecified |
CA23.00,Allergic asthma with exacerbation |
CA23.01,Allergic asthma with status asthmaticus |
CA23.02,Allergic asthma, uncomplicated |
CA23.0Z,Allergic asthma, unspecified |
CA23.10,Non-allergic asthma with exacerbation |
CA23.11,Non-allergic asthma with status asthmaticus |
CA23.12,Non-allergic asthma, uncomplicated |
CA23.20,Aspirin-induced asthma |
CA23.21,Exercise-induced bronchospasm |
CA23.22,Cough variant asthma |
CA23.30,Unspecified asthma with exacerbation |
CA23.31,Unspecified asthma with status asthmaticus |
CA23.32,Unspecified asthma, uncomplicated |
CA24,Bronchiectasis |
CA25.0,Classical cystic fibrosis |
CA25.1,Atypical cystic fibrosis |
CA25.2,Subclinical cystic fibrosis |
CA25.Z,Cystic fibrosis, unspecified |
CA26.0,Chronic obliterative bronchiolitis |
CA26.1,Diffuse panbronchiolitis |
CA26.Y,Other specified chronic bronchiolitis |
CA26.Z,Chronic bronchiolitis, unspecified |
CA27.0,Tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica |
CA27.1,Tracheobronchomegaly |
CA27.Y,Other specified tracheobronchitis |
CA27.Z,Tracheobronchitis, unspecified |
CA2Y,Other specified lower respiratory tract disease |
CA2Z,Lower respiratory tract disease, unspecified |
CA40.00,Pneumonia due to Chlamydophila pneumoniae |
CA40.01,Pneumonia due to Escherichia coli |
CA40.02,Pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae |
CA40.03,Pneumonia due to Klebsiella pneumoniae |
CA40.04,Pneumonia due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae |
CA40.05,Pneumonia due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
CA40.06,Pneumonia due to Staphylococcus |
CA40.07,Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae |
CA40.08,Pneumonia due to Beta-haemolytic streptococcus |
CA40.0Y,Pneumonia due to other specified bacteria |
CA40.0Z,Bacterial pneumonia, unspecified |
CA40.10,Pneumonia due to Adenovirus |
CA40.11,Pneumonia due to Respiratory syncytial virus |
CA40.12,Pneumonia due to parainfluenza virus |
CA40.13,Pneumonia due to Human metapneumovirus |
CA40.1Y,Pneumonia due to other specified virus |
CA40.1Z,Viral pneumonia, unspecified |
CA40.20,Pneumonia due to pneumocystis |
CA40.2Y,Other specified fungal pneumonia |
CA40.2Z,Fungal pneumonia, unspecified |
CA40.Y,Other specified pneumonia |
CA40.Z,Pneumonia, organism unspecified |
CA41.0,Acute bronchiolitis due to respiratory syncytial virus |
CA41.Y,Other specified acute bronchiolitis |
CA41.Z,Acute bronchiolitis, unspecified |
CA42.0,Acute bronchitis due to Streptococcus |
CA42.1,Acute bronchitis due to Rhinovirus |
CA42.2,Acute bronchitis due to Respiratory syncytial virus |
CA42.3,Acute bronchitis due to Parainfluenza virus |
CA42.4,Acute bronchitis due to Haemophilus influenzae |
CA42.5,Acute bronchitis due to Coxsackievirus |
CA42.Y,Other specified acute bronchitis |
CA42.Z,Acute bronchitis, unspecified |
CA43.0,Gangrene or necrosis of lung |
CA43.1,Abscess of lung with pneumonia |
CA43.2,Abscess of lung without pneumonia |
CA43.3,Abscess of mediastinum |
CA43.Y,Other specified abscess of lung or mediastinum |
CA43.Z,Abscess of lung or mediastinum, unspecified |
CA44,Pyothorax |
CA45,Respiratory infections, not elsewhere classified |
CA4Y,Other specified lung infections |
CA4Z,Lung infections, unspecified |
CA60.00,Pneumoconiosis due to talc dust |
CA60.0Y,Other specified pneumoconiosis due to dust containing silica |
CA60.0Z,Pneumoconiosis due to dust containing silica, unspecified |
CA60.1,Coal worker pneumoconiosis |
CA60.2,Pneumoconiosis due to mineral fibres including asbestos |
CA60.3,Pneumoconiosis associated with tuberculosis |
CA60.4,Aluminosis of lung |
CA60.5,Bauxite fibrosis of lung |
CA60.6,Berylliosis |
CA60.7,Graphite fibrosis of lung |
CA60.8,Siderosis |
CA60.9,Stannosis |
CA60.Y,Other specified pneumoconiosis |
CA70.0,Farmer lung |
CA70.1,Bagassosis |
CA70.2,Bird fancier lung |
CA70.3,Suberosis |
CA70.4,Malt worker lung |
CA70.5,Mushroom worker lung |
CA70.6,Maple bark stripper lung |
CA70.7,Air conditioner or humidifier lung |
CA70.Y,Other specified hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to organic dust |
CA70.Z,Hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to organic dust, unspecified |
CA71.0,Pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomit |
CA71.1,Pneumonitis due to oils or essences |
CA71.2,Pneumonitis due to aspiration of blood |
CA71.3,Lipoid pneumonitis |
CA71.Y,Other specified pneumonitis due to solids and liquids |
CA71.Z,Pneumonitis due to solids and liquids, unspecified |
CA72,Mendelson syndrome |
CA7Y,Other specified pneumonitis |
CA7Z,Pneumonitis, unspecified |
CA80.0,Byssinosis |
CA80.1,Flax-dresser disease |
CA80.2,Cannabinosis |
CA80.Y,Other specified airway disease due to specific organic dust |
CA80.Z,Airway disease due to specific organic dust, unspecified |
CA81.0,Bronchitis or pneumonitis due to chemicals, gases, fumes or vapours |
CA81.1,Pulmonary oedema due to chemicals, gases, fumes or vapours |
CA81.2,Upper respiratory inflammation due to chemicals, gases, fumes or vapours, not elsewhere classified |
CA81.Y,Other specified respiratory conditions due to inhalation of chemicals, gases, fumes or vapours |
CA81.Z,Respiratory conditions due to inhalation of chemicals, gases, fumes or vapours, unspecified |
CA82.0,Acute pulmonary manifestations due to radiation |
CA82.1,Chronic or other pulmonary manifestations due to radiation |
CA82.2,Acute drug-induced interstitial lung disorders |
CA82.3,Chronic drug-induced interstitial lung disorders |
CA82.4,Aspergillus-induced allergic or hypersensitivity conditions |
CA82.Y,Other specified respiratory conditions due to other external agents |
CA82.Z,Respiratory conditions due to other external agents, unspecified |
CA8Y,Other specified lung diseases due to external agents |
CA8Z,Lung diseases due to external agents, unspecified |
CB00,Acute respiratory distress syndrome |
CB01,Pulmonary oedema |
CB02.0,Asthmatic pulmonary eosinophilia |
CB02.10,Idiopathic acute eosinophilic pneumonitis |
CB02.11,Idiopathic chronic eosinophilic pneumonitis |
CB02.1Y,Other specified idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonitis |
CB02.1Z,Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonitis, unspecified |
CB02.2,Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia |
CB02.Y,Other specified pulmonary eosinophilia |
CB02.Z,Pulmonary eosinophilia, unspecified |
CB03.0,Acute interstitial pneumonitis |
CB03.1,Combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema syndrome |
CB03.2,Cryptogenic organizing pneumonitis |
CB03.3,Desquamative interstitial pneumonitis |
CB03.4,Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis |
CB03.5,Lymphoid interstitial pneumonia |
CB03.6,Respiratory bronchiolitis - interstitial lung disease |
CB03.Y,Other specified idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis |
CB03.Z,Idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis, unspecified |
CB04.0,Diffuse pulmonary developmental disorders |
CB04.1,Pulmonary lymphatic dysplasia syndromes |
CB04.2,Disorders of surfactant metabolism |
CB04.30,Idiopathic pulmonary haemosiderosis |
CB04.31,Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis |
CB04.3Y,Other specified alveolar or peri-alveolar conditions |
CB04.3Z,Alveolar or peri-alveolar conditions, unspecified |
CB04.4,Pulmonary capillaritis |
CB04.5,Brain-lung-thyroid syndrome |
CB04.6,Chronic pneumonitis of infancy |
CB04.7,Neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia of infancy |
CB04.Y,Other specified primary interstitial lung diseases specific to infancy or childhood |
CB04.Z,Primary interstitial lung diseases specific to infancy or childhood, unspecified |
CB05.0,Diffuse alveolar damage |
CB05.1,Interstitial lung diseases associated with connective tissue diseases |
CB05.2,Interstitial lung diseases associated with granulomatous diseases |
CB05.3,Interstitial lung diseases associated with metabolic diseases |
CB05.40,Respiratory disorders in Churg-Strauss syndrome |
CB05.41,Respiratory disorders in microscopic polyangiitis |
CB05.4Y,Other specified interstitial lung diseases associated with systemic vasculitides |
CB05.4Z,Interstitial lung diseases associated with systemic vasculitides, unspecified |
CB05.5,Secondary pulmonary haemosiderosis |
CB05.Y,Other specified interstitial lung diseases associated with systemic diseases |
CB05.Z,Interstitial lung diseases associated with systemic diseases, unspecified |
CB06,Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis |
CB07.0,Lymphangioleiomyomatosis associated with tuberous sclerosis complex |
CB07.1,Sporadic lymphangioleiomyomatosis |
CB07.Y,Other specified lymphangioleiomyomatosis |
CB07.Z,Lymphangioleiomyomatosis, unspecified |
CB0Y,Other specified respiratory diseases principally affecting the lung interstitium |
CB0Z,Respiratory diseases principally affecting the lung interstitium, unspecified |
CB20,Pleural plaque |
CB21.0,Spontaneous tension pneumothorax |
CB21.1,Other spontaneous pneumothorax |
CB21.Y,Other specified pneumothorax |
CB21.Z,Pneumothorax, unspecified |
CB22.0,Fibrosing mediastinitis |
CB22.Y,Other specified diseases of mediastinum, not elsewhere classified |
CB22.Z,Diseases of mediastinum, not elsewhere classified, unspecified |
CB23,Disorders of diaphragm |
CB24,Chylous effusion |
CB25,Fibrothorax |
CB26,Haemothorax |
CB27,Pleural effusion |
CB2Y,Other specified pleural, diaphragm or mediastinal disorders |
CB2Z,Pleural, diaphragm or mediastinal disorders, unspecified |
CB40.0,Ciliary dyskinesia |
CB40.1,Young syndrome |
CB40.2,Pulmonary collapse |
CB40.3,Interstitial emphysema |
CB40.4,Compensatory emphysema |
CB40.Y,Other specified diseases of the respiratory system |
CB41.00,Acute respiratory failure, Type I |
CB41.01,Acute respiratory failure, Type II |
CB41.0Z,Acute respiratory failure, unspecified |
CB41.10,Chronic respiratory failure, Type I |
CB41.11,Chronic respiratory failure, Type II |
CB41.1Z,Chronic respiratory failure, unspecified |
CB41.20,Respiratory failure, unspecified, Type I |
CB41.21,Respiratory failure, unspecified, Type II |
CB41.2Z,Respiratory failure, unspecified |
CB60,Tracheostomy malfunction |
CB61,Chronic pulmonary insufficiency following surgery |
CB62,Postprocedural subglottic stenosis |
CB63,Postprocedural stenosis of the trachea |
CB64,Transfusion related acute lung injury |
CB7Z,Diseases of the respiratory system, unspecified |
DA00.0,Cheilitis |
DA00.1,Self-induced lip trauma |
DA00.2,Pigmentary abnormalities of lips |
DA00.3,Lip fissure |
DA00.Y,Other specified disorders of lips |
DA01.00,Leukoplakia |
DA01.01,Hairy leukoplakia |
DA01.02,Wandering rash of the mouth |
DA01.0Y,Other specified disturbances of oral epithelium |
DA01.10,Oral aphthae or aphtha-like ulceration |
DA01.11,Oral mucositis |
DA01.12,Chronic ulcerative stomatitis |
DA01.13,Erythema multiforme with oral ulceration |
DA01.14,Drug-induced oral ulcer |
DA01.15,Mouth ulcers |
DA01.1Y,Other specified noninfectious erosive or ulcerative disorders of oral mucosa |
DA01.20,Giant cell granuloma, central |
DA01.21,Orofacial granulomatosis |
DA01.2Y,Other specified granuloma or granuloma-like lesions of oral mucosa |
DA01.30,Cellulitis or abscess of soft tissues of the mouth |
DA01.3Y,Other specified infections of lips or oral mucosa |
DA01.40,Papillary hyperplasia of oral mucosa |
DA01.41,Denture hyperplasia |
DA01.42,Oral fibroepithelial polyp |
DA01.4Z,Irritative hyperplasia of oral mucosa, unspecified |
DA01.Y,Other specified disorders of oral mucosa |
DA02.0,Genetic or developmental disorders involving lips or oral mucosa |
DA02.1,Xerostomia |
DA02.2,Oral submucous fibrosis |
DA02.30,Allergic contact gingivostomatitis |
DA02.31,Irritant contact gingivostomatitis |
DA03.0,Glossitis |
DA03.1,Geographic tongue |
DA03.2,Atrophy of tongue papillae |
DA03.3,Median rhomboid glossitis |
DA03.4,Hypertrophy of tongue papillae |
DA03.5,Macroglossia |
DA03.Y,Other specified diseases of tongue |
DA04.0,Atrophy of salivary gland |
DA04.1,Hypertrophy of salivary gland |
DA04.2,Sialoadenitis |
DA04.3,Abscess of salivary gland |
DA04.4,Sialolithiasis |
DA04.5,Mucocele of salivary gland |
DA04.6,Disturbances of salivary secretion |
DA04.7,Sialophagia |
DA04.8,Sialoschesis |
DA04.Y,Other specified diseases of salivary glands |
DA04.Z,Diseases of salivary glands, unspecified |
DA05.0,Developmental odontogenic cysts |
DA05.1,Developmental nonodontogenic cysts of oral region |
DA05.Y,Other specified cysts of oral or facial-neck region |
DA05.Z,Cysts of oral or facial-neck region, unspecified |
DA06.0,Inflammatory conditions of jaws |
DA06.1,Alveolitis of jaw |
DA06.2,Exostosis of jaw |
DA06.3,Stafne mandibular bone cavity |
DA07.0,Fluoride related opacities or lesions |
DA07.1,Nonfluoride enamel opacities |
DA07.2,Enamel hypoplasia |
DA07.3,Disturbances in tooth formation |
DA07.4,Root anomaly |
DA07.5,Cementum dysplasia |
DA07.60,Teething syndrome |
DA07.61,Ankylosis of teeth |
DA07.6Y,Other specified disturbances in tooth eruption |
DA07.6Z,Disturbances in tooth eruption, unspecified |
DA07.7,Embedded teeth |
DA07.8,Impacted teeth |
DA07.Y,Other specified disorders of tooth development or eruption |
DA07.Z,Disorders of tooth development or eruption, unspecified |
DA08.0,Dental caries |
DA08.10,Excessive attrition of teeth |
DA08.11,Abrasion of teeth |
DA08.12,Erosion of teeth |
DA08.13,Abfraction |
DA08.14,Pathological resorption of teeth |
DA08.15,Posteruptive colour changes of dental hard tissues |
DA08.2,Chronic dental injuries |
DA08.3,Nontraumatic fracture of tooth |
DA08.4,Deposits on teeth |
DA08.Y,Other specified diseases of hard tissues of teeth |
DA08.Z,Diseases of hard tissues of teeth, unspecified |
DA09.0,Pulpitis |
DA09.1,Necrosis of pulp |
DA09.2,Pulp abscess |
DA09.3,Phoenix abscess |
DA09.4,Pulp degeneration |
DA09.5,Abnormal hard tissue formation in pulp |
DA09.60,Periapical abscess with facial involvement |
DA09.61,Periapical abscess with sinus |
DA09.62,Periapical abscess without sinus |
DA09.6Y,Other specified periapical abscess |
DA09.6Z,Periapical abscess, unspecified |
DA09.70,Acute apical periodontitis of pulpal origin |
DA09.71,Chronic apical periodontitis |
DA09.7Y,Other specified periapical periodontitis |
DA09.7Z,Periapical periodontitis, unspecified |
DA09.8,Radicular cyst |
DA09.Y,Other specified diseases of pulp or periapical tissues |
DA09.Z,Diseases of pulp or periapical tissues, unspecified |
DA0A.0,Exfoliation of teeth due to systemic causes |
DA0A.1,Loss of teeth due to accident, extraction or local periodontal disease |
DA0A.2,Atrophy of edentulous alveolar ridge |
DA0A.3,Retained dental root |
DA0A.Y,Other specified disorders of teeth and supporting structures |
DA0A.Z,Unspecified disorders of teeth and supporting structures |
DA0B.0,Allergic gingivitis |
DA0B.1,Catarrhal gingivitis |
DA0B.2,Eruptive gingivitis |
DA0B.3,Atrophic senile gingivitis |
DA0B.4,Acute multiple gingival abscesses |
DA0B.5,Developmental or acquired deformities or conditions of gingiva |
DA0B.6,Pericoronitis |
DA0B.Y,Other specified gingival diseases |
DA0B.Z,Gingival diseases, unspecified |
DA0C.0,Acute periodontitis |
DA0C.1,Aggressive periodontitis |
DA0C.2,Periodontosis |
DA0C.30,Necrotising ulcerative periodontitis |
DA0C.31,Noma |
DA0C.3Y,Other specified necrotising periodontal diseases |
DA0C.3Z,Necrotising periodontal diseases, unspecified |
DA0C.4,Abscess of periodontium |
DA0C.5,Linear gingival erythema |
DA0C.Y,Other specified periodontal disease |
DA0C.Z,Periodontal disease, unspecified |
DA0D.0,Gingival recession |
DA0D.1,Gingival enlargement |
DA0D.2,Gingival or edentulous alveolar ridge lesions associated with trauma |
DA0D.3,Hypoplasminogenaemia |
DA0D.4,Cotton-roll gingivitis |
DA0D.5,Gingival ulceration |
DA0D.Y,Other specified disorders of gingival or edentulous alveolar ridge |
DA0E.00,Micrognathia |
DA0E.0Y,Other specified major anomalies of jaw size |
DA0E.0Z,Major anomalies of jaw size, unspecified |
DA0E.1,Anomalies of jaw-cranial base relationship |
DA0E.2,Anomalies of dental arch relationship |
DA0E.3,Anomalies of tooth position |
DA0E.4,Food impaction |
DA0E.50,Class II division 2 malocclusion |
DA0E.51,Angle class I malocclusion |
DA0E.5Y,Other specified malocclusion |
DA0E.5Z,Malocclusion, unspecified |
DA0E.6,Dentofacial functional abnormalities |
DA0E.7,Dentofacial parafunctional disorders |
DA0E.8,Temporomandibular joint disorders |
DA0E.Y,Other specified dentofacial anomalies |
DA0E.Z,Dentofacial anomalies, unspecified |
DA0F.0,Burning mouth syndrome |
DA0F.Y,Other specified sensory disturbances affecting orofacial complex |
DA0F.Z,Sensory disturbances affecting orofacial complex, unspecified |
DA0Y,Other specified diseases or disorders of orofacial complex |
DA0Z,Diseases or disorders of orofacial complex, unspecified |
DA20.0,Oesophageal obstruction |
DA20.1,Diverticulum of oesophagus, acquired |
DA20.2,Oesophageal web |
DA20.30,Spontaneous rupture of oesophagus |
DA20.3Y,Other specified perforation of oesophagus |
DA20.3Z,Perforation of oesophagus, unspecified |
DA20.Y,Other specified acquired anatomical alterations of the oesophagus |
DA20.Z,Acquired anatomical alterations of the oesophagus, unspecified |
DA21.0,Achalasia |
DA21.1,Motility disorder of cervical or upper oesophagus |
DA21.20,Hypertensive peristalsis |
DA21.21,Hypotensive peristalsis |
DA21.22,Spastic peristalsis |
DA21.2Y,Other specified disorder of oesophageal peristalsis |
DA21.2Z,Disorder of oesophageal peristalsis, unspecified |
DA21.3,Disorder of lower oesophageal sphincter function |
DA21.Y,Other specified motility disorders of oesophagus |
DA21.Z,Motility disorders of oesophagus, unspecified |
DA22.0,Non-erosive gastro-oesophageal reflux disease |
DA22.1,Erosive gastro-oesophageal reflux disease |
DA22.Z,Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, unspecified |
DA23.0,Barrett epithelium |
DA23.1,Dysplasia of Barrett epithelium |
DA23.2,Barrett ulcer |
DA23.Y,Other specified columnar metaplastic epithelium of the oesophagus |
DA23.Z,Columnar metaplastic epithelium of the oesophagus, unspecified |
DA24.00,Oesophageal phlegmon |
DA24.0Y,Other specified infectious oesophagitis |
DA24.0Z,Infectious oesophagitis, unspecified |
DA24.1,Eosinophilic oesophagitis |
DA24.20,Chemical oesophagitis |
DA24.21,Drug-induced oesophagitis |
DA24.22,Radiation oesophagitis |
DA24.2Z,Oesophagitis due to external causes, unspecified |
DA24.Y,Other specified oesophagitis |
DA24.Z,Oesophagitis, unspecified |
DA25.0,Oesophageal erosion |
DA25.10,Bacterial oesophageal ulcer |
DA25.11,Fungal oesophageal ulcer |
DA25.12,Parasitic oesophageal ulcer |
DA25.13,Viral oesophageal ulcer |
DA25.1Y,Other specified infectious oesophageal ulcer |
DA25.1Z,Infectious oesophageal ulcer, unspecified |
DA25.2,Oesophageal ulcer due to allergic or immunologic disorder |
DA25.30,Chemical oesophageal ulcer |
DA25.31,Drug-induced oesophageal ulcer |
DA25.32,Radiation oesophageal ulcer |
DA25.3Y,Other specified oesophageal ulcer due to external causes |
DA25.3Z,Oesophageal ulcer due to external causes, unspecified |
DA25.Y,Other specified oesophageal ulcer |
DA25.Z,Oesophageal ulcer, unspecified |
DA26.00,Oesophageal varices with bleeding |
DA26.01,Oesophageal varices without bleeding |
DA26.0Z,Oesophageal varices, unspecified |
DA26.1,Angiodysplasia or arteriovenous malformation of oesophagus |
DA26.2,Intramural haemorrhage of oesophagus |
DA26.3,Gastro-oesophageal laceration-haemorrhage syndrome |
DA26.Y,Other specified vascular disorders of the oesophagus |
DA26.Z,Vascular disorders of the oesophagus, unspecified |
DA2Y,Other specified diseases of oesophagus |
DA2Z,Diseases of oesophagus, unspecified |
DA40.0,Gastric outlet obstruction |
DA40.1,Gastric fistula, acquired |
DA40.2,Gastric volvulus |
DA40.3,Gastric diverticulum |
DA40.4,Hourglass stricture and stenosis of stomach |
DA40.5,Gastroptosis |
DA40.Y,Other specified acquired anatomical alterations of the stomach |
DA40.Z,Acquired anatomical alterations of the stomach, unspecified |
DA41.00,Gastroparesis |
DA41.0Y,Other specified abnormal gastric motility |
DA41.0Z,Abnormal gastric motility, unspecified |
DA41.1,Acute dilatation of stomach |
DA41.2,Acid hypersecretion |
DA41.3,Achlorhydria |
DA41.Y,Other specified gastroduodenal motor or secretory disorders |
DA41.Z,Gastroduodenal motor or secretory disorders, unspecified |
DA42.0,Autoimmune gastritis |
DA42.1,Helicobacter pylori induced gastritis |
DA42.2,Eosinophilic gastritis |
DA42.3,Lymphocytic gastritis |
DA42.40,Allergic gastritis due to IgE-mediated hypersensitivity |
DA42.41,Allergic gastritis due to non-IgE-mediated hypersensitivity |
DA42.4Y,Other specified allergic gastritis |
DA42.4Z,Allergic gastritis, unspecified |
DA42.5,Gastritis due to duodenogastric reflux |
DA42.6,Menetrier disease |
DA42.70,Acute superficial gastritis of unknown aetiology |
DA42.71,Chronic superficial gastritis of unknown aetiology |
DA42.72,Acute haemorrhagic gastritis of unknown aetiology |
DA42.73,Chronic atrophic gastritis of unknown aetiology |
DA42.74,Metaplastic gastritis of unknown aetiology |
DA42.75,Granulomatous gastritis of unknown aetiology |
DA42.76,Hypertrophic gastritis of unknown aetiology |
DA42.7Y,Other specified gastritis of unknown etiology with specific endoscopic or pathological features |
DA42.80,Alcoholic gastritis |
DA42.81,Radiation gastritis |
DA42.82,Chemical gastritis |
DA42.83,Drug-induced gastritis |
DA42.8Z,Gastritis due to external causes, unspecified |
DA42.9,Gastric phlegmon |
DA42.Y,Other specified gastritis |
DA42.Z,Gastritis, unspecified |
DA43.0,Gastric varices |
DA43.1,Angiodysplasia of stomach |
DA43.2,Arteriovenous malformation of stomach |
DA43.3,Portal hypertensive gastropathy |
DA43.4,Diffuse vascular ectasia of stomach |
DA43.Y,Other specified vascular disorders of the stomach |
DA43.Z,Vascular disorders of the stomach, unspecified |
DA44.0,Hyperplastic polyp of stomach |
DA44.1,Fundic gland polyp of stomach |
DA44.2,Hamartomatous polyp of stomach |
DA44.Y,Other specified gastric polyp |
DA44.Z,Gastric polyp, unspecified |
DA4Y,Other specified diseases of stomach |
DA50.0,Obstruction of duodenum |
DA50.1,Diverticulum of duodenum |
DA50.2,Fistula of duodenum |
DA50.3,Deformity of duodenum, acquired |
DA50.Y,Other specified acquired anatomical alterations of the duodenum |
DA50.Z,Acquired anatomical alterations of the duodenum, unspecified |
DA51.0,Helicobacter-pylori associated duodenitis |
DA51.1,Eosinophilic duodenitis |
DA51.2,Lymphocytic duodenitis |
DA51.3,Allergic duodenitis |
DA51.40,Acute haemorrhagic duodenitis of unknown aetiology |
DA51.41,Granulomatous duodenitis of unknown aetiology |
DA51.4Z,Duodenitis of unknown aetiology with specific endoscopic or pathologic features, unspecified |
DA51.50,Alcoholic duodenitis |
DA51.51,Drug-induced duodenitis |
DA51.52,Chemical duodenitis |
DA51.53,Radiation duodenitis |
DA51.5Y,Other specified duodenitis due to external causes |
DA51.5Z,Duodenitis due to external causes, unspecified |
DA51.60,Duodenal phlegmon |
DA51.6Y,Other specified infectious duodenitis |
DA51.6Z,Infectious duodenitis, unspecified |
DA51.Y,Other specified duodenitis |
DA51.Z,Duodenitis, unspecified |
DA52.0,Duodenal varices |
DA52.1,Angiodysplasia of duodenum |
DA52.2,Arteriovenous malformation of duodenum |
DA52.Y,Other specified vascular disorders of the duodenum |
DA52.Z,Vascular disorders of the duodenum, unspecified |
DA53.0,Hyperplastic duodenal polyp |
DA53.Y,Other specified duodenal polyp |
DA53.Z,Duodenal polyp, unspecified |
DA5Y,Other specified diseases of duodenum |
DA60.0,Gastric erosion |
DA60.1,Helicobacter pylori associated gastric ulcer |
DA60.2,Helicobacter pylori associated and drug-induced gastric ulcer |
DA60.3,Stress ulcer of stomach |
DA60.4,Eosinophilic gastric ulcer |
DA60.5,Lymphocytic gastric ulcer |
DA60.60,Alcohol-induced gastric ulcer |
DA60.61,Chemical gastric ulcer |
DA60.62,Drug-induced gastric ulcer |
DA60.63,Radiation gastric ulcer |
DA60.6Y,Other specified gastric ulcer due to external causes |
DA60.6Z,Gastric ulcer due to external causes, unspecified |
DA60.7,Infectious secondary gastric ulcer |
DA60.Y,Other specified gastric ulcer |
DA60.Z,Gastric ulcer, unspecified |
DA61,Peptic ulcer, site unspecified |
DA62.0,Anastomotic erosion |
DA62.1,Helicobacter pylori associated anastomotic ulcer |
DA62.2,Drug-induced anastomotic ulcer |
DA62.3,Peptic anastomotic ulcer |
DA62.Y,Other specified anastomotic ulcer |
DA62.Z,Anastomotic ulcer, unspecified |
DA63.0,Duodenal erosion |
DA63.1,Helicobacter-pylori associated duodenal ulcer |
DA63.2,Helicobacter-pylori associated and drug-induced duodenal ulcer |
DA63.3,Stress ulcer of duodenum |
DA63.4,Eosinophilic duodenal ulcer |
DA63.50,Drug-induced duodenal ulcer |
DA63.51,Radiation duodenal ulcer |
DA63.52,Chemical duodenal ulcer |
DA63.5Y,Duodenal ulcer due to other specified external causes |
DA63.5Z,Duodenal ulcer due to external causes, unspecified |
DA63.60,Bacterial duodenal ulcer |
DA63.61,Viral duodenal ulcer |
DA63.62,Fungal duodenal ulcer |
DA63.6Z,Infectious duodenal ulcer, unspecified |
DA63.Y,Other specified duodenal ulcer |
DA63.Z,Duodenal ulcer, unspecified |
DA7Y,Other specified diseases of the stomach or the duodenum |
DA7Z,Diseases of the stomach or the duodenum, unspecified |
DA90.0,Syndromic diarrhoea |
DA90.1,Congenital intestinal transport defect |
DA90.2,Congenital intestinal motility disorders |
DA90.Y,Other specified nonstructural developmental anomalies of small intestine |
DA90.Z,Nonstructural developmental anomalies of small intestine, unspecified |
DA91.0,Intussusception of small intestine |
DA91.1,Volvulus of small intestine |
DA91.2,Intestinal adhesions or bands of small intestine with obstruction |
DA91.30,Gallstone ileus of small intestine |
DA91.31,Enterolith of small intestine |
DA91.3Y,Other specified obstructive ileus of small intestine due to impaction |
DA91.3Z,Obstructive ileus of small intestine due to impaction, unspecified |
DA91.Y,Other specified obstruction of small intestine |
DA91.Z,Obstruction of small intestine, unspecified |
DA92.0,Fistula of small intestine |
DA92.1,Pneumatosis intestinalis of small intestine |
DA92.Y,Other specified other acquired anatomical alterations of small intestine |
DA92.Z,Other acquired anatomical alterations of small intestine, unspecified |
DA93.0,Paralytic ileus |
DA93.Y,Other specified motility disorders of small intestine |
DA93.Z,Motility disorders of small intestine, unspecified |
DA94.00,Primary nonspecific ulceration of small intestine |
DA94.01,Chronic non-specific multiple ulcers of small intestine |
DA94.02,Cryptogenic multifocal ulcerous stenosing enteritis |
DA94.0Y,Other specified primary ulcer of small intestine |
DA94.0Z,Primary ulcer of small intestine, unspecified |
DA94.1,Drug-induced or toxic enteritis of small intestine |
DA94.20,IgE mediated allergic enteritis of small intestine |
DA94.21,Eosinophilic enteritis |
DA94.22,Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome |
DA94.2Y,Other specified allergic or dietetic enteritis of small intestine |
DA94.2Z,Allergic or dietetic enteritis of small intestine, unspecified |
DA94.30,Enteritis or ulcer of small intestine due to foreign body |
DA94.31,Enteritis or ulcer of small intestine due to radiation |
DA94.32,Enteritis or ulcer of small intestine due to trauma |
DA94.3Z,Enteritis or ulcer of small intestine due to other external causes, unspecified |
DA94.Y,Other specified noninfectious enteritis or ulcer of small intestine |
DA94.Z,Noninfectious enteritis or ulcer of small intestine, unspecified |
DA95,Coeliac disease |
DA96.00,Bacterial overgrowth syndrome |
DA96.01,Tropical sprue |
DA96.02,Malabsorption or intolerance of specific nutrients |
DA96.0Y,Other specified intestinal malabsorption |
DA96.0Z,Intestinal malabsorption, unspecified |
DA96.1,Protein-losing enteropathy |
DA96.Y,Other specified intestinal malabsorption or protein-losing enteropathy |
DA96.Z,Intestinal malabsorption or protein-losing enteropathy, unspecified |
DA97.0,Angiodysplasia of small intestine |
DA97.1,Arteriovenous malformation of small intestine |
DA97.2,Vasculitis of mesenteric arteries |
DA97.3,Varices of small intestine |
DA97.Z,Certain vascular disorders of small intestine, unspecified |
DA98.0,Hamartoma of small intestine |
DA98.1,Hyperplastic polyp of small intestine |
DA98.2,Inflammatory fibroid polyp of small intestine |
DA98.3,Lymphoid hyperplasia of small intestine |
DA98.Y,Other specified polyps of small intestine |
DA98.Z,Polyps of small intestine, unspecified |
DA9Y,Other specified diseases of small intestine |
DA9Z,Diseases of small intestine, unspecified |
DB10.00,Acute appendicitis with generalised peritonitis |
DB10.01,Acute appendicitis with localised peritonitis |
DB10.02,Acute appendicitis without localised or generalised peritonitis |
DB10.1,Chronic appendicitis |
DB10.Y,Other specified appendicitis |
DB10.Z,Appendicitis, unspecified |
DB11.7,Appendicular abscess |
DB11.0,Megaloappendix |
DB11.1,Hyperplasia of appendix |
DB11.2,Appendicular concretions |
DB11.3,Diverticulum of appendix, acquired |
DB11.4,Fistula of appendix |
DB11.5,Intussusception of appendix |
DB11.6,Mucocele of appendix |
DB1Y,Other specified diseases of appendix |
DB1Z,Diseases of appendix, unspecified |
DB30.0,Intussusception of the large intestine |
DB30.1,Volvulus of large intestine |
DB30.2,Adhesions of large intestine with obstruction |
DB30.3,Impaction of large intestine |
DB30.4,Stenosis of the rectum |
DB30.Y,Other specified obstruction of large intestine |
DB30.Z,Obstruction of large intestine, unspecified |
DB31.0,Fistula of large intestine |
DB31.1,Pneumatosis intestinalis of large intestine |
DB31.2,Rectal prolapse |
DB31.Y,Other specified other acquired anatomical alterations of large intestine |
DB31.Z,Other acquired anatomical alterations of large intestine, unspecified |
DB32.0,Pseudo-obstruction of colon |
DB32.1,Slow transit constipation |
DB32.20,Toxic megacolon |
DB32.2Y,Other specified megacolon |
DB32.2Z,Megacolon, unspecified |
DB32.3,Acquired hypoganglionosis of large intestine |
DB32.Y,Other specified motility disorders of large intestine |
DB32.Z,Motility disorders of large intestine, unspecified |
DB33.0,Primary ulcer of colon |
DB33.10,Collagenous colitis |
DB33.11,Lymphocytic colitis |
DB33.1Y,Other specified microscopic colitis |
DB33.1Z,Microscopic colitis, unspecified |
DB33.20,Food protein-induced proctitis or colitis of infants |
DB33.2Y,Other specified allergic or dietetic colitis |
DB33.2Z,Allergic or dietetic colitis, unspecified |
DB33.3,Diversion colitis |
DB33.40,Chemical colitis or proctitis |
DB33.41,Radiation-induced colitis |
DB33.42,Radiation proctitis |
DB33.43,Drug-induced colitis |
DB33.4Y,Other specified colitis or proctitis due to external causes |
DB33.4Z,Colitis or proctitis due to external causes, unspecified |
DB33.Y,Other specified noninfectious colitis or proctitis |
DB33.Z,Certain noninfectious colitis or proctitis, unspecified |
DB34.0,Angiodysplasia of colon |
DB34.1,Arteriovenous malformation of large intestine |
DB34.2,Vasculitis of large intestine |
DB34.3,Varices of large intestine |
DB34.4,Acute haemorrhagic rectal ulcer |
DB34.Y,Other specified vascular disorders of large intestine |
DB34.Z,Vascular disorders of large intestine, unspecified |
DB35.0,Hyperplastic polyp of large intestine |
DB35.1,Inflammatory polyp of large intestine |
DB35.2,Benign lymphoid polyp of large intestine |
DB35.3,Hamartomatous polyp |
DB35.4,Inflammatory fibroid polyp of large intestine |
DB35.Y,Other specified polyp of large intestine |
DB35.Z,Polyp of large intestine, unspecified |
DB36.0,Colonic abscess |
DB36.10,Perirectal abscess |
DB36.11,Ischiorectal abscess |
DB36.12,Rectal cellulitis |
DB36.Y,Other specified infections of the large intestine |
DB36.Z,Certain infections of the large intestine, unspecified |
DB3Y,Other specified diseases of large intestine |
DB3Z,Diseases of large intestine, unspecified |
DB50.0,Anal fissure |
DB50.1,Anal fistula |
DB50.2,Anorectal fistula |
DB50.Y,Other specified fissure or fistula of anal regions |
DB50.Z,Fissure or fistula of anal regions, unspecified |
DB51,Stenosis of anal canal |
DB52,Ulcer of anus |
DB53,Anal prolapse |
DB5Y,Other specified acquired anatomical alterations of the anal canal |
DB5Z,Acquired anatomical alterations of the anal canal, unspecified |
DB60.0,First degree haemorrhoids |
DB60.1,Second degree haemorrhoids |
DB60.2,Third degree haemorrhoids |
DB60.3,Fourth degree haemorrhoids |
DB60.Z,Haemorrhoids, unspecified |
DB61,Perianal venous thrombosis |
DB62,Residual haemorrhoidal skin tags |
DB6Y,Other specified haemorrhoids or perianal venous conditions |
DB6Z,Haemorrhoids or perianal venous conditions, unspecified |
DB70.00,Anal abscess |
DB70.01,Anorectal abscess |
DB70.02,Intrasphincteric abscess |
DB70.0Y,Other specified abscess of anal regions |
DB70.0Z,Abscess of anal regions, unspecified |
DB70.Y,Other specified infections of the anal region |
DB70.Z,Infections of the anal region, unspecified |
DB71.0,Inflammatory anal polyp |
DB71.1,Lymphoid polyp |
DB71.2,Hypertrophied anal papillae |
DB71.Y,Other specified anal polyp |
DB71.Z,Anal polyp, unspecified |
DB72.0,Anal spasm |
DB72.Z,Certain specified diseases of anal canal, unspecified |
DB7Y,Other specified diseases of anal canal |
DB7Z,Diseases of anal canal, unspecified |
DB90.0,Abscess of liver |
DB90.Y,Other specified infectious liver disease |
DB90.Z,Infectious liver disease, unspecified |
DB91.0,Acute or subacute hepatic failure due to hepatitis virus |
DB91.1,Other acute or subacute hepatic failure |
DB91.Z,Acute or subacute hepatic failure, unspecified |
DB92.0,Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease without non-alcoholic steatohepatitis |
DB92.1,Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis |
DB92.Y,Other specified non-alcoholic fatty liver disease |
DB92.Z,Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, unspecified |
DB93.0,Hepatic fibrosis |
DB93.1,Hepatic cirrhosis |
DB93.20,Hereditary North American Indian childhood cirrhosis |
DB93.21,Idiopathic copper-associated cirrhosis |
DB93.Y,Other specified hepatic fibrosis or cirrhosis |
DB93.Z,Hepatic fibrosis or cirrhosis, unspecified |
DB94.0,Alcoholic fatty liver |
DB94.10,Alcoholic hepatitis with cirrhosis |
DB94.1Y,Other specified alcoholic hepatitis |
DB94.1Z,Alcoholic hepatitis, unspecified |
DB94.2,Alcoholic liver fibrosis |
DB94.3,Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver without hepatitis |
DB94.Y,Other specified alcoholic liver disease |
DB94.Z,Alcoholic liver disease, unspecified |
DB95.0,Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with acute hepatic necrosis or acute hepatitis |
DB95.10,Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with chronic hepatitis, with cirrhosis |
DB95.11,Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with chronic hepatitis, without cirrhosis |
DB95.1Y,Other specified drug-induced or toxic liver disease with chronic hepatitis |
DB95.1Z,Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with chronic hepatitis, unspecified |
DB95.20,Chronic drug-induced or toxic liver disease with cholestasis |
DB95.2Y,Other specified drug-induced or toxic liver disease with cholestasis |
DB95.2Z,Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with cholestasis, unspecified |
DB95.30,Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with chronic fatty liver disease |
DB95.3Y,Other specified drug-induced or toxic liver disease with fatty liver |
DB95.3Z,Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with fatty liver, unspecified |
DB95.4,Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with granulomatous hepatitis |
DB95.5,Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with fibrosis or cirrhosis of liver |
DB95.6,Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with vascular disorders of the liver |
DB95.7,Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with liver tumours |
DB95.Y,Other specified drug-induced or toxic liver disease |
DB95.Z,Drug-induced or toxic liver disease, unspecified |
DB96.0,Autoimmune hepatitis |
DB96.10,Primary biliary cholangitis with overlap syndrome |
DB96.1Y,Other specified primary biliary cholangitis |
DB96.1Z,Primary biliary cholangitis, unspecified |
DB96.20,Primary sclerosing cholangitis with cirrhosis |
DB96.2Y,Other specified primary sclerosing cholangitis |
DB96.2Z,Primary sclerosing cholangitis, unspecified |
DB96.Y,Other specified autoimmune liver disease |
DB96.Z,Autoimmune liver disease, unspecified |
DB97.0,Idiopathic granulomatous hepatitis |
DB97.1,Hepatic berylliosis |
DB97.2,Chronic hepatitis, not elsewhere classified |
DB97.Y,Other specified inflammatory liver disease |
DB97.Z,Inflammatory liver disease, unspecified |
DB98.0,Infarction of liver |
DB98.1,Peliosis hepatis |
DB98.2,Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of liver |
DB98.3,Portal vein thrombosis |
DB98.4,Splenic vein thrombosis |
DB98.5,Budd-Chiari syndrome |
DB98.6,Hepatic veno-occlusive disease |
DB98.70,Idiopathic portal hypertension |
DB98.71,Non-cirrhotic portal fibrosis |
DB98.72,Partial nodular transformation of liver |
DB98.73,Splanchnic arteriovenous fistula |
DB98.7Y,Other specified portal hypertension |
DB98.7Z,Portal hypertension, unspecified |
DB98.8,Passive congestion of liver |
DB98.9,Hepatic artery aneurysm |
DB98.A,Hepatic haemorrhage |
DB98.B,Ischaemia reperfusion injury of liver |
DB98.Y,Other specified vascular disorders of the liver |
DB98.Z,Vascular disorders of the liver, unspecified |
DB99.0,Chronic liver disease |
DB99.10,Polycystic liver disease |
DB99.1Y,Other specified hepatic cyst |
DB99.1Z,Hepatic cyst, unspecified |
DB99.2,Hepatorenal syndrome |
DB99.3,Portopulmonary hypertension |
DB99.4,Hepatopulmonary syndrome |
DB99.5,Hepatic encephalopathy |
DB99.60,Cholestasis of parenteral nutrition |
DB99.6Y,Other specified intrahepatic cholestasis, not elsewhere classified |
DB99.6Z,Intrahepatic cholestasis, not elsewhere classified, unspecified |
DB99.7,Hepatic failure without mention whether acute or chronic |
DB99.8,Chronic hepatic failure |
DB99.Y,Other diseases of liver |
DB9Z,Diseases of liver, unspecified |
DC10.00,Obstruction of cystic duct |
DC10.01,Obstruction of gall bladder |
DC10.02,Obstruction of bile duct |
DC10.0Y,Other specified obstruction of gallbladder or bile ducts |
DC10.0Z,Obstruction of gallbladder or bile ducts, unspecified |
DC10.1,Hydrops of gallbladder |
DC10.2,Fistula of gallbladder or bile duct |
DC10.3,Polyp of gallbladder |
DC10.4,Cholesterolosis of gallbladder |
DC10.Y,Other specified acquired anatomical alterations of gallbladder or bile ducts |
DC10.Z,Acquired anatomical alterations of gallbladder or bile ducts, unspecified |
DC11.0,Calculus of gallbladder or cystic duct with acute cholecystitis |
DC11.1,Calculus of gallbladder or cystic duct with other cholecystitis |
DC11.2,Calculus of gallbladder or cystic duct with cholangitis |
DC11.3,Calculus of gallbladder or cystic duct without cholecystitis or cholangitis |
DC11.4,Calculus of bile duct with cholangitis |
DC11.5,Calculus of bile duct with cholecystitis |
DC11.6,Calculus of bile duct without cholangitis or cholecystitis |
DC11.7,Intrahepatic cholelithiasis |
DC11.Y,Other specified cholelithiasis |
DC11.Z,Cholelithiasis, unspecified |
DC12.00,Acute on chronic cholecystitis |
DC12.0Y,Other specified acute cholecystitis |
DC12.0Z,Acute cholecystitis, unspecified |
DC12.1,Chronic cholecystitis |
DC12.Y,Other specified cholecystitis |
DC12.Z,Cholecystitis, unspecified |
DC13,Cholangitis |
DC14.0,Haemorrhage of bile duct |
DC14.1,Postcholecystectomy syndrome |
DC14.2,Dyskinesia of sphincter of Oddi |
DC14.3,Adenomyomatosis of gallbladder |
DC14.Y,Other biliary diseases |
DC14.Z,Biliary disease, unspecified |
DC1Y,Other specified diseases of gallbladder or biliary tract |
DC1Z,Diseases of gallbladder or biliary tract, unspecified |
DC30.0,Cyst of pancreas |
DC30.1,Pseudocyst of pancreas |
DC30.Y,Other specified cystic diseases of the pancreas |
DC30.Z,Cystic diseases of the pancreas, unspecified |
DC31.0,Acute idiopathic pancreatitis |
DC31.1,Acute alcohol-induced pancreatitis |
DC31.2,Acute biliary pancreatitis |
DC31.3,Acute drug-induced pancreatitis |
DC31.4,Hereditary acute pancreatitis |
DC31.5,Acute exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis |
DC31.Y,Other specified acute pancreatitis |
DC31.Z,Acute pancreatitis, unspecified |
DC32.0,Calcific pancreatitis |
DC32.1,Groove pancreatitis |
DC32.2,Hereditary chronic pancreatitis |
DC32.3,Chronic alcohol-induced pancreatitis |
DC32.4,Chronic idiopathic pancreatitis |
DC32.5,Tropical pancreatitis |
DC32.Y,Other specified chronic pancreatitis |
DC32.Z,Chronic pancreatitis, unspecified |
DC33,Autoimmune pancreatitis |
DC34,Obstructive pancreatitis |
DC35.0,Atrophy of pancreas |
DC35.1,Secondary pancreatic insufficiency |
DC35.2,Pancreatic steatorrhoea |
DC35.Z,Certain specified diseases of pancreas, unspecified |
DC3Y,Other specified diseases of pancreas |
DC3Z,Diseases of pancreas, unspecified |
DC50.00,Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis |
DC50.01,Other specified primary peritonitis |
DC50.10,Eosinophilic peritonitis |
DC50.11,Mesenteric peritonitis |
DC50.12,Chronic proliferative peritonitis |
DC50.13,Peritonitis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae |
DC50.14,Secondary peritonitis due to other diseases or agents |
DC50.1Y,Other specified secondary peritonitis |
DC50.1Z,Secondary peritonitis, unspecified |
DC50.2,Peritoneal abscess |
DC50.Z,Peritonitis, unspecified |
DC51.0,Chylous ascites |
DC51.1,Peritoneal adhesions |
DC51.2,Haemoperitoneum |
DC51.Y,Other specified disorders of peritoneum or retroperitoneum |
DC5Z,Diseases of peritoneum, unspecified |
DC70.00,Diverticulitis of small intestine with perforation and abscess |
DC70.0Y,Diverticulitis of small intestine with other specified complication |
DC70.0Z,Diverticulitis of small intestine with unspecified complication |
DC70.1,Diverticulitis of small intestine without complication |
DC70.Z,Diverticulitis of small intestine without specification of presence of complications |
DC71.0,Diverticulosis of small intestine with haemorrhage |
DC71.1,Diverticulosis of small intestine without haemorrhage |
DC71.Z,Diverticulosis of small intestine, unspecified |
DC72.0,Diverticulum of small intestine with haemorrhage |
DC72.1,Diverticulum of small intestine without haemorrhage |
DC72.Z,Diverticulum of small intestine, no specification about presence or absence of haemorrhage |
DC80.00,Diverticulitis of large intestine with perforation and abscess |
DC80.0Z,Diverticulitis of large intestine with complication, unspecified |
DC80.1,Diverticulitis of large intestine without complication |
DC80.Z,Diverticulitis of large intestine without specification of presence of complications |
DC81.0,Diverticulosis of large intestine with haemorrhage |
DC81.1,Diverticulosis of large intestine without haemorrhage |
DC81.Z,Diverticulosis of large intestine, unspecified |
DC82.0,Diverticulum of large intestine with haemorrhage |
DC82.1,Diverticulum of large intestine without haemorrhage |
DC82.Z,Diverticulum of large intestine, unspecified |
DC90,Diverticular disease of small and large intestine |
DD00.00,Diverticulitis of unspecified part of intestine with perforation and abscess |
DD00.0Y,Other specified diverticulitis of unspecified part of intestine with complication |
DD00.0Z,Diverticulitis of unspecified part of intestine with complication, unspecified |
DD00.1,Diverticulitis of unspecified part of intestine without complication |
DD00.Z,Diverticulitis of unspecified part of intestine without specification of presence or absence of complications |
DD01.0,Diverticulosis of unspecified part of intestine with haemorrhage |
DD01.1,Diverticulosis of unspecified part of intestine without haemorrhage |
DD01.Z,Diverticulosis of unspecified part of intestine, unspecified |
DD02.0,Diverticular disease of unspecified part of intestine with haemorrhage |
DD02.1,Diverticulum of unspecified part of intestine without complication |
DD02.Z,Diverticulum of unspecified part of intestine, unspecified |
DD1Z,Diverticular disease of intestine, unspecified |
DD30.0,Acute mesenteric arterial infarction |
DD30.1,Acute mesenteric arterial ischaemia |
DD30.2,Acute mesenteric venous occlusion |
DD30.Y,Other specified acute vascular disorders of intestine |
DD30.Z,Acute vascular disorders of intestine, unspecified |
DD31.00,Ischaemic colitis |
DD31.0Y,Other specified non-occlusive mesenteric ischaemia |
DD31.0Z,Non-occlusive mesenteric ischaemia, unspecified |
DD31.Y,Other specified chronic vascular disorders of intestine |
DD31.Z,Chronic vascular disorders of intestine, unspecified |
DD3Y,Other specified ischaemic vascular disorders of intestine |
DD3Z,Ischaemic vascular disorders of intestine, unspecified |
DD50.0,Diaphragmatic hernia |
DD50.1,Pelvic hernia |
DD50.20,Primary intra-abdominal hernia |
DD50.21,Secondary intra-abdominal hernia |
DD50.2Y,Other specified intra-abdominal hernia |
DD50.2Z,Intra-abdominal hernia, unspecified |
DD50.Y,Other specified non-abdominal wall hernia |
DD50.Z,Non-abdominal wall hernia, unspecified |
DD51,Inguinal hernia |
DD52,Femoral hernia |
DD53,Umbilical hernia |
DD54,Paraumbilical hernia |
DD55,Epigastric hernia |
DD56,Incisional hernia |
DD57,Parastomal hernia |
DD5Y,Other specified hernias |
DD5Z,Hernias, unspecified |
DD70.0,Crohn disease of upper gastrointestinal tract |
DD70.1,Crohn disease of small intestine |
DD70.2,Crohn disease of appendix |
DD70.3,Crohn disease of large intestine |
DD70.4,Crohn disease of anal region |
DD70.5,Crohn disease of both small and large intestine |
DD70.6,Crohn disease of anastomotic sites |
DD70.Y,Crohn disease of other specified site |
DD70.Z,Crohn disease, unspecified site |
DD71.0,Ulcerative pancolitis |
DD71.1,Left sided ulcerative colitis |
DD71.2,Ulcerative rectosigmoiditis |
DD71.3,Ulcerative proctitis |
DD71.Y,Other specified ulcerative colitis |
DD71.Z,Ulcerative colitis, unspecified |
DD72,Indeterminate colitis |
DD7Y,Other specified inflammatory bowel diseases |
DD7Z,Inflammatory bowel diseases, unspecified |
DD90.0,Globus |
DD90.1,Functional swallowing disorder |
DD90.2,Functional heartburn |
DD90.3,Functional dyspepsia |
DD90.4,Functional nausea or vomiting |
DD90.5,Functional belching disorders |
DD90.6,Adult rumination syndrome |
DD90.Y,Other specified functional oesophageal or gastroduodenal disorders |
DD90.Z,Functional oesophageal or gastroduodenal disorders, unspecified |
DD91.00,Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation predominant |
DD91.01,Irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhoea predominant |
DD91.02,Irritable bowel syndrome, mixed type |
DD91.03,Irritable bowel syndrome, unsubtyped |
DD91.0Z,Irritable bowel syndrome, type unspecified |
DD91.1,Functional constipation |
DD91.2,Functional diarrhoea |
DD91.3,Functional bloating |
DD91.4,Functional abdominal pain syndrome |
DD91.Y,Other specified irritable bowel syndrome or functional bowel disorders |
DD91.Z,Irritable bowel syndrome or functional bowel disorders, unspecified |
DD92.0,Functional faecal incontinence |
DD92.1,Functional anorectal pain |
DD92.2,Functional defaecation disorders |
DD92.Y,Other specified functional anorectal disorders |
DD92.Z,Functional anorectal disorders, unspecified |
DD93.0,Infant regurgitation |
DD93.1,Infantile colic |
DD93.2,Infant dyschezia |
DD93.Y,Other functional digestive disorders of infants, neonates or toddlers |
DD93.Z,Functional digestive disorders of infants, toddlers or children, unspecified |
DD94,Functional gallbladder disorder |
DD95,Functional sphincter of Oddi disorder |
DD9Y,Other specified functional gastrointestinal disorders |
DD9Z,Functional gastrointestinal disorders, unspecified |
DE10,Vomiting following gastrointestinal surgery |
DE11,Dumping syndrome |
DE12.0,Colostomy or enterostomy malfunction |
DE12.Y,Other specified complication of external stoma of digestive organs |
DE2Y,Other specified diseases of the digestive system |
DE2Z,Diseases of the digestive system, unspecified |
EA00,Viral exanthem due to unknown or unspecified agent |
EA0Y,Viral exanthem due to other specified virus |
EA10,Pityriasis rosea |
EA11,Papular purpuric gloves and socks syndrome |
EA12,Infantile papular acrodermatitis |
EA20,Necrolytic acral erythema |
EA3Z,Unspecified skin disorder attributable to viral infection |
EA40,Tropical phagedaenic ulcer |
EA50.0,Erythema marginatum rheumaticum |
EA50.1,Streptococcal toxin-mediated perineal erythema |
EA50.2,Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome |
EA50.3,Staphylococcal scarlatina |
EA50.Y,Other specified toxin-mediated cutaneous reactions to distant or systemic bacterial infection |
EA51,Skin complications of BCG immunisation |
EA5Y,Cutaneous involvement by other specified bacterial infection |
EA5Z,Cutaneous involvement by unspecified bacterial infection |
EA60.0,Subcutaneous mycoses |
EA60.1,Systemic mycoses affecting skin |
EA60.Y,Skin involvement in other specified fungal infection |
EA60.Z,Fungal infection of the skin, unspecified |
EA6Y,Cutaneous involvement by other specified infection or infestation |
EA80.0,Infantile atopic eczema |
EA80.1,Childhood atopic eczema |
EA80.2,Adult atopic eczema |
EA80.Y,Other specified forms of atopic eczema |
EA81.0,Seborrhoeic dermatitis of face |
EA81.1,Seborrhoeic dermatitis of the scalp |
EA81.Y,Seborrhoeic dermatosis of other specified type or distribution |
EA81.Z,Seborrhoeic dermatitis, unspecified |
EA82,Nummular dermatitis |
EA83.00,Lichen simplex of vulva |
EA83.01,Lichen simplex of male genitalia |
EA83.02,Perianal lichen simplex |
EA83.0Y,Lichen simplex of other specified site |
EA83.0Z,Lichen simplex of unspecified site |
EA83.1,Secondary lichenification |
EA84,Asteatotic eczema |
EA85.0,Vesicular dermatitis of hands and feet |
EA85.1,Hyperkeratotic dermatitis of hands and feet |
EA85.20,Atopic eczema of hands |
EA85.2Y,Other specified dermatitis of hands |
EA85.2Z,Dermatitis of hands, unspecified |
EA85.3,Dermatitis of feet |
EA86.0,Stasis dermatitis of the lower legs |
EA87.0,Dermatitis or eczema of male genitalia |
EA87.1,Dermatitis or eczema of female genitalia |
EA87.2,Dermatitis or eczema of perianal area |
EA88.0,Infectious dermatitis |
EA88.1,Post traumatic eczema |
EA88.2,Disseminated secondary eczema |
EA88.3,Secondary eczema |
EA88.4,Pityriasis alba |
EA89,Generalised eczematous dermatitis of unspecified type |
EA8Y,Other specified eczematous dermatosis |
EA8Z,Dermatitis or eczema, unspecified |
EA90.0,Plaque psoriasis |
EA90.1,Guttate psoriasis |
EA90.2,Unstable psoriasis |
EA90.3,Erythrodermic psoriasis |
EA90.40,Generalised pustular psoriasis |
EA90.41,Acropustulosis of Hallopeau |
EA90.42,Palmoplantar pustulosis |
EA90.4Y,Other specified pustular psoriasis |
EA90.50,Scalp psoriasis |
EA90.51,Nail psoriasis |
EA90.52,Flexural and intertriginous psoriasis |
EA90.53,Anogenital psoriasis |
EA90.5Y,Psoriasis of other specified site or distribution |
EA90.Y,Other specified forms of psoriasis |
EA90.Z,Psoriasis of unspecified type |
EA91.0,Acute eruptive lichen planus |
EA91.1,Hypertrophic lichen planus |
EA91.2,Follicular lichen planus |
EA91.3,Lichen planus of genital skin and mucous membranes |
EA91.40,Non-erosive lichen planus of oral mucosa |
EA91.41,Erosive oral lichen planus |
EA91.42,Oral lichen planus, unspecified |
EA91.43,Lichenoid mucositis |
EA91.4Y,Other specified lichenoid reactions of oral mucosa |
EA91.5,Lichen planus of the nails |
EA91.Y,Other specified lichen planus |
EA91.Z,Lichen planus of unspecified type |
EA92,Lichenoid dermatoses |
EA93,Pityriasis lichenoides |
EA94,Pityriasis rubra pilaris |
EA95,Small plaque parapsoriasis |
EB00.0,Acute urticaria |
EB00.1,Chronic urticaria |
EB01.0,Dermographism |
EB01.1,Cold urticaria |
EB01.2,Delayed pressure urticaria |
EB01.3,Contact urticaria |
EB01.Y,Other specified forms of inducible urticaria and angioedema |
EB02.0,Cholinergic urticaria |
EB02.Y,Other conditions mediated by cholinergic activation |
EB03,Syndromes with urticarial reactions or angioedema |
EB04,Idiopathic angioedema |
EB05,Urticaria of unspecified type |
EB0Y,Other specified urticarial disorders |
EB10,Diffuse inflammatory erythemas |
EB11,Annular erythema |
EB12.0,Cutaneous erythema multiforme |
EB12.1,Mucocutaneous erythema multiforme |
EB12.Y,Other specified erythema multiforme |
EB12.Z,Erythema multiforme, unspecified |
EB13.0,Stevens-Johnson syndrome |
EB13.1,Toxic epidermal necrolysis |
EB13.2,Stevens-Johnson and toxic epidermal necrolysis overlap syndrome |
EB20,Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis |
EB21,Pyoderma gangrenosum |
EB2Y,Other specified neutrophilic dermatoses |
EB30,Eosinophilic cellulitis |
EB31,Erythema nodosum |
EB40.00,Oral pemphigus |
EB40.0Y,Other specified pemphigus vulgaris |
EB40.0Z,Pemphigus vulgaris, unspecified |
EB40.1,Pemphigus foliaceus |
EB40.2,Paraneoplastic pemphigus |
EB40.Y,Other specified pemphigus |
EB40.Z,Pemphigus, unspecified |
EB41.0,Bullous pemphigoid |
EB41.1,Mucous membrane pemphigoid |
EB41.Y,Other specified pemphigoid |
EB42,Linear IgA bullous dermatosis |
EB43,Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita |
EB44,Dermatitis herpetiformis |
EB4Y,Other specified immunobullous disorder |
EB50,Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus |
EB51.0,Discoid lupus erythematosus |
EB51.Y,Other specified chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus |
EB5Z,Cutaneous lupus erythematosus of unspecified type |
EB60.0,Lichen sclerosus of vulva |
EB60.1,Lichen sclerosus of penis |
EB60.Y,Lichen sclerosus of other specified sites |
EB61.0,Plaque morphoea |
EB61.1,Linear morphoea |
EB61.Y,Other specified forms of morphoea |
EB7Y,Other specified inflammatory dermatoses |
EB90.0,Diabetic skin lesions |
EB90.10,Pretibial myxoedema |
EB90.11,Lichen myxoedematosus |
EB90.12,Reticular erythematous mucinosis |
EB90.1Y,Other specified forms of cutaneous mucinosis |
EB90.20,Plane xanthoma |
EB90.21,Tuberous xanthoma |
EB90.22,Eruptive xanthoma |
EB90.23,Tendinous xanthoma |
EB90.24,Xanthoma due to specified disorder of lipid metabolism |
EB90.2Z,Cutaneous and subcutaneous xanthomata of unspecified type |
EB90.30,Pseudoporphyria |
EB90.3Y,Other specified porphyria or pseudoporphyria affecting the skin |
EB90.40,Dystrophic calcification of the skin of uncertain or unspecified aetiology |
EB90.41,Calcific panniculitis |
EB90.42,Calcific arteriolopathy |
EB90.4Y,Other specified calcification of skin or subcutaneous tissue |
EB9Y,Other specified metabolic and nutritional disorders affecting the skin |
EC10,Genetic syndromes with poikiloderma |
EC1Y,Other specified genetic syndromes affecting the skin |
EC20.00,Ichthyosis vulgaris |
EC20.01,X-linked ichthyosis |
EC20.02,Autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis |
EC20.03,Keratinopathic ichthyoses |
EC20.0Y,Other specified or unclassifiable non-syndromic ichthyosis |
EC20.1,Hereditary skin peeling |
EC20.2,Hereditary acantholytic dermatoses |
EC20.30,Diffuse palmoplantar keratodermas |
EC20.31,Focal palmoplantar keratodermas |
EC20.32,Papular palmoplantar keratodermas |
EC20.3Z,Hereditary palmoplantar keratoderma of unspecified type |
EC20.Y,Other specified genetic disorders of keratinisation |
EC21.0,Genetic defects of the hair shaft |
EC21.1,Genetic syndromes with abnormalities of the hair shaft |
EC21.2,Hereditary alopecia or hypotrichosis |
EC21.3,Genetic syndromes with alopecia or hypotrichosis |
EC21.4,Genetically-determined hypertrichosis |
EC21.Y,Other specified genetic defects of hair or hair growth |
EC22.0,Inherited deformities of nails |
EC23.0,Non-syndromic genetically-determined hypermelanosis or lentiginosis |
EC23.1,Syndromic genetically-determined hypermelanosis or lentiginosis |
EC23.20,Oculocutaneous albinism |
EC23.2Y,Other specified genetically-determined hypomelanotic disorders |
EC23.Y,Other specified genetic disorders of skin pigmentation |
EC30,Epidermolysis bullosa simplex |
EC31,Junctional epidermolysis bullosa |
EC32,Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa |
EC33,Syndromic epidermolysis bullosa |
EC3Z,Epidermolysis bullosa |
EC40,Pseudoxanthoma elasticum |
EC4Y,Other specified genetic disorders affecting dermal matrix proteins |
EC50,Developmental anomalies of the umbilicus |
EC5Y,Other specified developmental anomalies affecting the skin |
EC7Y,Other specified genetic and developmental disorders affecting the skin |
EC90.0,Pruritus due to skin disorder |
EC90.10,Uraemic pruritus |
EC90.11,Cholestatic pruritus |
EC90.12,Haemodialysis-associated pruritus |
EC90.1Y,Pruritus due to other specified systemic disorder |
EC90.2,Drug-induced pruritus |
EC90.3,Pruritus due to neurological disorder |
EC90.4,Psychogenic pruritus |
EC90.5,Anogenital pruritus |
EC90.6,Pruritus of unknown cause |
EC90.Y,Pruritus of other specified type or aetiology |
EC90.Z,Pruritus, unspecified |
EC91.0,Nodular prurigo |
EC91.1,Atopic prurigo |
EC91.Z,Prurigo, unspecified |
EC92.0,Penoscrotodynia |
EC92.1,Scalp dysaesthesia |
EC9Y,Other specified disturbances of cutaneous sensation |
ED00,Artefactual skin disorder |
ED01,Simulated skin disease |
ED02,Painful bruising syndrome |
ED0Y,Other specified self-inflicted skin disorders |
ED2Y,Other specified psychological or psychiatric conditions affecting the skin |
ED30.0,Neuropathic skin ulceration |
ED30.Y,Other specified neuropathic skin damage |
ED31,Burning feet syndrome |
ED3Y,Cutaneous involvement in other specified neurological condition |
ED50.0,Acquired ichthyosis |
ED50.Z,Ichthyosis of unspecified type |
ED51.00,Benign acanthosis nigricans |
ED51.0Y,Other specified acanthosis nigricans |
ED51.0Z,Acanthosis nigricans, unspecified |
ED51.Y,Other specified hyperkeratotic and acanthotic dermatoses |
ED52,Porokeratoses |
ED53,Skin peeling |
ED54,Xerosis cutis or asteatosis |
ED55.0,Acquired palmoplantar keratodermas |
ED55.Z,Palmoplantar keratoderma, unspecified |
ED56,Keratosis pilaris |
ED5Y,Other specified disorders of epidermal keratinisation |
ED60.00,Suntan |
ED60.01,Tanning due to exposure to artificial sources of ultraviolet radiation |
ED60.1,Melasma |
ED60.2,Postinflammatory hypermelanosis |
ED60.Y,Hypermelanosis of other specified aetiology |
ED60.Z,Hypermelanosis of unspecified aetiology |
ED61.0,Freckles |
ED61.10,Penile melanotic macule |
ED61.11,Vulval melanotic macule |
ED61.1Y,Other specified mucosal melanosis |
ED61.Y,Other specified acquired melanotic macules or lentigines |
ED62.0,Haemosiderin pigmentation of skin |
ED62.Y,Other specified endogenous non-melanin pigmentation |
ED63.0,Vitiligo |
ED63.1,Hypomelanosis due to exposure to chemicals |
ED63.2,Postinflammatory hypomelanosis |
ED63.3,Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome |
ED63.Y,Acquired hypomelanosis due to other specified disorder |
ED63.Z,Acquired hypomelanosis of unknown or unspecified aetiology |
ED64,Abnormal skin pigmentation |
ED6Y,Other specified disorders of skin pigmentation |
ED70.0,Male pattern hair loss |
ED70.1,Female pattern hair loss |
ED70.20,Patchy alopecia areata of scalp |
ED70.21,Alopecia totalis |
ED70.2Y,Other specified forms of alopecia areata |
ED70.2Z,Alopecia areata, unspecified |
ED70.30,Acute telogen effluvium |
ED70.31,Postpartum telogen effluvium |
ED70.3Y,Telogen hair shedding due to other specified cause |
ED70.4,Anagen effluvium |
ED70.50,Folliculitis decalvans |
ED70.51,Dissecting cellulitis |
ED70.5Y,Scarring alopecia due to other specified cause |
ED70.5Z,Scarring alopecia of unknown or unspecified aetiology |
ED70.Y,Other specified alopecia or hair loss |
ED70.Z,Alopecia, unspecified |
ED71,Hypertrichosis |
ED72.0,Constitutional hirsutism |
ED72.1,Hirsutism associated with hyperandrogenaemia |
ED72.Z,Hirsutism, unspecified |
ED73.0,Weathered hair |
ED73.10,Premature canities |
ED73.11,Acquired poliosis |
ED73.Y,Other specified acquired disorders of the hair shaft |
ED7Y,Other specified disorders of hair |
ED80.0,Comedonal acne |
ED80.1,Superficial mixed comedonal and papulopustular acne |
ED80.2,Papulopustular acne |
ED80.3,Nodular acne |
ED80.40,Acne fulminans |
ED80.41,Acne conglobata |
ED80.4Y,Other specified severe inflammatory acne |
ED80.4Z,Severe inflammatory acne, unspecified |
ED80.5,Acne scarring |
ED80.6,Infantile acne |
ED80.Y,Other specified acne |
ED80.Z,Acne, unspecified |
ED81.0,Folliculitis cruris pustulosa atrophicans |
ED81.1,Acneform reactions to halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons |
ED81.Y,Other specified acneform inflammatory disorders |
ED90.00,Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea |
ED90.01,Papulopustular rosacea |
ED90.02,Phymatous rosacea |
ED90.0Y,Other specified rosacea |
ED90.1,Periorificial dermatitis |
ED90.Y,Other specified rosacea-like disorders |
ED91.0,Heterotopic sebaceous glands |
ED91.1,Sebaceous gland hyperplasia |
ED91.2,Seborrhoea |
ED92.0,Hidradenitis suppurativa |
ED92.1,Apocrine sweat disorders |
ED9Y,Other specified disorders involving the hair follicle |
EE00.00,Palmoplantar hyperhidrosis |
EE00.01,Axillary hyperhidrosis |
EE00.02,Craniofacial hyperhidrosis |
EE00.0Y,Other specified localised hyperhidrosis |
EE00.0Z,Localised hyperhidrosis, unspecified |
EE00.1,Primary generalised hyperhidrosis |
EE00.Z,Hyperhidrosis, unspecified |
EE01.0,Hypohidrosis attributable to defective sudomotor innervation or function |
EE01.1,Hypohidrosis due to genetic abnormalities of eccrine gland structure or function |
EE01.2,Hypohidrosis of undetermined aetiology |
EE01.Y,Other specified forms of hypohidrosis |
EE01.Z,Hypohidrosis, unspecified |
EE02.0,Neonatal miliaria |
EE02.Y,Other specified forms of miliaria |
EE0Y,Other specified disorders of eccrine sweat glands or sweating |
EE10.0,Abnormality of nail shape |
EE10.10,Nail pitting |
EE10.1Y,Other specified abnormality of nail surface |
EE10.2,Onycholysis |
EE10.3,Nail hypertrophy |
EE10.4,Nail atrophy |
EE10.5,Nail dystrophy, not otherwise specified |
EE10.Y,Other specified acquired deformities of the nail plate |
EE11.0,Melanonychia |
EE11.1,Yellow nail syndrome |
EE11.Y,Other abnormalities of nail colour |
EE12.0,Acute bacterial paronychia |
EE12.1,Onychomycosis |
EE12.Y,Other specified infections of the nail or perionychium |
EE13.0,Nail fragility |
EE13.10,Ingrowing toenail |
EE13.11,Infected ingrowing toenail |
EE13.2,Chronic paronychia |
EE13.3,Nail disorder associated with specified dermatosis |
EE13.4,Nail disorder associated with specified systemic disease |
EE13.5,Eczematous nail dystrophy |
EE13.Y,Other specified nail disorder |
EE1Y,Other specified disorders of the nail or perionychium |
EE1Z,Disorders of the nail or perionychium, unspecified |
EE20,Acute cutaneous distension syndrome |
EE21,Epidermal fragility |
EE40.0,Corticosteroid-induced skin atrophy |
EE40.10,Stretch marks of pregnancy |
EE40.1Y,Stretch marks of other specified aetiology |
EE40.2,Atrophic scarring of the skin |
EE40.30,Genetically-determined skin fragility |
EE40.31,Age-related skin fragility |
EE40.32,Purpura or bruising due to vascular fragility |
EE40.Y,Other specified atrophy or degeneration of dermal or subcutaneous connective tissue |
EE40.Z,Atrophy or degeneration of dermal or subcutaneous connective tissue, unspecified type |
EE41.0,Cutis laxa |
EE41.1,Anetoderma |
EE41.Y,Other specified dermatoses characterised by abnormal dermal elastin |
EE50,Acquired poikiloderma |
EE60.00,Ear-lobe keloid |
EE60.0Y,Other specified keloid |
EE60.0Z,Keloid, unspecified |
EE60.1,Hypertrophic scar |
EE60.Y,Other specified keloidal disorders |
EE61,Superficial fibromatoses |
EE6Y,Other specified fibromatous disorders of skin and soft tissue |
EE70.0,Acquired perforating dermatosis |
EE70.Y,Other specified perforating dermatoses |
EE7Y,Other specified disorders of cutaneous connective tissue |
EE80.0,Granuloma annulare |
EE80.1,Necrobiosis lipoidica |
EE81,Dermal dendrocyte, Class IIa histiocytoses |
EE8Y,Other specified histiocytic and granulomatous disorders of the skin |
EE90,Benign lymphocytic infiltration of the skin |
EE91,Lymphocytoma cutis |
EF00.0,Pancreatic enzyme panniculitis |
EF00.Y,Panniculitis of other specified aetiology |
EF00.Z,Panniculitis of undetermined or unspecified etiology |
EF01.0,Acquired partial lipodystrophy |
EF01.1,Localised lipoatrophy and lipodystrophy |
EF01.Y,Other specified forms of lipodystrophy and lipoatrophy |
EF01.Z,Lipodystrophy of unspecified type |
EF02.0,Fat hypertrophy |
EF02.1,Subcutaneous lipomatosis |
EF02.2,Lipoedema |
EF02.3,Cellulite |
EF02.Y,Other specified noninflammatory disorders of subcutaneous fat |
EF0Y,Other specified disorders of subcutaneous fat |
EF20.0,Venous lake |
EF20.1,Angiokeratoma |
EF20.2,Lower limb venous telangiectases |
EF20.3,Spider telangiectasis |
EF20.4,Generalised essential telangiectasia |
EF20.Y,Other specified acquired malformations of cutaneous blood vessels |
EF20.Z,Acquired malformations of cutaneous blood vessels, unspecified |
EF2Z,Cutaneous vascular malformation, unspecified |
EF30,Purpura or bruising due to disorders of coagulation |
EF31,Traumatic purpura |
EF3Y,Other specified purpura |
EF3Z,Purpura of unspecified aetiology |
EF40.0,Capillaritis |
EF40.10,Urticarial vasculitis |
EF40.1Y,Other specified vasculitis affecting small cutaneous blood vessels |
EF40.20,Granuloma faciale |
EF40.2Y,Other specified localised cutaneous vasculitis |
EF40.Z,Cutaneous vasculitis unspecified |
EF50,Livedoid vasculopathy |
EF5Y,Other specified dermatoses attributable to hyperviscosity or microvascular occlusion |
EF60,Ischaemic ulceration of skin |
EF70,Lower limb venous eczema |
EF7Y,Other specified dermatoses due to venous disease |
EF7Z,Dermatoses due to venous disease, unspecified |
EF9Y,Other specified dermatoses resulting from vascular insufficiency |
EG00,Vasodilatation of extremities |
EG01,Vasoconstriction of extremities |
EG02,Flushing disorders |
EG1Y,Other specified skin disorders involving specific cutaneous structures |
EG1Z,Skin disorders involving specific cutaneous structures, unspecified |
EG30.0,Scalp folliculitis |
EG30.1,Erosive pustular dermatosis of scalp |
EG30.2,Pityriasis amiantacea |
EG30.Y,Other specified scalp disorders not elsewhere classifiable |
EG40.0,Allergic contact dermatitis of external ear |
EG4Y,Other specified inflammatory disorder of external ear |
EG4Z,Otitis externa |
EG60,Anal pruritus |
EG61,Infections of the anus or perianal skin |
EG62,Inflammatory dermatoses of the perianal area |
EG63.0,Sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus |
EG63.1,Sacrococcygeal pilonidal cyst |
EG63.2,Sacrococcygeal pilonidal abscess |
EG7Y,Other specified skin disorders involving the genital and perianal regions |
EG9Y,Skin disorders involving other specific body regions |
EG9Z,Skin disorders involving certain specific body regions, unspecified |
EH10,Neonatal viral infections involving the skin |
EH11,Neonatal pyogenic skin infections |
EH12,Neonatal fungal infections involving the skin |
EH1Z,Neonatal skin infection, unspecified |
EH3Y,Other specified skin disorders specific to the perinatal or neonatal period |
EH40.00,Cradle cap |
EH40.01,Disseminated infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis |
EH40.02,Psoriasiform napkin dermatitis |
EH40.10,Primary irritant napkin dermatitis |
EH40.1Y,Other specified infantile napkin dermatoses |
EH40.2,Erythrodermas of infancy |
EH40.3,Acute haemorrhagic oedema of infancy |
EH40.Y,Other specified dermatoses of infancy |
EH60,Exanthematic drug eruption |
EH61.0,Drug-induced urticaria |
EH61.1,Drug-induced angioedema |
EH62,Lichenoid drug eruption |
EH63.0,Drug-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome |
EH63.1,Drug-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis |
EH63.2,Drug-induced Stevens-Johnson and toxic epidermal necrolysis overlap syndrome |
EH64,Drug-induced erythroderma |
EH65,DRESS syndrome |
EH66,Fixed drug eruption |
EH67.0,Drug-induced acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis |
EH67.Y,Other specified acne or acneform reactions attributable to drugs |
EH67.Z,Acne or acneform reactions attributable to drugs, unspecified |
EH6Y,Drug eruption of other specified type |
EH6Z,Drug eruption of unspecified type |
EH70,Pigmentary abnormalities of skin due to drug |
EH71,Dermatoses precipitated by drug therapy |
EH72.00,Drug-induced telogen hair loss |
EH72.01,Drug-induced anagen effluvium |
EH72.Y,Other specified drug-induced hair abnormalities |
EH73,Drug-induced nail abnormalities |
EH74,Drug-induced oral conditions |
EH75,Photosensitivity due to drug |
EH76.0,Dermatoses resulting from cytotoxic or cancer chemotherapy |
EH76.1,Dermatoses resulting from immunosuppressive therapy |
EH76.2,Dermatoses attributable to corticosteroid therapy |
EH76.3,Dermatoses resulting from anticoagulant therapy |
EH76.Y,Other dermatoses associated with specific classes of medication |
EH77,Localised adverse cutaneous reactions to administration of drug |
EH78,Adverse cutaneous reactions to herbal, homoeopathic or other alternative therapies |
EH7Y,Other specified adverse cutaneous reactions to medication |
EH7Z,Unspecified adverse cutaneous reactons to medication |
EH90.0,Pressure ulceration grade 1 |
EH90.1,Pressure ulceration grade 2 |
EH90.2,Pressure ulceration grade 3 |
EH90.3,Pressure ulceration grade 4 |
EH90.4,Suspected deep pressure-induced tissue damage, depth unknown |
EH90.5,Pressure ulceration, ungradable |
EH90.Z,Pressure ulcer of unspecified grade |
EH91,Miscellaneous specified dermatoses provoked by pressure |
EH92.00,Hard corn |
EH92.01,Soft corn |
EH92.0Z,Callosity, unspecified |
EH92.1,Friction blister |
EH92.Y,Other specified skin damage due to repetitive friction and mechanical trauma |
EH93.0,Tattoos or tattoo reactions |
EH93.1,Foreign body reaction to inorganic matter in the skin |
EH93.2,Foreign body reaction to organic matter in the skin |
EH93.3,Foreign body granuloma of skin |
EH93.Y,Other specified reaction to foreign body in the skin |
EJ00,Abnormal vascular reactivity to cold |
EJ0Y,Other specified dermatoses provoked or exacerbated by exposure to cold |
EJ10,Erythema ab igne |
EJ1Y,Other specified dermatoses provoked by heat or electricity |
EJ20.0,Actinic elastosis |
EJ20.1,Actinic lentigo |
EJ20.2,Actinic lentiginosis |
EJ20.3,Actinic telangiectasia |
EJ2Y,Other specified chronic effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin |
EJ30.0,Polymorphic light eruption |
EJ30.1,Chronic actinic dermatitis |
EJ30.Y,Other specified photodermatoses |
EJ40.0,Sunburn erythema |
EJ40.1,Sunburn with blisters or exudation |
EJ41.0,Burn from exposure to therapeutic ultraviolet radiation |
EJ41.Y,Other specified burn from exposure to artificial source of ultraviolet radiation |
EJ41.Z,Burn from exposure to artificial source of ultraviolet radiation, unspecified |
EJ4Z,Acute effects of ultraviolet radiation on normal skin, unspecified |
EJ6Y,Other specified dermatoses provoked by light or UV radiation |
EJ70,Acute effects of ionizing radiation on the skin |
EJ71,Chronic effects of ionizing radiation on the skin |
EJ7Z,Dermatoses due to ionizing radiation, unspecified |
EJ9Y,Other specified dermatoses provoked by physical or environmental factors |
EK00.0,Allergic contact dermatitis due to clothing or footwear |
EK00.1,Allergic contact dermatitis due to cosmetics or fragrances |
EK00.2,Allergic contact dermatitis due to dental materials |
EK00.3,Allergic contact dermatitis due to food flavours or additives |
EK00.4,Allergic contact dermatitis due to hairdressing products |
EK00.5,Allergic contact dermatitis due to industrial biocides, cutting oils or disinfectants |
EK00.6,Allergic contact dermatitis due to metals or metal salts |
EK00.7,Allergic contact dermatitis due to allergenic haptens derived from plants or organic matter |
EK00.8,Allergic contact dermatitis due to plastics, glues or resin systems |
EK00.9,Allergic contact dermatitis due to preservatives or biocides |
EK00.A,Allergic contact dermatitis due to rubber chemicals |
EK00.B,Allergic contact dermatitis due to systemic medicaments |
EK00.C,Allergic contact dermatitis due to topical medicaments |
EK00.Y,Other specified allergic contact dermatitis |
EK00.Z,Allergic contact dermatitis, unspecified |
EK01,Photo-allergic contact dermatitis |
EK02.00,Irritant contact dermatitis due to wet work |
EK02.01,Irritant contact dermatitis due to solvents |
EK02.02,Irritant contact dermatitis due to exposure to acids, alkalis or other specified chemical irritants |
EK02.03,Irritant contact dermatitis due to cosmetics or emollients |
EK02.04,Irritant contact dermatitis due to topical medicaments or antimicrobials |
EK02.05,Irritant contact dermatitis due to plants or other vegetable matter |
EK02.06,Irritant contact dermatitis due to foods |
EK02.10,Irritant contact dermatitis of external ear |
EK02.11,Irritant contact blepharoconjunctivitis |
EK02.12,Irritant contact dermatitis of hands |
EK02.13,Irritant contact dermatitis of vulva |
EK02.1Y,Irritant contact dermatitis of other specified site |
EK02.20,Intertriginous dermatitis due to friction, sweating or contact with body fluids |
EK02.21,Irritant contact dermatitis due to saliva |
EK02.22,Irritant contact dermatitis due to incontinence |
EK02.23,Irritant contact dermatitis related to stoma or fistula |
EK02.24,Irritant contact dermatitis related to skin contact with prostheses or surgical appliances |
EK02.Y,Irritant contact dermatitis due to other specified cause |
EK02.Z,Irritant contact dermatitis, unspecified |
EK0Y,Dermatitis due to other specified exogenous factors |
EK0Z,Contact dermatitis, unspecified |
EK10.0,Oral allergy syndrome |
EK10.1,Contact urticaria due to food allergen |
EK10.Y,Other specified allergic contact urticaria |
EK11,Protein contact dermatitis |
EK12,Allergic contact sensitisation |
EK1Y,Other specified forms of cutaneous allergy |
EK20,Phototoxic reaction to fragrance or cosmetics |
EK2Y,Phototoxic reaction to skin contact with other specified photoactive agent |
EK2Z,Phototoxic dermatitis, unspecified |
EK4Y,Other specified dermatoses provoked by contact with irritant or noxious substance |
EK50.00,Papular urticaria |
EK50.01,Bullous insect bite reaction |
EK50.02,Persistent insect bite reaction |
EK50.0Y,Other specified cutaneous insect bite reactions |
EK50.0Z,Cutaneous insect bite reactions, unspecified |
EK5Y,Other specified skin disorders provoked by external factors |
EK70.00,Infected epidermoid cyst |
EK70.1,Trichilemmal cyst |
EK70.2,Digital myxoid pseudocyst |
EK70.3,Hidrocystoma |
EK70.Y,Other specified cutaneous cysts |
EK70.Z,Cutaneous cysts, unspecified |
EK71.0,Fibroepithelial polyp of skin |
EK71.1,Multiple skin tags |
EK71.Z,Polyp of skin not elsewhere classified |
EK90.0,Actinic keratosis |
EK90.1,Diffuse actinic keratinocyte dysplasia |
EK90.Y,Other discrete epidermal dysplasias |
EK91.0,Large plaque parapsoriasis |
EK91.1,Poikiloderma vasculare atrophicans |
EK91.2,Primary cutaneous plasmacytosis |
EK92,Histiocytoses of uncertain malignant potential |
EL10,Paraneoplastic syndromes involving skin |
EL1Y,Other specified cutaneous markers of internal malignancy |
EL3Y,Other specified cutaneous markers of internal disorders |
EL50.0,Keloidal surgical scar |
EL50.1,Hypertrophic surgical scar |
EL50.2,Atrophic surgical scar |
EL50.3,Expanded surgical scar |
EL50.Y,Other specified unsatisfactory surgical scar of skin |
EL51,Cutaneous flap necrosis |
EL52,Myocutaneous flap necrosis |
EL53,Skin graft failure |
EL54,Composite graft failure |
EL60,Acute radiodermatitis following radiotherapy |
EL61,Chronic radiodermatitis following radiotherapy |
EL62,Radiotherapy-induced skin malignancy |
EL6Y,Other specified adverse cutaneous effects of therapeutic ionizing irradiation |
EL6Z,Adverse cutaneous reaction to radiotherapy |
EL70,Adverse reaction to dermal or deep fillers |
EL71,Adverse reaction to chemical peel |
EL72,Adverse reaction to injection of neurotoxin |
EL73,Unsatisfactory outcome from cutaneous cosmetic surgical procedure |
EL7Y,Other specified complications of cutaneous cosmetic procedures |
EL80,Adverse cutaneous effects of diagnostic procedures |
EL8Y,Other specified postprocedural disorders of the skin |
EM0Y,Other specified diseases of the skin |
EM0Z,Skin disease of unspecified nature |
FA00.0,Primary osteoarthritis of hip |
FA00.1,Post traumatic osteoarthritis of hip |
FA00.2,Other secondary osteoarthritis of hip |
FA00.Z,Osteoarthritis of hip, unspecified |
FA01.0,Primary osteoarthritis of knee |
FA01.1,Post traumatic osteoarthritis of knee |
FA01.2,Other secondary osteoarthritis of knee |
FA01.Z,Osteoarthritis of knee, unspecified |
FA02.0,Primary osteoarthritis of wrist and hand |
FA02.1,Post traumatic osteoarthritis of wrist and hand |
FA02.2,Other secondary osteoarthritis of wrist and hand |
FA02.Z,Osteoarthritis of wrist and hand, unspecified |
FA03.0,Primary osteoarthritis of other specified joint |
FA03.1,Post traumatic osteoarthritis of other specified joint |
FA03.2,Other secondary osteoarthritis of other specified joint |
FA03.Z,Osteoarthritis of other specified joint, unspecified |
FA04,Oligoosteoarthritis |
FA05,Polyosteoarthritis |
FA0Z,Osteoarthritis, unspecified |
FA10.0,Bacterial infection of joint |
FA10.1,Viral infection of joint |
FA10.2,Fungal infection of joint |
FA10.Z,Direct infections of joint, unspecified |
FA11.0,Arthropathy following intestinal bypass |
FA11.1,Arthropathy following vaccination |
FA11.2,Arthropathy following genitourinary infection |
FA11.Y,Other specified reactive arthropathies |
FA11.Z,Reactive arthropathies, unspecified |
FA12.0,Bacterial postinfectious arthropathy |
FA12.1,Viral postinfectious arthropathies |
FA12.2,Fungal postinfectious arthropathies |
FA12.3,Parasitic postinfectious arthropathies |
FA12.Y,Other specified postinfectious arthropathies |
FA12.Z,Postinfectious arthropathies, unspecified |
FA13,Infectious spondyloarthritis |
FA1Y,Other specified infection related arthropathies |
FA1Z,Infection related arthropathies, unspecified |
FA20.0,Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis |
FA20.1,Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis |
FA20.Z,Rheumatoid arthritis, serology unspecified |
FA21.0,Psoriatic spondyloarthritis |
FA21.Y,Other specified psoriatic arthritis |
FA21.Z,Psoriatic arthritis, unspecified |
FA22,Polymyalgia rheumatica |
FA23,Adult-onset Still disease |
FA24.00,Juvenile idiopathic oligoarthritis, onset persistent |
FA24.01,Juvenile idiopathic oligoarthritis, onset extended |
FA24.0Z,Juvenile idiopathic oligoarthritis, onset unspecified |
FA24.1,Juvenile idiopathic polyarthritis |
FA24.2,Juvenile psoriatic arthritis |
FA24.3,Juvenile enthesitis related arthritis |
FA24.4,Juvenile systemic arthritis |
FA24.Y,Other specified juvenile idiopathic arthritis |
FA24.Z,Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, unspecified |
FA25.0,Primary gout |
FA25.10,Lead-induced gout |
FA25.11,Drug-induced gout |
FA25.12,Gouty arthropathy due to enzyme defects or other inherited disorders |
FA25.1Y,Other specified secondary gout |
FA25.1Z,Secondary gout, unspecified |
FA25.20,Tophaceous gout |
FA25.2Y,Other specified gout without specification whether primary or secondary |
FA25.2Z,Gout, unspecified |
FA26.0,Calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate deposition disease |
FA26.1,Hydroxyapatite deposition disease |
FA26.2,Chondrocalcinosis |
FA26.Y,Other specified crystal arthropathies |
FA26.Z,Crystal arthropathies, unspecified |
FA27.0,Kashin-Beck disease |
FA27.1,Pigmented villonodular synovitis |
FA27.2,Palindromic rheumatism |
FA27.3,Transient synovitis |
FA27.4,Intermittent hydrarthrosis |
FA27.Y,Other specified inflammatory arthropathies |
FA27.Z,Inflammatory arthropathies, unspecified |
FA2Z,Inflammatory arthropathies, unspecified |
FA30.0,Acquired hallux valgus |
FA30.1,Hallux rigidus |
FA30.2,Acquired hammer toe |
FA30.Y,Other specified acquired deformities of fingers or toes |
FA30.Z,Acquired deformities of fingers or toes, unspecified |
FA31.0,Valgus deformity, not elsewhere classified |
FA31.1,Varus deformity, not elsewhere classified |
FA31.2,Flexion deformity |
FA31.3,Acquired wrist drop |
FA31.4,Acquired foot drop |
FA31.5,Acquired pes planus |
FA31.6,Acquired clawhand or clubhand |
FA31.7,Acquired clawfoot or clubfoot |
FA31.8,Acquired unequal limb length |
FA31.Y,Other specified acquired deformities of limbs |
FA31.Z,Acquired deformities of limbs, unspecified |
FA32.0,Recurrent instability of patella |
FA32.1,Patellofemoral disorders |
FA32.Y,Other specified disorders of patella |
FA32.Z,Disorders of patella, unspecified |
FA33.0,Cystic meniscus |
FA33.1,Discoid meniscus |
FA33.2,Derangement of meniscus due to old tear or injury |
FA33.3,Loose body in knee |
FA33.40,Chronic instability of knee, medial collateral ligament or other and unspecified medial meniscus |
FA33.4Y,Other specified chronic instability of knee |
FA33.4Z,Chronic instability of knee, unspecified |
FA33.Y,Other specified internal derangement of knee |
FA33.Z,Internal derangement of knee, unspecified |
FA34.0,Loose body in joint |
FA34.1,Disorder of ligament |
FA34.2,Recurrent instability of joint |
FA34.3,Contracture of joint |
FA34.4,Ankylosis of joint |
FA34.5,Impingement syndrome of hip |
FA34.Y,Other joint derangements |
FA35.0,Wear of articular bearing surface of joint prosthesis of hip |
FA35.1,Wear of articular bearing surface of joint prosthesis of knee |
FA35.2,Wear of articular bearing surface of joint prosthesis of other joint |
FA35.Z,Wear of articular bearing surface of joint prosthesis of unspecified joint |
FA36.0,Effusion of joint containing blood |
FA36.Y,Other specified effusion of joint |
FA36.Z,Effusion of joint, unspecified |
FA37.0,Osteophyte |
FA37.Y,Other specified certain joint disorders, not elsewhere classified |
FA37.Z,Certain joint disorders, not elsewhere classified, unspecified |
FA38.0,Diabetic arthropathy |
FA38.10,Diabetic Charcot arthropathy |
FA38.1Y,Other specified neuropathic arthropathy |
FA38.1Z,Neuropathic arthropathy, unspecified |
FA38.2,Arthropathy in hypersensitivity reactions classified elsewhere |
FA38.3,Haemophilic arthropathy |
FA38.Y,Other specified arthropathy in diseases classified elsewhere |
FA38.Z,Unspecified arthropathy in diseases classifed elsewhere |
FA3Z,Unspecified joint disorders and deformities of limbs |
FA5Y,Other specified arthropathies |
FA5Z,Arthropathies, unspecified |
FA70.0,Kyphosis |
FA70.1,Scoliosis |
FA70.2,Lordosis |
FA70.Z,Spinal deformities, unspecified |
FA71,Torticollis |
FA72.0,Ankylosing hyperostosis |
FA72.1,Kissing spine |
FA72.2,Traumatic spondylopathy |
FA72.3,Fatigue fracture of vertebra |
FA72.4,Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified |
FA72.Y,Other specified disorders of vertebra |
FA7Y,Other specified structural disorders of spine |
FA7Z,Structural disorders of spine, unspecified |
FA80.0,Intervertebral disc degeneration of cervical spine without prolapsed disc |
FA80.1,Intervertebral disc degeneration of cervical spine with prolapsed disc |
FA80.2,Intervertebral disc degeneration of cervical spine with bony spur at the vertebra |
FA80.3,Intervertebral disc degeneration of cervical spine with nervous system involvement |
FA80.4,Intervertebral disc degeneration of thoracic spine without prolapsed disc |
FA80.5,Intervertebral disc degeneration of thoracic spine with prolapsed disc |
FA80.6,Intervertebral disc degeneration of thoracic spine with bony spur at the vertebra |
FA80.7,Intervertebral disc degeneration of thoracic spine with nervous system involvement |
FA80.8,Intervertebral disc degeneration of lumbar spine without prolapsed disc |
FA80.9,Intervertebral disc degeneration of lumbar spine with prolapsed disc |
FA80.A,Intervertebral disc degeneration of lumbar spine with bony spur at the vertebra |
FA80.B,Intervertebral disc degeneration of lumbar spine with nervous system involvement |
FA80.Y,Other specified intervertebral disc degeneration |
FA80.Z,Intervertebral disc degeneration, unspecified |
FA81.0,Spondylolysis with slippage |
FA81.1,Spondylolysis without slippage |
FA81.Z,Spondylolysis, unspecified |
FA82,Spinal stenosis |
FA83,Ossification of spinal ligaments |
FA84.0,Spondylolisthesis with pars defect |
FA84.1,Spondylolisthesis without pars defect |
FA84.Z,Spondylolisthesis, unspecified |
FA85.0,Spinal epiphysiopathy with no determinant |
FA85.10,Localised central endplate defect |
FA85.11,Multiple anterior endplate defect |
FA85.12,Separation of ring apophysis |
FA85.1Y,Other specified spinal epiphysiopathy with determinants |
FA85.1Z,Spinal epiphysiopathy with determinants, unspecified |
FA85.Y,Other specified spinal endplate defects |
FA85.Z,Spinal endplate defects, unspecified |
FA8Y,Other specified degenerative condition of spine |
FA8Z,Degenerative condition of spine, unspecified |
FA90.0,Infection of vertebra with no determinant |
FA90.1,Infection of vertebra with determinants |
FA90.Y,Other specified infection of vertebra |
FA90.Z,Infection of vertebra, unspecified |
FA91,Infection of intervertebral disc |
FA92.00,Spinal enthesitis |
FA92.01,Sacroiliitis, not elsewhere classified |
FA92.0Y,Other specified axial spondyloarthritis |
FA92.0Z,Axial spondyloarthritis, unspecified |
FA92.1,Peripheral spondyloarthritis |
FA92.Y,Other specified inflammatory spondyloarthritis |
FA92.Z,Inflammatory spondyloarthritis, unspecified |
FA9Y,Other specified inflammation of spine |
FA9Z,Inflammation of spine, unspecified |
FB00,Ankylosis of spinal joint |
FB0Y,Other specified spondylopathies |
FB0Z,Spondylopathies, unspecified |
FB10,Spinal instabilities |
FB1Y,Other specified conditions associated with the spine |
FB1Z,Conditions associated with the spine, unspecified |
FB30,Infectious myositis |
FB31.0,Progressive osseous heteroplasia |
FB31.1,Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva |
FB31.Y,Other specified calcification or ossification of muscle |
FB31.Z,Calcification or ossification of muscle, unspecified |
FB32.0,Diastasis of muscle |
FB32.1,Spontaneous rupture of muscle |
FB32.20,Idiopathic rhabdomyolysis |
FB32.2Y,Other specified ischaemic infarction of muscle |
FB32.2Z,Ischaemic infarction of muscle, unspecified |
FB32.3,Immobility syndrome |
FB32.4,Contracture of muscle |
FB32.5,Muscle strain or sprain |
FB32.Y,Other specified disorders of muscles |
FB33,Secondary disorders of muscle |
FB3Z,Disorders of muscles, unspecified |
FB40.0,Infectious tenosynovitis |
FB40.1,Plantar fasciitis |
FB40.2,Posterior tibial tendonitis |
FB40.3,Calcific tendinitis |
FB40.4,Trigger finger |
FB40.5,Radial styloid tenosynovitis |
FB40.Y,Other specified tenosynovitis |
FB40.Z,Tenosynovitis, unspecified |
FB41.0,Spontaneous rupture of popliteal cyst |
FB41.1,Spontaneous rupture of synovium |
FB41.2,Spontaneous rupture of tendon |
FB41.Y,Other specified spontaneous rupture of synovium or tendon |
FB41.Z,Spontaneous rupture of synovium or tendon, unspecified |
FB42.0,Acquired short Achilles tendon |
FB42.1,Contracture of tendon sheath |
FB42.2,Ganglion |
FB42.3,Synovial hypertrophy, not elsewhere classified |
FB43,Secondary disorders of synovium or tendon |
FB4Y,Other specified disorders of synovium or tendon |
FB4Z,Disorders of synovium or tendon, unspecified |
FB50.0,Infectious bursitis |
FB50.1,Bursitis related to use, overuse or pressure |
FB50.2,Synovial cyst of popliteal space |
FB50.3,Calcium deposit in bursa |
FB50.Y,Other specified bursitis |
FB50.Z,Bursitis, unspecified |
FB51.0,Palmar fascial fibromatosis |
FB51.1,Knuckle pads |
FB51.2,Pseudosarcomatous fibromatosis |
FB51.3,Fibroblastic rheumatism |
FB51.40,Primary retroperitoneal fibrosis |
FB51.4Y,Other specified retroperitoneal fibrosis |
FB51.Y,Other specified fibroblastic disorders |
FB51.Z,Fibroblastic disorders, unspecified |
FB52,Soft tissue disorders in diseases classified elsewhere |
FB53.0,Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder |
FB53.1,Rotator cuff syndrome |
FB53.2,Impingement syndrome of shoulder |
FB53.Y,Other specified shoulder lesions |
FB53.Z,Shoulder lesions, unspecified |
FB54.0,Iliac crest spur |
FB54.1,Iliotibial band syndrome |
FB54.2,Tibial collateral bursitis |
FB54.3,Calcaneal spur |
FB54.4,Metatarsalgia |
FB54.Y,Other specified enthesopathies of lower limb |
FB54.Z,Enthesopathies of lower limb, unspecified |
FB55.0,Medial epicondylitis of elbow |
FB55.1,Lateral epicondylitis of elbow |
FB55.2,Periarthritis of wrist |
FB55.Z,Enthesopathies, unspecified |
FB56.0,Foreign body granuloma of soft tissue, not elsewhere classified |
FB56.1,Residual foreign body in soft tissue |
FB56.2,Myalgia |
FB56.3,Hypertrophy of infrapatellar fat pad |
FB56.4,Pain in limb |
FB56.5,Algoneurodystrophy |
FB56.6,Other specified soft tissue disorders |
FB6Z,Soft tissue disorders, unspecified |
FB80.0,Fibrous dysplasia of bone |
FB80.1,Skeletal fluorosis |
FB80.2,Osteitis condensans |
FB80.3,Hyperostosis of skull |
FB80.4,Osteosclerosis |
FB80.5,Solitary bone cyst |
FB80.6,Aneurysmal bone cyst |
FB80.7,Malunion of fracture |
FB80.8,Nonunion of fracture |
FB80.9,Delayed union of fracture |
FB80.A,Stress fracture, not elsewhere classified |
FB80.B,Pathological fracture, not elsewhere classified |
FB80.Y,Other specified disorders of bone density and structure |
FB80.Z,Disorder of bone density and structure, unspecified |
FB81.0,Idiopathic aseptic osteonecrosis |
FB81.1,Osteonecrosis due to dialysis |
FB81.2,Drug-induced osteonecrosis |
FB81.3,Osteonecrosis due to trauma |
FB81.4,Osteonecrosis due to haemoglobinopathy |
FB81.5,Osteonecrosis due to ionizing radiation |
FB81.Y,Other specified osteonecrosis |
FB81.Z,Osteonecrosis, unspecified |
FB82.00,Chondromalacia patellae |
FB82.0Y,Other specified chondromalacia |
FB82.0Z,Chondromalacia, unspecified |
FB82.1,Osteochondrosis or osteochondritis dissecans |
FB82.2,Slipped upper femoral epiphysis |
FB82.3,Relapsing polychondritis |
FB82.Y,Other specified chondropathies |
FB82.Z,Chondropathies, unspecified |
FB83.00,Premenopausal idiopathic osteopenia |
FB83.01,Postmenopausal osteopenia |
FB83.02,Senile osteopenia |
FB83.03,Osteopenia of disuse |
FB83.04,Drug-induced osteopenia |
FB83.0Y,Other specified osteopenia |
FB83.0Z,Osteopenia, unspecified |
FB83.10,Premenopausal idiopathic osteoporosis |
FB83.11,Postmenopausal osteoporosis |
FB83.12,Osteoporosis of disuse |
FB83.13,Drug-induced osteoporosis |
FB83.14,Osteoporosis due to malabsorption |
FB83.1Y,Other specified osteoporosis |
FB83.1Z,Osteoporosis, unspecified |
FB83.20,Aluminium bone disease |
FB83.21,Adult osteomalacia due to malnutrition |
FB83.22,Drug-induced adult osteomalacia |
FB83.2Y,Other specified adult osteomalacia |
FB83.2Z,Adult osteomalacia, unspecified |
FB84.0,Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis |
FB84.1,Other acute osteomyelitis |
FB84.2,Subacute osteomyelitis |
FB84.3,Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis |
FB84.4,Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus |
FB84.5,Other chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis |
FB84.Y,Other specified osteomyelitis or osteitis |
FB84.Z,Osteomyelitis or osteitis, unspecified |
FB85.0,Juvenile Paget disease |
FB85.1,Paget disease of bone in neoplastic disease |
FB85.Y,Other specified Paget disease of bone |
FB85.Z,Paget disease of bone, unspecified |
FB86.0,Epiphyseal arrest |
FB86.10,Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy |
FB86.11,Hypertrophy of bone |
FB86.1Y,Other specified bone hyperplasias |
FB86.1Z,Bone hyperplasias, unspecified |
FB86.2,Osteolysis |
FB86.Y,Other specified disorders associated with bone growth |
FB86.Z,Disorders associated with bone growth, unspecified |
FB8Y,Other specified osteopathies or chondropathies |
FB8Z,Osteopathies or chondropathies, unspecified |
FC00.0,Acquired deformity of nose |
FC00.1,Acquired deformity of neck |
FC00.2,Acquired deformity of chest or rib |
FC00.3,Acquired deformity of pelvis |
FC00.4,Acquired deformity of trunk |
FC00.Y,Other acquired deformities of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, not classified elsewhere |
FC01.0,Pseudarthrosis after fusion or arthrodesis |
FC01.1,Postlaminectomy syndrome, not elsewhere classified |
FC01.2,Post radiation kyphosis |
FC01.3,Postlaminectomy kyphosis |
FC01.4,Postsurgical lordosis |
FC01.5,Post radiation scoliosis |
FC01.6,Fracture of bone following insertion of orthopaedic implant, joint prosthesis, or bone plate |
FC01.70,Nonunion after spinal arthrodesis |
FC01.7Y,Nonunion after arthrodesis of other sites |
FC01.8,Postsurgical osteolysis |
FC01.9,Postoophorectomy osteoporosis |
FC01.A,Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis |
FC0Y,Other specified diseases of the musculoskeletal system or connective tissue |
FC0Z,Diseases of the musculoskeletal system or connective tissue, unspecified |
GA00.0,Acute vulvitis |
GA00.1,Subacute, chronic or recurrent vulvitis |
GA00.2,Abscess of vulva |
GA00.3,Genital ulcer of vulva |
GA00.40,Vulvovaginal ulceration |
GA00.4Y,Other specified vulvovaginal ulceration and inflammation |
GA00.4Z,Vulvovaginal ulceration and inflammation, unspecified |
GA01.00,Acute endometritis |
GA01.01,Acute inflammatory disease of uterus with pyometra |
GA01.0Z,Acute inflammatory disease of uterus, unspecified |
GA01.10,Chronic endometritis |
GA01.11,Chronic inflammatory disease of uterus with pyometra |
GA01.1Z,Chronic inflammatory disease of uterus, unspecified |
GA01.Y,Other specified inflammatory disorders of the uterus, except cervix |
GA01.Z,Inflammatory disorders of the uterus, except cervix, unspecified |
GA02.0,Acute vaginitis |
GA02.1,Inflammatory vaginitis |
GA02.2,Subacute or chronic vaginitis |
GA02.3,Genital ulcer disease of vagina |
GA03.0,Abscess of Bartholin gland |
GA03.1,Cyst of Bartholin gland |
GA03.Y,Other specified diseases of Bartholin gland |
GA03.Z,Diseases of Bartholin gland, unspecified |
GA04,Cervicitis |
GA05.0,Acute female pelvic inflammatory disease |
GA05.1,Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease |
GA05.2,Female pelvic peritonitis, unspecified |
GA05.3,Tuboovarian abscess |
GA05.Y,Other specified female pelvic inflammatory diseases |
GA05.Z,Female pelvic inflammatory diseases, unspecified |
GA06,Pelvic peritoneal adhesions of unknown or combined origin |
GA07.0,Acute salpingitis and oophoritis |
GA07.1,Chronic salpingitis and oophoritis |
GA07.Y,Other specified salpingitis and oophoritis |
GA07.Z,Salpingitis and oophoritis, unspecified |
GA0Z,Inflammatory disorders of the female genital tract, unspecified |
GA10.0,Superficial endometriosis of pelvic peritoneum |
GA10.1,Peritoneal pockets |
GA10.2,Superficial ovarian endometriosis |
GA10.3,Deep ovarian endometriosis |
GA10.4,Deep endometriosis |
GA10.5,Endometriosis of fallopian tube |
GA10.6,Endometriosis in cutaneous scar |
GA10.7,Endometriosis of intestine |
GA10.8,Thoracic endometriosis |
GA10.9,Salpingitis isthmica nodosa |
GA10.A,Endometriosis-related adhesions |
GA10.Y,Endometriosis of other specified sites |
GA10.Z,Endometriosis, unspecified |
GA11,Adenomyosis |
GA12,Dyspareunia |
GA13.0,Polyp of vulva |
GA13.1,Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, not otherwise specified |
GA13.2,Hypertrophy of vulva |
GA13.3,Vulvar cyst |
GA13.4,Labial agglutination |
GA13.5,Skene duct cyst |
GA13.6,Vulvar laceration |
GA13.7,Vulvar haematoma |
GA13.Y,Other specified acquired abnormalities of vulva or perineum |
GA13.Z,Acquired abnormalities of vulva or perineum, unspecified |
GA14.0,Polyp of vagina |
GA14.1,Haematocolpos |
GA14.2,Vaginal foreign body |
GA14.3,Vaginal haematoma |
GA14.5,Leukoplakia of vagina |
GA14.Y,Other specified acquired abnormalities of vagina |
GA14.Z,Acquired abnormalities of vagina, unspecified |
GA15.0,Polyp of cervix uteri |
GA15.1,Erosion or ectropion of cervix uteri |
GA15.2,Nabothian cyst |
GA15.3,Old laceration of cervix uteri |
GA15.4,Stricture or stenosis of cervix uteri |
GA15.5,Hypertrophic elongation of cervix uteri |
GA15.6,Incompetence of cervix uteri |
GA15.7,Dysplasia of cervix uteri |
GA15.Y,Other specified acquired abnormalities of cervix uteri |
GA15.Z,Acquired abnormalities of cervix uteri, unspecified |
GA16.0,Endometrial glandular hyperplasia |
GA16.1,Malposition of uterus |
GA16.2,Intrauterine synechiae |
GA16.3,Haematometra |
GA16.Y,Other specified acquired abnormalities of uterus, except cervix |
GA16.Z,Acquired abnormalities of uterus, except cervix, unspecified |
GA17.0,Acquired parafimbrial cyst of the fallopian tube |
GA17.1,Fimbrial agglutination |
GA17.2,Hydrosalpinx |
GA17.3,Haematosalpinx |
GA17.Y,Other specified acquired abnormalities of fallopian tube |
GA17.Z,Acquired abnormalities of fallopian tube, unspecified |
GA18.0,Follicular cyst of ovary |
GA18.1,Corpus luteum cyst |
GA18.2,Theca lutein cyst |
GA18.3,Ovarian endometriotic cyst |
GA18.4,Para ovarian cyst |
GA18.5,Torsion of ovary, ovarian pedicle or fallopian tube |
GA18.6,Other or unspecified ovarian cysts |
GA18.7,Acquired atrophy of ovary or fallopian tube |
GA18.Y,Other specified acquired abnormalities of ovary |
GA18.Z,Acquired abnormalities of ovary, unspecified |
GA19.0,Haematoma of broad ligament |
GA19.Y,Other specified acquired abnormalities of broad ligament |
GA19.Z,Acquired abnormalities of broad ligament, unspecified |
GA1Y,Other specified noninflammatory disorders of female genital tract |
GA1Z,Noninflammatory disorders of female genital tract, unspecified |
GA20.00,Primary amenorrhoea |
GA20.01,Secondary amenorrhoea |
GA20.02,Lactational amenorrhoea |
GA20.0Y,Other specified amenorrhoea |
GA20.0Z,Amenorrhoea, unspecified |
GA20.10,Frequent menstrual bleeding |
GA20.11,Infrequent menstrual bleeding |
GA20.1Z,Abnormal frequency of uterine bleeding, unspecified |
GA20.20,Intermenstrual bleeding |
GA20.2Y,Other specified ovulation bleeding |
GA20.2Z,Ovulation bleeding, unspecified |
GA20.3,Abnormal regularity of uterine bleeding |
GA20.4,Abnormal duration of uterine bleeding |
GA20.50,Heavy menstrual bleeding |
GA20.51,Light menstrual bleeding |
GA20.5Z,Abnormal volume of uterine bleeding, unspecified |
GA20.Y,Other specified menstrual cycle bleeding disorders |
GA20.Z,Menstrual cycle bleeding disorders, unspecified |
GA21.0,Postcoital or contact bleeding |
GA21.Y,Other specified nonmenstrual bleeding disorders |
GA21.Z,Nonmenstrual bleeding disorders, unspecified |
GA22,Excessive menstruation with irregular cycle |
GA23,Anovulatory bleeding |
GA2Y,Other specified abnormal uterine or vaginal bleeding |
GA2Z,Abnormal uterine or vaginal bleeding, unspecified |
GA30.00,Menopausal or female climacteric states |
GA30.01,Menopausal transition |
GA30.02,Excessive bleeding in the premenopausal period |
GA30.0Y,Other specified menopause |
GA30.0Z,Menopause, unspecified |
GA30.1,Postmenopausal uterine bleeding |
GA30.2,Postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis |
GA30.3,States associated with artificial menopause |
GA30.4,Menopausal hot flush |
GA30.5,Menopausal osteoporosis |
GA30.6,Premature ovarian failure |
GA30.Y,Other specified menopausal and perimenopausal disorders |
GA30.Z,Menopausal and perimenopausal disorders, unspecified |
GA31.00,Primary female infertility of uterine origin |
GA31.01,Primary female infertility of tubal origin |
GA31.0Y,Primary female infertility of other specified origin |
GA31.0Z,Primary female infertility of unspecified origin |
GA31.10,Secondary female infertility of uterine origin |
GA31.11,Secondary female infertility of tubal origin |
GA31.1Y,Secondary female infertility of other specified origin |
GA31.1Z,Secondary female infertility of unspecified origin |
GA31.Z,Female infertility without specification whether primary or secondary |
GA32.0,Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome |
GA32.1,Bleeding after egg retrieval |
GA32.2,Infection associated with medically assisted reproduction |
GA32.3,Complications of attempted embryo transfer or medically assisted insemination |
GA32.Y,Other specified complications associated with medically assisted reproduction |
GA32.Z,Complications associated with medically assisted reproduction, unspecified |
GA33,Recurrent pregnancy loss |
GA34.00,Vulval pain |
GA34.01,Perineal pain |
GA34.02,Vulvodynia |
GA34.0Y,Other specified pain related to vulva, vagina or pelvic floor |
GA34.0Z,Pain related to vulva, vagina or pelvic floor, unspecified |
GA34.1,Vaginal laxity |
GA34.20,Cyclic pelvic pain |
GA34.21,Noncyclic pelvic pain |
GA34.2Z,Female pelvic pain, unspecified |
GA34.3,Dysmenorrhoea |
GA34.40,Premenstrual tension syndrome |
GA34.41,Premenstrual dysphoric disorder |
GA34.4Y,Other specified premenstrual disturbances |
GA34.4Z,Premenstrual disturbances, unspecified |
GA34.5,Ovarian remnant syndrome |
GA34.6,Female genital pain |
GA34.Y,Other specified female pelvic pain associated with genital organs or menstrual cycle |
GA34.Z,Female pelvic pain associated with genital organs or menstrual cycle, unspecified |
GA40,Inflammatory dermatoses of the vulva |
GA41.0,Vulval aphthosis |
GA41.Y,Other specified ulcerative or erosive disorders of the vulva |
GA42.0,Vulval pruritus |
GA43,Miscellaneous dermatoses of female genitalia |
GA4Y,Other specified dermatoses of female genitalia |
GA6Y,Other specified diseases of the female genital system |
GA6Z,Diseases of the female genital system, unspecified |
GA80.0,Aphthosis of penis or scrotum |
GA80.1,Ulcer of penis of uncertain nature |
GA80.Y,Other specified ulcerative disorders of penis and scrotum |
GA81.0,Penoscrotal pruritus |
GA81.Y,Other specified dermatoses of male genitalia |
GA90,Hyperplasia of prostate |
GA91.0,Chronic prostatitis |
GA91.1,Abscess of prostate |
GA91.2,Prostatocystitis |
GA91.3,Calculus of prostate |
GA91.4,Haemorrhage of the prostate |
GA91.5,Atrophy of prostate |
GA91.6,Dysplasia of prostate |
GA91.Y,Other specified inflammatory and other diseases of prostate |
GA91.Z,Inflammatory and other diseases of prostate, unspecified |
GB00.0,Encysted hydrocele |
GB00.1,Infected hydrocele |
GB00.2,Spermatocele |
GB00.Y,Other specified hydrocele or spermatocele |
GB00.Z,Hydrocele or spermatocele, unspecified |
GB01.0,Torsion of testis |
GB01.1,Torsion of epididymis |
GB01.2,Torsion of hydatids |
GB01.Z,Torsion of testis, epididymis or appendices, unspecified |
GB02.0,Orchitis, epididymitis or epididymo-orchitis with abscess |
GB02.Y,Other specified orchitis or epididymitis |
GB02.Z,Orchitis or epididymitis, unspecified |
GB03,Atrophy of testis |
GB04.0,Azoospermia |
GB04.Y,Other specified male infertility |
GB04.Z,Male infertility, unspecified |
GB05.0,Redundant prepuce |
GB05.1,Frenulum breve |
GB05.2,Phimosis |
GB05.3,Paraphimosis |
GB05.4,Adherent prepuce |
GB05.Z,Redundant prepuce, phimosis or paraphimosis, unspecified |
GB06.00,Non-specific balanoposthitis |
GB06.0Y,Other specified forms of balanitis and balanoposthitis |
GB06.0Z,Balanoposthitis, unspecified |
GB06.1,Priapism |
GB06.2,Penile fibromatosis |
GB06.3,Mondor disease of the penis |
GB06.4,Chronic penile oedema |
GB06.5,Sclerosing lymphangitis of penis |
GB06.Y,Other specified disorders of penis |
GB06.Z,Disorders of penis, unspecified |
GB07.0,Inflammatory disorders of seminal vesicle |
GB07.1,Inflammatory disorders of spermatic cord, tunica vaginalis or vas deferens |
GB07.2,Inflammatory disorders of scrotum |
GB07.Y,Other specified inflammatory disorders of male genital organs, not elsewhere classified |
GB08,Vascular disorders of male genital organs |
GB0Y,Other specified diseases of the male genital system |
GB0Z,Diseases of the male genital system, unspecified |
GB20.0,Fibrocystic change |
GB20.1,Fibroadenosis of breast |
GB20.Y,Other specified benign breast disease |
GB20.Z,Benign breast disease, unspecified |
GB21.0,Breast abscess |
GB21.Y,Other specified inflammatory disorders of breast |
GB21.Z,Inflammatory disorders of breast, unspecified |
GB22,Hypertrophy of breast |
GB23.0,Mammary duct ectasia |
GB23.1,Fissure or fistula of nipple |
GB23.2,Fat necrosis of breast |
GB23.3,Atrophy of breast |
GB23.4,Galactorrhoea not associated with childbirth |
GB23.5,Mastodynia |
GB2Z,Disorders of breast, unspecified |
GB40,Nephritic syndrome |
GB41,Nephrotic syndrome |
GB42.0,Albuminuria, Grade A2 |
GB42.1,Albuminuria, Grade A3 |
GB42.Y,Other specified persistent proteinuria or albuminuria |
GB42.Z,Persistent proteinuria or albuminuria, unspecified |
GB4Y,Other specified glomerular diseases |
GB4Z,Glomerular diseases, unspecified |
GB50,Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis |
GB51,Acute pyelonephritis |
GB52,Acute tubular necrosis |
GB53,Acute renal papillary necrosis |
GB54,Tubulo-interstitial nephritis, not specified as acute or chronic |
GB55.0,Balkan nephropathy |
GB55.1,Nephropathy induced by heavy metals |
GB55.2,Chronic urate nephropathy |
GB55.Y,Other specified chronic tubulo-interstitial nephritis |
GB55.Z,Chronic tubulo-interstitial nephritis, unspecified |
GB56.0,Hydronephrosis with ureteropelvic junction obstruction |
GB56.1,Hydronephrosis with ureteral obstruction |
GB56.2,Hydronephrosis with ureteral orifice obstruction |
GB56.3,Hydronephrosis due to bladder obstruction |
GB56.4,Other or unspecified hydronephrosis |
GB56.5,Hydronephrosis and reflux nephropathy with vesicoureteral or vesico-uretero-renal reflux |
GB56.Y,Other specified obstructive or reflux nephropathy |
GB56.Z,Obstructive or reflux nephropathy, unspecified |
GB57,Nephrocalcinosis |
GB58,Pyonephrosis |
GB59,Renal or perinephric abscess |
GB5Y,Other specified renal tubulo-interstitial diseases |
GB5Z,Renal tubulo-interstitial diseases, unspecified |
GB60.0,Acute kidney failure, stage 1 |
GB60.1,Acute kidney failure, stage 2 |
GB60.2,Acute kidney failure, stage 3 |
GB60.Y,Other specified acute kidney failure |
GB60.Z,Acute kidney failure, stage unspecified |
GB61.0,Chronic kidney disease, stage 1 |
GB61.1,Chronic kidney disease, stage 2 |
GB61.2,Chronic kidney disease, stage 3a |
GB61.3,Chronic kidney disease, stage 3b |
GB61.4,Chronic kidney disease, stage 4 |
GB61.5,Chronic kidney disease, stage 5 |
GB61.Z,Chronic kidney disease, stage unspecified |
GB6Z,Kidney failure, unspecified |
GB70.00,Staghorn calculus |
GB70.0Y,Other specified calculus of kidney |
GB70.0Z,Calculus of kidney, unspecified |
GB70.1,Calculus of ureter |
GB70.Z,Calculus of upper urinary tract, unspecified |
GB71.0,Calculus in bladder |
GB71.1,Calculus in urethra |
GB71.2,Calculus of bowel segments for urinary diversion |
GB71.Z,Calculus of lower urinary tract, unspecified |
GB7Z,Urolithiasis, unspecified |
GB80.0,Simple renal cyst |
GB80.1,Complex renal cyst |
GB80.2,Subscapular or perirenal urinoma |
GB80.Y,Other specified nonfamilial nongenetic cystic kidney disease |
GB80.Z,Nonfamilial nongenetic cystic kidney disease, unspecified |
GB81,Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease |
GB82,Autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial disease |
GB83,Nephronophthisis |
GB8Y,Other specified cystic or dysplastic kidney disease |
GB8Z,Cystic or dysplastic kidney disease, unspecified |
GB90.0,Nephroptosis |
GB90.1,Hydroureter |
GB90.2,Ureteral kinking or deviation without obstruction |
GB90.3,Ischaemia or infarction of kidney |
GB90.40,Hypotonia-cystinuria type 1 |
GB90.41,Pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 |
GB90.42,Fanconi syndrome |
GB90.43,Bartter syndrome |
GB90.44,Renal tubular acidosis |
GB90.45,Renal glycosuria |
GB90.46,Tubular disorders of sodium or potassium transport |
GB90.47,Aminoaciduria |
GB90.48,Disorders of calcium or phosphate excretion |
GB90.49,Renal hypocalciuria |
GB90.4A,Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus |
GB90.4Y,Other specified renal tubular function disorders |
GB90.4Z,Renal tubular function disorders, unspecified |
GB90.Y,Other specified disorders of kidney or ureter |
GC00.0,Trigonitis |
GC00.1,Infectious cystitis |
GC00.2,Contracted urinary bladder |
GC00.3,Interstitial cystitis |
GC00.Y,Other specified cystitis |
GC00.Z,Cystitis, unspecified |
GC01.0,Bladder neck obstruction |
GC01.1,Vesical fistula, not elsewhere classified |
GC01.2,Diverticulum of bladder |
GC01.3,Rupture of bladder, nontraumatic |
GC01.4,Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, not elsewhere classified |
GC01.Y,Other specified disorders of bladder |
GC01.Z,Disorder of bladder, unspecified |
GC02.0,Urethral abscess |
GC02.1,Nonspecific urethritis |
GC02.Y,Other specified urethritis and urethral syndrome |
GC02.Z,Urethritis and urethral syndrome, unspecified |
GC03,Urethral stricture |
GC04.0,Urethral fistula |
GC04.10,Vesicovaginal fistula |
GC04.11,Fistula of small intestine to vagina |
GC04.12,Fistula of large intestine to vagina |
GC04.13,Female genital tract-skin fistulae |
GC04.14,Urethrovaginal fistula |
GC04.15,Combined urethrovesicovaginal fistula |
GC04.16,Rectovaginal fistula |
GC04.17,Vesicouterine fistula with severe scar or extensive tissue loss |
GC04.18,Other combined urinary fistula with severe scar or extensive tissue loss |
GC04.19,Combined urinary and rectal fistula including cloaca with severe scar or extensive tissue loss |
GC04.1A,Vaginal stenosis or gynatresia |
GC04.1Y,Other specified fistulae involving female genital tract |
GC04.1Z,Fistulae involving female genital tract, unspecified |
GC04.2,Ureteral fistula |
GC04.Y,Other specified fistula of the genitourinary tract |
GC04.Z,Fistula of the genitourinary tract, unspecified |
GC05,Prolapsed urethral mucosa |
GC06,Urethral diverticulum |
GC07,Urethral caruncle |
GC08.0,Urinary tract infection, site not specified, due to Escherichia coli |
GC08.1,Urinary tract infection, site not specified, due to Klebsiella pneumoniae |
GC08.2,Urinary tract infection, site not specified, due to Proteus |
GC08.Y,Urinary tract infection, site not specified due to other agent |
GC08.Z,Urinary tract infection, site and agent not specified |
GC0Y,Other diseases of urinary system |
GC2Z,Diseases of the urinary system, unspecified |
GC40.00,Incomplete anterior vaginal wall prolapse |
GC40.01,Complete anterior vaginal wall prolapse |
GC40.0Z,Prolapse of anterior vaginal wall, unspecified |
GC40.10,Incomplete posterior vaginal wall prolapse |
GC40.11,Complete posterior vaginal wall prolapse |
GC40.1Z,Prolapse of posterior vaginal wall, unspecified |
GC40.20,Incomplete apical vaginal wall prolapse |
GC40.21,Complete apical vaginal wall prolapse |
GC40.2Z,Prolapse of the vaginal apex, unspecified |
GC40.30,Incomplete uterovaginal prolapse |
GC40.31,Incomplete uterine prolapse with anterior vaginal wall prolapse |
GC40.32,Incomplete uterine prolapse with posterior vaginal wall prolapse |
GC40.33,Incomplete uterine prolapse with anterior and posterior vaginal wall prolapse |
GC40.34,Complete uterovaginal prolapse |
GC40.35,Complete uterine prolapse with anterior vaginal wall prolapse |
GC40.36,Complete uterine prolapse with posterior vaginal wall prolapse |
GC40.37,Complete uterine prolapse with anterior and posterior vaginal wall prolapse |
GC40.3Z,Uterovaginal prolapse, unspecified |
GC40.40,Levator avulsion from symphysis pubis |
GC40.4Y,Other specified pelvic floor muscle disruption |
GC40.4Z,Pelvic floor muscle disruption, unspecified |
GC40.50,Stress Incontinence associated with pelvic organ prolapse |
GC40.51,Urge incontinence associated with pelvic organ prolapse |
GC40.52,Mixed urinary incontinence associated with pelvic organ prolapse |
GC40.53,Overflow incontinence associated with pelvic organ prolapse |
GC40.54,Urinary incontinence, not otherwise specified with pelvic organ prolapse |
GC40.60,Overactive bladder associated with pelvic organ prolapse |
GC40.6Y,Other specified functional bladder disorders associated with pelvic organ prolapse |
GC40.6Z,Functional bladder disorders associated with pelvic organ prolapse, unspecified |
GC40.Z,Pelvic organ prolapse, unspecified |
GC41,Anorectal dysfunction associated with pelvic organ prolapse |
GC42.0,Diminished sensation due to vaginal or introital laxity |
GC42.1,Obstructed intercourse |
GC4Z,Female pelvic floor dysfunction, unspecified |
GC50.0,Overactive bladder |
GC50.10,Absent or diminished bladder sensation associated with pelvic organ prolapse |
GC50.1Y,Other specified absent or diminished bladder sensation |
GC50.1Z,Absent or diminished bladder sensation, unspecified |
GC50.Y,Other specified functional bladder disorders, not otherwise specified |
GC50.Z,Functional bladder disorders, not otherwise specified, unspecified |
GC51.00,Female Genital Mutilation Type 1a |
GC51.01,Female Genital Mutilation Type 1b |
GC51.0Z,Female Genital Mutilation Type 1, unspecified |
GC51.10,Female Genital Mutilation Type 2a |
GC51.11,Female Genital Mutilation Type 2b |
GC51.12,Female Genital Mutilation Type 2c |
GC51.1Z,Female Genital Mutilation Type 2, unspecified |
GC51.20,Female Genital Mutilation Type 3a |
GC51.21,Female Genital Mutilation Type 3b |
GC51.2Z,Female Genital Mutilation Type 3, unspecified |
GC51.3,Female Genital Mutilation Type 4 |
GC51.Z,Female Genital Mutilation, unspecified |
GC70,Postoperative adhesions of vagina |
GC71,Prolapse of vaginal vault after hysterectomy |
GC72,Postprocedural urethral stricture |
GC73,Postprocedural pelvic peritoneal adhesions |
GC74,Malfunction or complication of external stoma of urinary tract |
GC75,Malfunction of the afferent segment of a continent urinary pouch |
GC76,Malfunction of the efferent segment of a continent urinary pouch |
GC77,Postprocedural nonmenstrual uterine bleeding |
GC78,Postprocedural acute female pelvic inflammatory disease |
GC79,Disorders of breast reduction |
GC7A,Disorders of breast augmentation |
GC7B,Postinterventional ischemia or infarction of kidney |
GC8Y,Other specified diseases of the genitourinary system |
GC8Z,Diseases of the genitourinary system, unspecified |
HA00.0,Hypoactive sexual desire dysfunction, lifelong, generalised |
HA00.1,Hypoactive sexual desire dysfunction, lifelong, situational |
HA00.2,Hypoactive sexual desire dysfunction, acquired, generalised |
HA00.3,Hypoactive sexual desire dysfunction, acquired, situational |
HA00.Z,Hypoactive sexual desire dysfunction, unspecified |
HA01.00,Female sexual arousal dysfunction, lifelong, generalised |
HA01.01,Female sexual arousal dysfunction, lifelong, situational |
HA01.02,Female sexual arousal dysfunction, acquired, generalised |
HA01.03,Female sexual arousal dysfunction, acquired, situational |
HA01.0Z,Female sexual arousal dysfunction, unspecified |
HA01.10,Male erectile dysfunction, lifelong, generalised |
HA01.11,Male erectile dysfunction, lifelong, situational |
HA01.12,Male erectile dysfunction, acquired, generalised |
HA01.13,Male erectile dysfunction, acquired, situational |
HA01.1Z,Male erectile dysfunction, unspecified |
HA01.Y,Other specified sexual arousal dysfunctions |
HA01.Z,Sexual arousal dysfunctions, unspecified |
HA02.00,Anorgasmia, lifelong, generalised |
HA02.01,Anorgasmia, lifelong, situational |
HA02.02,Anorgasmia, acquired, generalised |
HA02.03,Anorgasmia, acquired, situational |
HA02.0Z,Anorgasmia, unspecified |
HA02.Y,Other specified orgasmic dysfunctions |
HA02.Z,Orgasmic dysfunctions, unspecified |
HA03.00,Male early ejaculation, lifelong, generalised |
HA03.01,Male early ejaculation, lifelong, situational |
HA03.02,Male early ejaculation, acquired, generalised |
HA03.03,Male early ejaculation, acquired, situational |
HA03.0Z,Male early ejaculation, unspecified |
HA03.10,Male delayed ejaculation, lifelong, generalised |
HA03.11,Male delayed ejaculation, lifelong, situational |
HA03.12,Male delayed ejaculation, acquired, generalised |
HA03.13,Male delayed ejaculation, acquired, situational |
HA03.1Z,Male delayed ejaculation, unspecified |
HA03.Y,Other specified ejaculatory dysfunctions |
HA03.Z,Ejaculatory dysfunctions, unspecified |
HA0Y,Other specified sexual dysfunctions |
HA0Z,Sexual dysfunctions, unspecified |
HA20.0,Sexual pain-penetration disorder, lifelong, generalised |
HA20.1,Sexual pain-penetration disorder, lifelong, situational |
HA20.2,Sexual pain-penetration disorder, acquired, generalised |
HA20.3,Sexual pain-penetration disorder, acquired, situational |
HA20.Z,Sexual pain-penetration disorder, unspecified |
HA2Y,Other specified sexual pain disorders |
HA2Z,Sexual pain disorders, unspecified |
HA40.0,Associated with a medical condition, injury, or the effects of surgery or radiation treatment |
HA40.1,Associated with psychological or behavioural factors, including mental disorders |
HA40.2,Associated with use of psychoactive substance or medication |
HA40.3,Associated with lack of knowledge or experience |
HA40.4,Associated with relationship factors |
HA40.5,Associated with cultural factors |
HA40.Y,Other specified aetiological considerations in sexual dysfunctions and sexual pain disorders |
HA60,Gender incongruence of adolescence or adulthood |
HA61,Gender incongruence of childhood |
HA6Z,Gender incongruence, unspecified |
HA8Y,Other specified conditions related to sexual health |
HA8Z,Conditions related to sexual health, unspecified |
JA00.00,Spontaneous abortion, incomplete, complicated by genital tract or pelvic infection |
JA00.01,Spontaneous abortion, incomplete, complicated by delayed or excessive haemorrhage |
JA00.02,Spontaneous abortion, incomplete, complicated by embolism |
JA00.03,Spontaneous abortion, incomplete, with other or unspecified complications |
JA00.04,Spontaneous abortion, incomplete, without complication |
JA00.05,Spontaneous abortion, complete or unspecified, complicated by genital tract or pelvic infection |
JA00.06,Spontaneous abortion, complete or unspecified, complicated by delayed or excessive haemorrhage |
JA00.07,Spontaneous abortion, complete or unspecified, complicated by embolism |
JA00.08,Spontaneous abortion, complete or unspecified, with other or unspecified complications |
JA00.09,Spontaneous abortion, complete or unspecified, without complication |
JA00.10,Induced abortion, incomplete, complicated by genital tract or pelvic infection |
JA00.11,Induced abortion, incomplete, complicated by delayed or excessive haemorrhage |
JA00.12,Induced abortion, incomplete, complicated by embolism |
JA00.13,Induced abortion, incomplete, with other or unspecified complications |
JA00.14,Induced abortion, incomplete, without complication |
JA00.15,Induced abortion, complete or unspecified, complicated by genital tract or pelvic infection |
JA00.16,Induced abortion, complete or unspecified, complicated by delayed or excessive haemorrhage |
JA00.17,Induced abortion, complete or unspecified, complicated by embolism |
JA00.1Y,Induced abortion, complete or unspecified, with other complication |
JA00.1Z,Induced abortion, complete or unspecified, with unspecified complication |
JA00.20,Unspecified abortion, incomplete, complicated by genital tract or pelvic infection |
JA00.21,Unspecified abortion, incomplete, complicated by delayed or excessive haemorrhage |
JA00.22,Unspecified abortion, incomplete, complicated by embolism |
JA00.23,Unspecified abortion, incomplete, with other or unspecified complications |
JA00.24,Unspecified abortion, incomplete, without complication |
JA00.25,Unspecified abortion, complete or unspecified, complicated by genital tract or pelvic infection |
JA00.26,Unspecified abortion, complete or unspecified, complicated by delayed or excessive haemorrhage |
JA00.27,Unspecified abortion, complete or unspecified, complicated by embolism |
JA00.28,Unspecified abortion, complete or unspecified, with other or unspecified complications |
JA00.29,Unspecified abortion, complete or unspecified, without complication |
JA00.30,Failed medical abortion, complicated by genital tract or pelvic infection |
JA00.31,Failed medical abortion, complicated by delayed or excessive haemorrhage |
JA00.32,Failed medical abortion, complicated by embolism |
JA00.33,Failed medical abortion, with other or unspecified complications |
JA00.34,Failed medical abortion, without complication |
JA00.35,Other or unspecified failed attempted abortion, complicated by genital tract or pelvic infection |
JA00.36,Other or unspecified failed attempted abortion, complicated by delayed or excessive haemorrhage |
JA00.37,Other or unspecified failed attempted abortion, complicated by embolism |
JA00.38,Other or unspecified failed attempted abortion, with other or unspecified complications |
JA00.39,Other or unspecified failed attempted abortion, without complication |
JA01.0,Abdominal pregnancy |
JA01.1,Tubal pregnancy |
JA01.2,Ovarian pregnancy |
JA01.Y,Other specified ectopic pregnancy |
JA01.Z,Ectopic pregnancy, unspecified |
JA02.0,Complete hydatidiform mole |
JA02.1,Incomplete or partial hydatidiform mole |
JA02.Y,Other specified molar pregnancy |
JA02.Z,Molar pregnancy, unspecified |
JA03,Missed abortion |
JA04,Blighted ovum or nonhydatidiform mole |
JA05.0,Genital tract or pelvic infection following abortion, ectopic or molar pregnancy |
JA05.1,Delayed or excessive haemorrhage following abortion, ectopic or molar pregnancy |
JA05.2,Embolism following abortion, ectopic or molar pregnancy |
JA05.3,Shock following abortion, ectopic or molar pregnancy |
JA05.4,Renal failure following abortion, ectopic or molar pregnancy |
JA05.5,Metabolic disorders following abortion, ectopic or molar pregnancy |
JA05.6,Damage to pelvic organs and tissues following abortion, ectopic or molar pregnancy |
JA05.7,Other venous complications following abortion, ectopic or molar pregnancy |
JA05.Y,Other specified complications following abortion, ectopic or molar pregnancy |
JA05.Z,Complications following abortion, ectopic or molar pregnancy, unspecified |
JA0Z,Abortive outcome of pregnancy, unspecified |
JA20.0,Pre-existing essential hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JA20.1,Pre-existing hypertensive heart disease complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JA20.2,Pre-existing hypertensive renal disease complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JA20.3,Pre-existing hypertensive heart and renal disease complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JA20.4,Pre-existing secondary hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JA20.Y,Other specified pre-existing hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JA20.Z,Pre-existing hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium, unspecified |
JA21,Pre-eclampsia superimposed on chronic hypertension |
JA22.0,Gestational proteinuria without hypertension |
JA22.1,Gestational oedema without hypertension |
JA22.2,Gestational oedema with proteinuria, without hypertension |
JA23,Gestational hypertension |
JA24.0,Mild to moderate pre-eclampsia |
JA24.1,Severe pre-eclampsia |
JA24.2,HELLP syndrome |
JA24.Z,Pre-eclampsia, unspecified |
JA25.0,Eclampsia in pregnancy |
JA25.1,Eclampsia in labour |
JA25.2,Eclampsia in the puerperium |
JA25.3,Eclampsia, time period unspecified |
JA2Z,Oedema, proteinuria, or hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium, unspecified |
JA40.0,Threatened abortion |
JA40.Y,Other specified haemorrhage in early pregnancy |
JA41.0,Antepartum haemorrhage with coagulation defect |
JA41.Y,Other specified antepartum haemorrhage |
JA41.Z,Antepartum haemorrhage, unspecified |
JA42.0,Intrapartum haemorrhage with coagulation defect |
JA42.1,Intrapartum haemorrhage resulting from obstructed labour with uterine rupture |
JA42.2,Intrapartum haemorrhage resulting from obstructed labour without mention of uterine rupture |
JA42.Y,Other specified intrapartum haemorrhage |
JA42.Z,Intrapartum haemorrhage, unspecified |
JA43.0,Third-stage haemorrhage |
JA43.1,Other immediate postpartum haemorrhage |
JA43.2,Delayed or secondary postpartum haemorrhage |
JA43.3,Postpartum coagulation defects |
JA43.4,Postpartum haemorrhage following obstructed labour with uterine rupture |
JA43.5,Postpartum haemorrhage following obstructed labour without mention of uterine rupture |
JA43.Y,Other specified postpartum haemorrhage |
JA43.Z,Postpartum haemorrhage, unspecified |
JA4Z,Obstetric haemorrhage, unspecified |
JA60.0,Mild hyperemesis gravidarum |
JA60.1,Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance |
JA60.2,Late vomiting of pregnancy |
JA60.Y,Other specified excessive vomiting in pregnancy |
JA60.Z,Excessive vomiting in pregnancy, unspecified |
JA61.0,Varicose veins of lower extremity in pregnancy |
JA61.1,Genital varices in pregnancy |
JA61.2,Superficial thrombophlebitis in pregnancy |
JA61.3,Deep phlebothrombosis in pregnancy |
JA61.4,Haemorrhoids in pregnancy |
JA61.5,Cerebral venous thrombosis in pregnancy |
JA61.Y,Other specified venous complications in pregnancy |
JA61.Z,Venous complications in pregnancy, unspecified |
JA62.0,Infections of kidney in pregnancy |
JA62.1,Infections of bladder in pregnancy |
JA62.2,Infections of urethra in pregnancy |
JA62.3,Infections of other parts of urinary tract in pregnancy |
JA62.4,Infections of the genital tract in pregnancy |
JA62.Y,Infections of genitourinary tract in pregnancy, other specified site |
JA62.Z,Infection of genitourinary tract in pregnancy, site unspecified |
JA63.0,Pre-existing type 1 diabetes mellitus in pregnancy |
JA63.1,Pre-existing type 2 diabetes mellitus in pregnancy |
JA63.2,Diabetes mellitus arising in pregnancy |
JA63.Y,Other specified diabetes mellitus in pregnancy |
JA63.Z,Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, unspecified |
JA64,Malnutrition in pregnancy |
JA65.0,Liver disorders in pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JA65.10,Gestational pemphigoid |
JA65.11,Pruritus of pregnancy |
JA65.12,Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy |
JA65.1Y,Other specified pregnancy dermatoses |
JA65.2,Excessive weight gain in pregnancy |
JA65.3,Low weight gain in pregnancy |
JA65.4,Pregnancy care of habitual aborter |
JA65.5,Retained intrauterine contraceptive device in pregnancy |
JA65.6,Maternal hypotension syndrome |
JA65.7,Subluxation of symphysis pubis in pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JA65.Y,Maternal care for other specified conditions predominantly related to pregnancy |
JA65.Z,Maternal care for unspecified conditions predominantly related to pregnancy |
JA66.0,Abnormal haematological finding on antenatal screening of mother |
JA66.1,Abnormal biochemical finding on antenatal screening of mother |
JA66.2,Abnormal cytological finding on antenatal screening of mother |
JA66.3,Abnormal ultrasonic finding on antenatal screening of mother |
JA66.4,Abnormal radiological finding on antenatal screening of mother |
JA66.5,Abnormal chromosomal or genetic finding on antenatal screening of mother |
JA66.Y,Other specified clinical findings on antenatal screening of mother |
JA66.Z,Clinical findings on antenatal screening of mother, unspecified |
JA67.0,Pulmonary complications of anaesthesia during pregnancy |
JA67.1,Cardiac complications of anaesthesia during pregnancy |
JA67.2,Central nervous system complications of anaesthesia during pregnancy |
JA67.3,Toxic reaction to local anaesthesia during pregnancy |
JA67.4,Spinal or epidural anaesthesia-induced headache during pregnancy |
JA67.5,Failed or difficult intubation during pregnancy |
JA67.Y,Other specified complications of anaesthesia during pregnancy |
JA67.Z,Complications of anaesthesia during pregnancy, unspecified |
JA6Z,Maternal disorders predominantly related to pregnancy, unspecified |
JA80.0,Twin pregnancy |
JA80.1,Triplet pregnancy |
JA80.2,Quadruplet pregnancy |
JA80.Y,Other specified maternal care related to multiple gestation |
JA80.Z,Maternal care related to multiple gestation, unspecified |
JA81.0,Papyraceous foetus |
JA81.1,Continuing pregnancy after abortion of one foetus or more |
JA81.2,Continuing pregnancy after intrauterine death of one foetus or more |
JA81.3,Loss of pregnancy after abortion or intrauterine death of one foetus or more |
JA81.Y,Other specified maternal care related to complications specific to multiple gestation |
JA81.Z,Maternal care related to complications specific to multiple gestation, unspecified |
JA82.0,Maternal care for unstable lie |
JA82.1,Maternal care for breech presentation |
JA82.2,Maternal care for transverse or oblique lie |
JA82.3,Maternal care for face, brow or chin presentation |
JA82.4,Maternal care for high head at term |
JA82.5,Maternal care for multiple gestation with malpresentation of one foetus or more |
JA82.6,Maternal care for compound presentation |
JA82.Y,Maternal care for known or suspected other specified malpresentation of fetus |
JA82.Z,Maternal care for known or suspected malpresentation of foetus, unspecified |
JA83.0,Maternal care for disproportion due to deformity of maternal pelvic bones |
JA83.1,Maternal care for disproportion due to generally contracted pelvis |
JA83.2,Maternal care for disproportion due to inlet contraction of pelvis |
JA83.3,Maternal care for disproportion due to outlet contraction of pelvis |
JA83.4,Maternal care for disproportion of mixed maternal and foetal origin |
JA83.5,Maternal care for disproportion due to unusually large foetus |
JA83.6,Maternal care for disproportion due to hydrocephalic foetus |
JA83.Y,Maternal care for known or suspected other specified disproportion |
JA83.Z,Maternal care for known or suspected disproportion, unspecified |
JA84.0,Maternal care for congenital malformation of uterus |
JA84.1,Maternal care for tumour of corpus uteri |
JA84.2,Maternal care due to uterine scar from previous surgery |
JA84.3,Maternal care for cervical incompetence |
JA84.4,Maternal care for abnormality of vagina |
JA84.5,Maternal care for abnormality of vulva or perineum |
JA84.Y,Maternal care for known or suspected other specified abnormality of pelvic organs |
JA84.Z,Maternal care for known or suspected abnormality of pelvic organs, unspecified |
JA85.0,Maternal care for known or suspected central nervous system malformation in foetus |
JA85.1,Maternal care for known or suspected chromosomal abnormality in foetus |
JA85.2,Maternal care for known or suspected hereditary disease in foetus |
JA85.3,Maternal care for known or suspected damage to foetus from viral disease in mother |
JA85.Y,Maternal care for known or suspected other specified fetal abnormality or damage |
JA85.Z,Maternal care for known or suspected foetal abnormality or damage, unspecified |
JA86.0,Maternal care for red cell antibodies |
JA86.1,Maternal care for hydrops fetalis |
JA86.2,Maternal care for signs of foetal hypoxia |
JA86.3,Maternal care for intrauterine death |
JA86.4,Maternal care for foetal growth restriction |
JA86.5,Maternal care for suspected macrosomia |
JA86.6,Maternal care for viable foetus in abdominal pregnancy |
JA86.Y,Maternal care for other specified fetal problems |
JA86.Z,Maternal care for other known or suspected foetal problems, unspecified |
JA87,Maternal care related to polyhydramnios |
JA88.0,Oligohydramnios |
JA88.1,Infection of amniotic sac or membranes |
JA88.Y,Other specified disorders of amniotic fluid and membranes |
JA88.Z,Disorders of amniotic fluid and membranes, unspecified |
JA89.0,Premature rupture of membranes, onset of labour within 24 hours |
JA89.1,Premature rupture of membranes, onset of labour after 24 hours |
JA89.2,Premature rupture of membranes, labour delayed by therapy |
JA89.3,Preterm premature rupture of membranes |
JA89.Y,Other specified maternal care related to premature rupture of membranes |
JA89.Z,Maternal care related to premature rupture of membranes, unspecified |
JA8A.0,Placental transfusion syndromes |
JA8A.1,Malformation of placenta |
JA8A.2,Morbidly adherent placenta |
JA8A.Y,Other specified maternal care related to placental disorders |
JA8A.Z,Maternal care related to placental disorders, unspecified |
JA8B.0,Placenta praevia specified as without haemorrhage |
JA8B.1,Placenta praevia with haemorrhage |
JA8B.Z,Maternal care related to placenta praevia or low lying placenta, unspecified |
JA8C.0,Premature separation of placenta with coagulation defect |
JA8C.Y,Other specified maternal care related to premature separation of placenta |
JA8C.Z,Maternal care related to premature separation of placenta, unspecified |
JA8D.0,False labour before 37 completed weeks of gestation |
JA8D.1,False labour at or after 37 completed weeks of gestation |
JA8D.Z,Maternal care related to false labour, unspecified |
JA8E,Maternal care related to prolonged pregnancy |
JA8Y,Maternal care related to other specified fetus, amniotic cavity or possible delivery problems |
JA8Z,Maternal care related to unspecified fetus, amniotic cavity or possible delivery problems |
JB00.0,Preterm labour without delivery |
JB00.1,Preterm spontaneous labour with preterm delivery |
JB00.2,Preterm labour with term delivery |
JB00.3,Preterm delivery following iatrogenic induction of labour or caesarean section |
JB00.Y,Other specified preterm labour or delivery |
JB00.Z,Preterm labour or delivery, unspecified |
JB01.0,Failed medical induction of labour |
JB01.1,Failed instrumental induction of labour |
JB01.Z,Failed induction of labour, unspecified |
JB02.0,Primary uterine inertia |
JB02.1,Secondary uterine inertia |
JB02.2,Other uterine inertia |
JB02.3,Precipitate labour |
JB02.4,Hypertonic, incoordinate, or prolonged uterine contractions |
JB02.Y,Other specified abnormalities of forces of labour |
JB02.Z,Abnormalities of forces of labour, unspecified |
JB03.0,Prolonged first stage of labour |
JB03.1,Prolonged second stage of labour |
JB03.2,Delayed delivery of successive neonates |
JB03.Z,Long labour, unspecified |
JB04.0,Obstructed labour due to incomplete rotation of foetal head |
JB04.1,Obstructed labour due to breech presentation |
JB04.2,Obstructed labour due to face presentation |
JB04.3,Obstructed labour due to brow presentation |
JB04.4,Obstructed labour due to shoulder presentation |
JB04.5,Obstructed labour due to compound presentation |
JB04.Y,Obstructed labour due to other malposition and malpresentation of fetus |
JB04.Z,Obstructed labour due to malposition or malpresentation of foetus, unspecified |
JB05.0,Obstructed labour due to deformed pelvis |
JB05.1,Obstructed labour due to generally contracted pelvis |
JB05.2,Obstructed labour due to pelvic inlet contraction |
JB05.3,Obstructed labour due to pelvic outlet or mid-cavity contraction |
JB05.4,Obstructed labour due to foetopelvic disproportion, unspecified |
JB05.5,Obstructed labour due to abnormality of maternal pelvic organs |
JB05.Y,Obstructed labour due to other maternal pelvic abnormalities |
JB05.Z,Obstructed labour due to maternal pelvic abnormality, unspecified |
JB06.0,Obstructed labour due to shoulder dystocia |
JB06.1,Obstructed labour due to locked twins |
JB06.2,Obstructed labour due to unusually large foetus |
JB06.3,Obstructed labour due to other abnormalities of foetus |
JB06.Y,Obstructed labour due to other specified causes |
JB06.Z,Obstructed labour due to unspecified causes |
JB07.0,Labour or delivery complicated by foetal heart rate anomaly |
JB07.1,Labour or delivery complicated by meconium in amniotic fluid |
JB07.2,Labour or delivery complicated by biochemical evidence of foetal stress |
JB07.Y,Other specified labour or delivery complicated by foetal distress |
JB07.Z,Labour or delivery complicated by foetal distress, unspecified |
JB08.0,Labour or delivery complicated by prolapse of cord |
JB08.1,Labour or delivery complicated by cord around neck, with compression |
JB08.2,Labour or delivery complicated by short cord |
JB08.3,Labour or delivery complicated by vasa praevia |
JB08.4,Labour or delivery complicated by vascular lesion of cord |
JB08.Y,Labour and delivery complicated by other specified umbilical cord complications |
JB08.Z,Labour or delivery complicated by umbilical cord complications, unspecified |
JB09.0,First degree perineal laceration during delivery |
JB09.1,Second degree perineal laceration during delivery |
JB09.2,Third degree perineal laceration during delivery |
JB09.3,Fourth degree perineal laceration during delivery |
JB09.Y,Other specified perineal laceration during delivery |
JB09.Z,Perineal laceration during delivery, unspecified |
JB0A.0,Rupture of uterus before onset of labour |
JB0A.1,Rupture of uterus during labour |
JB0A.2,Postpartum inversion of uterus |
JB0A.3,Obstetric laceration of cervix |
JB0A.4,Obstetric high vaginal laceration alone |
JB0A.5,Obstetric uterine laceration or tear |
JB0A.6,Other obstetric injury to pelvic organs |
JB0A.7,Obstetric damage to pelvic joints or ligaments |
JB0A.8,Obstetric haematoma of pelvis |
JB0A.Y,Other specified obstetric trauma |
JB0A.Z,Obstetric trauma, unspecified |
JB0B.0,Retained placenta without haemorrhage |
JB0B.1,Retained portions of placenta or membranes, without haemorrhage |
JB0C.0,Aspiration pneumonitis due to anaesthesia during labour or delivery |
JB0C.1,Other pulmonary complications of anaesthesia during labour or delivery |
JB0C.2,Cardiac complications of anaesthesia during labour or delivery |
JB0C.3,Central nervous system complications of anaesthesia during labour or delivery |
JB0C.4,Toxic reaction to local anaesthesia during labour or delivery |
JB0C.5,Spinal or epidural anaesthesia-induced headache during labour or delivery |
JB0C.6,Other complications of spinal or epidural anaesthesia during labour or delivery |
JB0C.7,Failed or difficult intubation during labour or delivery |
JB0C.Y,Other specified complications of anaesthesia during labour or delivery |
JB0C.Z,Complications of anaesthesia during labour or delivery, unspecified |
JB0D.0,Maternal distress during labour or delivery |
JB0D.1,Shock during or following labour or delivery |
JB0D.2,Pyrexia during labour, not elsewhere classified |
JB0D.3,Other complications of obstetric surgery or procedures |
JB0D.4,Delayed delivery after artificial rupture of membranes |
JB0D.5,Delayed delivery after spontaneous or unspecified rupture of membranes |
JB0D.6,Vaginal delivery following previous caesarean section |
JB0D.7,Failed application of vacuum extractor or forceps, unspecified |
JB0D.8,Failed trial of labour, unspecified |
JB0D.Y,Other specified complications of labour or delivery, not elsewhere classified |
JB0Y,Other specified complications of labour or delivery |
JB0Z,Complications of labour or delivery, unspecified |
JB20.0,Spontaneous vertex delivery |
JB20.1,Spontaneous breech delivery |
JB20.Y,Single spontaneous delivery with other specified presentation |
JB20.Z,Single spontaneous delivery, unspecified |
JB21,Single delivery by forceps or vacuum extractor |
JB22.0,Delivery by elective caesarean section |
JB22.1,Delivery by emergency caesarean section |
JB22.2,Single delivery by caesarean hysterectomy |
JB22.Z,Single delivery by caesarean section, unspecified |
JB23.0,Breech extraction |
JB23.1,Other assisted breech delivery |
JB23.2,Other manipulation-assisted delivery |
JB23.3,Delivery of viable foetus in abdominal pregnancy |
JB23.4,Destructive operation for delivery |
JB23.Z,Other assisted single delivery, unspecified |
JB24.0,Multiple delivery, all spontaneous |
JB24.1,Multiple delivery, all by forceps or vacuum extractor |
JB24.2,Multiple delivery, all by caesarean section |
JB24.3,Multiple delivery by combination of methods with caesarean |
JB24.Y,Other specified multiple delivery |
JB24.Z,Multiple delivery, unspecified |
JB2Z,Delivery, unspecified |
JB40.0,Puerperal sepsis |
JB40.1,Infection of obstetric surgical wound |
JB40.2,Other infection of genital tract following delivery |
JB40.3,Urinary tract infection following delivery |
JB40.4,Pyrexia of unknown origin following delivery |
JB40.Y,Other specified infections in the puerperium |
JB40.Z,Infections in the puerperium, unspecified |
JB41.0,Superficial thrombophlebitis in the puerperium |
JB41.1,Deep phlebothrombosis in the puerperium |
JB41.2,Haemorrhoids in the puerperium |
JB41.3,Cerebral venous thrombosis in the puerperium |
JB41.Y,Other specified venous complications in the puerperium |
JB41.Z,Venous complications in the puerperium, unspecified |
JB42.0,Obstetric air embolism |
JB42.1,Amniotic fluid embolism |
JB42.2,Obstetric blood-clot embolism |
JB42.3,Obstetric pyaemic or septic embolism |
JB42.Y,Other specified obstetric embolism |
JB42.Z,Obstetric embolism, unspecified |
JB43.0,Pulmonary complications of anaesthesia during the puerperium |
JB43.1,Cardiac complications of anaesthesia during the puerperium |
JB43.2,Central nervous system complications of anaesthesia during the puerperium |
JB43.3,Spinal or epidural anaesthesia-induced headache during the puerperium |
JB43.4,Other complications of spinal or epidural anaesthesia during the puerperium |
JB43.5,Failed or difficult intubation during the puerperium |
JB43.Y,Other specified complications of anaesthesia during the puerperium |
JB43.Z,Complications of anaesthesia during the puerperium, unspecified |
JB44.0,Disruption of caesarean section wound |
JB44.1,Disruption of perineal obstetric wound |
JB44.2,Haematoma of obstetric wound |
JB44.3,Cardiomyopathy in the puerperium |
JB44.4,Postpartum acute renal failure |
JB44.5,Postpartum thyroiditis |
JB44.6,Puerperal osteomalacia |
JB44.Y,Other specified complications of the puerperium |
JB44.Z,Complications of the puerperium, unspecified |
JB45.0,Abscess of breast associated with childbirth |
JB45.1,Nonpurulent mastitis associated with childbirth |
JB45.Y,Other specified infections of breast associated with childbirth |
JB45.Z,Infections of breast associated with childbirth, unspecified |
JB46.0,Retracted nipple associated with childbirth |
JB46.1,Cracked nipple associated with childbirth |
JB46.2,Other or unspecified disorders of breast associated with childbirth |
JB46.3,Agalactia |
JB46.4,Hypogalactia |
JB46.5,Suppressed lactation |
JB46.6,Galactorrhoea |
JB46.7,Other or unspecified disorders of lactation |
JB4Z,Complications predominantly related to the puerperium, unspecified |
JB60,Obstetric death of unspecified cause |
JB61,Death from any obstetric cause occurring more than 42 days but less than one year after delivery |
JB62.0,Death from sequelae of direct obstetric cause |
JB62.1,Death from sequelae of indirect obstetric cause |
JB62.Z,Death from sequelae of obstetric causes, unspecified |
JB63.00,Tuberculous placenta |
JB63.0Y,Other specified tuberculosis complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JB63.0Z,Tuberculosis complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium, unspecified |
JB63.1,Syphilis complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JB63.2,Gonorrhoea complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JB63.3,Other infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JB63.4,Viral hepatitis complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JB63.5,Other viral diseases complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JB63.60,Malaria complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium |
JB63.6Y,Other specified protozoal diseases complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JB63.6Z,Protozoal diseases complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium, unspecified |
JB63.7,Human immunodeficiency disease complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JB63.Y,Other specified maternal infectious diseases classifiable elsewhere but complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JB63.Z,Maternal infectious diseases classifiable elsewhere but complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium, unspecified |
JB64.0,Anaemia complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JB64.1,Other diseases of the blood or blood-forming organs or certain disorders involving the immune mechanism complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JB64.2,Endocrine, nutritional or metabolic diseases complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JB64.3,Diseases of the nervous system complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JB64.4,Diseases of the circulatory system complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JB64.5,Diseases of the respiratory system complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JB64.6,Diseases of the digestive system complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JB64.7,Diseases of the skin or subcutaneous tissue complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JB64.8,Congenital anomaly complicating pregnancy |
JB64.Y,Other specified maternal diseases classifiable elsewhere but complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JB64.Z,Maternal diseases classifiable elsewhere but complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium, unspecified |
JB65,Sequelae of complication of pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium |
JB6Y,Other specified obstetric conditions, not elsewhere classified |
JB6Z,Unspecified obstetric condition |
KA00.0,Foetus or newborn affected by maternal hypertensive disorders |
KA00.1,Foetus or newborn affected by gestational oedema or proteinuria without hypertension |
KA00.2,Foetus or newborn affected by maternal renal or urinary tract diseases |
KA00.3,Foetus or newborn affected by maternal infectious diseases |
KA00.4,Foetus or newborn affected by periodontal disease in mother |
KA00.5,Foetus or newborn affected by maternal respiratory diseases |
KA00.60,Foetus or newborn affected by maternal malnutrition |
KA00.61,Foetus or newborn affected by maternal overweight or obesity |
KA00.6Y,Other specified foetus or newborn affected by maternal nutritional disorders |
KA00.6Z,Foetus or newborn affected by maternal nutritional disorders, unspecified |
KA00.7,Foetus or newborn affected by abnormal maternal chemistry |
KA00.8,Foetus or newborn affected by maternal injury |
KA00.9,Foetus or newborn affected by maternal chemotherapy |
KA00.A,Foetus or newborn affected by surgical procedure on mother |
KA00.B,Foetus or newborn affected by maternal anaemia |
KA00.Y,Other specified foetus or newborn affected by maternal conditions that may be unrelated to present pregnancy |
KA00.Z,Foetus or newborn affected by maternal conditions that may be unrelated to present pregnancy, unspecified |
KA01.0,Foetus or newborn affected by incompetence of cervix uteri |
KA01.1,Foetus or newborn affected by premature rupture of membranes |
KA01.2,Foetus or newborn affected by oligohydramnios |
KA01.3,Foetus or newborn affected by polyhydramnios |
KA01.4,Foetus or newborn affected by ectopic pregnancy |
KA01.5,Foetus or newborn affected by multiple pregnancy |
KA01.6,Foetus or newborn affected by maternal death |
KA01.7,Foetus or newborn affected by malpresentation before labour |
KA01.8,Foetus or newborn affected by maternal blood loss |
KA01.Y,Other specified foetus or newborn affected by maternal complications of pregnancy |
KA01.Z,Foetus or newborn affected by maternal complications of pregnancy, unspecified |
KA02.0,Foetus or newborn affected by placenta praevia |
KA02.1,Foetus or newborn affected by placental oedema or large placenta |
KA02.2,Foetus or newborn affected by placental infarction |
KA02.3,Foetus or newborn affected by placental insufficiency or small placenta |
KA02.4,Foetus or newborn affected by placental transfusion syndromes |
KA02.Y,Other specified foetus or newborn affected by complications of placenta |
KA02.Z,Foetus or newborn affected by complications of placenta, unspecified |
KA03.0,Foetus or newborn affected by prolapsed cord |
KA03.1,Foetus or newborn affected by other compression of umbilical cord |
KA03.20,Foetus or newborn affected by short umbilical cord |
KA03.21,Foetus or newborn affected by long umbilical cord |
KA03.2Y,Other specified foetus or newborn affected by abnormalities of umbilical cord length |
KA03.2Z,Foetus or newborn affected by abnormalities of umbilical cord length, unspecified |
KA03.3,Foetus or newborn affected by vasa praevia |
KA03.4,Foetus or newborn affected by traumatic injury of the umbilical cord |
KA03.Y,Other specified foetus or newborn affected by complications of umbilical cord |
KA03.Z,Foetus or newborn affected by complications of umbilical cord, unspecified |
KA04.0,Foetus or newborn affected by chorioamnionitis |
KA04.1,Foetus or newborn affected by amniotic Band Syndrome |
KA04.Y,Other specified foetus or newborn affected by other abnormalities of membranes |
KA04.Z,Foetus or newborn affected by other abnormalities of membranes, unspecified |
KA05.0,Foetus or newborn affected by breech delivery or extraction |
KA05.1,Foetus or newborn affected by other malpresentation, malposition or disproportion during labour or delivery |
KA05.2,Foetus or newborn affected by forceps delivery |
KA05.3,Foetus or newborn affected by delivery by vacuum extractor |
KA05.4,Foetus or newborn affected by caesarean delivery |
KA05.5,Foetus or newborn affected by precipitate delivery |
KA05.6,Foetus or newborn affected by abnormal uterine contractions |
KA05.70,Foetus and newborn affected by abnormality in foetal intrauterine heart rate or rhythm before onset of labour |
KA05.71,Foetus and newborn affected by abnormality in foetal intrauterine heart rate or rhythm during labour |
KA05.7Y,Other specified foetus or newborn affected by abnormality in foetal intrauterine heart rate or rhythm |
KA05.7Z,Foetus or newborn affected by abnormality in foetal intrauterine heart rate or rhythm, unspecified |
KA05.8,Meconium passage during delivery |
KA05.Y,Fetus or newborn affected or suspected to be affected by other specified complications of labour or delivery |
KA05.Z,Fetus or newborn affected or suspected to be affected by unspecified complications of labour or delivery |
KA06.0,Foetus or newborn affected by maternal anaesthesia or analgesia in pregnancy, labour or delivery |
KA06.1,Foetus or newborn affected by maternal use of tobacco |
KA06.2,Foetus or newborn affected by maternal use of alcohol |
KA06.3,Foetus or newborn affected by maternal use of drugs of addiction |
KA06.4,Foetus or newborn affected by maternal use of nutritional chemical substances |
KA06.5,Foetus or newborn affected by maternal exposure to environmental chemical substances |
KA06.Y,Other specified foetus or newborn affected by noxious influences transmitted via placenta or breast milk |
KA06.Z,Foetus or newborn affected by noxious influences transmitted via placenta or breast milk, unspecified |
KA07.0,Neonatal lupus erythematosus |
KA07.1,Neonatal pemphigus |
KA07.Y,Other specified neonatal dermatoses due to maternal antibodies |
KA0Z,Fetus or newborn affected by unspecified maternal factors or by complications of pregnancy, labour or delivery |
KA20.00,Small for gestational age, symmetrical |
KA20.01,Small for gestational age, asymmetrical |
KA20.0Z,Small for gestational age, unspecified |
KA20.10,Asymmetrical intrauterine growth restriction |
KA20.11,Symmetrical intrauterine growth restriction |
KA20.12,Intrauterine growth restriction associated with small for gestational age |
KA20.1Y,Other specified intrauterine growth restriction |
KA20.1Z,Intrauterine growth restriction, unspecified |
KA20.2,Foetal intrauterine malnutrition without mention of small for gestational age |
KA20.Y,Other specified disorders of newborn related to slow foetal growth or foetal malnutrition |
KA20.Z,Disorders of newborn related to slow foetal growth or foetal malnutrition, unspecified |
KA21.00,Extremely low birth weight of newborn, 499g or less |
KA21.01,Extremely low birth weight of newborn, 500-749g |
KA21.02,Extremely low birth weight of newborn, 750-999g |
KA21.0Z,Extremely low birth weight of newborn, unspecified |
KA21.10,Very low birth weight of newborn, 1000-1249g |
KA21.11,Very low birth weight of newborn, 1250-1499g |
KA21.1Z,Very low birth weight of newborn, unspecified |
KA21.20,Low birth weight of newborn, 1500-1999g |
KA21.21,Low birth weight of newborn, 2000-2499g |
KA21.2Z,Low birth weight of newborn, unspecified |
KA21.30,Extreme prematurity of newborn, gestational age less than 22 completed weeks |
KA21.31,Extreme prematurity of newborn, gestational age 22 completed weeks |
KA21.32,Extreme prematurity of newborn, gestational age 23 completed weeks |
KA21.33,Extreme prematurity of newborn, gestational age 24 completed weeks |
KA21.34,Extreme prematurity of newborn, gestational age 25 completed weeks |
KA21.35,Extreme prematurity of newborn, gestational age 26 completed weeks |
KA21.36,Extreme prematurity of newborn, gestational age 27 completed weeks |
KA21.3Z,Extreme prematurity of newborn, unspecified |
KA21.40,Preterm newborn, gestational age 28 completed weeks |
KA21.41,Preterm newborn, gestational age 29 completed weeks |
KA21.42,Preterm newborn, gestational age 30 completed weeks |
KA21.43,Preterm newborn, gestational age 31 completed weeks |
KA21.44,Preterm newborn, gestational age 32 completed weeks |
KA21.45,Preterm newborn, gestational age 33 completed weeks |
KA21.46,Preterm newborn, gestational age 34 completed weeks |
KA21.47,Preterm newborn, gestational age 35 completed weeks |
KA21.48,Preterm newborn, gestational age 36 completed weeks |
KA21.4Z,Preterm newborn, unspecified |
KA22.0,Exceptionally large newborn |
KA22.1,Large newborn for gestational age |
KA22.2,Post-term newborn |
KA22.3,Postmaturity syndrome |
KA2Y,Other specified disorders of newborn related to length of gestation or foetal growth |
KA2Z,Disorders of newborn related to length of gestation or foetal growth, unspecified |
KA40.00,Subdural haemorrhage due to birth injury |
KA40.01,Cerebral haemorrhage due to birth injury |
KA40.02,Cerebellar haemorrhage due to birth injury |
KA40.03,Intraventricular haemorrhage due to birth injury |
KA40.04,Subarachnoid haemorrhage due to birth injury |
KA40.05,Tentorial tear due to birth injury |
KA40.06,Cerebellar contusion due to birth injury |
KA40.07,Cerebral contusion due to birth injury |
KA40.08,Extradural or epidural haemorrhage due to birth injury |
KA40.0Y,Other specified intracranial laceration or haemorrhage due to birth injury |
KA40.0Z,Intracranial laceration or haemorrhage due to birth injury, unspecified |
KA40.1,Cerebral oedema due to birth injury |
KA40.2,Birth injury to spine or spinal cord |
KA40.3,Birth injury to brainstem |
KA40.Y,Other specified birth injury to central nervous system |
KA40.Z,Birth injury to central nervous system, unspecified |
KA41,Birth injury to eye |
KA42.0,Bruising of scalp due to birth injury |
KA42.1,Cephalohaematoma due to birth injury |
KA42.2,Chignon due to birth injury |
KA42.3,Monitoring injury of scalp of newborn |
KA42.4,Subgaleal epicranial subaponeurotic haemorrhage due to birth injury |
KA42.Y,Other specified birth injury to scalp |
KA43.0,Birth injury to sternocleidomastoid |
KA43.1,Birth injury to external genitalia |
KA43.2,Subcutaneous fat necrosis due to birth injury |
KA43.3,Birth injury to face |
KA43.Y,Other specified birth injury to skin or soft tissues |
KA44.00,Birth injury to facial nerve |
KA44.0Y,Birth injury to other specified cranial nerve |
KA44.0Z,Birth injury to cranial nerves, unspecified |
KA44.10,Erb paralysis |
KA44.11,Klumpke paralysis |
KA44.2,Phrenic nerve paralysis due to birth injury |
KA44.Y,Other specified birth injury to peripheral nervous system |
KA45.00,Linear skull fracture due to birth injury |
KA45.01,Depressed skull fracture due to birth injury |
KA45.0Y,Other specified fracture of skull due to birth injury |
KA45.0Z,Fracture of skull due to birth injury, unspecified |
KA45.1,Occipital osteodiastasis due to birth injury |
KA45.20,Mandibular bone fracture due to birth injury |
KA45.21,Nasal bone fracture due to birth injury |
KA45.2Y,Other specified birth injury to facial bones |
KA45.2Z,Birth injury to facial bones, unspecified |
KA45.3,Birth injury of thorax |
KA45.4,Fracture, dislocation or subluxation of spine due to birth injury |
KA45.5,Fracture of clavicle due to birth injury |
KA45.6,Birth injury to long bones |
KA45.Y,Other specified birth injury to skeleton |
KA46.0,Birth injury to liver |
KA46.1,Birth injury to spleen |
KA46.2,Adrenal haemorrhage due to birth injury |
KA46.Y,Birth injury to other specified organ |
KA4Z,Birth injury, unspecified |
KA60,Sepsis of foetus or newborn |
KA61.0,Congenital tuberculosis |
KA61.1,Neonatal listeriosis |
KA61.Z,Bacterial infection of the foetus or newborn, unspecified |
KA62.0,Congenital Zika virus infection |
KA62.1,Congenital Epstein-Barr virus infection |
KA62.2,Congenital Varicella Zoster virus infection |
KA62.3,Congenital cytomegalovirus infection |
KA62.4,Congenital echovirus infection |
KA62.5,Congenital enterovirus infection |
KA62.6,Congenital human immunodeficiency virus infection |
KA62.7,Congenital parvovirus syndrome |
KA62.8,Congenital rubella syndrome |
KA62.9,Congenital viral hepatitis |
KA62.A,Perinatal Herpes simplex infection |
KA62.Y,Other specified viral infection in the foetus or newborn |
KA62.Z,Viral infection in the foetus or newborn, unspecified |
KA63.0,Malassezia infection in newborn |
KA63.1,Neonatal aspergillosis |
KA63.2,Neonatal candidosis |
KA63.Y,Other specified fungal infection of foetus or newborn |
KA63.Z,Fungal infection of foetus or newborn, unspecified |
KA64.0,Congenital toxoplasmosis |
KA64.1,Congenital falciparum malaria |
KA64.Y,Other specified parasitic diseases in the foetus or newborn |
KA64.Z,Parasitic diseases in the foetus or newborn, unspecified |
KA65.0,Neonatal conjunctivitis or dacryocystitis |
KA65.1,Omphalitis of newborn |
KA65.2,Neonatal urinary tract infection |
KA65.3,Neonatal infectious mastitis |
KA65.4,Neonatal meningitis |
KA65.Y,Neonatal infections of other specified sites |
KA6Y,Other specified infections of the foetus or newborn |
KA6Z,Infections of the foetus or newborn, unspecified |
KA80.0,Foetal blood loss from vasa praevia |
KA80.1,Foetal blood loss from ruptured cord |
KA80.2,Foetal blood loss from placenta |
KA80.3,Haemorrhage into co-twin |
KA80.4,Haemorrhage into maternal circulation |
KA80.5,Foetal blood loss from cut end of co-twin cord |
KA80.Y,Other specified foetal blood loss |
KA80.Z,Foetal blood loss, unspecified |
KA81,Umbilical haemorrhage of newborn |
KA82.0,Intraventricular nontraumatic haemorrhage, grade 1, of foetus or newborn |
KA82.1,Intraventricular nontraumatic haemorrhage, grade 2, of foetus or newborn |
KA82.2,Intraventricular nontraumatic haemorrhage, grade 3, of foetus or newborn |
KA82.3,Intraventricular nontraumatic haemorrhage, grade 4, of foetus or newborn |
KA82.4,Intracerebral nontraumatic haemorrhage of foetus or newborn |
KA82.5,Subarachnoid nontraumatic haemorrhage of foetus or newborn |
KA82.6,Cerebellar nontraumatic, hemispheres or vermis or posterior fossa haemorrhage of foetus or newborn |
KA82.7,Subdural nontraumatic haemorrhage of foetus or newborn |
KA82.Z,Intracranial nontraumatic haemorrhage of foetus or newborn, unspecified |
KA83.0,Neonatal bleeding originating in the mouth, nose or pharynx |
KA83.1,Neonatal bleeding originating in the oesophagus, stomach, small or large intestine |
KA83.2,Neonatal rectal haemorrhage |
KA83.3,Neonatal hepatic haemorrhage |
KA83.4,Neonatal haemorrhage originating in adrenal gland |
KA83.5,Neonatal haemorrhage originating in spleen |
KA83.6,Neonatal haemorrhage originating in kidney or bladder |
KA83.7,Neonatal haemorrhage originating in trachea or pulmonary parenchyma |
KA83.8,Neonatal cutaneous haemorrhage |
KA83.9,Neonatal vaginal or uterine haemorrhage |
KA83.A,Neonatal epistaxis |
KA84.0,Rh isoimmunization of foetus or newborn |
KA84.1,Isoimmunization due to other red cell factors |
KA84.2,ABO isoimmunization of foetus or newborn |
KA84.3,Haemolytic anaemia due to other unclassified antibodies |
KA84.4,Haemolytic disease due to disease of other neonatal organs |
KA84.5,Neonatal haemolysis due to systemic bacterial infection with or without concomitant diffuse intravascular coagulation |
KA84.Z,Haemolytic disease of foetus or newborn, unspecified |
KA85.0,Hydrops fetalis due to isoimmunization |
KA85.Y,Other specified hydrops fetalis due to haemolytic disease |
KA85.Z,Hydrops fetalis due to haemolytic disease, unspecified |
KA86,Neonatal kernicterus |
KA87.0,Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia due to swallowed maternal blood |
KA87.1,Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia due to enzymatic defect in bilirubin degradation |
KA87.2,Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia due to breast milk inhibitor of bilirubin conjugation |
KA87.3,Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia due to total parenteral nutrition |
KA87.4,Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia due to drugs or toxins transmitted from mother |
KA87.5,Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia due to drugs or toxins given to newborn |
KA87.6,Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia from other or unspecified hepatocellular damage |
KA87.Y,Other specified neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia |
KA87.Z,Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia, unspecified |
KA88,Disseminated intravascular coagulation of foetus or newborn |
KA89.0,Thrombocytopaenia following systemic infection, including diffuse intravascular coagulation |
KA89.Y,Other specified transient neonatal thrombocytopaenia |
KA89.Z,Transient neonatal thrombocytopaenia, unspecified |
KA8A.0,Polycythaemia neonatorum due to placental insufficiency or foetal intrauterine growth restriction |
KA8A.1,Polycythemia neonatorum due to twin to twin transfusion |
KA8A.2,Polycythemia neonatorum due to inherited disorder of erythropoietin production |
KA8A.3,Polycythemia neonatorum following umbilical cord transfusion or stripping at delivery |
KA8A.4,Polycythemia neonatorum following blood transfusion |
KA8A.Y,Other specified polycythaemia neonatorum |
KA8A.Z,Polycythaemia neonatorum, unspecified |
KA8B,Anaemia of prematurity |
KA8C,Congenital hypoplastic anaemia |
KA8D,Transient neonatal neutropenia |
KA8E,Alloimmune neonatal neutropenia |
KA8F.0,Diffuse bleeding diathesis due to vitamin K deficient haemorrhagic disease of foetus or newborn |
KA8F.Y,Other specified neonatal vitamin K deficiency |
KA8F.Z,Neonatal vitamin K deficiency, unspecified |
KA8Y,Other specified haemorrhagic or haematological disorders of foetus or newborn |
KA8Z,Haemorrhagic or haematological disorders of foetus or newborn, unspecified |
KB00.0,Perinatal arterial stroke |
KB00.1,Neonatal cerebral sinovenous thrombosis |
KB00.Y,Other specified neonatal cerebral ischaemia |
KB00.Z,Neonatal cerebral ischaemia, unspecified |
KB01,Periventricular cysts of newborn |
KB02,Neonatal cerebral leukomalacia |
KB03,Neonatal encephalopathy |
KB04,Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy of newborn |
KB05.0,Neonatal obstructive hydrocephalus |
KB05.Y,Other specified neonatal hydrocephalus |
KB05.Z,Neonatal hydrocephalus, unspecified |
KB06,Neonatal seizures |
KB07,Compression of brain in neonate |
KB08.0,Transient neonatal myasthenia gravis |
KB08.1,Congenital hypertonia |
KB08.2,Congenital hypotonia |
KB08.Y,Other specified disorders of muscle tone of newborn |
KB08.Z,Disorders of muscle tone of newborn, unspecified |
KB0Y,Other specified neurological disorders specific to the perinatal or neonatal period |
KB0Z,Neurological disorders specific to the perinatal or neonatal period, unspecified |
KB20.0,Intrauterine hypoxia first noted before onset of labour |
KB20.1,Intrauterine hypoxia first noted during labour or delivery |
KB20.Z,Intrauterine hypoxia, unspecified |
KB21.0,Severe birth asphyxia |
KB21.1,Mild and moderate birth asphyxia |
KB21.Y,Other specified birth asphyxia |
KB22,Metabolic acidaemia in newborn |
KB23.00,Respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn, altered by maternal corticosteroid therapy |
KB23.01,Respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn, altered by pulmonary surfactant replacement therapy |
KB23.02,Respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn, altered by maternal corticosteroid therapy or pulmonary surfactant replacement therapy |
KB23.0Y,Other specified respiratory distress syndrome of newborn |
KB23.0Z,Respiratory distress syndrome of newborn, unspecified |
KB23.1,Transient tachypnoea of newborn |
KB23.2,Respiratory instability of prematurity |
KB23.Y,Other specified respiratory distress of newborn |
KB23.Z,Respiratory distress of newborn, unspecified |
KB24,Congenital pneumonia |
KB25,Neonatal tracheitis |
KB26.0,Neonatal aspiration of meconium |
KB26.1,Neonatal aspiration of amniotic fluid or mucus |
KB26.2,Neonatal aspiration of blood |
KB26.3,Neonatal aspiration of milk or regurgitated food |
KB26.Y,Other specified neonatal aspiration syndromes |
KB26.Z,Neonatal aspiration syndromes, unspecified |
KB27.0,Interstitial emphysema originating in the perinatal period |
KB27.1,Pneumothorax originating in the perinatal period |
KB27.2,Pneumomediastinum originating in the perinatal period |
KB27.3,Pneumopericardium originating in the perinatal period |
KB27.4,Pneumoperitoneum, originating in the perinatal period, due to primary pulmonary air leak syndromes |
KB27.Y,Other specified pulmonary air leak or related conditions originating in the perinatal period |
KB27.Z,Pulmonary air leak or related conditions originating in the perinatal period, unspecified |
KB28.0,Tracheobronchial haemorrhage originating in the perinatal period |
KB28.1,Traumatic pulmonary haemorrhage originating in the perinatal period |
KB28.Y,Other specified pulmonary haemorrhage originating in the perinatal period |
KB28.Z,Pulmonary haemorrhage originating in the perinatal period, unspecified |
KB29.0,Bronchopulmonary dysplasia originating in the perinatal period |
KB29.Y,Other specified chronic respiratory disease originating in the perinatal period |
KB29.Z,Chronic respiratory disease originating in the perinatal period, unspecified |
KB2A.0,Central neonatal apnoea |
KB2A.1,Obstructive neonatal apnoea |
KB2A.2,Mixed neonatal apnoea |
KB2A.3,Apnoea of newborn, due to neurologic injury |
KB2A.Y,Other specified apnoea of newborn |
KB2A.Z,Apnoea of newborn, unspecified |
KB2B,Primary atelectasis of newborn |
KB2C,Cyanotic attacks of newborn |
KB2D,Respiratory failure of newborn |
KB2E,Respiratory arrest of newborn |
KB2F,Congenital lung or lobar atelectasis |
KB2G,Tracheal haemorrhage of newborn due to airway trauma |
KB2H,Acquired vocal cord paralysis in newborn |
KB2J.0,Hypotonia of hypopharynx in neonate |
KB2J.1,Hypopharyngeal mass in neonate |
KB2J.2,Tracheo-bronchial malacia in neonate |
KB2J.Y,Other specified airway obstruction in the neonate due to airway abnormality |
KB2J.Z,Airway obstruction in the neonate due to airway abnormality, unspecified |
KB2K.0,Acquired pulmonary cysts in newborn |
KB2K.Z,Pulmonary cysts in newborn, unspecified |
KB2Y,Other specified respiratory disorders specific to the perinatal or neonatal period |
KB2Z,Respiratory disorders specific to the perinatal or neonatal period, unspecified |
KB40.0,Neonatal cardiac failure due to pulmonary overperfusion |
KB40.1,Neonatal cardiac failure due to decreased left ventricular output |
KB40.Y,Other specified neonatal cardiac failure |
KB40.Z,Neonatal cardiac failure, unspecified |
KB41,Cardiac arrhythmias in the neonate |
KB42,Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn |
KB43,Delayed closure of ductus arteriosus |
KB44,Transient myocardial ischaemia of newborn |
KB45,Neonatal hypertension |
KB46,Neonatal hypotension |
KB47,Benign or innocent cardiac murmurs in newborn |
KB4Y,Other specified cardiovascular disorders present in the perinatal or neonatal period |
KB4Z,Cardiovascular disorders present in the perinatal or neonatal period, unspecified |
KB60.0,Syndrome of infant of mother with gestational diabetes |
KB60.1,Syndrome of infant of a diabetic mother, type I or II, nongestational, insulin dependent |
KB60.20,Transient neonatal diabetes mellitus |
KB60.2Y,Other specified neonatal diabetes mellitus |
KB60.2Z,Neonatal diabetes mellitus, unspecified |
KB60.30,Neonatal hyperglycemia due to insulin deficiency |
KB60.31,Neonatal hyperglycemia due to iatrogenic intravenous therapy |
KB60.3Y,Other specified neonatal hyperglycemia |
KB60.3Z,Neonatal hyperglycemia, unspecified |
KB60.40,Transient hyperinsulinemic neonatal hypoglycaemia |
KB60.41,Transitory iatrogenic neonatal hypoglycaemia |
KB60.42,Other transitory neonatal hypoglycaemia |
KB60.4Y,Other specified neonatal hypoglycaemia |
KB60.4Z,Neonatal hypoglycaemia, unspecified |
KB60.Y,Other specified transitory disorders of carbohydrate metabolism specific to foetus or newborn |
KB60.Z,Transitory disorders of carbohydrate metabolism specific to foetus or newborn, unspecified |
KB61.0,Neonatal hypomagnesaemia |
KB61.1,Neonatal tetany without calcium or magnesium deficiency |
KB61.2,Neonatal hypocalcaemia |
KB61.3,Neonatal osteopenia |
KB61.Y,Other specified transitory neonatal disorders of calcium or magnesium metabolism |
KB61.Z,Transitory neonatal disorders of calcium or magnesium metabolism, unspecified |
KB62.0,Transitory neonatal hyperthyroidism |
KB62.1,Other transitory neonatal disorders of thyroid function, not elsewhere classified |
KB62.2,Transient hyperthyrotropinaemia |
KB62.3,Transient hypothyroxinaemia |
KB62.Y,Other specified transitory neonatal disorders of thyroid function |
KB62.Z,Transitory neonatal disorders of thyroid function, unspecified |
KB63.0,Late metabolic acidosis of newborn |
KB63.1,Dehydration of newborn |
KB63.20,Hyponatremia of newborn |
KB63.21,Hypernatremia of newborn |
KB63.2Y,Other specified disturbances of sodium balance of newborn |
KB63.2Z,Disturbances of sodium balance of newborn, unspecified |
KB63.30,Hypokalemia of newborn |
KB63.31,Hyperkalemia of newborn |
KB63.3Y,Other specified disturbances of potassium balance of newborn |
KB63.3Z,Disturbances of potassium balance of newborn, unspecified |
KB63.4,Transitory tyrosinaemia of newborn |
KB63.5,Metabolic bone disease of prematurity |
KB64,Transitory neonatal hypoparathyroidism |
KB6Z,Transitory endocrine or metabolic disorders specific to foetus or newborn, unspecified |
KB80,Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in newborn |
KB81.0,Neonatal eosinophilic oesophagitis |
KB81.Y,Other specified oesophagitis in newborn |
KB82,Prenatal gastric perforation |
KB83,Postnatal gastric perforation |
KB84,Postnatal isolated ileal perforation |
KB85.0,Prenatal intrauterine intestinal perforation due to in utero volvulus |
KB85.1,Prenatal intrauterine intestinal perforation due to intestinal atresia or stenosis |
KB85.2,Prenatal intrauterine intestinal perforation due to intraluminal obstruction |
KB85.Y,Other specified prenatal intrauterine intestinal perforation |
KB85.Z,Prenatal intrauterine intestinal perforation, unspecified |
KB86.0,Postnatal intestinal perforation due to drugs |
KB86.1,Postnatal intestinal perforation due to in utero volvulus |
KB86.2,Postnatal intestinal perforation due to intestinal atresia or stenosis |
KB86.3,Postnatal intestinal perforation due to intraluminal obstruction |
KB86.Y,Other specified postnatal intestinal perforation |
KB86.Z,Postnatal intestinal perforation, unspecified |
KB87.0,Intestinal obstruction due to inspissated milk |
KB87.1,Meconium plug without ileus |
KB87.2,Meconium ileus without perforation |
KB87.4,Meconium ileus with perforation |
KB87.3,Transitory ileus of preterm-newborn |
KB87.Y,Other specified intestinal obstruction of newborn |
KB87.Z,Intestinal obstruction of newborn, unspecified |
KB88.0,Necrotising enterocolitis of newborn, Stage 1A & B |
KB88.1,Necrotising enterocolitis of newborn, Stage 2A & B |
KB88.2,Necrotising enterocolitis of newborn, Stage 3A |
KB88.3,Necrotising enterocolitis of newborn, Stage 3B |
KB88.Y,Other specified necrotising enterocolitis of newborn |
KB88.Z,Necrotising enterocolitis of newborn, unspecified |
KB89.0,Neonatal malabsorption due to endocrine secreting tumour |
KB89.1,Short bowel syndrome |
KB89.Y,Other specified neonatal malabsorption syndromes |
KB89.Z,Neonatal malabsorption syndromes, unspecified |
KB8A,Neonatal haematemesis or melaena due to swallowed maternal blood |
KB8B,Neonatal peritonitis |
KB8C,Noninfectious neonatal diarrhoea |
KB8Y,Other specified digestive system disorders of foetus or newborn |
KB8Z,Digestive system disorders of foetus or newborn, unspecified |
KC00,Congenital hydrocele |
KC01,Congenital renal failure |
KC0Y,Other specified genitourinary system disorders specific to the perinatal or neonatal period |
KC0Z,Genitourinary system disorders specific to the perinatal or neonatal period, unspecified |
KC20.0,Delayed separation of umbilical cord |
KC20.1,Umbilical cutis or polyp of newborn |
KC20.2,Umbilical granuloma of newborn |
KC20.Y,Other specified conditions involving the umbilical cord |
KC20.Z,Conditions involving the umbilical cord, unspecified |
KC21.0,Neonatal acne |
KC21.1,Neonatal toxic erythema |
KC21.2,Perianal dermatitis of the newborn |
KC21.Y,Other specified inflammatory dermatoses of the newborn |
KC22.0,Subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn |
KC22.1,Cold panniculitis of the newborn |
KC22.2,Sclerema neonatorum |
KC22.Y,Other specified neonatal disorders of subcutaneous fat |
KC23,Neonatal disorders of the oral mucosa |
KC24,Neonatal nutritional disorders affecting the skin |
KC30,Skin fragility of prematurity |
KC31,Congenital erosive or vesicular dermatosis healing with reticulated supple scarring |
KC3Y,Other specified skin disorders associated with prematurity |
KC40.0,Congenital sucking blisters |
KC40.1,Neonatal milia |
KC40.Y,Other specified skin disorders in the neonate |
KC41.0,Breast engorgement of newborn |
KC41.1,Hydrops fetalis not due to haemolytic disease |
KC41.Y,Other specified conditions of integument specific to fetus and newborn |
KC50,Neonatal phototherapy burn |
KC5Y,Other specified postnatal iatrogenic skin injury |
KC5Z,Postnatal iatrogenic skin injury, unspecified |
KC7Y,Other specified iatrogenic injuries involving the skin of the neonate |
KC9Z,Disorders involving the integument of foetus or newborn, unspecified |
KD10,Environmental hyperthermia of newborn |
KD11,Fever of newborn |
KD12.0,Neonatal cold injury syndrome |
KD12.Y,Other specified hypothermia of newborn |
KD12.Z,Hypothermia of newborn, unspecified |
KD1Y,Other specified disturbances of temperature regulation of newborn |
KD1Z,Disturbances of temperature regulation of newborn, unspecified |
KD30.0,Birth depression with 5 minute Apgar score 0-3 |
KD30.1,Birth depression with 5 minute Apgar score 4-6 |
KD30.2,Birth depression with associated metabolic acidaemia of cord blood |
KD30.Z,Birth depression, unspecified |
KD31,Wide cranial sutures of newborn |
KD32.0,Slow feeding of newborn |
KD32.1,Underfeeding of newborn |
KD32.2,Overfeeding of newborn |
KD32.3,Neonatal difficulty in feeding at breast |
KD32.4,Failure to thrive in newborn |
KD32.Y,Other specified feeding problems of newborn |
KD32.Z,Feeding problems of newborn, unspecified |
KD33,Jittery baby, not elsewhere classified |
KD34,Reactions or intoxications due to drugs administered to foetus or newborn |
KD35,Neonatal withdrawal syndrome from maternal use of drugs of addiction |
KD36,Withdrawal symptoms from therapeutic use of drugs in newborn |
KD37,Exposure to tobacco smoke in the perinatal period |
KD38,Meconium staining |
KD39.0,Foetus or newborn affected by amniocentesis |
KD39.1,Foetus or newborn affected by chorionic villous sampling |
KD39.2,Foetus or newborn affected by foetal blood sampling |
KD39.3,Foetus or newborn affected by complications of foetal surgery |
KD39.4,Foetus or newborn affected by complications of intrauterine foetal surgery |
KD39.Y,Other specified complications of intrauterine procedures, not elsewhere classified |
KD39.Z,Complications of intrauterine procedures, not elsewhere classified, unspecified |
KD3A,Termination of pregnancy, affecting surviving foetus or newborn |
KD3B.0,Antepartum foetal death |
KD3B.1,Intrapartum foetal death |
KD3B.Z,Unspecified time of fetal death, cause not specified |
KD3C.0,Bilious vomiting of newborn |
KD3C.Y,Other specified vomiting in newborn |
KD3C.Z,Vomiting in newborn, unspecified |
KD3Y,Other specified disorders originating in the perinatal period |
KD5Z,Conditions originating in the perinatal or neonatal period, unspecified |
LA00.00,Craniorachischisis |
LA00.0Y,Other specified anencephaly |
LA00.0Z,Anencephaly, unspecified |
LA00.1,Iniencephaly |
LA00.2,Acephaly |
LA00.3,Amyelencephaly |
LA00.Y,Other specified anencephaly or similar anomalies |
LA00.Z,Anencephaly or similar anomalies, unspecified |
LA01,Cephalocele |
LA02.00,Myelomeningocele with hydrocephalus |
LA02.01,Myelomeningocele without hydrocephalus |
LA02.02,Myelocystocele |
LA02.0Y,Other specified spina bifida cystica |
LA02.0Z,Spina bifida cystica, unspecified |
LA02.1,Spina bifida aperta |
LA02.Y,Other specified spina bifida |
LA02.Z,Spina bifida, unspecified |
LA03,Arnold-Chiari malformation type II |
LA04.0,Hydrocephalus with stenosis of the aqueduct of Sylvius |
LA04.Y,Other specified congenital hydrocephalus |
LA04.Z,Congenital hydrocephalus, unspecified |
LA05.0,Microcephaly |
LA05.1,Megalencephaly |
LA05.2,Holoprosencephaly |
LA05.3,Corpus callosum agenesis |
LA05.4,Arhinencephaly |
LA05.50,Polymicrogyria |
LA05.51,Cortical dysplasia |
LA05.5Y,Other specified abnormal neuronal migration |
LA05.5Z,Abnormal neuronal migration, unspecified |
LA05.60,Porencephaly |
LA05.61,Schizencephaly |
LA05.62,Hydranencephaly |
LA05.6Y,Other specified encephaloclastic disorders |
LA05.6Z,Encephaloclastic disorders, unspecified |
LA05.7,Brain cystic malformations |
LA05.Y,Other specified cerebral structural developmental anomalies |
LA05.Z,Cerebral structural developmental anomalies, unspecified |
LA06.0,Dandy-Walker malformation |
LA06.1,Hypoplasia or agenesis of cerebellar hemispheres |
LA06.2,Focal cerebellar dysplasia |
LA06.Y,Other specified cerebellar structural developmental anomalies |
LA06.Z,Cerebellar structural developmental anomalies, unspecified |
LA07.0,Primary tethered cord syndrome |
LA07.1,Diastematomyelia |
LA07.2,Amyelia |
LA07.3,Primary syringomyelia or hydromyelia |
LA07.4,Arnold-Chiari malformation type I |
LA07.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the neurenteric canal, spinal cord or vertebral column |
LA07.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of the neurenteric canal, spinal cord or vertebral column, unspecified |
LA0Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the nervous system |
LA0Z,Structural developmental anomalies of the nervous system, unspecified |
LA10.0,Microphthalmos |
LA10.1,Clinical anophthalmos |
LA10.2,Buphthalmos |
LA10.3,Congenital macrophthalmos |
LA10.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of ocular globes |
LA10.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of ocular globes, unspecified |
LA11.0,Blue sclera |
LA11.1,Structural developmental anomalies of cornea |
LA11.2,Anterior segment dysgenesis |
LA11.3,Aniridia |
LA11.4,Coloboma of iris |
LA11.5,Congenital corneal opacity |
LA11.60,Irregular pupil of the eye |
LA11.61,Iridoschisis |
LA11.62,Anomalies of pupillary function |
LA11.6Y,Other specified structural disorders of the pupil |
LA11.6Z,Structural disorders of the pupil, unspecified |
LA11.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the anterior segment of eye |
LA11.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of the anterior segment of eye, unspecified |
LA12.0,Coloboma of lens |
LA12.1,Congenital cataract |
LA12.2,Congenital aphakia |
LA12.3,Spherophakia |
LA12.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of lens or zonula |
LA12.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of lens or zonula, unspecified |
LA13.0,Congenital anomalies of the vitreous |
LA13.1,Coloboma of choroid or retina |
LA13.2,Coloboma of macula |
LA13.3,Congenital vitreoretinal dysplasia |
LA13.4,Optic pit |
LA13.5,Congenital retinal aneurysm |
LA13.6,Congenital malformations of choroid |
LA13.70,Isolated optic nerve hypoplasia |
LA13.71,Optic nerve aplasia |
LA13.72,Congenitally elevated optic disc |
LA13.73,Optic disc dysplasia |
LA13.74,Megalopapilla |
LA13.75,Optic disc pit |
LA13.76,Coloboma of optic disc |
LA13.7Y,Other specified congenital malformation of optic disc |
LA13.7Z,Congenital malformation of optic disc, unspecified |
LA13.80,Anastomosis of retinal or choroidal vessels |
LA13.8Y,Other specified congenital malformations of posterior segment of eye |
LA13.8Z,Certain congenital malformations of posterior segment of eye, unspecified |
LA13.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the posterior segment of eye |
LA13.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of the posterior segment of eye, unspecified |
LA14.00,Palpebral cleft or coloboma |
LA14.01,Cryptophthalmia |
LA14.02,Congenital entropion |
LA14.03,Congenital ectropion |
LA14.04,Congenital ptosis |
LA14.05,Congenital eyelid retraction |
LA14.06,Epibulbar choristoma |
LA14.07,Ankyloblepharon filiforme adnatum |
LA14.0Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of eyelids |
LA14.10,Aplasia of lacrimal or salivary glands |
LA14.11,Agenesis of lacrimal ducts |
LA14.12,Congenital dacryocele |
LA14.13,Congenital agenesis of lacrimal punctum |
LA14.14,Congenital stenosis or stricture of lacrimal duct |
LA14.1Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of lacrimal apparatus |
LA14.1Z,Structural developmental anomalies of lacrimal apparatus, unspecified |
LA14.2,Structural developmental anomalies of orbit |
LA14.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of eyelid, lacrimal apparatus or orbit |
LA14.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of eyelid, lacrimal apparatus or orbit, unspecified |
LA1Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the eye, eyelid or lacrimal apparatus |
LA1Z,Structural developmental anomalies of the eye, eyelid or lacrimal apparatus, unspecified |
LA20,Structural anomaly of eustachian apparatus |
LA21.0,Macrotia |
LA21.1,Protruding ear |
LA21.2,Low-set ear |
LA21.3,Misshapen ear |
LA21.Y,Other specified minor anomalies of pinnae |
LA22.0,Microtia |
LA22.1,Anotia |
LA22.2,Aplasia or hypoplasia of external auditory canal |
LA22.3,Structural developmental anomalies of ear ossicles |
LA22.4,Structural developmental anomalies of inner ear |
LA22.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of ear causing hearing impairment |
LA22.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of ear causing hearing impairment, unspecified |
LA23,Otocephaly |
LA24,Accessory auricle |
LA2Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the ear |
LA2Z,Structural developmental anomalies of the ear, unspecified |
LA30.0,Anodontia |
LA30.1,Hypodontia |
LA30.2,Oligodontia |
LA30.3,Hyperdontia |
LA30.4,Abnormalities of size or form of teeth |
LA30.50,Early exfoliation of teeth |
LA30.51,Late exfoliation of teeth |
LA30.5Y,Other specified anomalies in tooth resorption or loss |
LA30.5Z,Anomalies in tooth resorption or loss, unspecified |
LA30.6,Amelogenesis imperfecta |
LA30.7,Dentine dysplasia |
LA30.8,Dentinogenesis imperfecta |
LA30.9,Odontogenesis imperfecta |
LA30.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of teeth and periodontal tissues |
LA30.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of teeth and periodontal tissues, unspecified |
LA31.0,Congenital macroglossia |
LA31.1,Hypoglossia or aglossia |
LA31.2,Ankyloglossia |
LA31.3,Macrostomia |
LA31.4,Microstomia |
LA31.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of mouth or tongue |
LA40.0,Cleft lip, unilateral |
LA40.1,Cleft lip, bilateral |
LA40.2,Cleft lip, median |
LA40.Y,Other specified cleft lip |
LA40.Z,Cleft lip, unspecified |
LA41.0,Cleft lip and alveolus, unilateral |
LA41.1,Cleft lip and alveolus, bilateral |
LA41.Y,Other specified cleft lip and alveolus |
LA41.Z,Cleft lip and alveolus, unspecified |
LA42.0,Cleft hard palate |
LA42.1,Cleft soft palate |
LA42.2,Cleft uvula |
LA42.Y,Other specified cleft palate |
LA42.Z,Cleft palate, unspecified |
LA4Y,Other specified clefts of lip, alveolus or palate |
LA4Z,Clefts of lip, alveolus or palate, unspecified |
LA50,Congenital velopharyngeal incompetence |
LA51,Facial clefts |
LA52,Facial asymmetry |
LA53,Macrocheilia |
LA54,Microcheilia |
LA55,Compression facies |
LA56,Pierre Robin syndrome |
LA5Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the face, mouth or teeth |
LA5Z,Structural developmental anomalies of the face, mouth or teeth, unspecified |
LA60,Webbed neck |
LA61,Congenital sternomastoid tumour |
LA62,Congenital torticollis |
LA6Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the neck |
LA6Z,Structural developmental anomalies of the neck, unspecified |
LA70.0,Arrhinia |
LA70.1,Bifid nose |
LA70.2,Choanal atresia |
LA70.3,Congenital perforated nasal septum |
LA70.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the nose or cavum |
LA70.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of the nose or cavum, unspecified |
LA71.0,Congenital laryngomalacia |
LA71.1,Laryngocele |
LA71.2,Laryngeal hypoplasia |
LA71.3,Congenital subglottic stenosis |
LA71.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of larynx |
LA71.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of larynx, unspecified |
LA72,Laryngotracheooesophageal cleft |
LA73.0,Congenital stenosis of trachea |
LA73.1,Congenital tracheomalacia |
LA73.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of trachea |
LA73.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of trachea, unspecified |
LA74.0,Congenital stenosis or atresia of bronchus |
LA74.1,Congenital bronchomalacia |
LA74.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of bronchi |
LA74.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of bronchi, unspecified |
LA75.0,Accessory lobe of lung |
LA75.1,Agenesis of lung |
LA75.2,Congenital hypoplasia of lung |
LA75.3,Congenital hyperplasia of lung |
LA75.4,Congenital pulmonary airway malformations |
LA75.5,Congenital lobar emphysema |
LA75.6,Congenital sequestration of lung |
LA75.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of lungs |
LA75.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of lungs, unspecified |
LA76,Structural developmental anomalies of pleura |
LA77,Congenital cyst of mediastinum |
LA7Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the respiratory system |
LA7Z,Structural developmental anomalies of the respiratory system, unspecified |
LA80.0,Laevocardia |
LA80.1,Dextrocardia |
LA80.2,Mesocardia |
LA80.3,Extrathoracic heart |
LA80.Y,Other specified anomalous position-orientation of heart |
LA80.Z,Anomalous position-orientation of heart, unspecified |
LA81,Abnormal ventricular relationships |
LA82,Total mirror imagery |
LA83,Right isomerism |
LA84,Left isomerism |
LA85.0,Discordant atrioventricular connections |
LA85.1,Transposition of the great arteries |
LA85.20,Double outlet right ventricle with subpulmonary ventricular septal defect, transposition type |
LA85.21,Double outlet right ventricle with non-committed ventricular septal defect |
LA85.22,Double outlet right ventricle with subaortic or doubly committed ventricular septal defect without pulmonary stenosis, ventricular septal defect type |
LA85.2Y,Other specified double outlet right ventricle |
LA85.2Z,Double outlet right ventricle, unspecified |
LA85.3,Double outlet left ventricle |
LA85.40,Common arterial trunk with aortic dominance |
LA85.41,Common arterial trunk with pulmonary dominance and interrupted aortic arch |
LA85.4Y,Other specified common arterial trunk |
LA85.4Z,Common arterial trunk, unspecified |
LA85.Y,Other specified congenital anomaly of an atrioventricular or ventriculo-arterial connection |
LA85.Z,Congenital anomaly of an atrioventricular or ventriculo-arterial connection, unspecified |
LA86.0,Left superior caval vein |
LA86.1,Unroofed coronary sinus |
LA86.20,Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection |
LA86.21,Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection |
LA86.22,Scimitar syndrome |
LA86.2Y,Other specified anomalous pulmonary venous connection |
LA86.2Z,Anomalous pulmonary venous connection, unspecified |
LA86.3,Congenital pulmonary venous stenosis or hypoplasia |
LA86.Y,Other specified congenital anomaly of mediastinal vein |
LA86.Z,Congenital anomaly of mediastinal vein, unspecified |
LA87.00,Congenital tricuspid regurgitation |
LA87.01,Congenital tricuspid valvar stenosis |
LA87.02,Dysplasia of tricuspid valve |
LA87.03,Ebstein malformation of tricuspid valve |
LA87.0Y,Other specified congenital anomaly of tricuspid valve |
LA87.0Z,Congenital anomaly of tricuspid valve, unspecified |
LA87.10,Congenital mitral regurgitation |
LA87.11,Congenital mitral valvar stenosis |
LA87.12,Dysplasia of mitral valve |
LA87.13,Congenital anomaly of mitral subvalvar apparatus |
LA87.1Y,Other specified congenital anomaly of mitral valve |
LA87.1Z,Congenital anomaly of mitral valve, unspecified |
LA87.20,Atrioventricular septal defect |
LA87.2Y,Other specified common atrioventricular junction |
LA87.2Z,Common atrioventricular junction, unspecified |
LA87.Y,Other specified congenital anomaly of an atrioventricular valve or atrioventricular septum |
LA87.Z,Congenital anomaly of an atrioventricular valve or atrioventricular septum, unspecified |
LA88.0,Congenital right ventricular outflow tract obstruction |
LA88.1,Double chambered right ventricle |
LA88.20,Tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve syndrome |
LA88.21,Tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia |
LA88.22,Tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia and systemic-to-pulmonary collateral artery |
LA88.2Y,Other specified tetralogy of Fallot |
LA88.2Z,Tetralogy of Fallot, unspecified |
LA88.3,Congenital left ventricular outflow tract obstruction |
LA88.40,Trabecular muscular ventricular septal defect |
LA88.41,Perimembranous central ventricular septal defect |
LA88.42,Ventricular septal defect haemodynamically insignificant |
LA88.4Y,Other specified ventricular septal defect |
LA88.4Z,Ventricular septal defect, unspecified |
LA88.Y,Other specified congenital anomaly of a ventricle or the ventricular septum |
LA88.Z,Congenital anomaly of a ventricle or the ventricular septum, unspecified |
LA89.0,Double inlet atrioventricular connection |
LA89.1,Tricuspid atresia |
LA89.2,Mitral atresia |
LA89.3,Hypoplastic left heart syndrome |
LA89.Y,Other specified functionally univentricular heart |
LA89.Z,Functionally univentricular heart, unspecified |
LA8A.00,Congenital pulmonary valvar stenosis |
LA8A.01,Congenital pulmonary regurgitation |
LA8A.0Y,Other specified congenital anomaly of pulmonary valve |
LA8A.0Z,Congenital anomaly of pulmonary valve, unspecified |
LA8A.10,Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum |
LA8A.1Y,Other specified congenital pulmonary atresia |
LA8A.1Z,Congenital pulmonary atresia, unspecified |
LA8A.20,Congenital aortic valvar stenosis |
LA8A.21,Congenital aortic regurgitation |
LA8A.22,Bicuspid aortic valve |
LA8A.23,Aortic valvar atresia |
LA8A.24,Unicuspid aortic valve |
LA8A.2Y,Other specified congenital anomaly of aortic valve |
LA8A.2Z,Congenital anomaly of aortic valve, unspecified |
LA8A.3,Congenital supravalvar aortic stenosis |
LA8A.4,Aneurysm of aortic sinus of Valsalva |
LA8A.5,Congenital subaortic stenosis |
LA8A.6,Congenital subpulmonary stenosis |
LA8A.Y,Other specified congenital anomaly of a ventriculo-arterial valve or adjacent regions |
LA8A.Z,Congenital anomaly of a ventriculo-arterial valve or adjacent regions, unspecified |
LA8B.0,Congenital aortopulmonary window |
LA8B.1,Congenital anomaly of pulmonary arterial tree |
LA8B.20,Congenital anomaly of descending thoracic or abdominal aorta |
LA8B.21,Coarctation of aorta |
LA8B.22,Interrupted aortic arch |
LA8B.2Y,Other specified congenital anomaly of aorta or its branches |
LA8B.2Z,Congenital anomaly of aorta or its branches, unspecified |
LA8B.3,Tracheo-oesophageal compressive syndrome |
LA8B.4,Patent arterial duct |
LA8B.Y,Other specified congenital anomaly of great arteries including arterial duct |
LA8B.Z,Congenital anomaly of great arteries including arterial duct, unspecified |
LA8C.0,Anomalous origin of coronary artery from pulmonary arterial tree |
LA8C.1,Anomalous aortic origin or course of coronary artery |
LA8C.2,Congenital coronary arterial fistula |
LA8C.Y,Other specified congenital anomaly of coronary arteries |
LA8C.Z,Congenital anomaly of coronary arteries, unspecified |
LA8D,Congenital pericardial anomaly |
LA8E.0,Patent oval foramen |
LA8E.1,Atrial septal defect within oval fossa |
LA8E.2,Sinus venosus defect |
LA8E.3,Interatrial communication through coronary sinus orifice |
LA8E.Y,Other specified congenital anomaly of atrial septum |
LA8E.Z,Congenital anomaly of atrial septum, unspecified |
LA8F,Congenital anomaly of right atrium |
LA8G.0,Divided left atrium |
LA8G.Y,Other specified congenital anomaly of left atrium |
LA8G.Z,Congenital anomaly of left atrium, unspecified |
LA8Y,Other specified structural developmental anomaly of heart or great vessels |
LA8Z,Structural developmental anomaly of heart or great vessels, unspecified |
LA90.00,Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia |
LA90.0Y,Other specified capillary malformations |
LA90.0Z,Capillary malformations, unspecified |
LA90.10,Macrocystic lymphatic malformation |
LA90.11,Microcystic lymphatic malformation |
LA90.12,Lymphatic malformations of certain specified sites |
LA90.13,Cystic hygroma in foetus |
LA90.1Y,Other specified lymphatic malformations |
LA90.1Z,Lymphatic malformations, unspecified |
LA90.20,Vein of Galen aneurysm |
LA90.21,Anomalous portal venous connection |
LA90.2Y,Other specified peripheral venous malformations |
LA90.2Z,Peripheral venous malformations, unspecified |
LA90.30,Portal vein-hepatic artery fistula |
LA90.31,Arteriovenous malformation of precerebral vessels |
LA90.32,Uterine arteriovenous malformations |
LA90.3Y,Other specified peripheral arteriovenous malformations |
LA90.3Z,Peripheral arteriovenous malformations, unspecified |
LA90.40,Congenital renal artery stenosis |
LA90.41,Congenital precerebral nonruptured aneurysm |
LA90.42,Congenital cerebral nonruptured aneurysm |
LA90.4Y,Other specified peripheral arterial malformations |
LA90.4Z,Peripheral arterial malformations, unspecified |
LA90.5,Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula |
LA90.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the peripheral vascular system |
LA90.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of the peripheral vascular system, unspecified |
LA9Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the circulatory system |
LA9Z,Structural developmental anomalies of the circulatory system, unspecified |
LB00.0,Congenital diaphragmatic hernia |
LB00.1,Absence of diaphragm |
LB00.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of diaphragm |
LB00.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of diaphragm, unspecified |
LB01,Omphalocele |
LB02,Gastroschisis |
LB03.0,Allantoic duct remnants or cysts |
LB03.1,Single umbilical cord artery |
LB03.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of umbilical cord |
LB03.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of umbilical cord, unspecified |
LB0Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the diaphragm, abdominal wall or umbilical cord |
LB0Z,Structural developmental anomalies of the diaphragm, abdominal wall or umbilical cord, unspecified |
LB10,Structural developmental anomalies of salivary glands or ducts |
LB11,Congenital diverticulum of pharynx |
LB12.0,Congenital oesophageal web or ring |
LB12.10,Atresia of oesophagus with oesophagobronchial fistula |
LB12.1Y,Other specified atresia of oesophagus |
LB12.1Z,Atresia of oesophagus, unspecified |
LB12.2,Oesophageal fistula without atresia |
LB12.3,Congenital stenosis or stricture of oesophagus |
LB12.4,Congenital diverticulum of oesophagus |
LB12.5,Congenital dilatation of oesophagus |
LB12.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of oesophagus |
LB12.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of oesophagus, unspecified |
LB13.0,Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis |
LB13.1,Congenital hiatus hernia |
LB13.2,Congenital antral web |
LB13.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of stomach |
LB13.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of stomach, unspecified |
LB14,Structural developmental anomalies of duodenum |
LB15.0,Meckel diverticulum |
LB15.1,Atresia of small intestine |
LB15.2,Congenital short bowel |
LB15.3,Congenital diverticulitis of small intestine |
LB15.4,Congenital diverticulosis of small intestine |
LB15.5,Congenital diverticulum of small intestine |
LB15.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of small intestine |
LB15.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of small intestine, unspecified |
LB16.0,Congenital absence, atresia or stenosis of large intestine |
LB16.1,Hirschsprung disease |
LB16.2,Immature ganglionosis of large intestine |
LB16.3,Congenital hypoganglionosis of large intestine |
LB16.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of large intestine |
LB16.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of large intestine, unspecified |
LB17.0,Anorectal malformations |
LB17.1,Ectopic anus |
LB17.2,Persistent cloaca |
LB17.3,Cloacal exstrophy |
LB17.4,Perineal groove |
LB17.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of anal canal |
LB17.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of anal canal, unspecified |
LB18,Congenital anomalies of intestinal fixation |
LB1Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the digestive tract |
LB1Z,Structural developmental anomalies of the digestive tract, unspecified |
LB20.00,Fibropolycystic liver disease |
LB20.0Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of liver |
LB20.0Z,Structural developmental anomalies of liver, unspecified |
LB20.10,Agenesis, aplasia or hypoplasia of gallbladder |
LB20.1Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of gallbladder |
LB20.1Z,Structural developmental anomalies of gallbladder, unspecified |
LB20.20,Choledochal cyst |
LB20.21,Biliary atresia |
LB20.22,Congenital stenosis or stricture of bile ducts |
LB20.23,Structural developmental anomalies of cystic duct |
LB20.24,Accessory bile duct |
LB20.2Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of bile ducts |
LB20.2Z,Structural developmental anomalies of bile ducts, unspecified |
LB20.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of gallbladder, bile ducts or liver |
LB20.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of gallbladder, bile ducts or liver, unspecified |
LB21.0,Annular pancreas |
LB21.1,Pancreas divisum |
LB21.2,Accessory pancreas |
LB21.3,Agenesis-aplasia of pancreas |
LB21.4,Partial agenesis of pancreas |
LB21.5,Hypoplasia of pancreas |
LB21.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of pancreas |
LB21.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of pancreas, unspecified |
LB22.0,Congenital asplenia |
LB22.1,Polysplenia |
LB22.2,Ectopic spleen |
LB22.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of spleen |
LB22.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of spleen, unspecified |
LB2Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the liver, biliary tract, pancreas or spleen |
LB2Z,Structural developmental anomalies of the liver, biliary tract, pancreas or spleen, unspecified |
LB30.00,Renal agenesis |
LB30.0Y,Other specified renal agenesis or other reduction defects of kidney |
LB30.0Z,Renal agenesis or other reduction defects of kidney, unspecified |
LB30.1,Renal dysplasia |
LB30.2,Congenital single renal cyst |
LB30.3,Renal tubular dysgenesis |
LB30.4,Oligomeganephronia |
LB30.5,Accessory kidney |
LB30.60,Lobulated kidney |
LB30.61,Fused pelvic kidney |
LB30.62,Horseshoe kidney |
LB30.6Y,Other specified fusion anomaly of kidneys |
LB30.6Z,Fusion anomaly of kidneys, unspecified |
LB30.7,Ectopic or pelvic kidney |
LB30.8,Medullary sponge kidney |
LB30.9,Multicystic renal dysplasia |
LB30.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of kidneys |
LB30.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of kidneys, unspecified |
LB31.0,Congenital hydronephrosis |
LB31.1,Congenital primary megaureter |
LB31.2,Foetal lower urinary tract obstruction |
LB31.3,Exstrophy of urinary bladder |
LB31.4,Congenital diverticulum of urinary bladder |
LB31.5,Duplication of urethra |
LB31.6,Congenital megalourethra |
LB31.7,Megacystis-megaureter |
LB31.8,Atresia or stenosis of ureter |
LB31.9,Agenesis of ureter |
LB31.A,Duplication of ureter |
LB31.B,Malposition of ureter |
LB31.C,Congenital absence of bladder or urethra |
LB31.D,Congenital vesico-uretero-renal reflux |
LB31.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of urinary tract |
LB31.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of urinary tract, unspecified |
LB3Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the urinary system |
LB3Z,Structural developmental anomalies of the urinary system, unspecified |
LB40.0,Absence of vulva |
LB40.1,Embryonic cyst of vulva |
LB40.2,Fusion of labia |
LB40.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of vulva |
LB40.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of vulva, unspecified |
LB41.0,Agenesis of clitoris |
LB41.1,Duplication of clitoris |
LB41.2,Clitoromegaly |
LB41.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of clitoris |
LB41.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of clitoris, unspecified |
LB42.0,Absence of vagina |
LB42.1,Septate vagina |
LB42.2,Congenital rectovaginal fistula |
LB42.3,Tight hymenal ring |
LB42.4,Imperforate hymen |
LB42.5,Stricture or atresia of vagina |
LB42.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of vagina |
LB42.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of vagina, unspecified |
LB43.0,Embryonic cyst of cervix |
LB43.1,Agenesis or aplasia of cervix |
LB43.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of cervix uteri |
LB43.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of cervix uteri, unspecified |
LB44.0,Agenesis or aplasia of uterine body |
LB44.1,Hypoplasia of uterus |
LB44.2,Unicornuate uterus |
LB44.3,Bicornuate uterus |
LB44.4,Septate uterus |
LB44.5,Congenital fistulae between uterus and digestive and urinary tracts |
LB44.6,Uterovaginal malformation due to diethylstilbestrol syndrome |
LB44.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of uterus, except cervix |
LB44.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of uterus, except cervix, unspecified |
LB45.0,Congenital absence of ovary |
LB45.1,46,XX gonadal dysgenesis |
LB45.2,Developmental ovarian cyst |
LB45.3,Congenital torsion of ovary |
LB45.4,Accessory ovary |
LB45.5,Congenital absence of fallopian tube |
LB45.6,Atresia of fallopian tube |
LB45.7,Accessory fallopian tube |
LB45.8,Embryonic cyst of fallopian tube |
LB45.9,Embryonic cyst of broad ligament |
LB45.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of ovaries, fallopian tubes or broad ligaments |
LB45.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of ovaries, fallopian tubes or broad ligaments, unspecified |
LB4Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the female genital system |
LB4Z,Structural developmental anomalies of the female genital system, unspecified |
LB50,Micropenis or penis agenesis |
LB51,Anorchia or microorchidia |
LB52.0,Ectopic testis |
LB52.1,Undescended testicle, unilateral |
LB52.2,Undescended testicle, bilateral |
LB52.Y,Other specified cryptorchidism |
LB52.Z,Cryptorchidism, unspecified |
LB53.00,Hypospadias, coronal |
LB53.01,Hypospadias, glandular |
LB53.0Y,Other specified hypospadias, balanic |
LB53.0Z,Hypospadias, balanic, unspecified |
LB53.1,Hypospadias, penile |
LB53.2,Hypospadias, penoscrotal |
LB53.3,Hypospadias, scrotal |
LB53.4,Hypospadias, perineal |
LB53.Y,Other specified hypospadias |
LB53.Z,Hypospadias, unspecified |
LB54,Congenital chordee |
LB55,Epispadias |
LB56,Bifid scrotum |
LB57,Agenesis of vas deferens |
LB58,Polyorchidism |
LB59,Hypoplasia of testis or scrotum |
LB5Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the male genital system |
LB5Z,Structural developmental anomalies of the male genital system, unspecified |
LB60,Breast aplasia |
LB61,Absent nipple |
LB62,Supernumerary breasts |
LB63,Accessory nipple |
LB6Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the breast |
LB6Z,Structural developmental anomalies of the breast, unspecified |
LB70.00,Plagiocephaly |
LB70.0Y,Other specified craniosynostosis |
LB70.0Z,Craniosynostosis, unspecified |
LB70.1,Wormian bones |
LB70.2,J-shaped sella turcica |
LB70.3,Macrocephaly |
LB70.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of cranium |
LB70.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of cranium, unspecified |
LB71.0,Hypotelorism |
LB71.1,Hypertelorism |
LB71.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of facial bones |
LB71.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of facial bones, unspecified |
LB72.0,Cervical rib |
LB72.1,Sprengel deformity |
LB72.2,Deformation of scapula |
LB72.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of shoulder girdle |
LB72.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of shoulder girdle, unspecified |
LB73.0,Occult spinal dysraphism |
LB73.10,Poland syndrome |
LB73.11,Bifid rib |
LB73.12,Accessory rib |
LB73.13,Structural developmental anomalies of sternum |
LB73.1Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of chest wall |
LB73.1Z,Structural developmental anomalies of chest wall, unspecified |
LB73.20,Klippel-Feil anomaly |
LB73.21,Occipitalisation of atlas |
LB73.22,Atlanto-axial instability or subluxation |
LB73.23,Aplasia or hypoplasia of the odontoid process of axis |
LB73.24,Segmentation anomalies of vertebrae |
LB73.25,Congenital scoliosis due to congenital bony malformation |
LB73.26,Sacralization of the last lumbar vertebra |
LB73.27,Lumbarisation of the first sacral vertebra |
LB73.28,Sacrum agenesis or hypoplasia |
LB73.29,Caudal appendage |
LB73.2A,Congenital spondylolisthesis |
LB73.2Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of spine |
LB73.2Z,Structural developmental anomalies of spine, unspecified |
LB73.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of spine or bony thorax |
LB73.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of spine or bony thorax, unspecified |
LB74.0,Developmental dysplasia of hip |
LB74.1,Congenital subluxation of hip |
LB74.2,Unstable hip |
LB74.3,Congenital coxa vara |
LB74.4,Congenital coxa valga |
LB74.5,Wide symphysis pubis |
LB74.Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of pelvic girdle |
LB74.Z,Structural developmental anomalies of pelvic girdle, unspecified |
LB75.0,Brachydactyly of fingers |
LB75.1,Brachydactyly of toes |
LB75.2,Symbrachydactyly of hands or feet |
LB75.Y,Other specified brachydactyly |
LB75.Z,Brachydactyly, unspecified |
LB76,Triphalangeal thumb |
LB77,Hyperphalangy |
LB78.0,Polydactyly of the thumb |
LB78.1,Polysyndactyly |
LB78.2,Postaxial polydactyly of fingers |
LB78.3,Polydactyly of toes |
LB78.Y,Other specified polydactyly |
LB78.Z,Polydactyly, unspecified |
LB79.0,Fused fingers |
LB79.1,Webbed fingers |
LB79.2,Fused toes |
LB79.3,Webbed toes |
LB79.Y,Other specified syndactyly |
LB79.Z,Syndactyly, unspecified |
LB80.0,Clinodactyly of fingers |
LB80.1,Congenital club finger |
LB80.2,Radial deviation of fingers |
LB80.Y,Other specified congenital deformities of fingers |
LB81.0,Clinodactyly of toes |
LB81.Y,Other specified congenital deformities of toes |
LB8Z,Congenital deformities of fingers or toes, unspecified |
LB90.0,Humero-radio-ulnar synostosis |
LB90.1,Humero-radial synostosis |
LB90.2,Humero-ulnar synostosis |
LB90.3,Radio-ulnar synostosis |
LB90.4,Madelung deformity |
LB90.5,Congenital digital clubbing |
LB90.6,Tibio-fibular synostosis |
LB90.7,Cubitus valgus |
LB90.8,Cubitus varus |
LB90.Y,Other specified joint formation defects |
LB90.Z,Joint formation defects, unspecified |
LB91,Congenital shoulder dislocation |
LB92,Congenital elbow dislocation |
LB93.0,Congenital genu recurvatum |
LB93.1,Congenital genu flexum |
LB93.Y,Other specified congenital knee dislocation |
LB93.Z,Congenital knee dislocation, unspecified |
LB94,Congenital patella dislocation |
LB95,Patella aplasia or hypoplasia |
LB96.0,Congenital bowing of femur |
LB96.1,Congenital bowing of tibia |
LB96.Y,Other specified congenital bowing of long bones |
LB96.Z,Congenital bowing of long bones, unspecified |
LB97.0,Macrodactyly of fingers |
LB97.1,Macrodactyly of toes |
LB97.2,Upper limb hypertrophy |
LB97.3,Lower limb hypertrophy |
LB97.Y,Other specified limb overgrowth |
LB97.Z,Limb overgrowth, unspecified |
LB98.00,Talipes equinovarus |
LB98.01,Talipes calcaneovarus |
LB98.02,Metatarsus varus |
LB98.0Y,Other specified congenital varus deformities of feet |
LB98.0Z,Congenital varus deformities of feet, unspecified |
LB98.1,Congenital pes planus |
LB98.20,Congenital hallux valgus |
LB98.21,Metatarsus valgus |
LB98.22,Talipes calcaneovalgus |
LB98.2Y,Other specified congenital valgus deformities of feet |
LB98.2Z,Congenital valgus deformities of feet, unspecified |
LB98.3,Congenital pes cavus |
LB98.4,Congenital vertical talus |
LB98.5,Congenital hammer toe |
LB98.Y,Other specified congenital deformities of feet |
LB98.Z,Congenital deformities of feet, unspecified |
LB99.0,Amelia of upper limb |
LB99.1,Humeral agenesis or hypoplasia |
LB99.2,Radial hemimelia |
LB99.3,Ulnar hemimelia |
LB99.4,Congenital absence of upper arm or forearm with hand present |
LB99.5,Congenital absence of both forearm and hand |
LB99.6,Acheiria |
LB99.7,Adactyly of hands |
LB99.8,Split hand |
LB99.Y,Other specified reduction defects of upper limb |
LB99.Z,Reduction defects of upper limb, unspecified |
LB9A.0,Amelia of lower limb |
LB9A.1,Tibial hemimelia |
LB9A.2,Fibular hemimelia |
LB9A.3,Congenital absence of thigh or lower leg with foot present |
LB9A.4,Apodia |
LB9A.5,Adactyly of feet |
LB9A.6,Split foot |
LB9A.7,Congenital absence of both lower leg and foot |
LB9A.8,Femoral agenesis or hypoplasia |
LB9A.Y,Other specified reduction defects of lower limb |
LB9A.Z,Reduction defects of lower limb, unspecified |
LB9B,Reduction defects of upper or lower limbs |
LB9Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the skeleton |
LB9Z,Structural developmental anomalies of the skeleton, unspecified |
LC00.0,Epidermal naevus |
LC00.Y,Other specified keratinocytic epidermal hamartoma |
LC01,Pilosebaceous hamartoma |
LC02,Complex epidermal hamartoma |
LC0Y,Other specified developmental hamartomata of the epidermis and epidermal appendages |
LC10,Dermal melanocytosis |
LC1Y,Other specified developmental anomalies of skin pigmentation |
LC20,Connective tissue hamartoma |
LC2Y,Other specified hamartomata derived from dermal connective tissue |
LC30,Developmental defects of hair or hair growth |
LC31,Developmental defects of the nail apparatus |
LC40,Dermoid cyst |
LC50.0,Salmon patch |
LC50.1,Port-wine stain |
LC50.Y,Other specified cutaneous capillary vascular malformation |
LC51,Developmental venous malformations involving the skin |
LC52,Complex or combined developmental vascular malformations involving the skin |
LC5Y,Other specified developmental anomalies of cutaneous vasculature |
LC5Z,Cutaneous vascular malformation, unspecified |
LC60,Aplasia cutis congenita |
LC7Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the skin |
LC7Z,Structural developmental anomalies of the skin, unspecified |
LC80,Congenital adrenal hypoplasia |
LC8Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the adrenal glands |
LC8Z,Structural developmental anomalies of the adrenal glands, unspecified |
LD0Y,Other specified structural developmental anomalies primarily affecting one body system |
LD0Z,Structural developmental anomalies primarily affecting one body system, unspecified |
LD20.00,Joubert syndrome |
LD20.01,Pontocerebellar hypoplasia |
LD20.0Y,Other specified syndromes with cerebellar anomalies as a major feature |
LD20.0Z,Syndromes with cerebellar anomalies as a major feature, unspecified |
LD20.1,Syndromes with lissencephaly as a major feature |
LD20.2,Syndromes with microcephaly as a major feature |
LD20.3,Syndromes with holoprosencephaly as a major feature |
LD20.4,Brain calcifications |
LD20.Y,Other specified syndromes with central nervous system anomalies as a major feature |
LD20.Z,Syndromes with central nervous system anomalies as a major feature, unspecified |
LD21.0,Syndromes with microphthalmia as a major feature |
LD21.Y,Other specified syndromes with eye anomalies as a major feature |
LD21.Z,Syndromes with eye anomalies as a major feature, unspecified |
LD22,Syndromes with dental anomalies as a major feature |
LD23,Syndromes with vascular anomalies as a major feature |
LD24.00,Achondroplasia |
LD24.01,Hypochondroplasia |
LD24.02,Thanatophoric dysplasia |
LD24.03,Diastrophic dysplasia |
LD24.04,Chondrodysplasia punctata |
LD24.0Y,Other specified syndromes with micromelia |
LD24.0Z,Syndromes with micromelia, unspecified |
LD24.10,Osteopetrosis |
LD24.11,Osteopoikilosis |
LD24.1Y,Other specified bone diseases with increased bone density |
LD24.1Z,Bone diseases with increased bone density, unspecified |
LD24.20,Multiple osteochondromas |
LD24.21,Exostoses with anetodermia and brachydactyly type E |
LD24.22,Cherubism |
LD24.23,Yunis-Varon disease |
LD24.2Y,Other specified bone diseases with disorganised development of skeletal components |
LD24.2Z,Bone diseases with disorganised development of skeletal components, unspecified |
LD24.3,Spondyloepiphyseal or spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasias |
LD24.4,Spondylometaphyseal dysplasias |
LD24.50,Achondrogenesis |
LD24.51,Hypochondrogenesis |
LD24.5Y,Other specified spondylodysplastic dysplasias |
LD24.5Z,Spondylodysplastic dysplasias, unspecified |
LD24.60,Pseudoachondroplasia |
LD24.61,Multiple epiphyseal dysplasias |
LD24.6Y,Other specified multiple epiphyseal dysplasia or pseudoachondroplasia |
LD24.6Z,Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia or pseudoachondroplasia, unspecified |
LD24.7,Multiple metaphyseal dysplasias |
LD24.80,Langer-Giedion syndrome |
LD24.8Y,Other specified acromelic dysplasias |
LD24.8Z,Acromelic dysplasias, unspecified |
LD24.9,Acromesomelic dysplasias |
LD24.A,Mesomelic or rhizomesomelic dysplasias |
LD24.B0,Short rib-polydactyly syndrome |
LD24.B1,Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy |
LD24.BY,Other specified short rib syndromes |
LD24.BZ,Short rib syndromes, unspecified |
LD24.C,Bent bone dysplasias |
LD24.D,Slender bone dysplasias |
LD24.E,Bone dysplasias with multiple joint dislocations |
LD24.F,Progressive ossification of skin, skeletal muscle, fascia, tendons or ligaments |
LD24.G0,Pfeiffer syndrome |
LD24.G1,Crouzon disease |
LD24.G2,Apert syndrome |
LD24.GY,Other specified syndromic craniosynostoses |
LD24.GZ,Syndromic craniosynostoses, unspecified |
LD24.H,Dysostoses with predominant vertebral and costal involvement |
LD24.J0,Nail-patella syndrome |
LD24.JY,Other specified patellar dysostoses |
LD24.JZ,Patellar dysostoses, unspecified |
LD24.K0,Osteogenesis imperfecta |
LD24.KY,Other specified genetic bone diseases with decreased bone density |
LD24.KZ,Genetic bone diseases with decreased bone density, unspecified |
LD24.Y,Other specified syndromes with skeletal anomalies as a major feature |
LD24.Z,Syndromes with skeletal anomalies as a major feature, unspecified |
LD25.00,Oral-facial-digital syndrome |
LD25.0Y,Other specified oromandibular-limb anomaly syndrome |
LD25.0Z,Oromandibular-limb anomaly syndrome, unspecified |
LD25.1,Fronto-otopalatodigital syndromes |
LD25.2,Acrofacial dysostoses |
LD25.3,Craniofacial dysostoses |
LD25.Y,Other specified syndromes with face or limb anomalies as a major feature |
LD25.Z,Syndromes with face or limb anomalies as a major feature, unspecified |
LD26.0,Combined reduction defects of upper and lower limbs |
LD26.1,Complex brachydactylies |
LD26.2,Syndromes with limb duplication, polydactyly, syndactyly or triphalangism |
LD26.3,Syndromes with synostoses of limbs |
LD26.40,Multiple pterygium syndrome |
LD26.41,Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita |
LD26.4Y,Other specified arthrogryposis syndromes |
LD26.4Z,Arthrogryposis syndromes, unspecified |
LD26.5,Constriction rings |
LD26.60,Angio-osteohypertrophic syndrome |
LD26.6Y,Other specified congenital vascular bone syndromes |
LD26.6Z,Congenital vascular bone syndromes, unspecified |
LD26.Y,Other specified syndromes with limb anomalies as a major feature |
LD26.Z,Syndromes with limb anomalies as a major feature, unspecified |
LD27.00,Incontinentia pigmenti |
LD27.01,Cronkhite-Canada syndrome |
LD27.02,Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia |
LD27.03,Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, Clouston type |
LD27.0Y,Other specified ectodermal dysplasia syndromes |
LD27.1,Xeroderma pigmentosum |
LD27.2,Syndromic ichthyosis |
LD27.3,Genetic syndromes with hypertrichosis |
LD27.4,Genetic syndromes affecting nails |
LD27.5,Genetic hamartoneoplastic syndromes affecting the skin |
LD27.60,Congenital generalised lipodystrophy |
LD27.6Z,Genetic lipodystrophy, unspecified |
LD27.Y,Other specified syndromes with skin or mucosal anomalies as a major feature |
LD27.Z,Syndromes with skin or mucosal anomalies as a major feature, unspecified |
LD28.00,Congenital contractural arachnodactyly |
LD28.01,Marfan syndrome |
LD28.0Y,Other specified Marfan syndrome or Marfan-related disorders |
LD28.0Z,Marfan syndrome or Marfan-related disorders, unspecified |
LD28.10,Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, classical type |
LD28.1Y,Other specified types of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome |
LD28.2,Genetically-determined cutis laxa |
LD28.Y,Other specified syndromes with connective tissue involvement as a major feature |
LD28.Z,Syndromes with connective tissue involvement as a major feature, unspecified |
LD29,Syndromes with obesity as a major feature |
LD2A.0,Ovotesticular disorder of sex development |
LD2A.1,46,XY gonadal dysgenesis |
LD2A.2,Testicular agenesis |
LD2A.3,46,XY disorder of sex development due to a defect in testosterone metabolism |
LD2A.4,46,XY disorder of sex development due to androgen resistance |
LD2A.Y,Other specified malformative disorders of sex development |
LD2A.Z,Malformative disorders of sex development, unspecified |
LD2B,Syndromes with premature ageing appearance as a major feature |
LD2C,Overgrowth syndromes |
LD2D.0,Peutz-Jeghers syndrome |
LD2D.10,Neurofibromatosis type 1 |
LD2D.11,Neurofibromatosis type 2 |
LD2D.12,Neurofibromatosis type 3 |
LD2D.1Y,Other specified neurofibromatoses |
LD2D.1Z,Neurofibromatosis, unspecified |
LD2D.2,Tuberous sclerosis |
LD2D.3,Gardner syndrome |
LD2D.4,Gorlin syndrome |
LD2D.Y,Other specified phakomatoses or hamartoneoplastic syndromes |
LD2D.Z,Phakomatoses or hamartoneoplastic syndromes, unspecified |
LD2E,Syndromes with structural anomalies due to inborn errors of metabolism |
LD2F.00,Foetal alcohol syndrome |
LD2F.01,Foetal hydantoin syndrome |
LD2F.02,Embryofetopathy due to oral anticoagulant therapy |
LD2F.0Y,Other specified toxic or drug-related embryofetopathies |
LD2F.0Z,Toxic or drug-related embryofetopathies, unspecified |
LD2F.10,Prune belly syndrome |
LD2F.11,VATER association |
LD2F.12,Sirenomelia |
LD2F.13,Meckel-Gruber syndrome |
LD2F.14,MURCS association |
LD2F.15,Noonan syndrome |
LD2F.16,Otomandibular dysplasia |
LD2F.1Y,Other specified syndromes with multiple structural anomalies, not of environmental origin |
LD2F.1Z,Syndromes with multiple structural anomalies, not of environmental origin, unspecified |
LD2F.Y,Other specified syndromes with multiple structural anomalies, without predominant body system involvement |
LD2F.Z,Syndromes with multiple structural anomalies, without predominant body system involvement, unspecified |
LD2G,Conjoined twins |
LD2H.0,Fraser syndrome |
LD2H.1,Neuropathy with hearing impairment |
LD2H.2,Progressive deafness with stapes fixation |
LD2H.3,Waardenburg-Shah syndrome |
LD2H.4,Usher syndrome |
LD2H.Y,Other specified syndromic genetic deafness |
LD2H.Z,Syndromic genetic deafness, unspecified |
LD2Y,Other specified multiple developmental anomalies or syndromes |
LD2Z,Multiple developmental anomalies or syndromes, unspecified |
LD40.0,Complete trisomy 21 |
LD40.1,Complete trisomy 13 |
LD40.2,Complete trisomy 18 |
LD40.Y,Other specified complete trisomies of the autosomes |
LD40.Z,Complete trisomies of the autosomes, unspecified |
LD41.00,Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 1 |
LD41.01,Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 1 |
LD41.0Y,Other specified duplications of chromosome 1 |
LD41.0Z,Duplications of chromosome 1, unspecified |
LD41.10,Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 2 |
LD41.11,Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 2 |
LD41.1Y,Other specified duplications of chromosome 2 |
LD41.1Z,Duplications of chromosome 2, unspecified |
LD41.20,Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 3 |
LD41.21,Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 3 |
LD41.2Y,Other specified duplications of chromosome 3 |
LD41.2Z,Duplications of chromosome 3, unspecified |
LD41.30,Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 4 |
LD41.31,Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 4 |
LD41.3Y,Other specified duplications of chromosome 4 |
LD41.3Z,Duplications of chromosome 4, unspecified |
LD41.40,Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 5 |
LD41.41,Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 5 |
LD41.4Y,Other specified duplications of chromosome 5 |
LD41.4Z,Duplications of chromosome 5, unspecified |
LD41.50,Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 6 |
LD41.51,Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 6 |
LD41.5Y,Other specified duplications of chromosome 6 |
LD41.5Z,Duplications of chromosome 6, unspecified |
LD41.60,Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 7 |
LD41.61,Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 7 |
LD41.6Y,Other specified duplications of chromosome 7 |
LD41.6Z,Duplications of chromosome 7, unspecified |
LD41.70,Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 8 |
LD41.71,Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 8 |
LD41.7Y,Other specified duplications of chromosome 8 |
LD41.7Z,Duplications of chromosome 8, unspecified |
LD41.80,Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 9 |
LD41.81,Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 9 |
LD41.8Y,Other specified duplications of chromosome 9 |
LD41.8Z,Duplications of chromosome 9, unspecified |
LD41.90,Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 10 |
LD41.91,Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 10 |
LD41.9Y,Other specified duplications of chromosome 10 |
LD41.9Z,Duplications of chromosome 10, unspecified |
LD41.A,Duplications of chromosome 11 |
LD41.B0,Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 12 |
LD41.B1,Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 12 |
LD41.BY,Other specified duplications of chromosome 12 |
LD41.BZ,Duplications of chromosome 12, unspecified |
LD41.C,Duplications of chromosome 13 |
LD41.D,Duplications of chromosome 14 |
LD41.E,Duplications of chromosome 15 |
LD41.F0,Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 16 |
LD41.F1,Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 16 |
LD41.FY,Other specified duplications of chromosome 16 |
LD41.FZ,Duplications of chromosome 16, unspecified |
LD41.G0,Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 17 |
LD41.G1,Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 17 |
LD41.GY,Other specified duplications of chromosome 17 |
LD41.GZ,Duplications of chromosome 17, unspecified |
LD41.H0,Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 18 |
LD41.H1,Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 18 |
LD41.HY,Other specified duplications of chromosome 18 |
LD41.HZ,Duplications of chromosome 18, unspecified |
LD41.J0,Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 19 |
LD41.J1,Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 19 |
LD41.JY,Other specified duplications of chromosome 19 |
LD41.JZ,Duplications of chromosome 19, unspecified |
LD41.K0,Duplications of the long arm of chromosome 20 |
LD41.K1,Duplications of the short arm of chromosome 20 |
LD41.KY,Other specified duplications of chromosome 20 |
LD41.KZ,Duplications of chromosome 20, unspecified |
LD41.L,Duplications of chromosome 21 |
LD41.M,Duplications of chromosome 22 |
LD41.N,Extra ring or dicentric chromosomes |
LD41.P,Duplications with other complex rearrangements |
LD41.Q,Extra marker chromosomes |
LD41.Y,Other specified duplications of the autosomes |
LD41.Z,Duplications of the autosomes, unspecified |
LD42.0,Triploidy |
LD42.1,Tetraploidy |
LD42.Y,Other specified polyploidies |
LD42.Z,Polyploidies, unspecified |
LD43.0,Complete monosomy of autosome |
LD43.1,Mosaic monosomy of autosome |
LD43.Y,Other specified complete monosomies of the autosomes |
LD43.Z,Complete monosomies of the autosomes, unspecified |
LD44.0,Chromosome replaced with ring or dicentric with normal number of chromosomes |
LD44.10,Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 1 |
LD44.11,Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 1 |
LD44.1Y,Other specified deletions of chromosome 1 |
LD44.1Z,Deletions of chromosome 1, unspecified |
LD44.20,Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 2 |
LD44.21,Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 2 |
LD44.2Y,Other specified deletions of chromosome 2 |
LD44.2Z,Deletions of chromosome 2, unspecified |
LD44.30,Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 3 |
LD44.31,Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 3 |
LD44.3Y,Other specified deletions of chromosome 3 |
LD44.3Z,Deletions of chromosome 3, unspecified |
LD44.40,Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 4 |
LD44.41,Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 4 |
LD44.4Y,Other specified deletions of chromosome 4 |
LD44.4Z,Deletions of chromosome 4, unspecified |
LD44.50,Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 5 |
LD44.51,Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 5 |
LD44.5Y,Other specified deletions of chromosome 5 |
LD44.5Z,Deletions of chromosome 5, unspecified |
LD44.60,Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 6 |
LD44.61,Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 6 |
LD44.6Y,Other specified deletions of chromosome 6 |
LD44.6Z,Deletions of chromosome 6, unspecified |
LD44.70,Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 7 |
LD44.71,Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 7 |
LD44.7Y,Other specified deletions of chromosome 7 |
LD44.7Z,Deletions of chromosome 7, unspecified |
LD44.80,Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 8 |
LD44.81,Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 8 |
LD44.8Y,Other specified deletions of chromosome 8 |
LD44.8Z,Deletions of chromosome 8, unspecified |
LD44.90,Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 9 |
LD44.91,Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 9 |
LD44.9Y,Other specified deletions of chromosome 9 |
LD44.9Z,Deletions of chromosome 9, unspecified |
LD44.A0,Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 10 |
LD44.A1,Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 10 |
LD44.AY,Other specified deletions of chromosome 10 |
LD44.AZ,Deletions of chromosome 10, unspecified |
LD44.B0,Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 11 |
LD44.B1,Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 11 |
LD44.BY,Other specified deletions of chromosome 11 |
LD44.BZ,Deletions of chromosome 11, unspecified |
LD44.C0,Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 12 |
LD44.C1,Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 12 |
LD44.CY,Other specified deletions of chromosome 12 |
LD44.CZ,Deletions of chromosome 12, unspecified |
LD44.D,Deletions of chromosome 13 |
LD44.E,Deletions of chromosome 14 |
LD44.F,Deletions of chromosome 15 |
LD44.G0,Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 16 |
LD44.G1,Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 16 |
LD44.GY,Other specified deletions of chromosome 16 |
LD44.GZ,Deletions of chromosome 16, unspecified |
LD44.H0,Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 17 |
LD44.H1,Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 17 |
LD44.HY,Other specified deletions of chromosome 17 |
LD44.HZ,Deletions of chromosome 17, unspecified |
LD44.J0,Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 18 |
LD44.J1,Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 18 |
LD44.JY,Other specified deletions of chromosome 18 |
LD44.JZ,Deletions of chromosome 18, unspecified |
LD44.K0,Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 19 |
LD44.K1,Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 19 |
LD44.KY,Other specified deletions of chromosome 19 |
LD44.KZ,Deletions of chromosome 19, unspecified |
LD44.L0,Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 20 |
LD44.L1,Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 20 |
LD44.LY,Other specified deletions of chromosome 20 |
LD44.LZ,Deletions of chromosome 20, unspecified |
LD44.M,Deletions of chromosome 21 |
LD44.N0,CATCH 22 phenotype |
LD44.NY,Other specified deletions of chromosome 22 |
LD44.NZ,Deletions of chromosome 22, unspecified |
LD44.P,Deletions with other complex rearrangements |
LD44.Y,Other specified deletions of the autosomes |
LD44.Z,Deletions of the autosomes, unspecified |
LD45.0,Uniparental disomies of maternal origin |
LD45.1,Uniparental disomies of paternal origin |
LD45.Y,Other specified uniparental disomies |
LD45.Z,Uniparental disomies, unspecified |
LD46.0,Maternal imprinting error |
LD46.1,Paternal imprinting error |
LD46.Y,Other specified imprinting errors |
LD46.Z,Imprinting errors, unspecified |
LD47.0,Balanced translocation and insertion in normal individual |
LD47.1,Chromosome inversion in normal individual |
LD47.2,Balanced autosomal rearrangement in abnormal individual |
LD47.3,Balanced sex or autosomal rearrangement in abnormal individual |
LD47.4,Autosomal fragile site |
LD47.Y,Other specified balanced rearrangements or structural markers |
LD47.Z,Balanced rearrangements or structural markers, unspecified |
LD50.00,Karyotype 45, X |
LD50.01,Karyotype 46, X iso Xq |
LD50.02,Karyotype 46, X with abnormal sex chromosome, except iso Xq |
LD50.03,Mosaicism, 45, X, 46, XX or XY |
LD50.04,Mosaicism, 45, X or other cell line with abnormal sex chromosome |
LD50.1,Karyotype 47,XXX |
LD50.2,Mosaicism, lines with various numbers of X chromosomes |
LD50.30,Klinefelter syndrome with karyotype 47,XXY, regular |
LD50.31,Klinefelter syndrome, male with more than two X chromosomes |
LD50.3Y,Other specified Klinefelter syndrome |
LD50.Y,Other specified number anomalies of chromosome X |
LD50.Z,Number anomalies of chromosome X, unspecified |
LD51,Structural anomalies of chromosome X, excluding Turner syndrome |
LD52.0,Male with 46,XX karyotype |
LD52.1,Male with double or multiple Y |
LD52.Y,Other specified number anomalies of chromosome Y |
LD52.Z,Number anomalies of chromosome Y, unspecified |
LD53,Structural anomalies of chromosome Y |
LD54,Male with sex chromosome mosaicism |
LD55,Fragile X chromosome |
LD56.0,Androgenetic chimaera |
LD56.1,Gynogenetic chimaera |
LD56.Y,Other specified chimaera 46, XX, 46, XY |
LD56.Z,Chimaera 46, XX, 46, XY, unspecified |
LD5Y,Other specified sex chromosome anomalies |
LD5Z,Sex chromosome anomalies, unspecified |
LD7Y,Other specified chromosomal anomalies, excluding gene mutations |
LD7Z,Chromosomal anomalies, excluding gene mutations, unspecified |
LD90.0,Angelman syndrome |
LD90.1,Early-onset parkinsonism - intellectual deficit |
LD90.2,Pelizaeus-Merzbacher-like disease |
LD90.3,Prader-Willi syndrome |
LD90.4,Rett syndrome |
LD90.Y,Other specified conditions with disorders of intellectual development as a relevant clinical feature |
LD90.Z,Conditions with disorders of intellectual development as a relevant clinical feature, unspecified |
LD9Y,Other specified developmental anomalies |
LD9Z,Developmental anomalies, unspecified |
MA00,Symptom or complaint of the blood |
MA01.0,Localised lymph node enlargement |
MA01.1,Generalised lymph node enlargement |
MA01.Z,Enlarged lymph nodes, unspecified |
MA0Y,Other specified symptoms of blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
MA10.0,Elevation of levels of transaminase or lactic acid dehydrogenase |
MA10.1,Abnormal levels of other specified serum enzymes |
MA10.2,Abnormal level of unspecified serum enzyme |
MA11,Clinical findings of hormones in blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
MA12.0,Finding of opiate drug in blood |
MA12.1,Finding of cocaine in blood |
MA12.2,Finding of hallucinogen in blood |
MA12.3,Finding of psychotropic drug in blood |
MA12.4,Finding of steroid agent in blood |
MA12.Y,Other specified clinical findings of drugs, medicaments and biological substances in blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
MA13.00,Abnormal level of lead in blood |
MA13.0Y,Finding of abnormal level of other specified heavy metals in blood |
MA13.1,Finding of alcohol in blood |
MA13.Y,Abnormal level of other specified substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source in blood, blood-forming organs and the immune system |
MA14.0,Laboratory evidence of human immunodeficiency virus |
MA14.10,Abnormal reaction to tuberculin test |
MA14.11,Anticitrullinated protein antibody negative |
MA14.12,Anticitrullinated protein antibody positive |
MA14.13,Anti-nuclear antibody negative |
MA14.14,Anti-nuclear antibody positive |
MA14.15,Elevated C-reactive protein |
MA14.16,False-positive serological test for syphilis |
MA14.17,Human leukocyte antigen negative |
MA14.18,Human leukocyte antigen positive |
MA14.19,Neural autoantibody negative |
MA14.1A,Neural autoantibody positive |
MA14.1B,Prostate specific antigen positive |
MA14.1C,Raised antibody titre |
MA14.1D,Rheumatoid factor negative |
MA14.1E,Rheumatoid factor positive |
MA14.Y,Other specified immunological findings in blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
MA15.0,Bacteraemia |
MA15.Y,Other specified microbiological findings in blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
MA16.00,Haemolysis, not elsewhere classified |
MA16.0Y,Other specified abnormality of red blood cells |
MA16.0Z,Abnormality of red blood cells, unspecified |
MA16.10,Decreased white blood cell count |
MA16.11,Elevated white blood cell count |
MA16.12,Low white blood cell count |
MA16.Y,Other specified cytological findings in blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
MA16.Z,Cytological findings in blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system, unspecified |
MA17,Histological findings in blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
MA18.00,Abnormal glucose tolerance test |
MA18.0Y,Other specified elevated blood glucose level |
MA18.1,Abnormal level of blood mineral |
MA18.2,Abnormal arterial blood-gas level |
MA18.3,Abnormal coagulation profile |
MA18.4,Low haemoglobin |
MA18.Y,Other specified abnormal findings of blood chemistry |
MA18.Z,Abnormal findings of blood chemistry, unspecified |
MA19.0,Abnormality of albumin |
MA19.1,Abnormality of alphafetoprotein |
MA19.2,Abnormality of globulin |
MA19.Y,Abnormalities of other specified plasma proteins |
MA19.Z,Abnormalities of unspecified plasma proteins |
MA1A.0,Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
MA1A.1,Abnormal plasma viscosity |
MA1Y,Other specified clinical findings in blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
MA3Y,Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of blood, blood-forming organs, or the immune system |
MA50,Abnormal results of thyroid function studies |
MA51,Abnormal results of other endocrine function studies |
MA6Y,Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of endocrine, nutritional or metabolic diseases |
MA80.0,Aphasia |
MA80.1,Dysphasia |
MA80.20,Anarthria |
MA80.2Y,Other specified dysarthria |
MA80.2Z,Dysarthria, unspecified |
MA80.Y,Other specified speech disturbances |
MA80.Z,Speech disturbances, unspecified |
MA81,Speech dysfluency |
MA82.0,Aphonia |
MA82.10,Hoarseness |
MA82.1Y,Other specified dysphonia |
MA82.1Z,Dysphonia, unspecified |
MA82.2,Nasality |
MA82.Y,Other specified voice disturbances |
MA82.Z,Voice disturbances, unspecified |
MA8Y,Other specified symptoms or signs involving speech or voice |
MB0Y,Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of speech or voice |
MB20.0,Stupor |
MB20.1,Coma |
MB20.2,Clouding of consciousness |
MB20.Y,Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings involving consciousness |
MB21.0,Age-associated cognitive decline |
MB21.10,Anterograde amnesia |
MB21.11,Retrograde amnesia |
MB21.12,Transient global amnesia |
MB21.1Z,Amnesia, unspecified |
MB21.2,Anosognosia |
MB21.3,Confabulation |
MB21.4,Disorientation |
MB21.5,Distractibility |
MB21.6,Impaired abstract thinking |
MB21.7,Impaired executive functioning |
MB21.8,Impaired judgment |
MB21.9,Perseveration |
MB21.A,Poor concentration |
MB21.B,Racing thoughts |
MB21.Y,Other specified symptoms and signs involving cognition |
MB21.Z,Symptoms and signs involving cognition, unspecified |
MB22.0,Avolition |
MB22.1,Decreased libido |
MB22.2,Demoralization |
MB22.3,Hopelessness |
MB22.4,Increased energy |
MB22.5,Increased goal-directed activity |
MB22.6,Increased libido |
MB22.7,Tiredness |
MB22.Y,Other specified symptoms and signs involving motivation or energy |
MB22.Z,Symptoms or signs involving motivation or energy, unspecified |
MB23.0,Aggressive behaviour |
MB23.1,Antisocial behaviour |
MB23.2,Avoidance behaviour |
MB23.3,Bradyphrenia |
MB23.4,Compulsions |
MB23.5,Coprolalia |
MB23.6,Disorganized behaviour |
MB23.7,Disheveled appearance |
MB23.8,Disruptive behaviour |
MB23.9,Echolalia |
MB23.A,Excessive crying of child, adolescent, or adult |
MB23.B,Feigning of symptoms |
MB23.C,Increased sociability |
MB23.D,Mutism |
MB23.E,Non-suicidal self-injury |
MB23.F,Odd or peculiar appearance |
MB23.G,Odd or peculiar behaviour |
MB23.H,Panic attack |
MB23.J,Poor personal hygiene |
MB23.K,Poverty of speech |
MB23.L,Pressured speech |
MB23.M,Psychomotor agitation |
MB23.N,Psychomotor retardation |
MB23.Q,Social withdrawal |
MB23.R,Suicide attempt |
MB23.S,Suicidal behaviour |
MB23.Y,Other specified symptoms and signs involving appearance and behaviour |
MB23.Z,Symptoms and signs involving appearance and behaviour, unspecified |
MB24.0,Ambivalence |
MB24.1,Anger |
MB24.2,Anhedonia |
MB24.3,Anxiety |
MB24.4,Apathy |
MB24.5,Depressed mood |
MB24.60,Constricted affect |
MB24.61,Blunted affect |
MB24.62,Flat affect |
MB24.63,Labile affect |
MB24.64,Inappropriate affect |
MB24.6Y,Other specified disturbance of affect |
MB24.6Z,Disturbance of affect, unspecified |
MB24.7,Dysphoria |
MB24.8,Elevated mood |
MB24.9,Euphoria |
MB24.A,Fear |
MB24.B,Feelings of guilt |
MB24.C,Irritability |
MB24.D,Leaden paralysis |
MB24.E,Mental rumination |
MB24.F,Restlessness |
MB24.G,Tantrum |
MB24.H,Worry |
MB24.Y,Other specified symptoms and signs involving mood or affect |
MB24.Z,Symptoms and signs involving mood or affect, unspecified |
MB25.00,Circumstantiality |
MB25.01,Tangentiality |
MB25.02,Disorganised thinking |
MB25.03,Incoherence |
MB25.0Y,Other specified symptoms and signs of thought disorder |
MB25.0Z,Symptoms and signs of thought disorder, unspecified |
MB25.1,Flight of ideas |
MB25.2,Neologisms |
MB25.3,Thought blocking |
MB25.Y,Other specified symptoms and signs of form of thought |
MB25.Z,Symptoms and signs of form of thought, unspecified |
MB26.00,Bizarre delusion |
MB26.01,Delusion of being controlled |
MB26.02,Delusion of guilt |
MB26.03,Delusion of reference |
MB26.04,Erotomanic delusion |
MB26.05,Grandiose delusion |
MB26.06,Jealous delusion |
MB26.07,Persecutory delusion |
MB26.08,Religious delusion |
MB26.09,Somatic delusion |
MB26.0A,Nihilistic delusion |
MB26.0B,Misidentification delusion |
MB26.0C,Delusion of impoverishment |
MB26.0Y,Other specified delusion |
MB26.0Z,Delusion, unspecified |
MB26.10,Thought broadcasting |
MB26.11,Thought insertion |
MB26.12,Thought withdrawal |
MB26.1Y,Other specified experiences of influence, passivity, and control |
MB26.1Z,Experiences of influence, passivity, and control, unspecified |
MB26.2,Grandiosity |
MB26.3,Homicidal ideation |
MB26.4,Identity disturbance |
MB26.5,Obsessions |
MB26.6,Overvalued ideas |
MB26.7,Paranoid ideation |
MB26.8,Referential thinking |
MB26.9,Suspiciousness |
MB26.A,Suicidal ideation |
MB26.Y,Other specified symptoms or signs involving content of thought |
MB26.Z,Symptoms or signs involving content of thought, unspecified |
MB27.0,Depersonalisation |
MB27.1,Derealisation |
MB27.20,Auditory hallucinations |
MB27.21,Gustatory hallucinations |
MB27.22,Hypnopompic hallucinations |
MB27.23,Hypnogogic hallucinations |
MB27.24,Olfactory hallucinations |
MB27.25,Somatic hallucinations |
MB27.26,Tactile hallucinations |
MB27.27,Visual hallucinations |
MB27.2Y,Other specified hallucinations |
MB27.2Z,Hallucinations, unspecified |
MB27.3,Disturbance of body image |
MB27.4,Illusions |
MB27.Y,Other specified symptoms and signs of perceptual disturbance |
MB27.Z,Symptoms and signs of perceptual disturbance, unspecified |
MB28.0,Attention seeking |
MB28.1,Callousness |
MB28.2,Eccentricity |
MB28.3,Entitlement |
MB28.4,Hostility |
MB28.5,Impulsivity |
MB28.6,Indecisiveness |
MB28.7,Irresponsibility |
MB28.8,Low frustration tolerance |
MB28.9,Low self-esteem |
MB28.A,Negative affectivity |
MB28.B,Negativism |
MB28.C,Perfectionism |
MB28.D,Pessimism |
MB28.E,Recklessness |
MB28.F,Sensation seeking |
MB28.G,Stubbornness |
MB28.H,Submissiveness |
MB28.Y,Other specified symptoms and signs related to personality features |
MB28.Z,Symptoms and signs related to personality features, unspecified |
MB29.0,Avoidant or restrictive eating |
MB29.1,Binge eating |
MB29.2,Eating of non-nutritive substances |
MB29.3,Purging behaviour |
MB29.4,Rumination-regurgitation |
MB29.Y,Other specified symptoms and signs involving eating and related behaviour |
MB29.Z,Symptoms and signs involving eating and related behaviour, unspecified |
MB2A.0,Soiling |
MB2A.1,Wetting |
MB2A.Y,Other specified symptoms and signs involving elimination |
MB2A.Z,Symptoms and signs involving elimination, unspecified |
MB2Y,Other specified mental or behavioural symptoms, signs or clinical findings |
MB40.0,Asomatognosia |
MB40.1,Allodynia |
MB40.2,Anacusis |
MB40.3,Anaesthesia of skin |
MB40.4,Tingling fingers or feet or toes |
MB40.5,Hyperaesthesia |
MB40.6,Dysesthesia |
MB40.7,Acroparesthesia |
MB40.8,Analgesia |
MB40.9,Neurological neglect syndrome |
MB40.Y,Other specified sensation disturbance |
MB40.Z,Sensation disturbance, unspecified |
MB41.0,Anosmia |
MB41.1,Parosmia |
MB41.2,Dysgeusia |
MB41.3,Hyposmia |
MB41.Y,Other specified disturbances of smell and taste |
MB41.Z,Disturbances of smell and taste, unspecified |
MB42,Phonophobia |
MB43,Dyssomnia |
MB44.0,Ataxic gait |
MB44.1,Paralytic gait |
MB44.2,Difficulty in walking |
MB44.3,Immobility |
MB44.Y,Other specified abnormalities of gait and mobility |
MB44.Z,Abnormalities of gait and mobility, unspecified |
MB45.0,Ataxia, unspecified |
MB45.1,Automatism |
MB45.2,Atonia |
MB45.3,Head drop |
MB45.4,Intention tremor |
MB45.Y,Other specified lack of coordination |
MB45.Z,Lack of coordination, unspecified |
MB46.0,Asterixis |
MB46.1,Abnormal head movements |
MB46.2,Athetosis |
MB46.3,Drop attack |
MB46.4,Titubation |
MB46.5,Shuddering |
MB46.Y,Other specified abnormal involuntary movements |
MB46.Z,Abnormal involuntary movements, unspecified |
MB47.0,Abnormal reflex |
MB47.1,Abnormal posture |
MB47.2,Clonus |
MB47.3,Cramp or spasm |
MB47.4,Dystonia |
MB47.50,Myokymia |
MB47.6,Meningismus |
MB47.7,Muscle fibrillation |
MB47.8,Muscular hypertonia |
MB47.9,Myotonia |
MB47.A,Ophthalmoparesis |
MB47.B,Opisthotonos |
MB47.C,Tendency to fall |
MB47.D,Tetany |
MB47.Y,Other specified abnormality of tonus and reflex |
MB47.Z,Abnormality of tonus and reflex, unspecified |
MB48.00,Vertigo of central origin |
MB48.0Y,Other specified vertigo |
MB48.0Z,Vertigo, unspecified |
MB48.1,Disorder equilibrium |
MB48.2,Exertional dizziness |
MB48.3,Light-headedness |
MB48.4,Presyncope |
MB48.Y,Other specified dizziness and giddiness |
MB48.Z,Dizziness and giddiness, unspecified |
MB49,Aura |
MB4A,Apraxia |
MB4B.0,Dyslexia and alexia |
MB4B.1,Agnosia |
MB4B.2,Acalculia |
MB4B.3,Agraphia |
MB4B.4,Anomia |
MB4B.5,Dyscalculia |
MB4B.Y,Other specified symbolic dysfunctions |
MB4B.Z,Symbolic dysfunctions, unspecified |
MB4C,Gerstmann syndrome |
MB50.0,Flaccid tetraplegia |
MB50.1,Spastic tetraplegia |
MB50.Z,Tetraplegia, unspecified |
MB51.0,Flaccid diplegia of upper extremities |
MB51.1,Spastic diplegia of upper extremities |
MB51.Z,Diplegia of upper extremities, unspecified |
MB52,Diplegia of lower extremities |
MB53.0,Alternating hemiplegia |
MB53.1,Flaccid hemiplegia |
MB53.2,Spastic hemiplegia |
MB53.Z,Hemiplegia, unspecified |
MB54.0,Flaccid monoplegia of upper extremity |
MB54.1,Spastic monoplegia of upper extremity |
MB54.Z,Monoplegia of upper extremity, unspecified |
MB55.0,Flaccid monoplegia of lower extremity |
MB55.1,Spastic monoplegia of lower extremity |
MB55.Z,Monoplegia of lower extremity, unspecified |
MB56,Paraplegia |
MB57.0,Functional level of injury of cervical spinal cord |
MB57.1,Functional level of injury of thoracic spinal cord |
MB57.2,Functional level of injury of lumbar spinal cord |
MB57.3,Functional level of injury of spinal cord, sacrum |
MB57.Y,Other specified functional level of injury of spinal cord |
MB57.Z,Functional level of injury of spinal cord, unspecified |
MB5Y,Other specified paralytic symptoms |
MB5Z,Paralytic symptoms, unspecified |
MB60,Sleeptalking |
MB6Y,Other specified symptoms or signs involving the nervous system |
MB70.0,Abnormal level of enzymes in cerebrospinal fluid |
MB70.1,Abnormal level of hormones in cerebrospinal fluid |
MB70.2,Abnormal level of drugs, medicaments and biological substances in cerebrospinal fluid |
MB70.3,Abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source in cerebrospinal fluid |
MB70.4,Abnormal immunological findings in cerebrospinal fluid |
MB70.5,Abnormal microbiological findings in cerebrospinal fluid |
MB70.6,Abnormal cytological findings in cerebrospinal fluid |
MB70.7,Abnormal histological findings in cerebrospinal fluid |
MB70.8,Other abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid |
MB70.Y,Other specified clinical findings in cerebrospinal fluid |
MB70.Z,Clinical findings in cerebrospinal fluid, unspecified |
MB71.0,Intracranial space-occupying lesion |
MB71.Y,Other specified clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of central nervous system |
MB71.Z,Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of central nervous system, unspecified |
MB72,Results of function studies of the nervous system |
MB7Y,Other specified clinical findings in the nervous system |
MB9Y,Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the nervous system |
MC10,Eye appearance abnormal |
MC11,Eye sensation abnormal |
MC12,Chronic enlargement of lacrimal gland |
MC13,Epiphora |
MC14,Eye discharge |
MC15,Red eye |
MC16,Pallor conjunctiva |
MC17,Icteric sclera |
MC18,Ocular pain |
MC19,Quadrantanopia |
MC1A,Visual floaters |
MC1B,Symptom or complaint of the eyelid |
MC1C,Symptom or complaint of glasses |
MC1D,Symptom or complaint of contact lens |
MC1Y,Other specified symptoms or signs involving the visual system |
MC20.0,Staphyloma |
MC20.1,Small drusen of the macula |
MC21.0,Profound impairment of electrooculogram |
MC21.1,Normal electroretinogram |
MC21.Y,Other specified impairment of electrophysiological functions |
MC21.Z,Impairment of electrophysiological functions, unspecified |
MC2Y,Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the visual system |
MC40,Plugged feeling ear |
MC41,Tinnitus |
MC4Y,Other specified symptoms or signs involving the ear or mastoid process |
MC6Y,Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of ear or mastoid process |
MC80.00,White coat hypertension |
MC80.0Y,Other specified elevated blood-pressure reading, without diagnosis of hypertension |
MC80.0Z,Elevated blood-pressure reading, without diagnosis of hypertension, unspecified |
MC80.1,Nonspecific low blood-pressure reading |
MC80.Y,Other specified abnormal blood-pressure reading, without diagnosis |
MC80.Z,Abnormal blood-pressure reading, without diagnosis, unspecified |
MC81.0,Tachycardia, unspecified |
MC81.1,Bradycardia, unspecified |
MC81.2,Palpitations |
MC81.3,Paroxysmal tachycardia |
MC81.4,Pulseless electrical activity, not elsewhere classified |
MC81.Y,Other specified abnormalities of heart beat |
MC81.Z,Abnormalities of heart beat, unspecified |
MC82.0,Ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation cardiac arrest |
MC82.1,Bradycardic cardiac arrest |
MC82.2,Asystolic cardiac arrest |
MC82.3,Cardiac arrest with pulseless electrical activity |
MC82.4,Cardiopulmonary arrest |
MC82.Z,Cardiac arrest, unspecified |
MC83.0,Benign and innocent cardiac murmurs |
MC83.1,Other cardiac sounds |
MC84,Cardiovascular pain |
MC85,Gangrene |
MC86,Precordial pain |
MC87,Pressure or tightness of heart |
MC88,Prominent veins |
MC8Y,Other specified symptoms or signs involving the circulatory system |
MC90,Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of heart or coronary circulation |
MC91,Results of function studies of the circulatory system |
MC9Y,Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the circulatory system |
MD10,Abnormal sputum |
MD11.0,Apnoea |
MD11.1,Asphyxia |
MD11.2,Ataxic breathing |
MD11.3,Breath holding |
MD11.4,Sleep related Cheyne-Stokes respiration |
MD11.5,Dyspnoea |
MD11.6,Hiccough |
MD11.7,Hyperventilation |
MD11.80,Stertor |
MD11.8Y,Other specified mouth breathing |
MD11.8Z,Mouth breathing, unspecified |
MD11.9,Nasal congestion |
MD11.A,Sneezing |
MD11.B,Stridor |
MD11.C,Wheezing |
MD11.D,Yawning |
MD11.Y,Other specified abnormalities of breathing |
MD11.Z,Abnormalities of breathing, unspecified |
MD12,Cough |
MD20,Epistaxis |
MD21,Haemorrhage from throat |
MD22,Haemoptysis |
MD23,Haemorrhage from other sites in respiratory passages |
MD24,Acute idiopathic pulmonary haemorrhage in infants over 28 days of age |
MD2Z,Haemorrhage from respiratory passages, unspecified |
MD30.0,Chest pain on breathing |
MD30.1,Other chest pain |
MD30.Z,Chest pain, unspecified |
MD31,Pleurisy |
MD32,Rales |
MD33,Respiratory arrest |
MD34,Symptom or complaint of the nose |
MD35,Symptom or complaint of the sinus |
MD36.0,Pain in throat |
MD36.Y,Other specified symptom or complaint of the throat |
MD36.Z,Symptom or complaint of the throat, unspecified |
MD3Y,Other specified symptoms or signs involving the respiratory system |
MD40.0,Abnormal level of enzymes in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
MD40.1,Abnormal level of hormones in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
MD40.2,Abnormal level of drugs, medicaments and biological substances in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
MD40.3,Abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
MD40.4,Abnormal immunological findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
MD40.50,Positive culture from nose |
MD40.51,Positive sputum culture |
MD40.52,Positive throat culture |
MD40.5Y,Other specified abnormal microbiological findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
MD40.5Z,Abnormal microbiological findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax, unspecified |
MD40.6,Abnormal cytological findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
MD40.7,Abnormal histological findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
MD40.Y,Other specified clinical findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
MD41,Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of lung |
MD42,Results of function studies of the respiratory system |
MD4Y,Other specified clinical findings in the respiratory system |
MD6Y,Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the respiratory system |
MD80.0,Symptom or complaint of the teeth or gum |
MD80.1,Symptom or complaint of the mouth, tongue or lip |
MD80.Y,Other specified symptoms or signs of the orofacial complex |
MD81.0,Abdominal tenderness |
MD81.10,Pain localised to upper abdomen |
MD81.11,Pelvic or perineal pain |
MD81.12,Pain localised to other parts of lower abdomen |
MD81.1Z,Localised abdominal pain, unspecified |
MD81.2,Generalised abdominal pain |
MD81.3,Acute abdomen |
MD81.4,Other and unspecified abdominal pain |
MD82,Intra-abdominal or pelvic swelling, mass or lump |
MD90.0,Nausea |
MD90.1,Vomiting |
MD91,Belching |
MD92,Dyspepsia |
MD93,Dysphagia |
MD94,Halitosis |
MD95,Heartburn |
MD9Y,Other specified symptoms related to the upper gastrointestinal tract |
ME00,Abdominal compartment syndrome |
ME01,Abdominal distension |
ME02,Abdominal rigidity |
ME03.0,Hyperactive bowel sounds |
ME03.1,Absent bowel sounds |
ME03.Z,Abnormal bowel sounds, unspecified |
ME04.0,Fluid in peritoneal cavity |
ME04.Y,Other specified ascites |
ME04.Z,Ascites, unspecified |
ME05.0,Constipation |
ME05.1,Diarrhoea |
ME05.Z,Other and unspecified change in bowel habit |
ME06,Chronic enteritis of uncertain aetiology |
ME07.0,Faecal smearing |
ME07.1,Incomplete defaecation |
ME07.2,Faecal urgency |
ME07.Y,Other specified faecal incontinence |
ME07.Z,Faecal incontinence, unspecified |
ME08,Flatulence and related conditions |
ME09,Rectal tenesmus |
ME0A,Visible peristalsis |
ME0B,Problems with defaecation, not otherwise specified |
ME0Y,Other specified symptoms related to the lower gastrointestinal tract or abdomen |
ME10.00,Hepatomegaly, not elsewhere classified |
ME10.01,Splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified |
ME10.02,Hepatomegaly with splenomegaly |
ME10.1,Unspecified jaundice |
ME1Y,Other specified symptoms or signs involving the digestive system or abdomen |
ME20.0,Abnormal level of enzymes in specimens from digestive organs or abdominal cavity |
ME20.1,Abnormal level of hormones in specimens from digestive organs or abdominal cavity |
ME20.2,Abnormal level of drugs, medicaments or biological substances in specimens from digestive organs of abdominal cavity |
ME20.3,Abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity |
ME20.4,Abnormal immunological findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity |
ME20.5,Abnormal microbiological findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity |
ME20.6,Abnormal cytological findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity |
ME20.7,Abnormal histological findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity |
ME20.Y,Other specified clinical findings in specimens from digestive organs or abdominal cavity |
ME20.Z,Clinical findings in specimens from digestive organs or abdominal cavity, unspecified |
ME21,Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of liver or biliary tract |
ME22,Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of digestive tract |
ME23,Results of function studies of the digestive system |
ME24.0,Digestive system abscess |
ME24.1,Digestive system fistula |
ME24.2,Digestive system obstruction |
ME24.30,Perforation of small intestine |
ME24.31,Perforation of large intestine |
ME24.32,Perforation of cystic duct |
ME24.33,Perforation of gallbladder |
ME24.34,Perforation of bile duct |
ME24.3Y,Other specified digestive system perforation |
ME24.3Z,Digestive system perforation, unspecified |
ME24.4,Digestive system stenosis |
ME24.5,Digestive system ulcer |
ME24.6,Digestive system dilatation |
ME24.7,Digestive system incarceration |
ME24.8,Digestive system strangulation or gangrene |
ME24.90,Acute gastrointestinal bleeding, not elsewhere classified |
ME24.91,Chronic gastrointestinal bleeding, not elsewhere classified |
ME24.9Z,Gastrointestinal bleeding, unspecified |
ME24.A0,Obscure gastrointestinal bleeding |
ME24.A1,Haemorrhage of anus and rectum |
ME24.A2,Oesophageal haemorrhage |
ME24.A3,Haematochezia |
ME24.A4,Melaena |
ME24.A5,Haematemesis |
ME24.A6,Positive occult blood in stool |
ME24.Y,Other specified clinical manifestations of the digestive system |
ME2Y,Other specified clinical findings in the digestive system |
ME4Y,Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the digestive system or abdomen |
ME60.0,Skin lesion of uncertain nature |
ME60.1,Pigmented skin lesion of uncertain nature |
ME60.2,Ulcer of skin of uncertain nature |
ME60.3,Keratosis of skin of uncertain or unspecified nature |
ME60.Z,Skin lesion of unspecified nature |
ME61,Subcutaneous swelling, mass or lump of uncertain or unspecified nature |
ME62.0,Acute erythematous skin eruption |
ME62.1,Acute purpuric skin eruption |
ME62.2,Acute urticarial skin eruption |
ME62.3,Acute maculopapular skin eruption |
ME62.4,Acute papular skin eruption |
ME62.5,Acute exudative skin eruption |
ME62.6,Acute blistering skin eruption |
ME62.7,Acute desquamating skin eruption |
ME62.8,Acute discoid or annular skin eruption |
ME62.9,Acute excoriation of skin |
ME62.Y,Other specified acute skin eruption of uncertain or unspecified nature |
ME63.0,Chronic erythematous skin disorder |
ME63.1,Chronic urticarial skin disorder |
ME63.2,Chronic papular skin disorder |
ME63.3,Chronic blistering skin disorder |
ME63.4,Chronic scaling or hyperkeratotic skin disorder |
ME63.5,Chronic lichenified skin disorder |
ME63.6,Chronic discoid or annular skin disorder |
ME63.7,Chronic excoriation of skin |
ME64.0,Erythema |
ME64.1,Cyanosis |
ME64.2,Pallor |
ME64.3,Petechiae |
ME64.4,Flushing |
ME65.0,Burning of skin |
ME65.1,Itching of skin |
ME65.2,Pain or tenderness of skin |
ME65.3,Stinging of skin |
ME65.4,Tingling of skin |
ME65.Y,Other specified disturbance of skin sensation |
ME66.0,Abnormal sensitivity to light or UV radiation of uncertain or unspecified nature |
ME66.1,Changes in skin texture |
ME66.2,Excess and redundant skin |
ME66.3,Symptom or complaint relating to hair or scalp |
ME66.4,Symptom or complaint relating to nails |
ME66.5,Complaint of abnormal sweating |
ME66.60,Rash localised |
ME66.61,Rash generalised |
ME66.6Y,Other specified rash |
ME66.6Z,Rash, unspecified |
ME66.Y,Other specified skin changes |
ME67,Skin disorder of uncertain or unspecified nature |
ME6Y,Other specified symptom or signs involving the skin |
ME80,Clicking hip |
ME81.0,Intercostal pain |
ME81.Y,Other specified musculoskeletal chest pain |
ME81.Z,Musculoskeletal chest pain, unspecified |
ME82,Pain in joint |
ME83,Rheumatism, unspecified |
ME84.0,Cervical spine pain |
ME84.1,Thoracic spine pain |
ME84.20,Lumbago with sciatica |
ME84.2Y,Other specified low back pain |
ME84.2Z,Low back pain, unspecified |
ME84.3,Sciatica |
ME84.Z,Spinal pain, unspecified |
ME85,Stiffness of joint |
ME86.0,Symptom or complaint of the ankle |
ME86.1,Symptom or complaint of the arm |
ME86.20,Back syndrome without radiating pain |
ME86.21,Back syndrome with radiating pain |
ME86.22,Symptom or complaint of the low back |
ME86.2Y,Other specified symptom or complaint of the back |
ME86.2Z,Symptom or complaint of the back, unspecified |
ME86.3,Symptom or complaint of the chest |
ME86.4,Symptom or complaint of the elbow |
ME86.5,Symptom or complaint of the flank or axilla |
ME86.6,Symptom or complaint of the foot or toe |
ME86.7,Symptom or complaint of the hand or finger |
ME86.8,Symptom or complaint of the hip |
ME86.9,Symptom or complaint of the jaw |
ME86.A,Symptom or complaint of the knee |
ME86.B,Symptom or complaint of the leg or thigh |
ME86.C,Symptom or complaint of the neck |
ME86.D0,Shoulder syndrome |
ME86.DY,Other specified symptom or complaint of the shoulder |
ME86.DZ,Symptom or complaint of the shoulder, unspecified |
ME86.E,Symptom or complaint of the wrist |
ME86.F,Symptom or complaint of joint, not otherwise specified |
ME86.G,Symptom or complaint of muscle, not otherwise specified |
ME86.Y,Problem of other specified body part |
ME86.Z,Problem of unspecified body part |
ME8Y,Other specified symptoms or signs of the musculoskeletal system |
ME90,Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of skull and head |
ME91,Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of limbs |
ME92.0,Wedging of vertebra |
ME92.1,Bony erosion |
ME92.Y,Other specified clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of other parts of musculoskeletal system |
ME92.Z,Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of other parts of musculoskeletal system, unspecified |
ME93.0,Segmental and somatic dysfunction |
ME93.1,Subluxation stenosis of neural canal |
ME93.2,Osseous stenosis of neural canal |
ME93.3,Connective tissue stenosis of neural canal |
ME93.40,Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, head region |
ME93.41,Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, cervical region |
ME93.42,Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, thoracic region |
ME93.43,Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, lumbar region |
ME93.44,Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, sacral region |
ME93.45,Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, pelvic region |
ME93.46,Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, lower extremity |
ME93.47,Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, upper extremity |
ME93.48,Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, rib cage |
ME93.4Y,Other specified intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal |
ME93.4Z,Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal, unspecified |
ME93.5,Osseous and subluxation stenosis of intervertebral foramina |
ME93.6,Connective tissue and disc stenosis of intervertebral foramina |
ME93.Y,Other specified biomechanical lesions, not elsewhere classified |
ME93.Z,Biomechanical lesions, unspecified |
ME9Y,Other specified clinical findings in the musculoskeletal system |
MF1Y,Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the musculoskeletal system |
MF30,Breast lump or mass female |
MF31,Breast or lactation symptom or complaint |
MF32,Menopausal symptom or complaint |
MF33,Premenstrual symptom or complaint |
MF34,Pregnancy symptom or complaint |
MF35,Postpartum symptom or complaint |
MF36,Other symptom or complaint of vagina |
MF37,Symptom or complaint of female nipple |
MF38,Symptom or complaint of female pelvis |
MF39,Symptom or complaint of the vulva |
MF3A,Vaginal discharge |
MF3Y,Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings involving the female genital system |
MF40.00,Pain in penis |
MF40.0Y,Other specified symptom or complaint of the penis |
MF40.0Z,Symptom or complaint of the penis, unspecified |
MF40.1,Problems of the prostate |
MF40.20,Acute scrotal pain |
MF40.21,Testicular pain |
MF40.2Y,Other specified symptom or complaint of the scrotum or testis |
MF40.2Z,Symptom or complaint of the scrotum or testis, unspecified |
MF40.3,Retrograde ejaculation |
MF40.Y,Other specified problems of male genital organs |
MF40.Z,Problems of male genital organs, unspecified |
MF41,Symptom or complaint of male sexual function |
MF42,Retractile testis migrans |
MF4Y,Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings involving the male genital system |
MF50.0,Frequent micturition |
MF50.1,Pollakiuria |
MF50.20,Stress incontinence |
MF50.21,Urge Incontinence |
MF50.22,Mixed incontinence |
MF50.23,Functional urinary incontinence |
MF50.24,Reflex incontinence |
MF50.2Y,Other specified urinary incontinence |
MF50.2Z,Urinary incontinence, unspecified |
MF50.3,Retention of urine |
MF50.40,Macroscopic haematuria |
MF50.41,Microscopic haematuria |
MF50.4Z,Haematuria, unspecified |
MF50.5,Extravasation of urine |
MF50.60,Hesitancy of micturition |
MF50.61,Poor urinary stream |
MF50.62,Splitting of urinary stream |
MF50.63,Urgency of urination |
MF50.64,Feeling of incomplete bladder emptying |
MF50.65,Straining to void |
MF50.6Y,Other specified difficulties with micturition |
MF50.6Z,Difficulties with micturition, unspecified |
MF50.7,Dysuria |
MF50.8,Vesical tenesmus |
MF50.Y,Other specified abnormal micturition |
MF50.Z,Abnormal micturition, unspecified |
MF51,Anuria or oliguria |
MF52,Bladder pain |
MF53,Extrarenal uraemia |
MF54.0,Smooth contracted kidney |
MF54.1,Irregularly contracted kidney |
MF54.2,Small kidney |
MF54.Y,Other specified macroscopic changes of size of the kidney |
MF54.Z,Macroscopic changes of size of the kidney, unspecified |
MF55,Polyuria |
MF56,Renal colic |
MF57,Symptom or complaint of bladder |
MF58,Urethral discharge |
MF59,Urinary symptom or complaint |
MF5Y,Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings involving the urinary system |
MF60,Abnormal level of enzymes in specimens from female genital organs |
MF61,Abnormal level of hormones in specimens from female genital organs |
MF62,Abnormal level of drugs, medicaments and biological substances in specimens from female genital organs |
MF63,Abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source in specimens from female genital organs |
MF64,Abnormal immunological findings in specimens from female genital organs |
MF65,Abnormal microbiological findings in specimens from female genital organs |
MF66.0,Abnormal cervix smear |
MF66.Y,Other specified abnormal cytological findings in specimens from female genital organs |
MF66.Z,Abnormal cytological findings in specimens from female genital organs, unspecified |
MF67,Abnormal histological findings in specimens from female genital organs |
MF68,Abnormal chromosomal findings in specimens from female genital organs |
MF6Y,Other specified clinical findings in specimens from female genital organs |
MF6Z,Clinical findings in specimens from female genital organs, unspecified |
MF70,Abnormal level of enzymes in specimens from male genital organs |
MF71,Abnormal level of hormones in specimens from male genital organs |
MF72,Abnormal level of drugs, medicaments and biological substances in specimens from male genital organs |
MF73,Abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source in specimens from male genital organs |
MF74,Abnormal immunological findings in specimens from male genital organs |
MF75,Abnormal microbiological findings in specimens from male genital organs |
MF76,Abnormal cytological findings in specimens from male genital organs |
MF77,Abnormal histological findings in specimens from male genital organs |
MF78,Abnormal chromosomal findings in specimens from male genital organs |
MF7Y,Other specified clinical findings in specimens from male genital organs |
MF7Z,Clinical findings in specimens from male genital organs, unspecified |
MF80,Diffuse mesangial sclerosis |
MF81,Fibronectin glomerulopathy |
MF82,Lipoprotein glomerulopathy |
MF83,Diabetic glomerular changes |
MF84,Pauci-immune proliferative glomerulonephritis |
MF85,Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody mediated disease |
MF8Y,Other specified clinical findings in specimens from the urinary system |
MF8Z,Clinical findings in specimens from the urinary system, unspecified |
MF90,Acetonuria |
MF91,Bilirubinuria |
MF92,Chyluria |
MF93,Glycosuria |
MF94,Haemoglobinuria |
MF95,Myoglobinuria |
MF96.0,Orthostatic proteinuria |
MF96.1,Bence Jones proteinuria |
MF96.Y,Other specified proteinuria |
MF96.Z,Proteinuria, unspecified |
MF97,Pyuria |
MF98.0,Hypercalciuria |
MF98.1,Hyperkaluria |
MF98.2,Hypermagnesuria |
MF98.3,Hypocalciuria |
MF98.4,Hypokaluria |
MF98.5,Hypomagnesuria |
MF98.6,Hypophosphaturia |
MF98.Y,Other specified abnormal levels of serum electrolytes in the urine |
MF98.Z,Abnormal levels of serum electrolytes in the urine, unspecified |
MF99,Elevated urine levels of drugs, medicaments and biological substances |
MF9A,Abnormal urine levels of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source |
MF9B,Abnormal findings on microbiological examination of urine |
MF9C,Abnormal findings on cytological and histological examination of urine |
MF9Y,Other specified clinical findings on examination of urine, without diagnosis |
MG00,Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of breast |
MG01,Clinical findings on diagnostic imaging of urinary organs |
MG02,Results of kidney function studies |
MG0Y,Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings of the genitourinary system |
MG20.0,Malignant cachexia |
MG20.Z,Cachexia, unspecified |
MG21,Chills |
MG22,Fatigue |
MG23,Fear of death or dying |
MG24.00,Fear of cancer of digestive system |
MG24.01,Fear of breast cancer female |
MG24.02,Fear of genital cancer male |
MG24.0Y,Other specified fear of cancer |
MG24.0Z,Fear of cancer, unspecified |
MG24.1,Fear of human immunodeficiency virus |
MG24.2,Fear of haematological disease |
MG24.3,Fear of digestive disease |
MG24.4,Fear of eye disease |
MG24.5,Fear of heart disease |
MG24.6,Fear of hypertension |
MG24.7,Fear of cardiovascular disease |
MG24.8,Fear of musculoskeletal disease |
MG24.9,Fear of neurological disease |
MG24.A,Fear of respiratory disease |
MG24.B,Fear of endocrine, metabolic or nutritional disease |
MG24.C,Fear of urinary disease |
MG24.D,Fear of complications of pregnancy |
MG24.E,Fear of sexually transmitted disease female |
MG24.F,Fear of female genital or breast disease |
MG24.G,Fear of sexually transmitted disease male |
MG24.H,Fear of genital disease male |
MG24.J,Fear of mental disorder |
MG24.Y,Fear of other specified disease |
MG24.Z,Fear of disease, unspecified |
MG25,Feeling ill |
MG26,Fever of other or unknown origin |
MG27,Haemorrhage, not elsewhere classified |
MG28,Hypothermia, not associated with low environmental temperature |
MG29.00,Ankle oedema |
MG29.01,Oedema of legs |
MG29.02,Pitting of lip |
MG29.0Y,Other specified localised oedema |
MG29.10,Oedema due to increased capillary pressure |
MG29.1Y,Other specified generalised oedema |
MG29.2,Infectious oedema |
MG29.3,Pitting oedema |
MG29.Z,Oedema, unspecified |
MG2A,Old age |
MG30.00,Chronic primary visceral pain |
MG30.01,Chronic widespread pain |
MG30.02,Chronic primary musculoskeletal pain |
MG30.03,Chronic primary headache or orofacial pain |
MG30.0Y,Other specified chronic primary pain |
MG30.0Z,Chronic primary pain, unspecified |
MG30.10,Chronic cancer pain |
MG30.11,Chronic post cancer treatment pain |
MG30.1Y,Other specified chronic cancer related pain |
MG30.1Z,Chronic cancer related pain, unspecified |
MG30.20,Chronic post traumatic pain |
MG30.21,Chronic postsurgical pain |
MG30.2Y,Other specified chronic postsurgical or post traumatic pain |
MG30.2Z,Chronic postsurgical or post traumatic pain, unspecified |
MG30.30,Chronic secondary musculoskeletal pain from persistent inflammation |
MG30.31,Chronic secondary musculoskeletal pain associated with structural changes |
MG30.32,Chronic secondary musculoskeletal pain due to disease of the nervous system |
MG30.3Y,Other specified chronic secondary musculoskeletal pain |
MG30.3Z,Chronic secondary musculoskeletal pain, unspecified |
MG30.40,Chronic visceral pain from mechanical factors |
MG30.41,Chronic visceral pain from vascular mechanisms |
MG30.42,Chronic visceral pain from persistent inflammation |
MG30.4Y,Other specified chronic secondary visceral pain |
MG30.4Z,Chronic secondary visceral pain, unspecified |
MG30.50,Chronic central neuropathic pain |
MG30.51,Chronic peripheral neuropathic pain |
MG30.5Y,Other specified chronic neuropathic pain |
MG30.5Z,Chronic neuropathic pain, unspecified |
MG30.60,Chronic secondary orofacial pain |
MG30.61,Chronic dental pain |
MG30.62,Chronic neuropathic orofacial pain |
MG30.63,Headache or orofacial pain attributed to chronic secondary temporomandibular disorders |
MG30.6Y,Other specified chronic secondary headache or orofacial pain |
MG30.6Z,Chronic secondary headache or orofacial pain, unspecified |
MG30.Y,Other specified chronic pain |
MG30.Z,Chronic pain, unspecified |
MG31.0,Acute pain in the face, not elsewhere classified |
MG31.1,Acute headache, not elsewhere classified |
MG31.2,Acute postoperative pain, not elsewhere classified |
MG31.Y,Other specified acute pain |
MG31.Z,Acute pain, unspecified |
MG3Z,Pain, unspecified |
MG40.0,Cardiogenic shock |
MG40.1,Hypovolaemic shock |
MG40.Y,Other specified shock |
MG40.Z,Shock, unspecified |
MG41,Sleep disturbance, not elsewhere classified |
MG42,Somnolence, not elsewhere classified |
MG43.0,Polydipsia |
MG43.1,Overeating |
MG43.2,Abulia |
MG43.30,Feeding problem of infant |
MG43.31,Feeding problem of child |
MG43.32,Feeding problem of adult |
MG43.3Z,Feeding difficulties, unspecified |
MG43.40,Refusal of food, not elsewhere classified |
MG43.41,Refusal of fluid, not elsewhere classified |
MG43.4Y,Other specified insufficient intake of food and water due to self neglect |
MG43.4Z,Insufficient intake of food and water due to self neglect, unspecified |
MG43.5,Excessive weight loss |
MG43.6,Excessive weight gain |
MG43.7,Anorexia |
MG43.8,Decreased appetite |
MG43.9,Increased appetite |
MG43.Y,Other specified symptoms and signs concerning food and fluid intake |
MG44.0,Excessive crying of infant |
MG44.10,Delayed milestone |
MG44.11,Failure to thrive in infant or child |
MG44.12,Short stature of child |
MG44.13,Constitutional delay of growth and puberty |
MG44.14,Familial short stature |
MG44.1Y,Other specified lack of expected normal physiological development |
MG44.1Z,Lack of expected normal physiological development, unspecified |
MG44.Y,Other specified symptoms peculiar to infancy |
MG44.Z,Symptoms peculiar to infancy, unspecified |
MG45.0,Cardiac syncope |
MG45.Y,Other specified syncope and collapse |
MG45.Z,Syncope and collapse, unspecified |
MG46,Systemic inflammatory response syndrome of noninfectious origin |
MG47,Toxicosis not further specified |
MG48,Unknown and unspecified causes of morbidity |
MG4Y,Other specified general symptoms |
MG50.00,Tetracycline resistant Acinetobacter baumannii |
MG50.01,Aminoglycoside resistant Acinetobacter baumannii |
MG50.02,Carbapenem resistant Acinetobacter baumannii |
MG50.03,Polymyxin resistant Acinetobacter baumannii |
MG50.0Y,Acinetobacter resistant to other antibiotic |
MG50.0Z,Acinetobacter resistant to unspecified antibiotic |
MG50.10,Fluoroquinolone resistant Campylobacter |
MG50.1Y,Other specified antibiotic resistant Campylobacter |
MG50.1Z,Campylobacter resistant to unspecified antibiotic |
MG50.20,Sulfonamide or trimethoprim resistant Escherichia coli |
MG50.21,Fluoroquinolone resistant Escherichia coli |
MG50.22,Third generation cephalosporin resistant Escherichia coli |
MG50.23,Fourth-generation cephalosporins resistant Escherichia coli |
MG50.24,Carbapenem resistant Escherichia coli |
MG50.25,Polymyxin resistant Escherichia coli |
MG50.26,Penicillin resistant Escherichia coli |
MG50.27,Extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing Escherichia coli |
MG50.2Y,Escherichia coli resistant to other antibiotic |
MG50.2Z,Escherichia coli resistant to unspecified antibiotic |
MG50.30,Ampicillin resistant Haemophilus influenzae |
MG50.3Y,Other specified antibiotic resistant Haemophilus influenzae |
MG50.3Z,Antibiotic resistant Haemophilus influenzae, unspecified |
MG50.40,Clarithromycin resistant Helicobacter pylori |
MG50.4Y,Other specified antibiotic resistant Helicobacter pylori |
MG50.4Z,Antibiotic resistant Helicobacter pylori, unspecified |
MG50.50,Sulfonamide or trimethoprim resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae |
MG50.51,Fluoroquinolone resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae |
MG50.52,Third-generation cephalosporin resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae |
MG50.53,Fourth-generation cephalosporin resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae |
MG50.54,Carbapenem resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae |
MG50.55,Polymixin resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae |
MG50.56,Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing Klebsiella pneumoniae |
MG50.5Y,Klebsiella pneumoniae resistant to other antibiotic |
MG50.5Z,Klebsiella pneumoniae resistant to unspecified antibiotic |
MG50.60,Third generation cephalosporin resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae |
MG50.61,Macrolide resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae |
MG50.62,Aminocyclitol resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae |
MG50.63,Fluoroquinolone resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae |
MG50.64,Aminoglycoside resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae |
MG50.6Y,Neisseria gonorrhoeae resistant to other antibiotic |
MG50.6Z,Neisseria gonorrhoeae resistant to unspecified antibiotic |
MG50.70,Penicillin resistant Neisseria meningitidis |
MG50.7Y,Other specified antibiotic resistant Neisseria meningitidis |
MG50.7Z,Antibiotic resistant Neisseria meningitidis, unspecified |
MG50.80,Carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
MG50.81,Polymixin-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
MG50.8Y,Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistant to other antibiotic |
MG50.8Z,Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistant to unspecified antibiotic |
MG50.90,Fluoroquinolone resistant Salmonella |
MG50.91,Third generation cephalosporin resistant Salmonella |
MG50.92,Carbapenem resistant Salmonella |
MG50.9Y,Salmonella resistant to other antibiotic |
MG50.9Z,Salmonella resistant to unspecified antibiotic |
MG50.A0,Carbapenem resistant Shigella |
MG50.A1,Fluoroquinolone resistant Shigella |
MG50.A2,Third-generation cephalosporins resistant Shigella |
MG50.A3,Macrolides resistant Shigella |
MG50.AY,Shigella resistant to other antibiotic |
MG50.AZ,Shigella resistant to unspecified antibiotic |
MG50.B0,Fluoroquinolone resistant Vibrio |
MG50.BY,Vibrio resistant to other antibiotic |
MG50.BZ,Vibrio resistant to unspecified antibiotic |
MG50.C0,Carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae |
MG50.C1,Third-generation cephalosporin resistant Enterobacteriaceae |
MG50.CY,Other specified other antibiotic resistant Enterobacteriaceae |
MG50.CZ,Other antibiotic resistant Enterobacteriaceae, unspecified |
MG50.Y,Other specified finding of gram negative bacteria resistant to antimicrobial drugs |
MG50.Z,Finding of gram negative bacteria resistant to antimicrobial drugs, unspecified |
MG51.00,Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
MG51.01,Vancomycin resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
MG51.02,Penicillinase-stable beta lactams resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
MG51.0Y,Other specified antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
MG51.0Z,Antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus aureus, unspecified |
MG51.10,Penicillin resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae |
MG51.11,Sulfonamide and trimethoprim resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae |
MG51.12,Third-generation cephalosporins resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae |
MG51.1Y,Streptococcus pneumoniae resistant to other antibiotic |
MG51.1Z,Streptococcus pneumoniae resistant to unspecified antibiotic |
MG51.20,Vancomycin resistant Enterococcus |
MG51.2Y,Enterococcus resistant to other antibiotic |
MG51.2Z,Enteroccus resistant to unspecified antibiotic |
MG51.Y,Other specified finding of gram positive bacteria resistant to antimicrobial drugs |
MG51.Z,Finding of gram positive bacteria resistant to antimicrobial drugs, unspecified |
MG52.00,Multi-drug resistant tuberculous Mycobacterium |
MG52.01,Antibiotic resistant non-tuberculous Mycobacterium |
MG52.0Y,Other specified antibiotic resistant Mycobacterium |
MG52.0Z,Antibiotic resistant Mycobacterium, unspecified |
MG52.Y,Other specified finding of bacteria, neither gram negative nor positive, resistant to antimicrobial drugs |
MG52.Z,Finding of bacteria, neither gram negative nor positive, resistant to antimicrobial drugs, unspecified |
MG53.0,Antiretroviral therapy resistant Human immunodeficiency virus |
MG53.Y,Other specified finding of virus resistant to antimicrobial drugs |
MG53.Z,Finding of virus resistant to antimicrobial drugs, unspecified |
MG54,Finding of fungus resistant to antimicrobial drugs |
MG55.0,Artemisinin resistant Plasmodium falciparum |
MG55.Y,Other specified finding of parasite resistant to antimicrobial drugs |
MG55.Z,Finding of parasite resistant to antimicrobial drugs, unspecified |
MG56,Finding of microorganism resistant to other multiple antimicrobial drugs |
MG5Y,Finding of other microorganism resistant to antimicrobial drugs |
MG5Z,Finding of microorganism resistant to antimicrobial drugs, unspecified |
MG60,Abnormal level of enzymes in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
MG61,Abnormal level of hormones in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
MG62,Abnormal level of drugs, medicaments and biological substances in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
MG63,Abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
MG64,Abnormal immunological findings in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
MG65,Abnormal microbiological findings in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
MG66,Abnormal cytological findings in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
MG67,Abnormal histological findings in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
MG6Y,Other specified clinical findings in specimens from other specified organs, systems and tissues |
MG70,Abnormal diagnostic imaging results not elsewhere classified |
MG71.0,Abnormal findings on neonatal screening |
MG71.Y,Other specified abnormal laboratory results, not elsewhere classified |
MG71.Z,Abnormal laboratory results, not elsewhere classified, unspecified |
MG72,Abnormal results of function studies of other organs and systems |
MG7Y,Other specified abnormal results, not elsewhere classified |
MG7Z,Abnormal results, not elsewhere classified, unspecified |
MG9Y,Other specified general symptoms, signs or clinical findings |
MH10,Brain death |
MH11.0,Sudden infant death syndrome with mention of autopsy |
MH11.1,Sudden infant death syndrome without autopsy |
MH11.Z,Sudden infant death syndrome, unspecified |
MH12.0,Instantaneous death |
MH12.1,Death occurring less than 24 hours from onset of symptoms, not otherwise explained |
MH12.Z,Unspecified sudden death, cause unknown |
MH13,Unattended death |
MH14,Other ill-defined and unspecified causes of mortality |
MH15,Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy |
MH16,Multi organ failure |
MH2Y,Other specified symptoms, signs or clinical findings, not elsewhere classified |
NA00.00,Abrasion of scalp |
NA00.01,Contusion of scalp |
NA00.02,Superficial foreign body in scalp |
NA00.0Y,Other specified superficial injury of scalp |
NA00.0Z,Superficial injury of scalp, type unspecified |
NA00.10,Abrasion of eyelid or periocular area |
NA00.11,Contusion of eyelid or periocular area |
NA00.12,Other superficial injuries of eyelid or periocular area |
NA00.1Y,Other specified superficial injury of eyelid or periocular area |
NA00.1Z,Superficial injury of eyelid or periocular area, unspecified |
NA00.2,Superficial injury of ear |
NA00.3,Superficial injury of nose |
NA00.4,Superficial injury of lip or oral cavity |
NA00.5,Multiple superficial injuries of head |
NA00.6,Abrasion of other or unspecified sites of head |
NA00.7,Contusion of other or unspecified sites of head |
NA00.Y,Superficial injury of other specified part of head |
NA00.Z,Superficial injury of unspecified part of head |
NA01.2,Laceration without foreign body of head |
NA01.3,Laceration with foreign body of head |
NA01.4,Puncture wound without foreign body of head |
NA01.5,Puncture wound with foreign body of head |
NA01.6,Open bite of head |
NA01.7,Multiple open wounds of head |
NA01.Y,Other specified open wound of head |
NA01.Z,Open wound of head, unspecified |
NA02.00,Fracture of squama of frontal bone of skull |
NA02.01,Fracture of parietal bone of skull |
NA02.02,Fracture of squama of temporal bone of skull |
NA02.03,Fracture of squama of occipital bone of skull |
NA02.10,Fracture of anterior fossa of base of skull |
NA02.11,Fracture of middle fossa of base of skull |
NA02.12,Fracture of posterior fossa of base of skull |
NA02.13,Fracture of sinus of ethmoid bone of skull |
NA02.14,Fracture of frontal sinus of skull |
NA02.15,Fracture of sphenoid bone of skull |
NA02.16,Fracture of occipital condyle of skull, type I |
NA02.17,Fracture of occipital condyle of skull, type II |
NA02.18,Fracture of occipital condyle of skull, type III |
NA02.19,Fracture of other part of occipital bone of skull |
NA02.1A,Other fractures of base of skull |
NA02.1Z,Fracture of base of skull, unspecified |
NA02.20,Fracture of orbital roof |
NA02.21,Fracture of orbital floor |
NA02.2Y,Other specified orbital Fracture |
NA02.2Z,Orbital Fracture, unspecified |
NA02.3,Fracture of nasal bones |
NA02.40,Le Fort fracture type I |
NA02.41,Le Fort fracture type II |
NA02.42,Le Fort fracture type III |
NA02.4Y,Other specified fracture of maxilla |
NA02.4Z,Fracture of maxilla, unspecified |
NA02.5,Fracture of zygoma |
NA02.6,Fracture of tooth |
NA02.70,Fracture of condylar process of mandible |
NA02.71,Fracture of subcondylar process of mandible |
NA02.72,Fracture of coronoid process of mandible |
NA02.73,Fracture of ramus of mandible |
NA02.74,Fracture of angle of mandible |
NA02.75,Fracture of alveolar margin of mandible |
NA02.76,Fracture of symphysis of mandible |
NA02.7Y,Other specified fracture of mandible |
NA02.7Z,Fracture of mandible, unspecified |
NA02.8,Multiple fractures involving skull or facial bones |
NA02.Y,Fracture of other specified skull or facial bones |
NA02.Z,Fracture of skull and facial bones, part unspecified |
NA03.0,Dislocation of jaw |
NA03.1,Dislocation of septal cartilage of nose |
NA03.2,Dislocation of tooth |
NA03.3,Strain or sprain of jaw |
NA03.Y,Dislocation or sprain of other specified joints or ligaments of head |
NA03.Z,Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of head, unspecified |
NA04.0,Injury of olfactory nerve |
NA04.10,Injury of optic nerve, unilateral |
NA04.11,Injury of optic nerve, bilateral |
NA04.12,Injury of optic chiasm |
NA04.13,Injury of optic tract or pathways, unilateral |
NA04.14,Injury of optic tract or pathways, bilateral |
NA04.15,Injury of visual cortex, unilateral |
NA04.16,Injury of visual cortex, bilateral |
NA04.1Y,Other specified injury of optic nerve or pathways |
NA04.1Z,Injury of optic nerve or pathways, unspecified |
NA04.2,Injury of oculomotor nerve |
NA04.3,Injury of trochlear nerve |
NA04.4,Injury of trigeminal nerve |
NA04.5,Injury of abducent nerve |
NA04.6,Injury of facial nerve |
NA04.7,Injury of acoustic nerve |
NA04.8,Injury of glossopharyngeal nerve |
NA04.9,Injury of vagus nerve |
NA04.A,Injury of accessory nerve |
NA04.B,Injury of hypoglossal nerve |
NA04.Z,Injury of cranial nerves, unspecified |
NA05.0,Injury of intracranial vessels of head |
NA05.1,Injury of extracranial vessels of head |
NA05.Z,Injury of blood vessels of head, unspecified |
NA06.00,Eyelid Avulsion |
NA06.01,Haematoma of eyelid |
NA06.02,Oedema of eyelid |
NA06.03,Retained foreign body in eyelid |
NA06.04,Open wound of eyelid or periocular area |
NA06.0Y,Other specified eyelid trauma |
NA06.0Z,Eyelid trauma, unspecified |
NA06.1,Penetrating wound of orbit with or without foreign body |
NA06.2,Retained foreign body following penetrating wound of orbit |
NA06.3,Traumatic orbital haemorrhage |
NA06.4,Injury of conjunctiva or corneal abrasion without mention of foreign body |
NA06.5,Trauma to the iris sphincter |
NA06.60,Traumatic macular hole |
NA06.61,Choroidal rupture |
NA06.62,Commotio Retina |
NA06.63,Optic nerve avulsion |
NA06.6Y,Other specified traumatic injuries of the retina |
NA06.6Z,Traumatic injuries of the retina, unspecified |
NA06.7,Traumatic retinal haemorrhage |
NA06.80,Retained intraocular magnetic foreign body, unilateral |
NA06.81,Retained intraocular nonmagnetic foreign body, unilateral |
NA06.82,Closed eyeball trauma, unilateral |
NA06.83,Closed eyeball trauma, bilateral |
NA06.84,Penetrating wound of eyeball without foreign body, unilateral |
NA06.85,Avulsion of eye, unilateral |
NA06.86,Avulsion of eye, bilateral |
NA06.87,Ocular laceration or rupture with prolapse or loss of intraocular tissue, unilateral |
NA06.88,Ocular laceration or rupture with prolapse or loss of intraocular tissue, bilateral |
NA06.89,Penetrating injury of eyeball, bilateral |
NA06.8A,Perforating injury of eyeball, bilateral |
NA06.8B,Retained intraocular magnetic foreign body, bilateral |
NA06.8C,Retained intraocular nonmagnetic foreign body, bilateral |
NA06.8D,Ocular laceration without prolapse or loss of intraocular tissue, unilateral |
NA06.8E,Ocular laceration without prolapse or loss of intraocular tissue, bilateral |
NA06.8Y,Other specified traumatic injury to eyeball |
NA06.8Z,Traumatic injury to eyeball, unspecified |
NA06.9,Contusion of eyeball or orbital tissues |
NA06.A,Injury of lens |
NA06.Y,Other specified injury of eye or orbit |
NA06.Z,Injury of eye or orbit, unspecified |
NA07.00,Incomplete loss of consciousness with amnesia |
NA07.01,Incomplete loss of consciousness without amnesia |
NA07.02,Loss of consciousness, short duration of less than 30 minutes |
NA07.03,Loss of consciousness, short duration of 30 minutes to less than one hour |
NA07.04,Loss of consciousness, short duration of one hour to less than 6 hours |
NA07.05,Loss of consciousness, intermediate duration of 6 hours to less than 24 hours |
NA07.06,Loss of consciousness, persisting longer than 24 hours or until discharge or latest assessment |
NA07.07,Loss of consciousness, persisting until death |
NA07.08,Loss of consciousness, duration unspecified or unknown due to effects of therapy |
NA07.09,Loss of consciousness, duration unspecified or unknown due to lack of information |
NA07.0Y,Other specified concussion |
NA07.1,Traumatic intracerebral haemorrhage |
NA07.20,Diffuse traumatic oedema |
NA07.21,Focal traumatic oedema |
NA07.2Y,Other specified traumatic cerebral oedema |
NA07.2Z,Traumatic cerebral oedema, unspecified |
NA07.30,Diffuse injury of cerebrum |
NA07.31,Diffuse injury of cerebellum |
NA07.32,Diffuse injury of brainstem |
NA07.33,Diffuse injury of multiple parts of brain |
NA07.3Y,Other specified diffuse brain injury |
NA07.3Z,Unspecified diffuse traumatic brain injury |
NA07.40,Focal non-haemorrhagic contusion of cerebrum |
NA07.41,Focal haemorrhagic contusion of cerebrum |
NA07.42,Focal laceration of cerebrum |
NA07.43,Multiple focal injuries of cerebrum |
NA07.44,Focal non-haemorrhagic contusion of cerebellum |
NA07.45,Focal haematoma or haemorrhage of cerebellum |
NA07.46,Focal laceration of cerebellum |
NA07.47,Multiple focal injuries of cerebellum |
NA07.48,Focal non-haemorrhagic contusion of brainstem |
NA07.49,Focal haematoma or haemorrhage of brainstem |
NA07.4A,Contusion of temporal lobe |
NA07.4B,Focal laceration of brainstem |
NA07.4C,Focal brain contusion |
NA07.4D,Focal brain laceration |
NA07.4E,Contusion of parietal lobe |
NA07.4F,Contusion of occipital lobe |
NA07.4Z,Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury |
NA07.5,Traumatic epidural haemorrhage |
NA07.6,Traumatic subdural haemorrhage |
NA07.7,Traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage |
NA07.80,Traumatic haemorrhage in cerebrum white matter |
NA07.81,Traumatic haemorrhage in thalamus or basal ganglia |
NA07.82,Traumatic haemorrhage in cerebellum |
NA07.83,Traumatic haemorrhage in brainstem |
NA07.84,Traumatic haemorrhage in brainstem, primary |
NA07.85,Traumatic haemorrhage in brainstem, secondary |
NA07.86,Multiple traumatic haemorrhages |
NA07.8Y,Other specified traumatic haemorrhage in brain tissue |
NA07.8Z,Traumatic haemorrhage in brain tissue, unspecified |
NA07.Y,Other specified intracranial injury |
NA07.Z,Intracranial injury, unspecified |
NA08.0,Crushing injury of brain |
NA08.1,Crushing injury of face |
NA08.2,Crushing injury of skull |
NA08.3,Crushed scalp |
NA08.Y,Other specified crushing injury of head |
NA08.Z,Crushing injury of head, unspecified |
NA09.0,Avulsion of scalp |
NA09.10,Traumatic amputation of ear, complete |
NA09.11,Traumatic amputation of ear, partial |
NA09.1Y,Other specified traumatic amputation of ear |
NA09.1Z,Traumatic amputation of ear, unspecified |
NA09.20,Traumatic amputation of nose, complete |
NA09.21,Traumatic amputation of nose, partial |
NA09.2Y,Other specified traumatic amputation of nose |
NA09.2Z,Traumatic amputation of nose, unspecified |
NA09.3,Traumatic amputation of lip |
NA09.Y,Other specified traumatic amputation of part of head |
NA09.Z,Traumatic amputation of part of head, unspecified |
NA0A.00,Complex wounds to the head with retained external material |
NA0A.01,Complex wounds to the head with intracranial haemorrhage |
NA0A.02,Complex wounds to the head with through and through perforation |
NA0A.03,Complex wounds to the head with avulsive loss of part of skull and cranial contents |
NA0A.0Y,Other specified complex wounds to the head |
NA0A.0Z,Complex wounds to the head, unspecified |
NA0A.10,Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of head |
NA0A.11,Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of head |
NA0A.1Y,Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of head |
NA0A.1Z,Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of head, unspecified |
NA0A.2,Traumatic rupture of ear drum |
NA0A.3,Multiple injuries of head |
NA0A.Y,Other specified injuries of head |
NA0B,Injury of the auricle |
NA0C,Injury of middle or inner ear |
NA0Z,Injuries to the head, unspecified |
NA20.0,Abrasion of throat |
NA20.1,Contusion of throat |
NA20.2,Other or unspecified superficial injuries of throat |
NA20.3,Multiple superficial injuries of neck |
NA20.Y,Other specified superficial injury of neck |
NA20.Z,Superficial injury of neck, unspecified |
NA21.0,Laceration without foreign body of neck |
NA21.1,Laceration with foreign body of neck |
NA21.2,Puncture wound without foreign body of neck |
NA21.3,Puncture wound with foreign body of neck |
NA21.4,Open bite of neck |
NA21.5,Multiple open wounds of neck |
NA21.Y,Other specified open wound of neck |
NA21.Z,Open wound of neck, unspecified |
NA22.00,Fracture of first cervical vertebra, burst fracture |
NA22.01,Fracture of posterior arch of first cervical vertebra |
NA22.02,Fracture of lateral mass of first cervical vertebra |
NA22.03,Other fracture of first cervical vertebra |
NA22.0Y,Other specified fracture of first cervical vertebra |
NA22.0Z,Fracture of first cervical vertebra, unspecified |
NA22.10,Traumatic spondylolisthesis of second cervical vertebra, type III |
NA22.11,Other traumatic spondylolisthesis of second cervical vertebra |
NA22.12,Fracture of odontoid process |
NA22.13,Other fracture of second cervical vertebra |
NA22.1Z,Fracture of second cervical vertebra, unspecified |
NA22.2,Fracture of other specified cervical vertebra |
NA22.3,Multiple fractures of cervical spine |
NA22.Z,Fracture of neck, unspecified |
NA23.0,Traumatic rupture of cervical intervertebral disc |
NA23.10,Cranio-cervical dissociation |
NA23.11,Atlanto-axial dislocation |
NA23.12,Dislocation of other specified cervical vertebra |
NA23.1Z,Dislocation of cervical vertebra, unspecified |
NA23.2,Dislocation of other or unspecified parts of neck |
NA23.3,Multiple dislocations of neck |
NA23.40,Whiplash associated disorder with complaint of neck pain, stiffness or tenderness only |
NA23.41,Whiplash associated disorder with complaint of neck pain with musculoskeletal signs |
NA23.42,Whiplash associated disorder with complaint of neck pain with neurological signs |
NA23.4Y,Other specified strain or sprain of cervical spine |
NA23.4Z,Strain or sprain of cervical spine, unspecified |
NA23.5,Strain or sprain of thyroid region |
NA23.Y,Other specified dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at neck level |
NA23.Z,Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at neck level, unspecified |
NA30,Concussion or oedema of cervical spinal cord |
NA31.0,Complete lesion of cervical spinal cord |
NA31.1,Central cord syndrome of cervical spinal cord |
NA31.2,Anterior cord syndrome of cervical spinal cord |
NA31.3,Posterior cord syndrome of cervical spinal cord |
NA31.4,Brown-Sequard syndrome of cervical spinal cord |
NA31.5,Other incomplete cord syndrome of cervical spinal cord |
NA3Z,Injury of cervical spinal cord, unspecified |
NA40,Injury of nerve root of cervical spine |
NA41.0,Injury of brachial plexus cord |
NA41.1,Injury of brachial plexus division |
NA41.2,Injury of brachial plexus trunk |
NA41.Y,Other specified injury of brachial plexus |
NA41.Z,Injury of brachial plexus, unspecified |
NA42.0,Injury of supraclavicular nerve |
NA42.1,Injury to anterior cutaneous nerve of neck |
NA42.Y,Injury of other specified peripheral nerves of neck |
NA42.Z,Injury of peripheral nerves of neck, unspecified |
NA43,Injury of cervical sympathetic nerves |
NA44,Injury of phrenic nerve |
NA4Y,Injury of other specified nerves at neck level |
NA4Z,Injury of nerves at neck level, unspecified |
NA60.00,Laceration of carotid artery, minor |
NA60.01,Laceration of carotid artery, major |
NA60.0Y,Other specified injury of carotid artery |
NA60.0Z,Injury of carotid artery, unspecified |
NA60.10,Laceration of vertebral artery, minor |
NA60.11,Laceration of vertebral artery, major |
NA60.1Y,Other specified injury of vertebral artery |
NA60.1Z,Injury of vertebral artery, unspecified |
NA60.20,Laceration of external jugular vein, minor |
NA60.21,Laceration of external jugular vein, major |
NA60.2Y,Other specified injury of external jugular vein |
NA60.2Z,Injury of external jugular vein, unspecified |
NA60.30,Laceration of internal jugular vein, minor |
NA60.31,Laceration of internal jugular vein, major |
NA60.3Y,Other specified injury of internal jugular vein |
NA60.3Z,Injury of internal jugular vein, unspecified |
NA60.4,Injury of multiple blood vessels at neck level |
NA60.Y,Injury of other specified blood vessels at neck level |
NA60.Z,Injury of blood vessels at neck level, unspecified |
NA61.0,Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon at neck level |
NA61.1,Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon at neck level |
NA61.Y,Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at neck level |
NA61.Z,Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at neck level, unspecified |
NA62.0,Crushing injury of larynx or trachea |
NA62.Y,Crushing injury of other specified site of neck |
NA62.Z,Crushing injury of neck, unspecified |
NA63,Traumatic amputation at neck level |
NA64,Multiple injuries of neck |
NA6Y,Other specified injuries to the neck |
NA6Z,Injuries to the neck, unspecified |
NA80.0,Abrasion of breast |
NA80.1,Contusion of breast |
NA80.2,Other or unspecified superficial injuries of breast |
NA80.3,Other superficial injuries of front wall of thorax |
NA80.4,Other superficial injuries of back wall of thorax |
NA80.5,Abrasion of thorax |
NA80.6,Contusion of thorax |
NA80.7,Multiple superficial injuries of thorax |
NA80.Y,Other specified superficial injury of thorax |
NA80.Z,Superficial injury of thorax, unspecified |
NA81.0,Laceration without foreign body of thorax |
NA81.1,Laceration with foreign body of thorax |
NA81.2,Puncture wound without foreign body of thorax |
NA81.3,Puncture wound with foreign body of thorax |
NA81.4,Open bite of thorax |
NA81.5,Multiple open wounds of thoracic wall |
NA81.Y,Other specified open wound of thorax |
NA81.Z,Open wound of thorax, unspecified |
NA82.0,Fracture of thoracic vertebra |
NA82.1,Multiple fractures of thoracic spine |
NA82.2,Fracture of sternum |
NA82.30,Fracture of rib, posterior or posterior and lateral |
NA82.3Y,Other specified fracture of rib |
NA82.3Z,Fracture of rib, unspecified |
NA82.4,Multiple fractures of ribs |
NA82.5,Flail chest |
NA82.Y,Other specified fracture of rib, sternum or thoracic spine |
NA82.Z,Fracture of rib, sternum or thoracic spine, unspecified |
NA83.0,Traumatic rupture of thoracic intervertebral disc |
NA83.1,Dislocation of thoracic vertebra |
NA83.2,Dislocation of other or unspecified parts of thorax |
NA83.3,Strain or sprain of ligaments of thoracic spine |
NA83.40,Strain or sprain of sternum |
NA83.41,Strain or sprain of sterno-clavicular joint or ligament |
NA83.42,Strain or sprain of chondro-sternal joint |
NA83.4Y,Strain or sprain of other specified site of ribs or sternum |
NA83.4Z,Strain or sprain of ribs or sternum, unspecified |
NA83.Y,Other specified dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of thorax |
NA83.Z,Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of thorax, unspecified |
NA90,Concussion or oedema of thoracic spinal cord |
NA91.0,Complete lesion of thoracic spinal cord |
NA91.1,Central cord syndrome of thoracic spinal cord |
NA91.2,Anterior cord syndrome of thoracic spinal cord |
NA91.3,Posterior cord syndrome of thoracic spinal cord |
NA91.4,Brown-Sequard syndrome of thoracic spinal cord |
NA91.5,Other incomplete cord syndrome of thoracic spinal cord |
NA9Z,Injury of thoracic spinal cord, unspecified |
NB00,Injury of nerve root of thoracic spine |
NB01,Injury of peripheral nerves of thorax |
NB02,Injury of thoracic sympathetic nerves |
NB0Y,Injury of other specified nerves at thorax level |
NB2Y,Other specified injury of nerves or spinal cord at thorax level |
NB2Z,Injury of nerves or spinal cord at thorax level, unspecified |
NB30.00,Minor laceration of thoracic aorta |
NB30.01,Major laceration of thoracic aorta |
NB30.0Y,Other specified injury of thoracic aorta |
NB30.0Z,Injury of thoracic aorta, unspecified |
NB30.10,Minor laceration of innominate or subclavian artery |
NB30.11,Major laceration of innominate or subclavian artery |
NB30.1Y,Other specified injury of innominate or subclavian artery |
NB30.1Z,Injury of innominate or subclavian artery, unspecified |
NB30.20,Minor laceration of superior vena cava |
NB30.21,Major laceration of superior vena cava |
NB30.2Y,Other specified injury of superior vena cava |
NB30.2Z,Injury of superior vena cava, unspecified |
NB30.30,Minor laceration of innominate or subclavian vein |
NB30.31,Major laceration of innominate or subclavian vein |
NB30.3Y,Other specified injury of innominate or subclavian vein |
NB30.3Z,Injury of innominate or subclavian vein, unspecified |
NB30.40,Minor laceration of pulmonary blood vessels |
NB30.41,Major laceration of pulmonary blood vessels |
NB30.4Y,Other specified injury of pulmonary blood vessels |
NB30.4Z,Injury of pulmonary blood vessels, unspecified |
NB30.50,Laceration of intercostal blood vessels |
NB30.5Y,Other specified injury of intercostal blood vessels |
NB30.5Z,Injury of intercostal blood vessels, unspecified |
NB30.6,Injury of multiple blood vessels of thorax |
NB30.Y,Injury of other specified blood vessels of thorax |
NB30.Z,Injury of blood vessels of thorax, unspecified |
NB31.00,Contusion of heart with haemopericardium |
NB31.01,Minor laceration of heart with haemopericardium |
NB31.02,Moderate laceration of heart with haemopericardium |
NB31.03,Major laceration of heart with haemopericardium |
NB31.0Y,Other specified injury of heart with haemopericardium |
NB31.0Z,Injury of heart with haemopericardium, unspecified |
NB31.10,Contusion of heart without haemopericardium |
NB31.11,Laceration of heart without haemopericardium |
NB31.1Y,Other specified injury of heart without haemopericardium |
NB31.1Z,Injury of heart without haemopericardium, unspecified |
NB31.2,Injury of heart, unspecified without open wound into thoracic cavity |
NB31.3,Injury of heart, unspecified with open wound into thoracic cavity |
NB31.40,Injury to mitral valve |
NB31.4Y,Injury of other specified heart valve |
NB31.4Z,Injury of heart valve, unspecified |
NB31.Y,Other specified injury of heart |
NB31.Z,Injury of heart, unspecified |
NB32.0,Traumatic pneumothorax |
NB32.1,Traumatic haemothorax |
NB32.2,Traumatic haemopneumothorax |
NB32.30,Contusion of lung |
NB32.31,Laceration of lung |
NB32.32,Inhalation injury of lung |
NB32.33,Primary blast injury of lung |
NB32.3Y,Other injury of lung |
NB32.3Z,Injury of lung, unspecified |
NB32.40,Contusion of bronchus |
NB32.41,Minor laceration of bronchus |
NB32.42,Moderate laceration of bronchus |
NB32.43,Major laceration of bronchus |
NB32.4Y,Other specified injury of bronchus |
NB32.4Z,Injury of bronchus, unspecified |
NB32.50,Contusion of thoracic trachea |
NB32.51,Minor laceration of thoracic trachea |
NB32.52,Moderate laceration of thoracic trachea |
NB32.53,Major laceration of thoracic trachea |
NB32.5Y,Other specified injury of thoracic trachea |
NB32.5Z,Injury of thoracic trachea, unspecified |
NB32.60,Laceration of pleura |
NB32.6Y,Other specified injury of pleura |
NB32.6Z,Injury of pleura, unspecified |
NB32.7,Multiple injuries of intrathoracic organs |
NB32.8,Injury of other specified intrathoracic organs |
NB32.Y,Other specified injury of other or unspecified intrathoracic organs |
NB32.Z,Injury of other or unspecified intrathoracic organs, unspecified |
NB33.0,Crushed chest |
NB33.10,Traumatic amputation of part of breast |
NB33.11,Traumatic amputation of entire breast |
NB33.1Z,Traumatic amputation of breast, unspecified |
NB33.2,Traumatic amputation of other part of thorax |
NB33.Y,Other specified crushing injury of thorax or traumatic amputation of part of thorax |
NB33.Z,Crushing injury of thorax or traumatic amputation of part of thorax, unspecified |
NB34.0,Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon at thorax level |
NB34.1,Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon at thorax level |
NB34.Y,Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at thorax level |
NB34.Z,Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon at thorax level, unspecified |
NB35,Multiple injuries of thorax |
NB3Y,Other specified injuries to the thorax |
NB3Z,Injuries to the thorax, unspecified |
NB50.0,Abrasion of lower back or pelvis |
NB50.1,Contusion of lower back or pelvis |
NB50.2,Abrasion of abdominal wall |
NB50.3,Contusion of abdominal wall |
NB50.4,Abrasion of external genital organs |
NB50.5,Contusion of external genital organs |
NB50.6,Multiple superficial injuries of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB50.Y,Other specified superficial injury of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB50.Z,Superficial injury of abdomen, lower back or pelvis, unspecified |
NB51.0,Laceration without foreign body of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB51.1,Laceration with foreign body of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB51.2,Puncture wound without foreign body of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB51.3,Puncture wound with foreign body of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB51.4,Open bite of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB51.5,Multiple open wounds of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB51.Y,Other specified open wound of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB51.Z,Open wound of abdomen, lower back or pelvis, unspecified |
NB52.0,Fracture of lumbar vertebra |
NB52.10,Fracture of sacrum without disruption of pelvic ring |
NB52.11,Fracture of coccyx |
NB52.12,Fracture of ilium without disruption of pelvic ring |
NB52.13,Fracture of acetabulum without disruption of pelvic ring |
NB52.14,Fracture of pubis without disruption of pelvic ring |
NB52.15,Fracture of ischium without disruption of pelvic ring |
NB52.1Y,Fracture of other specified pelvic bone without disruption of posterior arch of pelvic ring |
NB52.1Z,Fracture of unspecified pelvic bone without disruption of posterior arch of pelvic ring |
NB52.2,Fracture of the pelvic ring with incomplete disruption of posterior arch |
NB52.3,Fracture of pelvic ring with complete disruption of posterior arch |
NB52.4,Multiple fractures of lumbar spine or pelvis |
NB52.Y,Other specified fracture of lumbar spine or pelvis |
NB52.Z,Fracture of lumbar spine or pelvis, unspecified |
NB53.0,Traumatic rupture of lumbar intervertebral disc |
NB53.1,Dislocation of lumbar vertebra |
NB53.2,Dislocation of sacroiliac or sacrococcygeal joint without disruption of pelvic ring |
NB53.3,Dislocation of other or unspecified parts of lumbar spine or pelvis without disruption of pelvic ring |
NB53.4,Traumatic rupture of symphysis pubis without disruption of pelvic ring |
NB53.5,Strain or sprain of lumbar spine |
NB53.6,Strain or sprain of sacroiliac joint |
NB53.Y,Other specified dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of lumbar spine or pelvis |
NB53.Z,Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of lumbar spine or pelvis, unspecified |
NB60,Concussion or oedema of lumbar spinal cord |
NB61,Concussion or oedema of sacral spinal cord |
NB62.0,Complete lesion of lumbar spinal cord |
NB62.1,Central cord syndrome of lumbar spinal cord |
NB62.2,Anterior cord syndrome of lumbar spinal cord |
NB62.3,Posterior cord syndrome of lumbar spinal cord |
NB62.4,Brown-Sequard syndrome of lumbar spinal cord |
NB62.5,Other incomplete cord syndrome of lumbar spinal cord |
NB62.6,Puncture wound or laceration of dura mater of lumbar spinal cord |
NB63.0,Complete injury of sacral spinal cord |
NB63.1,Incomplete injury of sacral spinal cord |
NB63.Z,Injury of sacral spinal cord, unspecified |
NB6Z,Injury of spinal cord at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level, unspecified |
NB70,Injury of nerve root of lumbar spine |
NB71,Injury of nerve root of sacral spine |
NB72,Injury of cauda equina |
NB73,Injury of lumbosacral plexus |
NB74,Injury of lumbar, sacral or pelvic sympathetic nerves |
NB75,Injury of peripheral nerve of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB7Y,Other specified injury of nerves at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level |
NB7Z,Injury of nerves at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level, unspecified |
NB90.00,Minor laceration of abdominal aorta |
NB90.01,Major laceration of abdominal aorta |
NB90.0Y,Other specified injury of abdominal aorta |
NB90.0Z,Injury of abdominal aorta, unspecified |
NB90.10,Minor laceration of inferior vena cava |
NB90.11,Major laceration of inferior vena cava |
NB90.1Y,Other specified injury of inferior vena cava |
NB90.1Z,Injury of inferior vena cava, unspecified |
NB90.20,Minor laceration of coeliac artery |
NB90.21,Major laceration of coeliac artery |
NB90.2Y,Other specified injury of coeliac artery |
NB90.2Z,Injury of coeliac artery, unspecified |
NB90.30,Minor laceration mesenteric artery |
NB90.31,Major laceration of mesenteric artery |
NB90.3Y,Other specified injury of mesenteric artery |
NB90.3Z,Injury of mesenteric artery, unspecified |
NB90.40,Minor laceration of portal or splenic vein |
NB90.41,Major laceration of portal or splenic vein |
NB90.4Y,Other specified injury of portal or splenic vein |
NB90.4Z,Injury of portal or splenic vein, unspecified |
NB90.50,Minor laceration of renal blood vessels |
NB90.51,Major laceration of renal blood vessels |
NB90.5Y,Other specified injury of renal blood vessels |
NB90.5Z,Injury of renal blood vessels, unspecified |
NB90.60,Minor laceration of iliac blood vessels |
NB90.61,Major laceration of iliac blood vessels |
NB90.6Y,Other specified injury of iliac blood vessels |
NB90.6Z,Injury of iliac blood vessels, unspecified |
NB90.7,Injury of multiple blood vessels at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level |
NB90.Y,Injury of other specified blood vessels at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level |
NB90.Z,Injury of unspecified blood vessel at abdomen, lower back or pelvis level |
NB91.00,Contusion of spleen, minor |
NB91.01,Contusion of spleen, major |
NB91.02,Laceration of spleen, minor |
NB91.03,Laceration of spleen, moderate |
NB91.04,Laceration of spleen, major |
NB91.05,Avulsion of spleen |
NB91.0Y,Other specified injury of spleen |
NB91.0Z,Injury of spleen, unspecified |
NB91.10,Contusion of liver |
NB91.11,Laceration of liver, minor |
NB91.12,Laceration of liver, moderate |
NB91.13,Laceration of liver, major |
NB91.14,Injury of hepatic duct |
NB91.1Y,Other specified injury of liver |
NB91.1Z,Injury of liver, unspecified |
NB91.2,Injury of gallbladder |
NB91.3,Injury of bile duct |
NB91.40,Contusion of pancreas |
NB91.41,Laceration of pancreas, minor |
NB91.42,Laceration of pancreas, moderate |
NB91.43,Laceration of pancreas, major |
NB91.4Y,Other specified injury of pancreas |
NB91.4Z,Injury of pancreas, unspecified |
NB91.50,Contusion of stomach |
NB91.51,Laceration of stomach without perforation |
NB91.52,Laceration of stomach with perforation, avulsion or massive damage |
NB91.53,Ingestion injury of stomach without perforation |
NB91.54,Ingestion injury of stomach with perforation |
NB91.5Y,Other specified injury of stomach |
NB91.5Z,Injury of stomach, unspecified |
NB91.60,Contusion of duodenum |
NB91.61,Laceration of duodenum |
NB91.62,Primary blast injury of duodenum |
NB91.63,Perforation of duodenum |
NB91.6Y,Other specified injury of duodenum |
NB91.6Z,Injury of duodenum, unspecified |
NB91.70,Contusion of small intestine |
NB91.71,Laceration of small intestine |
NB91.72,Primary blast injury of small intestine |
NB91.7Y,Other specified injury of small intestine |
NB91.7Z,Injury of small intestine, unspecified |
NB91.80,Contusion of colon |
NB91.81,Laceration of colon |
NB91.82,Primary blast injury of colon |
NB91.8Y,Other specified injury of colon |
NB91.8Z,Injury of colon, unspecified |
NB91.90,Contusion of rectum |
NB91.91,Laceration of rectum |
NB91.92,Primary blast injury of rectum |
NB91.9Y,Other specified injury of rectum |
NB91.9Z,Injury of rectum, unspecified |
NB91.A,Injury of mesentery |
NB91.B,Injury of multiple intra-abdominal organs |
NB91.Y,Injury of other specified intra-abdominal organs |
NB91.Z,Injury of intra-abdominal organs, unspecified |
NB92.00,Contusion of kidney, minor |
NB92.01,Contusion of kidney, major |
NB92.02,Laceration of kidney, minor |
NB92.03,Laceration of kidney, moderate |
NB92.04,Laceration of kidney, major |
NB92.0Y,Other specified injury of kidney |
NB92.0Z,Injury of kidney, unspecified |
NB92.10,Contusion of ureter |
NB92.11,Laceration of ureter |
NB92.1Y,Other specified injury of ureter |
NB92.1Z,Injury of ureter, unspecified |
NB92.20,Contusion of bladder |
NB92.21,Laceration of bladder |
NB92.2Y,Other specified injury of bladder |
NB92.2Z,Injury of bladder, unspecified |
NB92.30,Contusion of urethra |
NB92.31,Laceration of urethra |
NB92.3Y,Other specified injury of urethra |
NB92.3Z,Injury of urethra, unspecified |
NB92.40,Contusion of ovary |
NB92.41,Laceration of ovary |
NB92.4Y,Other specified injury of ovary |
NB92.4Z,Injury of ovary, unspecified |
NB92.5,Injury of fallopian tube |
NB92.6,Injury of uterus |
NB92.7,Injury urinary tract |
NB92.8,Injury of multiple pelvic organs |
NB92.Y,Injury of other specified pelvic organs |
NB92.Z,Injury of urinary or pelvic organs, unspecified |
NB93.00,Crushing injury of penis |
NB93.01,Crushing injury of testes or scrotum |
NB93.02,Crushing injury of vulva |
NB93.0Z,Crushing injury of external genital organs, unspecified |
NB93.1,Crushing injury of other or unspecified parts of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB93.20,Traumatic amputation of entire penis |
NB93.21,Traumatic amputation of part of penis |
NB93.22,Traumatic amputation of entire testes or scrotum |
NB93.23,Traumatic amputation of part of testes or scrotum |
NB93.24,Traumatic amputation of entire vulva |
NB93.25,Traumatic amputation of part of vulva |
NB93.2Z,Traumatic amputation of external genital organs, unspecified |
NB93.3,Traumatic amputation of other or unspecified parts of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB94.0,Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of abdomen |
NB94.1,Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of lower back |
NB94.2,Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of pelvis |
NB94.3,Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of abdomen |
NB94.4,Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of lower back |
NB94.5,Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of pelvis |
NB94.Y,Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB94.Z,Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of abdomen, lower back or pelvis, unspecified |
NB95,Injury of intra-abdominal organ with pelvic organ |
NB96,Other multiple injuries of abdomen, lower back or pelvis |
NB97.0,Retroperitoneal haemorrhage or haematoma |
NB97.1,Fractured penis |
NB98,Injury to female genital organ without further specification |
NB99,Injury to male genital organ without further specification |
NB9Y,Other specified injuries to the abdomen, lower back, lumbar spine or pelvis |
NB9Z,Injuries to the abdomen, lower back, lumbar spine or pelvis, unspecified |
NC10.0,Abrasion of shoulder or upper arm |
NC10.1,Contusion of shoulder or upper arm |
NC10.2,Multiple superficial injuries of shoulder or upper arm |
NC10.Y,Other specified superficial injury of shoulder or upper arm |
NC10.Z,Superficial injury of shoulder or upper arm, unspecified |
NC11.0,Laceration without foreign body of shoulder or upper arm |
NC11.1,Laceration with foreign body of shoulder or upper arm |
NC11.2,Puncture wound without foreign body of shoulder or upper arm |
NC11.3,Puncture wound with foreign body of shoulder or upper arm |
NC11.4,Open bite of shoulder or upper arm |
NC11.5,Multiple open wounds of shoulder or upper arm |
NC11.Y,Other specified open wound of shoulder or upper arm |
NC11.Z,Open wound of shoulder or upper arm, unspecified |
NC12.00,Fracture of sternal end of clavicle |
NC12.01,Fracture of shaft of clavicle |
NC12.02,Fracture of acromial end of clavicle |
NC12.03,Multiple fractures of clavicle, alone |
NC12.0Y,Other specified fracture of clavicle |
NC12.0Z,Fracture of clavicle, unspecified |
NC12.10,Multiple fractures of scapula |
NC12.1Y,Other specified fracture of scapula |
NC12.1Z,Fracture of scapula, unspecified |
NC12.20,Fracture of upper end of humerus, head |
NC12.21,Fracture of surgical neck of humerus |
NC12.22,Fracture of anatomical neck of humerus |
NC12.23,Fracture of greater tuberosity of humerus |
NC12.24,Fracture of lesser tuberosity of humerus |
NC12.2Z,Fracture of upper end of humerus, unspecified site |
NC12.3,Fracture of shaft of humerus |
NC12.40,Supracondylar fracture of humerus |
NC12.41,Fracture of lateral epicondyle of humerus |
NC12.42,Fracture of medial epicondyle of humerus |
NC12.43,Fracture of lateral condyle of humerus |
NC12.44,Fracture of medial condyle of humerus |
NC12.4Y,Other specified fracture of lower end of humerus |
NC12.4Z,Fracture of lower end of humerus, unspecified |
NC12.5,Multiple fractures of clavicle, scapula or humerus |
NC12.6,Fracture of other parts of shoulder or upper arm |
NC12.7,Fracture of shoulder girdle, part unspecified |
NC12.Z,Fracture of shoulder or upper arm, unspecified |
NC13.0,Dislocation of shoulder joint |
NC13.1,Dislocation of acromioclavicular joint |
NC13.2,Dislocation of sternoclavicular joint |
NC13.3,Dislocation of scapula |
NC13.4,Dislocation of other or unspecified parts of shoulder girdle |
NC13.5,Strain or sprain of shoulder joint |
NC13.6,Strain or sprain of acromioclavicular joint |
NC13.7,Strain or sprain of sternoclavicular joint |
NC13.8,Strain or sprain of other or unspecified parts of shoulder girdle |
NC13.Y,Dislocation or sprain of other specified joints and ligaments of shoulder girdle |
NC13.Z,Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of shoulder girdle, unspecified |
NC14.0,Injury of ulnar nerve at upper arm level |
NC14.1,Injury of median nerve at upper arm level |
NC14.2,Injury of radial nerve at upper arm level |
NC14.3,Injury of axillary nerve |
NC14.4,Injury of musculocutaneous nerve |
NC14.5,Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC14.6,Injury of multiple nerves at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC14.Y,Injury of other specified nerves at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC14.Z,Injury of unspecified nerve at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC15.00,Laceration of axillary artery |
NC15.0Y,Other specified injury of axillary artery |
NC15.0Z,Injury of axillary artery, unspecified |
NC15.10,Laceration of brachial artery |
NC15.1Y,Other specified injury of brachial artery |
NC15.1Z,Injury of brachial artery, unspecified |
NC15.20,Laceration of axillary or brachial vein |
NC15.2Y,Other specified injury of axillary or brachial vein |
NC15.2Z,Injury of axillary or brachial vein, unspecified |
NC15.30,Laceration of superficial vein at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC15.3Y,Other specified injury of superficial vein at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC15.3Z,Injury of superficial vein at shoulder or upper arm level, unspecified |
NC15.4,Injury of multiple blood vessels at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC15.Y,Injury of other specified blood vessels at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC15.Z,Injury of unspecified blood vessel at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC16.00,Strain or sprain of muscle or tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder |
NC16.01,Laceration of muscle or tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder |
NC16.0Y,Other specified injury of muscle or tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder |
NC16.0Z,Injury of muscle or tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder, unspecified |
NC16.10,Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of long head of biceps |
NC16.11,Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of long head of biceps |
NC16.1Y,Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long head of biceps |
NC16.1Z,Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long head of biceps, unspecified |
NC16.20,Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of other parts of biceps |
NC16.21,Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of other parts of biceps |
NC16.2Y,Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of other parts of biceps |
NC16.2Z,Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of other parts of biceps, unspecified |
NC16.30,Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of triceps |
NC16.31,Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of triceps |
NC16.3Y,Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of triceps |
NC16.3Z,Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of triceps, unspecified |
NC16.40,Strain or sprain of multiple muscles or tendons at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC16.41,Laceration of multiple muscles or tendons at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC16.4Y,Other specified injury of multiple muscles or tendons at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC16.4Z,Injury of multiple muscles or tendons at shoulder or upper arm level, unspecified |
NC16.5,Injury of bursa of shoulder |
NC16.Y,Injury of other specified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC16.Z,Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia or tendon at shoulder or upper arm level |
NC17,Crushing injury of shoulder or upper arm |
NC18.0,Traumatic amputation at right shoulder joint |
NC18.1,Traumatic amputation at left shoulder joint |
NC18.2,Traumatic amputation at shoulder joint, bilateral |
NC18.3,Traumatic amputation at level between right shoulder and elbow |
NC18.4,Traumatic amputation at level between left shoulder and elbow |
NC18.5,Traumatic amputation at level between shoulder and elbow, bilateral |
NC18.Z,Traumatic amputation of shoulder or upper arm, unspecified |
NC19,Multiple injuries of shoulder or upper arm |
NC1Y,Other specified injuries to the shoulder or upper arm |
NC1Z,Injuries to the shoulder or upper arm, unspecified |
NC30.0,Abrasion of elbow |
NC30.1,Contusion of elbow |
NC30.2,Abrasion of other or unspecified parts of forearm |
NC30.3,Contusion of other or unspecified parts of forearm |
NC30.4,Multiple superficial injuries of forearm |
NC30.Y,Other specified superficial injury of forearm |
NC30.Z,Superficial injury of forearm, unspecified |
NC31.0,Laceration without foreign body of forearm |
NC31.1,Laceration with foreign body of forearm |
NC31.2,Puncture wound without foreign body of forearm |
NC31.3,Puncture wound with foreign body of forearm |
NC31.4,Open bite of forearm |
NC31.5,Multiple open wounds of forearm |
NC31.Y,Other specified open wound of forearm |
NC31.Z,Open wound of forearm, unspecified |
NC32.0,Fracture of upper end of ulna |
NC32.1,Fracture of upper end of radius |
NC32.2,Fracture of shaft of ulna |
NC32.3,Fracture of shaft of radius |
NC32.4,Fracture of shafts of both ulna and radius |
NC32.50,Fracture of lower end of radius, dorsal tilt |
NC32.51,Fracture of lower end of radius, volar tilt |
NC32.5Y,Other specified fracture of lower end of radius |
NC32.5Z,Fracture of lower end of radius, unspecified |
NC32.6,Fracture of lower end of both ulna and radius |
NC32.7,Multiple fractures of forearm |
NC32.Y,Fracture of other specified parts of forearm |
NC32.Z,Fracture of forearm, unspecified |
NC33.0,Dislocation of radial head |
NC33.1,Dislocation of elbow |
NC33.2,Traumatic rupture of radial collateral ligament |
NC33.3,Traumatic rupture of ulnar collateral ligament |
NC33.4,Strain or sprain of elbow |
NC33.Y,Dislocation or sprain of other specified joints or ligaments of elbow |
NC33.Z,Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of elbow, unspecified |
NC34.0,Injury of ulnar nerve at forearm level |
NC34.1,Injury of median nerve at forearm level |
NC34.2,Injury of radial nerve at forearm level |
NC34.3,Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at forearm level |
NC34.4,Injury of multiple nerves at forearm level |
NC34.Y,Injury of other specified nerves at forearm level |
NC34.Z,Injury of unspecified nerve at forearm level |
NC35.00,Laceration of ulnar artery at forearm level |
NC35.0Y,Other specified injury of ulnar artery at forearm level |
NC35.0Z,Injury of ulnar artery at forearm level, unspecified |
NC35.10,Laceration of radial artery at forearm level |
NC35.1Y,Other specified injury of radial artery at forearm level |
NC35.1Z,Injury of radial artery at forearm level, unspecified |
NC35.20,Laceration of vein at forearm level |
NC35.2Y,Other specified injury of vein at forearm level |
NC35.2Z,Injury of vein at forearm level, unspecified |
NC35.3,Injury of multiple blood vessels at forearm level |
NC35.Y,Injury of other specified blood vessels at forearm level |
NC35.Z,Injury of unspecified blood vessel at forearm level |
NC36.00,Strain or sprain of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at forearm level |
NC36.01,Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at forearm level |
NC36.02,Injury of long flexor muscle of thumb, forearm level |
NC36.0Y,Other specified injury of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at forearm level |
NC36.0Z,Injury of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at forearm level, unspecified |
NC36.10,Strain or sprain of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level |
NC36.11,Laceration of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level |
NC36.1Y,Other specified injury of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level |
NC36.1Z,Injury of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level, unspecified |
NC36.20,Strain or sprain of other flexor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level |
NC36.21,Laceration of other flexor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level |
NC36.2Y,Other specified injury of other flexor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level |
NC36.2Z,Injury of other flexor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level, unspecified |
NC36.30,Strain or sprain of extensor or abductor muscles or tendons of thumb at forearm level |
NC36.31,Laceration of extensor or abductor muscles or tendons of thumb at forearm level |
NC36.3Y,Other specified injury of extensor or abductor muscles or tendons of thumb at forearm level |
NC36.3Z,Injury of extensor or abductor muscles or tendons of thumb at forearm level, unspecified |
NC36.40,Strain or sprain of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level |
NC36.41,Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level |
NC36.4Y,Other specified injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level |
NC36.4Z,Injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at forearm level, unspecified |
NC36.50,Strain or sprain of other extensor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level |
NC36.51,Laceration of other extensor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level |
NC36.5Y,Other specified injury of other extensor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level |
NC36.5Z,Injury of other extensor muscle, fascia or tendon at forearm level, unspecified |
NC36.6,Injury of multiple muscles or tendons at forearm level |
NC36.7,Injury of bursa of elbow |
NC36.Y,Injury of other specified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at forearm level |
NC36.Z,Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at forearm level |
NC37.0,Crushing injury of elbow |
NC37.Y,Crushing injury of other specified part of forearm |
NC37.Z,Crushing injury of forearm, unspecified |
NC38.0,Traumatic amputation at right elbow level |
NC38.1,Traumatic amputation at left elbow level |
NC38.2,Traumatic amputation at elbow level, bilateral |
NC38.3,Traumatic amputation at level between right elbow and wrist |
NC38.4,Traumatic amputation at level between left elbow and wrist |
NC38.5,Traumatic amputation between elbow and wrist, bilateral |
NC38.Z,Traumatic amputation of forearm, unspecified |
NC39,Multiple injuries of forearm |
NC3Y,Other specified injuries to the elbow or forearm |
NC3Z,Injuries to the elbow or forearm, unspecified |
NC50,Injury to fingernail |
NC51.00,Abrasion of finger or thumb |
NC51.01,Contusion of finger or thumb |
NC51.0Y,Other specified superficial injury of finger or thumb |
NC51.0Z,Superficial injury of finger or thumb, unspecified |
NC51.10,Contusion of other parts of wrist or hand |
NC51.11,Nonvenomous insect bite of other parts of wrist or hand |
NC51.1Y,Other specified superficial injury of other parts of wrist or hand |
NC51.1Z,Superficial injury of other parts of wrist or hand, unspecified |
NC51.2,Multiple superficial injuries of wrist or hand |
NC52.00,Laceration without foreign body of finger or thumb |
NC52.01,Laceration with foreign body of finger or thumb |
NC52.02,Puncture wound without foreign body of finger or thumb |
NC52.03,Puncture wound with foreign body of finger or thumb |
NC52.04,Open bite of finger or thumb |
NC52.0Y,Other specified open wound of finger or thumb |
NC52.0Z,Open wound of finger or thumb, unspecified |
NC52.10,Laceration without foreign body of other parts of wrist or hand |
NC52.11,Laceration with foreign body of other parts of wrist or hand |
NC52.12,Puncture wound with foreign body of other parts of wrist or hand |
NC52.13,Puncture wound without foreign body of other parts of wrist or hand |
NC52.14,Open bite of other parts of wrist or hand |
NC52.1Y,Other specified open wound of other parts of wrist or hand |
NC52.1Z,Open wound of other parts of wrist or hand, unspecified |
NC52.2,Multiple open wounds of wrist or hand |
NC53.0,Fracture of scaphoid bone of hand |
NC53.1,Fracture of other carpal bone |
NC53.2,Fracture of first metacarpal bone |
NC53.30,Fracture of shaft of other metacarpal bone |
NC53.31,Fracture of neck of other metacarpal bone |
NC53.3Y,Fracture of other specified part of other metacarpal bone |
NC53.3Z,Fracture of other metacarpal bone, unspecified |
NC53.4,Multiple fractures of metacarpal bones |
NC53.5,Fracture of thumb bone |
NC53.60,Fracture of index finger |
NC53.61,Fracture of middle finger |
NC53.62,Fracture of ring finger |
NC53.63,Fracture of little finger |
NC53.6Y,Other specified fracture of other finger bone |
NC53.6Z,Fracture of other finger bone, unspecified |
NC53.7,Multiple fractures of fingers |
NC53.Y,Fracture at other specified part of wrist or hand level |
NC53.Z,Fracture at wrist or hand level, unspecified |
NC54.00,Dislocation of distal radioulnar joint |
NC54.01,Dislocation of radiocarpal joint |
NC54.02,Dislocation of midcarpal joint |
NC54.03,Dislocation of carpometacarpal joint of thumb |
NC54.04,Dislocation of other carpometacarpal joint |
NC54.05,Dislocation of metacarpal bone, proximal end |
NC54.0Y,Dislocation of other specified part of wrist |
NC54.0Z,Dislocation of wrist, unspecified |
NC54.10,Dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb |
NC54.11,Dislocation of interphalangeal joint of thumb |
NC54.1Y,Dislocation of other specified part of thumb |
NC54.1Z,Dislocation of thumb, unspecified |
NC54.20,Dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger |
NC54.21,Dislocation of interphalangeal joint of finger |
NC54.2Y,Dislocation of other specified part of finger |
NC54.2Z,Dislocation of finger, unspecified |
NC54.3,Multiple dislocations of fingers |
NC54.40,Traumatic rupture of scapholunate ligament |
NC54.41,Traumatic rupture of radiocarpal ligament |
NC54.42,Traumatic rupture of ulnocarpal ligament |
NC54.43,Traumatic rupture of lunotriquetral ligament |
NC54.4Y,Traumatic rupture of other specified ligament of wrist or carpus |
NC54.4Z,Traumatic rupture of ligament of wrist or carpus, unspecified |
NC54.50,Traumatic rupture of collateral ligament of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint |
NC54.51,Traumatic rupture of palmar ligament of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint |
NC54.52,Traumatic rupture of volar plate of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint |
NC54.53,Traumatic rupture of other ligament of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint |
NC54.5Z,Traumatic rupture of ligament of finger at metacarpophalangeal or interphalangeal joint, unspecified |
NC54.60,Strain or sprain of carpal joint |
NC54.61,Strain or sprain of radiocarpal joint |
NC54.62,Strain or sprain of carpometacarpal joint |
NC54.6Y,Sprain of other specified part of wrist |
NC54.6Z,Strain or sprain of wrist, unspecified |
NC54.70,Strain or sprain of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb |
NC54.71,Strain or sprain of interphalangeal joint of thumb |
NC54.7Y,Sprain of other specified part of thumb |
NC54.7Z,Strain or sprain of thumb, unspecified |
NC54.80,Strain or sprain of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger |
NC54.81,Strain or sprain of interphalangeal joint of finger |
NC54.8Y,Sprain of other specified part of finger |
NC54.8Z,Strain or sprain of finger, unspecified |
NC54.Y,Dislocation or sprain of other specified joints or ligaments at wrist or hand level |
NC54.Z,Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at wrist or hand level, unspecified |
NC55.0,Injury of ulnar nerve at wrist or hand level |
NC55.1,Injury of median nerve at wrist or hand level |
NC55.2,Injury of radial nerve at wrist or hand level |
NC55.3,Injury of multiple nerves at wrist or hand level |
NC55.Y,Injury of other specified nerves at wrist or hand level |
NC55.Z,Injury of unspecified nerve at wrist or hand level |
NC56.00,Laceration of ulnar artery at wrist or hand level |
NC56.01,Contusion of ulnar artery at wrist or hand level |
NC56.0Y,Other specified injury of ulnar artery at wrist or hand level |
NC56.0Z,Injury of ulnar artery at wrist or hand level, unspecified |
NC56.10,Laceration of radial artery at wrist or hand level |
NC56.11,Contusion of radial artery at wrist or hand level |
NC56.1Y,Other specified injury of radial artery at wrist or hand level |
NC56.1Z,Injury of radial artery at wrist or hand level, unspecified |
NC56.20,Laceration of superficial palmar arch |
NC56.21,Contusion of superficial palmar arch |
NC56.2Y,Other specified injury of superficial palmar arch |
NC56.2Z,Injury of superficial palmar arch, unspecified |
NC56.30,Laceration of deep palmar arch |
NC56.31,Contusion of deep palmar arch |
NC56.3Y,Other specified injury of deep palmar arch |
NC56.3Z,Injury of deep palmar arch, unspecified |
NC56.40,Laceration of blood vessel of thumb |
NC56.41,Contusion of blood vessel of thumb |
NC56.4Y,Other specified injury of blood vessel of thumb |
NC56.4Z,Injury of blood vessel of thumb, unspecified |
NC56.50,Laceration of blood vessel of other finger |
NC56.51,Contusion of blood vessel of other finger |
NC56.5Y,Other specified injury of blood vessel of other finger |
NC56.5Z,Injury of blood vessel of other finger, unspecified |
NC56.60,Laceration of multiple blood vessels at wrist or hand level |
NC56.61,Contusion of multiple blood vessels at wrist or hand level |
NC56.6Y,Other specified injury of multiple blood vessels at wrist or hand level |
NC56.6Z,Injury of multiple blood vessels at wrist or hand level, unspecified |
NC56.Y,Injury of other specified blood vessels at wrist and hand level |
NC56.Z,Injury of unspecified blood vessel at wrist or hand level |
NC57.00,Strain or sprain of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level |
NC57.01,Laceration of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level |
NC57.0Y,Other specified injury of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level |
NC57.0Z,Injury of long flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level, unspecified |
NC57.10,Strain or sprain of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level |
NC57.11,Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level |
NC57.1Y,Other specified injury of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level |
NC57.1Z,Injury of flexor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level, unspecified |
NC57.20,Strain or sprain of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level |
NC57.21,Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level |
NC57.2Y,Other specified injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level |
NC57.2Z,Injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level, unspecified |
NC57.30,Strain or sprain of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level |
NC57.31,Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level |
NC57.3Y,Other specified injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level |
NC57.3Z,Injury of extensor muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level, unspecified |
NC57.40,Strain or sprain of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level |
NC57.41,Laceration of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level |
NC57.4Y,Other specified injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level |
NC57.4Z,Injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of thumb at wrist or hand level, unspecified |
NC57.50,Strain or sprain of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level |
NC57.51,Laceration of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level |
NC57.5Y,Other specified injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level |
NC57.5Z,Injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon of other finger at wrist or hand level, unspecified |
NC57.6,Injury of multiple flexor muscles or tendons at wrist or hand level |
NC57.7,Injury of multiple extensor muscles or tendons at wrist or hand level |
NC57.Y,Injury of other specified muscle, fascia or tendon at wrist or hand level |
NC57.Z,Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia or tendon at wrist or hand level |
NC58.0,Crushing injury of thumb |
NC58.1,Crushing injury of other finger |
NC58.2,Crushing injury of hand |
NC58.3,Crushing injury of wrist |
NC58.Y,Crushing injury of other specified part of wrist or hand |
NC58.Z,Crushing injury of wrist or hand, unspecified |
NC59.00,Traumatic amputation at or near base of right thumb |
NC59.01,Traumatic amputation at or near base of left thumb |
NC59.02,Traumatic amputation at or near base of thumb, bilateral |
NC59.0Y,Other specified traumatic amputation of thumb |
NC59.0Z,Traumatic amputation of thumb, unspecified |
NC59.1,Traumatic amputation of other single finger |
NC59.20,Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers at or near base, right hand |
NC59.21,Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers at or near base, left hand |
NC59.22,Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers alone at or near base, bilateral |
NC59.2Y,Other specified traumatic amputation of two or more fingers alone |
NC59.2Z,Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers alone, unspecified |
NC59.3,Combined traumatic amputation of finger with other parts of wrist or hand |
NC59.4,Traumatic amputation of hand at metacarpal level |
NC59.Z,Traumatic amputation of wrist or hand, unspecified |
NC5A.0,Injury of multiple sites of hand |
NC5A.1,Injury of multiple sites of wrist |
NC5A.Y,Other specified multiple injuries of wrist or hand |
NC5A.Z,Multiple injuries of wrist or hand, unspecified |
NC5Y,Other specified injuries to the wrist or hand |
NC5Z,Injuries to the wrist or hand, unspecified |
NC70.0,Abrasion of hip |
NC70.1,Contusion of hip |
NC70.2,Abrasion of thigh |
NC70.3,Contusion of thigh |
NC70.4,Multiple superficial injuries of hip or thigh |
NC70.Y,Other specified superficial injury of hip or thigh |
NC70.Z,Superficial injury of hip or thigh, unspecified |
NC71.0,Laceration without foreign body of hip or thigh |
NC71.1,Laceration with foreign body of hip or thigh |
NC71.2,Puncture wound without foreign body of hip or thigh |
NC71.3,Puncture wound with foreign body of hip or thigh |
NC71.4,Open bite of hip or thigh |
NC71.5,Multiple open wounds of hip or thigh |
NC71.Y,Other specified open wound of hip or thigh |
NC71.Z,Open wound of hip or thigh, unspecified |
NC72.0,Fracture of head of femur |
NC72.1,Fracture of upper epiphysis of femur |
NC72.20,Fracture of neck of femur, subcapital |
NC72.21,Fracture of neck of femur, mid-cervical |
NC72.22,Fracture of base of neck of femur |
NC72.23,Intracapsular fracture of femur |
NC72.2Y,Other specified fracture of neck of femur |
NC72.2Z,Fracture of neck of femur, unspecified |
NC72.30,Intertrochanteric fracture of femur |
NC72.31,Pertrochanteric fracture of femur |
NC72.3Y,Other specified fracture of trochanteric section of femur |
NC72.3Z,Fracture of trochanteric section of femur, unspecified |
NC72.4,Subtrochanteric fracture of femur |
NC72.5,Fracture of shaft of femur |
NC72.60,Fracture of lower end of femur not extending into joint, simple |
NC72.61,Fracture of lower end of femur not extending into joint, wedge |
NC72.62,Fracture of lower end of femur not extending into joint, complex |
NC72.63,Fracture of lower end of femur extending into joint, lateral condyle |
NC72.64,Fracture of lower end of femur extending into joint, medial condyle |
NC72.65,Fracture of lower end of femur extending into joint, frontal |
NC72.66,Fracture of lower end of femur extending into joint, complete articular |
NC72.6Y,Other specified fracture of lower end of femur |
NC72.6Z,Fracture of lower end of femur, unspecified |
NC72.7,Multiple fractures of femur |
NC72.8,Fractures of other parts of femur |
NC72.Y,Other specified fracture of femur |
NC72.Z,Fracture of femur, unspecified |
NC73.00,Posterior dislocation of hip |
NC73.01,Obturator dislocation of hip |
NC73.02,Other anterior dislocation of hip |
NC73.03,Central dislocation of hip |
NC73.0Y,Other specified dislocation of hip |
NC73.0Z,Dislocation of hip, unspecified |
NC73.10,Iliofemoral ligament strain or sprain of hip |
NC73.11,Ischiocapsular ligament strain or sprain of hip |
NC73.1Y,Other specified strain or sprain of hip |
NC73.1Z,Strain or sprain of hip, unspecified |
NC74.0,Injury of sciatic nerve at hip or thigh level |
NC74.1,Injury of femoral nerve at hip or thigh level |
NC74.2,Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at hip or thigh level |
NC74.3,Injury of multiple nerves at hip or thigh level |
NC74.Y,Injury of other specified nerves at hip or thigh level |
NC74.Z,Injury of unspecified nerve at hip or thigh level |
NC75.00,Laceration of femoral artery, minor |
NC75.01,Laceration of femoral artery, major |
NC75.0Y,Other specified injury of femoral artery |
NC75.0Z,Injury of femoral artery, unspecified |
NC75.10,Laceration of femoral vein at hip or thigh level, minor |
NC75.11,Laceration of femoral vein at hip or thigh level, major |
NC75.1Y,Other specified injury of femoral vein at hip or thigh level |
NC75.1Z,Injury of femoral vein at hip or thigh level, unspecified |
NC75.20,Laceration of greater saphenous vein at hip or thigh level, minor |
NC75.21,Laceration of greater saphenous vein at hip or thigh level, major |
NC75.2Y,Other specified injury of greater saphenous vein at hip or thigh level |
NC75.2Z,Injury of greater saphenous vein at hip or thigh level, unspecified |
NC75.3,Injury of multiple blood vessels at hip or thigh level |
NC75.Y,Injury of other specified blood vessels at hip and thigh level |
NC75.Z,Injury of unspecified blood vessel at hip or thigh level |
NC76.00,Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of hip |
NC76.01,Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of hip |
NC76.0Y,Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of hip |
NC76.0Z,Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of hip, unspecified |
NC76.10,Strain or sprain of quadriceps muscle or tendon |
NC76.11,Laceration of quadriceps muscle or tendon |
NC76.1Y,Other specified injury of quadriceps muscle or tendon |
NC76.1Z,Injury of quadriceps muscle or tendon, unspecified |
NC76.20,Strain or sprain of adductor muscle, fascia or tendon of thigh |
NC76.21,Laceration of adductor muscle, fascia or tendon of thigh |
NC76.2Y,Other specified injury of adductor muscle, fascia or tendon of thigh |
NC76.2Z,Injury of adductor muscle, fascia or tendon of thigh, unspecified |
NC76.30,Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level |
NC76.31,Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level |
NC76.3Y,Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level |
NC76.3Z,Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level, unspecified |
NC76.40,Injury of bursa of hip |
NC76.4Y,Other specified injury of multiple muscles or tendons at hip or thigh level |
NC76.4Z,Injury of multiple muscles or tendons at hip or thigh level, unspecified |
NC76.Y,Injury of other specified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at hip or thigh level |
NC76.Z,Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at hip or thigh level |
NC77.0,Crushing injury of hip |
NC77.1,Crushing injury of thigh |
NC77.2,Crushing injury of hip with thigh |
NC77.Z,Crushing injury of hip or thigh, unspecified |
NC78.0,Traumatic amputation at right hip joint |
NC78.1,Traumatic amputation at left hip joint |
NC78.2,Traumatic amputation at hip joint, bilateral |
NC78.3,Traumatic amputation at level between right hip and knee |
NC78.4,Traumatic amputation at level between left hip and knee |
NC78.5,Traumatic amputation at level between hip and knee, bilateral |
NC78.Z,Traumatic amputation of hip or thigh, unspecified |
NC79,Multiple injuries of hip or thigh |
NC7Y,Other specified injuries to the hip or thigh |
NC7Z,Injuries to the hip or thigh, unspecified |
NC90.0,Abrasion of knee |
NC90.1,Contusion of knee |
NC90.2,Abrasion of other or unspecified parts of lower leg |
NC90.3,Contusion of other or unspecified parts of lower leg |
NC90.4,Multiple superficial injuries of lower leg |
NC90.Y,Other specified superficial injury of knee or lower leg |
NC90.Z,Superficial injury of knee or lower leg, unspecified |
NC91.0,Laceration without foreign body of lower leg |
NC91.1,Laceration with foreign body of lower leg |
NC91.2,Puncture wound without foreign body of lower leg |
NC91.3,Puncture wound with foreign body of lower leg |
NC91.4,Open bite of lower leg |
NC91.5,Multiple open wounds of lower leg |
NC91.Y,Other specified open wound of knee or lower leg |
NC91.Z,Open wound of knee or lower leg, unspecified |
NC92.0,Fracture of patella |
NC92.10,Avulsion of cruciate ligament insertion |
NC92.11,Avulsion of tibial tuberosity |
NC92.12,Metaphyseal fracture of upper end of tibia |
NC92.13,Fracture of upper end of tibia, lateral condyle |
NC92.14,Fracture of upper end of tibia, medial condyle |
NC92.1Y,Other specified fracture of upper end of tibia |
NC92.1Z,Fracture of upper end of tibia, unspecified |
NC92.2,Fracture of shaft of tibia |
NC92.3,Fracture of lower end of tibia |
NC92.40,Avulsion of fibular head |
NC92.4Y,Other specified fracture of fibula alone |
NC92.4Z,Fracture of fibula alone, unspecified |
NC92.5,Fracture of medial malleolus |
NC92.6,Fracture of lateral malleolus |
NC92.70,Fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of lateral malleolus below syndesmosis with fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus |
NC92.71,Fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of lateral malleolus below syndesmosis with fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus and fracture of posterior margin of distal tibia |
NC92.72,Fracture of lateral malleolus at syndesmosis with fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus |
NC92.73,Fracture of lateral malleolus at syndesmosis with fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus and fracture of posterior margin of distal tibia |
NC92.74,Fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus with fracture of fibula above syndesmosis |
NC92.75,Fracture, avulsion or collateral ligament rupture of medial malleolus with fracture of fibula above syndesmosis and fracture of posterior margin of distal tibia |
NC92.76,Bimalleolar fracture of ankle, not otherwise specified |
NC92.77,Trimalleolar fracture of ankle, not otherwise specified |
NC92.7Y,Other specified complex fractures of ankle |
NC92.7Z,Complex fractures of ankle, unspecified |
NC92.8,Multiple fractures of lower leg |
NC92.Y,Fracture of other specified part of lower leg, including ankle |
NC92.Z,Fracture of lower leg, including ankle, unspecified |
NC93.0,Acute internal damage knee |
NC93.10,Lateral dislocation of patella |
NC93.1Y,Other specified dislocation of patella |
NC93.1Z,Dislocation of patella, unspecified |
NC93.20,Anterior dislocation of proximal end of tibia |
NC93.21,Posterior dislocation of proximal end of tibia |
NC93.22,Medial dislocation of proximal end of tibia |
NC93.23,Lateral dislocation of proximal end of tibia |
NC93.2Y,Other specified dislocation of knee |
NC93.2Z,Dislocation of knee, unspecified |
NC93.30,Tear of medial meniscus |
NC93.31,Tear of lateral meniscus |
NC93.3Y,Other specified tear of meniscus, current |
NC93.3Z,Tear of meniscus, current, unspecified |
NC93.4,Tear of articular cartilage of knee |
NC93.50,Strain or sprain of medial collateral ligament of knee, excluding rupture |
NC93.51,Strain or sprain of lateral collateral ligament of knee, excluding rupture |
NC93.52,Rupture of medial collateral ligament of knee |
NC93.53,Rupture of lateral collateral ligament of knee |
NC93.5Y,Other specified strain or sprain involving fibular or tibial collateral ligament of knee |
NC93.5Z,Strain or sprain involving fibular or tibial collateral ligament of knee, unspecified |
NC93.60,Strain or sprain of anterior cruciate ligament of knee, excluding rupture |
NC93.61,Strain or sprain of posterior cruciate ligament of knee, excluding rupture |
NC93.62,Rupture of anterior cruciate ligament |
NC93.63,Rupture of posterior cruciate ligament |
NC93.6Y,Other specified strain or sprain involving anterior or posterior cruciate ligament of knee |
NC93.6Z,Strain or sprain involving anterior or posterior cruciate ligament of knee, unspecified |
NC93.7,Strain or sprain of other or unspecified parts of knee |
NC93.8,Injury to multiple structures of knee |
NC93.Y,Other specified dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of knee |
NC93.Z,Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments of knee, unspecified |
NC94.0,Injury of tibial nerve at lower leg level |
NC94.1,Injury of peroneal nerve at lower leg level |
NC94.2,Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at lower leg level |
NC94.3,Injury of multiple nerves at lower leg level |
NC94.Y,Injury of other specified nerves at lower leg level |
NC94.Z,Injury of unspecified nerve at lower leg level |
NC95.00,Laceration of popliteal artery |
NC95.0Y,Other specified injury of popliteal artery |
NC95.0Z,Injury of popliteal artery, unspecified |
NC95.10,Laceration of anterior tibial artery |
NC95.1Y,Other specified injury of anterior tibial artery |
NC95.1Z,Injury of anterior tibial artery, unspecified |
NC95.20,Laceration of posterior tibial artery |
NC95.2Y,Other specified injury of posterior tibial artery |
NC95.2Z,Injury of posterior tibial artery, unspecified |
NC95.30,Laceration of peroneal artery |
NC95.3Y,Other specified injury of peroneal artery |
NC95.3Z,Injury of peroneal artery, unspecified |
NC95.40,Laceration of greater saphenous vein at lower leg level |
NC95.4Y,Other specified injury of greater saphenous vein at lower leg level |
NC95.4Z,Injury of greater saphenous vein at lower leg level, unspecified |
NC95.50,Laceration of lesser saphenous vein at lower leg level |
NC95.5Y,Other specified injury of lesser saphenous vein at lower leg level |
NC95.5Z,Injury of lesser saphenous vein at lower leg level, unspecified |
NC95.60,Laceration of popliteal vein |
NC95.6Y,Other specified injury of popliteal vein |
NC95.6Z,Injury of popliteal vein, unspecified |
NC95.7,Injury of multiple blood vessels at lower leg level |
NC95.Y,Injury of other specified blood vessels at lower leg level |
NC95.Z,Injury of unspecified blood vessel at lower leg level |
NC96.00,Strain or sprain of Achilles tendon |
NC96.01,Laceration of Achilles tendon |
NC96.02,Rupture of Achilles tendon |
NC96.0Y,Other specified injury of Achilles tendon |
NC96.0Z,Injury of Achilles tendon, unspecified |
NC96.10,Strain or sprain of other muscle, fascia or tendon of posterior muscle group at lower leg level |
NC96.11,Laceration of other muscle, fascia or tendon of posterior muscle group at lower leg level |
NC96.1Y,Other specified injury of other muscle, fascia or tendon of posterior muscle group at lower leg level |
NC96.1Z,Injury of other muscle, fascia or tendon of posterior muscle group at lower leg level, unspecified |
NC96.20,Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of anterior muscle group at lower leg level |
NC96.21,Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of anterior muscle group at lower leg level |
NC96.2Y,Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of anterior muscle group at lower leg level |
NC96.2Z,Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of anterior muscle group at lower leg level, unspecified |
NC96.30,Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of peroneal muscle group at lower leg level |
NC96.31,Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of peroneal muscle group at lower leg level |
NC96.3Y,Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of peroneal muscle group at lower leg level |
NC96.3Z,Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of peroneal muscle group at lower leg level, unspecified |
NC96.4,Injury of multiple muscles, fasciae or tendons at lower leg level |
NC96.5,Injury of bursa of knee |
NC96.Y,Injury of other specified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at lower leg level |
NC96.Z,Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia, tendon or bursa at lower leg level |
NC97.0,Crushing injury of knee |
NC97.Y,Crushing injury of other specified part of lower leg |
NC97.Z,Crushing injury of lower leg, unspecified |
NC98.0,Traumatic amputation of right lower leg at knee level |
NC98.1,Traumatic amputation of left lower leg at knee level |
NC98.2,Traumatic amputation at knee level, bilateral |
NC98.3,Traumatic amputation at level between right knee and ankle |
NC98.4,Traumatic amputation at level between left knee and ankle |
NC98.5,Traumatic amputation at level between knee and ankle, bilateral |
NC98.Y,Other specified traumatic amputation of lower leg |
NC98.Z,Traumatic amputation of lower leg, unspecified |
NC99,Multiple injuries of lower leg |
NC9Y,Other specified injuries to the knee or lower leg |
NC9Z,Injuries to the knee or lower leg, unspecified |
ND10,Injury to toenail |
ND11.0,Abrasion of ankle |
ND11.1,Contusion of ankle |
ND11.2,Nonthermal blister of ankle |
ND11.3,Nonvenomous insect bite of ankle |
ND11.40,Splinter in ankle |
ND11.4Y,Other specified superficial foreign body in ankle |
ND11.4Z,Superficial foreign body in ankle, unspecified |
ND11.5,Abrasion of toe |
ND11.6,Contusion of toe |
ND11.7,Abrasion of other or unspecified parts of foot |
ND11.8,Contusion of other or unspecified parts of foot |
ND11.9,Nonthermal blister of other or unspecified parts of foot |
ND11.A,Nonvenomous insect bite of other or unspecified parts of foot |
ND11.B0,Splinter in other or unspecified parts of foot |
ND11.BY,Other specified superficial foreign body in other or unspecified parts of foot |
ND11.BZ,Superficial foreign body in other or unspecified parts of foot, unspecified |
ND11.C,Multiple superficial injuries of ankle or foot |
ND11.Y,Other specified superficial injury of ankle or foot |
ND11.Z,Superficial injury of ankle or foot, unspecified |
ND12.0,Laceration without foreign body of ankle or foot |
ND12.1,Laceration with foreign body of ankle or foot |
ND12.2,Puncture wound with foreign body of ankle or foot |
ND12.3,Puncture wound without foreign body of ankle or foot |
ND12.4,Open bite of ankle or foot |
ND12.5,Multiple open wounds of ankle or foot |
ND12.60,Laceration without foreign body of toe |
ND12.61,Laceration with foreign body of toe |
ND12.62,Puncture wound without foreign body of toe |
ND12.63,Puncture wound with foreign body of toe |
ND12.64,Open bite of toe |
ND12.6Y,Other specified open wound of toe |
ND12.6Z,Open wound of toe, unspecified |
ND12.Y,Other specified open wound of ankle or foot |
ND12.Z,Open wound of ankle or foot, unspecified |
ND13.0,Fracture of calcaneus |
ND13.1,Fracture of talus |
ND13.2,Fracture of unspecified tarsal bone |
ND13.3,Fracture of metatarsal bone |
ND13.4,Fracture of great toe |
ND13.5,Fracture of other toe |
ND13.6,Multiple fractures of foot |
ND13.7,Fracture of cuboid bone |
ND13.8,Fracture of lateral cuneiform |
ND13.9,Fracture of intermediate cuneiform |
ND13.A,Fracture of medial cuneiform |
ND13.B,Fracture of navicular of foot |
ND13.Y,Fracture of other specified part of foot, except ankle |
ND13.Z,Fracture of foot, except ankle, unspecified |
ND14.0,Dislocation of ankle joint |
ND14.10,Dislocation of metatarsophalangeal joint of great toe |
ND14.11,Dislocation of interphalangeal joint of great toe |
ND14.1Z,Dislocation of great toe, unspecified |
ND14.20,Dislocation of metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe |
ND14.21,Dislocation of interphalangeal joints of lesser toe |
ND14.2Y,Dislocation of other specified toe |
ND14.2Z,Dislocation of other toe, unspecified |
ND14.3,Dislocation of tarsal joint |
ND14.4,Dislocation of tarsometatarsal joint |
ND14.5,Rupture of ligaments at ankle or foot level |
ND14.6,Dislocation of other or unspecified parts of foot |
ND14.70,Strain or sprain of calcaneofibular ligament |
ND14.71,Strain or sprain of deltoid ligament |
ND14.72,Strain or sprain of tibiofibular ligament |
ND14.73,Strain or sprain of other ligament of ankle |
ND14.7Z,Strain or sprain of ankle, unspecified |
ND14.8,Strain or sprain of toe |
ND14.90,Strain or sprain of metatarsophalangeal joint of great toe |
ND14.91,Strain or sprain of interphalangeal joint of great toe |
ND14.9Z,Strain or sprain of great toe, unspecified |
ND14.A0,Strain or sprain of metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe |
ND14.A1,Strain or sprain of interphalangeal joints of lesser toe |
ND14.AY,Sprain of other specified parts of foot |
ND14.AZ,Sprain of unspecified parts of foot |
ND14.Y,Other specified dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at ankle or foot level |
ND14.Z,Dislocation or strain or sprain of joints or ligaments at ankle or foot level, unspecified |
ND15.0,Injury of lateral plantar nerve |
ND15.1,Injury of medial plantar nerve |
ND15.2,Injury of deep peroneal nerve at ankle or foot level |
ND15.3,Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at ankle or foot level |
ND15.4,Injury of multiple nerves at ankle or foot level |
ND15.Y,Injury of other specified nerves at ankle and foot level |
ND15.Z,Injury of unspecified nerve at ankle or foot level |
ND16.00,Laceration of dorsal artery of foot |
ND16.0Y,Other specified injury of dorsal artery of foot |
ND16.0Z,Injury of dorsal artery of foot, unspecified |
ND16.10,Laceration of plantar artery of foot |
ND16.1Y,Other specified injury of plantar artery of foot |
ND16.1Z,Injury of plantar artery of foot, unspecified |
ND16.20,Laceration of dorsal vein of foot |
ND16.2Y,Other specified injury of dorsal vein of foot |
ND16.2Z,Injury of dorsal vein of foot, unspecified |
ND16.3,Injury of multiple blood vessels at ankle or foot level |
ND16.Y,Injury of other specified blood vessels at ankle and foot level |
ND16.Z,Injury of unspecified blood vessel at ankle or foot level |
ND17.00,Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level |
ND17.01,Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level |
ND17.0Y,Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level |
ND17.0Z,Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level, unspecified |
ND17.10,Strain or sprain of muscle, fascia or tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level |
ND17.11,Laceration of muscle, fascia or tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level |
ND17.1Y,Other specified injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level |
ND17.1Z,Injury of muscle, fascia or tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle or foot level, unspecified |
ND17.20,Strain or sprain of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level |
ND17.21,Laceration of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level |
ND17.2Y,Other specified injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level |
ND17.2Z,Injury of intrinsic muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level, unspecified |
ND17.3,Injury of multiple muscles or tendons at ankle or foot level |
ND17.Y,Injury of other specified muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level |
ND17.Z,Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia or tendon at ankle or foot level |
ND18.0,Crushing injury of ankle |
ND18.1,Crushing injury of toe |
ND18.2,Crushing injury of other parts of ankle or foot |
ND18.Z,Crushing injury of ankle or foot, unspecified |
ND19.0,Traumatic amputation of right foot at ankle level |
ND19.1,Traumatic amputation of left foot at ankle level |
ND19.2,Traumatic amputation of foot at ankle level, bilateral |
ND19.3,Traumatic amputation of right foot at metatarsal level |
ND19.4,Traumatic amputation of left foot at metatarsal level |
ND19.5,Traumatic amputation of foot at metatarsal level, bilateral |
ND19.6,Traumatic amputation of one toe |
ND19.7,Traumatic amputation of two or more toes |
ND19.8,Traumatic amputation of other parts of foot |
ND19.Z,Traumatic amputation of ankle or foot, unspecified |
ND1A,Multiple injuries of ankle or foot |
ND1Y,Other specified injuries to the ankle or foot |
ND1Z,Injuries to the ankle or foot, unspecified |
ND30,Superficial injuries involving multiple body regions |
ND31,Open wounds involving multiple body regions |
ND32,Fractures involving multiple body regions |
ND33,Dislocations, strains or sprains involving multiple body regions |
ND34,Crushing injuries involving multiple body regions |
ND35,Traumatic amputations involving multiple body regions |
ND36,Other injuries involving multiple body regions, not elsewhere classified |
ND37,Unspecified multiple injuries |
ND50,Fracture of spine, level unspecified |
ND51.0,Dislocation or strain or sprain of unspecified joint or ligament of trunk |
ND51.1,Injury of unspecified nerve, spinal nerve root or plexus of trunk |
ND51.2,Injury of spinal cord, level unspecified |
ND51.3,Injury of unspecified muscle, fascia or tendon of trunk |
ND51.4,Crushing injury of spine or trunk, level unspecified |
ND51.Y,Other specified injuries of spine or trunk, level unspecified |
ND51.Z,Unspecified injuries of spine or trunk, level unspecified |
ND52,Fracture of arm, level unspecified |
ND53.0,Crushing injury of arm, level unspecified |
ND53.Y,Other specified injuries of arm, level unspecified |
ND53.Z,Unspecified injuries of arm, level unspecified |
ND54,Fracture of leg, level unspecified |
ND55,Other injuries of leg, level unspecified |
ND56.0,Superficial injury of unspecified body region |
ND56.1,Open wound of unspecified body region |
ND56.2,Fracture of unspecified body region |
ND56.3,Dislocation or strain or sprain of unspecified body region |
ND56.4,Injury of nerve of unspecified body region |
ND56.5,Injury of blood vessel of unspecified body region |
ND56.6,Injury of muscles or tendons of unspecified body region |
ND56.7,Crushing injury of unspecified body region |
ND56.8,Traumatic amputation of unspecified body region |
ND56.9,Injury complicating pregnancy |
ND56.Y,Other specified injury of unspecified body region |
ND56.Z,Unspecified injury to unspecified part of trunk, limb or body region |
ND57,Secondary effect of trauma |
ND5Y,Other specified injuries to unspecified part of trunk, limb or body region |
ND5Z,Injuries to unspecified part of trunk, limb or body region, unspecified |
ND70.0,Foreign body in cornea |
ND70.1,Foreign body in conjunctival sac |
ND70.2,Foreign body in multiple parts of external eye |
ND70.Y,Foreign body in other specified part of external eye |
ND70.Z,Foreign body on external eye, unspecified |
ND71,Foreign body in ear |
ND72.0,Foreign body in nasal sinus |
ND72.1,Foreign body in nostril |
ND72.20,Asphyxia on mucous in nasopharynx |
ND72.2Y,Other specified foreign body in pharynx |
ND72.2Z,Foreign body in pharynx, unspecified |
ND72.3,Foreign body in larynx |
ND72.4,Foreign body in trachea |
ND72.5,Foreign body in bronchus |
ND72.6,Foreign body in multiple parts of respiratory tract |
ND72.Y,Foreign body in other parts of respiratory tract |
ND72.Z,Foreign body in unspecified part of respiratory tract |
ND73.0,Foreign body in mouth |
ND73.1,Foreign body in oesophagus |
ND73.20,Trichobezoar |
ND73.2Y,Other specified foreign body in stomach |
ND73.2Z,Foreign body in stomach, unspecified |
ND73.3,Foreign body in small intestine |
ND73.4,Foreign body in colon |
ND73.5,Foreign body in anus or rectum |
ND73.Y,Foreign body in other specified part of alimentary tract |
ND73.Z,Foreign body in alimentary tract, unspecified |
ND74.0,Foreign body in urethra |
ND74.1,Foreign body in bladder |
ND74.2,Foreign body in vulva or vagina |
ND74.3,Foreign body in uterus, any part |
ND74.Y,Foreign body in other specified part of genitourinary tract |
ND74.Z,Foreign body in genitourinary tract, unspecified |
ND7Z,Effects of foreign body entering through natural orifice, unspecified |
ND90.0,Burn of head or neck except face, epidermal burn |
ND90.1,Burn of head or neck except face, superficial partial thickness burn |
ND90.2,Burn of head or neck except face, deep partial thickness burn |
ND90.3,Burn of head and neck except face, full thickness burn |
ND90.4,Burn of head or neck except face, deep full thickness or complex burn |
ND90.Z,Burn of head and neck except face, depth of burn unspecified |
ND91.0,Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa, epidermal burn |
ND91.1,Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa, superficial partial thickness burn |
ND91.2,Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa, deep partial thickness burn |
ND91.3,Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa, full thickness burn |
ND91.4,Burn of face except eye or ocular adnexa, deep full thickness or complex burn |
ND91.Z,Burn of face except eye, depth of burn unspecified |
ND92.00,Burn of breast, epidermal burn |
ND92.01,Burn of chest wall, epidermal burn |
ND92.02,Burn of abdominal wall, epidermal burn |
ND92.03,Burn of back, any part, epidermal burn |
ND92.0Y,Other specified burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, epidermal burn |
ND92.0Z,Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, epidermal burn, unspecified |
ND92.1,Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, superficial partial thickness burn |
ND92.2,Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, deep partial thickness burn |
ND92.3,Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, full thickness burn |
ND92.4,Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, deep full thickness or complex burn |
ND92.Z,Burn of trunk except perineum and genitalia, depth of burn unspecified |
ND93.0,Burn of perineum or genitalia, epidermal burn |
ND93.1,Burn of perineum or genitalia, superficial partial thickness burn |
ND93.2,Burn of perineum or genitalia, deep partial thickness burn |
ND93.3,Burn of perineum or genitalia, full thickness burn |
ND93.4,Burn of perineum or genitalia, deep full thickness or complex burn |
ND93.Z,Burn of perineum and genitalia, depth of burn unspecified |
ND94.0,Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, epidermal burn |
ND94.10,Burn of forearm and elbow, superficial partial thickness burn |
ND94.1Y,Other specified burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, superficial partial thickness burn |
ND94.1Z,Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, superficial partial thickness burn, unspecified |
ND94.20,Burn of forearm or elbow, deep partial thickness burn |
ND94.2Y,Other specified burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, deep partial thickness burn |
ND94.2Z,Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, deep partial thickness burn, unspecified |
ND94.3,Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, full thickness burn |
ND94.4,Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, deep full thickness or complex burn |
ND94.Z,Burn of shoulder and arm except wrist and hand, depth of burn unspecified |
ND95.0,Burn of wrist or hand, epidermal burn |
ND95.1,Burn of wrist or hand, superficial partial thickness burn |
ND95.2,Burn of wrist or hand, deep partial thickness burn |
ND95.3,Burn of wrist or hand, full thickness burn |
ND95.4,Burn of wrist or hand, deep full thickness or complex burn |
ND95.Z,Burn of wrist and hand, depth of burn unspecified |
ND96.0,Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot, epidermal burn |
ND96.1,Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot, superficial partial thickness burn |
ND96.2,Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot, deep partial thickness burn |
ND96.3,Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot, full thickness burn |
ND96.4,Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot, deep full thickness or complex burn |
ND96.Z,Burn of hip and leg except ankle and foot, depth of burn unspecified |
ND97.0,Burn of ankle or foot, epidermal burn |
ND97.1,Burn of ankle or foot, superficial partial thickness burn |
ND97.2,Burn of ankle or foot, deep partial thickness burn |
ND97.3,Burn of ankle or foot, full thickness burn |
ND97.4,Burn of ankle or foot, deep full thickness or complex burn |
ND97.Z,Burn of ankle and foot, depth of burn unspecified |
ND98,Chemical burn due to skin contact with corrosive substance |
ND99,Acute skin injury due to skin contact with corrosive substance |
ND9Y,Burns of external body surface, other specified site |
ND9Z,Burns of external body surface, unspecified site |
NE00,Burn of eye or ocular adnexa |
NE01,Burn of respiratory tract |
NE02,Burn of other internal organs |
NE0Z,Burns of eye or internal organs, unspecified |
NE10,Burns of multiple body regions |
NE11,Burn of unspecified body region |
NE2Z,Burns, unspecified |
NE40,Superficial frostbite |
NE41,Frostbite with tissue necrosis |
NE42,Frostbite involving multiple body regions |
NE4Z,Frostbite, unspecified |
NE60,Harmful effects of drugs, medicaments or biological substances, not elsewhere classified |
NE61,Harmful effects of or exposure to noxious substances, chiefly nonmedicinal as to source, not elsewhere classified |
NE6Z,Harmful effects of unspecified substance |
NE80.0,Air embolism following infusion, transfusion or therapeutic injection |
NE80.1,ABO incompatibility reaction |
NE80.2,Rh incompatibility reaction |
NE80.3,Other serum reactions |
NE80.Y,Other specified injury or harm arising following infusion, transfusion or therapeutic injection, not elsewhere classified |
NE80.Z,Injury or harm arising following infusion, transfusion or therapeutic injection, not elsewhere classified, unspecified |
NE81.00,Haematoma of surgical wound of skin |
NE81.01,Haemorrhage and haematoma of eye or ocular adnexa complicating a procedure |
NE81.0Y,Haemorrhage or haematoma of other specified site complicating a procedure, not elsewhere classified |
NE81.0Z,Haemorrhage or haematoma of unspecified site complicating a procedure, not elsewhere classified |
NE81.1,Disruption of operation wound, not elsewhere classified |
NE81.20,Superficial incisional site infection |
NE81.21,Deep incisional site infection |
NE81.22,Organ or organ space surgical site infection |
NE81.2Y,Other specified surgical site infection |
NE81.2Z,Surgical site infection, unspecified |
NE81.3,Postsurgical leak |
NE81.Y,Other specified injury or harm arising from a procedure, not elsewhere classified |
NE81.Z,Injury or harm arising from a procedure, not elsewhere classified, unspecified |
NE82.00,Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator pocket erosion |
NE82.01,Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator pocket muscle stimulation |
NE82.02,Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator phrenic nerve stimulation |
NE82.03,Pacemaker-induced cardiomyopathy |
NE82.0Y,Other specified pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator complication |
NE82.0Z,Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator complication, unspecified |
NE82.10,Inappropriate implantable cardioverter defibrillator shock |
NE82.11,Pacemaker syndrome |
NE82.12,Pacemaker generator dysfunction |
NE82.1Y,Other specified pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator dysfunction |
NE82.1Z,Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator dysfunction, unspecified |
NE82.20,Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead fracture |
NE82.21,Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead dislodgement |
NE82.22,Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead insulation break |
NE82.2Y,Other specified pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead complication |
NE82.2Z,Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead complication, unspecified |
NE82.3,Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead dysfunction |
NE82.Y,Other specified dysfunction or complication of pacemaker, pacemaker lead or implantable cardioverter defibrillator, not elsewhere classified |
NE82.Z,Dysfunction or complication of pacemaker, pacemaker lead or implantable cardioverter defibrillator, not elsewhere classified, unspecified |
NE83.0,Destruction or cartilage wear of joint with hemiarthroplasty |
NE83.1,Infection arising from device, implant or graft, not elsewhere classified |
NE83.Y,Other specified injury or harm arising from other device, implant or graft, not elsewhere classified |
NE84,Failure or rejection of transplanted organs or tissues |
NE85.0,Complications of reattached upper extremity |
NE85.1,Complications of reattached lower extremity |
NE85.2,Complications of other reattached body part |
NE85.3,Neuroma of amputation stump |
NE85.4,Infection of amputation stump |
NE85.5,Necrosis of amputation stump |
NE85.6,Other or unspecified complications of amputation stump |
NE86,Malignant hyperthermia due to anaesthesia |
NE87,Failed or difficult intubation |
NE88,Drug toxicity associated with harm in surgical or medical care, not elsewhere classified |
NE8Y,Other specified injury or harm arising from surgical or medical care, not elsewhere classified |
NE8Z,Injury or harm arising from surgical or medical care, not elsewhere classified, unspecified |
NF00,Effects of radiation, not elsewhere classified |
NF01.0,Heat stroke |
NF01.1,Heat syncope |
NF01.2,Heat exhaustion due to fluid depletion |
NF01.3,Heat fatigue, transient |
NF01.Y,Other specified effects of heat |
NF01.Z,Effects of heat, unspecified |
NF02,Hypothermia |
NF03.0,Chilblains |
NF03.1,Immersion hand or foot |
NF03.Y,Other specified effects of reduced temperature |
NF03.Z,Unspecified effects of reduced temperature |
NF04.0,Otitic barotrauma |
NF04.1,Sinus barotrauma |
NF04.2,Caisson disease |
NF04.3,Effects of high-pressure fluids |
NF04.Y,Other specified effects of air pressure or water pressure |
NF04.Z,Effects of air pressure or water pressure, unspecified |
NF05,Asphyxiation |
NF06.0,Exertional heat stroke |
NF06.1,Post exercise postural hypotension |
NF06.2,Post exertional dehydration |
NF06.3,Exercise muscle cramp |
NF06.Y,Other specified effects of strenuous physical exercise |
NF06.Z,Effects of strenuous physical exercise, unspecified |
NF07.0,Effects of hunger |
NF07.1,Effects of thirst |
NF07.2,Exhaustion due to exposure |
NF07.Y,Other specified effects of deprivation |
NF07.Z,Effects of other deprivation, unspecified |
NF08.0,Effects of lightning |
NF08.1,Drowning or nonfatal submersion |
NF08.20,Hand and arm vibration syndrome |
NF08.2Y,Other specified effects of vibration |
NF08.2Z,Effects of vibration, unspecified |
NF08.3,Motion sickness |
NF08.4,Effects of electric current |
NF08.Z,Effects of other specified external causes, unspecified |
NF09,Adverse effects, not elsewhere classified |
NF0A.0,Air embolism, traumatic, not elsewhere classified |
NF0A.1,Fat embolism, traumatic, not elsewhere classified |
NF0A.2,Traumatic secondary or recurrent haemorrhage, not elsewhere classified |
NF0A.3,Post traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified |
NF0A.4,Traumatic shock, not elsewhere classified |
NF0A.5,Traumatic anuria, not elsewhere classified |
NF0A.6,Traumatic ischaemia of muscle, not elsewhere classified |
NF0A.7,Traumatic subcutaneous emphysema, not elsewhere classified |
NF0A.Y,Other early complication of trauma, not elsewhere classified |
NF0Y,Other specified effects of external causes |
NF0Z,Unspecified effects of external causes |
NF2Y,Other specified injury, poisoning or certain other consequences of external causes |
NF2Z,Unspecified injury, poisoning or certain other consequences of external causes |
PA00,Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring a pedestrian |
PA01,Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring the user of a pedestrian conveyance |
PA02,Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring a pedal cyclist |
PA03,Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring a motor cyclist |
PA04,Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring a car occupant |
PA05,Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring an occupant of a bus or coach |
PA06,Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring an occupant of a light goods vehicle |
PA07,Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring an occupant of a heavy goods vehicle |
PA08,Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring an occupant of a streetcar or tram |
PA09,Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring an occupant of a low powered passenger vehicle |
PA0A,Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring a user of a special vehicle mainly used in agriculture |
PA0B,Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring a user of a special vehicle mainly used on industrial premises |
PA0C,Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring a user of a special construction vehicle |
PA0D,Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring a user of an all-terrain vehicle |
PA0E,Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring a rider of an animal |
PA0F,Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring an occupant of an animal-drawn vehicle |
PA0Y,Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring a user of other specified land transport |
PA0Z,Unintentional land transport traffic event injuring a user of unspecified land transport |
PA10,Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring a pedestrian |
PA11,Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring the user of a pedestrian conveyance |
PA12,Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring a pedal cyclist |
PA13,Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring a motor cyclist |
PA14,Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring a car occupant |
PA15,Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring an occupant of a bus or coach |
PA16,Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring an occupant of a light goods vehicle |
PA17,Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring an occupant of a heavy goods vehicle |
PA18,Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring an occupant of a streetcar or tram |
PA19,Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring an occupant of a low powered passenger vehicle |
PA1A,Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring a user of a special vehicle mainly used in agriculture |
PA1B,Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring a user of a special vehicle mainly used on industrial premises |
PA1C,Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring a user of a special construction vehicle |
PA1D,Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring a user of an all-terrain vehicle |
PA1E,Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring a rider of an animal |
PA1F,Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring an occupant of an animal-drawn vehicle |
PA1Y,Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring a user of other specified land transport |
PA1Z,Unintentional land transport nontraffic event injuring a user of unknown or unspecified land transport |
PA20,Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring a pedestrian |
PA21,Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring the user of a pedestrian conveyance |
PA22,Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring a pedal cyclist |
PA23,Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring a motor cyclist |
PA24,Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring a car occupant |
PA25,Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring an occupant of a bus or coach |
PA26,Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring an occupant of a light goods vehicle |
PA27,Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring an occupant of a heavy goods vehicle |
PA28,Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring an occupant of a streetcar or tram |
PA29,Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring an occupant of a low powered passenger vehicle |
PA2A,Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring an occupant of a special vehicle mainly used in agriculture |
PA2B,Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring an occupant of a special vehicle mainly used on industrial premises |
PA2C,Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring an occupant of a special construction vehicle |
PA2D,Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring an occupant of an all-terrain vehicle |
PA2E,Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring a rider of an animal |
PA2F,Unintentional land transport event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring an occupant of an animal-drawn vehicle |
PA2Y,Unintentional land transport injury event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring a user of other specified transport |
PA2Z,Unintentional land transport injury event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic injuring a user of unspecified transport |
PA30,Unintentional railway transport injury event with collision or derailment |
PA31,Unintentional railway transport injury event without collision or derailment |
PA3Z,Unintentional railway transport injury event of unspecified type |
PA40.0,Unintentional water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed, causing submersion or drowning |
PA40.1,Unintentional water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed, causing other injury |
PA40.Z,Unintentional water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed, causing unspecified injury |
PA41.0,Unintentional water transport injury event with water vessel damaged, disabled or destroyed, causing submersion or drowning |
PA41.Z,Unintentional water transport injury event with water vessel damaged, disabled or destroyed, causing unspecified injury |
PA4Z,Unintentional water transport injury event with damage to water vessel unspecified |
PA50.0,Unintentional air or space transport injury event with aircraft or spacecraft not damaged, disabled or destroyed |
PA50.1,Unintentional air or space transport injury event with aircraft or spacecraft damaged, disabled or destroyed |
PA50.Z,Unintentional air or space transport injury event, unspecified |
PA5Y,Other specified unintentional transport injury event |
PA5Z,Unintentional transport injury event, unspecified |
PA60,Unintentional fall on the same level or from less than 1 metre |
PA61,Unintentional fall from a height of 1 metre or more |
PA6Z,Unintentional fall from unspecified height |
PA70,Unintentionally struck, kicked, or bumped by person |
PA71,Unintentionally struck, kicked, or bumped by animal |
PA72,Unintentionally stepped on or crushed by person |
PA73,Unintentionally stepped on or crushed by animal |
PA74,Unintentionally bitten by person |
PA75,Unintentionally bitten by animal |
PA76,Unintentionally scratched or clawed by person |
PA77,Unintentionally scratched or clawed by animal |
PA78,Unintentionally stung or envenomated by animal |
PA79,Unintentionally injured by contact with plant |
PA7Y,Other specified type of unintentional contact with person, animal or plant |
PA7Z,Unintentional contact with person, animal or plant, type unspecified |
PA80.0,Unintentionally struck by projectile from handgun |
PA80.1,Unintentionally struck by projectile from rifle, shotgun and larger firearm |
PA80.2,Unintentional exposure to other and unspecified firearm |
PA81,Unintentionally struck by moving object |
PA82,Unintentional striking against stationary object |
PA83.0,Unintentionally cut or pierced by knife, sword, or dagger |
PA83.1,Unintentionally cut or pierced by sharp glass |
PA83.2,Unintentionally cut or pierced by other or unspecified sharp object |
PA84,Unintentionally struck by blunt object |
PA85,Unintentionally caught, crushed, jammed or pinched between objects |
PA8Y,Unintentional exposure to other specified object, not elsewhere classified |
PA8Z,Unintentional exposure to object, unspecified |
PA90,Unintentional drowning or submersion, while in body of water |
PA91,Unintentional drowning or submersion, following fall into body of water |
PA92,Unintentional injury other than drowning following fall into body of water |
PA9Z,Unintentional immersion, submersion or falling into water, unspecified |
PB00,Unintentional threat to breathing by suffocation from object covering mouth or nose |
PB01,Unintentional threat to breathing by hanging |
PB02,Unintentional threat to breathing by strangulation |
PB03,Unintentional threat to breathing by external compression of airways or chest |
PB04,Unintentional threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of gastric contents |
PB05,Unintentional threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of liquids |
PB06,Unintentional threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of food |
PB07,Unintentional threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of other objects or materials |
PB08,Unintentional threat to breathing from low oxygen environment |
PB0Y,Unintentional threat to breathing by other specified means |
PB0Z,Unintentional threat to breathing by unspecified means |
PB10,Unintentional exposure to uncontrolled fire |
PB11,Unintentional exposure to controlled fire |
PB12,Unintentional exposure to ignition, or melting of material |
PB13,Unintentional contact with hot object or liquid |
PB14,Unintentional exposure to steam, hot vapour, air or gases |
PB15,Unintentional exposure to excessive heat |
PB16,Unintentional exposure to excessive cold |
PB1Y,Unintentional exposure to other specified thermal mechanism |
PB1Z,Unintentional exposure to unspecified thermal mechanism |
PB20,Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of opioids or related analgesics |
PB21,Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of sedative hypnotic drugs or other CNS depressants |
PB22,Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of psychostimulants |
PB23,Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of cannabinoids or hallucinogens |
PB24,Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of analgesics, antipyretics or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs |
PB25,Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of antidepressants |
PB26,Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of antipsychotics |
PB27,Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of antiepileptics or antiparkinsonism drugs |
PB28,Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of other or unspecified drug, medicament or biological substance |
PB29,Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of multiple drugs, medicaments or biological substances |
PB30,Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of alcohols |
PB31,Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of organic solvents |
PB32,Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of carbon monoxide |
PB33,Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of pesticides |
PB34,Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of corrosive substances |
PB35,Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of halogen derivatives of aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbons |
PB36,Unintentional exposure to or harmful effects of other or unspecified substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source |
PB50,Unintentional exposure to foreign body in orifice |
PB51,Unintentional exposure to electric current |
PB52,Unintentional exposure to sunlight |
PB53,Unintentional exposure to radiation |
PB54,Unintentional exposure to high or low air pressure or changes in air pressure |
PB55.0,Unintentional exposure to chemical explosion |
PB55.1,Unintentional exposure to explosion or rupture of pressurised materials or object |
PB55.Y,Other specified unintentional exposure to explosion |
PB55.Z,Unintentional exposure to explosion, unspecified |
PB56,Unintentional exposure to physical overexertion |
PB57,Unintentional lack of food |
PB58,Unintentional lack of water |
PB59,Unintentional other specified privation |
PB5A,Unintentional abandonment |
PB5B,Unintentional neglect |
PB6Y,Other unintentional cause of morbidity or mortality |
PB6Z,Unspecified unintentional cause of morbidity or mortality |
PB80,Intentional self-harm by land transport road traffic injury event |
PB81,Intentional self-harm by land transport off-road nontraffic injury event |
PB82,Intentional self-harm by land transport injury event unknown whether traffic or nontraffic |
PB83,Intentional self-harm by railway transport injury event |
PB90,Intentional self-harm by water transport injury event with water vessel damaged, disabled or destroyed |
PB91.0,Intentional self-harm by water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed causing submersion or drowning |
PB91.1,Intentional self-harm by water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed causing other injury |
PB91.Z,Intentional self-harm by water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed, unspecified |
PB9Z,Intentional self-harm by water transport injury event with damage to water vessel unspecified |
PC00,Intentional self-harm by air or space transport injury event with aircraft or spacecraft damaged, disabled or destroyed |
PC01,Intentional self-harm by air or space transport injury event with aircraft or spacecraft not damaged, disabled or destroyed |
PC0Z,Intentional self-harm by air or space transport injury event with damage to aircraft or spacecraft unspecified |
PC2Y,Intentional self-harm by other specified transport injury event |
PC2Z,Intentional self-harm by transport injury event, unspecified |
PC30,Intentional self-harm by fall or jump on same level or from less than 1 metre |
PC31,Intentional self-harm by fall or jump from a height of 1 metre or more |
PC3Y,Other specified intentional self-harm by fall or jump |
PC3Z,Intentional self-harm by fall or jump, unspecified |
PC40,Intentional self-harm by being struck, kicked, or bumped by person |
PC41,Intentional self-harm by being struck, kicked, or bumped by animal |
PC42,Intentional self-harm by being stepped on or crushed by person |
PC43,Intentional self-harm by being stepped on or crushed by animal |
PC44,Intentional self-harm by being bitten by animal |
PC45,Intentional self-harm by being scratched or clawed by person |
PC46,Intentional self-harm by being scratched or clawed by animal |
PC47,Intentional self-harm by being stung or envenomated by animal |
PC48,Intentional self-harm by contact with plant |
PC4Y,Other specified type of intentional self-harm by contact with person, animal or plant |
PC4Z,Intentional self-harm by contact with person, animal or plant, type unspecified |
PC50.0,Intentional self-harm by projectile from handgun |
PC50.1,Intentional self-harm by projectile from rifle, shotgun or larger firearm |
PC50.Y,Other specified intentional self-harm by being struck by projectile from firearm |
PC50.Z,Intentional self-harm by being struck by projectile from firearm, unspecified |
PC51,Intentional self-harm by being struck by moving object, not elsewhere classified |
PC52,Intentional self-harm by striking against stationary object |
PC53.0,Intentional self-harm by being cut or pierced by knife, sword or dagger |
PC53.1,Intentional self-harm by being cut or pierced by sharp glass |
PC53.Y,Other specified intentional self-harm by being cut or pierced by sharp object |
PC53.Z,Intentional self-harm by being cut or pierced by sharp object, unspecified |
PC54,Intentional self-harm by being struck by blunt object |
PC55,Intentional self-harm by being caught, crushed, jammed or pinched between objects |
PC5Y,Intentional self harm by contact with other specified type of weapon |
PC5Z,Intentional self harm by contact with weapon, type unspecified |
PC60,Intentional self-harm by drowning or submersion while in body of water |
PC61,Intentional self-harm by drowning or submersion following fall into body of water |
PC62,Intentional self-harm by injury other than drowning while in body of water |
PC63,Intentional self-harm by injury other than drowning following fall into body of water |
PC6Z,Intentional self-harm by immersion, submersion or falling into water, unspecified |
PC70,Intentional self-harm by threat to breathing by suffocation from object covering mouth or nose |
PC71,Intentional self-harm by threat to breathing by hanging |
PC72,Intentional self-harm by threat to breathing by strangulation |
PC73,Intentional self-harm by threat to breathing by external compression of airways or chest |
PC74,Intentional self-harm by inhalation or ingestion of gastric contents |
PC75,Intentional self-harm by threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of liquids |
PC76,Intentional self-harm by threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of food |
PC77,Intentional self-harm by threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of other objects or materials |
PC78,Intentional self-harm by threat to breathing from low oxygen environment |
PC7Y,Other specified intentional self-harm by threat to breathing |
PC7Z,Intentional self-harm by threat to breathing, unspecified |
PC80,Intentional self-harm by exposure to controlled fire |
PC81,Intentional self-harm by exposure to uncontrolled fire |
PC82,Intentional self-harm by exposure to ignition or melting of material |
PC83,Intentional self-harm by contact with hot object or liquid |
PC84,Intentional self-harm by exposure to steam, hot vapour, air or gases |
PC85,Intentional self-harm by exposure to excessive heat |
PC86,Intentional self-harm by exposure to excessive cold |
PC8Y,Intentional self-harm by exposure to other specified thermal mechanism |
PC8Z,Intentional self-harm by exposure to unspecified thermal mechanism |
PC90,Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of opioids or related analgesics |
PC91,Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of sedative hypnotic drugs or other CNS depressants |
PC92,Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of psychostimulants |
PC93,Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of cannabinoids or hallucinogens |
PC94,Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of analgesics, antipyretics or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs |
PC95,Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of antidepressants |
PC96,Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of antipsychotics |
PC97,Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of antiepileptics or antiparkinsonism drugs |
PC98,Intentional self-harm by and exposure to other and unspecified drug, medicament and biological substance |
PC99,Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of multiple drugs, medicaments or biological substances |
PD00,Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of alcohols |
PD01,Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of organic solvents |
PD02,Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of carbon monoxide |
PD03,Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of pesticides |
PD04,Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of corrosive substances |
PD05,Intentional self-harm by exposure to or harmful effects of other or unspecified substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source |
PD20,Intentional self-harm by foreign body in orifice |
PD21,Intentional self-harm by exposure to electric current |
PD22,Intentional self-harm by exposure to sunlight |
PD23,Intentional self-harm by exposure to radiation |
PD24,Intentional self-harm by exposure to high or low air pressure or changes in air pressure |
PD25,Intentional self-harm by explosion or rupture of pressurised materials or object |
PD26,Intentional self-harm by physical overexertion |
PD27,Intentional self-harm by lack of food |
PD28,Intentional self-harm by lack of water |
PD29,Intentional self-harm by other specified privation |
PD3Y,Other specified intentional self-harm |
PD3Z,Intentional self-harm, unspecified |
PD50,Assault by land transport road traffic injury event |
PD51,Assault by land transport off-road nontraffic injury event |
PD52,Assault by land transport injury event unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic |
PD53,Assault by railway transport injury event |
PD60.0,Assault by water transport injury event with water vessel damaged, disabled or destroyed, causing submersion or drowning |
PD60.1,Assault by water transport injury event with water vessel damaged, disabled or destroyed, causing other injury |
PD60.Z,Assault by water transport injury event with water vessel damaged, disabled or destroyed, causing unspecified injury |
PD61.0,Assault by water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed, causing submersion or drowning |
PD61.1,Assault by water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed, causing other injury |
PD61.Y,Assault by water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed, causing unspecified injury |
PD61.Z,Assault by water transport injury event with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed, unspecified |
PD6Z,Assault by water transport injury event with damage to water vessel unspecified |
PD70,Assault by air or space transport injury event with aircraft or spacecraft damaged, disabled or destroyed |
PD71,Assault by air or space transport injury event with aircraft or spacecraft not damaged, disabled or destroyed |
PD7Z,Assault by air or space transport injury event with damage to aircraft or spacecraft unspecified |
PD9Y,Other specified assault by transport injury event |
PD9Z,Assault by transport injury event, unspecified |
PE00,Assault by causing a fall or jump on same level or from less than 1 metre |
PE01,Assault by causing a fall or jump from a height of 1 metre or more |
PE0Z,Assault by causing a fall or jump from unspecified height |
PE10,Assault by being struck, kicked or bumped by person |
PE11,Assault by being struck, kicked, or bumped by animal |
PE12,Assault by being crushed or stepped on by person |
PE13,Assault by being crushed or stepped on by animal |
PE14,Assault by being bitten by person |
PE15,Assault by being bitten by animal |
PE16,Assault by being scratched or clawed by person |
PE17,Assault by being scratched or clawed by animal |
PE18,Assault by being stung or envenomated by animal |
PE19,Assault by contact with plant |
PE1Y,Other specified type of assault by contact with person, animal or plant |
PE1Z,Assault by contact with person, animal or plant, type unspecified |
PE20.0,Assault by projectile from handgun |
PE20.1,Assault by projectile from rifle, shotgun or larger firearm discharge |
PE20.Y,Assault by being struck by projectile from other specified firearm |
PE20.Z,Assault by being struck by projectile from unspecified firearm |
PE21,Assault by being struck by moving object, not elsewhere classified |
PE22,Assault by striking against stationary object |
PE30,Assault by being cut or pierced by knife, sword, or dagger |
PE31,Assault by being cut or pierced by sharp glass |
PE3Z,Assault by being cut or pierced by other or unspecified sharp object |
PE40,Assault by being struck by blunt object |
PE41,Assault by being caught, crushed, jammed or pinched between objects |
PE4Y,Assault by contact with other specified object, not elsewhere classified |
PE4Z,Assault by exposure to unspecified object, not elsewhere classified |
PE50,Assault by drowning or submersion, while in body of water |
PE51,Assault by drowning or submersion following fall into body of water |
PE52,Assault by injury other than drowning while in body of water |
PE53,Assault by injury other than drowning following fall into body of water |
PE5Y,Other specified assault by immersion, submersion or falling into water |
PE5Z,Assault by immersion, submersion or falling into water, unspecified |
PE60,Assault by threat to breathing, suffocation from object covering mouth or nose |
PE61,Assault by threat to breathing by hanging |
PE62,Assault by threat to breathing by strangulation |
PE63,Assault by threat to breathing by external compression of airways or chest |
PE64,Assault by threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of liquids |
PE65,Assault by threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of food |
PE66,Assault, Threat to breathing, Inhalation or ingestion of other objects or materials |
PE67,Assault by threat to breathing by low oxygen environment |
PE6Y,Other specified assault by threat to breathing |
PE6Z,Assault by threat to breathing, unspecified |
PE70,Assault by exposure to uncontrolled fire |
PE71,Assault by exposure to controlled fire |
PE72,Assault by exposure to ignition or melting of materials |
PE73,Assault by contact with hot object or liquid |
PE74,Assault by contact with steam, hot vapour, air or gases |
PE75,Assault by exposure to excessive heat |
PE76,Assault by exposure to excessive cold |
PE7Y,Assault by exposure to other specified thermal mechanism |
PE7Z,Assault by exposure to unspecified thermal mechanism |
PE80,Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of opioids or related analgesics |
PE81,Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of sedative, hypnotic drugs & other CNS depressants |
PE82,Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of psychostimulants |
PE83,Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of cannabinoids or hallucinogens |
PE84,Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of analgesics, antipyretics or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs |
PE85,Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of antidepressants |
PE86,Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of antipsychotics |
PE87,Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of antiepileptics or antiparkinsonism drugs |
PE88,Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of other or unspecified drug, medicament or biological substance |
PE89,Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of multiple drugs, medicaments or biological substances |
PE8Y,Other specified assault by exposure to or harmful effects of drugs, medicaments or biological substances |
PE8Z,Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of drugs, medicaments or biological substances, unspecified |
PE90,Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of alcohols |
PE91,Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of organic solvents |
PE92,Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of carbon monoxide |
PE93,Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of pesticides |
PE94,Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of corrosive substances |
PE95,Assault by exposure to or harmful effects of other or unspecified substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source |
PF10,Assault by foreign body in orifice or eye |
PF11,Assault by exposure to electric current |
PF12,Assault by exposure to sunlight |
PF13,Assault by exposure to radiation |
PF14,Assault by exposure to high or low air pressure or changes in air pressure |
PF15.0,Assault by exposure to chemical explosion |
PF15.1,Assault by explosion or rupture of materials or object |
PF15.Y,Other specified assault by exposure to explosion |
PF15.Z,Assault by exposure to explosion, unspecified |
PF16,Assault by physical overexertion |
PF17,Assault by lack of food |
PF18,Assault by lack of water |
PF19,Assault by other specified privation |
PF1A,Assault by abandonment |
PF1B,Assault by neglect |
PF2Y,Other specified assault |
PF2Z,Assault, unspecified |
PF40,Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a pedestrian |
PF41,Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring the user of a pedestrian conveyance |
PF42,Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a pedal cyclist |
PF43,Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a motor cyclist |
PF44,Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a car occupant |
PF45,Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a bus or coach occupant |
PF46,Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring an occupant of light goods vehicle |
PF47,Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring an occupant of heavy goods vehicle |
PF48,Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring an occupant of a streetcar or tram |
PF49,Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring an occupant of a low powered passenger vehicle |
PF4A,Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of a special vehicle mainly used in agriculture |
PF4B,Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of a special vehicle mainly used on industrial premises |
PF4C,Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of a special construction vehicle |
PF4D,Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of an all-terrain vehicle |
PF4E,Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a rider of an animal |
PF4F,Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring an occupant of an animal-drawn vehicle |
PF4Y,Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of other specified land transport |
PF4Z,Land transport traffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of unknown or unspecified land transport |
PF50,Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a pedestrian |
PF51,Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring the user of a pedestrian conveyance |
PF52,Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a pedal cyclist |
PF53,Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a motor cyclist |
PF54,Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a car occupant |
PF55,Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a bus or coach occupant |
PF56,Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring an occupant of light goods vehicle |
PF57,Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring an occupant of heavy goods vehicle |
PF58,Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring an occupant of a streetcar or tram |
PF59,Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring an occupant of a low powered passenger vehicle |
PF5A,Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of a special vehicle mainly used in agriculture |
PF5B,Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of a special vehicle mainly used on industrial premises |
PF5C,Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of a special construction vehicle |
PF5D,Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of an all-terrain vehicle |
PF5E,Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a rider of an animal |
PF5F,Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring an occupant of an animal-drawn vehicle |
PF5Y,Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of other specified land transport |
PF5Z,Land transport nontraffic injury event of undetermined intent injuring a user of unknown or unspecified land transport |
PF60,Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a pedestrian |
PF61,Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring the user of a pedestrian conveyance |
PF62,Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a pedal cyclist |
PF63,Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a motor cyclist |
PF64,Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a car occupant |
PF65,Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a bus or coach occupant |
PF66,Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring an occupant of light goods vehicle |
PF67,Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring an occupant of heavy goods vehicle |
PF68,Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring an occupant of a streetcar or tram |
PF69,Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring an occupant of a low powered passenger vehicle |
PF6A,Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a user of a special vehicle mainly used in agriculture |
PF6B,Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a user of a special vehicle mainly used on industrial premises |
PF6C,Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a user of a special construction vehicle |
PF6D,Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a user of an all-terrain vehicle |
PF6E,Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a rider of an animal |
PF6F,Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring an occupant of an animal-drawn vehicle |
PF6Y,Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a user of an other specified vehicle |
PF6Z,Land transport injury event of undetermined intent, unknown whether road traffic or off-road nontraffic injuring a user of an unknown or unspecified vehicle |
PF70,Railway transport injury event of undetermined intent with collision or derailment |
PF71,Railway transport injury event of undetermined intent without collision or derailment |
PF7Z,Railway transport injury event of undetermined intent of unspecified type |
PF80,Water transport injury event of undetermined intent with water vessel damaged, disabled or destroyed causing submersion or drowning |
PF8Y,Water transport injury event of undetermined intent with water vessel damaged, disabled or destroyed causing other injury |
PF8Z,Water transport injury event of undetermined intent with water vessel damaged, disabled or destroyed causing unspecified injury |
PF90,Water transport injury event of undetermined intent with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed causing submersion or drowning |
PF9Y,Water transport injury event of undetermined intent with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed causing other injury |
PF9Z,Water transport injury event of undetermined intent with water vessel not damaged, disabled or destroyed causing unspecified injury |
PG1Z,Water transport injury event of undetermined intent, damage to water vessel unspecified |
PG20,Air or space transport injury event of undetermined intent with aircraft or spacecraft damaged, disabled or destroyed |
PG21,Air or space transport injury event of undetermined intent with aircraft or spacecraft not damaged, disabled or destroyed |
PG2Z,Air or space transport event injury of undetermined intent, damage to aircraft or spacecraft unspecified |
PG4Y,Other specified transport injury event of undetermined intent |
PG4Z,Unspecified transport injury event of undetermined intent |
PG50,Fall or jump of undetermined intent on the same level or from less than 1 metre |
PG51,Fall or jump of undetermined intent from a height of 1 metre or more |
PG5Z,Fall or jump of undetermined intent, height unspecified |
PG60,Struck, kicked, or bumped with undetermined intent by person |
PG61,Struck, kicked, or bumped with undetermined intent by animal |
PG62,Stepped on or crushed with undetermined intent by person |
PG63,Stepped on or crushed with undetermined intent by animal |
PG64,Bitten with undetermined intent by person |
PG65,Bitten with undetermined intent by animal |
PG66,Scratched or clawed with undetermined intent by person |
PG67,Scratched or clawed with undetermined intent by animal |
PG68,Stung or envenomated with undetermined intent by animal |
PG69,Contact with plant of undetermined intent |
PG6Y,Other specified type of contact with person, animal or plant of undetermined intent |
PG6Z,Unspecified type of contact with person, animal or plant of undetermined intent |
PG70,Struck by projectile from handgun of undetermined intent |
PG71,Struck by projectile from rifle, shotgun or larger firearm of undetermined intent |
PG7Z,Struck by projectile from other and unspecified firearm with unknown intent |
PG80,Struck by moving object, not elsewhere classified of undetermined intent |
PG81,Striking against stationary object of undetermined intent |
PG90,Cut or pierced by knife, sword or dagger of undetermined intent |
PG91,Cut or pierced by sharp glass of undetermined intent |
PG9Z,Cut or pierced by other or unspecficied sharp object, undetermined intent |
PH00,Struck by blunt object with undetermined intent |
PH01,Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched between objects with undetermined intent |
PH0Y,Contact with other specified object, not elsewhere classified with undetermined intent |
PH0Z,Exposure to unspecified object, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent |
PH10,Drowning or submersion while in body of water with undetermined intent |
PH11,Drowning or submersion following fall into body of water with undetermined intent |
PH12,Injury other than drowning while in body of water with undetermined intent |
PH13,Injury other than drowning following fall into body of water with undetermined intent |
PH1Z,Immersion, submersion or falling into water with undetermined intent, unspecified |
PH20,Threat to breathing by suffocation from object covering mouth or nose with undetermined intent |
PH21,Threat to breathing by hanging with undetermined intent |
PH22,Threat to breathing by strangulation with undetermined intent |
PH23,Threat to breathing by external compression of airways or chest with undetermined intent |
PH24,Threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of liquids with undetermined intent |
PH25,Threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of food with undetermined intent |
PH26,Threat to breathing by inhalation or ingestion of other objects or materials with undetermined intent |
PH27,Threat to breathing by low oxygen environment with undetermined intent |
PH2Y,Other specified threat to breathing with undetermined intent |
PH2Z,Threat to breathing with undetermined intent, unspecified |
PH30,Exposure to uncontrolled fire with undetermined intent |
PH31,Exposure to controlled fire with undetermined intent |
PH32,Exposure to ignition or melting of materials with undetermined intent |
PH33,Contact with hot object or liquid with undetermined intent |
PH34,Contact with steam, hot vapour, air or gases with undetermined intent |
PH35,Exposure to excessive heat with undetermined intent |
PH36,Exposure to excessive cold with undetermined intent |
PH3Y,Exposure to other specified thermal mechanism with undetermined intent |
PH3Z,Exposure to unspecified thermal mechanism with undetermined intent |
PH40,Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of opioids or related analgesics |
PH41,Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of sedative hypnotic drugs or other CNS depressants |
PH42,Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of psychostimulants |
PH43,Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of cannabinoids or hallucinogens |
PH44,Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of analgesics, antipyretics or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs |
PH45,Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of antidepressants |
PH46,Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of antipsychotics |
PH47.0,Harmful effects of or exposure to mixed antiepileptics, not elsewhere classified, undetermined intent |
PH47.Z,Undetermined intent: Harmful effects of and exposure to noxious substances: Drugs, medicaments or biological substances: Unspecified antiepileptics or antiparkinsonism drugs |
PH48,Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of other or unspecified drugs, medicaments or biological substances |
PH49,Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of multiple drugs, medicaments or biological substances |
PH50,Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of alcohols |
PH51,Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of organic solvents |
PH52,Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of carbon monoxide |
PH53,Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of pesticides |
PH54,Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of corrosive substances |
PH55,Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of halogen derivatives of aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbons |
PH56,Exposure to or harmful effects of undetermined intent of other or unspecified substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source |
PH70,Exposure to foreign body in orifice or eye with undetermined intent |
PH71,Exposure to electric current with undetermined intent |
PH72,Exposure to sunlight with undetermined intent |
PH73,Exposure to radiation with undetermined intent |
PH74,Exposure to high or low air pressure or changes in air pressure with undetermined intent |
PH75.0,Exposure to chemical explosion with undetermined intent |
PH75.1,Exposure to explosion or rupture of pressurised materials or object with undetermined intent |
PH75.Y,Other specified exposure to explosion with undetermined intent |
PH75.Z,Exposure to explosion with undetermined intent, unspecified |
PH76,Physical overexertion with undetermined intent |
PH77,Lack of food with undetermined intent |
PH78,Lack of water with undetermined intent |
PH79,Other specified privation with undetermined intent |
PH7A,Abandonment with undetermined intent |
PH7B,Neglect with undetermined intent |
PH8Y,Other specified injury event of undetermined intent |
PH8Z,Unspecified injury event of undetermined intent |
PJ00,Victim of lightning |
PJ01,Victim of earthquake |
PJ02,Victim of cataclysmic earth movements caused by earthquake |
PJ03,Victim of tsunami |
PJ04,Victim of volcanic eruption |
PJ05,Victim of avalanche, landslide or other earth movements |
PJ06,Victim of cataclysmic storm |
PJ07,Victim of flood |
PJ0Y,Exposure to other specified forces of nature |
PJ0Z,Exposure to unspecified forces of nature |
PJ20,Physical maltreatment |
PJ21,Sexual maltreatment |
PJ22,Psychological maltreatment |
PJ2Y,Other specified maltreatment |
PJ2Z,Maltreatment, unspecified |
PJ40,Legal intervention involving projectile from firearm |
PJ41,Legal intervention involving other projectile |
PJ42,Legal intervention involving blunt object |
PJ43,Legal intervention involving sharp object |
PJ44,Legal intervention involving electrical weapon |
PJ45,Legal intervention involving explosive |
PJ46,Legal intervention involving gas |
PJ47,Legal intervention involving application of physical force |
PJ4Y,Legal intervention involving other means |
PJ4Z,Legal intervention involving unspecified means |
PJ60,Explosion of depth-charge or marine mine during armed conflict |
PJ61,Explosion of torpedo during armed conflict |
PJ62,Explosion of sea-based artillery shell during armed conflict |
PJ6Y,Explosion of other marine weapons during armed conflict |
PJ6Z,Explosion of unspecified marine weapon |
PJ70,Attack on or destruction of aircraft during armed conflict due to enemy fire or explosives |
PJ71,Attack on or destruction of aircraft during armed conflict due to collision with other aircraft |
PJ7Y,Other destruction of aircraft during armed conflict |
PJ7Z,Unspecified destruction of aircraft during armed conflict |
PJ80,Explosion of missile during armed conflict |
PJ81,Explosion of aerial bomb during armed conflict |
PJ82,Explosion of munitions or weapons during armed conflict |
PJ83,Explosion of improvised explosive device during armed conflict |
PJ8Y,Other explosion or fragments during armed conflict |
PJ8Z,Unspecified explosion or fragments during armed conflict |
PJ90,Use of gasoline bomb during armed conflict |
PJ91,Use of flamethrower during armed conflict |
PJ92,Use of incendiary bullets during armed conflict |
PJ9Y,Other specified fires, conflagrations or hot substances during armed conflict |
PJ9Z,Unspecified fire, conflagration or hot substance during armed conflict |
PK00,Use of rubber bullets during armed conflict |
PK01,Use of firearm pellets during armed conflict |
PK02,Other firearms discharge during armed conflict |
PK03,Other weapons use during armed conflict |
PK04,Unarmed combat during armed conflict |
PK0Z,Other and unspecified forms of conventional weapons use during armed conflict |
PK10,Thermal or blast effects of nuclear weapon during armed conflict |
PK11,Nuclear radiation effects of nuclear weapon during armed conflict |
PK1Z,Other and unspecified effect of nuclear weapon during armed conflict |
PK20,Use of weaponised micro-organisms during armed conflict |
PK2Y,Use of other specified biological weapons during armed conflict |
PK2Z,Use of unspecified biological weapons during armed conflict |
PK30,Use of chemical weapons during armed conflict |
PK31,Use of lasers or other energetic beams or fields during armed conflict |
PK32,Use of electrical weapons during armed conflict |
PK33,Use of autonomous or semi-autonomous machines as weapons during armed conflict |
PK3Z,Other and unspecified forms of unconventional warfare during armed conflict |
PK40,Explosion of mine after cessation of armed conflict |
PK41,Explosion of bomb after cessation of armed conflict |
PK4Z,Other and unspecified event after cessation of armed conflict |
PK6Y,Other specified armed conflict |
PK6Z,Unspecified armed conflict |
PK80.00,Neurological procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach |
PK80.01,Neurological procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach |
PK80.02,Neurological procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach |
PK80.0Y,Neurological procedure associated with injury or harm, other specified approach |
PK80.0Z,Neurological procedure associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach |
PK80.10,Cardiac procedure for repair of congenital anomaly associated with injury or harm, open approach |
PK80.11,Cardiac procedure for repair of congenital anomaly associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach |
PK80.12,Cardiac procedure for repair of congenital anomaly associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach |
PK80.13,Cardiac procedure for repair of congenital anomaly associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach |
PK80.14,Other cardiac procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach |
PK80.15,Other cardiac procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach |
PK80.16,Other cardiac procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach |
PK80.17,Other cardiac procedure associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach |
PK80.1Y,Unspecified type of cardiac procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, other specified approach |
PK80.1Z,Unspecified type of cardiac procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified approach |
PK80.20,Thoracic procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach |
PK80.21,Thoracic procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach |
PK80.22,Thoracic procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach |
PK80.2Y,Thoracic procedure associated with injury or harm, other specified approach |
PK80.2Z,Thoracic procedure associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach |
PK80.30,Gastrointestinal, abdominal, or abdominal wall procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach |
PK80.31,Gastrointestinal, abdominal, or abdominal wall procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach |
PK80.32,Gastrointestinal, abdominal, or abdominal wall procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach |
PK80.3Y,Gastrointestinal, abdominal, or abdominal wall procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, other specified approach |
PK80.3Z,Gastrointestinal, abdominal, or abdominal wall procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified approach |
PK80.40,Endocrine procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach |
PK80.41,Endocrine procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach |
PK80.42,Endocrine procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach |
PK80.4Y,Endocrine procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, other specified approach |
PK80.4Z,Endocrine procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified approach |
PK80.50,Gynaecological or breast procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach |
PK80.51,Gynaecological or breast procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach |
PK80.52,Gynaecological or breast procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach |
PK80.53,Gynaecological or breast procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, per orifice approach |
PK80.5Y,Gynaecological or breast procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, other specified approach |
PK80.5Z,Gynaecological or breast procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified approach |
PK80.60,Urological procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach |
PK80.61,Urological procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach |
PK80.62,Urological procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach |
PK80.6Y,Urological procedure associated with injury or harm, other specified approach |
PK80.6Z,Urological procedure associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach |
PK80.70,Caesarean section or other obstetric procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach |
PK80.71,Obstetric procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach |
PK80.72,Obstetric procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach |
PK80.73,Obstetric procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, per orifice approach |
PK80.7Y,Caesarean section or other obstetric procedure associated with injury or harm, other specified approach |
PK80.7Z,Caesarean section or other obstetric procedure associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach |
PK80.80,Musculoskeletal procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach |
PK80.81,Musculoskeletal procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach |
PK80.82,Musculoskeletal procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach |
PK80.8Y,Musculoskeletal procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, other specified approach |
PK80.8Z,Musculoskeletal procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified approach |
PK80.90,Vascular procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach |
PK80.91,Vascular procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach |
PK80.92,Vascular procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach |
PK80.9Y,Vascular procedure associated with injury or harm, other specified approach |
PK80.9Z,Vascular procedure associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach |
PK80.A0,Ear, nose, oral, or throat procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach |
PK80.A1,Ear, nose, oral, or throat procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach |
PK80.A2,Ear, nose, oral, or throat procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach |
PK80.AY,Ear, nose, oral, or throat procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, other specified approach |
PK80.AZ,Ear, nose, oral, or throat procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified approach |
PK80.B0,Dental procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach |
PK80.B1,Dental procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach |
PK80.B2,Dental procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach |
PK80.BY,Dental procedure associated with injury or harm, other specified approach |
PK80.BZ,Dental procedure associated with injury or harm, unspecified approach |
PK80.C0,Skin or integument procedure associated with injury or harm, open approach |
PK80.C1,Skin or integument procedure associated with injury or harm, percutaneous approach |
PK80.C2,Skin or integument procedure associated with injury or harm, endoscopic approach |
PK80.CY,Skin or integument procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, other specified approach |
PK80.CZ,Skin or integument procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified approach |
PK81.0,Ventilation associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use |
PK81.1,Extracorporeal life support procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use |
PK81.2,Aspiration or drainage of body cavity or fluid collection associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use |
PK81.30,Acupuncture cupping associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use |
PK81.3Y,Other specified acupuncture or related therapies associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use |
PK81.3Z,Acupuncture or related therapies associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified |
PK81.4,Bone marrow aspiration or biopsy associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use |
PK81.5,Biopsy procedure, not elsewhere classified, associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use |
PK81.6,Dialysis associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use |
PK81.7,Injection or infusion for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use |
PK81.8,Insertion of tube associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use |
PK81.9,Joint aspiration associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use |
PK81.A,Lumbar puncture associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use |
PK81.B,Manipulative therapies associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use |
PK81.C,Radiation therapy associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use |
PK81.D,Other specified medical procedure associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use |
PK81.E,Cardiopulmonary resuscitation associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use |
PK81.F,Needle stick associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use |
PK8Y,Other specified surgical or other medical procedures associated with injury or harm in diagnostic or therapeutic use |
PK8Z,Surgical or other medical procedures associated with injury or harm in diagnostic or therapeutic use, unspecified |
PK90.0,Anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices |
PK90.1,Anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices |
PK90.2,Anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices |
PK90.3,Anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices |
PK90.4,Anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified |
PK90.Y,Other specified anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm |
PK90.Z,Anaesthesiology devices associated with injury or harm, unspecified |
PK91.0,Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices |
PK91.10,Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, Pacemaker |
PK91.11,Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, implantable defibrillator |
PK91.12,Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, left ventricular assist devices |
PK91.13,Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, intra-aortic balloon pump |
PK91.14,Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, IVC filter |
PK91.15,Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, central venous catheter |
PK91.16,Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm: peripheral venous catheter |
PK91.1Y,Other specified cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices |
PK91.1Z,Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices, unspecified |
PK91.20,Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, grafts |
PK91.21,Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, stents |
PK91.22,Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, mechanical or bioprosthetic valves |
PK91.2Y,Other specified cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices |
PK91.2Z,Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices, unspecified |
PK91.3,Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices |
PK91.4,Cardiovascular devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified |
PK91.Y,Other specified cardiovascular devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm |
PK91.Z,Cardiovascular devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified |
PK92.0,Otorhinolaryngological devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices |
PK92.1,Otorhinolaryngological devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices |
PK92.2,Otorhinolaryngological devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices |
PK92.3,Otorhinolaryngological devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices |
PK92.4,Otorhinolaryngological devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified |
PK92.Y,Other specified otorhinolaryngological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm |
PK92.Z,Otorhinolaryngological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified |
PK93.0,Gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices |
PK93.10,Gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, urinary catheter |
PK93.1Y,Other specified gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices |
PK93.1Z,Gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices, unspecified |
PK93.2,Gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices |
PK93.3,Gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices |
PK93.4,Gastroenterology or urology devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified |
PK93.Y,Other specified gastroenterology or urology devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm |
PK93.Z,Gastroenterology or urology devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified |
PK94.0,General hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices |
PK94.1,General hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices |
PK94.2,General hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices |
PK94.3,General hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices |
PK94.4,General hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified |
PK94.Y,Other specified general hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm |
PK94.Z,General hospital or personal use devices associated with injury or harm, unspecified |
PK95.0,Neurological devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices |
PK95.1,Neurological devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices |
PK95.20,Neurological devices associated with injury or harm, ventricular shunt |
PK95.2Y,Other specified neurological devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices |
PK95.2Z,Neurological devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices, unspecified |
PK95.3,Neurological devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices |
PK95.4,Neurological devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified |
PK95.Y,Other specified neurological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm |
PK95.Z,Neurological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified |
PK96.0,Obstetric or gynaecological devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices |
PK96.1,Obstetric or gynaecological devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices |
PK96.2,Obstetric or gynaecological devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices |
PK96.3,Obstetric or gynaecological devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices |
PK96.4,Obstetric or gynaecological devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified |
PK96.Y,Other specified obstetric or gynaecological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm |
PK96.Z,Obstetric or gynaecological devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified |
PK97.0,Ophthalmic devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices |
PK97.1,Ophthalmic devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices |
PK97.2,Ophthalmic devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices |
PK97.3,Ophthalmic devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices |
PK97.4,Ophthalmic devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified |
PK97.Y,Other specified ophthalmic devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm |
PK97.Z,Ophthalmic devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified |
PK98.0,Radiological devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices |
PK98.1,Radiological devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices |
PK98.2,Radiological devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices |
PK98.3,Radiological devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices |
PK98.4,Radiological devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified |
PK98.Y,Other specified radiological devices associated with injury or harm |
PK98.Z,Radiological devices associated with injury or harm, unspecified |
PK99.0,Orthopaedic devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices |
PK99.1,Orthopaedic devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices |
PK99.2,Orthopaedic devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices |
PK99.3,Orthopaedic devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices |
PK99.4,Orthopaedic devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified |
PK99.Y,Other specified orthopaedic devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm |
PK99.Z,Orthopaedic devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified |
PK9A.0,Physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices |
PK9A.1,Physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices |
PK9A.20,Communication system devices associated with adverse incidents |
PK9A.21,Communication system devices associated with adverse incidents in a physical medicine care environment |
PK9A.22,Environmental control system devices associated with adverse incidents |
PK9A.23,Mobility aids associated with adverse incidents |
PK9A.24,Orthotic devices associated with adverse incidents |
PK9A.2Y,Other specified physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices |
PK9A.2Z,Physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices, unspecified |
PK9A.3,Physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices |
PK9A.4,Physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified |
PK9A.Y,Other specified physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm |
PK9A.Z,Physical medicine devices associated with injury or harm, unspecified |
PK9B.0,General or plastic surgery devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices |
PK9B.1,General or plastic surgery devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices |
PK9B.2,General or plastic surgery devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices |
PK9B.3,General or plastic surgery devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices |
PK9B.4,General or plastic surgery devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified |
PK9B.Y,Other specified general or plastic surgery devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm |
PK9B.Z,General or plastic surgery devices, implants or grafts associated with injury or harm, unspecified |
PK9C.0,Other or unspecified medical devices associated with injury or harm, diagnostic or monitoring devices |
PK9C.1,Other or unspecified medical devices associated with injury or harm, therapeutic, nonsurgical or rehabilitative devices |
PK9C.2,Other or unspecified medical devices associated with injury or harm, prosthetic or other implants, materials or accessory devices |
PK9C.30,Mechanical complication of nonabsorbable surgical material, not otherwise specified |
PK9C.31,Mechanical complication of permanent sutures |
PK9C.3Y,Other specified other or unspecified medical devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices |
PK9C.3Z,Other or unspecified medical devices associated with injury or harm, surgical instruments, materials or devices, unspecified |
PK9C.4,Other or unspecified medical devices associated with injury or harm, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified |
PL00,Drugs, medicaments or biological substances associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use |
PL01.0,Complementary or traditional medicines associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, Herbal Preparations or Formulas |
PL01.1,Complementary or traditional medicines associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, Dietary Supplements, Vitamins or Minerals |
PL01.2,Complementary or traditional medicines associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, Complementary or Traditional Medicines, not elsewhere classified |
PL01.Y,Other specified complementary or traditional medicines associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use |
PL01.Z,Complementary or traditional medicines associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified |
PL0Z,Substances associated with injury or harm in therapeutic use, unspecified |
PL10,Other health care related causes of injury or harm |
PL11.0,Cut, puncture or tear as mode of injury or harm |
PL11.1,Burn arising during procedure, as mode of injury or harm |
PL11.20,Air embolism as mode of injury |
PL11.2Y,Other specified embolisation, as mode of injury or harm |
PL11.2Z,Embolisation, as mode of injury or harm, unspecified |
PL11.3,Foreign body accidentally left in body, as mode of injury or harm |
PL11.4,Failure of sterile precautions, as mode of injury or harm |
PL11.5,Procedure undertaken at wrong site or wrong side, as mode of injury or harm |
PL11.6,Pressure, as mode of injury or harm |
PL11.Y,Other specified mode of injury or harm associated with a surgical or other medical procedure |
PL11.Z,Unspecified mode of injury or harm associated with a surgical or other medical procedure |
PL12.0,Structural device failure, as mode of injury or harm |
PL12.1,Functional device failure, as mode of injury or harm |
PL12.2,Perforation or protrusion by device, as mode of injury or harm |
PL12.3,Obstruction of device, as mode of injury or harm |
PL12.4,Dislodgement, misconnection or de-attachment, as mode of injury or harm |
PL12.5,Operator error, as mode of injury or harm |
PL12.6,Combination or interaction of operator error and device failure, as mode of injury or harm |
PL12.Y,Other specified mode of injury or harm associated with a surgical or other medical device, implant or graft |
PL12.Z,Mode of injury or harm associated with a surgical or other medical device, implant or graft, unspecified |
PL13.0,Overdose of substance, as mode of injury or harm |
PL13.1,Underdosing, as mode of injury or harm |
PL13.2,Drug-related injury or harm in the context of correct administration or dosage, as mode of injury or harm |
PL13.3,Incorrect substance, as mode of injury or harm |
PL13.4,Incorrect route of administration, as mode of injury or harm |
PL13.5,Incorrect duration of administration or course of therapy, as mode of injury or harm |
PL13.6,Medication or substance that is known to be an allergen, as mode of injury or harm |
PL13.7,Medication or substance that is known to be contraindicated for the patient, as mode of injury or harm |
PL13.8,Expired or deteriorated medication or substance, as mode of injury or harm |
PL13.9,Drug or substance interactions, as mode of injury or harm |
PL13.A,Inappropriate stoppage or discontinuation of drug, as mode of injury or harm |
PL13.Y,Other specified mode of injury or harm associated with exposure to a drug, medicament or biological substance |
PL13.Z,Mode of injury or harm associated with exposure to a drug, medicament or biological substance, unspecified |
PL14.0,Non-administration of necessary drug |
PL14.1,Non provision of necessary procedure |
PL14.2,Problem associated with physical transfer of patient |
PL14.3,Mismatched blood used in transfusion |
PL14.4,Other problem associated with transfusion |
PL14.5,Problem associated with physical restraints |
PL14.6,Problem associated with isolation protocol |
PL14.7,Problem associated with clinical documentation |
PL14.8,Problem associated with clinical software |
PL14.9,Incorrect diagnosis |
PL14.A,Delayed diagnosis |
PL14.B,Delayed treatment |
PL14.C,Patient received diagnostic test or treatment intended for another patient |
PL14.D,Problem associated with transitions of care, hand offs, or handovers |
PL14.E,Fall in health care |
PL14.Y,Other specified aspects of care associated with injury or harm |
PL14.Z,Mode of injury or harm associated with other health care related causes, unspecified |
PL2Y,Other specified external causes of morbidity or mortality |
PL2Z,External causes of morbidity or mortality, unspecified |
QA00.0,General adult medical examination |
QA00.1,Routine child health examination |
QA00.2,Routine newborn health examination |
QA00.3,General psychiatric examination |
QA00.4,Examination of potential donor of organ or tissue |
QA00.5,Examination for normal comparison or control in clinical research programme |
QA00.6,Examination of eyes or vision |
QA00.7,Examination of ears and hearing |
QA00.8,Dental examination |
QA00.9,Gynaecological examination |
QA00.A,Skin or other sensitisation tests |
QA00.B,Radiological examination |
QA00.C,Laboratory examination |
QA00.D,Encounter for blood typing |
QA00.E,Encounter for antibody response examination |
QA00.Y,Other specified general examination or investigation of persons without complaint or reported diagnosis |
QA00.Z,General examination or investigation of persons without complaint or reported diagnosis, unspecified |
QA01.0,Examination for admission to educational institution |
QA01.1,Pre-employment examination |
QA01.2,Examination for admission to residential institutions |
QA01.3,Examination for recruitment to armed forces |
QA01.4,Examination for driving license |
QA01.5,Examination for participation in sport |
QA01.6,Examination for insurance purposes |
QA01.7,Issue of medical certificate |
QA01.8,Encounter for adoption services |
QA01.Y,Other specified examination or encounter for administrative purposes |
QA01.Z,Examination or encounter for administrative purposes, unspecified |
QA02.0,Observation for suspected tuberculosis, ruled out |
QA02.1,Observation for suspected Dengue, ruled out |
QA02.2,Observation for suspected malignant neoplasm, ruled out |
QA02.3,Observation for suspected mental or behavioural disorders, ruled out |
QA02.4,Observation for suspected nervous system disorder, ruled out |
QA02.5,Observation for suspected toxic effect from ingested substance, ruled out |
QA02.6,Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected condition, ruled out |
QA02.7,Observation for suspected suicide ideation or attempt, ruled out |
QA02.8,Observation for suspected allergy or hypersensitivity, ruled out |
QA02.Y,Medical observation or evaluation for other suspected diseases or conditions, ruled out |
QA03.0,Occupational health examination |
QA03.1,Routine general health check-up of inhabitants of institutions |
QA03.2,Routine general health check-up of armed forces |
QA03.3,Routine general health check-up of sports teams |
QA03.Y,Other specified routine general health check-up of defined subpopulation |
QA03.Z,Routine general health check-up of defined subpopulation, unspecified |
QA04.0,Blood-alcohol or blood-drug test |
QA04.1,Alcohol and drug testing other than by blood |
QA04.2,Examination or observation following transport accident |
QA04.3,Examination or observation following work accident |
QA04.4,Examination or observation following accident other than work or transport |
QA04.50,Examination or observation for suspected physical maltreatment |
QA04.51,Examination or observation for suspected sexual maltreatment |
QA04.52,Examination or observation for suspected psychological maltreatment |
QA04.53,Examination or observation for suspected neglect or abandonment |
QA04.5Y,Other specified examination or observation for suspected maltreatment |
QA04.5Z,Examination or observation for suspected maltreatment, unspecified |
QA04.6,General psychiatric examination, requested by authority |
QA04.7,Examination for medicolegal reasons |
QA04.Y,Other specified examination or observation for reasons other than suspected diseases or conditions or administrative purposes |
QA04.Z,Examination or observation for reasons other than suspected diseases or conditions or administrative purposes, unspecified |
QA05,Person consulting for explanation of investigation findings |
QA06,Follow-up examination after treatment for malignant neoplasms |
QA07.0,Follow-up examination after organ transplant |
QA07.Y,Other specified follow-up examination after treatment for conditions other than malignant neoplasms |
QA07.Z,Follow-up examination after treatment for conditions other than malignant neoplasms, unspecified |
QA08.0,Special screening examination for intestinal infectious diseases |
QA08.1,Special screening examination for respiratory tuberculosis |
QA08.2,Special screening examination for other bacterial diseases |
QA08.3,Special screening examination for infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission |
QA08.4,Special screening examination for human immunodeficiency virus |
QA08.5,Special screening examination for other viral diseases |
QA08.6,Special screening examination for other protozoal diseases or helminthiases |
QA08.Y,Special screening examination for other specified infectious diseases |
QA08.Z,Special screening examination for unspecified infectious diseases |
QA09.0,Special screening examination for neoplasm of stomach |
QA09.1,Special screening examination for neoplasm of intestinal tract |
QA09.2,Special screening examination for neoplasm of respiratory organs |
QA09.3,Special screening examination for neoplasm of breast |
QA09.4,Special screening examination for neoplasm of cervix |
QA09.5,Special screening examination for neoplasm of prostate |
QA09.6,Special screening examination for neoplasm of bladder |
QA09.7,Special screening examination for neoplasm of skin |
QA09.Y,Other specified special screening examination for neoplasms |
QA09.Z,Special screening for neoplasm of unspecified site |
QA0A.0,Special screening examination for diseases of the blood or blood-forming organs or certain disorders involving the immune mechanism |
QA0A.10,Special screening examination for diabetes mellitus |
QA0A.1Y,Other specified special screening examination for endocrine and metabolic disorder |
QA0A.1Z,Special screening examination for endocrine and metabolic disorder, unspecified |
QA0A.2,Special screening examination for nutritional disorders |
QA0A.3,Special screening examination for mental or behavioural disorders |
QA0A.4,Special screening examination for certain developmental disorders in childhood |
QA0A.5,Special screening examination for eye or ear disorders |
QA0A.6,Special screening examination for cardiovascular disorders |
QA0A.7,Special screening examination for allergic and hypersensitivity conditions |
QA0A.Y,Special screening for diseases and disorders not elsewhere classified |
QA0A.Z,Special screening examination for other diseases or disorders, unspecified |
QA0B,Preprocedural examination |
QA0Y,Other examination or investigation |
QA0Z,Examination or investigation, unspecified |
QA10,Contact with health services for dietary counselling or surveillance |
QA11,Contact with health services for alcohol use counselling or surveillance |
QA12,Contact with health services for drug use counselling or surveillance |
QA13,Contact with health services for tobacco use counselling |
QA14,Contact with health services for human immunodeficiency virus counselling |
QA15.0,Counselling related to sexual attitude |
QA15.1,Counselling related to sexual behaviour and orientation or sexual relationships of the person |
QA15.2,Counselling related to sexual behaviour and orientation or sexual relationships of third party |
QA15.3,Counselling related to combined sexual attitudes, sexual behaviour and sexual relationships |
QA15.Y,Other specified counselling related to sexuality |
QA15.Z,Counselling related to sexuality, unspecified |
QA16,Individual psychological or behavioural counselling |
QA17,Marital or couples counselling |
QA18,Family counselling |
QA19,Group counselling |
QA1A,Discussion of issues surrounding impending death |
QA1B,Concern about or fear of medical treatment |
QA1C,Person with feared complaint in whom no diagnosis is made |
QA1Y,Contact with health services for other specified counselling |
QA1Z,Contact with health services for unspecified counselling |
QA20,Contact with health services for concerns about pregnancy |
QA21.0,Contact with health services for postcoital contraception |
QA21.1,Contact with health services for general counselling or advice on contraception |
QA21.2,Contact with health services for insertion of contraceptive device |
QA21.3,Contact with health services for sterilisation |
QA21.4,Contact with health services for menstrual extraction |
QA21.5,Surveillance of contraceptive drugs |
QA21.60,Retained intrauterine device without injury or harm in non-pregnant uterus |
QA21.6Y,Other specified surveillance of contraceptive device |
QA21.6Z,Surveillance of contraceptive device, unspecified |
QA21.Y,Other specified contact with health services for contraceptive management |
QA21.Z,Contact with health services for contraceptive management, unspecified |
QA30.00,Contact with health services for gamete intrafallopian transfer |
QA30.01,Contact with health services for procreative management by artificial insemination |
QA30.02,Contact with health services for medically assisted sperm insemination |
QA30.0Y,Contact with health services for other specified assisted insemination |
QA30.0Z,Contact with health services for unspecified assisted insemination |
QA30.10,Contact with health services for in vitro fertilisation |
QA30.11,Contact with health services for egg retrieval |
QA30.12,Contact with health services for embryo transfer |
QA30.13,Contact with health services for ovum implantation |
QA30.14,Contact with health services for harvesting ovum for in vitro fertilisation |
QA30.15,Contact with health services for harvesting or implantation of ova |
QA30.1Y,Contact with health services for other specified assisted reproductive technology |
QA30.1Z,Contact with health services for unspecified assisted reproductive technology |
QA30.20,Contact with health services for controlled ovarian stimulation for assisted reproductive technology |
QA30.21,Contact with health services for controlled ovarian stimulation for non-assisted reproductive technology cycles |
QA30.22,Contact with health services for ovulation induction |
QA30.2Y,Contact with health services for other specified assisted fertilisation methods |
QA30.2Z,Contact with health services for unspecified assisted fertilisation methods |
QA30.Y,Other specified contact with health services for medically assisted reproduction |
QA30.Z,Contact with health services for medically assisted reproduction, unspecified |
QA31,Contact with health services for genetic counselling |
QA32,Contact with health services for tuboplasty or vasoplasty after previous sterilisation |
QA33,Contact with health services for preconception counselling |
QA34,Contact with health services for fertility preservation counselling |
QA35,Contact with health services by gestational carrier |
QA3Y,Contact with health services for other specified procreative management |
QA3Z,Contact with health services for procreative management, unspecified |
QA40,Pregnancy examination or test |
QA41,Pregnant state |
QA42.0,Supervision of normal first pregnancy |
QA42.Y,Supervision of other specified normal pregnancy |
QA42.Z,Supervision of normal pregnancy, unspecified |
QA43.0,Supervision of pregnancy with history of infertility |
QA43.1,Supervision of pregnancy with history of abortive outcome |
QA43.2,Supervision of pregnancy with other poor reproductive or obstetric history |
QA43.30,Concealed pregnancy |
QA43.3Y,Other specified supervision of pregnancy with history of insufficient antenatal care |
QA43.3Z,Supervision of pregnancy with history of insufficient antenatal care, unspecified |
QA43.4,Supervision of elderly primigravida |
QA43.5,Supervision of very young primigravida |
QA43.6,Supervision of high-risk pregnancy due to social problems |
QA43.Y,Other specified supervision of high-risk pregnancy |
QA43.Z,Supervision of high-risk pregnancy, unspecified |
QA44,Expectant parent pre-birth visit |
QA45.0,Antenatal screening for chromosomal anomalies |
QA45.1,Antenatal screening due to raised alphafetoprotein level |
QA45.Y,Other specified antenatal screening |
QA45.Z,Antenatal screening, unspecified |
QA46.0,Single live birth |
QA46.1,Single stillbirth |
QA46.2,Twins, both liveborn |
QA46.3,Twins, one liveborn and one stillborn |
QA46.4,Twins, both stillborn |
QA46.5,Triplets, all liveborn |
QA46.6,Triplets, some liveborn |
QA46.7,Triplets, all stillborn |
QA46.8,Quadruplets, all liveborn |
QA46.9,Quadruplets, some liveborn |
QA46.A,Quadruplets, all stillborn |
QA46.B,Quintuplets, all liveborn |
QA46.C,Quintuplets, some liveborn |
QA46.D,Quintuplets, all stillborn |
QA46.E,Sextuplets, all liveborn |
QA46.F,Sextuplets, some liveborn |
QA46.G,Sextuplets, all stillborn |
QA46.H,Other multiple births, all liveborn |
QA46.J,Other multiple births, some liveborn |
QA46.K,Other multiple births, all stillborn |
QA46.Z,Outcome of delivery, unspecified |
QA47.00,Single liveborn infant, delivered vaginally |
QA47.01,Single liveborn infant, delivered by caesarean |
QA47.0Y,Other specified singleton, born in hospital |
QA47.0Z,Singleton, born in hospital, unspecified |
QA47.1,Singleton, born outside hospital |
QA47.2,Singleton, unspecified as to place of birth |
QA47.30,Twin liveborn infant, delivered vaginally |
QA47.31,Twin liveborn infant, delivered by caesarean |
QA47.3Y,Other specified twin, born in hospital |
QA47.3Z,Twin, born in hospital, unspecified |
QA47.4,Twin, born outside hospital |
QA47.5,Twin, unspecified as to place of birth |
QA47.60,Multiple other than twins, delivered vaginally |
QA47.61,Multiple other than twins, delivered by caesarean section |
QA47.6Y,Other specified multiple other than twins, born in hospital |
QA47.6Z,Multiple other than twins, born in hospital, unspecified |
QA47.7,Multiple other than twins, born outside hospital |
QA47.8,Other multiple, unspecified as to place of birth |
QA47.Z,Liveborn infants according to place of birth, unspecified |
QA48.0,Care or examination immediately after delivery |
QA48.1,Care or examination of lactating mother |
QA48.2,Routine postpartum follow-up |
QA48.Y,Other specified postpartum care or examination |
QA48.Z,Postpartum care or examination, unspecified |
QA49,Problems related to unwanted pregnancy |
QA4A,Problems related to multiparity |
QA4B,Contact with health services for menopausal counselling |
QA4Y,Other specified contact with health services for reasons associated with reproduction |
QA4Z,Contact with health services for reasons associated with reproduction, unspecified |
QA50,Embolisation without injury or harm |
QA51,Foreign body accidentally left in body without injury or harm |
QA52,Failure of sterile precautions without injury or harm |
QA53,Pressure as potential mode of injury without injury or harm |
QA5Y,Other specified circumstances associated with a surgical or other medical procedure influencing the episode of care, without injury or harm |
QA5Z,Circumstances associated with a surgical or other medical procedure influencing the episode of care, without injury or harm, unspecified |
QA60,Structural device failure without injury or harm |
QA61,Functional device failure without injury or harm |
QA62,Dislodgement, misconnection or de-attachment of a surgical or medical device without injury or harm |
QA63,Obstruction of device without injury or harm |
QA64,Operator error without injury or harm |
QA65,Combination or interaction of operator error and device failure without injury or harm |
QA6Y,Other specified circumstances associated with a surgical or other medical device influencing the episode of care without injury or harm |
QA6Z,Circumstances associated with a surgical or other medical device influencing the episode of care without injury or harm, unspecified |
QA70,Overdose of substance without injury or harm |
QA71,Underdosing without injury or harm |
QA72,Incorrect substance without injury or harm |
QA73,Incorrect route of administration without injury or harm |
QA74,Unspecified appropriateness of dosing or administration without injury or harm |
QA75,Incorrect duration of administration or course of therapy without injury or harm |
QA76,Medication or substance that is known to be an allergen without injury or harm |
QA77,Medication or substance that is known to be contraindicated for the patient without injury or harm |
QA78,Expired or deteriorated medication or substance without injury or harm |
QA79,Drug or substance interactions without injury or harm |
QA7A,Inappropriate stoppage or discontinuation of drug without injury or harm |
QA7Y,Other specified circumstances associated with exposure to a drug, medicament or biological substance influencing the episode of care without injury or harm |
QA7Z,Circumstances associated with exposure to a drug, medicament or biological substance influencing the episode of care without injury or harm, unspecified |
QA80,Non-administration of necessary drug without injury or harm |
QA81,Non-provision of necessary procedure without injury or harm |
QA82,Problem associated with physical transfer of patient without injury or harm |
QA83,Mismatched blood used in transfusion without injury or harm |
QA84,Other problem with transfusion without injury or harm |
QA85,Problem with physical restraints without injury or harm |
QA86,Problem with isolation protocol without injury or harm |
QA87,Problem with clinical documentation without injury or harm |
QA88,Problem with clinical software without injury or harm |
QA89,Incorrect diagnosis without injury or harm |
QA8A,Delayed diagnosis without injury or harm |
QA8B,Delayed treatment without injury or harm |
QA8C,Problem with transitions of care, hand offs, or handovers without injury or harm |
QA8D,Patient received diagnostic test or treatment intended for another patient without injury or harm |
QA8E,Fall in health care without injury or harm |
QA8F,Needle stick without injury or harm |
QA8Y,Other specified circumstances associated with other aspects of care influencing the episode of care without injury or harm |
QA8Z,Circumstances associated with other aspects of care influencing the episode of care without injury or harm, unspecified |
QB0Y,Other specified health care related circumstances influencing the episode of care without injury or harm |
QB0Z,Health care related circumstances influencing the episode of care without injury or harm, unspecified |
QB10,Medical services not available in home |
QB11,Person awaiting admission to adequate facility elsewhere |
QB12.0,Organ transplant candidate |
QB12.Y,Other specified waiting period for investigation or treatment other than awaiting admission to adequate facility elsewhere |
QB12.Z,Waiting period for investigation or treatment other than awaiting admission to adequate facility elsewhere, unspecified |
QB13,Unavailability or inaccessibility of helping agencies other than health care facilities |
QB14,Unavailability or inaccessibility of health care facilities |
QB15,Medical services not available in current medical facility |
QB16,Respite care |
QB1Y,Other specified factors related to medical facilities and other health care |
QB1Z,Factors related to medical facilities and other health care, unspecified |
QB20,Blood donor |
QB21,Bone marrow donor |
QB22,Kidney donor |
QB23,Cornea donor |
QB24,Liver donor |
QB25,Heart donor |
QB2Y,Donors of other specified organs or tissues |
QB2Z,Donors of organs or tissues, unspecified |
QB30.00,Adjustment or management of bone conduction device |
QB30.01,Adjustment or management of cochlear device |
QB30.0Y,Adjustment or management of other implanted hearing device |
QB30.0Z,Adjustment or management of implanted hearing device, unspecified |
QB30.1,Adjustment or management of infusion pump |
QB30.20,Adjustment or management of cardiac pacemaker |
QB30.21,Adjustment or management of cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator |
QB30.22,Adjustment or management of cardiac resynchronization therapy pacemaker |
QB30.23,Adjustment or management of cardioverter-defibrillator |
QB30.2Y,Other specified adjustment or management of cardiac devices |
QB30.2Z,Adjustment or management of cardiac devices, unspecified |
QB30.3,Adjustment or management of vascular access device |
QB30.4,Adjustment or management of implanted gastric device |
QB30.5,Fitting or adjustment of urinary device |
QB30.6,Adjustment or management of breast implant |
QB30.7,Adjustment or removal of myringotomy stent or tube |
QB30.8,Adjustment and management of a neurostimulator |
QB30.9,Fitting or adjustment of cerebrospinal fluid drainage device |
QB30.A,Fitting or adjustment of neuropacemaker |
QB30.Y,Fitting, adjustment or management of other specified implanted devices |
QB30.Z,Adjustment or management of implanted devices, unspecified |
QB31.00,Fitting or adjustment of artificial arm |
QB31.01,Fitting or adjustment of artificial leg |
QB31.02,Fitting or adjustment of artificial eye |
QB31.03,Fitting or adjustment of external breast prosthesis |
QB31.0Y,Other specified fitting or adjustment of external prosthetic device |
QB31.0Z,Fitting or adjustment of external prosthetic device, unspecified |
QB31.1,Fitting or adjustment of orthopaedic device |
QB31.2,Fitting or adjustment of orthodontic device |
QB31.3,Fitting or adjustment of dental prosthetic device |
QB31.4,Fitting or adjustment of hearing aid |
QB31.5,Fitting or adjustment of spectacles or contact lenses |
QB31.Y,Fitting, adjustment or management of other specified external devices |
QB31.Z,Fitting, adjustment or management of external devices, unspecified |
QB3Z,Fitting, adjustment or management of devices, unspecified |
QB40,Dependence on aspirator |
QB41,Dependence on respirator |
QB42,Dependence on renal dialysis |
QB43,Dependence on artificial heart |
QB44,Dependence on wheelchair |
QB4Y,Dependence on other specified machine or device |
QB4Z,Dependence on unspecified machine or device |
QB50.00,Presence of cardiac pacemaker |
QB50.01,Presence of cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator |
QB50.02,Presence of cardiac resynchronization therapy pacemaker |
QB50.03,Presence of cardioverter-defibrillator |
QB50.0Y,Other specified presence of electronic cardiac devices |
QB50.0Z,Presence of electronic cardiac devices, unspecified |
QB50.1,Presence of aortocoronary bypass graft |
QB50.2,Presence of prosthetic heart valve |
QB50.3,Presence of xenogenic heart valve |
QB50.4,Presence of coronary angioplasty implant or graft |
QB50.Y,Presence of other specified cardiac or vascular implants or grafts |
QB50.Z,Presence of unspecified cardiac or vascular implants or grafts |
QB51.0,Presence of a neurostimulator |
QB51.1,Presence of urogenital implants |
QB51.2,Presence of intraocular lens |
QB51.3,Presence of otological or audiological implants |
QB51.4,Presence of artificial larynx |
QB51.5,Presence of endocrine implants |
QB51.6,Presence of tooth-root or mandibular implants |
QB51.7,Presence of orthopaedic joint implants |
QB51.8,Presence of artificial eye |
QB51.9,Presence of artificial limb |
QB51.A,Presence of dental prosthetic device |
QB51.B,Presence of external hearing-aid |
QB51.C,Presence of contraceptive device |
QB51.D,Presence of cerebrospinal fluid drainage device |
QB51.Y,Presence of other specified devices other than cardiac or vascular implants |
QB5Z,Presence of unspecified device |
QB60,Presence of arthrodesis |
QB61.0,Presence of tracheostomy |
QB61.1,Presence of thoracostomy |
QB61.2,Presence of gastrostomy |
QB61.30,Presence of ileostomy |
QB61.3Y,Other specified presence of enterostomy |
QB61.3Z,Presence of enterostomy, unspecified |
QB61.4,Presence of colostomy |
QB61.5,Presence of cystostomy |
QB61.6,Presence of nephrostomy |
QB61.7,Presence of ureterostomy |
QB61.8,Presence of urethrostomy |
QB61.Y,Presence of other artificial opening |
QB61.Z,Presence of artificial opening, unspecified |
QB62.0,Attention to tracheostomy |
QB62.1,Attention to gastrostomy |
QB62.2,Attention to ileostomy |
QB62.3,Attention to colostomy |
QB62.4,Attention to cystostomy |
QB62.5,Attention to artificial vagina |
QB62.6,Attention to nephrostomy |
QB62.7,Attention to ureterostomy |
QB62.8,Attention to urethrostomy |
QB62.Y,Attention to other artificial openings |
QB62.Z,Attention to artificial openings, unspecified |
QB63.0,Presence of transplanted kidney |
QB63.1,Presence of transplanted heart |
QB63.2,Presence of transplanted lung |
QB63.3,Presence of transplanted liver |
QB63.4,Presence of transplanted skin |
QB63.5,Presence of transplanted bone |
QB63.6,Presence of transplanted bone marrow |
QB63.7,Presence of transfused blood |
QB63.8,Presence of transplanted stem cell |
QB63.9,Presence of transplanted cornea |
QB63.Y,Presence of other transplanted organ or tissue |
QB63.Z,Presence of transplanted organ or tissue, unspecified |
QB6Y,Other specified surgical or postsurgical states |
QB6Z,Surgical or postsurgical states, unspecified |
QB70,Convalescence following chemotherapy |
QB71,Convalescence following psychotherapy |
QB72,Convalescence following treatment of fracture |
QB73,Convalescence following combined treatment |
QB7Y,Other specified convalescence |
QB7Z,Convalescence, unspecified |
QB80.0,Contact with health services for prophylactic surgery for risk-factors related to malignant neoplasms |
QB80.Y,Other specified contact with health services for prophylactic surgery |
QB80.Z,Contact with health services for prophylactic surgery, unspecified |
QB81,Contact with health services for plastic surgery for unacceptable cosmetic appearance other than hair transplant |
QB82,Contact with health services for routine or ritual circumcision |
QB83,Follow-up care involving plastic surgery |
QB84,Follow-up care involving removal of fracture plate or other internal fixation device |
QB85,Attention to surgical dressings, drains or sutures |
QB86,Contact with health services for hair transplant |
QB8Y,Contact with health services for other specified surgical interventions |
QB8Z,Contact with health services for specific surgical interventions, unspecified |
QB90,Contact with health services for ear piercing |
QB91,Contact with health services for piercing of body site other than ear |
QB92,Contact with health services for issue of repeat prescription |
QB93,Contact with health services for orthodontic care |
QB94.0,Preparatory care for dialysis |
QB94.1,Care involving extracorporeal dialysis |
QB94.2,Care involving peritoneal dialysis |
QB94.Y,Care involving other specified dialysis |
QB94.Z,Care involving dialysis, unspecified |
QB95.0,Cardiac rehabilitation |
QB95.1,Physical rehabilitation |
QB95.2,Alcohol rehabilitation |
QB95.3,Drug rehabilitation |
QB95.4,Psychotherapy |
QB95.5,Speech therapy |
QB95.6,Orthoptic training |
QB95.7,Occupational therapy or vocational rehabilitation |
QB95.8,Tobacco rehabilitation |
QB95.Y,Care involving use of other specified rehabilitation procedures |
QB95.Z,Care involving use of rehabilitation procedures, unspecified |
QB96,Radiotherapy session |
QB97,Chemotherapy session for neoplasm |
QB98,Blood transfusion without reported diagnosis |
QB99,Apheresis |
QB9A,Preparatory care for subsequent treatment |
QB9B,Palliative care |
QB9C,Allergen immunotherapy |
QB9Y,Other specified contact with health services for nonsurgical interventions not involving devices |
QB9Z,Contact with health services for nonsurgical interventions not involving devices, unspecified |
QC00.0,Need for immunization against cholera alone |
QC00.1,Need for immunization against typhoid-paratyphoid alone |
QC00.2,Need for immunization against tuberculosis |
QC00.3,Need for immunization against plague |
QC00.4,Need for immunization against tularaemia |
QC00.5,Need for immunization against tetanus alone |
QC00.6,Need for immunization against diphtheria alone |
QC00.7,Need for immunization against pertussis alone |
QC00.Y,Other specified need for immunization against single bacterial diseases |
QC00.Z,Need for immunization against single bacterial diseases, unspecified |
QC01.0,Need for immunization against poliomyelitis |
QC01.1,Need for immunization against arthropod-borne viral encephalitis |
QC01.2,Need for immunization against rabies |
QC01.3,Need for immunization against yellow fever |
QC01.4,Need for immunization against measles alone |
QC01.5,Need for immunization against rubella alone |
QC01.6,Need for immunization against viral hepatitis |
QC01.7,Need for immunization against mumps alone |
QC01.8,Need for immunization against influenza |
QC01.Y,Other specified need for immunization against certain single viral diseases |
QC01.Z,Need for immunization against certain single viral diseases, unspecified |
QC02.0,Need for immunization against leishmaniasis |
QC02.Y,Other specified need for immunization against certain specified single infectious diseases |
QC02.Z,Need for immunization against certain specified single infectious diseases, unspecified |
QC03.0,Need for immunization against cholera with typhoid-paratyphoid |
QC03.1,Need for immunization against diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, combined |
QC03.2,Need for immunization against diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis with typhoid-paratyphoid |
QC03.3,Need for immunization against diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis with poliomyelitis |
QC03.4,Need for immunization against measles-mumps-rubella |
QC03.Y,Other specified need for immunization against combinations of infectious diseases |
QC03.Z,Need for immunization against combinations of infectious diseases, unspecified |
QC04.0,Immunization not carried out due to patient having had the disease |
QC04.1,Immunization not carried out because of acute illness |
QC04.2,Immunization not carried out because of chronic illness or condition of patient |
QC04.3,Immunization not carried out because of immune-compromised state of patient |
QC04.4,Immunization not carried out because of patient allergy to vaccine or component |
QC04.5,Immunization not carried out because of patient refusal |
QC04.6,Immunization not carried out because of caregiver refusal |
QC04.7,Immunization not carried out due to lack of availability |
QC04.Y,Immunization not carried out for other reasons |
QC04.Z,Immunization not carried out for unspecified reason |
QC05.0,Isolation |
QC05.1,Prophylactic immunotherapy |
QC05.Y,Other specified prophylactic measures |
QC05.Z,Prophylactic measures, unspecified |
QC06,Underimmunization status |
QC0Y,Other specified contact with health services related to immunizations or certain other prophylactic measures |
QC0Z,Contact with health services related to immunizations or certain other prophylactic measures, unspecified |
QC10,Procedure not carried out because of contraindication |
QC11,Procedure not carried out because of patient's decision for reasons of belief or group pressure |
QC12,Procedure not carried out because of patient's decision for reasons other than belief or group pressure |
QC1Y,Intervention not carried out for other reasons |
QC1Z,Intervention not carried out, unspecified reason |
QC20.0,Partner illness problem |
QC20.1,Illness problem with child |
QC20.Y,Other specified person consulting on behalf of another person |
QC20.Z,Person consulting on behalf of another person, unspecified |
QC21,Healthy person accompanying sick person |
QC22,Health supervision or care of abandoned infant |
QC2Y,Other specified contact with health services associated with the health of others |
QC2Z,Contact with health services associated with the health of others, unspecified |
QC30,Malingering |
QC40.0,Personal history of malignant neoplasm of digestive organs |
QC40.1,Personal history of malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus or lung |
QC40.2,Personal history of malignant neoplasm of respiratory or intrathoracic organs other than the digestive organs, trachea, bronchus or lung |
QC40.3,Personal history of malignant neoplasm of breast |
QC40.4,Personal history of malignant neoplasm of genital organs |
QC40.5,Personal history of malignant neoplasm of urinary tract |
QC40.6,Personal history of leukaemia |
QC40.7,Personal history of other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, haematopoietic or related tissues |
QC40.Y,Personal history of malignant neoplasm of other specified site |
QC40.Z,Personal history of malignant neoplasm of unspecified site |
QC41,Personal history of non-malignant neoplasms |
QC42,Personal history of infectious or parasitic diseases |
QC43,Personal history of diseases of the blood or blood-forming organs |
QC44.0,Personal history of anaphylaxis |
QC44.1,Personal history of food-induced allergy or hypersensitivity |
QC44.2,Personal history of allergy to drugs, medicaments or biological substances |
QC44.3,Personal history of allergy, other than to drugs or biological substances |
QC44.Y,Other specified personal history of diseases of the immune system |
QC44.Z,Personal history of diseases of the immune system, unspecified |
QC45,Personal history of endocrine, nutritional or metabolic diseases |
QC46,Personal history of mental or behavioural disorder |
QC47,Personal history of diseases of the nervous system or sense organs |
QC48.0,Personal history of long-term use of anticoagulants |
QC48.Y,Other specified personal history of medical treatment |
QC48.Z,Personal history of medical treatment, unspecified |
QC49,Personal history of noncompliance with medical treatment or regimen |
QC4A,Personal history of poor personal hygiene |
QC4B,Personal history of self-harm |
QC4Y,Personal history of other specified health problems |
QC4Z,Personal history of health problems, unspecified |
QC50,Late effect of prior health problem, not elsewhere classified |
QC60,Family history of infectious diseases |
QC61.0,Family history of malignant neoplasm of digestive organs |
QC61.1,Family history of malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus or lung |
QC61.2,Family history of malignant neoplasm of respiratory or intrathoracic organs other than digestive organs, trachea, bronchus or lung |
QC61.3,Family history of malignant neoplasm of breast |
QC61.4,Family history of malignant neoplasm of genital organs |
QC61.5,Family history of malignant neoplasm of urinary tract |
QC61.6,Family history of leukaemia |
QC61.7,Family history of malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, haematopoietic or related tissues |
QC61.Y,Other specified family history of malignant neoplasm |
QC61.Z,Family history of malignant neoplasm, unspecified |
QC62,Family history of diseases of the blood or blood-forming organs |
QC63,Family history of disorders involving the immune mechanism |
QC64.0,Family history of diabetes mellitus |
QC64.Y,Other specified family history of endocrine, nutritional or metabolic diseases |
QC64.Z,Family history of endocrine, nutritional or metabolic diseases, unspecified |
QC65,Family history of mental or behavioural disorder |
QC66,Family history of eye or ear disorders |
QC67,Family history of ischaemic heart disease or other diseases of the circulatory system |
QC68,Family history of consanguinity |
QC69,Family history of stroke |
QC6Y,Family history of other specified health problems |
QC6Z,Family history of health problems, unspecified |
QC8Y,Other specified personal or family history or late effect of prior health problems |
QC8Z,Personal or family history or late effect of prior health problems, unspecified |
QC90.00,Exposure to cholera |
QC90.0Y,Other specified contact with or exposure to intestinal infectious diseases |
QC90.0Z,Contact with or exposure to intestinal infectious diseases, unspecified |
QC90.1,Contact with or exposure to tuberculosis |
QC90.2,Contact with or exposure to infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission |
QC90.3,Contact with or exposure to rabies |
QC90.4,Contact with or exposure to rubella |
QC90.5,Contact with or exposure to viral hepatitis |
QC90.6,Contact with or exposure to human immunodeficiency virus |
QC90.7,Contact with or exposure to pediculosis, acariasis or other infestations |
QC90.Y,Contact with or exposure to other specified communicable diseases |
QC90.Z,Contact with or exposure to communicable diseases, unspecified |
QD00,Carrier of salmonella typhi |
QD01.0,Asymptomatic enteric carriage of Entamoeba |
QD01.Y,Other specified carrier of intestinal infectious agents |
QD01.Z,Carrier of intestinal infectious agents, unspecified |
QD02,Carrier of corynebacterium diphtheriae |
QD03,Carrier of infectious agents with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission |
QD04,Asymptomatic colonization of the skin by virulent or therapy resistant bacteria |
QD0Y,Carrier of other specified infectious disease agent |
QD0Z,Carrier of infectious disease agent, unspecified |
QD2Y,Other specified health status associated with infectious or certain specified conditions |
QD2Z,Unspecified health status associated with infectious or certain specified conditions |
QD30,Concern about breast appearance |
QD31,Contact with health services for concerns about body image related to pregnancy |
QD3Y,Other specified concern about body appearance |
QD3Z,Concern about body appearance, unspecified |
QD50,Poverty |
QD51,Low income |
QD5Y,Other specified problems associated with finances |
QD5Z,Problems associated with finances, unspecified |
QD60,Problems associated with inadequate drinking-water |
QD61,Inadequate food |
QD6Z,Problems associated with drinking water or nutrition, unspecified |
QD70.0,Problems associated with exposure to noise |
QD70.1,Problems associated with exposure to air pollution |
QD70.2,Problems associated with exposure to water pollution |
QD70.3,Problems associated with exposure to soil pollution |
QD70.4,Problems associated with exposure to radiation |
QD70.5,Problems associated with exposure to tobacco smoke |
QD70.6,Problems associated with inadequate access to electrical power |
QD70.Z,Problems associated with the natural environment or human-made changes to the environment, unspecified |
QD71.0,Homelessness |
QD71.1,Inadequate housing |
QD71.2,Problems related to living in residential institution |
QD71.Z,Problems associated with housing, unspecified |
QD7Y,Other specified problems associated with the environment |
QD7Z,Problems associated with the environment, unspecified |
QD80,Problem associated with unemployment |
QD81,Problem associated with change of job |
QD82,Problem associated with threat of job loss |
QD83.0,Problem associated with uncongenial work |
QD83.1,Problem associated with stressful work schedule |
QD83.Y,Other specified problem with employment conditions |
QD84.0,Occupational exposure to dust |
QD84.1,Occupational exposure to toxic agents in agriculture |
QD84.2,Occupational exposure to toxic agents in industries other than agriculture |
QD84.3,Occupational exposure to vibration |
QD84.4,Occupational exposure to ergonomic risk |
QD84.Y,Other specified occupational exposure to risk-factors |
QD84.Z,Occupational exposure to risk-factors, unspecified |
QD85,Burn-out |
QD8Y,Other specified problems associated with employment or unemployment |
QD8Z,Problems associated with employment or unemployment, unspecified |
QD90,Problem associated with illiteracy or low-level literacy |
QD91,Problem associated with education unavailable or unattainable |
QD92,Problem with educational progress |
QD9Y,Other specified problems associated with education |
QD9Z,Problems associated with education, unspecified |
QE00,Acculturation difficulty |
QE01,Stress, not elsewhere classified |
QE02,Social role conflict |
QE03,Social exclusion or rejection |
QE04,Target of perceived adverse discrimination or persecution |
QE0Y,Other specified problems associated with social or cultural environment |
QE0Z,Problems associated with social or cultural environment, unspecified |
QE10,Hazardous alcohol use |
QE11.0,Hazardous use of opioids |
QE11.1,Hazardous use of cannabis |
QE11.2,Hazardous use of sedatives, hypnotics or anxiolytics |
QE11.3,Hazardous use of cocaine |
QE11.4,Hazardous use of stimulants including amphetamines or methamphetamine |
QE11.5,Hazardous use of caffeine |
QE11.6,Hazardous use of MDMA or related drugs |
QE11.7,Hazardous use of dissociative drugs including ketamine or PCP |
QE11.8,Hazardous use of other specified psychoactive substances |
QE11.9,Hazardous use of unknown or unspecified psychoactive substances |
QE11.Y,Other specified hazardous drug use |
QE11.Z,Hazardous drug use, unspecified |
QE12,Hazardous nicotine use |
QE13,Tobacco use |
QE1Y,Other specified hazardous substance use |
QE1Z,Hazardous substance use, unspecified |
QE20,Lack of physical exercise |
QE21,Hazardous gambling or betting |
QE22,Hazardous gaming |
QE23,Problems with inappropriate diet or eating habits |
QE24,Problems with hygiene behaviours |
QE25,Problems with oral health behaviours |
QE26,Problem with sun exposure behaviour |
QE27,Problem with behaviours related to psychological health or wellbeing |
QE28,Problem with health literacy |
QE2Y,Problems with other specified health-related behaviours |
QE2Z,Problem with health-related behaviours, unspecified |
QE30.0,Insufficient social insurance support, aged |
QE30.1,Insufficient social insurance support, disability |
QE30.2,Insufficient social insurance support, unemployment |
QE30.3,Insufficient social insurance support, family support |
QE31.0,Insufficient social welfare support, child protection |
QE31.1,Insufficient social welfare support, protection against domestic violence |
QE31.2,Insufficient social welfare support, protection against homelessness |
QE31.3,Insufficient social welfare support, post prison services |
QE3Y,Other specified problems associated with social insurance or welfare |
QE3Z,Problems associated with social insurance or welfare, unspecified |
QE40,Problem associated with conviction in civil or criminal proceedings without imprisonment |
QE41,Problem associated with imprisonment and other incarceration |
QE42,Problem related to release from prison |
QE4Y,Other specified problems associated with the justice system |
QE4Z,Problems associated with the justice system, unspecified |
QE50.0,Problem associated with relationship with friend |
QE50.10,Dissatisfaction with school environment |
QE50.1Y,Other specified relationships with teachers or classmates |
QE50.1Z,Relationships with teachers or classmates, unspecified |
QE50.2,Problem associated with relationships with people at work |
QE50.3,Relationships with neighbours, tenant or landlord |
QE50.4,Relationship with parents, in-laws or other family members |
QE50.5,Discord with counsellors |
QE50.6,Inadequate social skills |
QE50.7,Personality difficulty |
QE50.Y,Other specified problem associated with interpersonal interactions |
QE51.0,Relationship distress with spouse or partner |
QE51.1,History of spouse or partner violence |
QE52.0,Caregiver-child relationship problem |
QE52.1,Loss of love relationship in childhood |
QE5Y,Other specified problems associated with relationships |
QE5Z,Problems associated with relationships, unspecified |
QE60,Absence of family member |
QE61.0,Loss or death of child |
QE61.Y,Disappearance or death of other family member |
QE62,Uncomplicated bereavement |
QE6Y,Other specified problems associated with absence, loss or death of others |
QE6Z,Problems associated with absence, loss or death of others, unspecified |
QE70.0,Inadequate family support |
QE70.1,Disruption of family by separation or divorce |
QE70.2,Dependent relative needing care at home |
QE70.Z,Problems related to primary support group, including family circumstances, unspecified |
QE80,Victim of crime or terrorism |
QE81,Exposure to disaster, war or other hostilities |
QE82.0,Personal history of physical abuse |
QE82.1,Personal history of sexual abuse |
QE82.2,Personal history of psychological abuse |
QE82.3,Personal history of neglect |
QE82.Y,Other specified personal history of maltreatment |
QE82.Z,Personal history of maltreatment, unspecified |
QE83,Personal frightening experience in childhood |
QE84,Acute stress reaction |
QE8Y,Other specified problems associated with harmful or traumatic events |
QE8Z,Problems associated with harmful or traumatic events, unspecified |
QE90,Inadequate parental supervision or control |
QE91,Parental overprotection |
QE92,Altered pattern of family relationships in childhood |
QE93,Removal from home in childhood |
QE94,Institutional upbringing |
QE95,Inappropriate parental pressure or other abnormal qualities of upbringing |
QE96,Events resulting in loss of self-esteem in childhood |
QE9Y,Other specified problems associated with upbringing |
QE9Z,Problems associated with upbringing, unspecified |
QF00,Acquired absence of limb |
QF01.0,Acquired absence of breast |
QF01.10,Acquired absence of female genital organs |
QF01.11,Acquired absence of male genital organs |
QF01.Y,Other specified acquired absence of organs |
QF01.Z,Acquired absence of organs, unspecified |
QF0Y,Other specified acquired absence of body structure |
QF0Z,Acquired absence of body structure, unspecified |
QF10,Limited function or disability of body organ or system |
QF20,Difficulty or need for assistance with learning |
QF21,Difficulty or need for assistance with general life tasks or life management |
QF22,Difficulty or need for assistance with communication |
QF23,Difficulty or need for assistance with mobility |
QF24,Difficulty or need for assistance with self-care |
QF25,Difficulty or need for assistance with relationships |
QF26,Difficulty or need for assistance with household tasks |
QF27,Difficulty or need for assistance at home and no other household member able to render care |
QF28,Difficulty or need for assistance with work activities |
QF29,Difficulty or need for assistance with major areas of life |
QF2A,Difficulty or need for assistance with community participation |
QF2B,Need for continuous supervision |
QF2Y,Difficulty or need for assistance with other specified activity |
QF2Z,Difficulty or need for assistance with unspecified activity |
QF4Y,Other specified factors influencing health status or contact with health services |
QF4Z,Factors influencing health status or contact with health services, unspecified |
RA00,International emergency code 01 |
RA01,International emergency code 02 |
RA02,International emergency code 03 |
RA03,International emergency code 04 |
RA04,International emergency code 05 |
RA05,International emergency code 06 |
RA06,International emergency code 07 |
RA07,International emergency code 08 |
RA08,International emergency code 09 |
RA09,International emergency code 10 |
RA20,National emergency code 01 |
RA21,National emergency code 02 |
RA22,National emergency code 03 |
RA23,National emergency code 04 |
RA24,National emergency code 05 |
RA25,National emergency code 06 |
RA26,National emergency code 07 |
SA00,Hypochondrium pain disorder (TM1) |
SA01,Jaundice disorder (TM1) |
SA02,Liver distension disorder (TM1) |
SA03,Tympanites disorder (TM1) |
SA04,Liver abscess disorder (TM1) |
SA05,Gallbladder distension disorder (TM1) |
SA0Y,Other specified liver system disorders (TM1) |
SA0Z,Liver system disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SA10,Inducible palpitation disorder (TM1) |
SA11,Spontaneous palpitation disorder (TM1) |
SA1Y,Other specified palpitation disorders (TM1) |
SA1Z,Palpitation disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SA20,True heart pain disorder (TM1) |
SA2Y,Other specified chest impediment disorders (TM1) |
SA2Z,Chest impediment disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SA4Y,Other specified heart system disorders (TM1) |
SA4Z,Heart system disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SA50,Dysphagia disorder (TM1) |
SA51,Stomach ache disorder (TM1) |
SA52,Epigastric distension disorder (TM1) |
SA53,Epigastric upset disorder (TM1) |
SA54,Food retention disorder (TM1) |
SA55,Diarrhea disorder (TM1) |
SA56,Dysentery disorder (TM1) |
SA57,Constipation disorder (TM1) |
SA58,Abdominal pain disorder (TM1) |
SA59,Intestinal abscess disorder (TM1) |
SA5Y,Other specified spleen system disorders (TM1) |
SA5Z,Spleen system disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SA60,Common cold disorder (TM1) |
SA70,Cough with dyspnea disorder (TM1) |
SA7Y,Other specified cough disorders (TM1) |
SA7Z,Cough disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SA80,Dyspnea disorder (TM1) |
SA81,Wheezing disorder (TM1) |
SA82,Lung distension disorder (TM1) |
SA83,Pleural fluid retention disorder (TM1) |
SA84,Lung heat disorder (TM1) |
SA85,Lung withering disorder (TM1) |
SA86,Chest bind disorder (TM1) |
SA8Y,Other specified lung system disorders (TM1) |
SA8Z,Lung system disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SA90,Stony stranguria disorder (TM1) |
SA91,Heat stranguria disorder (TM1) |
SA9Y,Other specified strangury disorders (TM1) |
SA9Z,Strangury disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SB00,Kidney stagnation disorder (TM1) |
SB01,Flooding urine disorder (TM1) |
SB02,Enuresis disorder (TM1) |
SB03,Turbid urine disorder (TM1) |
SB04,Dribbling urinary block disorder (TM1) |
SB05,Block and repulsion disorder (TM1) |
SB06.0,Kidney edema disorder (TM1) |
SB06.1,Wind edema disorder (TM1) |
SB06.Y,Other specified edema disorders (TM1) |
SB06.Z,Edema disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SB07,Lower abdominal colic disorder (TM1) |
SB08,Premature ejaculation disorder (TM1) |
SB09,Involuntary ejaculation disorder (TM1) |
SB0A,Persistent erection disorder (TM1) |
SB0B,Impotence disorder (TM1) |
SB0C,Male Infertility disorder (TM1) |
SB0Y,Other specified kidney system disorders (TM1) |
SB0Z,Kidney system disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SB2Y,Other specified organ system disorders (TM1) |
SB2Z,Organ system disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SB30,Dampness sore disorder (TM1) |
SB31,Impetigo disorder (TM1) |
SB40,Septicemic furunculosis disorder (TM1) |
SB4Y,Other specified furuncle disorders (TM1) |
SB4Z,Furuncle disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SB50,Bed sore disorder (TM1) |
SB60,Deep multiple abscess disorder (TM1) |
SB61,Anal abscess disorder (TM1) |
SB6Y,Other specified abscess disorders (TM1) |
SB6Z,Abscess disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SB70,Headed carbuncle disorder (TM1) |
SB71,Foot dampness itch disorder (TM1) |
SB72,Tinea circinate disorder (TM1) |
SB73,Dry skin disorder (TM1) |
SB74,Gangrene disorder (TM1) |
SB75,Wart disorder (TM1) |
SB76,Hand dampness itch disorder (TM1) |
SB77,Erysipelas disorder (TM1) |
SB78,Cellulitis disorder (TM1) |
SB79,Thrush disorder (TM1) |
SB7A,Herpes zoster disorder (TM1) |
SB7B,Interior haemorroid disorder (TM1) |
SB7C,Fissured anus disorder (TM1) |
SB7Y,Other specified skin and mucosa system disorders (TM1) |
SB7Z,Skin and mucosa system disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SB80,Advanced menstruation disorder (TM1) |
SB81,Delayed menstruation disorder (TM1) |
SB82,Irregular menstruation disorders (TM1) |
SB8Y,Other specified menstruation cycle disorders (TM1) |
SB8Z,Menstruation cycle disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SB90,Menorrhagia disorder (TM1) |
SB91,Decreased menstruation disorder (TM1) |
SB92,Prolonged menstruation disorder (TM1) |
SB93,Metrorrhagia disorder (TM1) |
SB94,Amenorrhea disorder (TM1) |
SB95,Menopausal disorder (TM1) |
SB96,Dysmenorrhea disorder (TM1) |
SB9Y,Other specified menstruation associated disorders (TM1) |
SB9Z,Menstruation associated disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SC00,Morning sickness disorder (TM1) |
SC01,Unstable fetus disorder (TM1) |
SC02,Bladder pressure disorder (TM1) |
SC03,Eclampsia disorder (TM1) |
SC04,Floating sensation pregnancy disorder (TM1) |
SC0Y,Other specified pregnancy associated disorders (TM1) |
SC0Z,Pregnancy associated disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SC10,Puerperal abdominal pain disorder (TM1) |
SC11,Puerperal wind disorder (TM1) |
SC12,Hypogalactia disorder (TM1) |
SC13,Postpartum lochiorrhea disorder (TM1) |
SC1Y,Other specified puerperium associated disorders (TM1) |
SC1Z,Puerperium associated disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SC20,Leukorrhea disorder (TM1) |
SC21,Vaginal flatus disorder (TM1) |
SC22,Infertility disorder (TM1) |
SC23,Uterine mass disorder (TM1) |
SC24,Breast lump disorder (TM1) |
SC2Y,Other specified other female reproductive system associated disorders (TM1) |
SC2Z,Other female reproductive system associated disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SC4Y,Other specified female reproductive system disorders (TM1) (including childbirth) |
SC4Z,Female reproductive system disorders (TM1) (including childbirth), unspecified |
SC50,Cold impediment disorder (TM1) |
SC51,Wind impediment disorder (TM1) |
SC52,Dampness impediment disorder (TM1) |
SC5Y,Other specified joint impediment disorders (TM1) |
SC5Z,Joint impediment disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SC60,Muscle spasm disorder (TM1) |
SC61,Lumbago disorder (TM1) |
SC62,Numbness disorder (TM1) |
SC63,Wilting disorder (TM1) |
SC6Y,Other specified bone, joint and muscle system disorders (TM1) |
SC6Z,Bone, joint and muscle system disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SC70,Night blindness disorder (TM1) |
SC71,Wind glaucoma disorder (TM1) |
SC72,Inflammatory eyelid disorder (TM1) |
SC73,Non-inflammatory eyelid disorder (TM1) |
SC74,Corneal opacity disorder (TM1) |
SC75,Tinnitus disorder (TM1) |
SC80,Sudden deafness disorder (TM1) |
SC81,Gradual deafness disorder (TM1) |
SC8Y,Other specified deafness disorders (TM1) |
SC8Z,Deafness disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SC90,Allergic rhinitis disorder (TM1) |
SC91,Nasal sinusitis disorder (TM1) |
SC92,Hoarseness disorder (TM1) |
SC93,Tonsillitis disorder (TM1) |
SC9Y,Other specified eye, ear, nose and throat system disorders (TM1) |
SC9Z,Eye, ear, nose and throat system disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SD00,Facial paralysis disorder (TM1) |
SD10,Migraine disorder (TM1) |
SD11,Head wind disorder (TM1) |
SD1Y,Other specified headache disorders (TM1) |
SD1Z,Headache disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SD20,Convulsion disorder (TM1) |
SD21,Cerebral tinnitus disorder (TM1) |
SD22,Vertigo disorder (TM1) |
SD23,Forgetfulness disorder (TM1) |
SD24,Frequent protrusion of tongue disorder (TM1) |
SD30,Prodrome of wind stroke disorder (TM1) |
SD31,Sequela of wind stroke disorder (TM1) |
SD3Y,Other specified wind stroke disorders (TM1) |
SD3Z,Wind stroke disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SD40,Syncope disorder (TM1) |
SD4Y,Other specified brain system disorders (TM1) |
SD4Z,Brain system disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SD6Y,Other specified other body system disorders (TM1) |
SD6Z,Other body system disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SD70,Qi goiter disorder (TM1) |
SD71,Wasting thirst disorder (TM1) |
SD72,Consumptive disorder (TM1) |
SD7Y,Other specified qi, blood and fluid disorders (TM1) |
SD7Z,Qi, blood and fluid disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SD80,Lily disorder (TM1) |
SD81,Manic disorder (TM1) |
SD82,Depression disorder (TM1) |
SD83,Uneasiness disorder (TM1) |
SD84,Insomnia disorder (TM1) |
SD85,Somnolence disorder (TM1) |
SD86,Dementia disorder (TM1) |
SD87,Repressed fire disorder (TM1) |
SD8Y,Other specified mental and emotional disorders (TM1) |
SD8Z,Mental and emotional disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SD90,Seasonal cold disorder (TM1) |
SD91,Fatigue consumption disorder (TM1) |
SD92,Severe vomiting and diarrhoea disorder (TM1) |
SD93,Alternating fever and chills disorder (TM1) |
SD94,Parasitic disorder (TM1) |
SD95,Flowing phlegm disorder (TM1) |
SE00,Summer-heat disorder (TM1) |
SE01,Spring warmth disorder (TM1) |
SE02,Dampness and warmth disorder (TM1) |
SE0Y,Other specified warmth disorders (TM1) |
SE0Z,Warmth disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SE2Y,Other specified external contraction disorders (TM1) |
SE2Z,External contraction disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SE30,Developmental delay disorder (TM1) |
SE31,Growth fever disorder (TM1) |
SE32,Growth pain disorder (TM1) |
SE33,Acute convulsion disorder (TM1) |
SE34,Recurrent convulsion disorder (TM1) |
SE35,Fright seizure disorder (TM1) |
SE36,Night crying disorder (TM1) |
SE37,Infantile malnutrition disorder (TM1) |
SE38,Dribbling disorder (TM1) |
SE39,Diaper dermatitis disorder (TM1) |
SE3A,Infant stiffness disorder (TM1) |
SE3B,Infant limpness disorder (TM1) |
SE3Y,Other specified childhood and adolescence associated disorders (TM1) |
SE3Z,Childhood and adolescence associated disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SE5Y,Other specified traditional medicine disorders (TM1) |
SE5Z,Traditional medicine disorders (TM1), unspecified |
SE70,Yang pattern (TM1) |
SE71,Yin pattern (TM1) |
SE72,Heat pattern (TM1) |
SE73,Cold pattern (TM1) |
SE74,Excess pattern (TM1) |
SE75,Deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SE76,Exterior pattern (TM1) |
SE77,Interior pattern (TM1) |
SE78,Moderate (Heat/Cold) pattern (TM1) |
SE79,Medium (Excess/Deficiency) pattern (TM1) |
SE7A,Tangled cold and heat pattern (TM1) |
SE7Y,Other specified principle-based patterns (TM1) |
SE7Z,Principle-based patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SE80,Wind factor pattern (TM1) |
SE81,Cold factor pattern (TM1) |
SE82,Dampness factor pattern (TM1) |
SE83,Dryness factor pattern (TM1) |
SE84,Fire-heat factor pattern (TM1) |
SE85,Summer-heat factor pattern (TM1) |
SE86,Pestilent factor pattern (TM1) |
SE8Y,Other specified environmental factor patterns (TM1) |
SE8Z,Environmental factor patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SE90,Qi deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SE91,Qi stagnation pattern (TM1) |
SE92,Qi uprising pattern (TM1) |
SE93,Qi sinking pattern (TM1) |
SE94,Qi collapse pattern (TM1) |
SE9Y,Other specified qi patterns (TM1) |
SE9Z,Qi patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SF00,Blood deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF01,Blood stasis pattern (TM1) |
SF02,Blood heat pattern (TM1) |
SF03,Blood cold pattern (TM1) |
SF04,Blood dryness pattern (TM1) |
SF0Y,Other specified blood patterns (TM1) |
SF0Z,Blood patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SF10,Fluid deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF11,Fluid disturbance pattern (TM1) |
SF12,Dry-phlegm pattern (TM1) |
SF13,Damp phlegm pattern (TM1) |
SF14,Phlegm-fire harassing the heart system pattern (TM1) |
SF15,Wind-phlegm pattern (TM1) |
SF1Y,Other specified fluid patterns (TM1) |
SF1Z,Fluid patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SF20,Essence deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF2Y,Other specified essence patterns (TM1) |
SF2Z,Essence patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SF4Y,Other specified body constituents patterns (TM1) |
SF4Z,Body constituents patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SF50,Liver yin deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF51,Liver yang deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF52,Liver yang ascendant hyperactivity pattern (TM1) |
SF53,Liver qi deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF54,Liver blood deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF55,Liver depression and blood stasis pattern (TM1) |
SF56,Liver wind stirring the interior pattern (TM1) |
SF57,Liver qi stagnation pattern (TM1) |
SF58,Liver fire flaming upward pattern (TM1) |
SF59,Liver heat stirring wind pattern (TM1) |
SF5A,Liver-gallbladder dampness-heat pattern (TM1) |
SF5B,Liver meridian dampness-heat pattern (TM1) |
SF5C,Liver meridian cold stagnation pattern (TM1) |
SF5D,Gallbladder qi deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF5E,Gallbladder depression with phlegm harassment pattern (TM1) |
SF5F,Gallbladder heat pattern (TM1) |
SF5G,Gallbladder cold pattern (TM1) |
SF5H,Liver and kidney yin deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF5J,Disharmony of liver and spleen systems pattern (TM1) |
SF5K,Disharmony of liver and stomach systems pattern (TM1) |
SF5L,Liver fire invading the stomach system pattern (TM1) |
SF5M,Liver fire invading the lung system pattern (TM1) |
SF5Y,Other specified liver system patterns (TM1) |
SF5Z,Liver system patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SF60,Heart qi deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF61,Heart blood deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF62,Dual deficiency of heart qi and blood pattern (TM1) |
SF63,Heart meridian obstruction pattern (TM1) |
SF64,Heart yin deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF65,Deficiency of heart qi and yin pattern (TM1) |
SF66,Heart yang deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF67,Heart yang collapse pattern (TM1) |
SF68,Heart fire flaming upward pattern (TM1) |
SF69,Fire harassing heart spirit pattern (TM1) |
SF6A,Water qi intimidating the heart system pattern (TM1) |
SF6B,Heart spirit restlessness pattern (TM1) |
SF6C,Anxiety damaging the spirit pattern (TM1) |
SF6D,Small intestine qi stagnation pattern (TM1) |
SF6E,Small intestine excess heat pattern (TM1) |
SF6F,Small intestine deficiency cold pattern (TM1) |
SF6G,Heart and liver blood deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF6H,Heart and gallbladder qi deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF6J,Heart and spleen systems deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF6K,Heart and lung qi deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF6L,Heart and kidney systems disharmony pattern (TM1) |
SF6M,Heart and kidney yang deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF6Y,Other specified heart system patterns (TM1) |
SF6Z,Heart system patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SF70,Spleen qi deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF71,Spleen qi sinking pattern (TM1) |
SF72,Spleen deficiency with qi stagnation pattern (TM1) |
SF73,Spleen deficiency with food retention pattern (TM1) |
SF74,Spleen failing to control the blood pattern (TM1) |
SF75,Spleen deficiency and blood depletion pattern (TM1) |
SF76,Spleen yin deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF77,Spleen yang deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF78,Dampness-heat encumbering the spleen system pattern (TM1) |
SF79,Spleen deficiency with dampness accumulation pattern (TM1) |
SF7A,Spleen deficiency with water flooding pattern (TM1) |
SF7B,Cold-dampness encumbering the spleen system pattern (TM1) |
SF7C,Stomach qi deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF7D,Stomach qi uprising pattern (TM1) |
SF7E,Stomach yin deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF7F,Stomach heat pattern (TM1) |
SF7G,Dampness in the intestines pattern (TM1) |
SF7H,Cold invading the stomach system pattern (TM1) |
SF7J,Intestine cold stagnation pattern (TM1) |
SF7K,Anxiety damaging the spleen system pattern (TM1) |
SF7L,Lung and spleen deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF7M,Spleen and kidney yang deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF7Y,Other specified spleen system patterns (TM1) |
SF7Z,Spleen system patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SF80,Lung qi deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF81,Lung yin deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF82,Lung and kidney yin deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF83,Lung qi and yin deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF84,Lung yang deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF85,Cold phlegm obstructing the lung pattern (TM1) |
SF86,Turbid phlegm accumulation in the lung pattern (TM1) |
SF87,Exterior cold with lung heat pattern (TM1) |
SF88,Intense congestion of lung heat pattern (TM1) |
SF89,Phlegm heat obstructing the lung pattern (TM1) |
SF8A,Wind-heat invading the lung pattern (TM1) |
SF8B,Lung heat transmitting into the intestine pattern (TM1) |
SF8C,Wind-cold fettering the lung pattern (TM1) |
SF8D,Dryness invading the lung pattern (TM1) |
SF8E,Lung dryness with intestinal obstruction pattern (TM1) |
SF8F,Large intestine excess heat pattern (TM1) |
SF8G,Large intestine dampness heat pattern (TM1) |
SF8H,Large intestine fluid deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF8J,Large intestine deficiency cold pattern (TM1) |
SF8Y,Other specified lung system patterns (TM1) |
SF8Z,Lung system patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SF90,Kidney qi deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF91,Kidney failing to receive qi pattern (TM1) |
SF92,Kidney qi deficiency with water retention pattern (TM1) |
SF93,Kidney yin deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF94,Kidney yin and yang deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF95,Kidney deficiency with marrow depletion pattern (TM1) |
SF96,Kidney essence deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF97,Kidney yang deficiency pattern (TM1) |
SF98,Fear damaging the kidney system pattern (TM1) |
SF99,Blood and heat accumulation in the uterus pattern (TM1) |
SF9A,Phlegm obstructing the uterus pattern (TM1) |
SF9B,Dampness-heat in the uterus pattern (TM1) |
SF9C,Cold stagnation in the uterus pattern (TM1) |
SF9D,Uterine deficiency cold pattern (TM1) |
SF9E,Blood accumulation in the bladder pattern (TM1) |
SF9F,Bladder heat accumulation pattern (TM1) |
SF9G,Bladder dampness-heat pattern (TM1) |
SF9H,Bladder water accumulation pattern (TM1) |
SF9J,Bladder deficiency cold pattern (TM1) |
SF9Y,Other specified kidney system patterns (TM1) |
SF9Z,Kidney system patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SG1Y,Other specified organ system patterns (TM1) |
SG1Z,Organ system patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SG20,Lung meridian pattern (TM1) |
SG21,Large intestine meridian pattern (TM1) |
SG22,Stomach meridian pattern (TM1) |
SG23,Spleen meridian pattern (TM1) |
SG24,Heart meridian pattern (TM1) |
SG25,Small intestine meridian pattern (TM1) |
SG26,Bladder meridian pattern (TM1) |
SG27,Kidney meridian pattern (TM1) |
SG28,Pericardium meridian pattern (TM1) |
SG29,Triple energizer meridian pattern (TM1) |
SG2A,Gallbladder meridian pattern (TM1) |
SG2B,Liver meridian pattern (TM1) |
SG2Y,Other specified main Meridian Patterns (TM1) |
SG2Z,Main Meridian Patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SG30,Governor vessel pattern (TM1) |
SG31,Conception vessel pattern (TM1) |
SG32,Yin heel vessel pattern (TM1) |
SG33,Yang heel vessel pattern (TM1) |
SG34,Yin link vessel pattern (TM1) |
SG35,Yang link vessel pattern (TM1) |
SG36,Thoroughfare vessel pattern (TM1) |
SG37,Belt vessel pattern (TM1) |
SG3Y,Other specified extra Meridian Patterns (TM1) |
SG3Z,Extra Meridian Patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SG5Y,Other specified meridian and collateral patterns (TM1) |
SG5Z,Meridian and collateral patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SG60,Early yang stage pattern (TM1) |
SG61,Middle yang stage pattern (TM1) |
SG62,Late yang stage pattern (TM1) |
SG63,Early yin stage pattern (TM1) |
SG64,Middle yin stage Pattern (TM), Middle yin stage pattern (TM1) |
SG65,Late Yin stage Patterns (TM1) |
SG6Y,Other specified six stage patterns (TM1) |
SG6Z,Six stage patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SG70,Upper energizer stage patterns (TM1) |
SG71,Middle energizer stage patterns (TM1) |
SG72,Lower energizer stage patterns (TM1) |
SG7Y,Other specified triple energizer stage patterns (TM1) |
SG7Z,Triple energizer stage patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SG80,Dampness obstructing the defense yang pattern (TM1) |
SG81,Heat attacking the lung defense pattern (TM1) |
SG8Y,Other specified defense phase patterns (TM1) |
SG8Z,Defense phase patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SG90,Heat entering the qi phase pattern (TM1) |
SG91,Qi phase dampness and heat pattern (TM1) |
SG92,Dampness obstructing the qi phase pattern (TM1) |
SG9Y,Other specified qi phase patterns (TM1) |
SG9Z,Qi phase patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SH00,Nutrient qi and defense qi disharmony pattern (TM1) |
SH01,Heat in the nutrient phase pattern(TM1) |
SH02,Heat entering the nutrient and blood phase pattern (TM1) |
SH0Y,Other specified nutrient phase patterns (TM1) |
SH0Z,Nutrient phase patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SH10,Blood phase pattern (TM1) |
SH11,Heat entering the blood phase pattern(TM1) |
SH1Y,Other specified blood phase patterns (TM1) |
SH1Z,Blood phase patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SH3Y,Other specified four phase patterns (TM1) |
SH3Z,Four phase patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SH40,Large yang type exterior origin lower back pattern (TM1) |
SH41,Large yang type interior origin small intestine pattern (TM1) |
SH42,Large yang type exterior interior combined pattern (TM1) |
SH4Y,Other specified large yang type patterns (TM1) |
SH4Z,Large yang type patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SH50,Small yang type lesser yang wind damage pattern (TM1) |
SH51,Small yang type yin depletion pattern (TM1) |
SH52,Small yang type chest heat congested pattern (TM1) |
SH53,Small yang type yin deficit pattern (TM1) |
SH54,Small yang type exterior interior combined pattern (TM1) |
SH5Y,Other specified small yang type patterns (TM1) |
SH5Z,Small yang type patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SH60,Large yin type supraspinal exterior pattern (TM1) |
SH61,Large yin type esophagus cold pattern (TM1) |
SH62,Large yin type liver heat pattern (TM1) |
SH63,Large yin type dryness heat pattern (TM1) |
SH64,Large yin type exterior Interior combined pattern (TM1) |
SH6Y,Other specified large yin type patterns (TM1) |
SH6Z,Large yin type patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SH70,Small yin type congestive hyperpsychotic pattern (TM1) |
SH71,Small yin type yang depletion pattern (TM1) |
SH72,Small yin type greater yin pattern (TM1) |
SH73,Small yin type lesser yin pattern (TM1) |
SH74,Small yin type exterior interior combined pattern (TM1) |
SH7Y,Other specified small yin type patterns(TM1) |
SH7Z,Small yin type patterns(TM1), unspecified |
SH9Y,Other specified four constitution medicine patterns (TM1) |
SH9Z,Four constitution medicine patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SJ1Y,Other specified traditional medicine patterns (TM1) |
SJ1Z,Traditional medicine patterns (TM1), unspecified |
SJ3Y,Other specified supplementary Chapter Traditional Medicine Conditions - Module I |
SJ3Z,Supplementary Chapter Traditional Medicine Conditions - Module I, unspecified |
VA00,Attention functions |
VA01,Memory functions |
VA02,Solving problems |
VA03,Basic learning |
VA04,Communicating with - receiving - spoken messages |
VA05,Conversation |
VA0Y,Other specified cognition |
VA0Z,Cognition, unspecified |
VA10,Maintaining a standing position |
VA11,Changing body position - standing |
VA12,Moving around within the home |
VA13,Moving around around outside the home and other buildings |
VA14,Walking |
VA1Y,Other specified mobility |
VA1Z,Mobility, unspecified |
VA20,Washing oneself |
VA21,Dressing |
VA22,Eating |
VA23,Carrying out daily routine |
VA2Y,Other specified self-care WHODAS |
VA2Z,Self-care WHODAS, unspecified |
VA30,Relating with strangers |
VA31,Informal relationship with friends - maintaining |
VA32,Family relationships |
VA33,Informal relationship with friends - making new friends |
VA34,Intimate relationships |
VA3Y,Other specified getting along |
VA3Z,Getting along, unspecified |
VA40,Taking care of household responsibilities |
VA41,Doing most important household tasks |
VA42.0,Getting all needed housework done |
VA42.1,Getting household work done quickly |
VA42.Y,Other specified doing housework |
VA42.Z,Doing housework, unspecified |
VA43.0,Difficulties in daily work or school |
VA43.1,Doing most important work or school task |
VA43.2,Getting all needed work or school work done |
VA43.3,Getting remunerative work or school work done quickly |
VA43.Y,Other specified remunerative employment |
VA43.Z,Remunerative employment, unspecified |
VA4Y,Other specified life activities |
VA4Z,Life activities, unspecified |
VA50,Recreation and leisure |
VA51,Problems by barriers |
VA52,Human rights |
VA53,Time spent on health condition |
VA54,Emotional effect of health condition |
VA55,Health drain on financial resources |
VA56,Health problems causing family problems |
VA57,Problems in relaxation or pleasure |
VA5Y,Other specified participation and impact of health problems |
VA5Z,Participation and impact of health problems, unspecified |
VA7Y,Other specified WHODAS 2.0 36-item version |
VA7Z,WHODAS 2.0 36-item version, unspecified |
VA90,Seeing and related functions |
VA91,Hearing and vestibular functions |
VB00,Energy and drive functions |
VB01,Sleep functions |
VB02,Emotional functions |
VB10,Sensation of pain |
VB2Y,Other specified brief Model Disability Survey |
VB2Z,Brief Model Disability Survey, unspecified |
VB60,Voice and speech related functions |
VB70,Exercise tolerance functions |
VB80,Functions related to the digestive system |
VB90,Urination functions |
VB91,Sexual functions |
VC00,Mobility of joint functions |
VC01,Muscle power functions |
VB40.5,Functions of the skin and related structures |
VC10,Handling stress and other psychological demands |
VC20,Transferring oneself |
VC21,Carrying, moving and handling objects |
VC22,Moving around using equipment |
VC23,Using transportation |
VC30,Caring for body parts |
VC31,Toileting |
VC32,Looking after one's health |
VC40,Preparing meals |
VC41,Assisting others |
VC50,Basic interpersonal interactions |
VB40.Y,Other specified generic functioning domains |
VB40.Z,Generic functioning domains, unspecified |
XS8H,None |
XS5W,Mild |
XS0T,Moderate |
XS25,Severe |
XS2R,Profound |
XS4X,Unspecified severity |
XS7A,Stage 1 |
XS5S,Stage 2 |
XS4D,Stage 2a |
XS6D,Stage 2b |
XS00,Stage 3 |
XS3T,Stage 3a |
XS90,Stage 3b |
XS6G,Stage 4 |
XS9N,Stage 5 |
XS88,Stage 6 |
XS52,Stage 7 |
XS0G,Stage 8 |
XS2C,Stage 9 |
XS2X,Stage 10 |
XS99,Unspecified Clinical Stage |
XS76,Stage 0 |
XS1G,Stage I |
XS4P,Stage II |
XS6H,Stage III |
XS9R,Stage IV |
XS23,Unspecified Tumour Spread Stage |
XS0J,A Remission / Free of disease |
XS05,B Local Disease |
XS9S,C Regional disease |
XS4Z,D Distant disease |
XS1F,Unspecified tumour spread simplified scale |
XS56,Grade I |
XS58,Grade II |
XS7Z,Grade III |
XS7M,Grade IV |
XS3P,Unspecified Histological Grade |
XS24,Grade 0 |
XS6P,Grade 1 |
XS31,Grade 2 |
XS6F,Grade 3 |
XS0K,Grade 4 |
XS87,Grade 5 |
XS9M,Grade 6 |
XS5M,Grade 7 |
XS7F,Grade 8 |
XS8J,Grade 9 |
XS57,Grade 10 |
XS28,Unspecified Grade |
XS4A,Phase 0 |
XS3K,Phase 1 |
XS4M,Phase 2 |
XS8V,Phase 3 |
XS21,Phase 4 |
XS8Z,Phase 5 |
XS41,Phase 6 |
XS73,Phase 7 |
XS9Z,Phase 8 |
XS83,Phase 9 |
XS47,Phase 10 |
XS4B,Unspecified Phase |
XS5C,0 No problem |
XS6Y,1 Mild problem |
XS8T,2 Moderate problem |
XS9D,3 Severe problem |
XS91,4 Complete problem |
XS6V,8 Not specified |
XS5P,9 Not applicable |
XT3B,Asymptomatic |
XT1T,Subclinical |
XT98,Active |
XT7X,Episodic |
XT5G,Intermittent |
XT6Z,Persistent |
XT4M,Prodromal |
XT44,Recurrent |
XT4D,Relapse |
XT9C,Cause of late effect |
XT1L,Subacute |
XT5R,Acute |
XT8W,Chronic |
XT2Q,Early onset |
XT46,Immediate onset |
XT3R,Late onset |
XT64,Delayed onset |
XT0S,Pregnancy |
XT4Z,Postpartum |
XT1G,Puerperium |
XT5L,Antenatal - Aus. Standard |
XT5P,Antenatal - Can. Standard |
XT04,Antenatal - Ger. Standard |
XT9S,Antenatal - US Standard |
XT6P,Early Neonatal |
XT30,Late Neonatal |
XT3N,Perinatal |
XT2C,Infancy |
XT4X,Child under 5 |
XT7Q,Early Adolescence |
XT9V,Middle Childhood |
XT9X,Late Adolescence |
XT4T,Middle Adolescence |
XT15,Young Adult |
XT6S,Adult |
XT19,Early Geriatric |
XT13,Late Geriatric |
XT6Y,Unspecified time in life |
XT3X,Duration of pregnancy less than 5 completed weeks of pregnancy |
XT09,Duration of pregnancy 5-13 completed weeks of pregnancy |
XT65,Duration of pregnancy 14-19 completed weeks of pregnancy |
XT0T,Duration of pregnancy 20-25 completed weeks of pregnancy |
XT4J,Duration of pregnancy 26-33 completed weeks of pregnancy |
XT84,Duration of pregnancy 34-36 completed weeks of pregnancy |
XT6K,Unspecified duration of pregnancy |
XB8M,Congenital |
XB7K,Hereditary |
XB8D,Iatrogenic |
XB5F,Idiopathic |
XB1Y,Familial |
XB25,Nosocomial |
XB4Q,Environmental |
XB17,Occupation as primary factor |
XB5G,Occupation as cofactor |
XB80,Not occupation-related |
XB72,Occupational relevance unknown or unstated |
XB5W,Life-style |
XB22,Community acquired |
XT9T,Ageing-related |
XN8LS,Acinetobacter baumannii |
XN0DS,Acinetobacter nosocomialis |
XN2QH,Acinetobacter pittii |
XN1MH,Anaplasma phagocytophilum |
XN0W4,Bartonella bacilliformis |
XN3F6,Bartonella clarridgeiae |
XN5J5,Bartonella elizabethae |
XN5SH,Bartonella grahamii |
XN862,Bartonella henselae |
XN302,Bartonella koehlerae |
XN14D,Bartonella quintana |
XN43H,Bartonella rochalimae |
XN6KD,Bartonella vinsonii |
XN94Y,Bartonella washoensis |
XN173,Bordetella bronchiseptica |
XN23B,Bordetella pertussis |
XN7LQ,Bordetella parapertussis |
XN7A8,Brucella abortus |
XN84J,Brucella canis |
XN7ZW,Brucella melitensis |
XN3UP,Brucella suis |
XN6Y3,Burkholderia mallei |
XN3LD,Burkholderia pseudomallei |
XN0BA,Campylobacter coli |
XN3EN,Campylobacter fetus |
XN4Q5,Campylobacter jejuni |
XN9EE,Chlamydia pneumoniae |
XN4S7,Chlamydia psittaci |
XN4Q4,Chlamydia trachomatis |
XN0M3,Citrobacter freundii |
XN0QS,Coxiella burnetii |
XN293,Ehrlichia canis |
XN4GW,Ehrlichia chaffeensis |
XN2YH,Ehrlichia ewingii |
XN1VF,Eikenella |
XN3Q8,Enterobacter aerogenes |
XN3YM,Enterobacter cloacae |
XN5NF,Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli |
XN88S,Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli |
XN2U0,Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli |
XN81Z,Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli |
XN6MP,Escherichia hermannii |
XN2S7,Escherichia vulneris |
XN6HJ,Francisella philomiragia |
XN4ZY,Francisella novicida |
XN7B1,Fusobacterium necrophorum |
XN5MA,Fusobacterium novum |
XN4P8,Fusobacterium nucleatum |
XN911,Fusobacterium polymorphum |
XN6MB,Haemophilus ducreyi |
XN1BX,Haemophilus influenzae aegyptius |
XN0FG,Haemophilus influenzae type B |
XN0YS,Helicobacter bilis |
XN0TD,Helicobacter bizzozeronii |
XN42L,Helicobacter canis |
XN354,Helicobacter cinaedi |
XN6JN,Helicobacter felis |
XN9X3,Helicobacter ganmani |
XN8PN,Helicobacter hepaticus |
XN3DY,Helicobacter pylori |
XN9D7,Helicobacter salomonis |
XN079,Helicobacter suis |
XN027,Klebsiella granulomatis |
XN7WL,Klebsiella oxytoca |
XN741,Klebsiella pneumoniae |
XN7EJ,Kingella kingae |
XN14Z,Legionella longbeachae |
XN9YS,Legionella pneumophila |
XN1R8,Leptospira alexanderi |
XN7D2,Leptospira borgpetersenii |
XN9K9,Leptospira broomii |
XN5HC,Leptospira fainei |
XN20F,Leptospira inadai |
XN78P,Leptospira interrogans |
XN110,Leptospira kirschneri |
XN481,Leptospira kmetyi |
XN6NU,Leptospira licerasiae |
XN4KP,Leptospira noguchii |
XN01X,Leptospira santarosai |
XN4FL,Leptospira species |
XN4E7,Leptospira weilii |
XN77E,Leptospira wolffii |
XN5UB,Leptospira genomospecies 1 (alstonii) |
XN734,Leptotrichia buccalis |
XN4GY,Leptotrichia goodfellowii |
XN0SF,Leptotrichia hofstadii |
XN4SA,Leptotrichia hongkongensis |
XN7NF,Leptotrichia shahii |
XN6QY,Leptotrichia trevisanii |
XN5SN,Leptotrichia wadei |
XN90V,Moraxella |
XN8G6,Morganella |
XN3NR,Mycoplasma fermentans |
XN9UG,Mycoplasma genitalium |
XN674,Mycoplasma hyorhinis |
XN3AD,Mycoplasma penetrans |
XN4NV,Mycoplasma pneumoniae |
XN59Y,Neisseria gonorrhoeae |
XN1DV,Neisseria meningitidis |
XN7C8,Neorickettsia sennetsu |
XN30D,Pasteurella multocida |
XN1ZM,Pleisomonas |
XN9ZF,Proteus mirabilis |
XN9DS,Proteus morganii |
XN7PE,Proteus penneri |
XN118,Proteus vulgaris |
XN7R2,Providencia |
XN5L6,Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
XN3JP,Pseudomonas oryzihabitans |
XN52E,Pseudomonas mallei |
XN8J7,Pseudomonas plecoglossicida |
XN8AA,Pseudomonas pseudomallei |
XN9YP,Rickettsia africae |
XN7WV,Rickettsia akari |
XN23V,Rickettsia australis |
XN8U4,Rickettsia conorii |
XN6W8,Rickettsia felis |
XN5NY,Rickettsia hoogstraalii |
XN3XV,Rickettsia japonica |
XN8SY,Rickettsia prowazekii |
XN33Q,Rickettsia rickettsii |
XN1N6,Rickettsia sibirica |
XN2AR,Rickettsia typhi |
XN1K5,Salmonella paratyphi A |
XN322,Salmonella paratyphi B |
XN5TR,Salmonella paratyphi C |
XN2DW,Salmonella bongori |
XN5VC,Salmonella enterica |
XN7U5,Salmonella panama |
XN4AM,Salmonella typhi |
XN71D,Serratia spp |
XN7Y2,Shigella flexneri |
XN8RN,Shigella boydii |
XN285,Shigella dysenteriae |
XN9M9,Shigella sonnei |
XN0J7,Spirillum minus |
XN78V,Spirillum pulli |
XN17K,Spirillum volutans |
XN96A,Spirillum winogradskyi |
XN91U,Streptobacillus moniliformis |
XN1L0,Stenotrophomonas |
XN76V,Treponema carateum |
XN6AL,Treponema pallidum carateum |
XN35Z,Treponema pallidum endemicum |
XN030,Treponema pallidum pallidum |
XN46P,Treponema pallidum pertenue |
XN8P1,Vibrio cholera O1, biovar cholerae |
XN62R,Vibrio cholera O1, biovar eltor |
XN1AA,Vibrio parahaemolyticus |
XN44G,Vibrio vulnificus |
XN91V,Yersinia enterocolitica |
XN6QS,Yersinia pestis |
XN0GV,Actinomyces gerencseriae |
XN15T,Actinomyces israelii |
XN8HN,Actinomyces species |
XN8P7,Actinomadura |
XN94F,Bacillus anthracis |
XN8PY,Bacillus cereus |
XN2R7,Bacillus fragilis |
XN0PT,Bifidobacterium dentium |
XN2JN,Clostridium botulinum |
XN0SE,Clostridium difficile |
XN7J5,Clostridium perfringens |
XN4LP,Clostridium sordellii |
XN5NQ,Clostridium tetani |
XN9N1,Corynebacterium diphtheriae |
XN78S,Corynebacterium minutissimum |
XN752,Corynebacterium striatum |
XN3MP,Corynebacterium tenuis |
XN2H4,Enterococcus faecalis |
XN51E,Enterococcus faecium |
XN0DT,Enterococcus avium |
XN3XY,Enterococcus casseliflavus |
XN724,Enterococcus durans |
XN8BQ,Enterococcus gallinarum |
XN4ZZ,Enterococcus mundtii |
XN3QK,Enterococcus raffinosus |
XN4FJ,Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae |
XN39H,Listeria ivanovii |
XN602,Listeria monocytogenes |
XN2BK,Nocardia asteroides |
XN1LG,Nocardia brasiliensis |
XN27L,Propionibacterium propionicus |
XN4B5,Panton-Valentine Leukocidin–producing Staphylococcus aureus |
XN0PR,Staphylococcus auricularis |
XN0H1,Staphylococcus capitis |
XN99G,Staphylococcus caprae |
XN95B,Staphylococcus cohnii |
XN8KJ,Staphylococcus epidermidis |
XN2GD,Staphylococcus haemolyticus |
XN09P,Staphylococcus leei |
XN4N7,Staphylococcus lugdunensis |
XN8WC,Staphylococcus pasteuri |
XN6FH,Staphylococcus pettenkoferi |
XN9X8,Staphylococcus schleiferi |
XN2HN,Staphylococcus sciuri |
XN7RE,Staphylococcus simulans |
XN4C9,Staphylococcus warneri |
XN7TQ,Staphylococcus xylosus |
XN3PW,Streptococcus pneumoniae |
XN9LA,Streptococcus viridans |
XN7YG,Streptococcus pyogenes |
XN2NS,Gamma-haemolytic Streptococcus |
XN6LP,Streptococcus, group A |
XN2M1,Streptococcus, group B |
XN518,Group C Streptococcus |
XN5KC,Streptococcus, group D |
XN8BJ,Group E Streptococcus |
XN6BB,Group F Streptococcus |
XN84N,Group G Streptococcus |
XN0KC,Streptococcus agalactiae |
XN39R,Streptococcus anginosus |
XN6KJ,Streptococcus bovis |
XN3L7,Streptococcus canis |
XN0FR,Streptococcus constellatus |
XN8UN,Streptococcus dysgalactiae |
XN625,Streptococcus equinus |
XN4PA,Streptococcus iniae |
XN67P,Streptococcus intermedius |
XN5BP,Streptococcus mitis |
XN2RH,Streptococcus mutans |
XN4B2,Streptococcus oralis |
XN18T,Streptococcus parasanguinis |
XN58W,Streptococcus peroris |
XN6KE,Streptococcus pseudopneumoniae |
XN5DB,Streptococcus ratti |
XN3BQ,Streptococcus salivarius |
XN9FP,Streptococcus sanguinis |
XN0XM,Streptococcus sobrinus |
XN5SE,Streptococcus suis |
XN4LM,Streptococcus thermophilus |
XN1TV,Streptococcus uberis |
XN0Z2,Streptococcus vestibularis |
XN0TY,Streptococcus zooepidemicus |
XN5P4,Tropheryma whipplei |
XN7GL,Borrelia afzelii |
XN13C,Borrelia Burgdorferi |
XN4VZ,Borrelia garinii |
XN3PD,Borrelia hermsii |
XN2P3,Borrelia miyamotoi |
XN6VH,Borrelia parkeri |
XN5R4,Borrelia recurrentis |
XN140,Borrelia vincentii |
XN6YB,Mycobacterium africanum |
XN8FF,Mycobacterium avium hominissuis |
XN5NW,Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis |
XN145,Mycobacterium avium silvaticum |
XN8AB,Mycobacterium bovis |
XN8N3,Mycobacterium canettii |
XN4MR,Mycobacterium caprae |
XN9H9,Mycobacterium colombiense |
XN8FC,Mycobacterium indicus pranii |
XN5TS,Mycobacterium leprae |
XN3T2,Mycobacterium microti |
XN7H2,Mycobacterium pinnipedii |
XN1N2,Mycobacterium tuberculosis |
XN3L9,Mycobacterium kansasii |
XN5C1,Mycobacterium malmoense |
XN53D,Mycobacterium xenopi |
XN6PL,Mycobacterium asiaticum |
XN4MW,Mycobacterium simiae |
XN975,Mycobacterium szulgai |
XN74T,Mycobacterium scrofulaceum |
XN7YR,Mycobacterium haemophilum |
XN8ZX,Mycobacterium fortuitum |
XN8RB,Mycobacterium marinum |
XN9M0,Mycobacterium ulcerans |
XN3D3,Mycobacterium chelonei |
XN0R0,Atadenovirus |
XN05K,Aviadenovirus |
XN728,Ichtadenovirus |
XN93P,Mastadenovirus |
XN13L,Siadenovirus |
XN0SK,Aura virus |
XN434,Babanki virus |
XN5KQ,Barmah Forest virus |
XN6XS,Bebaru virus |
XN0UF,Cabassou virus |
XN4ZB,Chikungunya virus |
XN78T,Eastern equine encephalitis virus |
XN26A,Everglades virus |
XN87D,Kyzylagach virus |
XN5ZC,Mayaro virus |
XN1VS,Middelburg virus |
XN34P,Mosso das Pedras virus |
XN7PD,Mucambo virus |
XN0H9,Ndumu virus |
XN9WS,Ockelbo virus |
XN6AD,o'nyong nyong virus |
XN240,Paramana virus |
XN3YZ,Pixuna virus |
XN79Q,Río Negro virus |
XN49A,Ross River virus |
XN4D3,Salmon pancreatic disease virus |
XN3D4,Semliki Forest virus |
XN0D6,Sindbis virus |
XN132,Sleeping Disease virus |
XN5MK,Southern elephant seal virus |
XN4ER,Tonate virus |
XN2B3,Trocara virus |
XN445,Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus |
XN8PC,Whataroa virus |
XN5VQ,La Crosse virus |
XN2WG,Chapare virus |
XN56K,Guanarito virus |
XN2ZL,Junín virus |
XN0CU,Lassa virus |
XN77P,Lujo virus |
XN4ZL,Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus |
XN45B,Machupo virus |
XN55S,Sabiá virus |
XN395,Borna disease virus 1 |
XN125,variegated squirrel bornavirus 1 |
XN9UC,Amur virus |
XN17V,Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus |
XN16H,Dobrava virus |
XN2QZ,gōu virus |
XN3GW,Hantaan virus |
XN8UR,Kurkino virus |
XN8AF,Muju virus |
XN4S8,Orthobunyavirus |
XN28L,Puumala virus |
XN9PD,Saaremaa virus |
XN3PV,Seoul virus |
XN95V,Sochi virus |
XN0E0,Soochong virus |
XN9G5,Tula virus |
XN2VY,Anajatuba virus |
XN4AP,Andes virus |
XN2C8,Araucária virus |
XN2WJ,bayou virus |
XN0A0,Bermejo virus |
XN66E,Black Creek Canal virus |
XN8LW,Blue River virus |
XN18Y,Castelo dos Sonhos virus |
XN6XF,El Moro Canyon virus |
XN8G9,Juquitiba virus |
XN6P0,Laguna Negra virus |
XN2CJ,Lechiguanas virus |
XN2BW,Maciel virus |
XN3WK,Monongahela virus |
XN5SF,Muleshoe virus |
XN9VX,New York virus |
XN9BY,Orán virus |
XN5JV,Paranoá virus |
XN65X,Pergamino virus |
XN2VC,Río Mamoré virus |
XN7R1,sin nombre virus |
XN057,Tunari virus |
XN8AQ,Araraquara virus |
XN4EB,Lagovirus |
XN8L1,Nebovirus |
XN3Y2,Norovirus |
XN9EH,Sapovirus |
XN0R6,Vesivirus |
XN0UA,Human coronavirus 229E |
XN9KN,Human coronavirus HKU1 |
XN7CX,Human coronavirus OC43 |
XN3BD,Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus |
XN5V7,Pipistrellus bat coronavirus HKU5 |
XN1N9,Rousettus bat coronavirus HKU9 |
XN1V8,Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus |
XN1GJ,Tylonycteris bat coronavirus HKU4 |
XN3MC,Coxsackievirus |
XN2TU,Echovirus |
XN3M0,Poliovirus |
XN19Z,Rhinovirus |
XN1EN,Ebola virus |
XN3F2,Marburg virus |
XN5M2,Ravn virus |
XN8JT,Bundibugyo virus |
XN9QG,Reston virus |
XN13U,Sudan virus |
XN8TT,Taï Forest virus |
XN22Z,Dengue virus 1 |
XN4RL,Dengue virus 2 |
XN9XQ,Dengue virus 3 |
XN2EQ,Dengue virus 4 |
XN9ZK,Japanese encephalitis virus |
XN5QW,Saint Louis encephalitis virus |
XN0L1,Tick-borne encephalitis virus |
XN4E1,West Nile virus |
XN9S3,Yellow fever virus |
XN1H2,Zika virus |
XN7C2,Rocio virus |
XN5XD,GB virus C |
XN40D,Hepatitis A virus |
XN0GA,Hepatitis B virus |
XN1EZ,Hepatitis C virus |
XN99N,Hepatitis D virus |
XN7TG,Hepatitis E virus |
XN6BW,Hepatitis F virus |
XN6DH,Ictalurvirus |
XN9QL,Pityriasis Rosea virus |
XN42C,Mardivirus |
XN41T,Herpes simplex virus-1 |
XN5V1,Herpes simplex virus-2 |
XN0TA,Varicella zoster virus |
XN4P4,Iltovirus |
XN3SQ,Cytomegalovirus |
XN5FN,Muromegalovirus |
XN9NM,Roseolavirus A |
XN8AM,Roseolavirus B |
XN0R2,Epstein-Barr virus |
XN7NE,Rhadinovirus |
XN8LD,Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 |
XN71W,Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 |
XN2KP,Human papillomavirus 45 |
XN6LA,Human papillomavirus 1 |
XN2FC,Human papillomavirus 2 |
XN7DE,Human papillomavirus 6 |
XN7T9,Human papillomavirus 11 |
XN2NK,Human papillomavirus 16 |
XN97Y,Human papillomavirus 18 |
XN3HA,Human papillomavirus 31 |
XN297,Influenza A/H1N1 virus |
XN4TT,Influenza A/H5N1 virus |
XN7JR,Influenza A(H5N6) virus |
XN796,Rabies virus |
XN7UP,John Cunningham virus |
XN5PM,Cedar Virus |
XN53N,Hendra virus |
XN931,Nipah virus |
XN513,Human metapneumovirus |
XN186,Measles virus |
XN22H,Mumps virus |
XN6CR,Parainfluenza virus |
XN4QJ,Rubulavirus |
XN8PS,Erythrovirus |
XN275,Human respiratory syncytial virus |
XN0TQ,Polyoma virus B19 |
XN0AU,Cowpox virus |
XN2GM,Monkeypox virus |
XN4Q0,Variola virus |
XN06N,vaccinia virus |
XN7JF,bovine papular stomatitis virus |
XN8E5,Orf virus |
XN8JR,pseudocowpox virus |
XN0K5,tanapox virus |
XN81C,yaba monkey tumour virus |
XN7YE,Molluscum contagiosum virus |
XN22T,Reovirus |
XN2R0,Alpharetrovirus |
XN0TH,Betaretrovirus |
XN787,Deltaretrovirus |
XN6HX,Epsilonretrovirus |
XN4K8,Gammaretrovirus |
XN5R7,Lentivirus |
XN6TN,Rotavirus A |
XN55H,Rotavirus B |
XN0F5,Rotavirus C |
XN29P,Rotavirus D |
XN71N,Rotavirus E |
XN2WE,Rubella virus |
XN6Q9,Aspergillus clavatus |
XN6B8,Aspergillus flavus |
XN5Z7,Aspergillus fumigatus |
XN4RM,Basidiobolus ranarum |
XN14F,Blastomyces dermatitidis |
XN3CL,Candida |
XN066,Chromomycosis |
XN8W1,Chrysosporium parvum |
XN53F,Coccidioides immitis |
XN5TT,Coccidioides posadasii |
XN3KM,Conidiobolus coronatus |
XN4AQ,Conidiobolus incongruus |
XN0LE,Cryptococcus gattii |
XN3EH,Cryptococcus neoformans |
XN2T0,Epidermophyton floccosum |
XN3YF,Microsporum audouinii |
XN2R2,Microsporum ferrugineum |
XN8M6,Trichophyton concentricum |
XN628,Trichophyton gourvilii |
XN8BW,Trichophyton interdigitale |
XN96H,Trichophyton megninii |
XN2JF,Trichophyton rubrum |
XN53A,Trichophyton schoenleinii |
XN135,Trichophyton soudanense |
XN1K6,Trichophyton tonsurans |
XN31R,Trichophyton violaceum |
XN8BF,Trichophyton yaoundei |
XN5ER,Microsporum canis |
XN6NM,Microsporum equinum |
XN5GR,Microsporum gallinae |
XN3WX,Microsporum nanum |
XN7JK,Microsporum persicolor |
XN3YG,Trichophyton equinum |
XN4DQ,Trichophyton mentagrophytes |
XN4H4,Trichophyton simii |
XN69S,Trichophyton verrucosum |
XN2VZ,Microsporum gypseum |
XN7TP,Microsporum praecox |
XN0ES,Geotrichum candidum |
XN8VH,Histoplasma capsulatum |
XN7YN,Histoplasma duboisii |
XN0EF,Hortaea werneckii |
XN3NU,Lacazia loboi |
XN9ZX,Loboa |
XN25C,Malassezia furfur |
XN0TE,Malassezia globosa fungus |
XN9ZV,Microsporidia |
XN1NU,Mucorales |
XN5UX,Paracoccidioides brasiliensis |
XN0LD,Penicillium marneffei |
XN6H7,Piedraia hortae |
XN5XK,Pneumocystidomycetes |
XN6BV,Pseudallescheria boydii |
XN18W,Rhinosporidium seeberi |
XN6GM,Sporothrix schenckii |
XN766,Trichosporon |
XN5V8,Ancylostoma duodenal |
XN2UG,Angiostrongylus cantonensis |
XN23C,Angiostrongylus costaricensis |
XN9HA,Anisakis marina |
XN97M,Ascaris lumbricoides |
XN5RM,Brugia malayi |
XN80F,Brugia timori |
XN9DT,Capillaria philippinensis |
XN5SV,Clonorchis sinensis |
XN3QD,Dicrocoelium |
XN67S,Diphyllobothrium latum |
XN7UT,Diphyllobothrium species |
XN20Y,Dipylidium caninum |
XN3BX,Dirofilaria immitis |
XN7JS,Dirofilaria repens |
XN9Q5,Dracunculus medinensis |
XN1H0,Echinococcus granulosus |
XN0K1,Echinococcus multilocularis |
XN6TQ,Echinococcus oligarthrus |
XN9LQ,Echinococcus vogeli |
XN801,Echinostoma |
XN4AR,Enterobius vermicularis |
XN1H3,Fasciola |
XN024,Fasciolopsis buski |
XN8DD,Gnathostoma hispidum |
XN8GS,Gnathostoma spinigerum |
XN23M,Heterophyes |
XN69Y,Hookworm |
XN9S5,Hymenolepis nana |
XN1QQ,Loa Loa |
XN6PZ,Mansonella ozzardi |
XN8AX,Mansonella perstans |
XN0JQ,Mansonella streptocerca |
XN123,Metagonimus |
XN3E8,Nanophyetus |
XN8K8,Necator americanus |
XN0NZ,Oesophagostomum bifurcum |
XN8T4,Onchocerca volvulus |
XN91W,Opisthorchis |
XN0A6,Paragonimus westermani |
XN3S0,Parastrongylus cantonensis |
XN9NR,Phylum Nemata |
XN90N,Schistosoma matthei |
XN9FK,Schistosoma intercalatum |
XN1ZJ,Schistosoma japonicum |
XN8HD,Schistosoma mansoni |
XN9T7,Schistosoma mekongi |
XN5B9,Sparganum |
XN89M,Spirometra |
XN1KQ,Strongyloides stercoralis |
XN04L,Syngamus trachea |
XN871,Taenia saginata |
XN8XE,Taenia solium |
XN8DL,Ternidens |
XN7MR,Toxocara canis |
XN54C,Toxocara cati |
XN34A,Trichinella spiralis |
XN4K7,Trichostrongylus colubriformis |
XN6UA,Trichuris trichiura |
XN3V2,Wuchereria bancrofti |
XN0HM,Acanthamoeba |
XN7S2,Amoeba |
XN9YX,Babesia |
XN3H4,Balantidium coli |
XN1M7,Blastocystis hominis |
XN0NC,Cryptosporidium canis |
XN5SZ,Cryptosporidium felis |
XN4ZT,Cryptosporidium hominis |
XN4VU,Cryptosporidium meleagridis |
XN4MN,Cryptosporidium muris |
XN9BP,Cryptosporidium parvum |
XN4BR,Cyclospora cayetanensis |
XN82F,Entamoeba histolytica |
XN94Z,Giardia lamblia |
XN87Z,Leishmania aethiopica |
XN6DJ,Leishmania brasiliensis |
XN3HN,Leishmania chagasii |
XN7EU,Leishmania major |
XN1EE,Leishmania mexicana |
XN95N,Leishmania tropica |
XN6EV,Naegleria fowleri |
XN69B,Plasmodium falciparum |
XN7K1,Plasmodium malariae |
XN217,Plasmodium vivax |
XN92F,Sarcocystis |
XN896,Toxoplasma gondii |
XN7YM,Trichomonas vaginalis |
XN7TC,Trypanosoma brucei gambiense |
XN5C7,Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense |
XN56V,Trypanosoma cruzi |
XN4RB,Demodex |
XN9EL,Dermanyssus |
XN59U,Vandellia cirrhosa |
XN857,Infestation by beetle |
XN00Z,Insect larva |
XN2K0,Leech |
XN9MA,Linguatula serrata |
XN0ZB,Liponyssoides |
XN0D5,Pediculus |
XN84U,Phthirus |
XN3E3,Sarcoptes |
XN7Z8,Trombicula |
XN6VS,Tunga |
XN2GY,Porocephalidae |
XN9ZT,Isospora belli |
XN7AM,Prion |
XN42T,Prototheca |
XN47C,Pythium |
XK7V,Anterior |
XK8L,Posterior |
XK9H,Medial |
XK09,Lateral |
XK5N,Superior |
XK4H,Inferior |
XK4M,Ventral |
XK87,Dorsal |
XK6J,Proximal |
XK6C,Distal |
XK3Z,Ipsilateral |
XK3Y,Contralateral |
XK2H,External |
XK49,Internal |
XK7F,Superficial |
XK16,Deep |
XK2J,Complete distribution |
XK6P,Consolidated distribution |
XK31,Diffuse distribution |
XK5A,Disseminated distribution |
XK37,Focal distribution |
XK63,Generalised ditribution |
XK06,Incomplete distribution |
XK0V,Intertriginous distribution |
XK5F,Linear distribution |
XK9A,Localised distribution |
XK36,Segmental distribution |
XK7Z,Systematised distribution |
XK9J,Bilateral |
XK8G,Left |
XK9K,Right |
XK70,Unilateral, unspecified |
XK6G,Unspecified laterality |
XK62,Brachial |
XK07,Caudal |
XK2K,Cranial |
XK0P,Infratentorial |
XK18,Supratentorial |
XA89F8,Erythrocytes |
XA8C44,Neutrophils |
XA5G96,Basophils |
XA0V82,Eosinophils |
XA46Q2,Monocytes |
XA10B5,Platelets |
XA7UR0,Plasma |
XA9XK1,Bone marrow |
XA8LY0,Erythroblast |
XA0TJ1,Lymphoblast |
XA0GJ0,Reticuloendothelial system |
XA2PK9,connective, subcutaneous and other soft tissues of thymus |
XA7FU9,Spleen |
XA1EM4,Lingual tonsil |
XA8US7,Waldeyer ring |
XA3V90,Palatine tonsil |
XA6H69,Occipital lymph node |
XA91C5,Posterior auricular lymph node |
XA56J5,Preauricular lymph node |
XA1Q47,Subparotid lymph node |
XA85E1,Superficial parotid lymph node |
XA07P4,Deep parotid lymph node |
XA1SG7,Buccinator lymph node |
XA8DW7,Mandibular lymph node |
XA2S79,Deep facial lymph node |
XA8027,Sublingual lymph node |
XA42P9,Submental lymph node |
XA9E80,Submandibular lymph node |
XA2RE9,Prelaryngeal lymph node |
XA4LC1,Pretracheal lymph node |
XA7W32,Paratracheal lymph node |
XA08L8,Retropharyngeal lymph node |
XA6YX2,Anterior jugular node |
XA6HG6,Jugulodigastric lymph node |
XA5A75,Jugulo-omohyoid lymph node |
XA4R20,Inferior cervical lymph node |
XA1W79,Lateral cervical lymph node |
XA6AC0,Superior deep cervical lymph node |
XA3S48,Inferior deep cervical lymph node |
XA7N00,Superficial cervical lymph node |
XA00M7,Supraclavicular lymph node |
XA5MW1,Hilar lymph node |
XA9QW9,Pulmonary lymph node |
XA3194,Tracheal lymph node |
XA2JX0,Superior tracheobronchial lymph node |
XA1PA1,Inferior tracheobronchial lymph node |
XA5HA3,Anterior mediastinal visceral lymph node |
XA7571,Posterior mediastinal visceral lymph node |
XA8VY5,Oesophageal lymph node |
XA8E34,Intercostal lymph node |
XA2CH0,Parasternal lymph node |
XA1478,Superior diaphragmatic lymph node |
XA4P97,Innominate lymph node |
XA59Q1,Lumbar lymph node |
XA1FW5,Inferior gastric lymph node |
XA1T01,Upper superior gastric lymph node |
XA3F65,Superior gastric lymph node |
XA3ET7,Lower superior gastric lymph node |
XA4WL5,Paracardial superior gastric lymph node |
XA2AX1,Pyloric lymph node |
XA1RP0,Subpyloric lymph node |
XA35G1,Common duct lymph node |
XA71D7,Cystic lymph node |
XA6W89,Pancreaticoduodenal lymph node |
XA9PJ7,Splenic lymph node |
XA8X72,Splenic hilar lymph node |
XA7T42,Pancreatic lymph node |
XA2P83,Peripancreatic lymph node |
XA6ZA5,Pararectal inferior mesenteric lymph node |
XA26J2,Mesenteric lymph node |
XA66B8,Ileal ileocolic lymph node |
XA8W06,Anterior ileocolic lymph node |
XA7JE2,Posterior ileocolic lymph node |
XA73R0,Right colic ileocolic lymph node |
XA4F32,Midcolic lymph node |
XA8JH9,Epicolic lymph node |
XA9JM2,Paracolic lymph node |
XA7PM1,Interminal colic lymph node |
XA3TX6,Preterminal colic lymph node |
XA9T50,Epigastric lymph node |
XA53K4,Iliac circumflex lymph node |
XA0TK3,Retroaortic lymph node |
XA3TG4,Intestinal lymph node |
XA7DX9,Suprarenal lymph node |
XA2YR9,Porta hepatis lymph node |
XA1MS6,Common iliac lymph node |
XA0TJ6,Internal iliac lymph node |
XA9Z71,Obturator lymph node |
XA4J45,Suprainguinal lymph node |
XA1EN9,Lateral sacral lymph node |
XA86R4,Median sacral lymph node |
XA32C4,Presymphysial lymph node |
XA5VA3,Inferior epigastric lymph node |
XA3QA5,Parametrial lymph node |
XA5M72,Uterine paracervical lymph node |
XA63L4,Pectoral lymph node |
XA6NK2,Lateral axillary lymph node |
XA9R12,Subscapular lymph node |
XA8HY4,Central axillary lymph node |
XA1N88,Subclavicular axillary lymph node |
XA9CD6,Subclavian lymphatic trunk |
XA2UJ4,Intermediate lymph node |
XA5183,Epitrochlear lymph node |
XA0MR2,Infraclavicular lymph node |
XA1114,Superficial inguinal lymph node |
XA30V5,Superficial subinguinal lymph node |
XA6EE2,Deep subinguinal lymph nodes |
XA4AU1,Lymph node of Cloquet |
XA4W98,Popliteal lymph node |
XA3X71,Anterior tibial lymph node |
XA4T07,Lymph nodes of multiple regions |
XA1CN1,Hypothalamus |
XA1EU3,Pineal gland |
XA9787,Rathke pouch |
XA8RK3,Thyroid gland |
XA1342,Parathyroid gland |
XA45E6,Pancreatic islets |
XA8956,Adrenal cortex |
XA6SS0,Adrenal medulla |
XA9M51,Cranial dura mater |
XA6WL2,Cranial arachnoid |
XA2T81,Cranial pia mater |
XA7N98,Tentorium cerebelli |
XA1FV7,Falx cerebri |
XA33G9,Falx cerebelli |
XA8R98,Spinal dura mater |
XA0382,Spinal arachnoid |
XA8SH5,Spinal pia mater |
XA04B5,Dura mater |
XA3D30,Arachnoid mater |
XA6AF5,Pia mater |
XA3RD9,Frontal pole |
XA7BD1,Hippocampus |
XA7J78,Uncus |
XA1XY9,Amygdala |
XA92Y6,Parietal Lobe |
XA5TY2,Brodmann area |
XA0B59,Occipital pole |
XA64R0,Cerebral cortex |
XA7L93,Thalamus |
XA80J3,Globus pallidus |
XA8KA5,Putamen |
XA7TX5,Caudate nucleus |
XA00D6,Claustrum |
XA5TX3,Optic chiasm |
XA63Y1,Optic tract |
XA5CF8,Visual cortex |
XA1ZN9,Cerebral white matter |
XA0XP7,Insula |
XA84G1,Operculum |
XA4F88,Pallium |
XA0Z39,Rhinencephalon |
XA6AV3,Intracerebrum |
XA5N14,Cerebral lobe |
XA4SL2,Cerebellar hemisphere |
XA7E38,Cerebellar tonsil |
XA5694,Superior vermis |
XA70Y8,Inferior vermis |
XA8733,Limbic system |
XA1XM1,Choroid plexus of lateral ventricle |
XA53A3,Choroid plexus of third ventricle |
XA83T2,Cerebral aqueduct |
XA1B86,Choroid plexus of fourth ventricle |
XA9KX2,Choroid plexus |
XA6J38,Ependyma |
XA17J6,Medulla |
XA5KS6,Midbrain |
XA9CM4,Pons |
XA34M4,Reticular formation |
XA1AA8,Cerebral peduncle |
XA5KN2,Olives |
XA5097,Pyramid |
XA1GA1,Infratentorial region of brain |
XA2K06,C1 level |
XA7852,C2 level |
XA3JF5,C3 level |
XA2MQ3,C4 level |
XA3JA6,C5 level |
XA4LT0,C6 level |
XA3NV2,C7 level |
XA8965,C8 level |
XA17G6,T1 level |
XA6GU9,T2 level |
XA7U15,T3 level |
XA5UF4,T4 level |
XA0D58,T5 level |
XA5Q83,T6 level |
XA79E1,T7 level |
XA0N76,T8 level |
XA5T86,T9 level |
XA4QU1,T10 level |
XA9DV3,T11 level |
XA6FB9,T12 level |
XA6TL5,L1 level |
XA8X63,L2 level |
XA57M0,L3 level |
XA1ZV5,L4 level |
XA86M5,L5 level |
XA3407,S1 level |
XA8EL3,S2 level |
XA1VA6,S3 level |
XA2EF6,S4 level |
XA4L09,S5 level |
XA5QM0,Medullary cavity |
XA2FQ1,Conus medullaris |
XA5QD6,Olfactory nerve |
XA1E00,Optic nerve |
XA7488,Oculomotor nerve |
XA0GK2,Trochlear nerve |
XA8482,External nasal nerve |
XA31J6,Supraorbital nerve |
XA95V8,Supratrochlear nerve |
XA16M4,Lacrimal nerve |
XA5WM9,Nasociliary nerve |
XA4E11,Inferior palpebral nerve |
XA3G43,Infraorbital nerve |
XA9G70,Middle meningeal nerve |
XA0S35,Nasopalatine nerve |
XA9LR9,Nerve of pterygoid canal |
XA7P00,Palatine nerve |
XA5Q86,Pharyngeal nerve |
XA3W58,Sphenopalatine nerves |
XA6AE9,Superior labial nerve |
XA4DJ9,Zygomatic nerve |
XA62X3,Zygomaticofacial nerve |
XA9MM8,Zygomaticotemporal nerve |
XA5DA8,Auriculotemporal nerve |
XA7UK9,Buccal nerve |
XA52H1,Deep temporal nerve |
XA9FV5,Mylohyoid nerve |
XA3114,Lateral pterygoid nerve |
XA5CT7,Lingual nerve |
XA5NQ5,Masseteric nerve |
XA1RH8,Medial pterygoid nerve |
XA6ZD8,Mental nerve |
XA4GX3,Abducens nerve |
XA7F87,Posterior auricular nerve |
XA1VA9,Temporal branch of the facial nerve |
XA7JD7,Zygomatic branch of the facial nerve |
XA3A57,Buccal branch of the facial nerve |
XA1TY5,Marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve |
XA1ZH3,Digastric branch of the facial nerve |
XA36Y9,Stylohyoid branch of the facial nerve |
XA2BL2,Chorda tympani |
XA69Y7,Nerve to the stapedius |
XA1QU6,Cochlear nerve |
XA1AL7,Vestibular nerve |
XA5QA5,Pharyngeal branches of glossopharyngeal nerve |
XA0P44,Auricular branch of vagus nerve |
XA9LV7,Pharyngeal plexus |
XA8F53,Pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve |
XA2HA5,Superior laryngeal nerve |
XA9LP4,External laryngeal nerve |
XA6UK8,Internal laryngeal nerve |
XA3524,Left recurrent laryngeal nerve |
XA2KY5,Pulmonary branches of vagus nerve |
XA2M45,Accessory nerve |
XA48Z8,Petrous ganglion |
XA4Q30,Tympanic nerve |
XA9CT5,Deep petrosal nerve |
XA4W18,Greater petrosal nerve |
XA3VY1,Long ciliary nerves |
XA2260,Otic ganglion |
XA0ER1,Pterygopalatine ganglion |
XA74N6,Submandibular ganglion |
XA9DY6,First cervical spinal nerve |
XA1LR0,Second cervical spinal nerve |
XA7LF0,Third cervical spinal nerve |
XA1QX0,Fourth cervical spinal nerve |
XA06Q1,Fifth cervical spinal nerve |
XA26W5,Sixth cervical spinal nerve |
XA4WT3,Seventh cervical spinal nerve |
XA3XK7,Eighth cervical spinal nerve |
XA2QF3,First thoracic spinal nerve |
XA1K85,Second thoracic spinal nerve |
XA0DY5,Third thoracic spinal nerve |
XA7BM1,Fourth thoracic spinal nerve |
XA48M5,Fifth thoracic spinal nerve |
XA4GT3,Sixth thoracic spinal nerve |
XA0RA9,Seventh thoracic spinal nerve |
XA2VJ9,Eighth thoracic spinal nerve |
XA64N5,Ninth thoracic spinal nerve |
XA5AZ7,Tenth thoracic spinal nerve |
XA6369,Eleventh thoracic spinal nerve |
XA7QX3,Twelfth thoracic spinal nerve |
XA1471,First lumbar spinal nerve |
XA0VF5,Second lumbar spinal nerve |
XA9178,Third lumbar spinal nerve |
XA6N66,Fourth lumbar spinal nerve |
XA7VL6,Fifth lumbar spinal nerve |
XA2E82,First sacral spinal nerve |
XA9V46,Second sacral spinal nerve |
XA74E6,Third sacral spinal nerve |
XA25F0,Fourth sacral spinal nerve |
XA73B4,Fifth sacral spinal nerve |
XA4CU7,Dorsal spinal nerve |
XA7TS7,Ventral spinal nerve |
XA53S6,First cervical nerve root |
XA15A2,Second cervical nerve root |
XA2MT0,Third cervical nerve root |
XA36V3,Fourth cervical nerve root |
XA87U1,Fifth cervical nerve root |
XA8YT7,Sixth cervical nerve root |
XA5BL9,Seventh cervical nerve root |
XA0245,Eighth cervical nerve root |
XA22C5,First thoracic nerve root |
XA8933,Second thoracic nerve root |
XA2EK5,Third thoracic nerve root |
XA6NV1,Fourth thoracic nerve root |
XA8DN4,Fifth thoracic nerve root |
XA1AB6,Sixth thoracic nerve root |
XA1VM6,Seventh thoracic nerve root |
XA2UY4,Eighth thoracic nerve root |
XA8QS1,Ninth thoracic nerve root |
XA2VK2,Tenth thoracic nerve root |
XA61G0,Eleventh thoracic nerve root |
XA76V2,Twelfth thoracic nerve root |
XA8VX2,First lumbar nerve root |
XA9BK9,Second lumbar nerve root |
XA4N03,Third lumbar nerve root |
XA2ZQ7,Fourth lumbar nerve root |
XA5W91,Fifth lumbar nerve root |
XA4HY7,First sacral nerve root |
XA4PP9,Second sacral nerve root |
XA32J7,Third sacral nerve root |
XA0WH3,Fourth sacral nerve root |
XA7BN5,Fifth sacral nerve root |
XA9J98,Dorsal nerve root ganglion |
XA1TP8,Dorsal nerve root |
XA8G34,Ventral nerve root ganglion |
XA1V70,Ventral nerve root |
XA6LU7,Cervical plexus |
XA1UT5,Posterior cord of brachial plexus |
XA9PG2,Lateral cord of brachial plexus |
XA7UA9,Medial cord of brachial plexus |
XA1E79,Lumbar plexus |
XA1JE5,Presacral plexus |
XA0929,Sacral plexus |
XA5186,Patellar plexus |
XA3SK8,Splanchnic plexus |
XA2G95,Uterovaginal plexus |
XA1KP5,Vesical nervous plexus |
XA20S2,Inferior cervical ganglion |
XA0Z50,Suboccipital nerve |
XA4WK4,Greater auricular nerve |
XA6BB0,Greater occipital nerve |
XA3ND8,Lesser occipital nerve |
XA18D0,Third occipital nerve |
XA8T30,Iliohypogastric nerve |
XA5Q50,Ilioinguinal nerve |
XA8CZ0,Inferior anal nerves |
XA8U35,Lumbar splanchnic nerve |
XA8ML2,Middle cardiac nerve |
XA4A74,Perineal branches of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve |
XA11K1,Posterior branch of spinal nerve |
XA9AN9,Posterior superior alveolar nerve |
XA7ZD7,Proper palmar digital nerves of median nerve |
XA0SA1,Sacral splanchnic nerves |
XA1SM8,Semilunar ganglion |
XA07F8,Short ciliary nerves |
XA1AC5,Superior cardiac nerve |
XA6BG1,Superior cervical ganglion |
XA6YL5,Superior ganglion |
XA9ZM0,Phrenic nerve |
XA25F4,Transverse cervical nerve |
XA6W14,Sympathetic trunk |
XA7HH4,Common fibular nerve |
XA3QB5,Deep fibular nerve |
XA11D4,Femoral nerve |
XA9JZ4,Genitofemoral nerve |
XA60R4,Gluteal nerve |
XA1GU3,Inferior gluteal nerve |
XA1XQ2,Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh |
XA4834,Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve |
XA9958,Lateral plantar nerve |
XA5UE9,Lumbar nerve |
XA8307,Lumboinguinal nerve |
XA76D3,Lumbosacral trunk |
XA9AF5,Medial plantar nerve |
XA7S27,Nerve to quadratus femoris |
XA3906,Plantar nerve |
XA83P9,Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh |
XA9EW1,Saphenous nerve |
XA9KK8,Sciatic nerve |
XA2125,Superficial fibular nerve |
XA9AC5,Superior gluteal nerve |
XA4HR8,Sural nerve |
XA7534,Tibial nerve |
XA9JU0,Anococcygeal nerve |
XA84W1,Cauda equina |
XA5C62,Coccygeal nerve |
XA76C3,Dorsal nerve of clitoris |
XA8CC3,Dorsal nerve of the penis |
XA99Q6,Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve |
XA0W10,Perineal nerve |
XA7NU3,Posterior scrotal nerve |
XA6WU3,Pudendal nerve |
XA55J8,Accessory obturator nerve |
XA9RP3,Dorsal scapular nerve |
XA9TB4,Inferior cardiac nerve |
XA5HJ3,Intercostal nerve |
XA2F71,Intercostobrachial nerve |
XA5A06,Lateral pectoral nerve |
XA0A05,Long thoracic nerve |
XA9XA5,Lower subscapular nerve |
XA49V5,Medial pectoral nerve |
XA1BR5,Right recurrent laryngeal nerve |
XA3RU6,Subcostal nerve |
XA5318,Supraclavicular nerves |
XA8QY6,Suprascapular nerve |
XA2R06,Thoracic splanchnic nerve |
XA0462,Thoraco-abdominal nerve |
XA2542,Thoracodorsal nerve |
XA5KR0,Upper subscapular nerve |
XA1ZC4,Axillary nerve |
XA1LW6,Common palmar digital nerves of median nerve |
XA5179,Deep branch of the radial nerve |
XA37M8,Digital nerve |
XA1TY7,Dorsal branch of ulnar nerve |
XA6166,Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm |
XA9HJ5,Medial cutaneous nerve |
XA7K97,Medial cutaneous nerve of arm |
XA26F7,Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm |
XA3P46,Muscular branches of the radial nerve |
XA89K2,Palmar branch of the median nerve |
XA7FU0,Palmar branch of ulnar nerve |
XA0KL7,Posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm |
XA2XU7,Posterior cutaneous nerve of arm |
XA2E94,Superficial branch of the radial nerve |
XA6B07,Superior lateral cutaneous nerve of arm |
XA2M04,Ansa cervicalis |
XA6RQ4,Anterior interosseous nerve |
XA6PJ8,Anterior superior alveolar nerve |
XA54B9,Bulbar nuclei |
XA89R1,Celiac ganglion |
XA8QL3,Diagonal band of Broca |
XA66H0,Geniculate ganglion |
XA6B81,Intermediate cutaneous nerve |
XA8AU6,Jugular ganglion |
XA1Z01,Long root of the ciliary ganglion |
XA9RD0,Middle cervical ganglion |
XA5QF4,Musculocutaneous nerve |
XA96Q6,Nerve of the cervical region |
XA1HC7,Nerve to obturator internus |
XA8PE3,Nerve to the piriformis |
XA4XD7,Nerve to the subclavius |
XA0869,Nervus intermedius |
XA2KG8,Nervus spinosus |
XA5NY4,Nodose ganglion |
XA4548,Obturator nerve |
XA0VA6,Aortic body |
XA6Y08,Coccygeal glomus |
XA17K2,Glomus jugulare |
XA8S02,Para-aortic body |
XA1GM8,Pelvic splanchnic nerve |
XA6GZ8,Perforating cutaneous nerve |
XA3XN8,Aortic plexus |
XA2G56,Auerbach plexus |
XA9QM5,Cardiac plexus |
XA3FS7,Cavernous plexus |
XA4U92,Coeliac plexus |
XA2Y82,Gastric plexus |
XA4YZ0,Hepatic plexus |
XA05T1,Inferior hypogastric plexus |
XA8QG3,Inferior mesenteric plexus |
XA5JN1,Internal carotid plexus |
XA8Z10,Meissner plexus |
XA7K49,Oesophageal plexus |
XA9PB2,Ovarian plexus |
XA0C44,Pancreatic plexus |
XA9ME3,Phrenic plexus |
XA16Y3,Prostatic plexus |
XA9411,Pudendal plexus |
XA82M9,Renal plexus |
XA4V38,Splenic plexus |
XA33C1,Superior hypogastric plexus |
XA3DJ3,Superior mesenteric plexus |
XA4G22,Superior rectal plexus |
XA6MY2,Suprarenal plexus |
XA7EA2,Parasympathetic nervous system |
XA93B4,Sympathetic nervous system |
XA2B55,Infraorbital plexus |
XA0GB0,Median nerve |
XA3M58,Nerve of the Thorax |
XA2330,Multiple Nerves |
XA7MX8,Single Nerve |
XA8BJ3,Radial nerve |
XA2AS2,Ulnar nerve |
XA4M27,Ventral ramus |
XA53T1,Upper eyelid margin |
XA4649,Superior palpebral sulcus |
XA4AX5,Lower eyelid margin |
XA0403,Lateral canthus |
XA2GQ3,Medial canthus |
XA3X70,Palpebral conjunctiva |
XA4H06,Superior conjunctival fornix |
XA3KE6,Inferior conjunctival fornix |
XA6V06,Bulbar conjunctiva |
XA2AF4,Sclera |
XA1DA5,Limbus of cornea |
XA9SH1,Ciliary muscle |
XA1S43,Ciliary processes |
XA96A7,Choroid |
XA0571,Pupillary membrane |
XA6U53,Suspensory ligament of lens |
XA2U02,Fovea |
XA4A75,Optic disc |
XA4YS8,Peripheral retina |
XA4HU2,Vitreous humor |
XA3518,Aqueous humour |
XA1TF9,Eye fluid |
XA2PA4,Lacrimal gland ducts |
XA6CC7,Tear secretions |
XA9D80,Meibomian gland |
XA2VR4,Superior lacrimal punctum |
XA99D0,Inferior lacrimal punctum |
XA6C35,Lacrimal canaliculi |
XA5SW9,Nasolacrimal duct |
XA8GT2,Nasofrontal vein |
XA7LQ0,Supraorbital vein |
XA3MS6,Semicircular canals |
XA0JV0,Cochlea |
XA6ZY7,Internal Acoustic Meatus |
XA0L54,Labyrinth |
XA44P4,Auditory vestibule |
XA7XY6,Eustachian tube |
XA16S6,Oval window |
XA9RH9,Mastoid antrum |
XA3KB2,Tympanic cavity |
XA3UT7,Connective, subcutaneous and other soft tissues of middle ear |
XA08X4,Tympanic membrane |
XA9A86,Crus of helix |
XA9M10,Apex of helix |
XA7AB8,Spine of helix |
XA1BZ8,Tail of helix |
XA96Q7,Crura of antihelix |
XA5LW2,Scaphoid fossa of pinna |
XA5KM5,Cymba conchae |
XA8D58,Conchal bowl of pinna |
XA3RC6,Triangular fossa of pinna |
XA2N71,Tragus of pinna |
XA5VK5,Intertragic notch of pinna |
XA0TW7,Lobule of pinna |
XA7RR9,Antitragus of pinna |
XA3S47,Posterior surface of pinna |
XA4DV9,Retroauricular sulcus |
XA5GS5,External auditory meatus |
XA5K66,Ceruminal gland |
XA9E26,Skin of auricle |
XA2B10,Anterior communicating artery |
XA53D3,Nasal branches of the anterior ethmoidal artery |
XA00K1,Anterior meningeal artery |
XA1GU9,Anterior superior alveolar artery |
XA2505,Artery of pterygoid canal |
XA0F61,Carotid body |
XA1V84,Common carotid artery |
XA1CW5,Ophthalmic artery |
XA9EK2,External carotid artery |
XA5SN3,Cerebellar artery |
XA1VB0,Anterior cerebral artery |
XA3185,Pontine branches of the basilar artery |
XA2JH8,Middle cerebral artery |
XA4WT4,Anterolateral central artery |
XA7C50,Posterior cerebral artery |
XA2UK9,Costocervical trunk |
XA7SK1,Deep auricular artery |
XA1NY7,Deep cervical artery |
XA56R8,Dorsal nasal artery to the root of nose |
XA0PF0,Dorsal nasal artery to the dorsum of the nose |
XA4QF0,External striate of the anterolateral central artery |
XA7YP8,Ascending palatine artery |
XA4UT8,Superior labial artery |
XA2ZM0,Inferior labial artery |
XA36S6,Angular artery |
XA85T4,Deep branch of the submental artery |
XA83M8,Glandular branches of the cervical artery |
XA2626,Greater palatine artery |
XA4H29,Hyoid artery |
XA4VH9,Inferior palpebral arch artery |
XA5VX8,Internal striate of the anterolateral central artery |
XA85W7,Intracranial artery |
XA16L7,Lateral branch of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery |
XA3N26,Lateral nasal branch of the facial artery |
XA5Z38,Lesser palatine artery |
XA5TR9,Lingual branch of the inferior alveolar artery |
XA49F5,First portion of the maxillary artery |
XA0BD0,Deep temporal artery (anterior and posterior) |
XA3W87,Incisor branch of the Inferior alveolar artery |
XA7AG7,Mental branch of the Inferior alveolar artery |
XA49F4,Masseteric artery |
XA9XM3,Pharyngeal artery |
XA3WA5,Posterior superior alveolar artery |
XA0LK0,Buccal artery |
XA9MM1,Anterior tympanic artery |
XA8YX3,Accessory meningeal artery |
XA5RM1,Middle meningeal artery |
XA2WS5,Lingual artery |
XA9EU7,Occipital artery |
XA13U3,Posterior auricular artery |
XA7WG0,Frontal branch of the superficial temporal artery |
XA0FT7,Cricothyroid artery |
XA2V10,Inferior thyroid artery |
XA77C5,Sternocleidomastoid artery |
XA00E5,Ascending pharyngeal artery |
XA53A8,Right common carotid artery |
XA6X36,Middle temporal artery |
XA3TE9,Mylohyoid branch of the inferior alveolar artery |
XA6XV2,Parietal branch of the superficial temporal artery |
XA7U73,Posterior communicating artery |
XA7561,Nasal branches of the posterior ethmoidal artery |
XA7945,Meningeal branch of the posterior ethmoidal artery |
XA8RM9,Posterior inferior cerebellar artery |
XA9VV0,Posterior lateral nasal branches of the sphenopalatine artery |
XA8FA1,Posterior meningeal artery |
XA4Q78,Posterior septal branches of the sphenopalatine artery |
XA1K74,Pterygoid branches |
XA1BZ0,Sphenopalatine artery, terminal branch |
XA6FR0,Superficial branch of the submental artery |
XA0898,Superficial branch of the transverse cervical artery |
XA82P9,Superficial petrosal branch of the anterior and posterior meningeal artery |
XA7423,Superior cerebellar artery |
XA9GU1,Superior laryngeal artery |
XA50Q9,Superior tympanic artery |
XA6W31,Supratrochlear artery |
XA65G3,Temporal branches of the anterior and posterior meningeal artery |
XA2E78,Tonsillar branch of the cervical artery |
XA6142,Transverse cervical artery |
XA9M59,Transverse facial artery |
XA5D86,Twig to the upper part of lacrimal sac of the dorsal nasal artery |
XA3NW4,Meningeal branches of vertebral artery |
XA6TE8,Ascending branch of the vertebral artery |
XA3R20,Descending branch of the vertebral artery |
XA6503,Superficial branch of the supraorbital artery |
XA8BL5,Deep branch of the supraorbital artery |
XA34H5,Orbital branches of the anterior and posterior meningeal artery |
XA05E9,Orbital branches of the infraorbital artery |
XA9RA2,Long posterior ciliary artery |
XA04E2,Short posterior ciliary artery |
XA94Y6,Anterior ciliary artery |
XA5RB0,Central retinal artery |
XA22D8,Circulus arteriosus major artery |
XA8T70,Circulus arteriosus minor artery |
XA5P69,Lacrimal artery |
XA00Q9,Lateral palpebral artery |
XA8VA1,Medial palpebral artery |
XA35L5,Superior palpebral arch artery |
XA1Q49,Zygomatic branches of the lacrimal artery |
XA4KE1,branches to gingiva |
XA4TH8,Branches to diaphragm of the musculophrenic artery |
XA1PX4,Branches to lower part of the pericardium of the musculophrenic artery |
XA2KA0,Brachiocephalic trunk |
XA3M86,Deep branch or dorsal scapular artery |
XA7KK5,Intercostal artery |
XA0T62,Intercostal branches of the musculophrenic artery |
XA9S49,Internal thoracic artery |
XA3DE1,Lateral thoracic artery |
XA09J9,Pulmonary artery |
XA1EE3,Lower (3rd to 11th) posterior intercostal artery |
XA0QG6,Lower branches of the space anastomoses of the six anterior intercostal branches of the internal thoracic artery |
XA7EC2,Musculophrenic artery |
XA1190,Perforating branches of the internal thoracic artery |
XA0WT1,Posterior intercostal artery |
XA14K0,Six anterior intercostal branches of the internal thoracic artery |
XA6UQ6,Sternal branches of the internal thoracic artery |
XA3311,Subcostal artery |
XA9J15,Superior phrenic artery |
XA8M67,Superior thoracic artery |
XA7TT5,Supreme intercostal artery |
XA79X5,Thoracoacromial artery |
XA99C2,Upper branches of the six anterior intercostal branches of the internal thoracic artery |
XA8ES3,Oesophageal artery |
XA75Z8,Arch of the aorta |
XA01A6,Ascending aorta |
XA5H34,Descending aorta |
XA6E07,Bronchial artery |
XA5D68,Subclavian artery |
XA7TZ1,Anterior suprarenal artery |
XA82R7,Ascending branch of the left colic artery |
XA8BY2,Branches to abdominal muscles of the musculophrenic artery |
XA8577,Coeliac artery |
XA26R6,Common hepatic artery |
XA0JE4,Cystic artery |
XA6NY6,Descending branch of the left colic artery |
XA1VJ7,Descending vasa recta |
XA1QB0,Dorsal pancreatic artery |
XA0NN4,Gastroduodenal artery |
XA5AP2,Hepatic artery |
XA2LQ8,Hepatic branch of the left gastric artery |
XA2Z43,Ileocolic artery |
XA3F13,Inferior epigastric artery |
XA2N15,Inferior mesenteric artery |
XA6358,Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery |
XA2LL9,Iinferior phrenic |
XA68L7,Intestinal artery |
XA6WR7,Left colic artery |
XA0LL0,Left gastric artery |
XA9AQ6,Left gastro-omental artery |
XA4UK9,Lumbar artery |
XA6CA5,Mesenteric artery |
XA1Z62,Middle colic artery |
XA1GQ7,Middle suprarenal artery |
XA00T1,Posterior suprarenal artery |
XA8C72,Proper hepatic artery |
XA69V9,Renal artery |
XA6GC2,Right colic artery |
XA9HE0,Right gastric artery |
XA8V02,Right gastro-omental artery |
XA02A2,Sigmoid artery |
XA0R02,Splenic artery |
XA2870,Superior pancreaticoduodenal artery |
XA51U4,Terminal branches of the proper hepatic artery |
XA0VZ0,Umbilical artery |
XA3VR0,Superior mesenteric |
XA5PV1,Artery of bulb of penis |
XA30X9,Artery of bulb of vestibule |
XA4XP0,Deep artery of clitoris |
XA7AM0,Deep artery of penis |
XA14N2,Deep branch of the superior gluteal artery |
XA4AP3,Deep external pudendal artery |
XA27B8,Deferential artery |
XA4FK8,Dorsal artery of clitoris |
XA4X54,Dorsal artery of penis |
XA5GV0,Iliac branch of the iliolumbar artery |
XA7D46,Iliolumbar artery |
XA3XS2,Inferior branch of the lateral sacral artery |
XA0G82,Inferior gluteal artery |
XA2QX3,Inferior vesical artery |
XA7FK7,Internal pudendal artery |
XA5Y50,Lateral sacral artery |
XA82V4,Median sacral |
XA8X93,Middle rectal artery |
XA69V8,Obturator artery |
XA1MF5,Ovarian artery in females |
XA5MN1,Perineal artery |
XA34Z7,Posterior labial branches of the internal pudendal artery |
XA2025,Posterior scrotal branches of the internal pudendal artery |
XA2TT0,Superficial branch of the superior gluteal artery |
XA0AZ8,Superior branch of the lateral sacral artery |
XA26E6,Superior gluteal artery |
XA1426,Superior vesical artery |
XA0UK9,Testicular artery in males |
XA85K8,Urethral artery |
XA0610,Uterine artery |
XA47A2,Vaginal artery |
XA6PZ8,Common iliac artery |
XA9MJ1,Deep circumflex iliac artery |
XA4HL2,Internal iliac artery |
XA53T4,External iliac artery |
XA0H14,Anterior humeral circumflex artery |
XA7U09,Anterior ulnar recurrent artery |
XA2PP8,Anterior interosseous artery |
XA8ZA6,Ascending branches of the Inferior ulnar collateral artery |
XA38W3,Axillary artery |
XA1138,Brachial artery |
XA5RC6,Branch to volar carpal network of the anterior interosseous artery |
XA91T8,Branches to the deltoid muscle of the Profunda brachii artery |
XA4RU3,Common interosseous artery |
XA3M37,Deep palmar arch of the radial artery |
XA1ES5,Descending branches of the Inferior ulnar collateral artery |
XA2UT9,First dorsal metacarpal artery |
XA9F90,Inferior ulnar collateral artery |
XA9179,Interosseous recurrent artery |
XA2722,Medial collateral artery |
XA8LL2,Muscular branches of the anterior interosseous artery |
XA0GZ0,Palmar carpal arch |
XA2F13,Palmar carpal branch of radial artery |
XA51P8,Posterior interosseous artery |
XA8JY7,Posterior ulnar recurrent artery |
XA05L5,Princeps pollicis artery |
XA2PP0,Profunda brachii artery |
XA8RG5,Radial artery |
XA9W25,Radial branches at the wrist of the radial artery |
XA91J7,Radial branches in the hand of the radial artery |
XA3SL1,Radial branches in the forearm of the radial artery |
XA3PZ4,Radial collateral artery |
XA3H61,Radial recurrent artery |
XA62C1,Radialis indicis of the radial artery |
XA5AG1,Superficial palmar arch of the radial artery |
XA5BG5,Superficial palmar branch of the radial artery |
XA57X5,Superficial volar arch |
XA0JA6,Superior ulnar collateral artery |
XA23B7,Ulnar artery |
XA90B4,Volar carpal |
XA1VB5,Deep volar branch ulnar artery |
XA9ZJ6,Dorsal carpal arch |
XA44C1,Dorsal carpal branch of radial artery |
XA7M90,Dorsal carpal |
XA2YJ5,Subscapular artery |
XA26M6,Right subclavian artery |
XA61E8,Acetabular branch |
XA91J1,Anterior lateral malleolar artery |
XA4K68,Anterior medial malleolar artery |
XA6CN3,Anterior tibial artery |
XA7BL5,Anterior tibial recurrent artery |
XA5BU3,Ascending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery |
XA0DB6,Ascending branch of the medial femoral circumflex artery |
XA42R8,Branch of the medial inferior genicular artery to popliteus |
XA7WF1,Branch of the medial superior genicular artery to vastus medialis of the medial superior genicular artery |
XA2DD1,Branch of the medial superior genicular artery to surface of the femur and the knee-joint of the medial superior genicular artery |
XA4VS8,Communicating branch of the fibular artery to the anterior tibial artery |
XA7DF6,Deep branch of the descending branch of the Medial femoral circumflex artery |
XA19F5,Deep branch of the lateral superior genicular artery |
XA3KL5,Deep femoral artery |
XA3SV6,Descending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery |
XA15J8,Descending branch of the Medial femoral circumflex artery |
XA3CV5,Descending genicular artery |
XA41L4,Dorsalis pedis artery |
XA2JF3,Femoral artery |
XA9GM6,Fibular artery |
XA2GU0,First perforating artery |
XA9EP9,Lateral femoral circumflex artery |
XA4B67,Lateral inferior genicular artery |
XA6920,Medial femoral circumflex artery |
XA1QB3,Medial inferior genicular artery |
XA7PN1,Medial plantar artery |
XA5LB1,Middle genicular artery |
XA0PT7,Muscular branches of the anterior tibial artery |
XA9TP5,Musculo-articular branch of the Descending genicular artery |
XA0GA4,Perforating artery |
XA1YF2,Perforating branch of the fibular artery to the posterior tibial artery |
XA3615,Peroneal artery |
XA44K1,Popliteal artery |
XA0882,Posterior humeral circumflex artery |
XA6LK2,Posterior tibial artery |
XA33D9,Posterior tibial recurrent artery |
XA09P5,Saphenous branch of the Descending genicular artery |
XA2Z59,Second perforating artery |
XA7W56,Superficial branch of the descending branch of the Medial femoral circumflex artery |
XA5687,Superficial branch of the lateral superior genicular artery |
XA08Q7,Sural artery |
XA8J55,Third or fourth perforating artery |
XA4XR2,Transverse branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery |
XA6QR6,Lateral plantar artery |
XA9PU5,Afferent arteriole of the interlobular artery |
XA5Z66,Abdominal aorta |
XA9TJ8,Cortical vein |
XA8ZU5,Basal vein |
XA37J7,Alveolar vein |
XA8ZS9,Angular vein |
XA1GE4,Deep anterior temporal vein |
XA8SD6,Middle temporal vein |
XA30B2,Deep posterior temporal vein |
XA2NX9,Superficial temporal vein |
XA6SL1,Basilar plexus |
XA5SG1,Buccinator vein |
XA93W0,Inferior cerebellar vein |
XA2Z35,Superior cerebellar vein |
XA6DC3,Internal cerebral vein |
XA1MX7,Deep middle cerebral vein |
XA0U80,Inferior cerebral Vein |
XA43H1,Middle cerebral vein |
XA4WV6,Superficial middle cerebral vein |
XA0E47,Superior cerebral vein |
XA7VW1,Small anterior cerebral vein |
XA18W3,Great cerebral vein |
XA49Y4,Choroid vein |
XA7C08,Cricothyroid vein |
XA9U81,Deep cervical vein |
XA6VQ5,Frontal diploic vein |
XA6694,Anterior temporal diploic vein |
XA5AY0,Posterior temporal diploic vein |
XA2HM1,Occipital diploic vein |
XA12G2,Emissary vein of the foramen of Vesalius |
XA6BA1,Condyloid emissary vein |
XA4K04,Occipital emissary vein |
XA8C81,Mastoid emissary vein |
XA0T02,Parietal emissary vein |
XA74U9,Frontal vein |
XA0CA3,Frontal venous lacunæ |
XA3DS7,Great anastomotic vein of Trolard |
XA9GT2,Inferior striate vein |
XA4ZZ3,Maxillary vein |
XA2JH6,Inferior laryngeal vein |
XA3XZ1,Superior laryngeal vein |
XA8Z61,Masseteric vein |
XA8NY9,Lingual vein |
XA8D07,Anterior meningeal vein |
XA5600,Middle meningeal vein |
XA73V2,Posterior meningeal vein |
XA01E7,Occipital vein |
XA7AS3,Occipital venous lacunæ |
XA6C95,Superior ophthalmic vein |
XA8M04,Inferior ophthalmic vein |
XA1SM5,Palatine vein |
XA4HX4,Parietal venous lacunæ |
XA91G2,Parotid vein |
XA98C1,Pharyngeal vein |
XA2NF3,Posterior anastomotic vein of Labbé |
XA0QP2,Pterygoid venous plexus |
XA0M51,Sphenopalatine vein |
XA4XY4,Stylomastoid vein |
XA7K99,Sublingual vein |
XA7ZY4,Submaxillary vein |
XA1LD6,Submental vein |
XA8680,Terminal vein |
XA7F45,Tracheal vein |
XA6945,Transverse cervical vein |
XA22T9,Vein from the tympanic cavity |
XA21F0,Vein of the ala nasi |
XA9914,Vein of the pterygoid canal |
XA1RH4,Vena comitans of the hypoglossal nerve |
XA1K34,Venous jugular arch |
XA5WN3,Cavernous sinus |
XA4NJ4,Confluence of the sinuses |
XA6ZV2,Inferior petrosal Sinus |
XA9ED6,Inferior sagittal sinus |
XA2SC7,Occipital sinus |
XA4041,Sigmoid sinus |
XA03D2,Straight sinus |
XA81R3,Superior sagittal sinus |
XA1YP1,Superior petrosal sinus |
XA4289,Transverse sinus |
XA5255,Sphenoparietal sinus |
XA8P44,Anterior intercavernous sinus |
XA7QE4,Posterior intercavernous sinus |
XA9JS4,Circular sinus |
XA6UW5,Petrosquamous sinus |
XA6HK7,Sinus of the dura mater |
XA5UX2,Cranial venous sinus |
XA2KJ8,Inferior thyroid vein |
XA2DN0,Middle thyroid vein |
XA9BZ3,Superior thyroid vein |
XA9K84,Inferior palpebral vein |
XA9T11,Superior palpebral vein |
XA0Z20,Lateral palpebral vein |
XA5DP6,Inferior labial vein |
XA4AG1,Superior labial vein |
XA46F3,Anterior auricular vein |
XA67N9,Posterior auricular vein |
XA7WC0,Anterior facial vein |
XA2681,Deep facial vein |
XA3LQ0,Common facial vein |
XA4NP1,Posterior facial vein |
XA5GY9,Transverse facial vein |
XA9U48,Anterior jugular vein |
XA46B9,Internal jugular vein |
XA99S7,External jugular vein |
XA31W7,Posterior external jugular vein |
XA9XW7,Orbital vein |
XA73J2,Vein of the pericranium |
XA0ET2,Anterior vertebral vein |
XA1LU7,Deep temporal vein |
XA2L55,Extraspinal vein |
XA5YM5,Internal auditory vein |
XA5TG4,Pterygoid plexus |
XA1VP6,Pterygoid vein |
XA1RV1,Superior sagittal vein |
XA7QR6,Vertebral vein |
XA0BP6,Anterior vertebral venous plexus |
XA6DM9,Accessory hemiazygos vein |
XA7AN5,Azygos vein |
XA57F8,Brachiocephalic vein |
XA1GY9,Bronchial vein |
XA9NE2,Diaphragmatic vein |
XA3VU3,Oesophageal vein |
XA4GF1,Hemiazygos vein |
XA27D1,Innominate vein |
XA9HG3,Intercostal vein |
XA6JE5,Mediastinal vein |
XA6YT2,Subclavian vein |
XA3568,Subcostal vein |
XA4VD1,Superior epigastric vein |
XA5WA4,Superior vena cava |
XA4DR2,Superior intercostal vein |
XA3V69,Internal mammary vein |
XA2DL5,Transverse scapular vein |
XA8WJ4,Subscapular vein |
XA2YF2,Thymic vein |
XA4DQ4,Ascending lumbar vein |
XA9PF5,Caput medusae vein |
XA1MQ4,Cystic Vein |
XA95M2,Ileocolic vein |
XA7UV5,Inferior vena cava |
XA2UD7,Hepatic Vein |
XA52L9,Lumbar vein |
XA3X37,Pancreatic vein |
XA4XM0,Pancreaticoduodenal vein |
XA0N54,Parumbilical Vein |
XA1E17,Portal Vein |
XA5JV6,Rectal venous plexus |
XA0J33,Splenic vein |
XA46Q0,Thoracoepigastric vein |
XA2UN4,Right colic vein |
XA49E0,Middle colic vein |
XA2WF1,Left colic vein |
XA6NJ4,Middle rectal vein |
XA80L8,Inferior rectal vein |
XA30C9,Superior hemorrhoidal vein |
XA34F0,Perineal hemorrhoidal vein |
XA27Y3,Superior phrenic vein |
XA0EZ6,Inferior phrenic vein |
XA4DA7,Superior mesenteric vein |
XA4EK2,Inferior mesenteric vein |
XA8WC0,Superficial epigastric vein |
XA30F2,Inferior epigastric vein |
XA73S8,Left gastric vein |
XA23Q4,Right gastric vein |
XA5QC9,Short gastric vein |
XA2R35,Gastroepiploic vein |
XA55H2,Intestinal vein |
XA3200,Renal vein |
XA6YL8,Corpus cavernosum penis |
XA03F7,Deep dorsal vein of the penis |
XA9X28,Iliolumbar vein |
XA7U63,Deep vein of the penis |
XA5AH6,Obturator vein |
XA4PC3,Ovarian Vein |
XA05M3,Pampiniform plexus |
XA1W18,Perineal vein |
XA8WY0,Prostatic vein |
XA0GG0,Pubic vein |
XA8HY5,Sigmoid vein |
XA4TQ4,Superficial dorsal vein of the penis |
XA2WW4,Suprarenal vein |
XA7AB3,Uterine plexus |
XA8M77,Uterine vein |
XA1MK5,Vaginal vein |
XA0DB7,Vesical plexus |
XA7GN4,Vesical vein |
XA9GG9,Vulval vein |
XA3HW8,Inferior gluteal vein |
XA47S7,Superior gluteal Vein |
XA3EG0,Internal iliac vein |
XA49T5,External iliac vein |
XA7W40,Common iliac vein |
XA3H93,Deep iliac circumflex vein |
XA4PJ8,Lateral sacral vein |
XA9Z04,Middle sacral vein |
XA5KK7,Spermatic Vein |
XA7XD2,Internal pudendal vein |
XA6NF9,Superficial external pudendal vein |
XA1ET7,Deep external pudendal vein |
XA0QT1,Accessory cephalic vein |
XA3EY8,Axillary vein |
XA6JD7,Basilic vein |
XA43Q5,Brachial vein |
XA4YQ8,Cephalic vein |
XA7FD2,Common volar digital vein |
XA7902,Deep volar venous arch |
XA6NS3,Dorsal interosseous vein |
XA9886,Dorsal metacarpal vein |
XA4A41,Lateral thoracic vein |
XA3TW9,Median antebrachial vein |
XA1YZ7,Median basilic vein |
XA3GZ6,Proper volar digital vein |
XA32L8,Radial vein |
XA7HM9,Superficial volar venous arch |
XA8CK3,Ulnar vein |
XA2Y72,Volar digital vein |
XA2C08,Volar interosseous vein |
XA13N1,Volar metacarpal vein |
XA8WJ3,Accessory saphenous vein |
XA4CQ8,Anterior tibial vein |
XA23R2,Common digital vein |
XA3E41,Deep Femoral Vein |
XA8RN9,Deep plantar venous arch |
XA3QX9,Femoral vein |
XA59H1,Great saphenous vein |
XA74K2,Lateral femoral circumflex vein |
XA4L08,Lateral marginal vein |
XA0L88,Lateral plantar vein |
XA8PZ9,Medial femoral circumflex vein |
XA1XM3,Medial marginal vein |
XA85B7,Medial plantar vein |
XA7ND7,Metatarsal vein |
XA4EV7,Plantar cutaneous venous arch |
XA8657,Plantar digital vein |
XA08Q1,Popliteal vein |
XA5D60,Posterior tibial vein |
XA2073,Small saphenous vein |
XA8HR9,Superficial iliac circumflex vein |
XA4930,Peroneal vein |
XA60H0,Vena cava |
XA21T7,Blood Vessels |
XA3GE9,Cusps of mitral valve |
XA69W6,Chordae tendineae of mitral valve |
XA78X5,Interatrial septum |
XA19H9,Cusps of tricuspid valve |
XA4LY3,Chordae tendineae of tricuspid valve |
XA2QK7,Cusps of aortic valve |
XA7S34,Left ventricular papillary muscles |
XA5651,Interventricular septum |
XA5Y16,Right ventricular papillary muscles |
XA1403,Cusps of pulmonary valve |
XA9FX9,Left circumflex artery |
XA7NQ7,Left anterior descending coronary artery |
XA1SH6,Left obtuse marginal artery |
XA3QP2,Ramus intermedius artery |
XA5LW8,Septal artery |
XA1LL7,Right acute marginal artery |
XA81T7,Posterior interventricular artery |
XA8PS0,Posterolateral artery |
XA7TB5,Sinuatrial nodal artery |
XA6YW4,Oblique vein of the left atrium |
XA0HP7,Left marginal vein of heart |
XA38Z5,Great cardiac vein |
XA8HT6,Posterior vein of the left ventricle |
XA3UN3,Middle cardiac vein |
XA6QD7,Small cardiac vein |
XA16E4,Coronary sinus |
XA4TZ2,Anterior cardiac veins |
XA9498,Smallest cardiac vein |
XA2KE8,Right marginal vein of heart |
XA4366,Pericardial vein |
XA91S4,Cardiac atrium |
XA7XU8,Cardiac ventricle |
XA9X98,Pericardiophrenic artery |
XA8RK9,Parietal pericardium |
XA48H9,Pericardial cavity |
XA37Q8,Epicardium |
XA3227,Endocardium |
XA81Z5,Cardiac septum |
XA2DC8,Papillary muscle |
XA7RE3,Anterior wall of heart |
XA2RT9,Anteroseptal wall of heart |
XA3RM8,Inferior wall of heart |
XA8ZQ8,Apical-lateral wall of heart |
XA6GR4,Basal-lateral wall of heart |
XA1HH6,High lateral wall of heart |
XA3XS7,Lateral wall of heart |
XA01U7,True posterior wall of heart |
XA7D76,Posterobasal wall of heart |
XA4RC1,Posterolateral wall of heart |
XA60V2,Posteroseptal wall of heart |
XA83Q5,Septal wall of heart |
XA4U99,Anteroapical wall of heart |
XA1UE3,Sinoatrial node |
XA4359,Atrioventricular node |
XA7J11,Bundle of His |
XA0QB6,Heart valve |
XA8SK6,Myocardium |
XA0LH6,Jugular lymphatic trunk |
XA6TY4,Lymphatic vessel of the pinna |
XA02Y8,Lymphatic vessel of the external acoustic meatus |
XA1EC8,Lymphatic vessel of the face |
XA0167,Lymphatic vessel of the palatine tonsil |
XA4QZ6,Lymphatic vessel of the scalp |
XA9FT5,Lymphatic vessel of the tongue |
XA1G40,Lymphatic vessels of the skin and muscles of the neck |
XA05S0,Deep lymphatic vessel |
XA6D43,Dorsal interosseous lymphatic vessel |
XA7FS7,Median lymphatic vessel |
XA3HQ3,Radial lymphatic vessel |
XA12G8,Superficial lymphatic vessel |
XA4UB1,Ulnar lymphatic vessel |
XA5SZ5,Volar lymphatic vessel |
XA94Z9,Bronchomediastinal trunk |
XA7474,Cisterna chyli lymph sac |
XA1VK9,Deep lymphatic vessel of the thoracic wall |
XA9D98,Intestinal lymphatic trunk |
XA8JF4,Jugular lymph sac |
XA9NW2,Jugular lymphatic trunk |
XA1SQ2,Lymph Sac |
XA8YM1,Lymphatic vessel of the diaphragm |
XA4RC7,Lymphatic vessel of the breast |
XA55B8,Lymphatic vessel of the heart |
XA3EB8,Lymphatic vessel of the lungs |
XA8QZ0,Lymphatic vessel of the oesophagus |
XA6J62,Lymphatic vessel of the pericardium |
XA4QL2,Lymphatic vessel of the pleura |
XA3JF4,Lymphatic vessel of the thymus |
XA4J10,Posterior lymph sac |
XA8MX8,Retroperitoneal lymph sac |
XA3ER1,Right lymphatic duct |
XA3TX9,Superficial lymphatic vessel of the thoracic wall |
XA8A74,Thoracic duct |
XA07V7,Intestinal lumbar trunk |
XA6R71,Lumbar lymphatic trunk |
XA9XL5,Lymphatic vessel of the caecum |
XA1BU5,Lymphatic vessel of the colon |
XA92E5,Lymphatic vessel of the duodenum |
XA6VD0,Lymphatic vessel of the gallbladder |
XA55Y5,Lymphatic vessel of the ileum |
XA4CQ1,Lymphatic vessel of the jejunum |
XA3610,Lymphatic vessel of the kidney |
XA0WY9,Lymphatic vessel of the liver |
XA9YZ4,Lymphatic vessel of the pancreas |
XA5LE6,Lymphatic vessel of the spleen |
XA1599,Lymphatic vessel of the stomach |
XA3RD0,Lymphatic vessel of the subdiaphragmatic portion of the digestive tube |
XA21T8,Lymphatic vessel of the suprarenal lymph node |
XA29U5,Lymphatic vessel of the vermiform process |
XA9H16,Anterior vesical lymphatic vessel of the bladder |
XA28F6,Lateral vesical lymphatic vessel of the bladder |
XA4LM3,Lymphatic vessel of the anal canal |
XA5C29,Lymphatic vessel of the anus |
XA1UK6,Lymphatic vessel of the bladder |
XA16J8,Lymphatic vessel of the ductus deferens |
XA4229,Lymphatic vessel of the ovary |
XA1SS8,Lymphatic vessel of the prostate |
XA6DH7,Lymphatic vessel of the rectum |
XA2XZ6,Lymphatic vessel of the reproductive organs |
XA1UA0,Lymphatic vessel of the testes |
XA6324,Lymphatic vessel of the ureter |
XA6HM6,Lymphatic vessel of the urethra |
XA7JY4,Lymphatic vessel of the urinary organ |
XA5755,Lymphatic vessel of the uterine tube |
XA9PA3,Lymphatic vessel of the uterus |
XA1ZK1,Lymphatic vessel of the vagina |
XA0GB7,Lymphatic vessel of the seminal vesicles |
XA6UC7,Anterior tibial lymphatic trunk |
XA53X2,Nasal vestibule |
XA8D47,Nasal septum |
XA8817,Nasal turbinate |
XA7WQ4,Nasal cartilage |
XA4CN5,Nasal mucosa |
XA3HQ4,nasal arch vein |
XA1R64,Maxillary sinus |
XA58F6,Ethmoid sinus |
XA91G8,Frontal sinus |
XA4U67,Sphenoid sinus |
XA0659,Superior wall of nasopharynx |
XA21P9,Anterior wall of nasopharynx |
XA4BR4,Posterior wall of nasopharynx |
XA9P89,Retropharyngeal recess |
XA6QY3,Parapharyngeal recess |
XA4DV7,Anterior surface of epiglottis |
XA8U54,Posterior surface of epiglottis |
XA8N50,Laryngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold |
XA3299,Vocal cord |
XA25B1,Subglottic larynx |
XA0NK8,Laryngeal cartilage |
XA7SG3,Cervical trachea |
XA4RN3,Thoracic trachea |
XA9TC5,Main bronchus |
XA4JA0,Carina |
XA3L52,Right main bronchus |
XA29Y4,Hilum of right lung |
XA8Z30,Right upper lobe bronchus |
XA41Z3,Right lower lobe bronchus |
XA1QM3,Right middle lobe bronchus |
XA5FV2,Left main bronchus |
XA6VA2,Hilum of left lung |
XA2AT1,Efferent arteriole of the interlobular artery |
XA6WT9,Interlobar artery |
XA2S57,Interlobular artery |
XA3713,Pulmonary trunk |
XA86L0,Right pulmonary vein |
XA1WN5,Left pulmonary vein |
XA2ZV2,Inferior pulmonary vein |
XA9K75,Superior pulmonary vein |
XA61M6,Bronchus |
XA5437,Bronchioles |
XA5772,Alveoli |
XA8FY4,Pulmonary vein |
XA0F36,Pulmonary capillaries |
XA1B59,Visceral pleura |
XA7RC6,Parietal pleura |
XA9HN5,Upper lobe of lung |
XA7L34,Lower lobe of lung |
XA37W0,Upper lobe, bronchus |
XA1K94,Middle lobe, bronchus |
XA8JM5,Lower lobe, bronchus |
XA9072,Labial mucosa of upper lip |
XA72W2,Labial mucosa of lower lip |
XA8WB3,Buccal mucosa |
XA0S17,Retromolar region |
XA2151,Superior labial sulcus |
XA52Q7,Inferior labial sulcus |
XA6WJ3,Superolateral buccal sulcus |
XA5MG3,Inferolateral buccal sulcus |
XA2C94,Upper alveolar mucosa |
XA7DA0,Upper alveolar ridge mucosa |
XA96F2,Lower alveolar mucosa |
XA8C21,Lower alveolar ridge mucosa |
XA3SP9,Alveolar mucosa |
XA5306,Upper right 3rd molar |
XA0BR9,Upper right 2nd molar |
XA0TL3,Upper right 1st molar |
XA45K9,Upper right 2nd bicuspid |
XA64J5,Upper right 1st bicuspid |
XA0LE1,Upper right canine |
XA3QH3,Upper right lateral incisor |
XA43X2,Upper right central incisor |
XA8328,Upper left 3rd molar |
XA1YK1,Upper left 2nd molar |
XA2GW7,Upper left 1st molar |
XA5Z15,Upper left 2nd bicuspid |
XA3EF6,Upper left 1st bicuspid |
XA2LF2,Upper left canine |
XA0MG2,Upper left lateral incisor |
XA9P69,Upper left central incisor |
XA8YF6,Lower right 3rd molar |
XA5CA4,Lower right 2nd molar |
XA5M57,Lower right 1st molar |
XA26X2,Lower right 2nd bicuspid |
XA47C4,Lower right 1st bicuspid |
XA95A1,Lower right canine |
XA8660,Lower right lateral incisor |
XA5NT8,Lower right central incisor |
XA0XB1,Lower left 3rd molar |
XA8YV5,Lower left 2nd molar |
XA6R23,Lower left 1st molar |
XA80S2,Lower left 2nd bicuspid |
XA1SQ7,Lower left 1st bicuspid |
XA8P88,Lower left canine |
XA4B13,Lower left lateral incisor |
XA7B54,Lower left central incisor |
XA2GE5,Upper right 2nd molar, deciduous |
XA7ZT9,Upper right 1st molar, deciduous |
XA06P0,Upper right canine, deciduous |
XA2XZ5,Upper right lateral incisor, deciduous |
XA3BG3,Upper right central incisor, deciduous |
XA2BD4,Upper left 2nd molar, deciduous |
XA85K7,Upper left 1st molar, deciduous |
XA98V8,Upper left canine, deciduous |
XA9QP7,Upper left lateral incisor, deciduous |
XA4ZQ5,Upper left central incisor, deciduous |
XA6F50,Lower right 2nd molar, deciduous |
XA36B2,Lower right 1st molar, deciduous |
XA8KQ7,Lower right canine, deciduous |
XA1W31,Lower right lateral incisor, deciduous |
XA6TB6,Lower right central incisor, deciduous |
XA8NE2,Lower left 2nd molar, deciduous |
XA55D8,Lower left 1st molar, deciduous |
XA8QV7,Lower left canine, deciduous |
XA8MH6,Lower left lateral incisor, deciduous |
XA2RW5,Lower left central incisor, deciduous |
XA5B71,Pulp |
XA6FX3,Dentin |
XA5R09,Enamel |
XA4KC7,Cementum |
XA2CA1,Periapical tissue |
XA5ML5,Distal surface of tooth |
XA4UP2,Labial surface of tooth |
XA6DE2,Buccal surface of tooth |
XA3W20,Incisal surface of tooth |
XA8M68,Lingual surface of tooth |
XA5Z48,Mesial surface of tooth |
XA5DM8,Occlusal surface of tooth |
XA3HD5,Proximal surface of tooth |
XA4527,Hard palate |
XA8HL5,Soft palate |
XA2993,Uvula |
XA00H5,Palatal mucosa |
XA65E9,Midline of tongue |
XA8SX3,Junctional zone of tongue |
XA2B11,Posterior of tongue |
XA8YB9,Dorsal surface of body of tongue |
XA0HQ3,Dorsal surface of base of tongue |
XA9YA2,Lingual frenulum |
XA49C6,Lateral margin of tongue |
XA1WZ8,Tip of tongue |
XA69M6,Alveololingual sulcus |
XA8CF9,Mucosa of floor of mouth |
XA2JB0,Anterior tonsillar pillar |
XA46Z4,Tonsillar fossa |
XA0X58,Posterior tonsillar pillar |
XA15G1,Palatine arch |
XA6NQ7,Oral mucosa |
XA07S5,Parotid gland |
XA0CS1,Left submandibular gland |
XA8GQ5,Right submandibular gland |
XA7GY0,Submandibular gland duct |
XA51Q9,Sublingual gland |
XA30Q1,Minor salivary gland |
XA44X8,Parotid gland duct |
XA1J93,Sublingual gland duct |
XA8RX5,Lateral wall of oropharynx |
XA8659,Posterior wall of oropharynx |
XA3MZ0,Piriform recess |
XA4NZ9,Postcricoid region |
XA0XK1,Hypopharyngeal wall |
XA1180,Upper third of oesophagus |
XA2BY3,Middle third of oesophagus |
XA9CB6,Lower third of oesophagus |
XA0N03,Cervical oesophagus |
XA8JT3,Thoracic oesophagus |
XA0TN5,Abdominal oesophagus |
XA4YW8,Overlapping lesion of oesophagus |
XA2828,Gastric cardia |
XA7UE1,Gastric corpus |
XA56K7,Gastric fundus |
XA4EC5,Pyloric antrum |
XA7WQ5,Greater curvature of stomach |
XA4ML9,Lesser curvature of stomach |
XA9780,Duodenum |
XA8UM1,Jejunum |
XA0QT6,Ileum |
XA6J68,Caecum |
XA8PW4,Appendix |
XA3AL5,Ascending colon |
XA95L3,Hepatic flexure of colon |
XA49U1,Transverse colon |
XA1PY9,Splenic flexure of colon |
XA2G13,Descending colon |
XA8YJ9,Sigmoid colon |
XA33J5,Rectosigmoid junction |
XA7177,Descending colon and splenic flexure of colon |
XA25P9,Ascending colon and right flexure of colon |
XA4KU2,Rectum |
XA0D34,Anus |
XA39S6,Anal Canal |
XA8QB7,Cloacogenic zone |
XA5766,Left lobe of liver |
XA2KG6,Right lobe of liver |
XA89K4,Left hepatic duct |
XA6M95,Right hepatic duct |
XA96K1,Common hepatic duct |
XA0077,Cystic duct |
XA8KL9,Gallbladder |
XA6R80,Common bile duct |
XA6WA8,Sphincter of Oddi |
XA7QA8,Ampulla of Vater |
XA9HM5,Extrahepatic bile duct |
XA1412,Head of pancreas |
XA8LA4,Neck of pancreas |
XA6ZE4,Body of pancreas |
XA0CX6,Tail of pancreas |
XA8WC8,Duct of Santorini |
XA3789,Duct of Wirsung |
XA6S21,Retroperitoneum |
XA43V8,Mesentery |
XA6DF7,Omentum |
XA46W1,Mesoappendix |
XA4QM7,Mesocolon |
XA5P21,Stratum corneum |
XA4W90,Stratum granulosum |
XA8AM6,Stratum spinosum |
XA9QS1,Stratum basale |
XA8JE9,Epidermal basement membrane |
XA2MW3,Hair bulb |
XA6666,Sebaceous gland |
XA7487,Apocrine sweat gland |
XA6DT2,Hair shaft |
XA5Y68,Scalp hair |
XA78D2,Eyebrow hairs |
XA1RK2,Eyelashes |
XA9N28,Beard hair |
XA1WH2,Body hair |
XA12U4,Pubic hair |
XA5LM0,Germinal matrix |
XA0060,Sterile matrix |
XA6Q52,Nail |
XA1ES4,Eponychium |
XA0NS1,Hyponychium |
XA6PJ1,Acrosyringium |
XA7P52,Eccrine sweat duct |
XA5VA9,Eccrine sweat coil |
XA4LG9,Papillary dermis |
XA2Q30,Reticular dermis |
XA5CS6,Subcutaneous fat |
XA04T9,Skin of nose |
XA8EK1,Skin of thorax |
XA21X3,Skin of vulva |
XA18X5,Skin of labium majus |
XA61K2,Skin of penis |
XA9N16,Skin of Scrotum |
XA66R9,Skin of elbow |
XA0E94,Base of the skull |
XA2BH0,Calvarium |
XA7B66,Anterior fossa |
XA8Y22,Middle fossa |
XA5U78,Posterior fossa |
XA2SR4,Ethmoid bone |
XA6ZM9,Frontal bone |
XA4RS9,Occipital condyle |
XA33W1,Occiput |
XA2J87,Parietal bone |
XA9N34,Pituitary fossa |
XA1E15,Petrous bone |
XA68N3,Mastoid |
XA9XW3,Orbital roof |
XA7MW9,Orbital floor |
XA5CQ0,Hyoid bone |
XA6UV6,Inferior nasal conchae |
XA9GZ6,Lacrimal bone |
XA4319,Palatine bone |
XA14T2,Vomer bone |
XA8N32,Zygomatic bone |
XA3B77,Alveolar border of body of mandible |
XA0M61,Angle of mandible |
XA7919,Subcondylar process of mandible |
XA24B3,Coronoid process of the mandible |
XA5969,Ramus of mandible |
XA8JR9,Symphysis of mandible |
XA7VK5,Maxilla |
XA8E16,Nasal bone |
XA88P5,Jaw, unspecified |
XA4D04,Incus |
XA5DS8,Malleus |
XA3WA4,Stapes |
XA0KQ4,Posterior arch of first cervical vertebra |
XA1304,Lateral mass of first cervical vertebra |
XA5W02,Odontoid process |
XA51V4,Arch of third cervical vertebra |
XA4UV1,Body of third cervical vertebra |
XA8CG0,Processes of third cervical vertebra |
XA24X7,Arch of fourth cervical vertebra |
XA3GT0,Body of fourth cervical vertebra |
XA75V3,Processes of fourth cervical vertebra |
XA1PJ5,Arch of fifth cervical vertebra |
XA1BS2,Body of fifth cervical vertebra |
XA2FY7,Processes of fifth cervical vertebra |
XA8W16,Arch of sixth cervical vertebra |
XA9Q12,Body of sixth cervical vertebra |
XA60Z0,Processes of sixth cervical vertebra |
XA05M5,Arch of seventh cervical vertebra |
XA1JS3,Body of seventh cervical vertebra |
XA91D7,Processes of seventh cervical vertebra |
XA7UP5,Arch of first thoracic vertebra |
XA8PH0,Body of first thoracic vertebra |
XA1AX4,Processes of first thoracic vertebra |
XA2VV9,Arch of second thoracic vertebra |
XA3Z42,Body of second thoracic vertebra |
XA6T61,Processes of second thoracic vertebra |
XA2SM3,Arch of third thoracic vertebra |
XA35A0,Body of third thoracic vertebra |
XA41U9,Processes of third thoracic vertebra |
XA22W3,Arch of fourth thoracic vertebra |
XA3J42,Body of fourth thoracic vertebra |
XA1WL4,Processes of fourth thoracic vertebra |
XA28A7,Arch of fifth thoracic vertebra |
XA8W59,Body of fifth thoracic vertebra |
XA0449,Processes of fifth thoracic vertebra |
XA29X2,Arch of sixth thoracic vertebra |
XA0YY2,Body of sixth thoracic vertebra |
XA1R53,Processes of sixth thoracic vertebra |
XA54G1,Arch of seventh thoracic vertebra |
XA62Y3,Body of seventh thoracic vertebra |
XA1CQ7,Processes of seventh thoracic vertebra |
XA3PL7,Arch of eighth thoracic vertebra |
XA5JX9,Body of eighth thoracic vertebra |
XA1SD8,Processes of eighth thoracic vertebra |
XA9N69,Arch of ninth thoracic vertebra |
XA2X21,Body of ninth thoracic vertebra |
XA5SW1,Processes of ninth thoracic vertebra |
XA7LF7,Arch of tenth thoracic vertebra |
XA6VP6,Body of tenth thoracic vertebra |
XA7122,Processes of tenth thoracic vertebra |
XA98R9,Arch of eleventh thoracic vertebra |
XA91J0,Body of eleventh thoracic vertebra |
XA92Q6,Processes of eleventh thoracic vertebra |
XA15N3,Arch of twelfth thoracic vertebra |
XA1401,Body of twelfth thoracic vertebra |
XA2D62,Processes of twelfth thoracic vertebra |
XA8AX7,Arch of first lumbar vertebra |
XA9E61,Body of first lumbar vertebra |
XA4U01,Processes of first lumbar vertebra |
XA24M1,Arch of second lumbar vertebra |
XA5079,Body of second lumbar vertebra |
XA52T1,Processes of second lumbar vertebra |
XA3G24,Arch of third lumbar vertebra |
XA0TL0,Body of third lumbar vertebra |
XA80X7,Processes of third lumbar vertebra |
XA7CH7,Arch of fourth lumbar vertebra |
XA4145,Body of fourth lumbar vertebra |
XA38A4,Processes of fourth lumbar vertebra |
XA2JV2,Arch of fifth lumbar vertebra |
XA5886,Body of fifth lumbar vertebra |
XA4PS3,Processes of fifth lumbar vertebra |
XA14W3,Sacrum |
XA4V28,Coccyx |
XA9Z06,Cervical intervertebral disc or space C1-C2 |
XA18M2,Cervical intervertebral disc or space C2-C3 |
XA94K2,Cervical intervertebral disc or space C3-C4 |
XA1X49,Cervical intervertebral disc or space C5-C6 |
XA16L1,Cervical intervertebral disc or space C6-C7 |
XA2SG0,Cervicothoracic disc or space C7-T1 |
XA4722,Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T1-T2 |
XA6KQ8,Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T2-T3 |
XA6CX2,Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T3-T4 |
XA0NE8,Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T4-T5 |
XA7PD1,Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T5-T6 |
XA4TP2,Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T6-T7 |
XA7117,Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T7-T8 |
XA9PW9,Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T8-T9 |
XA8E13,Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T9-T10 |
XA6HY9,Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T10-T11 |
XA5LG2,Thoracic intervertebral disc or space T11-T12 |
XA97A4,Thoracolumbar intervertebral disc or space T12-L1 |
XA7RD5,Lumbar intervertebral disc or space L1-L2 |
XA8DG2,Lumbar intervertebral disc or space L2-L3 |
XA1F44,Lumbar intervertebral disc or space L3-L4 |
XA2N96,Lumbar intervertebral disc or space L4-L5 |
XA54R2,Lumbosacral intervertebral disc or space L5-S1 |
XA8WM9,Nucleus pulposus |
XA10M1,Annulus fibrosus |
XA98Q1,First rib |
XA7XY2,Second rib |
XA2U21,Third rib |
XA4SQ6,Fourth rib |
XA31L8,Fifth rib |
XA63Z2,Sixth rib |
XA2WC3,Seventh rib |
XA9WQ3,Eighth rib |
XA31V8,Ninth rib |
XA54R4,Tenth rib |
XA3VH4,Eleventh rib |
XA6W52,Twelfth rib |
XA3M45,Body of sternum |
XA0K13,Manubrium |
XA2RB7,Xiphoid |
XA4743,Iliac crest |
XA5L47,Ischium |
XA1XZ3,Superior pubic ramus |
XA4VB9,Inferior pubic ramus |
XA6Z32,Acetabulum |
XA76N8,Sternal end of clavicle |
XA4PT6,Shaft of the clavicle |
XA09P2,Acromial end of clavicle |
XA2HS8,Neck of the scapula |
XA1216,Glenoid cavity of the scapula |
XA2Y48,Coracoid process of the scapula |
XA3664,Acromion |
XA4VY5,Head of the humerus |
XA0XN0,Anatomical neck of the humerus |
XA6FR2,Surgical neck of the humerus |
XA7144,Greater tuberosity of the humerus |
XA72X2,Lesser tuberosity of the humerus |
XA4RN8,Shaft of the humerus |
XA11M8,Capitulum of humerus |
XA9LK4,Trochlea of humerus |
XA6EF8,Lateral epicondyle of the humerus |
XA4097,Medial epicondyle of the humerus |
XA2N25,Radial head |
XA0ZF7,Radial neck |
XA35U4,Shaft of radius |
XA6YE5,Radial groove |
XA3MH2,Styloid process of radius |
XA4X32,Lower end of radius not otherwise specified |
XA76U7,Upper end of radius not otherwise specified |
XA0NS5,Coronoid process of the ulna |
XA0725,Lower end of ulna not otherwise specified |
XA5VA1,Olecranon process of the ulna |
XA8U33,Shaft of the ulna |
XA05C5,Styloid process of the ulna |
XA6SV9,Upper end of ulna not otherwise specified |
XA8E71,Distal pole of scaphoid |
XA1GV4,Distal third of the scaphoid bone |
XA3ZG5,Middle third of the scaphoid bone |
XA5ZE5,Proximal third of the scaphoid bone |
XA30C8,Lunate bone |
XA4A64,Triquetrum bone |
XA8SZ6,Pisiform bone |
XA7XM2,Trapezium bone |
XA9DH2,Trapezoid bone |
XA06T2,Capitate bone |
XA97A0,Hook of hamate |
XA0GJ4,Carpal tunnel |
XA22M5,Base of other carpal bone |
XA9640,Neck of other carpal bone |
XA5TX9,Shaft of other carpal bone |
XA12D2,Head of the first metacarpal bone |
XA8J87,Neck of the first metacarpal bone |
XA5N95,Shaft of the first metacarpal bone |
XA2P67,Base of the first metacarpal bone |
XA93C5,Head of the second metacarpal bone |
XA8KU0,Neck of the second metacarpal bone |
XA4RC8,Shaft of the second metacarpal bone |
XA37V2,Base of the second metacarpal bone |
XA6442,Head of the third metacarpal bone |
XA50H4,Neck of the third metacarpal bone |
XA8BP2,Shaft of the third metacarpal bone |
XA8NK6,Base of the third metacarpal bone |
XA8X42,Head of the fourth metacarpal bone |
XA9NT7,Neck of the fourth metacarpal bone |
XA4CP7,Shaft of the fourth metacarpal bone |
XA3ZF8,Base of the fourth metacarpal bone |
XA3Z46,Head of the fifth metacarpal bone |
XA16Y6,Neck of the fifth metacarpal bone |
XA92G8,Shaft of the fifth metacarpal bone |
XA65Y7,Base of the fifth metacarpal bone |
XA25U2,Proximal phalanx of index finger |
XA6ET0,Proximal phalanx of middle finger |
XA9MR0,Proximal phalanx of ring finger |
XA73Q6,Proximal phalanx of little finger |
XA0903,Proximal phalanx of thumb |
XA3JL6,Middle phalanx of index finger |
XA5910,Middle phalanx of middle finger |
XA8N14,Middle phalanx of ring finger |
XA6HX0,Middle phalanx of little finger |
XA54X0,Distal phalanx of index finger |
XA8NR0,Distal phalanx of middle finger |
XA51S6,Distal phalanx of ring finger |
XA32G6,Distal phalanx of little finger |
XA70H5,Distal phalanx of thumb |
XA5D87,Bone of finger, not elsewhere classified |
XA95Q5,Bone of thumb, not elsewhere classified |
XA96S5,Femoral head |
XA1673,Femoral neck |
XA1VJ3,Greater trochanter of femur |
XA9TD9,Lesser trochanter of femur |
XA9JB2,Intertrochanteric crest of femur |
XA4AF2,Femoral shaft |
XA6UG0,Femoral condyle |
XA2BJ0,Femoral epiphysis |
XA00N4,Pretrochanter |
XA5EL8,Subtrochanteric line of femur |
XA4T36,Patella |
XA87A0,Lateral condyle of tibia |
XA7Y69,Medial condyle of tibia |
XA3DL5,Tibial tuberosity |
XA66B3,Tibial shaft |
XA2EN5,Tibial spine |
XA1HS9,Medial malleolus |
XA3450,Posterior malleolus |
XA0K77,Fibular head |
XA5G97,Fibular shaft |
XA4UL1,Lateral malleolus |
XA57V1,Anterior process of calcaneus |
XA62P4,Tuberosity of calcaneus |
XA1N98,Dome of the talus |
XA6L02,Neck of the talus |
XA3MT9,Posterior process of the talus |
XA84E6,Navicular bone |
XA4J74,Medial cuneiform bone |
XA4046,Intermediate cuneiform bone |
XA8462,Lateral cuneiform bone |
XA0LW4,Cuboid bone |
XA43L9,Bone of ankle |
XA6UL8,Tarsal canal |
XA6VH2,Metatarsal bone |
XA04B4,Bone of toe |
XA8KC3,Proximal phalanx of great toe |
XA0AQ0,Proximal phalanx of second toe |
XA11P1,Proximal phalanx of third toe |
XA8CX6,Proximal phalanx of fourth toe |
XA8PK1,Proximal phalanx of fifth toe |
XA1UN2,Middle phalanx of second toe |
XA9YP5,Middle phalanx of third toe |
XA2SX4,Middle phalanx of fourth toe |
XA90F0,Middle phalanx of fifth toe |
XA2AC2,Distal phalanx of great toe |
XA3QM7,Distal phalanx of second toe |
XA38Q1,Distal phalanx of third toe |
XA8XV0,Distal phalanx of fourth toe |
XA6ED4,Distal phalanx of fifth toe |
XA65F2,Atlantooccipital joint |
XA7EM1,Atlantoaxial joint |
XA2SM2,Temporomandibular joint |
XA68Z9,Anterior atlantoaxial ligament |
XA4XK9,Anterior atlantooccipital ligament |
XA9F16,Anterior longitudinal ligament |
XA3K95,Apical odontoid ligament |
XA3XV5,Articular capsules |
XA3ZW3,Interarticular ligament |
XA9M15,Interspinal ligament |
XA9NZ1,Intertransverse ligament |
XA5180,Intervertebral fibrocartilage ligament |
XA97L7,Lateral atlantooccipital ligament |
XA72L3,Ligamenta flava |
XA6RG7,Ligamentum nuchae |
XA3J99,Occipitoaxial ligament |
XA1CC5,Posterior atlantoaxial ligament |
XA80K5,Posterior atlantooccipital ligament |
XA8E20,Posterior longitudinal ligament |
XA4FR7,Sphenomandibular ligament |
XA4WM3,Stylomandibular ligament |
XA7WU3,Supraspinal ligament |
XA4WJ7,Temporomandibular ligament |
XA8389,Transverse ligament of the atlas |
XA83N6,Sternocostal joint |
XA30Q4,Costochondral joint |
XA0892,Costovertebral joint |
XA7AR2,Costotransverse joint |
XA0ZE4,Facet joint |
XA70E9,Anterior costotransverse ligament |
XA0QM2,Anterior intersternal ligament |
XA8V32,Anterior ligament of the spine |
XA5G44,Costotransverse ligament |
XA2S05,Costoxiphoid ligament |
XA4356,Iliolumbar ligament |
XA70A1,Interarticular sternocostal ligament |
XA8D15,Interchondral ligament |
XA6ZD7,Ligament of the neck of the rib |
XA81P3,Ligament of the tubercle of the rib |
XA4A37,Posterior costotransverse ligament |
XA8B33,Lumbocostal ligament |
XA26A7,Posterior intersternal ligament |
XA8RC0,Radiate ligament |
XA43Z7,Radiate sternocostal ligament |
XA5A04,Lumbosacral joint |
XA70B6,Sacrococcygeal joint |
XA3T32,Sacroiliac joint |
XA5S21,Anterior pubic ligament |
XA10C4,Anterior sacroiliac ligament |
XA9621,Arcuate pubic ligament |
XA6VF6,Mesovarium |
XA9TX2,Parovarian region |
XA6CV1,Mesosalpinx |
XA3AN2,Mesometrium |
XA46Z2,Interarticular ligament of the pelvis |
XA02T6,Interosseous sacroiliac ligament |
XA1NT7,Ligamentum teres of the Liver |
XA92G5,Posterior pubic ligament |
XA69U0,Long posterior sacroiliac ligament |
XA9HV6,Short posterior sacroiliac ligament |
XA1UP6,Pubic symphysis |
XA23X3,Round ligament of uterus |
XA2MA4,Anterior sacrococcygeal ligament |
XA4B16,Lateral sacrococcygeal ligament |
XA2U92,Posterior sacrococcygeal ligament |
XA8J68,Sacrospinous ligament |
XA6396,Sacrotuberous ligament |
XA68K7,Superior pubic ligament |
XA4T57,Uterine ligament |
XA2NB2,Uterosacral ligament |
XA49P8,Glenohumeral joint |
XA69U6,Acromioclavicular joint |
XA0CH1,Sternoclavicular joint |
XA69H4,Elbow joint |
XA3G42,Proximal radioulnar joint |
XA78S6,Distal radioulnar joint |
XA0P38,Radiocarpal joint |
XA0E90,Intercarpal joint |
XA4AS7,Midcarpal joint |
XA0JX0,Carpometacarpal joint |
XA9DN6,Intermetacarpal joint |
XA3M83,First metacarpophalangeal joint |
XA9YH1,Second metacarpophalangeal joint |
XA6HB0,Third metacarpophalangeal joint |
XA7XA8,Fourth metacarpophalangeal joint |
XA7KA0,Fifth metacarpophalangeal joint |
XA6L43,Interphalangeal joint of the thumb |
XA1DN6,Proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger |
XA3NW6,Proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger |
XA0BF5,Proximal interphalangeal joint of ring finger |
XA4175,Proximal interphalangeal joint of little finger |
XA6KB0,Distal interphalangeal joint of index finger |
XA15C8,Distal interphalangeal joint of middle finger |
XA0LT5,Distal interphalangeal joint of ring finger |
XA1928,Distal interphalangeal joint of little finger |
XA49Z7,Inferior acromioclavicular ligament |
XA8RC9,Superior acromioclavicular ligament |
XA01C8,Anterior ligament of the shoulder |
XA2JQ3,Anterior sternoclavicular ligament |
XA8MA3,Coracoacromial ligament |
XA4PU7,Conoid ligament |
XA5SJ7,Trapezoid ligament |
XA5EW9,Coracohumeral ligament |
XA1PK9,Costoclavicular ligament |
XA8H81,Glenohumeral ligament |
XA5Z24,Glenoidal labrum ligament |
XA84L3,Interclavicular ligament |
XA3PT9,Posterior sternoclavicular ligament |
XA6EG3,Rotator cuff capsule |
XA6EE7,Spinoglenoid ligament |
XA5MU7,Suprascapular ligament |
XA9C92,Transverse humeral ligament |
XA0JJ8,Annular ligament |
XA4S76,Ligament of Struthers |
XA16Y4,Posterior ligament of elbow |
XA8B40,Quadrate ligament |
XA9220,Ulnar collateral ligament |
XA6SA0,Interosseous membrane of forearm |
XA9MY7,Collateral carpal ligament |
XA0K88,Collateral metacarpophalangeal ligament |
XA20K5,Dorsal carpometacarpal ligament |
XA0PE4,Dorsal intercarpal ligament |
XA0WZ1,Dorsal intermetacarpal ligament |
XA2PN5,Dorsal metacarpophalangeal ligament |
XA7Q52,Dorsal radiocarpal ligament |
XA52E8,Interosseous ligament |
XA10U4,Palmar aponeurosis |
XA1Z72,Pisohamate ligament |
XA3VJ3,Pisometacarpal ligament |
XA9WJ8,Radial collateral ligament |
XA4396,Dorsal radioulnar ligament |
XA2940,Volar radioulnar ligament |
XA3SZ9,Transverse metacarpal ligament |
XA3K32,Ulnocarpal ligament |
XA1PU7,Volar carpometacarpal ligament |
XA47N4,Volar intercarpal ligaments |
XA1LF5,Volar intermetacarpal ligament |
XA3VN5,Volar metacarpophalangeal ligament |
XA0492,Volar radiocarpal ligament |
XA4XS4,Hip joint |
XA0LC4,Tibiofemoral joint |
XA0VJ4,Patellofemoral joint |
XA0LG3,Proximal tibiofibular joint |
XA6HQ4,Lateral meniscus of knee joint |
XA7LB6,Medial meniscus of knee joint |
XA8MM7,Talocrural joint |
XA2K81,Distal tibiofibular joint |
XA7SZ8,Subtalar joint |
XA4JJ1,Calcaneocuboid joint |
XA0WY5,Talocalcaneonavicular joint |
XA6NT7,Cuneonavicular joint |
XA1N77,Cuboideonavicular joint |
XA9SD1,Intercuneiform joint |
XA2FA3,Cuneocuboid joint |
XA2MY1,Tarsometatarsal joint |
XA6FF3,Intermetatarsal joint |
XA7NJ7,First metatarsophalangeal joint |
XA58K5,Second metatarsophalangeal joint |
XA2792,Third metatarsophalangeal joint |
XA7QC6,Fourth metatarsophalangeal joint |
XA5A23,Fifth metatarsophalangeal joint |
XA87P9,Interphalangeal joint of great toe |
XA56K9,Proximal interphalangeal joint of second toe |
XA2QY2,Proximal interphalangeal joint of third toe |
XA2R87,Proximal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe |
XA1LM0,Proximal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe |
XA8UM5,Distal interphalangeal joint of second toe |
XA43F0,Distal interphalangeal joint of third toe |
XA8NU9,Distal interphalangeal joint of fourth toe |
XA39U1,Distal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe |
XA1F23,Iliofemoral ligament |
XA6KC6,Iliotibial ligament |
XA6TZ6,Iliotrochanteric ligament |
XA5HX9,Ischiocapsular ligament |
XA13S4,Ligamentum teres femoris |
XA3GE8,Pubofemoral ligament |
XA9J44,Transverse acetabular ligament |
XA0ZC8,Anterior cruciate ligament |
XA04S7,Coronary ligament |
XA4YJ0,Fibular collateral ligament |
XA8M39,Medial meniscus |
XA87R6,Oblique popliteal ligament |
XA3772,Patellar ligament |
XA4635,Posterior cruciate ligament |
XA7LD2,Tibial collateral ligament |
XA71L7,Transverse ligament of the knee |
XA93X1,Anterior inferior ligament |
XA84J2,Anterior talofibular ligament |
XA1259,Anterior tibiofibular ligament |
XA5EY2,Bifurcated ligament |
XA3154,Calcaneofibular ligament |
XA59Z4,Collateral ligament of the foot |
XA2314,Cuneometatarsal ligament |
XA9YS6,Deltoid ligament |
XA42X4,Dorsal calcaneocuboid ligament |
XA6Q67,Dorsal cuboideonavicular ligament |
XA3TS2,Dorsal intermetatarsal ligament |
XA8NU3,Dorsal naviculocuneiform ligament |
XA86X4,Dorsal talonavicular ligament |
XA9E13,Dorsal tarsometatarsal ligament |
XA2FV7,Inferior transverse ligament of ankle |
XA7075,Dorsal intercuneiform ligament |
XA5HQ7,Plantar intercuneiform ligament |
XA4XJ2,Interosseous talocalcaneal ligament |
XA6NS2,Long plantar ligament |
XA59U6,Plantar accessory ligament |
XA87B0,Plantar aponeurosis |
XA4N86,Plantar calcaneocuboid ligament |
XA5KN3,Plantar calcaneonavicular ligament |
XA2NX5,Plantar cuboideonavicular ligament |
XA18T4,Plantar intermetatarsal ligament |
XA1747,Plantar naviculocuneiform ligament |
XA71L9,Plantar tarsometatarsal ligament |
XA2D55,Posterior inferior ligament |
XA93E6,Posterior talofibular ligament |
XA6RA3,Posterior tibiofibular ligament |
XA93N5,Anterior talocalcaneal ligament |
XA4VX8,Lateral talocalcaneal ligament |
XA09E2,Medial talocalcaneal ligament |
XA60T4,Posterior talocalcaneal ligament |
XA5BX0,Transverse metatarsal ligament |
XA2P74,Ligaments and joints of multiple sites |
XA1CK9,Oligoarticular |
XA02P3,Multiple large joints only |
XA2SK7,Multiple small joints only |
XA3BZ3,Both large and small joints |
XA5X22,Large joints only with cervical spine or temporomandibular involvement |
XA4BF0,Monoarticular |
XA5XD5,Multiple ligaments |
XA5NN2,Single Ligament |
XA8YS7,Elastic cartilage |
XA8VH7,Fibrous cartilage |
XA3NV3,Articular cartilage |
XA6958,Costal cartilage |
XA2SJ6,Alaeque nasi muscle |
XA2QF2,Anterior auricularis muscle |
XA3SS4,Aryepiglotticus muscle |
XA8GG0,Buccinator muscle |
XA0UH6,Constrictor of pharynx - inferior muscle |
XA3S80,Constrictor of pharynx - middle muscle |
XA9568,Constrictor of pharynx - superior muscle |
XA01U4,Corrugator supercilii muscle |
XA7W64,Cricothyroid muscle |
XA04G0,Depressor anguli oris muscle |
XA60C8,Depressor labii inferioris muscle |
XA2967,Digastric muscle |
XA09D1,Frontalis muscle |
XA50R5,Genioglossus muscle |
XA5YU7,Geniohyoid muscle |
XA5DX5,Hyoglossus muscle |
XA3PY5,Hyoid muscle |
XA4N79,Inferior oblique muscle |
XA1X67,Inferior rectus muscle |
XA31C3,Intrinsic muscles of tongue |
XA5WQ9,Lateral cricoarytenoid muscle |
XA8ZB7,Lateral pterygoid muscle |
XA3282,Lateral rectus muscle |
XA75X0,Levator anguli oris muscle |
XA1490,Levator labii superioris muscle |
XA2R46,Levator palpebrae superioris muscle |
XA5LP4,Levator veli palatini muscle |
XA6YE6,Longus capitis muscle |
XA8EM8,Longus colli muscle |
XA2VD8,Masseter muscle |
XA2DX4,Medial pterygoid muscle |
XA95N1,Medial rectus muscle |
XA0U25,Mentalis muscle |
XA8AR7,Musculus uvulae muscle |
XA83A9,Mylohyoid muscle |
XA0Y41,Nasalis muscle |
XA59J0,Oblique arytenoid muscle |
XA8L72,Oblique auricularis muscle |
XA6LS5,Obliquus capitis inferior muscle |
XA0X13,Obliquus capitis superior muscle |
XA4RN7,Omohyoid muscle |
XA0ZM1,Orbicularis oculi muscle |
XA55R2,Orbicularis oris muscle |
XA2U72,Palatoglossus muscle |
XA1PG4,Palatopharyngeus muscle |
XA17T6,Platysma muscle |
XA8C48,Posterior auricularis muscle |
XA9RS8,Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle |
XA6648,Procerus muscle |
XA16A4,Rectus capitis anterior muscle |
XA0JK2,Rectus capitis lateralis muscle |
XA20Q8,Rectus capitis posterior major muscle |
XA80F2,Rectus capitis posterior minor muscle |
XA49A7,Risorius muscle |
XA81P5,Salpingopharyngeus muscle |
XA0JF1,Scalenus anterior muscle |
XA6S71,Scalenus medius muscle |
XA3TF5,Scalenus minimus muscle |
XA35K5,Scalenus posterior muscle |
XA58T9,Splenius capitis muscle |
XA6095,Splenius cervicis muscle |
XA8D61,Stapedius muscle |
XA2H61,Sternocleidomastoid muscle |
XA5QR5,Sternohyoid muscle |
XA9H91,Sternothyroid muscle |
XA5L15,Styloglossus muscle |
XA1TY3,Stylohyoid muscle |
XA9AM5,Stylopharyngeus muscle |
XA8SW4,Superior auricularis muscle |
XA2X27,Superior oblique muscle |
XA51R1,Superior rectus muscle |
XA01H9,Temporalis muscle |
XA1CQ1,Temporoparietalis muscle |
XA42R7,Tensor tympani muscle |
XA7LF2,Tensor veli palatini muscle |
XA8352,Thyroarytenoid muscle |
XA2ZL4,Thyroepiglotticus muscle |
XA87S0,Thyrohyoid muscle |
XA3856,Transverse arytenoid muscle |
XA9AU8,Transverse auricularis muscle |
XA0M12,Vocalis muscle |
XA37U4,Zygomaticus major muscle |
XA2AP2,Zygomaticus minor muscle |
XA6RW0,External intercostal muscle |
XA3P12,Innermost intercostal muscle |
XA1256,Internal intercostal muscle |
XA7NL0,Levator costarum muscle |
XA1QH6,Pectoralis major muscle |
XA0SB2,Pectoralis minor muscle |
XA7QL8,Serratus anterior muscle |
XA44Y8,Subcostalis muscle |
XA3G64,Transversus thoracis muscle |
XA2JL0,Diaphragm |
XA3TW8,External oblique abdominis muscle |
XA9B36,Internal oblique abdominis muscle |
XA43E9,Psoas major muscle |
XA7DA1,Psoas minor muscle |
XA6AY9,Pyramidalis muscle |
XA1GP3,Quadratus lumborum muscle |
XA1N65,Rectus abdominis muscle |
XA9FR3,Transversus abdominis muscle |
XA19S9,Iliocostalis muscle |
XA8YU1,Interspinales muscle |
XA02Z7,Intertransversarii muscle |
XA9AG9,Latissimus dorsi muscle |
XA00C1,Levator scapulae muscle |
XA6MB7,Longissimus muscle |
XA8512,Multifidus muscle |
XA25S1,Rhomboid major muscle |
XA5GH5,Rhomboid minor muscle |
XA76Q0,Rotatores muscle |
XA60Q0,Semispinalis muscle |
XA4A47,Serratus posterior inferior muscle |
XA15B6,Serratus posterior superior muscle |
XA0U57,Spinalis muscle |
XA7RM2,Teres major muscle |
XA86Q8,Trapezius muscle |
XA2E07,Bulbospongiosus muscle |
XA5FZ1,Cremaster muscle |
XA8HG2,Dartos muscle |
XA2LG6,Deep transverse perinei muscle |
XA3YC6,Iliococcygeus muscle |
XA73H8,Ischiocavernosus muscle |
XA9T66,Levator ani-coccygeus muscle |
XA3HP4,Pubococcygeus muscle |
XA7MM8,Puborectalis muscle |
XA4RK4,Pubovaginalis muscle |
XA3ML6,Sphincter ani muscle |
XA8FT0,Sphincter urethrae muscle |
XA56U7,Superficial transverse perinei muscle |
XA90T3,Abductor digiti minimi muscle (hand) |
XA0Z05,Abductor pollicis brevis muscle |
XA7PS1,Abductor pollicis longus muscle |
XA54Z7,Adductor pollicis muscle |
XA2583,Anconeus muscle |
XA0GV5,Articularis cubiti muscle |
XA0481,Long head of the biceps brachii muscle |
XA3J17,Short head of the biceps brachii muscle |
XA6CR7,Brachialis muscle |
XA2ZN1,Brachioradialis muscle |
XA0TQ5,Coracobrachialis muscle |
XA3VN0,Deltoid muscle |
XA4U40,Extensor carpi radialis brevis |
XA8824,Extensor carpi radialis longus muscle |
XA9304,Extensor carpi ulnaris muscle |
XA0T60,Extensor digiti minimi muscle (hand) |
XA7QU8,Extensor digitorum muscle (hand) |
XA1AV6,Extensor indicis muscle |
XA4V20,Extensor pollicis brevis muscle |
XA0CS4,Extensor pollicis longus muscle |
XA0S07,Flexor carpi radialis muscle |
XA4HV9,Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle |
XA3UK3,Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle (hand) |
XA4Z43,Flexor digitorum profundus muscle |
XA1NW3,Flexor digitorum superficialis muscle |
XA5QD0,Flexor pollicis brevis muscle |
XA3GQ7,Flexor pollicis longus muscle |
XA2QW3,Dorsal interossei of the hand muscle |
XA5055,Palmar interossei of the hand muscle |
XA9B77,Lumbricals of hand muscle |
XA4RW9,Opponens digiti minimi muscle (hand) |
XA0Q73,Opponens pollicis muscle |
XA9KL5,Palmaris brevis muscle |
XA6P76,Palmaris longus muscle |
XA91W0,Pronator quadratus muscle |
XA58Z6,Pronator teres muscle |
XA7E49,Infraspinatus muscle |
XA1QF1,Subscapularis muscle |
XA74P3,Supraspinatus muscle |
XA3CP1,Teres minor muscle |
XA90Z6,Supinator muscle |
XA2EB2,Triceps brachii muscle |
XA0W07,Abductor digiti minimi muscle (foot) |
XA7119,Abductor hallucis muscle |
XA8GU7,Adductor brevis muscle |
XA0FW7,Adductor hallucis muscle |
XA01U3,Adductor longus muscle |
XA8HR3,Adductor magnus muscle |
XA0DE1,Articularis genu muscle |
XA3CB9,Biceps femoris muscle |
XA7FZ1,Extensor digitorum brevis muscle (foot) |
XA24U7,Extensor digitorum longus muscle (foot) |
XA3T27,Extensor hallucis brevis muscle |
XA7R67,Extensor hallucis longus muscle |
XA20W3,Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle (foot) |
XA97C3,Flexor digitorum brevis muscle |
XA23Q3,Flexor digitorum longus muscle (foot) |
XA3MB7,Flexor hallucis brevis muscle |
XA7E33,Flexor hallucis longus muscle |
XA1PK6,Gastrocnemius muscle |
XA7PN8,Gemellus inferior muscle |
XA0472,Gemellus superior muscle |
XA48F2,Gluteus maximus muscle |
XA5VJ8,Gluteus medius muscle |
XA7BY4,Gluteus minimus muscle |
XA1HH2,Gracilis muscle |
XA0200,Iliacus muscle |
XA15P6,Interossei - dorsal of foot muscle |
XA8TS8,Interossei - plantar of foot muscle |
XA7PN0,Lumbricals of foot muscle |
XA7Y24,Obturator externus muscle |
XA11E8,Obturator internus muscle |
XA9E00,Pectineus muscle |
XA26M7,Peroneus brevis muscle |
XA3P60,Peroneus longus muscle |
XA9D52,Peroneus tertius muscle |
XA7XS8,Piriformis muscle |
XA7W96,Plantaris muscle |
XA8CL8,Popliteus muscle |
XA41G3,Quadratus plantae muscle |
XA1BT5,Quadriceps femoris muscle |
XA5447,Rectus femoris muscle |
XA5CE3,Sartorius muscle |
XA5AM5,Semimembranosus muscle |
XA2EK1,Semitendinosus muscle |
XA5B83,Soleus muscle |
XA11U3,Tensor fasciae lata muscle |
XA02U9,Tibialis anterior muscle |
XA3VR3,Tibialis posterior muscle |
XA33F6,Vastus intermedius muscle |
XA00Z6,Vastus lateralis muscle |
XA9RD2,Vastus medialis muscle |
XA46A9,Alaeque nasi tendon |
XA6J99,Aryepiglotticus tendon |
XA8XC7,Auricularis tendon |
XA3163,Buccinator tendon |
XA6L11,Corrugator supercilii tendon |
XA01X1,Cricothyroid tendon |
XA28X5,Depressor anguli oris tendon |
XA6WZ3,Depressor labii inferioris tendon |
XA5S69,Digastric tendon |
XA5CP4,Frontalis tendon |
XA6BT8,Genioglossus tendon |
XA9L90,Geniohyoid tendon |
XA8N10,Hyoglossus tendon |
XA7EE6,Hyoid tendon |
XA3ZA2,Inferior oblique tendon |
XA7HT8,Inferior rectus tendon |
XA1394,Lateral cricoarytenoid tendon |
XA6PK4,Lateral pterygoid tendon |
XA3LT8,Lateral rectus tendon |
XA7653,Levator anguli oris tendon |
XA0YK7,Levator labii superioris tendon |
XA61C9,Levator palpebrae superioris tendon |
XA7VD7,Levator veli palatini tendon |
XA1FR7,Longus capitis tendon |
XA0UD3,Longus colli tendon |
XA1FB3,Masseter tendon |
XA8F95,Medial pterygoid tendon |
XA6SG3,Medial rectus tendon |
XA7JW2,Mentalis tendon |
XA7ZZ8,Mylohyoid tendon |
XA7NU6,Nasalis tendon |
XA5Q22,Oblique arytenoid tendon |
XA8AT8,Obliquus capitis inferior tendon |
XA39M0,Obliquus capitis superior tendon |
XA2JY6,Omohyoid tendon |
XA65X4,Orbicularis oculi tendon |
XA0W74,Orbicularis oris tendon |
XA6SX4,Palatoglossus tendon |
XA6LA2,Palatopharyngeus tendon |
XA4758,Platysma tendon |
XA0AE2,Posterior cricoarytenoid ligament |
XA5HD8,Procerus tendon |
XA8CQ6,Rectus capitis anterior tendon |
XA4RG2,Rectus capitis lateralis tendon |
XA6WL6,Rectus capitis posterior major tendon |
XA1XH8,Rectus capitis posterior minor tendon |
XA9450,Risorius tendon |
XA0SH8,Salpingopharyngeus tendon |
XA45L1,scalenus anterior tendon |
XA7XV7,scalenus medius tendon |
XA7NL5,scalenus minimus tendon |
XA9HH7,scalenus posterior tendon |
XA39C9,Splenius capitis tendon |
XA2HL1,Splenius cervicis tendon |
XA8W69,Stapedius tendon |
XA70V9,Sternocleidomastoid tendon |
XA6S11,Sternohyoid tendon |
XA4VX2,Sternothyroid tendon |
XA90J0,Styloglossus tendon |
XA20E0,Stylohyoid tendon |
XA7GV2,Stylopharyngeus tendon |
XA5ES8,Superior oblique tendon |
XA3ZN4,Superior rectus tendon |
XA7D16,Temporalis tendon |
XA8BT2,Temporoparietalis tendon |
XA5956,Tensor tympani tendon |
XA2W44,Tensor veli palatini tendon |
XA4ME3,Thyroarytenoid tendon |
XA0CT5,Thyroepiglotticus tendon |
XA33F9,Thyrohyoid ligament |
XA9YC3,Transverse arytenoid tendon |
XA4CN7,Vocalis tendon |
XA0XQ7,Zygomaticus major tendon |
XA0SZ1,Zygomaticus minor tendon |
XA01T0,Chordae tendineae |
XA9N29,Diaphragm tendon |
XA5WL5,Intercostals external tendon |
XA8FV0,Intercostals innermost tendon |
XA92E2,Intercostals internal tendon |
XA5R18,Levatores costarum tendon |
XA3C70,Pectoralis major tendon |
XA40K0,Pectoralis minor tendon |
XA91D0,Serratus anterior tendon |
XA7J14,Serratus posterior inferior tendon |
XA0MH0,Serratus posterior superior tendon |
XA8WS6,Subcostalis tendon |
XA3XC9,Tendon of Todaro |
XA1HX3,Transversus thoracis tendon |
XA0101,External oblique abdominis tendon |
XA45G1,Internal oblique abdominis tendon |
XA3045,Psoas major tendon |
XA7V41,Psoas minor tendon |
XA49W5,Pyramidalis tendon |
XA34K5,Quadratus lumborum tendon |
XA1HT1,Rectus abdominis tendon |
XA0V25,Transversus abdominis tendon |
XA48X7,Iliocostalis tendon |
XA2MX3,Infraspinatus tendon |
XA2E69,Interspinales tendon |
XA8UU5,Intertransversarii tendon |
XA8467,Latissimus dorsi tendon |
XA3TD7,Longissimus tendon |
XA33T4,Multifidus tendon |
XA3P63,Rhomboid major tendon |
XA8918,Rhomboid minor tendon |
XA16J2,Rotatores tendon |
XA3D42,Semispinalis tendon |
XA28J9,Spinalis tendon |
XA09K4,Teres major tendon |
XA42P8,Teres minor tendon |
XA9PV0,Trapezius tendon |
XA15H4,Bulbospongiosus tendon |
XA45X9,Coccygeus tendon |
XA4755,Cremaster tendon |
XA2BV5,Dartos tendon |
XA2TD5,Deep transverse perinei tendon |
XA6QW7,Iliococcygeus tendon |
XA7YP5,Ischiocavernosus tendon |
XA5JV1,Pubococcygeus tendon |
XA66F5,Puborectalis tendon |
XA32R3,Pubovaginalis tendon |
XA5AY5,Abductor digiti minimi tendon |
XA7YE1,Abductor pollicis brevis tendon |
XA0UY5,Abductor pollicis longus tendon |
XA9749,Adductor pollicis tendon |
XA4HK3,Anconeus tendon |
XA2UD9,Long head of biceps brachii tendon |
XA0FB1,Short head of biceps brachii tendon |
XA9G06,Brachialis tendon |
XA3YY6,Brachioradialis tendon |
XA83R8,Coracobrachialis tendon |
XA0942,Deltoid tendon |
XA24P4,Dorsal Interosseous tendon |
XA18F0,Extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon |
XA1T90,Extensor carpi radialis longus tendon |
XA4PY2,Extensor carpi ulnaris tendon |
XA4WU2,Extensor digiti minimi tendon |
XA5H06,Extensor digitorum tendon |
XA4EE2,Extensor indicis tendon |
XA5KN6,Extensor pollicis brevis tendon |
XA4CG6,Extensor pollicis longus tendon |
XA8U10,Extensor tendon |
XA8H50,Flexor carpi radialis tendon |
XA5CE2,Flexor carpi ulnaris tendon |
XA23D8,Flexor digiti minimi tendon |
XA0GQ6,Flexor digitorum profundus tendon |
XA9526,Flexor digitorum superficialis tendon |
XA9Q34,Flexor digitorum tendon |
XA1Q82,Flexor pollicis brevis tendon |
XA92F7,Flexor pollicis longus tendon |
XA5YQ2,Flexor tendon |
XA4M25,Interossei tendon |
XA1X89,Levator scapulae tendon |
XA8TQ1,Lumbrical tendon |
XA9KM7,Opponens digiti minimi tendon |
XA3W45,Opponens pollicis tendon |
XA82E6,Palmar interosseous tendon |
XA7B73,Palmaris brevis tendon |
XA41L1,Palmaris longus tendon |
XA41Z5,Pronator quadratus tendon |
XA7EK5,Pronator teres tendon |
XA7V30,Subclavius tendon |
XA54N6,Subscapularis tendon |
XA5EJ6,Supinator tendon |
XA5VZ4,Supraspinatus tendon |
XA5RS6,Triceps brachii tendon |
XA5ZK0,Abductor digiti minimi (foot) tendon |
XA14Z8,Abductor hallucis tendon |
XA8BK1,Achilles tendon |
XA4HF0,Adductor brevis tendon |
XA8B14,Adductor hallucis tendon |
XA1TK8,Adductor longus tendon |
XA8746,Adductor magnus tendon |
XA9381,Anterior ligament of the lower extremity |
XA7MT0,Articularis genu tendon |
XA1MF8,Biceps femoris tendon |
XA86H9,Dorsal interossei of foot tendon |
XA6230,Extensor digitorum brevis (foot) tendon |
XA1ZF4,Extensor digitorum longus (foot) tendon |
XA4NZ0,Extensor hallucis brevis tendon |
XA5L26,Extensor hallucis longus tendon |
XA8X38,Flexor digiti minimi brevis (foot) tendon |
XA8GD0,Flexor digitorum brevis tendon |
XA3MK8,Flexor digitorum longus (foot) tendon |
XA00Z8,Flexor hallucis brevis tendon |
XA1MF0,Flexor hallucis longus tendon |
XA5LZ0,Gastrocnemius tendon |
XA2HX4,Gemellus inferior tendon |
XA5M18,Gemellus superior tendon |
XA1JL3,Gluteus maximus tendon |
XA1387,Gluteus medius tendon |
XA4HK9,Gluteus minimus tendon |
XA12U3,Gracilis tendon |
XA8FT1,Iliacus tendon |
XA5DE3,Lumbrical of foot tendon |
XA3EE9,Obturator externus tendon |
XA2469,Obturator internus tendon |
XA07E4,Pectineus tendon |
XA3AN0,Peroneus brevis tendon |
XA7VY0,Peroneus longus tendon |
XA3D16,Peroneus tertius tendon |
XA3EU4,Piriformis tendon |
XA7L19,Plantar interossei of foot tendon |
XA6BZ6,Plantaris tendon |
XA4V24,Popliteus tendon |
XA1L44,Quadratus plantae tendon |
XA9420,Quadriceps femoris tendon |
XA4ZG0,Rectus femoris tendon |
XA0981,Sartorius tendon |
XA4AL5,Semimembranosus tendon |
XA7DY9,Semitendinosus tendon |
XA7E05,Soleus tendon |
XA33Q1,Tensor fasciae lata tendon |
XA8SN1,Tibialis anterior tendon |
XA7FR7,Tibialis posterior tendon |
XA8ST5,Vastus intermedius tendon |
XA8CQ5,Vastus lateralis tendon |
XA6RK3,Vastus medialis tendon |
XA2C51,Enthesis |
XA16K5,Bursa |
XA5EP6,Renal capsule |
XA35W4,Renal cortex |
XA9Q52,Renal pyramid |
XA21J4,Renal pelvis |
XA4UD2,Renal hilum |
XA40R2,Glomerulus |
XA8AN8,Nephron |
XA2364,Renal tubule |
XA7156,Ureter |
XA2PT2,Dome of bladder |
XA3JA5,lateral wall of bladder |
XA4UM5,Anterior wall of bladder |
XA2562,Posterior wall of bladder |
XA6SR9,superior wall of bladder |
XA4P63,Ureteric orifice |
XA8KN5,Internal urethral orifice |
XA0VZ5,Bladder neck |
XA33M0,Internal urethral sphincter |
XA75T3,Membranous urethra |
XA7869,Prostatic urethra |
XA4DF2,External urethral sphincter |
XA8EW9,Penile urethra |
XA4NU9,External urethral meatus |
XA34X0,Lower urinary tract |
XA6RS6,Upper urinary tract |
XA0970,Root of penis |
XA03Y8,Dorsal surface of penis |
XA3D56,Ventral surface of penis |
XA3Q76,Penile urethral meatus |
XA3KB3,Paraurethral gland |
XA2BL8,Outer surface of prepuce |
XA1CP6,Mucosal surface of prepuce |
XA54U4,Coronal sulcus of penis |
XA7V24,Frenulum of penis |
XA1FS5,Tunica vaginalis |
XA07W9,Tunica albuginea |
XA9636,Seminiferous tubules |
XA13Z7,Descended testis |
XA4D25,Epididymis |
XA8PQ1,Vas deferens |
XA0MJ1,Seminal vesicle |
XA63E5,Prostate gland |
XA59G9,Labium majus |
XA0MU9,Labium minus |
XA3C45,Clitoral hood |
XA27K9,Bartholin gland |
XA0565,Posterior fourchette of vulva |
XA4AH3,Vaginal introitus |
XA3A69,Hymen |
XA3V49,Fundus of uterus |
XA9DM0,Endometrial gland |
XA3FR4,Endometrial stroma |
XA2LU5,Myometrium |
XA9HG1,Parametrium |
XA3QZ2,Uterine cavity |
XA7F09,Isthmus uteri |
XA3Z33,Internal os |
XA7Z73,Cervical canal |
XA0KR7,Connective, subcutaneous and other soft tissues of uterus |
XA6FA5,Cortex of ovary |
XA44X6,Medulla of ovary |
XA3EF0,Fallopian Tube |
XA7TJ5,Ectoderm |
XA3HM5,Endoderm |
XA3D33,Mesoderm |
XA0PT3,Mucosa |
XA3NA0,Embryo |
XA23B0,Foetus |
XA8XR0,Amnion |
XA66R5,Chorion |
XA33K4,Amniotic fluid |
XA9YJ5,Allantois |
XA0SH3,Thyroglossal duct |
XA1NC2,Urachus |
XA3L42,Umbilical cord |
XA90F8,Placenta |
XA0WG9,Frontal scalp margin |
XA26C1,Temporal scalp margin |
XA93S9,Parietal scalp margin |
XA3EK3,Occipital scalp margin |
XA5BY6,Vertex of scalp |
XA6AL1,Scalp margin |
XA9SG2,Central forehead |
XA1UW4,Paramedian forehead |
XA1Z38,Lateral forehead |
XA90D8,Glabella |
XA9T94,Temple |
XA1LZ5,Eyebrow |
XA6TV2,Infraorbital region |
XA57N0,Malar eminence |
XA6C41,Central cheek |
XA3ZL3,Paranasal region |
XA0SU2,Preauricular region |
XA1QZ0,Angle of jaw |
XA8KA2,Mandibular region |
XA0LR7,Root of nose |
XA3057,Supratip of nose |
XA9JN5,Lateral side wall of nose |
XA3ZG3,Infratip lobule of nose |
XA5ED7,Alar groove |
XA7LG9,Alar rim |
XA2TK5,Side wall of ala nasi |
XA4S17,Columella |
XA9YZ7,Sill of nostril |
XA1A48,Perioral region |
XA5LY8,Philtrum |
XA5163,Nasolabial fold |
XA8RK1,Vermilion border of upper lip |
XA75S0,Vermilion of upper lip |
XA1EF8,Labial commissure |
XA5VD0,External lower lip |
XA9TK2,Vermilion border of lower lip |
XA7H02,Vermilion of lower lip |
XA0LL8,Skin of upper lip |
XA7DN8,Skin of lower lip |
XA3141,Frenulum of lip |
XA3K27,External lip |
XA2C62,Chin |
XA8RA2,Suprasternal notch |
XA9DQ5,Supraclavicular region |
XA45K8,Posterior triangle of neck |
XA1M78,Nape of neck |
XA5TZ1,Submental region |
XA0MP5,Submandibular region |
XA4MN6,Clavicular region |
XA6M63,Infraclavicular region |
XA5MS8,Presternal region |
XA7GU3,Lower anterior thoracic region |
XA0XL3,Anterolateral upper thoracic region |
XA5C28,Posterolateral upper thoracic region |
XA3266,Anterolateral lower thoracic region |
XA7MS4,Posterolateral lower thoracic region |
XA3PG8,Suprascapular region |
XA3WD7,Scapular region |
XA9LN5,Interscapular region |
XA8NK1,Infrascapular region |
XA6RF2,Lower thoracic paraspinal region |
XA3LS6,Upper inner quadrant of breast |
XA2Q54,Upper outer quadrant of breast |
XA3PG5,Axillary tail of breast |
XA2JK3,Areola |
XA85A1,Lactiferous ducts |
XA5MC5,Nipple |
XA0VX8,Lower inner quadrant of breast |
XA94U2,Lower outer quadrant of breast |
XA9CM2,Lateral half of breast |
XA3JH6,Medial half of breast |
XA0T50,Inframammary flexure |
XA8ZL8,Epigastrium |
XA3TD4,Hypochondrium |
XA3MT8,Umbilicus |
XA1DN2,Lateral lumbar region |
XA6N20,Hypogastrium |
XA0NH8,Iliac region |
XA7ZW8,Lumbar paraspinal region |
XA8FK6,Posterior lumbar region |
XA6DS1,Coccygeal area |
XA4L23,Sacrococcygeal region |
XA2P90,Back |
XA9PG6,Female external genitalia |
XA8MT4,Scrotum |
XA10Z0,Mons pubis |
XA00B4,Inguinal canal |
XA8TC5,Perianal skin |
XA53N9,Perineum |
XA2F27,Intergluteal cleft |
XA3PZ3,Anterior surface of shoulder |
XA5BU5,Apex of shoulder |
XA34G7,Posterior surface of shoulder |
XA41A1,Anterior axillary fold |
XA86E8,Apex of axilla |
XA2RY5,Posterior axillary fold |
XA22Q1,Anterior surface of upper arm |
XA2W33,Extensor surface of upper arm |
XA5TK8,Posterior surface of upper arm |
XA3J41,Flexor surface of upper arm |
XA9NE6,Antecubital fossa |
XA6599,Lateral condylar surface of elbow |
XA3RT8,Elbow tip |
XA4983,Medial condylar surface of elbow |
XA8ZL6,Volar surface of forearm |
XA1VA2,Lateral surface of forearm |
XA8WH0,Dorsal surface of forearm |
XA2Q46,Medial surface of forearm |
XA6AR5,Volar surface of wrist |
XA3LK1,Lateral surface of wrist |
XA0SH5,Dorsal surface of wrist |
XA0J47,Medial surface of wrist |
XA3T43,Knuckles |
XA1BR6,First interdigital web space of hand |
XA5PY9,Second interdigital web space of hand |
XA4012,Third interdigital web space of hand |
XA3WG2,Fourth interdigital web space of hand |
XA2JN4,Thenar eminence |
XA5TQ4,Hypothenar eminence |
XA50E4,Central palm |
XA00D7,Distal palm |
XA13E9,Proximal nailfold of thumb |
XA20L7,Eponychium of thumb |
XA4GD7,Lateral nailfold of thumb |
XA63L0,Hyponychium of thumb |
XA6DM1,Lunula of thumb |
XA9N39,Nail bed of thumb |
XA5V24,Nail plate of thumb |
XA5ZV0,Pad of thumb |
XA76N2,Dorsum of thumb |
XA90K8,Eponychium of index finger |
XA2UG0,Hyponychium of index finger |
XA1GS3,Lunula of index finger |
XA1SB3,Nail bed of index finger |
XA2XE0,Nail plate of index finger |
XA6TA9,Pad of index finger |
XA8YE5,Proximal nail fold of middle finger |
XA13L6,Eponychium of middle finger |
XA2N38,Lateral nail fold of middle finger |
XA8KX8,Hyponychium of middle finger |
XA8VS0,Lunula of middle finger |
XA2A53,Nail bed of middle finger |
XA10T8,Nail plate of middle finger |
XA79X0,Pad of middle finger |
XA1F61,Proximal nail fold of ring finger |
XA8L06,Eponychium of ring finger |
XA3HG9,Lateral nail fold of ring finger |
XA1W89,Hyponychium of ring finger |
XA4P58,Lunula of ring finger |
XA3MW5,Nail bed of ring finger |
XA3PS0,Nail plate of ring finger |
XA6C72,Pad of ring finger |
XA4KU5,Proximal nail fold of little finger |
XA2AV8,Eponychium of little finger |
XA3LC5,Lateral nail fold of little finger |
XA1C10,Hyponychium of little finger |
XA4WN3,Pad of little finger |
XA3R66,Lunula of little finger |
XA6HB9,Nail bed of little finger |
XA4A79,Nail plate of little finger |
XA4HZ3,Side of finger |
XA41X5,Tip of index finger |
XA9Y99,Tip of middle finger |
XA91S7,Tip of ring finger |
XA8QW7,Tip of little finger |
XA0EH9,Fingernails |
XA5UE3,Gluteal fold |
XA98B3,Anterior surface of thigh |
XA4TQ2,Trochanteric region |
XA0183,Posterior surface of thigh |
XA9ZB4,Upper medial surface of thigh |
XA9L17,Patellar region |
XA77E9,Lateral surface of knee |
XA9S09,Medial surface of knee |
XA4DM3,Popliteal fossa |
XA33X4,Anterior surface of lower leg |
XA4RR4,Lateral surface of lower leg |
XA0LQ2,Posterior surface of lower leg |
XA15P0,Medial surface of lower leg |
XA5U49,Distal lower leg |
XA90X0,Proximal lower leg |
XA2V14,Anterior surface of ankle |
XA1D83,Lateral supramalleolar region |
XA41K4,Lateral retromalleolar region |
XA87M9,Medial supramalleolar region |
XA1SM7,Medial retromalleolar region |
XA6AP4,Posterior surface of ankle |
XA5ZE2,Posterior surface of heel |
XA1QH8,Medial surface of heel |
XA3R99,Lateral surface of heel |
XA2N02,Plantar surface of heel |
XA02P2,Dorsal surface of midfoot |
XA81Z3,Dorsal surface of forefoot |
XA81N1,First interdigital web space of foot |
XA8HC5,Second interdigital web space of foot |
XA9LB9,Third interdigital web space of foot |
XA2A07,Fourth interdigital web space of foot |
XA6V29,First metatarsal head region |
XA2P22,Second metatarsal head region |
XA0HX4,Third metatarsal head region |
XA86J0,Fourth metatarsal head region |
XA05N7,Fifth metatarsal head region |
XA8BE2,Dorsum of foot |
XA9Y82,Lateral border of foot |
XA3WM8,Medial border of foot |
XA3T29,Arch of foot |
XA8L19,Proximal nail fold of great toe |
XA7WP9,Eponychium of great toe |
XA7GD8,Lateral nail fold of great toe |
XA2F64,Hyponychium of great toe |
XA64R9,Lunula of great toe |
XA0HX8,Nail bed of great toe |
XA47T1,Nail plate of great toe |
XA6VJ2,Pad of great toe |
XA1ED1,Proximal nail fold of second toe |
XA0SL7,Eponychium of second toe |
XA7003,Lateral nail fold of second toe |
XA2ZJ7,Hyponychium of second toe |
XA9439,Lunula of second toe |
XA7B22,Nail bed of second toe |
XA1WQ6,Nail plate of second toe |
XA3626,Pad of second toe |
XA2484,Proximal nail fold of third toe |
XA8DQ2,Eponychium of third toe |
XA1MM3,Lateral nail fold of third toe |
XA2H72,Hyponychium of third toe |
XA5JP9,Pad of third toe |
XA9UL1,Lunula of third toe |
XA6189,Nail bed of third toe |
XA3LW9,Nail plate of third toe |
XA2Y79,Proximal nail fold of fourth toe |
XA0XZ8,Eponychium of fourth toe |
XA0PV4,Lateral nail fold of fourth toe |
XA4ZB3,Hyponychium of fourth toe |
XA9316,Pad of fourth toe |
XA2PD3,Lunula of fourth toe |
XA65U3,Nail bed of fourth toe |
XA8F87,Nail plate of fourth toe |
XA43K6,Proximal nail fold of fifth toe |
XA2W24,Eponychium of fifth toe |
XA38J0,Lateral nail fold of fifth toe |
XA0DD8,Hyponychium of fifth toe |
XA3C43,Pad of fifth toe |
XA1PK7,Lunula of fifth toe |
XA9L52,Nail bed of fifth toe |
XA4U10,Nail plate of fifth toe |
XA9LJ5,Plantar surface of toe |
XA7J49,Dorsal surface of toe |
XA14Y9,Side of toe |
XA9E36,Toenail |
XA3KX0,Abdominal wall |
XA37C7,Oral floor |
XA37K5,Rectovesical septum |
XA1DP8,Uterine wall |
XA57Q2,Vaginal wall |
XA1N55,Cerebrospinal fluid |
XA08M4,Interstitial fluid |
XA2L90,Serous fluid |
XA0518,Synovial fluid |
XA7YJ2,collagen fibres |
XA6R65,adipose tissue |
XA51U1,loose connective tissue |
XA53R0,Perichondrium |
XA7YP0,periodontium |
XA6FQ2,Periosteum |
XA8SZ4,Lymphocytic tissue |
XA6283,Cardiac muscle |
XA0DD5,Skeletal muscle |
XA0JY3,Smooth muscle |
XA1J91,Neuroglia |
XA5BW5,Interneuron |
XA5DJ5,Motor Neuron |
XA2LT7,Sensory Neuron |
XA0UK0,bone |
XA56S9,Epithelium |
XA0FR0,Fascia |
XA0182,Mesothelium |
XA3G85,Synovium |
XA5214,Gland of the Head and Neck |
XA1XM6,Subarachnoid space |
XA1FQ8,Subdural space |
XA9QA7,Dorsal body cavity |
XA1GB6,Perineural space |
XA9M74,Abdominal cavity |
XA9CK0,Ischiorectal fossa |
XA53A7,Presacral region |
XA2EG4,Perirectal region |
XA0GN7,Inguinal region |
XA5UF8,Anterior mediastinum |
XA99Z0,Middle mediastinum |
XA1FD0,Posterior mediastinum |
XA8607,Connective, subcutaneous and other soft tissues of mediastinum |
XA8SS8,Epidural space |
XA4LQ4,Intramedullary space |
XA6FX2,Interstitial space |
XA2RT1,Precordium |
XH96Q1,Acinar cell adenoma |
XH4T81,Acinar cell neoplasms, in situ |
XH3PG9,Acinar cell carcinoma |
XH99S4,Acinar cell cystadenocarcinoma |
XH9B93,Mixed acinar-ductal carcinoma |
XH0F68,Acinar adenocarcinoma of the lung |
XH2SK9,Acinar cell tumour |
XH9574,Acidophil adenoma |
XH3DV3,Adenoma, NOS |
XH1CV4,Adenomatous polyposis coli |
XH1YP0,Adrenal cortical adenoma, clear cell |
XH2CT2,Adrenal cortical adenoma, compact cell |
XH60N5,Adrenal cortical adenoma, glomerulosa cell |
XH2VZ8,Adrenal cortical adenoma, mixed cell |
XH2FJ6,Adrenal cortical adenoma, pigmented |
XH9356,Alveolar adenoma |
XH60D1,Basal cell adenoma |
XH3AH8,Basophil adenoma |
XH6KR6,Bile duct adenoma |
XH0778,Bile duct cystadenoma |
XH7BS0,Biliary intraepithelial neoplasia, low grade |
XH5YG5,Biliary papillomatosis |
XH1TD7,Canalicular adenoma |
XH6WK1,Chief cell adenoma |
XH7475,Chromophobe adenoma |
XH9JJ4,Clear cell adenofibroma |
XH8R87,Clear cell adenoma |
XH6J91,Cylindroma of skin |
XH5GN1,Eccrine dermal cylindroma |
XH6685,Embryonal adenoma |
XH3K13,Esophageal glandular dysplasia (intraepithelial neoplasia), low grade |
XH83X4,Flat adenoma |
XH0LM0,Follicular adenoma |
XH5SM2,Follicular adenoma, oxyphilic cell |
XH6AF9,Glandular intraepithelial neoplasia, low grade |
XH3BK2,Glandular papilloma |
XH6PG8,Hurthle cell adenoma |
XH5X53,Hurthle cell tumour |
XH93S1,Hyalinizing trabecular adenoma |
XH8SF8,Islet cell adenomatosis |
XH6M13,Juxtaglomerular tumour |
XH0W31,Lactating adenoma |
XH8P28,Lipoadenoma |
XH68V1,Liver cell adenoma |
XH19E3,Macrofollicular adenoma |
XH0JC7,Metanephric adenoma |
XH3DH3,Microcystic adenoma |
XH5LD9,Mixed acidophil-basophil adenoma |
XH0WV8,Mixed adenomatous and hyperplastic polyp |
XH1XU4,Mixed cell adenoma |
XH2CQ8,Monomorphic adenoma |
XH6CZ4,Multiple adenomatous polyps |
XH9Z86,Oxyphilic adenoma |
XH0BD9,Pancreatic endocrine tumour, benign |
XH0BF2,Pancreatobiliary neoplasm, non-invasive |
XH6GG6,Pancreatic microadenoma |
XH1BH4,Papillomatosis, glandular |
XH6EJ4,Papillotubular adenoma |
XH1QS0,Prolactinoma |
XH5903,Serrated adenoma |
XH9G87,Trabecular adenoma |
XH8T50,Turban tumour |
XH0731,Villous papilloma |
XH8UC1,Water-clear cell adenoma |
XH4SH8,Insulinoma, NOS |
XH28X1,Cylindroma of breast |
XH8MU5,Adenomatous polyp, NOS |
XH7SY6,Tubular adenoma, NOS |
XH2F06,Sessile serrated adenoma |
XH63V9,Sessile serrated polyp |
XH9PD9,Traditional sessile serrated adenoma |
XH5QL3,Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia |
XH09B0,Papillary adenoma, NOS |
XH90D6,Villous adenoma, NOS |
XH10B0,Tubulovillous adenoma, NOS |
XH94U0,Pituitary adenoma, NOS |
XH26P7,Spindle cell oncocytoma |
XH52F6,Adrenal cortical adenoma, NOS |
XH6ZD0,Endometrioid adenoma, NOS |
XH1CX5,Endometrioid adenofibroma, NOS |
XH2H83,Microfollicular adenoma, NOS |
XH2L30,Adenocarcinoma in situ, NOS |
XH4J07,Adenocarcinoma in situ in adenomatous polyp |
XH3770,Adenocarcinoma in situ in tubulovillous adenoma |
XH8TV2,Adenocarcinoma in situ in villous adenoma |
XH5U91,Biliary intraepithelial neoplasia, high grade |
XH7Y32,Cribriform carcinoma in situ |
XH0557,Ductal carcinoma in situ, solid type |
XH36M5,Esophageal glandular dysplasia (intraepithelial neoplasia), high grade |
XH5161,Flat intraepithelial glandular neoplasia, high grade |
XH28N7,Glandular intraepithelial neoplasia, high grade |
XH26M2,Papillary neoplasm, pancreatobiliary-type, with high grade intraepithelial neoplasia |
XH5C49,Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, grade III |
XH1FR9,Non-mucinous adenocarcinoma in situ of the lung |
XH6BU6,Mucinous adenocarcinoma in situ of the lung |
XH4Z68,Endometrioid intraepithelial neoplasia |
XH2QZ6,Acidophil carcinoma |
XH5LA4,Adenocarcinoid tumour |
XH74S1,Adenocarcinoma, NOS |
XH7QZ0,Adenocarcinoma in adenomatous polyp |
XH2ZH8,Adenocarcinoma in adenomatous polyposis coli |
XH9YR3,Adenocarcinoma in multiple adenomatous polyps |
XH7QB1,Adenocarcinoma in tubulovillous adenoma |
XH6DA5,Adenocarcinoma in villous adenoma |
XH5RE1,Adenocarcinoma of anal glands |
XH2ZQ0,Adenocarcinoma with mixed subtypes |
XH0349,Adenocarcinoma, intestinal type |
XH1YZ3,Cribriform carcinoma, NOS |
XH4YG1,Cribriform comedo-type carcinoma |
XH74B2,Serrated adenocarcinoma |
XH8B45,Solid carcinoma, NOS |
XH8DS0,Carcinoid tumour, NOS |
XH8LX8,Neuroendocrine carcinoma, low grade |
XH55D7,Neuroendocrine carcinoma, well-differentiated |
XH9LV8,Neuroendocrine tumour, grade I |
XH7NM1,Enterochromaffin cell carcinoid |
XH0U20,Neuroendocrine carcinoma, NOS |
XH4302,Adenoid cystic carcinoma |
XH7F73,Neuroendocrine carcinoma, moderately differentiated |
XH24W2,Lepidic adenocarcinoma |
XH3QM0,Minimally invasive adenocarcinoma, Non-mucinous |
XH2098,Minimally invasive adenocarcinoma, Mucinous |
XH6LV9,Papillary adenocarcinoma, NOS |
XH95U1,Villoglandular carcinoma |
XH6QG3,Micropapillary carcinoma, NOS |
XH4MW7,Micropapillary adenocarcinoma |
XH7KL6,Pituitary carcinoma, NOS |
XH6L02,Clear cell adenocarcinoma, NOS |
XH07X3,Alveolar adenocarcinoma |
XH5085,Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma (HRCC)-associated renal cell carcinoma |
XH1442,MiT Family translocation carcinomas |
XH8EN1,Succinate dehydrogenase deficient renal cell carcinoma |
XH05V6,Renal cell carcinoma, NOS |
XH3Z08,Renal cell carcinoma, unclassified |
XH0RU3,Acquired cystic disease associated renal cell carcinoma |
XH7K79,Tubulocystic renal cell carcinoma |
XH1VB1,Hybrid oncocytic chromophobe tumour |
XH3Z50,Follicular adenocarcinoma, NOS |
XH9508,Endometrioid adenocarcinoma, ciliated cell variant |
XH51K1,Atypical carcinoid tumour |
XH0718,Endometrioid adenocarcinoma, secretory variant |
XH4KH2,Adrenal cortical carcinoma |
XH0SD2,Endometrioid adenocarcinoma, NOS |
XH09B7,Endometrioid cystadenocarcinoma |
XH6KR7,Endometrioid adenofibroma, malignant |
XH0GS9,Adenocarcinoma, endocervical type |
XH9SA7,Basal cell adenocarcinoma |
XH9LV7,Basophil carcinoma |
XH3BU6,Bile duct cystadenocarcinoma |
XH2ZA2,Bronchial adenoma, carcinoid |
XH5TR7,Bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma, mixed mucinous and non-mucinous |
XH7GY6,Bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma, mucinous |
XH2035,Bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma, non- mucinous |
XH6LF9,Carcinoma simplex |
XH0XL5,Carcinoma, diffuse type |
XH7M15,Cholangiocarcinoma |
XH7SS7,Chromophobe carcinoma |
XH2Q13,Clear cell adenocarcinofibroma |
XH6YS0,Clear cell adenocarcinoma, mesonephroid |
XH4SQ4,Collecting duct carcinoma |
XH7QJ6,Combined hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma |
XH4KK0,Cyst-associated renal cell carcinoma |
XH0LH8,Enterochromaffin-like cell tumour, malignant |
XH4MY3,Enteroglucagonoma, malignant |
XH5P16,Fetal adenocarcinoma |
XH7TE3,Follicular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated |
XH0VD1,Follicular adenocarcinoma, trabecular |
XH8FK7,Follicular adenocarcinoma, well differentiated |
XH3DN7,Follicular carcinoma, minimally invasive |
XH90N9,Follicular carcinoma, oxyphilic cell |
XH0GY2,Gastrinoma, malignant |
XH87C1,Glucagonoma, malignant |
XH3XT5,Glycogen-rich carcinoma |
XH4262,Goblet cell carcinoid |
XH2EH4,Granular cell carcinoma |
XH4T58,Hepatocellular carcinoma, clear cell type |
XH9Q35,Hepatocellular carcinoma, fibrolamellar |
XH0G90,Hepatocellular carcinoma, pleomorphic type |
XH5761,Hepatocellular carcinoma, scirrhous |
XH3T17,Hepatocellular carcinoma, spindle cell variant |
XH6YH5,Hurthle cell adenocarcinoma |
XH8MQ3,Hurthle cell carcinoma |
XH8VU6,Insular carcinoma |
XH3UK0,Insulinoma, malignant |
XH2XB0,Klatskin tumour |
XH8WM4,Linitis plastica |
XH6TK0,Lipid-rich carcinoma |
XH2MW1,Medullary carcinoma with amyloid stroma |
XH81N8,Merkel cell carcinoma |
XH7019,Mixed acidophil-basophil carcinoma |
XH8EZ3,Mixed acinar-endocrine carcinoma |
XH74Y9,Mixed acinar-endocrine-ductal carcinoma |
XH6H10,Mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma |
XH2AM6,Mixed cell adenocarcinoma |
XH7CY5,Mixed ductal-endocrine carcinoma |
XH6UP4,Mixed endocrine and exocrine adenocarcinoma |
XH7DG7,Mixed medullary-follicular carcinoma |
XH3340,Mixed medullary-papillary carcinoma |
XH9LZ7,Mixed pancreatic endocrine and exocrine tumour, malignant |
XH1108,Nonencapsulated sclerosing carcinoma |
XH09D6,Oxyphilic adenocarcinoma |
XH3614,Pancreatic endocrine tumour, malignant |
XH3709,Pancreatic endocrine tumour, nonfunctioning |
XH6XY9,Pancreatobiliary-type carcinoma |
XH1ND9,Papillary carcinoma of thyroid |
XH85E5,Papillary carcinoma, columnar cell |
XH0426,Papillary carcinoma, diffuse sclerosing |
XH0Q59,Papillary carcinoma, encapsulated |
XH29M4,Papillary carcinoma, follicular variant |
XH5YT2,Papillary carcinoma, oxyphilic cell |
XH2AW7,Papillary microcarcinoma |
XH1D07,Papillary renal cell carcinoma |
XH4Q20,Papillotubular adenocarcinoma |
XH1JZ0,Parietal cell carcinoma |
XH6153,Renal cell carcinoma, chromophobe type |
XH9DH7,Renal cell carcinoma, sarcomatoid |
XH4FS4,Scirrhous adenocarcinoma |
XH34G3,Solid carcinoma with mucin formation |
XH9Z82,Somatostatinoma, malignant |
XH0JE3,Superficial spreading adenocarcinoma |
XH7EX3,Trabecular adenocarcinoma |
XH4TA4,Tubular adenocarcinoma |
XH1Z69,Typical carcinoid |
XH22Z8,Carcinoma of Skene, Cowper and Littre Glands |
XH0X20,Villous adenocarcinoma |
XH8LS0,VIPoma, malignant |
XH0A57,Water-clear cell adenocarcinoma |
XH8UE4,Adenocarcinoma, metastatic, NOS |
XH4ZC3,Basal cell carcinoma of the prostate |
XH4W48,Hepatocellular carcinoma, NOS |
XH81Q9,Bronchial adenoma, cylindroid |
XH92Y9,Thymic carcinoma with adenoid cystic carcinoma-like features |
XH7AG8,ACTH-producing tumour |
XH6770,Apudoma |
XH6VL9,Atypical adenoma |
XH3T38,Atypical follicular adenoma |
XH7MP6,Carcinoid tumour of uncertain malignant potential |
XH0S86,Clear cell adenofibroma of borderline malignancy |
XH5DQ2,Endometrioid adenoma, borderline malignancy |
XH2PF0,Enteroglucagonoma, NOS |
XH7152,Glucagon-like peptide-producing tumour |
XH7LW9,L-cell tumour |
XH76W6,Multiple endocrine adenomas |
XH9ZS8,Pancreatic peptide and pancreatic peptide-like peptide within terminal tyrosine amide producing tumour |
XH8468,Pulmonary adenomatosis |
XH3CX8,Pancreatic endocrine tumour, NOS |
XH4NQ8,Glucagonoma, NOS |
XH93H8,Gastrinoma, NOS |
XH72E5,Vipoma, NOS |
XH5VH0,Somatostatinoma, NOS |
XH41P2,Endocrine tumour, functioning, NOS |
XH39J3,Carcinoid tumour, argentaffin, NOS |
XH00S3,Enterochromaffin-like cell carcinoid, NOS |
XH9T60,Clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma |
XH54H3,Hypernephroid tumour |
XH7PR9,Multilocular cystic renal neoplasm of low malignant potential |
XH9DS4,Endometrioid adenofibroma, borderline malignancy |
XH4JG0,Tubular carcinoid |
XH6YZ9,Apocrine adenoma |
XH0AQ8,Clear cell hidradenoma |
XH46Z2,Eccrine acrospiroma |
XH42Z3,Eccrine papillary adenoma |
XH25Z9,Eccrine poroma |
XH3AM1,Eccrine spiradenoma |
XH4YU8,Follicular fibroma |
XH7NR3,Hidrocystoma |
XH4MV7,Nodular hidradenoma |
XH4DX4,Papillary hidradenoma |
XH1PY0,Papillary syringadenoma |
XH96Q5,Skin appendage adenoma |
XH3U61,Sweat gland adenoma |
XH06Y5,Syringofibroadenoma |
XH6325,Syringoma, NOS |
XH9GB7,Syringomatous tumour of nipple |
XH1NC5,Sebaceous adenoma |
XH0SH5,Sebaceous epithelioma |
XH7AL8,Ceruminous adenoma |
XH9L77,Apocrine adenocarcinoma |
XH6FB5,Digital papillary adenocarcinoma |
XH9XB3,Eccrine papillary adenocarcinoma |
XH7VK4,Eccrine poroma, malignant |
XH58E1,Malignant eccrine spiradenoma |
XH7NK9,Nodular hidradenoma, malignant |
XH17P2,Sclerosing sweat duct carcinoma |
XH89V4,Skin appendage carcinoma |
XH5LY3,Sweat gland adenocarcinoma |
XH4VR2,Sebaceous adenocarcinoma |
XH8NE4,Eccrine adenocarcinoma |
XH6Z69,Ceruminous adenocarcinoma |
XH9XA2,Aggressive digital papillary adenoma |
XH8BW1,Sweat gland tumour, NOS |
XH1PG0,Intraepidermal epithelioma of Jadassohn |
XH5AU2,Trichilemmoma |
XH6QT9,Trichoepithelioma |
XH0U05,Trichofolliculoma |
XH5L76,Pilar tumour |
XH9E37,Pilomatrixoma, NOS |
XH7P92,Basal cell neoplasms, in situ |
XH70J2,Adenoid basal carcinoma |
XH45F3,Basal cell carcinoma, fibroepithelial |
XH4GJ2,Basal cell carcinoma, micronodular |
XH2CR0,Basal cell carcinoma, nodular |
XH2615,Basal cell carcinoma, NOS |
XH4C18,Basosquamous carcinoma |
XH5VK4,Infiltrating basal cell carcinoma, NOS |
XH0T12,Infiltrating basal cell carcinoma, non-sclerosing |
XH67Y4,Infiltrating basal cell carcinoma, sclerosing |
XH9E93,Metatypical carcinoma |
XH5NL6,Multifocal superficial basal cell carcinoma |
XH2HE7,Pigmented basal cell carcinoma |
XH9K96,Trichilemmocarcinoma |
XH9G49,Pilomatrix carcinoma |
XH8189,Basal cell tumour |
XH3U29,Capillary hemangioma |
XH1GU2,Cavernous hemangioma |
XH10T4,Epithelioid haemangioma |
XH0LN3,Hemangioendothelioma, benign |
XH0553,Intramuscular hemangioma |
XH2HR3,Racemose hemangioma |
XH4NS3,Venous hemangioma |
XH5AW4,Hemangioma, NOS |
XH37N4,Myointimoma |
XH1JJ2,Angiofibroma, NOS |
XH23S6,Verrucous keratotic hemangioma |
XH98T8,Hemangiopericytoma, benign |
XH4E06,Cellular angiofibroma |
XH73S9,Giant cell angiofibroma |
XH2EX4,Acquired tufted hemangioma |
XH4KP7,Angiokeratoma |
XH4E71,Hemangioendothelioma, malignant |
XH6264,Hemangiosarcoma |
XH36A5,Kaposi sarcoma |
XH6FJ5,Kupffer cell sarcoma |
XH3C78,Intravascular bronchial alveolar tumour |
XH36H7,Intimal sarcoma |
XH9GF8,Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, NOS |
XH5SW2,Hemangiopericytoma, malignant |
XH4SY7,Endovascular papillary angioendothelioma |
XH6PA4,Kaposiform haemangioendothelioma |
XH2PS0,Spindle cell hemangioendothelioma |
XH26F6,Pseudomyogenic (epithelioid sarcoma-like) haemangioendothelioma |
XH64U8,Retiform haemangioendothelioma |
XH8D24,Composite haemangioendothelioma |
XH1MV0,Hemangiopericytoma, NOS |
XH7050,Hemangiopericytic meningioma |
XH2L98,Hemangioendothelioma, NOS |
XH6810,Hemangioblastoma |
XH9ZB2,Adenolymphoma |
XH1TX5,Mixed squamous cell and glandular papilloma |
XH2PY4,Adenocarcinoma with squamous metaplasia |
XH7873,Adenosquamous carcinoma |
XH9JP2,Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma |
XH7247,Adenocarcinoma with cartilaginous and osseous metaplasia |
XH2QL8,Adenocarcinoma with spindle cell metaplasia |
XH6G98,Fibromatosis-like metaplastic carcinoma |
XH4GA3,Adenocarcinoma with apocrine metaplasia |
XH4T39,Adenocarcinoma with neuroendocrine differentiation |
XH0RD4,Metaplastic carcinoma, NOS |
XH7MV6,Hepatoid adenocarcinoma |
XH4ZH4,Adenomyoma |
XH7ZB1,Atypical polypoid adenomyoma |
XH6YS4,Benign cystic nephroma |
XH70N8,Chondroid syringoma |
XH8C13,Endometrial stromal nodule |
XH8E89,Gastrointestinal stromal tumour, benign |
XH1B62,Nephrogenic adenofibroma |
XH3SR2,Ossifying renal tumour |
XH2KC1,Pleomorphic adenoma |
XH3470,Renomedullary interstitial cell tumour |
XH2E97,Stromal tumour, benign |
XH0533,Mixed epithelial and stromal tumour |
XH7TJ0,Paediatric cystic nephroma |
XH5QU1,Adenomyoepithelioma, NOS |
XH2V57,Adenomyoepithelioma, benign |
XH9T96,Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumour, benign |
XH3UD9,Pulmonary hamartoma |
XH3CQ8,Myoepithelioma |
XH7AA3,Mesenchymoma, benign |
XH7006,Complex mixed and stromal neoplasms, in situ |
XH5544,Adenosarcoma |
XH1YV7,Carcinofibroma |
XH42V2,Carcinoma in pleomorphic adenoma |
XH2RK1,Carcinosarcoma, embryonal |
XH2CV3,Endometrial stromal sarcoma, high grade |
XH1S94,Endometrial stromal sarcoma, low grade |
XH9HQ1,Gastrointestinal stromal sarcoma |
XH2WE3,Hepatoblastoma |
XH0765,Clear cell sarcoma of kidney |
XH64D5,Malignant chondroid syringoma |
XH9M31,Malignant cystic nephroma |
XH3RF3,Malignant rhabdoid tumour |
XH0Y65,Mesodermal mixed tumour |
XH7ZJ9,Mullerian mixed tumour |
XH27L5,Pancreatoblastoma |
XH2FY9,Pleuropulmonary blastoma |
XH5VH1,Pulmonary blastoma |
XH1TK5,Endometrial stromal sarcoma, NOS |
XH49Y5,Stromal sarcoma, NOS |
XH0V86,Mixed tumour, malignant, NOS |
XH5QN3,Nephroblastoma, NOS |
XH0H07,Hepatoblastoma, epithelioid |
XH33R5,Hepatoblastoma, mixed epithelial-mesenchymal |
XH2W45,Carcinosarcoma, NOS |
XH7TL5,Adenomyoepithelioma with carcinoma |
XH3B27,Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumour, malignant |
XH43E6,Malignant myoepithelioma |
XH9N95,Mesenchymoma, malignant |
XH42Q2,Embryonal sarcoma |
XH1JB4,Cystic partially differentiated nephroblastoma |
XH5CT2,Gastrointestinal autonomic nerve tumour |
XH0712,Gastrointestinal pacemaker cell tumour |
XH10F1,Mesoblastic nephroma |
XH0G00,Sialoblastoma |
XH6R49,Stromal tumour, NOS |
XH4N88,Metanephric stromal tumour |
XH8747,Stromal tumour of uncertain malignant potential |
XH8RP6,Gastrointestinal stromal tumour, NOS |
XH8X78,Calcifying nested epithelial stromal tumour |
XH2AD1,Mesenchymoma, NOS |
XH6ZU1,Clear cell cystadenoma |
XH55F1,Cystic tumour of atrio-ventricular node |
XH5232,Intraductal papillary-mucinous adenoma |
XH4070,Intraductal papillary-mucinous tumour with intermediate dysplasia |
XH8MD2,Intraductal papillary-mucinous tumour with low grade dysplasia |
XH8ML6,Intraductal papillary-mucinous tumour with moderate dysplasia |
XH0QM4,Mucinous cystic tumour with low-grade dysplasia |
XH0556,Serous microcystic adenoma |
XH38C4,Serous surface papilloma |
XH5RJ2,Cystadenoma, NOS |
XH8TJ0,Serous cystadenoma, NOS |
XH0FM6,Papillary cystadenoma, NOS |
XH7JK5,Papillary serous cystadenoma, NOS |
XH6H73,Mucinous cystadenoma, NOS |
XH8XL1,Mucinous cystic neoplasm with intermediate-grade dysplasia |
XH6NK7,Mucinous cystic neoplasm with low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia |
XH7K36,Mucinous cystic tumour with intermediate dysplasia |
XH7834,Mucinous cystic tumour with moderate dysplasia |
XH0EK3,Mucinous cystic neoplasm with low-grade dysplasia |
XH8EW6,Mucinous cystic neoplasm with intermediate-grade intraepithelial neoplasia |
XH9QU7,Papillary mucinous cystadenoma, NOS |
XH9BE7,Seromucinous cystadenoma |
XH2M29,Mucinous adenoma |
XH5RX2,Mucous gland adenoma |
XH5E08,Intraductal papillary-mucinous carcinoma, non-invasive |
XH3MB3,Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm with high grade dysplasia |
XH06M2,Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, non-invasive |
XH81P3,Mucinous cystic tumour with high-grade dysplasia |
XH8PZ6,Serous intraepithelial carcinoma |
XH9DM1,Serous borderline tumour, micropapillary variant |
XH5WU3,Intraductal papillary-mucinous carcinoma, invasive |
XH2SE1,Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm with an associated invasive carcinoma |
XH0572,Micropapillary serous carcinoma |
XH8WD7,Papillary mucinous cystadenocarcinoma |
XH2M88,Papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma |
XH89R0,Primary serous papillary carcinoma of peritoneum |
XH4NT7,Serous surface papillary carcinoma |
XH5P21,Solid pseudopapillary carcinoma |
XH0219,Cystadenocarcinoma, NOS |
XH7A08,Serous cystadenocarcinoma, NOS |
XH6JU6,Papillary cystadenocarcinoma, NOS |
XH12V5,Low grade serous carcinoma |
XH24N6,High grade serous carcinoma |
XH1390,Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, NOS |
XH1K19,Mucinous cystic tumour with an associated invasive carcinoma |
XH4186,Seromucinous carcinoma |
XH1S75,Mucinous adenocarcinoma |
XH4U83,Pseudomyxoma peritonei with unknown primary site |
XH5EQ2,Mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma |
XH83J5,Pseudomyxoma peritonei |
XH6QA6,Mucinous adenocarcinoma, endocervical type |
XH4KC5,Mucinous adenocarcinoma, endocervical, gastric type |
XH56K0,Metastatic signet ring cell carcinoma |
XH5AF5,Mucin-producing adenocarcinoma |
XH4546,Signet ring cell carcinoma |
XH2KK0,Poorly cohesive carcinoma |
XH3RD4,Krukenberg tumour |
XH7348,Clear cell cystic tumour of borderline malignancy |
XH2FF0,Mucinous cystic tumour of borderline malignancy |
XH1P30,Papillary cystadenoma, borderline malignancy |
XH08B1,Papillary mucinous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy |
XH0RB9,Seromucinous borderline tumour |
XH3ZK9,Serous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy |
XH3VZ1,Serous papillary cystic tumour of borderline malignancy |
XH6H67,Serous surface papillary tumour of borderline malignancy |
XH3FD4,Solid pseudopapillary tumour |
XH7BB4,Low grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm |
XH6RX1,Intracystic papillary neoplasm with low grade intraepithelial neoplasia |
XH5ZH7,Intraductal papillary neoplasm with low grade intraepithelial neoplasia |
XH4LZ4,Intraductal papilloma |
XH7QS7,Intraductal tubular-papillary neoplasm, low grade |
XH6HK2,Intraductal papillary neoplasm, NOS |
XH60S7,Intraductal papilloma with atypical ductal hyperplasia |
XH7GN3,Adenoma of nipple |
XH9F80,Intracystic papillary adenoma |
XH4JD3,Intraductal papillomatosis, NOS |
XH8P86,Comedocarcinoma, noninfiltrating |
XH8TH6,Cystic hypersecretory carcinoma |
XH6AH7,Intraductal papillary neoplasm with high grade intraepithelial neoplasia |
XH9VG0,Noninfiltrating intraductal papillary adenocarcinoma |
XH1H31,Intraductal carcinoma, noninfiltrating, NOS |
XH4V32,Ductal carcinoma in situ, NOS |
XH11S9,Intraductal papilloma with DCIS |
XH64S7,Intraductal tubular-papillary neoplasm, high grade |
XH9XV2,Encapsulated papillary carcinoma |
XH0134,Solid papillary carcinoma in situ |
XH39X8,Intraductal carcinoma, clinging, high grade |
XH9SL6,Cystic hypersecretory carcinoma, intraductal |
XH0GQ3,Intraductal micropapillary carcinoma |
XH2HB2,Pleomorphic lobular carcinoma in situ |
XH6EH0,Lobular carcinoma in situ, NOS |
XH7XE0,Intraductal carcinoma and lobular carcinoma in situ |
XH44J4,Secretory carcinoma of breast |
XH7KH3,Infiltrating duct carcinoma, NOS |
XH9FX2,Adenocarcinoma of mammary gland type |
XH1N58,Comedocarcinoma, NOS |
XH8MA7,Intraductal papillary adenocarcinoma with invasion |
XH8KR8,Papillary carcinoma of the breast |
XH90W1,Intraductal papillary neoplasm with associated invasive carcinoma |
XH0GT6,Encapsulated papillary carcinoma with invasion |
XH9C56,Invasive micropapillary carcinoma of breast |
XH1XB5,Solid papillary carcinoma with invasion |
XH2YP5,Medullary carcinoma, NOS |
XH9B99,Medullary-like carcinoma |
XH2XR3,Lobular carcinoma, NOS |
XH9620,Medullary adenocarcinoma |
XH6KZ1,Atypical medullary carcinoma |
XH6PY4,Duct carcinoma, desmoplastic type |
XH55H7,Medullary carcinoma with lymphoid stroma |
XH3RK9,Tubulolobular carcinoma |
XH0408,Infiltrating ductular carcinoma |
XH8RN5,Infiltrating duct and lobular carcinoma |
XH9Z29,Intraductal and lobular carcinoma |
XH6MH3,Infiltrating duct and lobular carcinoma in situ |
XH9551,Infiltrating lobular carcinoma and ductal carcinoma in situ |
XH8CS0,Infiltrating duct mixed with other types of carcinoma |
XH9GX4,Infiltrating duct and colloid carcinoma |
XH2ST9,Infiltrating duct and cribriform carcinoma |
XH3969,Infiltrating duct and mucinous carcinoma |
XH1ND7,Infiltrating duct and tubular carcinoma |
XH3CB4,Infiltrating lobular mixed with other types of carcinoma |
XH5SD5,Polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma |
XH9G73,Inflammatory carcinoma |
XH3E21,Paget disease, mammary |
XH47A6,Paget disease and infiltrating duct carcinoma of breast |
XH70F8,Paget disease, extramammary |
XH0C76,Paget disease and intraductal carcinoma of breast |
XH5AC6,Ductal and lobular neoplasms, uncertain whether benign or malignant |
XH9HV0,Epithelial tumour, benign |
XH1TD2,Tumourlet, benign |
XH65S3,Epithelioma, benign |
XH0M86,Focal nodular hyperplasia |
XH5NV6,Carcinoma in situ, NOS |
XH56X7,Carcinoma with osteoclast-like giant cells |
XH63D2,Carcinoma, NOS |
XH3XZ6,Giant cell and spindle cell carcinoma |
XH1JZ2,Giant cell carcinoma |
XH00N7,Glassy cell carcinoma |
XH4QU2,Large cell carcinoma with rhabdoid phenotype |
XH0NL5,Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma |
XH35G0,Pleomorphic carcinoma |
XH92T7,Polygonal cell carcinoma |
XH35M3,Pseudosarcomatous carcinoma |
XH1YN3,Carcinoma, metastatic, NOS |
XH8D74,Carcinomatosis |
XH4P61,Epithelioma, malignant |
XH45J4,Large cell carcinoma, NOS |
XH1YY4,Carcinoma, undifferentiated, NOS |
XH57U9,Carcinoma, anaplastic, NOS |
XH2855,Nuclear protein in testis (NUT) associated carcinoma |
XH3RZ4,Spindle cell carcinoma, NOS |
XH0YB0,Small cell carcinoma, NOS |
XH9SY0,Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma |
XH28J9,Oat cell carcinoma |
XH3T00,Small cell carcinoma, fusiform cell |
XH6GK0,Small cell carcinoma, intermediate cell |
XH8ZR8,Small cell carcinoma, hypercalcaemic type |
XH7YE3,Combined small cell carcinoma |
XH0793,Combined small cell-adenocarcinoma |
XH6FK9,Combined small cell-large cell carcinoma |
XH9ZD2,Combined small cell-squamous cell carcinoma |
XH1DU4,Non-small cell carcinoma |
XH1N44,Tumourlet, NOS |
XH5DX3,Brenner tumour, NOS |
XH4MA6,Intracanalicular fibroadenoma |
XH7JU0,Papillary adenofibroma |
XH0N11,Pericanalicular fibroadenoma |
XH9HE2,Fibroadenoma, NOS |
XH91Y8,Adenofibroma, NOS |
XH5S99,Cystadenofibroma, NOS |
XH5ZB5,Serous adenofibroma, NOS |
XH6RL8,Serous cystadenofibroma, NOS |
XH1VJ0,Seromucinous adenofibroma |
XH59X8,Mucinous adenofibroma, NOS |
XH9SM7,Mucinous cystadenofibroma, NOS |
XH50P7,Phyllodes tumour, benign |
XH4RU1,Giant fibroadenoma |
XH70H4,Juvenile fibroadenoma |
XH6NJ7,Brenner tumour, malignant |
XH7284,Mucinous adenocarcinofibroma |
XH75P5,Periductal stromal tumour, low grade |
XH9JC2,Serous adenocarcinofibroma |
XH6PQ0,Serous cystadenocarcinofibroma |
XH0WW5,Mucinous cystadenocarcinofibroma |
XH8HJ7,Phyllodes tumour, malignant |
XH2CH8,Brenner tumour, borderline malignancy |
XH7AR7,Mucinous adenofibroma of borderline malignancy |
XH2YZ1,Mucinous cystadenofibroma of borderline malignancy |
XH5NK4,Phyllodes tumour, borderline |
XH07C7,Serous adenofibroma of borderline malignancy |
XH2M30,Serous cystadenofibroma of borderline malignancy |
XH8A47,Angiomyofibroblastoma |
XH06N0,Benign fibrous histiocytoma |
XH3BQ8,Elastofibroma |
XH2MW3,Fascial fibroma |
XH5XQ3,Fibromyxoma |
XH3NQ0,Myofibroblastoma |
XH0953,Myofibroma |
XH7FV0,Periosteal fibroma |
XH8E66,Fibroma, NOS |
XH2ZF3,Desmoplastic fibroblastoma |
XH7GT0,Gardner fibroma |
XH0XH6,Nuchal fibroma |
XH2WT6,Plexiform fibromyxoma |
XH0WB3,Fibroma of tendon sheath |
XH8Q71,Solitary fibrous tumour/Haemangiopericytoma, grade 1 |
XH7TH6,Calcifying fibrous tumour |
XH8JB0,Myofibroblastoma, mammary-type |
XH5LM1,Nodular fasciitis |
XH1UJ5,Histiocytoma, NOS |
XH8B90,Dermatofibroma, NOS |
XH7436,Sclerosing pneumocytoma |
XH5DP4,Deep histiocytoma |
XH9VG1,Juvenile histiocytoma |
XH33Q1,Reticulohistiocytoma |
XH8ZE3,Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma |
XH6C70,Fibromatous neoplasms, in situ |
XH8EV4,Fascial fibrosarcoma |
XH6LT0,Fibromyxosarcoma |
XH7BC6,Infantile fibrosarcoma |
XH3406,Periosteal fibrosarcoma |
XH56W2,Periosteal sarcoma, NOS |
XH1HP3,Solitary fibrous tumour, malignant |
XH4EP1,Fibrosarcoma, NOS |
XH1DA3,Solitary fibrous tumour/Haemangiopericytoma, grade 3 |
XH2668,Low grade myofibroblastic sarcoma |
XH0947,Malignant fibrous histiocytoma |
XH8WH0,Myxofibrosarcoma |
XH6116,Abdominal fibromatosis |
XH13Z3,Aggressive fibromatosis |
XH1RM7,Atypical fibrous histiocytoma |
XH9HH5,Cellular fibroma |
XH5MH2,Congenital generalised fibromatosis |
XH85R1,Myofibroblastic tumour, peribronchial |
XH1N00,Myofibromatosis |
XH2D15,Myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma |
XH0TA8,Atypical myxoinflammatory fibroblastic tumour |
XH9526,Haemosiderotic fibrolipomatous tumour |
XH75J5,Palmar/plantar type fibromatosis |
XH7E62,Solitary fibrous tumour, NOS |
XH1EH1,Solitary fibrous tumour/Haemangiopericytoma, grade 2 |
XH66Z0,Myofibroblastic tumour, NOS |
XH6YK5,Desmoplastic fibroma |
XH4QZ8,Dermatofibrosarcoma, NOS |
XH5CT4,Pigmented dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans |
XH9AV8,Giant cell fibroblastoma |
XH4GL1,Plexiform fibrohistiocytic tumour |
XH9362,Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma |
XH3GV5,Teratoma, benign |
XH9F67,Dermoid cyst, NOS |
XH52Q4,Teratoma, prepubertal type |
XH22M4,Struma ovarii, NOS |
XH8AD3,Intratubular malignant germ cells |
XH24E0,Dysgerminoma |
XH0A34,Germ cell tumour, nonseminomatous |
XH1E13,Germinoma |
XH7SG5,Hepatoid yolk sac tumour |
XH0N49,Immature teratoma, malignant |
XH2PP9,Malignant teratoma, undifferentiated |
XH9Z28,Polyembryoma |
XH6YQ4,Seminoma, anaplastic |
XH80D1,Spermatocytic seminoma |
XH56W1,Teratocarcinoma |
XH09W7,Yolk sac tumour |
XH9FM4,Seminoma, NOS |
XH8MB9,Embryonal carcinoma, NOS |
XH15X1,Yolk sac tumour, post pubertal type |
XH7YZ9,Teratoma, malignant, NOS |
XH43T4,Malignant teratoma, intermediate |
XH33E8,Teratoma with malignant transformation |
XH2PS1,Mixed germ cell tumour |
XH9QP9,Germ cell tumour with associated haematological malignancy |
XH5U02,Mixed teratoma and seminoma |
XH5PU7,Struma ovarii, malignant |
XH0K61,Gonadoblastoma |
XH83G5,Teratoma, NOS |
XH4NU1,Germ cell tumour, regressed |
XH5MG2,Immature teratoma of the lung |
XH2KP9,Immature teratoma of the thymus |
XH2XW3,Strumal carcinoid |
XH6911,Tenosynovial giant cell tumour, localised |
XH0HZ1,Tenosynovial giant cell tumour, NOS |
XH0492,Giant cell tumour of bone, malignant |
XH84X1,Malignant giant cell tumour of soft parts |
XH4TC2,Giant cell tumour of bone, NOS |
XH81M1,Giant cell tumour of soft parts, NOS |
XH52J9,Tenosynovial giant cell tumour, diffuse |
XH5AQ9,Malignant tenosynovial giant cell tumour |
XH0RF9,Choroid plexus papilloma, NOS |
XH0H76,Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour |
XH9UN2,Gliomas, in situ |
XH1DC5,Astroblastoma |
XH96C7,Astrocytoma, anaplastic |
XH1S63,Astrocytoma, low grade |
XH54D9,Cellular ependymoma |
XH3M77,Choroid plexus carcinoma |
XH6E51,Clear cell ependymoma |
XH8W32,Diffuse astrocytoma |
XH6UY7,Diffuse astrocytoma, low grade |
XH6922,Ependymoma, anaplastic |
XH6C35,Fibrillary astrocytoma |
XH5Y81,Gemistocytic astrocytoma |
XH4RQ3,Glioma, malignant |
XH6ZH4,Gliomatosis cerebri |
XH9RC8,Gliosarcoma |
XH6F49,Mixed glioma |
XH9J28,Papillary ependymoma |
XH99U2,Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma |
XH6UV4,Protoplasmic astrocytoma |
XH4BJ4,Tanycytic ependymoma |
XH7692,Diffuse midline glioma, H3 K27M-mutant |
XH9YU2,Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, H3 K27M-mutation |
XH1511,Ependymoma, NOS |
XH2AY7,Ependymoma, RELA fusion-positive |
XH6PH6,Astrocytoma, NOS |
XH36Y8,Cystic astrocytoma |
XH2HK4,Diffuse astrocytoma, IDH-mutant |
XH7HQ6,Astrocytoma, anaplastic, IDH-mutant |
XH83Y5,Polar spongioblastoma |
XH8BK8,Anaplastic pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma |
XH7F82,Glioblastoma, NOS |
XH5571,Glioblastoma, IDH-wild type |
XH0MB1,Glioblastoma, primary, NOS |
XH29Q5,Pilomyxoid astrocytoma |
XH3N49,Diffuse midline glioma, NOS |
XH61Y5,Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma |
XH4FN3,Glioblastoma, IDH mutant |
XH17J4,Glioblastoma, secondary, NOS |
XH7W59,Oligodendroglioma, NOS |
XH7K31,Oligodendroglioma, IDH-mutant and 1p/19q co deleted |
XH9QF3,Oligodendroglioma, anaplastic, IDH mutant and 1p/19q co deleted |
XH7CX7,Oligodendroblastoma |
XH8P29,Medulloblastoma, NOS |
XH9M38,Medulloblastoma, SHH-activated and TP53-wild type |
XH8844,Oligodendroglioma, anaplastic |
XH4B47,Melanotic medulloblastoma |
XH6JN6,Medulloblastoma with extensive nodularity |
XH85M7,Medulloblastoma, SHH activated, NOS |
XH8SH6,Primitive neuroectodermal tumour, NOS |
XH89C3,Central primitive neuroectodermal tumour, NOS |
XH3AV2,Embryonal CNS tumour with rhabdoid features |
XH3EX1,Medulloblastoma, WNT-activated, classic |
XH5163,Medulloblastoma, WNT-activated, Large cell type |
XH2FW8,Medulloblastoma, WNT-activated, Anaplastic type |
XH1SH4,Medulloblastoma, SHH-activated and TP53-mutant |
XH87Q5,Medulloblastoma, non-WNT/non-SHH |
XH51C5,Embryonal tumours with multilayered rosettes with C19MC alteration |
XH0KZ2,Embryonal tumour with multilayered rosettes, NOS |
XH5538,Cerebellar sarcoma, NOS |
XH8R14,Medullomyoblastoma |
XH7Y86,Supratentorial PNET |
XH5PR7,Large cell medulloblastoma |
XH0H95,Anaplastic medulloblastoma |
XH8UC5,Giant cell glioblastoma |
XH0RY1,Classic medulloblastoma |
XH7PN5,Desmoplastic nodular medulloblastoma |
XH3904,Papillary tumour of the pineal region |
XH41C5,Angiocentric glioma |
XH3Y57,Atypical choroid plexus papilloma |
XH7M44,Desmoplastic infantile astrocytoma |
XH6TQ7,Desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma |
XH0B58,Gliofibroma |
XH6738,Mixed subependymoma-ependymoma |
XH15U1,Myxopapillary ependymoma |
XH1L48,Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma |
XH8FZ9,Subependymoma |
XH59V4,Pituicytoma |
XH9HV1,Chordoid glioma |
XH4101,Chordoid glioma of third ventricle |
XH09A9,Granular cell tumour, NOS |
XH2XW8,Granular cell tumour of the sellar region |
XH8V95,Alveolar soft part sarcoma |
XH90D3,Granular cell tumour, malignant |
XH2SJ1,Fibrolipoma |
XH0PH8,Fibromyxolipoma |
XH7TB0,Infiltrating angiolipoma |
XH5GN5,Infiltrating lipoma |
XH3TE0,Intramuscular lipoma |
XH30M7,Pleomorphic lipoma |
XH4E98,Spindle cell lipoma |
XH1PL8,Lipoma, NOS |
XH4G31,Thymolipoma |
XH3C77,Angiolipoma, NOS |
XH4VB4,Angiomyolipoma |
XH7WX8,Chondroid lipoma |
XH17C5,Myelolipoma |
XH1054,Hibernoma |
XH8L55,Lipoblastomatosis |
XH1C03,Dedifferentiated liposarcoma |
XH6R46,Fibroblastic liposarcoma |
XH7PE7,Inflammatory liposarcoma |
XH7Y61,Liposarcoma, well differentiated |
XH8VG3,Mixed liposarcoma |
XH3EL0,Myxoid liposarcoma |
XH25R1,Pleomorphic liposarcoma |
XH8D43,Sclerosing liposarcoma |
XH2J05,Liposarcoma, NOS |
XH0RW4,Atypical lipomatous tumour |
XH4QB6,Lipofibromatosis |
XH0QR3,Angiomyolipoma, Epithelioid |
XH9MR8,Lymphangioma, NOS |
XH6LF7,Capillary lymphangioma |
XH2EU7,Cavernous lymphangioma |
XH8G00,Cystic lymphangioma |
XH2DS9,Lymphangiomyoma |
XH62A3,Hemolymphangioma |
XH10U6,Lymphangiosarcoma |
XH10K6,Lymphangiomyomatosis |
XH5ZC7,Fibrous meningioma |
XH0R11,Lymphoplasmacyte-rich meningioma |
XH11P5,Meningioma, NOS |
XH40T5,Meningothelial meningioma |
XH7N06,Metaplastic meningioma |
XH1F70,Microcystic meningioma |
XH6Z51,Secretory meningioma |
XH3L73,Hemangioblastic meningioma |
XH4ZM7,Psammomatous meningioma |
XH6L68,Angiomatous meningioma |
XH4EX5,Transitional meningioma |
XH0324,Meningioma, malignant |
XH2NY9,Papillary meningioma |
XH6QS9,Rhabdoid meningioma |
XH5976,Meningeal sarcomatosis |
XH5GU9,Meningiomatosis, NOS |
XH71V9,Clear cell meningioma |
XH2LS4,Chordoid meningioma |
XH1PF6,Atypical meningioma |
XH3SX7,Adenoma of rete ovarii |
XH5AH3,Mesonephroma, benign |
XH71B5,Adenocarcinoma of rete ovarii |
XH5WG5,Mesonephroma, malignant |
XH2WJ5,Mesonephric tumour, NOS |
XH2VV6,Fibrous mesothelioma, benign |
XH1SS1,Mesothelioma, benign |
XH0KC4,Epithelioid mesothelioma, benign |
XH67N8,Well differentiated papillary mesothelioma, benign |
XH8U12,Multicystic mesothelioma, benign |
XH6BY3,Adenomatoid tumour, NOS |
XH54S8,Fibrous mesothelioma, malignant |
XH0XV0,Mesothelioma, malignant |
XH1DX8,Mesothelioma, biphasic, malignant |
XH0VP5,Epithelioid mesothelioma, malignant |
XH5104,Cystic mesothelioma, NOS |
XH85T6,Well differentiated papillary mesothelioma of the pleura |
XH6M86,Ossifying fibroma |
XH23E0,Aneurysmal bone cyst |
XH8F52,Adamantinoma of long bones |
XH6C72,Melanotic neuroectodermal tumour |
XH7MT7,Benign notochordal tumour |
XH0S20,Parachordoma |
XH2S71,Mixed pineal tumour |
XH1S48,Pineal parenchymal tumour of intermediate differentiation |
XH1ZH1,Pineoblastoma |
XH3D20,Transitional pineal tumour |
XH7K24,Neuroectodermal tumour, NOS |
XH6P76,Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumour, NOS |
XH9GH0,Chordoma, NOS |
XH8KJ8,Peripheral neuroectodermal tumour |
XH0FH0,Askin tumour |
XH17D8,Chondroid chordoma |
XH7303,Dedifferentiated chordoma |
XH1AZ2,Craniopharyngioma |
XH15X9,Craniopharyngioma, adamantinomatous |
XH2BF0,Craniopharyngioma, papillary |
XH8QA9,Pinealoma |
XH1K94,Pineocytoma |
XH1J36,Mucoepidermoid carcinoma |
XH80V3,Mucoepidermoid tumour |
XH7CL0,Angiomyoma |
XH9824,Bizarre leiomyoma |
XH9662,Cellular leiomyoma |
XH8S79,Epithelioid leiomyoma |
XH4729,Fetal rhabdomyoma |
XH4FS5,Lipoleiomyoma |
XH1CZ1,Myoma |
XH4EP9,Plexiform leiomyoma |
XH4CY6,Leiomyoma, NOS |
XH9CC7,Myxoid leiomyoma |
XH8WG9,Rhabdomyoma, NOS |
XH4BG5,Adult rhabdomyoma |
XH2736,Glycogenic rhabdomyoma |
XH5AF2,Genital rhabdomyoma |
XH27W3,Angiomyosarcoma |
XH13Z5,Epithelioid leiomyosarcoma |
XH7ED4,Leiomyosarcoma, NOS |
XH08B3,Mixed embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma and alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma |
XH6YL0,Mixed type rhabdomyosarcoma |
XH8H07,Myosarcoma |
XH3122,Myxoid leiomyosarcoma |
XH5SX9,Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma, NOS |
XH4VB5,Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma, adult type |
XH0GA1,Rhabdomyosarcoma, NOS |
XH83G1,Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, NOS |
XH4749,Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, pleomorphic |
XH7V57,Sarcoma botryoides |
XH7NM2,Spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma |
XH7099,Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma |
XH0S12,Rhabdomyosarcoma with ganglionic differentiation |
XH60C2,Intravascular leiomyomatosis |
XH2L80,Leiomyomatosis, NOS |
XH1EX8,Metastasizing leiomyoma |
XH1EN1,Smooth muscle tumour of uncertain malignant potential |
XH00B4,Smooth muscle tumour, NOS |
XH8MR2,Leiomyomatosis, peritonealis disseminata |
XH6Q84,Myxoma, NOS |
XH9HK9,Angiomyxoma |
XH1DA7,Ossifying fibromyxoid tumour |
XH4V76,Low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma |
XH4BT2,Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma |
XH3TB0,Ossifying fibromyxoid tumour, malignant |
XH51Y9,Pulmonary myxoid sarcoma with EWSR1-CREB1 translocation |
XH5WF6,Myxosarcoma |
XH5T39,Acoustic neuroma |
XH0U07,Ancient schwannoma |
XH8WW8,Cellular schwannoma |
XH75P8,Degenerated schwannoma |
XH2GD5,Melanotic neurofibroma |
XH87J5,Neurofibroma, NOS |
XH5522,Pigmented schwannoma |
XH2MJ4,Plexiform neurofibroma |
XH9XT2,Plexiform schwannoma |
XH9MN2,Psammomatous schwannoma |
XH98Z3,Neurilemoma, NOS |
XH27Y1,Nerve sheath tumour, NOS |
XH01G0,Hybrid nerve sheath tumour |
XH4UE6,Neuroma, NOS |
XH90Y8,Solitary circumscribed neuroma |
XH0XF7,Perineurioma, NOS |
XH3L35,Neurothekeoma |
XH9QH2,Soft tissue perineurioma |
XH4BQ8,Intraneural perineurioma |
XH2XP8,Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour |
XH5C30,Melanotic MPNST |
XH3NT0,Melanotic psammomatous MPNST |
XH8HF5,MPNST with glandular differentiation |
XH7HR8,MPNST with mesenchymal differentiation |
XH3W53,MPNST with perineurial differentiation |
XH4V81,Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour, epitheloid |
XH88C2,Neurilemoma, malignant |
XH2VV8,Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour with rhabdomyoblastic differentiation |
XH31C8,Perineurioma, malignant |
XH9N79,Neurofibromatosis, NOS |
XH2637,Melanotic schwannoma |
XH6K00,Dysplastic gangliocytoma of cerebellum (Lhermitte-Duclos) |
XH6KA6,Gangliocytoma |
XH03L9,Ganglioneuroma |
XH6LR5,Ganglioneuromatosis |
XH28W9,Medulloepithelioma, benign |
XH8NQ6,Pacinian tumour |
XH5AV1,Retinocytoma |
XH5NR7,Teratoid medulloepithelioma, benign |
XH7ZQ4,Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumour |
XH2GG3,Ganglioglioma, anaplastic |
XH77W7,Ganglioneuroblastoma |
XH6JM6,Retinoblastoma, differentiated |
XH49K9,Spongioneuroblastoma |
XH0AM8,Teratoid medulloepithelioma |
XH70S0,CNS ganglioneuroblastoma |
XH85Z0,Neuroblastoma, NOS |
XH2WK5,Medulloepithelioma, NOS |
XH9FP2,Neuroepithelioma, NOS |
XH8WC7,Retinoblastoma, NOS |
XH7KP6,Retinoblastoma, undifferentiated |
XH1YZ7,Retinoblastoma, diffuse |
XH09A4,Olfactory neurogenic tumour |
XH7QE0,Olfactory neurocytoma |
XH2Y49,Olfactory neuroepithelioma |
XH50L1,Olfactory neuroblastoma |
XH0C11,Central neurocytoma |
XH2GB0,Cerebellar liponeurocytoma |
XH5FJ3,Ganglioglioma, NOS |
XH2HS1,Extraventricular neurocytoma |
XH3XU4,Papillary glioneuronal tumour |
XH2JU8,Rosette-forming glioneuronal tumour |
XH2F27,Retinoblastoma, spontaneously regressed |
XH8RN4,Balloon cell nevus |
XH27A6,Compound nevus |
XH6DN3,Diffuse melanocytosis |
XH9035,Dysplastic nevus |
XH2HG8,Epithelioid and spindle cell nevus |
XH8ZB4,Hairy nevus |
XH5971,Halo nevus |
XH2MQ5,Intradermal nevus |
XH1BE4,Magnocellular nevus |
XH8CU4,Neuronevus |
XH0XH2,Nonpigmented nevus |
XH5YN0,Small congenital nevus |
XH4L78,Pigmented nevus, NOS |
XH02Z5,Melanocytoma, NOS |
XH8974,Meningeal melanocytosis |
XH1M79,Junctional nevus, NOS |
XH9QV1,Spindle cell nevus, NOS |
XH7QJ7,Blue nevus, NOS |
XH2P88,Pigmented spindle cell nevus of Reed |
XH79G6,Epithelioid cell nevus |
XH3X84,Cellular blue nevus |
XH9KY6,Lentigo maligna |
XH3XX3,Melanoma in situ |
XH41F9,Precancerous melanosis, NOS |
XH9L11,Acral lentiginous melanoma, malignant |
XH3TK1,Amelanotic melanoma |
XH8TE3,Balloon cell melanoma |
XH1P36,Desmoplastic melanoma, amelanotic |
XH1Z15,Desmoplastic melanoma, malignant |
XH9NL4,Lentigo maligna melanoma |
XH5L25,Malignant melanoma in giant pigmented nevus |
XH23B1,Malignant melanoma in junctional nevus |
XH7L76,Malignant melanoma in precancerous melanosis |
XH6XP3,Malignant melanoma, regressing |
XH1BP7,Meningeal melanomatosis |
XH5QP3,Mucosal lentiginous melanoma |
XH5F94,Neurotropic melanoma, malignant |
XH4QG5,Nodular melanoma |
XH08X7,Superficial spreading melanoma |
XH4846,Malignant melanoma, NOS |
XH25M1,Spindle cell melanoma, NOS |
XH8HA2,Mixed epithelioid and spindle cell melanoma |
XH0QL5,Epithelioid cell melanoma |
XH5KW3,Spindle cell melanoma, type A |
XH5YE7,Spindle cell melanoma, type B |
XH1G74,Blue nevus, malignant |
XH2C28,Giant pigmented nevus, NOS |
XH1XJ3,Intermediate and giant congenital nevus |
XH2RY7,Meningeal melanocytoma |
XH6AH3,Proliferative dermal lesion in congenital nevus |
XH2SD0,Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour |
XH44W7,Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma |
XH0964,Ameloblastic fibrodentinoma |
XH3R33,Calcifying odontogenic cyst |
XH5Y46,Cementifying fibroma |
XH52T0,Cemento-ossifying fibroma |
XH4VL1,Cementoblastoma, benign |
XH1MT3,Central odontogenic fibroma |
XH7H47,Complex odontoma |
XH57B1,Compound odontoma |
XH6W94,Gigantiform cementoma |
XH06N8,Odontoameloblastoma |
XH12N4,Odontogenic ghost cell tumour |
XH48L4,Odontogenic myxoma |
XH43L1,Odontogenic tumour, benign |
XH4PV9,Squamous odontogenic tumour |
XH8FX0,Cementoma, |
Improved one